Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Flower Knight Girl Wikia

Corbett (Halloween)
Portrait 102903

Limit Break・Magic Costume Sorcereraptum
Effect Activation Rate
Based on the current number of enemies: Deal 4.7x damage to 1 enemy, 2.8x damage two enemies, or 2.2x damage to three enemies 27% (Lv1) → 37% (Lv5)
Type Stats
Slash icon Slash HP ATK DEF SPD
Stage Icon Lv Zero percent 100% Affection 100% Blossomed Affection Zero percent 100% Affection 100% Blossomed Affection Zero percent 100% Affection 100% Blossomed Affection
Pre-Evolved Corbett (Halloween) 1 2,930 4,130 5,330 1,400 2,060 2,300 400 1,000 1,480 555
60 6,210 7,410 8,610 3,200 3,860 4,100 580 1,180 1,660
Evolved Corbett (Halloween) 1 6,920 9,320 11,000 2,700 4,260 4,740 760 1,600 2,140
70 11,320 13,720 15,400 4,730 6,290 6,770 960 1,800 2,340
Bloomed Powers-only 1 9,700 12,100 14,020 3,980 5,540 6,740 800 1,640 2,300
80 13,600 16,000 17,920 6,500 8,060 9,260 2,400 3,240 3,900
Stage Abilities
  • Ability icon16[For self] Combo Hit twice using 15% Damage dealt ( ? )
  • Ability icon10[For self] Increase Damage by 100%
  • Ability icon47[For self] Guaranteed Guts 2x ( ? )
  • Ability icon16[For self] Combo Hit twice using 15% Damage dealt ( ? )
  • Ability icon10[For self] Increase Damage by 100%
  • Ability icon47[For self] Guaranteed Guts 2x ( ? )
  • Ability icon12 4[For self] Add Magic Attribute ( ? )
  • Ability icon25[For self] [From Turn 2] Start of each turn, Reduce 15% HP ( ? )
  • Ability icon22[For self] Start of battle, change to 50% Max HP
  • Ability icon16[For self] Combo Hit twice using 15% Damage dealt ( ? )
  • Ability icon10[For self] Increase Damage by 100%
  • Ability icon47[For self] Guaranteed Guts 2x ( ? )
  • Ability icon12 4[For self] Add Magic Attribute ( ? )
  • Ability icon25[For self] [From Turn 2] Start of each turn, Reduce 15% HP ( ? )
  • Ability icon22[For self] Start of battle, change to 50% Max HP
  • Ability icon47[For self] After you Attack 2x, Guaranteed Guts 1x until battle end ( ? )
  • Ability icon15[For self, if at 40% HP or less] Critical Rate is 100% ( ? )
  • Ability icon01[For self] [While alive] With less HP, increase Attack by up to 500% ( ? )
  • Ability icon13[For self, if at 30% HP or less] Skill Activation Rate is 100% ( ? )
  • Ability icon39[For self, if at 20% HP or less] Just before you Attack, increase Weakness Damage by 10% until battle end
  • Ability icon10[For self, if at 10% HP or less] Just before you Attack, increase Damage by 20% until battle end
  • Ability icon16[For self] Increase Act Again Rate by 30% ( ? )
Rarity Grown
Personal Equipment
Equip Name Lv ATK DEF Icon
愚かで気がかりな魔剣 1 440 10 Equip 381058
Foolish and Disturbing Magic Sword Max 685 157
Ability [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
愚かで気がかりな魔剣 1 35 415 Equip 1381058
Foolish and Disturbing Magic Sword Max 280 562
Ability [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Additional Info
Affection Item Books Books Nation Blossom Hill Blossom Hill
Family Ranunculaceae Romaji Korubettoharowin
Language of Flowers 愚か、心配して震えている(赤)、他
Foolishness, Worried and Trembling (Baby/Red), etc

Artist: mataichi mataroFlower Knight ID:102903


Alternate forms



Library Introduction Play
Japanese ハロウィンに浮かれてこんな衣装に身を包むなんて……。
Library Reference Voice Lines
Event Japanese English
First-time Introduction
Give Gift 1
Give Gift 2
Starting Subjugation 1
Title Call
フラワーナイトガール Flower Knight Girl
Login Bonus
Extra Miscellaneous Voice Lines
Event Japanese English
Encountered bugs during subjugation
Limited Seasonal Voice Lines
Event Japanese English


Full Portraits
Home Character Expressions


  • Corbett (Halloween) was added on 2023/10/23 as an exclusive unit only available in specific, time-limited gachas. These gachas ran during the following periods:
    • 2023/10/23 ~ 2023/11/06: DMM Point Gacha and Flower Stone Gacha.

Botanical Origin[]

See Corbett.
