Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Flower Knight Girl Wikia

Ghost Weed (Valentine)
Portrait 116013

Frozen Rock Beats
Effect Activation Rate
Based on the current number of enemies: Deal 4.7x damage to 1 enemy, 2.8x damage two enemies, or 2.2x damage to three enemies 27% (Lv1) → 37% (Lv5)
Type Stats
Blunt icon Blunt HP ATK DEF SPD
Stage Icon Lv Zero percent 100% Affection 100% Blossomed Affection Zero percent 100% Affection 100% Blossomed Affection Zero percent 100% Affection 100% Blossomed Affection
Pre-Evolved Ghost Weed (Valentine) 1 1,715 3,035 3,791 600 1,680 2,004 500 860 1,016 650
60 4,850 6,170 6,926 1,950 3,030 3,354 900 1,260 1,416
Evolved Ghost Weed (Valentine) 1 4,500 7,980 9,876 1,650 3,330 4,026 1,000 2,056 2,380
70 11,200 14,680 16,576 4,100 5,780 6,476 1,320 2,376 2,700
Bloomed Ghost Weed (Valentine) 1 5,900 9,380 11,672 2,400 4,080 4,992 1,200 2,256 2,592
80 12,600 16,080 18,372 4,350 6,030 6,942 1,670 2,726 3,062
Stage Abilities
  • Ability icon22[For 5 allies] [While alive] Every 3 turns, Heal 20% Max HP ( ? )
  • Ability icon18[For 1 Pierce ally that is a Guardian-type] Increase Defense by 60% ( ? )
  • Ability icon22[For 5 allies] [While alive] Every 3 turns, Heal 20% Max HP ( ? )
  • Ability icon18[For 1 Pierce ally that is a Guardian-type] Increase Defense by 60% ( ? )
  • Ability icon55[For 5 allies] After an ally does a Critical Attack, Retain 10% HP (3x per turn) ( ? )
  • Ability icon01[For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 20%
  • Ability icon22[For 5 allies] [While alive] Every 3 turns, Heal 20% Max HP ( ? )
  • Ability icon18[For 1 Pierce ally that is a Guardian-type] Increase Defense by 60% ( ? )
  • Ability icon55[For 5 allies] After an ally does a Critical Attack, Retain 10% HP (3x per turn) ( ? )
  • Ability icon01[For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 20%
  • Ability icon22[For 5 allies] After an ally does a Critical Attack 3x, on the next turn, Heal 30% Max HP ( ? )
  • Ability icon22[For 1 attacked ally] [While alive] Heal 30% Max HP ( ? )
  • Ability icon18[For 5 allies] After an ally does a Critical Attack, on the next turn, increase Defense by 35% ( ? )
  • Ability icon15[For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 15% ( ? )
Rarity Grown
Personal Equipment
Equip Name Lv ATK DEF Icon
祝福と砂糖菓子の耳飾り 1 130 160 Winter Rose earring icon
(No Translation) Earrings[Edit] Max 375 307
祝福と砂糖菓子のバトン 1 155 295 Equip 380982
(No Translation)[Edit] Max 400 442
Ability [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
精華祭総合2等のティアラ 1 90 210 Equip 360589
Spirit Flower Festival 2nd Place Tiara Max 335 259
穏やかな精華のティアラ 1 130 320 Equip 380589
(No Translation)[Edit] Max 375 467
祝福と砂糖菓子のバトン 1 155 295 Equip 1380982
(No Translation)[Edit] Max 400 442
Ability [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
穏やかな精華のティアラ 1 130 320 Equip 1380589
(No Translation)[Edit] Max 375 467
Additional Info
Affection Item Stuffed Animals Stuffed Animals Nation Winter Rose Winter Rose
Family Euphorbiaceae Romaji Hatsuyukisoubarentain
Language of Flowers 好奇心、穏やかな生活、他
Curiosity, A Peaceful Life, etc,

Artist: Fujishima Sei 1-GouFlower Knight ID:116013


Alternate forms

Ghost WeedGhost Weed (Christmas)Ghost Weed (Princess of Pure Flower)Ghost Weed (10th Anniversary)


Library Introduction Play
Japanese どうもどうも~!ひっそり皆さんの心に寄り添う存在でありたい!
Library Reference Voice Lines
Event Japanese English
First-time Introduction
Give Gift 1
Give Gift 2
Starting Subjugation 1
Title Call
フラワーナイトガール Flower Knight Girl
Login Bonus
団長さ~ん! 今日も二人で一緒に頑張りましょうね!
Extra Miscellaneous Voice Lines
Event Japanese English
Encountered bugs during subjugation
Limited Seasonal Voice Lines
Event Japanese English


Full Portraits
Home Character Expressions

Botanical Origin[]

See Ghost Weed.
