Eternal Oath (永遠の誓い) is a feature added on January 25th, 2021 that deepens the bond between you and your Flower Knights. It provides stat boosts to your units, enhances their skills, and unlocks scenes/voice lines for some. There are three stages to Eternal Oath:
- First is Oath Affection.
- Second is Eternal Oath.
- Third is Blessed Eternal Oath (limited to certain units).
All three stages can be accomplished in the Gift screen, found in the Office.
Oath Affection[]
After reaching 100% Blossomed Affection (好感度・咲) with a Flower Knight, she may be given an Oath Heart (誓いのハート) which will reset her displayed Affection to 0%. The new affection value is called Oath Affection (好感度・誓) and Flower Knights with this affection gauge may only be given Bond Oaths (誓いの絆) as gifts. Stat boosts from previously maxed out affections are retained, allowing Flower Knights with the new affection gauge to receive further affection stat boosts. They receive stat boosts for every +1% affection they get until 100% is reached. At maximum Oath Affection, you will earn 3oo Flower Stones (if you haven’t maxed that unit’s Oath Affection before) and will have the ability to give them an Oath Ring.
Oath Hearts can be purchased from the Memory Crystal Wares and obtained from some Urgent Missions. In addition, they can be refined using x100 Petite Oath Hearts (誓いのプチハート), which themselves are acquired from Memory Dungeon stages.
Bond Oaths can be purchased from the Memory Crystal Wares as well as obtained from Oath Memory Dungeons, Quest Campaigns, and some Urgent Missions.
Eternal Oath[]
By giving an Oath Ring (誓いの指輪) to a Flower Knight whose Oath Affection is maxed out, you can make an Eternal Oath (永遠の誓い) with her. Once that has been done, you will see a certificate commemorating the oath and your Flower Knight’s skill multiplier will be increased. This will change her Combat Skill (戦闘スキル) into an Oath Combat Skill (戦闘スキル・誓).
Setting a Flower Knight that has unlocked Eternal Oath as your Vice-Leader will add wedding bouquets to your Danchou Profile. Furthermore, her sprite will have special heart effects when viewed in the Danchou Profile, Garden, Reference Book, and in Combat (except when fast-forwarded). This heart effect can be turned on or off in the Options.
Oath Rings can only be purchased from the Memory Crystal Wares. They also appear as a bonus in the Flower Stone Shop and some paid Gachas - both of which require Real Money.
Blessed Eternal Oath[]
By giving a Blessed Oath Ring (誓いの指輪(祝福)) to a Flower Knight you made an Eternal Oath with, you can make a Blessed Eternal Oath (永遠の誓い(祝福)) with her. This will unlock that Flower Knight’s kiss scene and multiple new voice lines. Unlike Eternal Oath, Blessed Eternal Oath is applied to all versions of the girl, not just that unit. For example, making a Blessed Eternal Oath with Snow Drop will also complete a Blessed Eternal Oath with Snow Drop (New Year).
A single Blessed Oath Ring can be purchased from the Memory Crystal Wares. They also appear as a bonus in the Flower Stone Shop and some paid Gachas - both of which require Real Money.
Note that only some Flower Knights can be given a Blessed Oath Ring to unlock Blessed Eternal Oath. Characters have their Blessed Eternal Oath added periodically.