Comrade in Arms (戦友) are friends who can accompany you to battles as a helper (助っ人). Comrade in Arms can be managed from the 7th tab on the Home Screen, which is the button with the text "戦友" and two swords on it. A strong friend to carry you through hard areas can be very helpful for new players. The menu has three tabs.
- 戦友一覧: Comrades in Arms List
- 未承認一覧: Not Yet Approved List
- ID探索: ID Search
Finding a Comrade in Arms[]
There are three ways to add people as comrades in arms. You can participate with them during a subjugation, find them in the Raid Boss section, or search for their user ID directly. Once you have sent a request, you cannot cancel it.
- The first method is through a Subjugation. When you clear a subjugation, a popup box will ask you if you want to add the person who helped you as a comrade in arms. The red button on the left accepts and the teal button on the right rejects. This popup box will not appear if you used a Guest Party or the helper of a leader who's already your comrade in arms.
- The second method is through viewing the 'Participants' (参加者) tab of an active or defeated Raid Boss. A list of people who had contributed to the Raid Boss battle will appear, along with the damage they dealt (ダメージ) and a red button that can be clicked to send a request.
- The third method is through an ID search. From the comrade in arms menu, select the rightmost tab for an ID Search (ID探索). The input box is where you can enter another player's 9-digit ID and press the Search (検索) button. Alternatively, you can press the 'Random Search' (おまかせ検索) button for a random list of 16 players you can add. Your personal ID is also shown at the very top of this page, with a button labelled 'Copy ID' (をコピー) directly to the right of it.
Managing your Comrade in Arms[]
All of the player's comrade in arms are shown in the Comrades in Arms List (戦友一覧) - the leftmost menu tab. For each comrade, you may check their Danchou Profile (団長プロフィール) or Remove (解除) them. If a player has their Danchou Profile set to 'Private', the option to view it will be greyed out. You can also view various details - such as their name, level, Vice-Leader, Danchou Title, Overall Force (総合力), and Last Login (最終ログイン).
These are the sorting (ソート) options.
Earliest to latest last login | Latest to earliest last login |
Decreasing overall force | Increasing overall force |
Newest to oldest added | Oldest to newest added |
Comrade in Arms Requests[]
When another player requests for you to become their comrade in arms, they will appear in your Not Yet Approved List (未承認一覧) - which is the middle tab of the menu. For each request, the options from left to right are: View Danchou Profile (団長プロフィール), Accept Request (承認), or Reject Request (取消). If a player has their Danchou Profile set to 'Private', the option to view it will be greyed out. Like in the Comrades in Arms List, you can view that player's various details. Note that refreshing the browser page may be necessary in order to see a request that has just been sent.
A Helper (助っ人) is a squad that will assist you in subjugations and is not your own. They can be from someone you've never met before, a Guest Party, or a comrade in arms. If the helper comes from a comrade in arms, they can not be summoned again within an hour. To be a good comrade in arms, you must ensure that your own helper is both strong and useful.
Helpers are set in the Danchou Profile, which is accessed from the Menu (メニュー) tab of the Home Screen. You can change the composition in the Helper Squad (助っ人編成) section, which is the upper party. This single lineup is what will be used as a supporter for other players if they choose your team for a subjugation. Hence, you should maximize your Overall Force (総合力) by putting all of your best knights in this lineup.
Maximizing your Overall Force is very simple. When selecting your Flower Knights, use the Sort to order by Descending Overall Force (総合力降順). This will list your units with the highest individual Overall Force at the top. You can also configure their Flower Memories by clicking the purple button labelled 'Flower Memories' (フラワーメモリー).
The units of your helper squad are no longer decided from Set 1 in the Character Management.
The units of other player's helper squad are no longer delimited by the highest level of your own units.