Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Blossom Hill

Blossom Hill (ブロッサムヒル) is a nation located on the eastern side of Spring Garden. They are bordered by Winter Rose to the north, Lily Wood to the west, and Lotus Lake to the south. This nation is the birthplace of the Flower Knights.

For a list of all Flower Knights from Blossom Hill, see Category:Blossom Hill.


The largest city-state in Spring Garden. A thousand years ago, this was the place where an existence known as "Flower Knights" were formed for the first time through a legendary hero, and it has yet to develop a way to neutralize Pest's threat up to that time. With mild climate throughout the year and open land, it is relatively easy to live here. The capital city has the Phos Flower Knight Academy, which is named after the first Flower Knight and the facilities that are useful in training Flower Knights, such as large libraries and arenas. The town also has a bustling market with thriving trade for various goods. In the countryside and orchards on the outskirts of the city, there is also a unit of Flower Knights in charge of escorting travelers.

Known Locations[]

  • World Flower "Blossom Hill" (世界花「ブロッサムヒル」)
  • Phos Plains (フォス平原)
  • Phos Main Road (フォス街道)
  • Old Phos Training District (旧フォス修練区)
  • City Harbor (港都市)
  • Mimuis Commercial Route (商業路ミムイス)
  • Mimuis Lake (ミムイスの湖畔)
  • Garde Citadel (ガルデ城塞)
  • Garde Piedmont (ミムイスの湖畔)
  • Blossom Hill Outer Wall (ブロッサムヒル外郭)
  • Sukane Commercial City (商業都市スカネ)
  • Ruins (廃墟)
  • Navia Plains (ナヴィア平野)
  • Jorun Wetlands (ジョルン湿地帯)
  • Feria Flower Garden (フェリアの花園)
  • Phos Hill (フォス丘陵地)
  • Settlement on Winter Rose's border (ウィンターローズ国境地帯周辺集落)

Flower Knights[]




  • Blossom Hill is based on Spring season.