List of Flower Memories
Planned list of Flower Memories and their effects, grouped by rarity.
Treat icons as placeholders for now until higher resolution ones are uploaded.
- Updated May 5, 2021.
- Ability rate caps quick reference:
- Damage reduction when Defending caps at 20%.
- Enemy attack reduction caps at 70%.
- Enemy attack miss rate caps at 70%.
- Critical Activation rate caps at 80%.
- Evasion rate caps at 90%.
Endless Castle of Karakuri
The Endless Castle of Karakuri (カラクリ無限城) is a high-difficulty training facility meant to test the true abilities of your Flower Knights. Defeat the strong Pest-type Karakuri on each floor, and aim for the highest floor!
- The current "Endless Castle of Karakuri" is in its trial stages. All content may be subjected to further changes upon its actual release.
- As this is only the trial version, all clear progress will be reset once the actual version is released.
- 1 Team Composition
- 2 Challenging and Mock Battles
- 3 Withdrawing
- 4 Turn Limit
- 5 Regarding Flower Knights' HP
- 6 Regarding 50% HP Healing Nectars
- 7 Regarding Enemy HP
- 8 Ranking
- 8.1 Global Ranking
- 8.2 Comrade in Arms Ranking
- 8.3 Point Scoring
- 9 Clear Rewards
Form a party of 5 Flower Knights for each floor. Each floor has…
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Flower Knight
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Flower Knight (転生したらフラワーナイトだった件) is event number 107X. This event is based on a collaboration with Flower Knight Girl and That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime.
- Featured period: 3/4/2019 to 3/18/2019
- 1 Collaboration Notes
- 1.1 Other stuff regarding the collab event:
- 2 Event Party
- 3 Currency
- 3.1 Reward Tiers
- 4 Event Screen
- 5 Quests
- 6 Maps
- 6.1 Chapter 1: A Strange Mission
- 6.2 Chapter 2: The Place He Awakened At Is...?
- 6.3 Chapter 3: An Unknown Encounter
- 6.4 Chapter 4: Pursuing, Pursuing
- 6.5 Chapter 5: The Assault, And...
- 6.6 ???
- 6.7 ???
- 6.8 ???
- 6.9 ???
- 7 Bonus Stages
- 7.1 Elementary 1: Lots of Medals!!
- 7.2 Intermediate 1: Lots of Medals!!
- 8 Challenge Dungeons
- 8.1 Challenge Dungeon: 1st Half
- 8.2 Challenge Dungeon: 2nd Half
Click on 'Expand' to see the full lis…
Missing Blooms by Event
Lists done out of boredom.
All girls from event 102 and onward don't have blooms.
How is it possible to use module code for knight's max status?
How is it possible to use module code for knight's max status including affection level dependency?
Can someone teach me or show me the codes on how it works?
Character CSV Comparison
In order to introspect how rarity growth is implemented, I'm making side-by-side tables of how the Python scripts are interpreting each of the evolution forms of a low rarity (2-4*) character and a 5* character.
Code snippets
This is just storing code that doesn't have a permanent home yet.
Print an array to check its structure:
The Accidentally Got Involved Girl
- She is the winner of the USO Popularity Event, with a total of 8,859,707 votes.
Character profile from
List of Reference Lua Modules
This page keeps track of all the Lua modules in the Flower Knight Wikia that I know of.
- Module:FlowerFamily : Used to translate flower family names.
- LuaExample : A starter template.
- User_blog:CodeHK/Current_Module_Layout : Documents the Lua modules made by Hydrokirby.
- Template:WaifuList : Created by Yil.
Modules and templates
This post is just documenting all of the modules and templates I use and maintain. Mainly so I don't lose track of them.
Module:AlternateForms This module produces the alternate forms section underneath a character's stat table.
Must be called from a template which passes an argument "JP" that contains a knight's japanese name. Returns a string containing a section header, WaifuList icons and categories. Where appropriate, applies the categories: Base character, Alternate form, Has alternate form, Has alternate skin.
Template:ListCharacters and Module:ListCharacters This template creates lists of characters that can be filtered and sorted by various attributes.
The module takes a list of all knights, filters and so…
Structure Troubleshooting
Sometimes I run into the same problem over and over... I need to take a step back and remember what I've learned in the past.
- 1 Page Layout Troubleshooting
- 1.1 My image bleeds into the next section
- 1.2 My number-based arguments are not working correctly
- 1.3 Changes to my Template/Module are not affecting pages that use them
You are using a floated image with thumb, left, or right defined as an argument. This causes the image to "float" which means all other content will wrap around it. In order to force a break after the floating image, you need to call the Clear template like so.
All arguments sent to templates and modules are strings irregardless of whether they can be numbers or not. Use Lua's tonumber(arg) function to type-cast the args.
After editing …
Flower Knight Girl Guide
Greetings all Grandmaster! Welcome to my Flower Knight Girl Guide. This guide was made in order to help all Grandmasters.
This guide will cover everything from the basic, girls, quest, subjugations, events etc..
In order to play Flower Knight Girl at DMM, you have to bypass the country restrictions which will block you from playing the game. You may want to play the game at Nutaku or other website in other language version.
For english version, you can register an account at for Rated R version or for R-18 version.
For japanese version, you just simply need an account at DMM. Like english versioin, there are two version for the game.
I will not write the chinese version website even though I have played it before since I…
Plans to Adopt Lua
For a very long time now, Ar-cen-ciel and I have wanted to get the Wikia's data into a collective format to streamline work for editors and more easily present data.
- 1 Why
- 2 What Will Change
- 3 What Needs to be Done
- 4 Problems to Address
- 4.1 Character Names
- 5 When Will it be Done
Currently, every page on the Wikia (now over 400 pages) is edited separated. Even if there's similar information between these pages, they are copy-pasted by and across these pages and result in mistakes.
The plan is to put character data into Lua modules so that we can share the data across pages. Any update to a module would change all the pages relevant to that character.
Editors will edit the Lua module for individual characters if they want to change any information about th…
Editing the Wikia With Python
Currently, this is a WIP. To keep track of my notes and progress as I go along, I am making this blog post.
- Download pywikibot. Windows users would download the zip file and extract that.
- Open a terminal in the extracted folder. Windows users would use cmd.exe and change directory to that folder. Windows 7 and above lets you open a command window from Windows Explorer though.
- Run this code:
python login
- Run:
python fkg
- Run:
- When it asks for the "family", input the number for "fkg".
You will need to be in the folder that pywikibot was extracted (or you need to put's containing folder in the PATH environment variable). You will run the scripts like p…
Proposed Variable Change for Lua Template
This blog was writtin in response to CodeHK's request for a concrete list of changes:
End result:
Lua Notes
A big problem we've had is the excessive amount of information a single character has combined with the number of times that character's info is posted elsewhere on the Wiki. For example, an individual character's page, the List of Flower Knight Girls, and the List of Flower Knights by ID. As a result, there's some copy-paste work going on, and that means human error is quite visible. I thought it would be impossible to get a database working in this Wiki because the backend was closed, but it turns out that Lua is available and we can fake a database that way. In order to not forget where I have left off, and in order to show the starting points for other editors, I'll jot down the reference links I've gone through here.
- https://en.wikiver…
Editing Strategies and Tools
Contributing to the Wiki requires at least two things: Information to add or edit, and the skill to actually work with a Wiki. At bare minimum, people can get away with typing text into a page to get their point across. Putting some effort into your contributions may aid readers in understanding what you are trying to say. I will list my strategies and personal rules for making good contributions.
- 1 Text
- 2 Screenshots
- 2.1 Screenshots Without Installing Programs
- 2.2 Screenshots With Puush
- 2.3 Screenshots with XnView
- 2.4 Batch Processing With XnView
- 3 Pictures
- 4 Naming Conventions
- 5 Working With Wikia
- 5.1 Editors
Here's some general tips.
- Quote sources. We take a lot of information from the Japanese Wiki, so it should be noted what is theirs and what is original …
Todo List
This is an ongoing todo list.
This list is no longer maintained. The current todo list is in the Wikia Discord linked from the top navigation bar.
- 1 Todos
- 2 Completed
- 3 Layout Changes
- 4 Backend Work
- 4.1 Wiki-side
- 4.2 Local-side
- Add Home Screen (My Page) page.
- Add Pests page with Insect Picture Book as a subsection.
- Reorganizing upper navigation bar? See #Navigation Bar.
Special Missions button links to the wrong thing.
- Reorganize Front Page?
Special Missions button links to the wrong thing.
- Make table for flower knights with matching skills have centered icons.
- Improve Wiki's FAQ contents? I want a note about exceeding garage size somewhere in the Wiki.
- Help with Seasonal/Tanabata 2016
audioquotes uploading. - Improve Equipment page.
Rename Okitaeeru in Equipment page.A…
Christmas Party Event!
- 1 Hurry! There is only 1 day left!
- 2 New to the event and want to buy merchandise?
- 3 Having trouble with the event?
- 4 Further Notes
The Christmas Party event is coming to an end! Prepare your flower knights for a ton of farming, as there isn't much time to do so!
Go to the shop and it should be the first screen to the left.
Don't forget to buy Skimia while you can!
Look to the bottom right (next to the rewards) and there are the stamina and power requirements. It should look like this: (power requirement in red)
To find your power, look on the home screen
It will look like this:
Ask any questions about the event here and any answers will be posted in bold. This blog post was based as a notice and a QnA for players having trouble with the event.
Passive Skill Classification
Just a to-do-list should we managed to get around to implement Lua modules for our Wikia.
masterCharacterLeaderSkill Table Data
SD Data Extraction
- 1 Note
- 2 Tools
- 3 Getting the specific bins
- 4 Step by Step
- 5 Alternative Method (Getting swf files)
- 6 Alternative Method ("Getting" animations)
- 7 Special thanks
The following tutorial is aimed for those who already know how to get and extract assets from bin files. You can refer to DefinitelyDrunk's post for more info about where to get bins and extraction methods.
- Python (for python scripts)
- Flash Decompiler (I use FF Dec, not sure if there are other options)
- Any program for screen recording or bust screen capture
- Any program that allows you to make gifs (In my case, that should be Photoshop)
- Adobe Flash Pro (optional)
The bin files that we're looking for are the ones that hold SD Data, this ones have a size of around 1mb (sometimes 2mb like Higanbana's). Now…
To do list
Here's a list of the units that I'm planning to cover (mostly pics and audio). I'll update it from time to time. Data extraction couldn't be possible without CodeHK and DefinitelyDrunk scripts and also thanks to Ar for the christmas and tanabata lines and the look up ID table.
Note: For now, 100% will mean either both pics are updated or the first two audio files are up. In Cuphea's case, all her voice lines have been added to her page (some seasonal clips are missing since I haven't grab them yet)
Note 2: About Anthurium's CV. Since there's no oficial info about her on FKG it's impossible to confirm it but you can check this audio file that I got while I was grabbing assets from a certain VN.
Note 3: About Oncidium's CV. She also dub Chie M…
Party Ability Composition
Currently under construction.
- 1 Enemy attack reduction
- 2 Increases the skill activation rate
- 3 Fill Light gauge at the beginning of subjugation
- 4 Increases the Shine Crystal drop rate
- 5 Increases the power of Solar Drive
Gathering FKG Assets
So, if you've ever tried looking into pulling assets for a lot of online clicker games such as FKG, you've proably noticed that in most cases, so long as you open up dev tools and watch urls in the network waterfall you are served straight up assets for any image you would want to copy out and share somewhere. In other cases, you can check your browser cache or the page resources and find anything you want. Unfortunately, while FKG does do these same things, there's a trick applied. Namely, that the resources have all bin compressed using zlib and their filenames obfuscated. This makes remembering the url of the file server and statically replacing some strings trickier for anyone looking to grab all the assets en masse. This short po…