The Danchou Profile (団長プロフィール) is a feature introduced on 2020/06/06. It can be accessed by clicking the Menu (メニュー) tab, the 9th tab on the Home Screen. It serves as the player’s customizable profile that can be viewed by other players. Here you can: change your name, configure your helper squad, obtain/set Danchou Titles, and write comments. The Danchou Profile is sectioned into three separate pages that are navigated using left and right arrows at the bottom-right:
- Profile / プロフィール
- Titles / 称号
- Play History / プレイ履歴
The Profile (プロフィール) page's right-side will display your Vice-Leader and her sprite animation at the bottom. If you have done an Eternal Oath with that unit, the profile will display a special frame with white flowers.
The left and right arrows at the bottom-right are used to switch between the Danchou Profile's 4 pages. The cog wheel at the bottom-right is used to change cosmetic settings.
Danchou Birthday Gift[]
The Danchou Birthday Gift Function (団長誕生月プレゼント機能) was added on 2023/10/10. It is accessible by clicking the gift icon at the bottom-right and allows the player to set their birthday month. This is done by entering a month number between 1 and 12 (1 = January, 12 = December). Once your birth month is set, it cannot be changed. Note that your birth month will not be shown to other players.
During your birth month, clicking the present box opens up a dialogue box asking if you would like to receive a gift. Selecting the 'Yes (はい)' button grants you a gift from your Vice-Leader. The gift includes x10oo Flower Stones and x1 Flower Gift. The Flower Stones can only be obtained once a year, but the Flower Gift can be obtained as many times as the player likes. This gives you the opportunity to switch your Vice-Leader and receive gifts from multiple characters. Note that gifts cannot be received from collaboration characters. Additionally, the Flower Gift does not have any in-game function.
Profile Details[]
The left-side includes numerous details. They are, from top to bottom:
- Name - The player's name, can be changed by clicking the Configure (設定) button. Allows a maximum of 20 half-width (ASCII) characters or 12 full-width characters.
- Level (Lv) - The player's current level. Completing Main Story Part 3 - Mission 6-6 will change the ribbon from red to teal.
- Title - The player’s title that is displayed to others, can be changed by clicking the Configure (設定) button.
- Helper Squad (助っ人編成) - A team of 5 units that your Comrade in Arms may use in their Subjugations.
- Favorites (お気に入り) - A selection of up to 5 units that the player can highlight as their favorite Flower Knights.
- A Comment (一言コメント) - A short comment that can be read by those who view your profile, edited by clicking the blue pencil icon. Allows a maximum of 34 characters.
- Profile Publicity Setting (カードの公開設定) - Set as “ON” to have your Danchou Profile be public and viewable to all players or “OFF” to have it be private and viewable to just yourself.
Profile Settings[]
The settings page is accessible by clicking the cog wheel in the bottom-right of the page and allows players to make cosmetic changes to their profile.
- The left tab allows you to choose the background image. Additional background images can be purchased using Flower Stones.
- The middle tab allows you to choose the frame. Additional frames can be purchased using Flower Tickets.
- The right tab allows you to choose the sprite animation of your Vice-Leader.
All Titles (称号) that are available in the game are viewed here. Each one has a unique Condition (条件) that must be met in order to receive it. Titles that you have achieved will be colored in and ones that you haven’t will be greyed out.
Each title has a number of Points (ポイント) that is awarded to the player for when its condition is met, 1 to 4 points depending on their rarity. As you accumulate more points, the top bar labelled Until the Next Reward (次の報酬まで) will increase until it is full and you have hit a milestone. Once you've hit a milestone, simply click the Accept (受け取る) button and you will be rewarded with a set number of Flower Stones. Clicking on the chest at the top-right will list the next milestone reward. As of now, it is possible to get 270 points at most. The milestone rewards are as follows:
Points | Flower Stones |
50 | x30oo |
100 | x30oo |
150 | x50oo |
200 | x50oo |
250 | x50oo |
300 | x50oo |
Danchou Title List[]
- Copper Title = 1 Point
- Silver Title = 2 Points
- Gold Title = 3 Points
- Rainbow Title = 4 Points
Title Conditions | ||
Icon | Danchou Title | Condition |
見習い団長 | Finish the tutorial | |
千年前の脅威を封ぜし者 | Earn 3 Medals in Story Mission Part 1, Mission 49-5 | |
根源の世界に至りし者 | Earn 3 Medals in Story Mission Part 2, Mission 9-5 | |
双璧の才華 | Clear Aqua Shadow EX Destruction Re: Prologue [Sakura and Japanese Apricot] | |
湖畔に燃える心 | Clear Aqua Shadow EX Destruction Re: Chapter 1 [Cactus] | |
プロテア様お守り隊 | Clear Aqua Shadow EX Destruction Re: Chapter 2 [Protea & Her Assistants] | |
ズッ友ライフ! | Clear Aqua Shadow EX Destruction Re: Chapter 3 [Lantana & Pumpkin] | |
妖怪!モフモフ狐 | Clear Aqua Shadow EX Destruction Re: Chapter 4 [Red Spider Lily] | |
黒と紅の絆 | Clear Aqua Shadow EX Destruction Re: Chapter 5 [Chocolate Lily & Geranium] | |
希望を運ぶ者たち | Clear Aqua Shadow EX Destruction Re: Chapter 6 [Acacia Corp] | |
魔女の会合 | Clear Aqua Shadow EX Destruction Re: Chapter 7 [Butterfly Bush & Worm Wood] | |
水鏡の五重奏 | Clear Aqua Shadow EX Destruction Re: Chapter 8 [Lotus & Pygmy Water Lily] | |
雪国に咲く剣と拳 | Clear Aqua Shadow EX Destruction Re: Chapter 9 [Black Baccara & Dendrobidium] | |
欲望の赴くままに | Clear Aqua Shadow EX Destruction Re: Chapter 10 [Pinkladies & Corn Cockle] | |
フォス平原の平定者 | Clear Nushi Mission, Blossom Hill #2: Phos Plain | |
ヨーテホルクの平定者 | Clear Nushi Mission, Blossom Hill #1: City Harbor | |
旧フォス修練区の平定者 | Clear Nushi Mission, Blossom Hill #3: Old Phos Training District | |
白百合街道の平定者 | Clear Nushi Mission, Lily Wood #1: White Lily Main Road | |
無垢なる森林区の平定者 | Clear Nushi Mission, Lily Wood #2: Forest District of Purity | |
富と誇りの遊歩道の平定者 | Clear Nushi Mission, Banana Ocean #1 | |
ダイダイ灯台の平定者 | Clear Nushi Mission, Banana Ocean #2: Daidai Lighthouse | |
マフル高原の平定者 | Clear Nushi Mission, Bergamot Valley #1: Mafur Plateau | |
実りの渓谷地帯の平定者 | Clear Nushi Mission, Bergamot Valley #2: Area of Crop Canyon | |
フヴァの氷結湖の平定者 | Clear Nushi Mission, Winter Rose #1: Fuva Freezing Lake | |
エルモズ山麓の平定者 | Clear Nushi Mission, Winter Rose #2: Foot of Mt. Elmos | |
母なる監獄島の解放者 | Clear Ultimate Unique Mission - Prison Island, Scene 3 | |
監獄の底を制する者 | Clear Ultimate Unique Mission - Prison Island, Scene 2 | |
監獄の地を制する者 | Clear Ultimate Unique Mission - Prison Island, Scene 1 | |
追憶の救世主 | Clear Ultimate Unique Mission - Laeva | |
古代華の脅威に対峙する者 | Clear Ultimate Unique Mission #1 | |
防衛基地跡の脅威に対峙する者 | Clear Ultimate Unique Mission #2 | |
座す脅威に対峙する者 | Clear Ultimate Unique Mission #3 | |
都市廃墟の脅威に対峙する者 | Clear Ultimate Unique Mission #4 | |
襲撃せし脅威に対峙する者 | Clear Ultimate Unique Mission #5 | |
闊歩する脅威に対峙する者 | Clear Ultimate Unique Mission #6 | |
滅びし都の脅威に対峙する者 | Clear Ultimate Unique Mission #7 | |
迫る脅威に対峙する者 | Clear Ultimate Unique Mission #8 | |
飛来せし脅威に対峙する者 | Clear Ultimate Unique Mission #9 | |
巣食う脅威に対峙する者 | Clear Ultimate Unique Mission #10 | |
集う脅威に対峙する者 | Clear Ultimate Unique Mission #11 | |
監獄島の挑戦者 | Complete Ultimate Mission Story, Chapter 1 | |
無限害虫を迎撃せし者 | Complete Ultimate Mission Story, Chapter 2 | |
赤の選ばれし者 | Complete all Monday Ultimate Missions | |
青の選ばれし者 | Complete all Tuesday Ultimate Missions | |
黄の選ばれし者 | Complete all Thursday Ultimate Missions | |
紫の選ばれし者 | Complete all Friday Ultimate Missions | |
初心を忘れずに | Complete 5 Re-reprint Events | |
思い出を大事に | Complete 10 Re-reprint Events | |
たくさんの出会いを思い出に | Complete 50 Re-reprint Events | |
新鋭団長 | Login for a total of 100 days | |
熟練団長 | Login for a total of 300 days | |
俊傑団長 | Login for a total of 500 days | |
ナズナ団長 | Login for a total of 727 days | |
古豪団長 | Login for a total of 1000 days | |
一途な団長 | Have 1 Flower Knight that is Level 100+, has Skill Level 5, has 4 Equipment Slots, has been upgraded with 300 High Ampules, and has had her Personal Equipment acquired | |
レイドボス・ハンター | Participate in Raid Boss battles a total of 10 times | |
レイドボス・スレイヤー | Participate in Raid Boss battles a total of 100 times | |
レイドボス・ジェノサイダー | Participate in Raid Boss battles a total of 300 times | |
両手に花 | Reach 100% Blossomed Affection with 2 Flower Knights | |
人望のある団長 | Reach 100% Affection with 10 Flower Knights | |
甲斐性のある団長 | Reach 100% Blossomed Affection with 10 Flower Knights | |
艶福家 | Reach 100% Affection with 400 Flower Knights | |
好色家 | Reach 100% Blossomed Affection with 200 Flower Knights | |
クジラ艇 艇長 | Complete Whaleship Chapter 1, Mission 26-5 | |
水族艦 艦長 | Complete Whaleship Chapter 2 (Prologue), Mission 4-2 | |
水族艦隊 提督 | Complete Whaleship Chapter 2 (Main Part), Mission 7-2 | |
園芸団長 | Set up 5 Potted Plants in the Garden | |
八十重の城を制する者 | Clear Infinite Mechanical Castle, Floor 80 on Hard difficulty | |
百重の城を制する者 | Clear Infinite Mechanical Castle, Floor 100 on Hard difficulty | |
ニ百重の城を制する者 | Clear Infinite Mechanical Castle, Floor 200 on Hard difficulty | |
愛情深い団長 | Reach 100% Oath Affection with 1 Flower Knight | |
大切なあなたに | Give an Oath Ring to at least 1 Flower Knight | |
永遠をあなたと | Give a Blessed Oath Ring to at least 1 Flower Knight | |
天雷と暁の王 | Clear Decisive Battle with Hraesvelgr's final battle on any difficulty | |
不滅と黄昏の支配者 | Clear Decisive Battle with Midgardsormr's final battle on any difficulty | |
創世の花園に立つ者 | Earn 3 Medals in Story Mission Part 3, Mission 6-6 | |
炎熱と宵闇の化身 | Clear any stage in Decisive Battle with Nidhogg's Core Level | |
凍てつく銀の暗殺者 | Clear VS The Sealed Ancient Flower Knight, VS Zither Assassin | |
碧き楽園の狂信徒 | Clear VS The Sealed Ancient Flower Knight, VS Paradise's Founder | |
燦々たる虚像の英雄 | Clear VS The Sealed Ancient Flower Knight, VS Hero Zinnia | |
幽谷に彷徨う月の姫 | Clear VS The Sealed Ancient Flower Knight, VS Full Moon Visitor | |
焦がれる丘園の怪物 | Clear VS The Sealed Ancient Flower Knight, VS The Kingdom's Knight | |
夢見る箱庭の古竜 | Clear VS The Sealed Ancient Flower Knight, VS Ancient Dragon Dreaming of a Box Garden | |
知徳の力 ブロッサムヒル | Clear World Flower's Power Dungeon, Blossom Hill (High Class) | |
深い森の力 リリィウッド | Clear World Flower's Power Dungeon, Lily Wood (High Class) | |
常夏の力 バナナオーシャン | Clear World Flower's Power Dungeon, Banana Ocean (High Class) | |
風谷の力 ベルガモットバレー | Clear World Flower's Power Dungeon, Bergamot Valley (High Class) | |
雪原の力 ウィンターローズ | Clear World Flower's Power Dungeon, Winter Rose (High Class) | |
湖畔の力 ロータスレイク | Clear World Flower's Power Dungeon, Lotus Lake (High Class) | |
金満団長 | Reach the maximum Gold limit (4 Billion) | |
魔女の四姉妹 | Clear Bloom Stories - The Four Witch Sisters, Chapter 3 | |
軍師と忍と月見の伝説 | Clear Bloom Stories - The Strategist, the Shinobi, and the Moon Viewing Legend, Chapter 3 | |
桃源郷と忘れじの都 | Clear Bloom Stories - Peach Blossom Spring's Forgotten Capital, Chapter 3 | |
花騎士クイズ王! | Clear all 99 stages in Quiz Dungeon 99! |
Play History[]
The Play History (プレイ履歴) page lists several of the player’s in-game statistics.
The following table lists them from top to bottom:
Japanese | English Description |
ログイン日数 (団長就任日) | Number of cumulative login days (Danchou start date). |
図鑑達成数 | Number of Flower Knights in the Reference Book. |
虫図鑑達成数 | Number of Pests in the Insect Picture Book. |
好感度咲MAXキャラ数 | Number of Flower Knights with maxed Blossomed Affection. |
進化済みキャラ数 | Number of Flower Knights that have undergone Evolution. |
開花済みキャラ数 | Number of Flower Knights that have undergone Blooming. |
累計探索回数 | Number of Explorations. |
星6初獲得日とそのキャラクター | First 6 Star Flower Knight acquired, with time & date. |
団長指揮能力 | Sum of all Flower Knights' Total Power. |