Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Flower Knight Girl Wikia

Flower Memory Strengthening Synthesis / フラワーメモリー強化合成 is the process of using materials / 素材 (mats) to level up Flower Memories (FMs). This page explains the steps to synthesize FMs.

1. Click on the Character Management / キャラ button on the far-left.
1a. If you aren't in a sub-page already, the FM Synth button will be the banner with the fairy holding a paint brush. This is a character material called a Painter / イロドール.
Fm synth 01a - from char page

FM Synth button

1b. If you are in a sub-page, multiple green buttons will be shown at the bottom. Find and select the FM Synthesis button labeled フラワーメモリー強化合成.
Fm synth 01b - from subpage

FM Synth button from any Character Management sub-page

2. Choose the FM you want to strengthen. Take advantage of the Sort / Filter at the top. Double-click/tap the FM you want to work with, or single click/tap it and click on the big, red Confirm / 決定 button.
Fm synth 02 - initial page

FM Synthesis page

3. With an FM selected, click on any of the ten "empty" squares labeled Add a Material / 素材を追加する.
Fm synth 03 - before choosing mats

A selected FM

4. Select which mats you want to use to strengthen the FM. The top-left icon shows your currently selected FM; selecting that has no effect.
Fm synth 04 - choose mats

Choose FM materials

5. For each mat you select, input how many of those mats you want to use. Pay attention to the Lv. (level) value which says the resultant level of synthesis. The level may end up higher than what is written here if a great success occurs. Finalize your selection by pressing the big, red Yes / はい button at the bottom-left.
Fm synth 05 - choose mat count

Choose the number of FM mats to use

6. When you have selected all the mats you want to use, click on the Confirm / 決定 button at the bottom-right.
Fm synth 06 - finalize mats

Ready to confirm mat selections

7. You'll be sent back to the screen showing the FM and mats you want to synthesize. Press the massive Do Strengthening Synthesis / 強化合成する button.
Fm synth 07 - mats to use on fm

FM and mats ready to by synthesized

8. A popup will give you a final confirmation for the mats you want to use Just press the red Yes / はい button on the left.
Fm synth 08 - confirm mats to use

Final confirmation

9. Synthesis will complete. A silver message saying Synthesis Success / 合成成功 will appear most of the time, but sometimes you will see a gold message signifying that all the mats you used had an experience multiplier applied to them.
Fm synth 09 - synth done

Synthesis success
