Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Apostles of Thunder Permanent

Part 1 Main Screen

Decisive Battle with Hraesvelgr Permanent

Part 2 Main Screen

Decisive Battle with Hraesvelgr (フラスベルグ決戦イベント) is a former time-limited Mission that took place alongside Events. The whole event used to last two weeks, with each part taking up one week. The mission was first held from 2021/02/01 ~ 2021/02/15. Contents of the old version can be found here: Decisive Battle with Hraesvelgr/Archive.

As of 2023/10/16: Decisive Battle with Hraesvelgr was made permanently available under Three Major Decisive Battles. In order to unlock these stages, the player must complete Story Mission - Part 3, Chapter 6.

Part 1 has players joining forces with a now purified Nidhogg in order to defeat the Apostles of Thunder (天雷の使徒), which are powerful pests summoned by Hraesvelgr. Part 2 has players damaging Hraesvelgr's giant Wings of Dawn (暁の羽), which are preventing the Flower Knights from making progress. To get closer to Hraesvelgr, the Wings of Dawn must first be weakened. Only then can Hraesvelgr (フラスベルグ), one of the Godly Guardian pests, be battled and finally defeated.

How to Play[]

Begin by clicking the red Depart (出陣) button on the Main Screen.

In Part 1, the purified Nidhogg's body acts as the main interface and consists of six Nodes that each represent a Body Part (部位). To battle pests, select a Node and click the red Attack (出撃) button at the bottom. Each Node costs 60 stamina to challenge. Clearing all Nodes unlocks Part 2.

In Part 2, Hraesvelgr acts as the main interface and also consists of six Nodes that each represent a Wing Part (部位). To battle pests, select a Node and click the red Attack (出撃) button at the bottom. Each Node costs 60 stamina to challenge. Clearing each Node deals damage to Hraesvelgr's Wings of Dawn (暁の羽) gauge, which is shown at the top. When the gauge is dropped down to 0%, the final boss Hraesvelgr can be battled.

Hraesvelgr Battle[]

Hraesvelgr Boss Icon Permanent

Hraesvelgr Icon

In Part 2, the final boss Hraesvelgr can be fought once the 'Wings of Dawn' Gauge has been completely dropped down to 0%. The boss fight is done by clicking the flaming Hraesvelgr icon that appears in the center. You can fight in either the Beginner (初級) difficulty by selecting the green button or the Hard (破級) difficulty by selecting the purple button. Each battle costs 80 stamina.


  1. Iteration 01: 2021/02/01 (Thousand-Winged Hraesvelgr)
  2. Iteration 02: 2021/09/21 (To Perfectly Preview a Vacation)
    • Delegated Attacks no longer consume stamina.
    • Flower Medal rewards and drop rewards were greatly increased.
    • Longer Delegated Attacks were made to be as reward efficient as short ones.
    • The Hraesvelgr Battle rewards a greater number of Flower Medals.
  3. Iteration 03: 2022/10/17 (Halloween Party on the Water)
  4. Permanence: 2023/10/16
    • Decisive Battle with Hraesvelgr was made permanently available.