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Halloween Hazards ♥ (HWはざぁど♥) was a Halloween minigame that took place alongside Event 229 - Night of the Sweet Monsters from 2023/10/30 to 2023/11/13. After the minigame period, the story scenes were added to the Office Album under Flower Knight Theater.
Today is Halloween Fest ---
The day of fun where sweets and costumes take the main stage.
Or so it's meant to be, but some of the people are acting strangely.
That's right, only sweets are...
How to Play[]

Two Options: Accept or Surrender
While the 2-week event was running, a Jack-o'-lantern appeared at the bottom-center of the Home Screen. Clicking it would take you to a stage select screen. There were 7 stages in total - with each stage getting progressively more difficult. In each stage, you would be challenged by a Flower Knight whose desire was overwhelming her. You could accept her challenge by choosing the Accept Challenge (受けて立つ!) option or immediately surrender by choosing the Do Whatever You Want... (好きにしろ・・・・.) option. If you chose to accept, you would be taken to a minigame that comes in two phases.

Phase 1: Rapid Click
In the first phase, you must fill the bar with blue by rapidly clicking the green button at the bottom-center. If you fill the whole bar with blue, you win the first phase and move on to the second. If the Flower Knight fills the whole bar with pink, you lose a life. You start the minigame with 5 lives that are displayed at the top-left of the screen. If you lose all your lives or if you surrender by clicking the top-right button, you lose the minigame.

Phase 2: Timed Click
In the second phase, you must reduce the Flower Knight's gauge by clicking the pink button at the bottom-center. You deal more damage to it the closer the cursor is to the center when you click. Her health gauge will be displayed at the top-center of the screen. After dealing damage to her, you will return to the first phase. When her gauge reaches zero, you win the minigame! Winning will allow the Flower Knight to return to her senses, play a story scene, and reward the player with x1oo Flower Stone on their first stage clear.
- Stage 1: Japanese Holly / ャクリョウ
- Stage 2: Cardamine Lyrata / カルダミネ・リラタ
- Stage 3: Furballs / 毛玉
- Stage 4: Bunny Cactus / バニーカクタス
- Stage 5: Ionopsidium / イオノプシジウム
- Final: Veronica / ベロニカ
- EX: Nazuna / ナズナ
- In the first phase, the Flower Knight's pink gauge will not increase until you press the button. So take time to prepare, then click rapidly!
- In the second phase, there is no way to lose as you do not have lives. So aim for the center to deal more damage and defeat the Flower Knight quickly!
- Note: There is no ability to skip scenes.