Icon |
Name |
Japanese |
歌声は風に乗って |
English |
Singing voice carried on the wind |
Illustration |
Description |
Japanese |
るるる ららら 箒のリズムに、歌声が乗る。 小さく淡く、けれど確かな、希望の歌。 面と向かって歌うのは、 まだちょっとだけ恥ずかしいけど、 いつか貴方にこの歌が、この歌の意味が届きますように。 |
English |
Lululu Lalala A singing voice matches the rhythm of a broom. A gentle, fleeting, yet confident song of hope. It's still a little embarrassing to sing in front of others, but may this song, and its meaning, reach you someday. |
Stage |
Stats |
Lv |
HP |
1 |
135 |
45 |
36 |
10 |
945 |
270 |
126 |
20 |
1845 |
520 |
226 |
30 |
2745 |
770 |
326 |
40 |
3645 |
1020 |
426 |
50 |
4545 |
1270 |
526 |
Stage |
Abilities |
[For self] Increase Damage Reduction by 17%.
[For self] Provoke.
[For self] Increase Damage Reduction by 25%.
[For self] Provoke.