Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Flower Knight Girl Wikia


  • あらいぐま

As of 8/17/2018 the artist's chosen romanization or English name couldn't be found. Name used on wiki may be changed in the future.

Listed sites used by the artist may contain not safe for work and inappropriate material. Visit them at your own risk.

List of Drawn Knights[]

This artist confirmed that they drew 4 knights in one tweet but did not state what knights they drew. However, based on their twitter answer to one message that was left by another user to someone's tweet showing bloomed レシュノルティア (Leschenaultia) it's a high possibility that she was drawn by this artist. Artist's other tweets indicate that they also drew タチバナ (Tachibana), キキョウ (Japanese Bellflower) and カーネーション (Carnation). Still, those are just assumptions and since there was no official statement that would explicitly mention these knights, they may be removed in the future.

All items (5)
