Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Flower Knight Girl Wikia

Equipment (装備 or 装飾品) can be acquired to add abilities or increase the stats of any Knight. The terms equipment, ornaments, and decorations may be used interchangeably in this text because equipment for Flower Knights are accessories rather than part of armor.

Equipment Types[]

Just like Knights, equipment comes in different rarities and types. Similarly, the rarer a piece of equipment, the better stats it will provide. There are 5 types of equipment:

  • Ring (指輪)
  • Bracelet (腕輪)
  • Necklace (首飾り)
  • Earrings (耳飾り)
  • Personal Equipment (専用装備)

Personal equipment is a set of earrings connected to specific Knight. They can be evolved twice to acquire a unique appearance, higher stats, and abilities.

Equipment Synthesis[]

Equipment Synthesis (装備合成) is the act of powering up Equipment with materials.

For more information, see Equipment Synthesis.

Increasing Equipment Slots[]

By default, any Flower Knight you have will only have a single slot for normal equipment and an additional slot for Personal Equipment.

The additional Equipment slots can be unlocked in the following ways:

  • Strengthening a Knight with a copy of itself guarantees a new equipment slot.
  • Strengthening any Knight with a Kodaibana Equipment Flower (コダイバナの装花) guarantees a new equipment slot.
    • Three 5★ Kodaibana Equipment Flowers can be purchased in the Life Crystal Wares (never restocks).
    • 5★ Kodaibana Equipment Flowers may be given out during certain Campaigns.
    • One 6★ Kodaibana Equipment Flower can be purchased in the Rainbow Medal Wares (restocks every month).
    • 5★ and 6★ Kodaibana Equipment Flowers can be included in time-limited special gacha deals, which can only be purchased with DMM Points.
  • Older Event units have Floral Decoration Flowers that only work for them. They can be obtained from the event they originated from.

Acquiring Equipment[]

There are several ways to get equipment.

Equipment Gacha
  • Event equipment are limited edition equipment whose theme is connected to the event they came from.
  • Every event includes a limited set that contains: ring, bracelet, necklace, and earrings. It's possible to apply a full set to one Knight with all equipment slots unlocked - however there is no additional bonus for wearing a full set.
  • Event equipment rarity ranges from 5★ to 4★.
Ultimate Missions
Whaleship Missions
Character Quests
  • Complete the third Character Quest for a Knight to obtain a unique 5★ Personal Equipment that can only be equipped on her.
  • In most cases, promotions require spending Real Money to get a Serial Code. By entering the serial code into the game, you will obtain the specific Promotional Equipment.
  • New promotional equipment rarely gets released, so the number of available equipment is very limited.

EX Equipment[]

Two high lv equips

Maxed +10 and EX-Level Equipment side-by-side

EX Equipment is a special and extremely rare type of equipment that can come out of the High-level Equipment Gacha (上級装備ガチャ). It has a higher rarity and maximum stats than normal equipment that come out of the equipment gacha.

Furthermore, each EX equipment has an ability as listed below.

Image JP Name EN Name Ability
Equip 300035 戦姫の指輪EX Battle Princess' Ring EX Increases Weakness Damage for wearer by 5%.
Equip 310035 護姫の腕輪EX Battle Princess' Bracelet EX Increases wearer's damage reduction when defending by 8% (stackable with similar abilities up to 20%).
Equip 320034 護姫の首飾りEX Battle Princess' Necklace EX Increases wearer's damage reduction when defending by 8% (stackable with similar abilities up to 20%).
Equip 330034 戦姫の耳飾りEX Battle Princess' Earring EX Increases Weakness Damage for wearer by 5%.

Ultimate Missions Equipment[]

Equip 390000

Life Necklace

By completing the Ultimate Mission "Ruined Wastleland" (滅びの荒野), you'll be rewarded with a Life Necklace (生命の首飾り). It has the highest attack stats out of non-whaleship necklaces. A total of 4 can be ever obtained.

Completing the mission "Twilight on the Grass-covered Plain" (宵闇の草原) will reward you with a special type of bracelet that has no actual stat boosts but instead adds an extra ability to the Knight it's equipped on. The abilities are showcased in table below.

Image JP Name EN Name Ability Day Available
Equip 350000 癒しの腕輪 Healing Bracelet Every turn, there is a 20% chance to heal by 10% of wearer's max HP. Monday
Equip 350001 怒りの腕輪 Rage Bracelet Increases Critical Activation Rate for wearer by 5%. Tuesday
Equip 350002 反撃の腕輪 Counterattack Bracelet Upon being attacked by an enemy, the character will counterattack 5% of the time using 2x of their Defense as Attack Power. Thursday
Equip 350003 陽力の腕輪 Solar Power Bracelet Increases Shine Crystal drop rates for party members by 15%. Friday

Whaleship Equipment[]

Sun Medals earned from Whaleship Missions can be used to buy unique equipment that have high stats and an additional ability. The equipment has five possible different color codes corresponding to the four Flower Knight and one neutral kind. The equipment will only apply its ability to flower knights that match the same type as the equipment. Neutral equipment will apply its ability to any flower knight.

Images Name & Ability
Equip 370000 Equip 370001 Equip 370002 Equip 370003 Equip 370004 Exalted Necklaces increase attack power by 3% for 3 people, including wearer, matching the equipment's type.
Equip 370005 Equip 370006 Equip 370007 Equip 370008 Equip 370009 Exalted Earrings increase attack power by 2% for 3 people, including wearer, matching the equipment's type.
Equip 370010 Equip 370011 Equip 370012 Equip 370013 Equip 370014 Glittering Necklaces increase critical damage by 3% for 3 people, including wearer, matching the equipment's type.
Equip 370015 Equip 370016 Equip 370017 Equip 370018 Equip 370019 Glittering Earrings increase critical damage by 2% for 3 people, including wearer, matching the equipment's type.
Equip 370020 Equip 370021 Equip 370022 Equip 370023 Equip 370024 Brilliant Necklaces increase defend rate by 3% for 3 people, including wearer, matching the equipment's type.
Equip 370026 Equip 370027 Equip 370028 Equip 370029 Equip 370030 Brilliant Earrings increase defend rate by 2% for 3 people, including wearer, matching the equipment's type.
Equip 370025
Pure Necklaces increase damage against bosses by 2% for 3 people, including wearer (only neutral-type exists).

If the wearer does not match the type of the equipment, the written number of people will still have the buff applied to them. For example, if a blunt type flower knight wore a slash type exalted necklace, the wearer would get no buff from the necklace, but three slash type allies will still get the buff.

If the number of flower knights in the party that match the equipment's type is less than the number of people the equipment can buff, only those flower knights with the same equipment type will get the buff. For example, if a blunt type flower knight wore a blunt type exalted necklace and was in a party with only one other blunt type flower knight, those two flower knights will get the buff even though a colored exalted necklace can buff three people at once.

Personal Equipment[]

Personal Equipment Slot

Personal Equipment Slot

Personal Equipment (キャラクター専用装備) is a type of equipment that is earned for a specific Flower Knight by completing her Character Quest. They cannot be equipped by anyone else, can only be equipped in a specially designated slot, and are always of 5* rarity. During Equipment Synthesis, they gain extra experience from Personal Equipment Forge Spirits. Since Unevolved Personal Equipment count as earrings, they also gain extra experience from Earrings Forge Spirits.

Some characters have extra Character Quests because they have ranked highly during a Poll Event. These extra quests grant a special type of Personal Equipment. Their stats are nearly identical to the regular Personal Equipment, but they posses different abilities after Evolution.

Note: In the past, there was no Personal Equipment slot. Because they counted as earrings, they could not be worn alongside non-personal earrings. As of August 3rd 2021, Personal Equipment no longer take up equipment storage.

Evolved Personal Equipment[]

Evolved Personal Equipment

Equipment Evolution Screen


6* Aqua Fragment

Personal Equipment can be upgraded to become Evolved Personal Equipment (進化した専用装備). After getting a piece of Personal Equipment to its max level of 50, you can perform Equipment Synthesis on it to be taken to a equipment evolution screen. Using Gold and Aqua Fragments (水影の秘石の欠片) as materials, you can evolve Personal Equipment. This resets its level to 1, but allows it to reach much higher stat bonuses. Evolved Personal Equipment will always gain an ability:

  • All normal personal equipment come only with following ability:
    • "Increases Attack and Defense for party members of the same attribute by 2%".
  • Special Personal Equipment can have one of the two following abilities:
    • "Increases Attack for oneself by 7% of each flower knight's own Defense";
    • "Increases Attack and Defense for oneself by 5% and allows oneself to resist fainting with 1 HP remaining up to 3 times per battle".

Aqua Fragments can have a rarity that ranges from 2* to 6* and can be earned the following ways.

6 Star Evolved Equipment[]

6 Star Evolved Equipment

Equipment Evolution Screen

Aqua Shadow Stone

6* Aqua Stone

6 Star Evolved Equipment (★6装備進化) was added on July 25th, 2022 and allows equipment to reach the 6 star rarity. It can be achieved on Evolved Personal Equipment and a few select Event Equipment. After getting an applicable piece of equipment to its max level of 50, you can perform Equipment Synthesis on it to be taken to a special equipment evolution screen. Using Gold and 6* Aqua Stones (★6水影の秘石) as materials, you can evolve the equipment to a 6 star rarity. This resets its level to 1, but allows it to reach much higher stat bonuses as well as powerful abilities. 6* Evolved Personal Equipment will give the owner:

  • +20% Maximum HP
  • +5% Attack Power
  • +10% Defense Power
  • +1.5x Weakness Damage

Upgrading an Evolved Personal Equipment costs x100 Aqua Stones and upgrading an Event Equipment costs x20 Aqua Stones. This material is not dropped in any stages, but they can be given as rewards in some Campaigns as well as Refined from x10 6* Aqua Fragments. 6* Aqua Fragments drop abundantly in Aqua Shadow Missions.

Promotional Equipment[]

Promotional Equipment can only be obtained while the promotion is active. Once the promotion ends, the equipment becomes unavailable.

List of Promotional Equipment
Image JP Name EN Name Description
Equip 391000 MINISTOPの指輪 MINISTOP Ring Part of Mini Stop campaign.
Equip 391018 ビットキャッシュの指輪 BitCash Ring Part of BitCash campaign.
Equip 391092 ハナヒメ・杏子の指輪 Hanahime: Anko's Ring Could be obtained during Hanahime collaboration which Nightmaher was part of. Anko, Polina, Eve, and Hiyoko are the names of characters featured in Hanahime.
Equip 391093 ハナヒメ・ポリーナの腕輪 Hanahime: Polina's Bracelet
Equip 391094 ハナヒメ・イヴの首飾り Hanahime: Eve's Necklace
Equip 391095 ハナヒメ・陽良子の耳飾り Hanahime: Hiyoko's Earrings
Equip 391104 元気っ子フォルムの指輪 Energetic Child Form's Ring Included together with a figure of Dancing Lady Orchid.
Equip 391001 騎士団の指輪 Chivalric Order Ring Given to Niconico premium members after livesteam.
Equip 391193 騎士団の腕輪 Chivalric Order Bracelet
Equip 391055 電撃の指輪 Electric Shock Ring Comes together with Flower Knight Girl Dengeki Comic Anthology.
Equip 391342 極膨解放の腕輪 Extreme Inflatable-Releasing Bracelet Part of 100th Event celebration. When equipped, changes appearance of Solar Drive.

Equipment Details[]

See List of Equipment.
