Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Event Overview   Event Story
Banner event 0189

Featured banner

Giant Helping! Hanny Hanny Panic / メガ盛り!ハニハニパニック is event number 189. As the featured event, it was a Raid Boss event.

  • Featured period: 2022/04/18 to 2022/05/02

This event is based on a collaboration with Flower Knight Girl and Rance. It is the second collaboration with the series, the first being Hanny Hanny Panic.

The Flower Hani (Gold) series of limited edition Equipment such as Flower Hani (Gold) Ring (フラワーハニー(金)の指輪) were introduced.

Equip 399012Equip 399013Equip 399014Equip 399015

Event Party[]

Uesugi KenshinUrza PranaiceMaria Custard
Guest Party: Haniwa Subjugation Party, Redux / はにわ討伐隊 、再び



Hanny Jewel Statues


Hanny Medals

As the featured event, earn Hanny Medals / ハニーのメダル by beating event raid bosses and trade them for goods in the Shop. Earn Hanny Jewel Statues / ハニーの宝石像 from panels in the event stages and use them to summon raid bosses.

Panel Items
Effect haniwa1 a Effect haniwa2 a Effect haniwa3 a Effect haniwa4 a

Event Screen[]

Event Screen

The event screen can be accessed from the banner on the Home Screen or the banner in the Special tab for Subjugations.

Raid Boss Specifics[]

See: Event Raid Boss.


The following quests are available during the featured event period. The conditions are only clearable by participating in this event's dungeon.

English Japanese Condition Reward
Urgent Mission Request #1 緊急任務要請 その1 Battle the event Raid Boss one time. Skip Ticket x3
Urgent Mission Request #2 緊急任務要請 その2 Battle the event Raid Boss three times. Manyu Key x10
Urgent Mission Request #3 緊急任務要請 その3 Battle the event Raid Boss five times. Skip Ticket x5
Seize the Japanese Drum Spider 大和太鼓蜘蛛 を捕獲 Defeat five bosses that appear in the event stage. Statues x25, Medals x150

Panel Missions[]

These special quests are available during the featured event period.

Obtain Event Unit Give Event Unit 1 Gift Give Event Unit 5 Gifts
Give Event Unit 10 Gifts Trade Wares with Event Currency Summon 1 Raid Boss
Summon 3 Raid Bosses Do 1 day of Test Your Strength Do 3 days of Test Your Strength


Elementary 1

Chapter 1: Gathering Light

一話 光をもとめて

Stage Screenshot
Version Medal Reward Stamina Exp (Efficiency) Chests Panel Currency
Featured FS x2oo, Manyu Key x3 10 165 (16.500) 2 Random, Drop Currency x15 1
Reprint Seal Stones x10 10 0 (0.000) (Seal Stones x9) x2
Re-reprint Re-Seal Stones x10 10 0 (0.000) (Re-Seal Stones x18) x2

Intermediate 1

Chapter 2: The Blue Haired Researcher

二話 青髪の研究家

Stage Screenshot
Version Medal Reward Stamina Exp (Efficiency) Chests Panel Currency
Featured FS x2oo, Manyu Key x3 20 255 (12.750) 3 Random, Drop Currency x30 3
Reprint Seal Stones x20 20 0 (0.000) (Seal Stones x13) x2, Seal Stones x12
Re-reprint Re-Seal Stones x20 20 0 (0.000) (Re-Seal Stones x13) x3

High Class 1

Chapter 3: The Beautiful Soldier

三話 可憐な軍師

Stage Screenshot
Version Medal Reward Stamina Exp (Efficiency) Chests Panel Currency
Featured FS x2oo, Manyu Key x3 40 325 (8.125) 3 Random, LC x2, Drop Currency x60 5
Reprint Seal Stones x30 40 0 (0.000) (Seal Stones x19) x2, (Seal Stones x20) x2
Re-reprint Re-Seal Stones x30 40 0 (0.000) (Re-Seal Stones x20) x4

Top Class 1

Chapter 4: God of War, Invitation

四話 軍神、推参

Stage Screenshot
Version Medal Reward Stamina Exp (Efficiency) Chests Panel Currency
Featured FS x2oo, D Medal x1 60 360 (6.000) 4 Random, LC x6, Drop Currency x90 15
Reprint Seal Stones x50, FS x1oo 60 0 (0.000) (Seal Stones x33) x5
Re-reprint Re-Seal Stones x50, FS x1oo 60 0 (0.000) (Re-Seal Stones x11) x5

Elementary 2

Chapter 5: Regal Majesty

五話 王の威光

Stage Screenshot
Version Medal Reward Stamina Exp (Efficiency) Chests Panel Currency
Featured FS x2oo, Manyu Key x3 10 165 (16.500) 2 Random, Drop Currency x15 1
Reprint Seal Stones x10 10 0 (0.000) (Seal Stones x14) x2
Re-reprint Re-Seal Stones x10 10 0 (0.000) (Re-Seal Stones x14) x2

Intermediate 2

Chapter 6: Strategy Meeting

六話 作戦会議

Stage Screenshot
Version Medal Reward Stamina Exp (Efficiency) Chests Panel Currency
Featured FS x2oo, Manyu Key x3 20 255 (12.750) 3 Random, Drop Currency x30 3
Reprint Seal Stones x20 20 0 (0.000) (Seal Stones x20) x3
Re-reprint Re-Seal Stones x20 20 0 (0.000) (Re-Seal Stones x20) x3

High Class 2

Chapter 7: --Final Battle--

七話 ─決戦─

Stage Screenshot
Version Medal Reward Stamina Exp (Efficiency) Chests Panel Currency
Featured FS x2oo, Manyu Key x3 40 325 (8.125) 3 Random, LC x3, Drop Currency x60 5
Reprint Seal Stones x30 40 0 (0.000) (Seal Stones x26) x4
Re-reprint Re-Seal Stones x30 40 0 (0.000) (Re-Seal Stones x26) x4

Top Class 2

Chapter 8: Giant Helping! Hanny Hanny Panic

八話 メガ盛り!ハニハニパニック

Stage Screenshot
Version Medal Reward Stamina Exp (Efficiency) Chests Panel Currency
Featured PGT x1, Manyu Key x3 60 360 (6.000) 4 Random, LC x6, Drop Currency x90 15
Reprint Seal Stones x50, FS x1oo 60 0 (0.000) (Seal Stones x35) x5
Re-reprint Re-Seal Stones x50, FS x1oo 60 0 (0.000) (Re-Seal Stones x44) x5

Challenge Dungeon

Challenge Stage


Stage Screenshot
Version Medal Reward Stamina Exp (Efficiency) Chests Panel Currency
Featured FS x2oo, Petite Centy x8 0 0 None
Reprint 0 0
Re-reprint 0 0

Challenge Dungeon: Daily

Ultimate Class: Challenge Stage

極限級 チャレンジステージ

Stage Screenshot
Version Medal Reward Stamina Exp (Efficiency) Chests Panel Currency
Featured Skip Tickets x15 0 0 None 35
Reprint 0 0
Re-reprint 0 0