Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Event Overview   Event Story
Banner event 0262

Featured banner

10th Anniversary ~The Main Event~ / 10周年~本祭~ is event number 262. As the featured event, it was a Poll event.

  • Featured period: 2025/01/20 to 2025/02/03

The ???[Edit] series of limited edition Equipment such as ???[Edit] Ring (冬茜色な氷花の(常夏)指輪) were introduced.

Event Party[]

Japanese HollyKerria (10th Anniversary)Dancing Lady Orchid (10th Anniversary)Marlberry
Guest Party: 10th Anniversary Celebration Squad!! / 10周年を祝い隊!!


Popularity Voting Ticket (10th Anniversary)

As the featured event, earn Popularity Voting Tickets (10th Anniversary) / 人気投票券(10周年) from Event Stages, Event Quests, and all subjugation stages during the event period. The number of tickets you earn from subjugations will equal the amount of stamina spent. The exception is Nidhogg and Hraesvelgr stages, which do not drop any Tickets. You will earn prizes for how many you have obtained cumulatively. Use these Tickets to participate in the Popularity Vote.

Event Screen[]

Event Screen

The event screen can be accessed from the banner on the Home Screen or the banner in the Special tab for Subjugations.

Poll Specifics[]

Character Selection Screen

At the polling place, you can use Popularity Voting Tickets to vote for your favorites character(s). The characters are divided into 10 categories based on the year of their release. The menu on the right-side of the screen allows you to scroll through the 10 categories. Note that for characters with alternate versions, only the original form will appear. The green buttons at the bottom act as filters:

All Characters Owned Characters Characters Voted For
  • Characters set as Vice-Leaders will appear at the top.
  • If you only own an alternate form of a Flower Knight, she will appear as her original form when filtering for Owned Characters.
Ev157-text search

The brown box at the upper-right allows you to do a text-based filter for all characters. The brown box at the bottom-right allows you to a text-based filter for character within the category you are currently viewing. This will only work with Japanese text. In the example on the right, a text search for "usa" shows Usagigiku, Usagigoke, and Usaginoo.


Poll Place Filter

You can narrow down your search for the character you want by using the filter menu at the upper-right.

All Slash Blunt Pierce Magic
All Blossom Hill Lily Wood Banana Ocean Bergamot Valley Winter Rose Lotus Lake Other
All 6 ★ 5 ★ 4 ★ 3 ★ 2 ★

What Players Get[]

Players get rewards upon earning a certain amount of Overall Popularity Voting Tickets. This total is cumulative, so using the tickets to vote will not put you behind on getting your rewards.

Cumulative Ticket Rewards
Tickets Item
50 20 Year Old Manyu Set x30
100 Gift (Small) Set x10
200 Manyu Key x10
300 20 Year Old Dragon Set x5
400 50,000 Gold
500 100 Year Old Manyu Set x10
600 Gacha Seeds x15,000
700 Nazuna's Special Cake x100
800 Skip Ticket x10
900 Special Services Award (Copper) x10
1,000 100 Year Old Manyu Set x10
1,100 20 Year Old Dragon Set x5
1,200 Manyu Key x10
1,500 50,000 Gold
1,800 Snowfall and Dawn Necklace (Everlasting Summer) x1
2,000 Premium Gacha Ticket x5
2,200 Blooming Medicine (Gold) x1
2,400 Skip Ticket x50
2,600 Gift (Medium) Set x20
2,800 Fururu Set x4
3,000 Petal Set x4
3,200 Special Services Award (Silver) x5
3,400 50,000 Gold
3,700 Snowfall and Dawn Earrings (Everlasting Summer) x1
3,900 Equipment Gacha Seed x10,000
4,200 Blossoming Heart x2
4,500 Blooming Medicine (Rainbow) x1
4,800 Gift (Large) Set x10
5,000 Flower Stones x5oo
5,400 Bond Crystal x2,500
5,700 50,000 Gold
6,000 Ampule Set x5
6,300 Forge Spirit (Copper) Set x5
6,500 Snowfall and Dawn Ring (Everlasting Summer) x1
6,800 Mid-level Equipment Gacha Seed x20,000
7,000 Petite Centy x10
7,200 80,000 Gold
7,400 Forge Spirit (Silver) Set x15
7,600 Danchou Medal x1
7,800 80,000 Gold
8,000 Memory Seeds x500
8,200 Mid-level Equipment Gacha Seed x20,000
8,400 Ampule Set x10
8,600 80,000 Gold
8,800 Forge Spirit (Gold) Set x10
9,000 Petite Oath Heart x10
9,300 Petite Centy x10
9,600 80,000 Gold
10,000 Snowfall and Dawn Bracelet (Everlasting Summer) x1
12,000 High Ampule Set x10
15,000 100,000 Gold
Tickets Item

What Characters Get[]

Flower Knights that rank at the very top of their poll category will get these rewards.

Popularity Poll
Rank Winner Votes Content
Category 1: 1st Place TBA TBA A new alternate form will be implemented.
Category 2: 1st Place TBA TBA A new alternate form will be implemented.
Category 3: 1st Place TBA TBA A new alternate form will be implemented.
Category 4: 1st Place TBA TBA A new alternate form will be implemented.
Category 5: 1st Place TBA TBA A new alternate form will be implemented.
Category 6: 1st Place TBA TBA A new alternate form will be implemented.
Category 7: 1st Place TBA TBA A new alternate form will be implemented.
Category 8: 1st Place TBA TBA A new alternate form will be implemented.
Category 9: 1st Place TBA TBA A new alternate form will be implemented.
Category 10: 1st Place TBA TBA A new alternate form will be implemented.

Note: 2 years ago - Anemone, Pinkladies, and Silk Tree were inducted into the Hall of Fame and disqualified from obtaining a new alternate form. This year, there is no Hall of Fame and these characters are therefore eligible for a new alternate form.

Results Schedule[]

While the event runs, you can view the Flower Knight rankings within each category. The highest placed characters have their placement hidden, but a certain amount of lower placed characters will be visible. The characters with concealed placements will be listed in alphabetical order instead of by number of votes.

Visibility in Rankings
Date Contents
Jan 21 at 15:00 Top 21 places are visible
Jan 22 at 15:00 Top 19 places are visible
Jan 23 at 15:00 Top 17 places are visible
Jan 24 at 15:00 Top 15 places are visible
Jan 25 at 15:00 Top 13 places are visible
Jan 26 at 15:00 Top 11 places are visible
Jan 27 after maintenance Midway results: All places are visible
Jan 28 ~ Feb 09 Top 21 places are visible
Feb 10 before maintenance Voting Deadline
Feb 10 after maintenance Results announced

Final Results[]



The following quests are available during the featured event period. The conditions are only clearable by participating in this event's dungeon.

English Japanese Condition Reward
Urgent Mission Request #1 緊急任務要請 その1 Clear the event stage one time. Skip Ticket x3
Urgent Mission Request #2 緊急任務要請 その2 Clear the event stage two times. Manyu Key x10
Urgent Mission Request #3 緊急任務要請 その3 Clear the event stage three times. Skip Ticket x5
Seize the 10th Anni-Butterfly 10thアニバタフライ を捕獲 Defeat five bosses that appear in the event stage. Tickets x2000
Clear the World Flower's Power EX Stage 世界花の力EXステージをクリア Clear the EX Dungeon. 6* Aqua Fragment x6

Panel Missions[]

These special quests are available during the featured event period.

Use 1000 Tickets Use 1500 Tickets Use 2000 Tickets
Use 2500 Tickets Use 3000 Tickets Use 3500 Tickets
Use 4000 Tickets Use 4500 Tickets Use 5000 Tickets


Top Class 1

10th Anniversary ~The Main Event~


Stage Screenshot
Version Medal Reward Stamina Exp (Efficiency) Chests Panel Currency
Featured FS x14oo 60 360 (6.000) 4 Random, LC x6 2300
Reprint Seal Stones x50, FS x1oo 60 0 (0.000) (Seal Stones x33) x5
Re-reprint Re-Seal Stones x50, FS x1oo 60 0 (0.000) (Re-Seal Stones x11) x5

Challenge Dungeon

Challenge Stage


Stage Screenshot
Version Medal Reward Stamina Exp (Efficiency) Chests Panel Currency
Featured FS x2oo, Petite Centy x8 0 0 None
Reprint 0 0
Re-reprint 0 0

Challenge Dungeon: Daily

Ultimate Class: Challenge Stage

極限級 チャレンジステージ

Stage Screenshot
Version Medal Reward Stamina Exp (Efficiency) Chests Panel Currency
Featured Skip Tickets x15 0 0 None 4000
Reprint 0 0
Re-reprint 0 0

EX Dungeon

World Flower's Power EX Stage


Stage Screenshot
Version Medal Reward Stamina Exp (Efficiency) Chests Panel Currency
Featured FS x2oo, Aqua Stones x3 80 360 (4.500) 1 Random 2000
Reprint 80 0 (0.000)
Re-reprint 80 0 (0.000)
