This page relates abilities to characters. To see relations of characters to abilities, go to List of Flower Knights.
- No prefix means the character has the ability from the start.
- E means the character earns the ability after Evolution.
- B means the character earns the ability after Blooming.
- RG means the character earns the ability after Rarity Growth.
- RG+B means the character earns the ability after Rarity Growth and Blooming. Only 2-4*s go through this. It is the final evolution stage for them.
Type | Description | Characters |
Atk up | [For 2 allies] Increase Attack by 3% | E 3* Alstroemeria, E 3* Blue Lotus, E 3* Carnation, E 3* Egyptian Water Lily, E 3* Kurenai, E 3* Novalis, E 3* Sanvitalia, E 3* Sasanqua, E 3* White Pansy, E 3* Yellow Pansy, 4* Forget-Me-Not, 4* Japanese Rowan, 4* Saintpaulia, 4* Silver Orchid, 4* Turnip Rape, 4* Water Fringe, 4* White Tulip |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 4% | RG 6* Cyclamen (Radiant Princess) |
Atk up | [For 2 allies] Increase Attack by 5% | E 5* Japanese Madder |
Atk up | [For 3 allies] Increase Attack by 5% | E 4* Forget-Me-Not, E 4* Japanese Rowan, E 4* Lilac, E 4* Saintpaulia, E 4* Silver Orchid, E 4* Turnip Rape, E 4* Water Fringe, E 4* White Tulip, E 5* Mitsumata |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 5% | E 5* Agave, 5* Asian Pogonia, 5* Barrenwort (Valentine), 5* Bauera, E 5* Berzelia, 5* Fuki, E 5* Lippia, B 5* Mitsumata, 5* Moss Rose, E 5* Pachystachys, 5* Sill Plain, B 5* Sourwood |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 10% | 5* Angelonia, B 5* Aster, B 5* Coleus, B 5* Ixora, 5* Redcurrant, 5* Rhoeo |
Atk up | [For 2 allies] Increase Attack by 10% | B 5* Aibika, 5* Brachyscome, B 5* Clematis, B 5* Echeveria, 5* False Helleborine, B 5* Himalayan Creeping Saxifrage (Gothic Maid), 5* Japanese Barberry, B 5* Japanese Madder, B 5* Mandevilla, 5* Montbretia, B 5* Otogirisou, E 5* Radish, 5* Schizanthus, 5* Solidaster, 5* Spring Star, E 5* Tithonia, 5* Tuberose, 5* Vinca |
Atk up | [For 3 allies] Increase Attack by 10% | B 5* Abelia, E 5* Alyssum, 5* Amur Adonis, 5* Ananas, E 5* Anri (Rue Anemone), 5* Asian Bleeding Heart, E 5* Asiatic Dayflower, 5* Bouvardia, E 5* Canna, 5* China Root, 5* Chinese Quince, 5* Cineraria, 5* Correa, 5* Devil's Claw, E 5* Elder Flower, 5* False Hydrangea, 5* Fan Flower, 5* Fatsia, 5* Fullmoon Maple, 5* Garlic Vine, E 5* Gazania, 5* Gooseberry, 5* Holly, 5* Hosta, 5* Japanese Chloranthus, E 5* Japanese Mugwort, B 5* Japanese Snowball Bush, 5* Lamb's Ear, 5* Lamium, 5* Lindernia, 5* Lobelia, E 5* Lycaste, 5* Miltonia, 5* Monotropastrum, 5* Olive, B 5* Penny Plant, E 5* Penstemon, 5* Primula, E 5* Rain Lily, 5* Rainbow Rose, 5* Ranunculus, E 5* Russelia, 5* Sakura (Apron), E 5* Sandersonia, E 5* Satsuki, 5* Skullcap, 5* Snow Pea, B 5* Sweet William Catchfly, B 5* Tachibana, 5* Tea Plant, 5* Wallich's Glory Bower, 5* Winter Cherry, 5* Yamashitae |
Atk up | [For 4 allies] Increase Attack by 10% | B 5* Amur Adonis, 5* Anagallis, B 5* Asiatic Dayflower, 5* Billy Buttons, B 5* Cuphea, 5* Cypress Vine, 5* Easter Lily, B 5* Garlic Vine, B 5* Hosta, E 5* Japanese Viburnum, 5* Jumpseed, B 5* Lamium, B 5* Lampranthus, B 5* Lycaste, 5* North Pole, B 5* Primula, B 5* Rain Lily, B 5* Ranunculus, B 5* Snow Pea, B 5* Winter Cherry |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 10% | 5* Acanthus, 5* Achimenes, 5* Aeonium, 5* Almond, B 5* Anagallis, B 5* Ananas, 5* Anchusa, 5* Anemone (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), E 5* Anemone (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), B 5* Anisodontea, B 5* Anri (Rue Anemone), E 5* Apple, E 5* Apricot (Christmas), 5* Azuki Bean, E 5* Baikamo, 5* Baikamo (Halloween), E 5* Balloon Vine, 5* Barley, 5* Barrenwort, B 5* Barrenwort (Valentine), B 5* Bauera, 5* Beloperone, B 5* Billy Buttons, E 5* Bleeding Heart, 5* Blue Spiraea, 5* Blue Star, 5* Blushing Bride (Costumed Apprentice Teacher), 5* Borage, B 5* Brodiaea, 5* Buntan, B 5* Cactus (Bride of Phos), 5* Channelled Heath, 5* Cherry (June Bride), 5* Chinese Lantern, E 5* Chloranthus, E 5* Chocolate Cosmos (Swimsuit), E 5* Christmas Begonia, E 5* Christmas Cactus, E 5* Cichorium, E 5* Cleome, 5* Clove, E 5* Coneflower (Ninja), 5* Coral Flower, 5* Cowberry, E 5* Cowslip, B 5* Creeping Bugleweed, E 5* Crowea (Hotspring Yukata), E 5* Cyclamen (Radiant Princess), 5* Cymbidium (Valentine), B 5* Cypress Vine, 5* Dahlia, E 5* Dalmatian Bellflower, 5* Dancing Lady Orchid, 5* Delphinium, 5* Delphinium (Athletic Meet), 5* Dendrobium (Aspirational Youth-Caring Instructor), 5* Dendrobium (Valentine), B 5* Devil's Claw, E 5* Dragon Fruit, 5* Dragon Fruit (Halloween), B 5* Duranta (Easter), 5* Easter Cactus (Swimsuit), B 5* Ebine, 5* Echinacea, 5* Echinacea (Hotspring Yukata), E 5* Egyptian Water Lily (Maturing Conspirator), B 5* Elder Flower, E 5* Elm, E 5* Evergreen Candytuft (Christmas), E 5* False Daphne, B 5* Fan Flower, 5* Fennel, E 5* Fireweed, E 5* Flamingo Plant (Christmas), E 5* Flat Sea Holly, E 5* Flowering Dogwood (Yukata), B 5* Flowering Peach (June Bride), E 5* Flowering Rush, B 5* Forest Ghost Flower, E 5* Formosan Cherry, E 5* Gajumaru, B 5* Geranium, E 5* Ghost Weed (Christmas), 5* Ghost Weed (Princess of Pure Flower), 5* Gilia, 5* Gold Coin Daisy, E 5* Great Burnet (Maturing Strategist), E 5* Green Bell, E 5* Green Bristlegrass (Flower Festival), E 5* Hare's Ear, E 5* Heart Vine, 5* Heavenly Bamboo, 5* Heliotrope, E 5* Henna, 5* Himalayan Creeping Saxifrage, E 5* Holly (Swimsuit), E 5* Hop (Hotspring Yukata), E 5* Iris, 5* Ivy, 5* Ivy (Swimsuit), 5* Japanese Silver Grass, B 5* Japanese Viburnum, 5* Kalanchoe, B 5* Kijimushiro, E 5* King Protea, 5* Kitsune no Botan, E 5* Kiwi Fruit, 5* Kudzu, E 5* Kurinsou, 5* Lady's Sorrel, E 5* Lady's Sorrel (New Year), B 5* Lamb's Ear, 5* Lamb's Ear (Easter), E 5* Lantana, E 5* Larkspur, 5* Larkspur (Halloween), E 5* Laurentia (Ninja), E 5* Lemon, B 5* Lesser Celandine, 5* Leucophyllum, 5* Liatris, B 5* Lindernia, E 5* Lion's Ear, B 5* Lippia, E 5* Liriope, 5* Lithops, E 5* Luffa, 5* Masdevallia, E 5* Melampodium, E 5* Mint (Maturing Virtue), E 5* Money Tree, E 5* Moss Phlox, E 5* Multiflora, 5* Nasturtium, E 5* Nerine (June Bride), 5* Night Phlox (Christmas), E 5* Ornamental Kale, 5* Papyrus Sedge, 5* Peperomia, 5* Physostegia, 5* Pickerel Weed, 5* Pineapple, 5* Pinkladies (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), E 5* Pinkladies (Princess of Pure Flower), E 5* Pitcher Plant, 5* Plumed Cockscomb, E 5* Plumeria (June Bride), E 5* Poached Egg Plant, E 5* Poinsettia, 5* Poinsettia (Yukata), 5* Pomegranate, E 5* Poppy, B 5* Prune, B 5* Pulmonaria, 5* Pussy Ears, E 5* Queen of the Night, E 5* Quince, E 5* Rabbit-ear Iris, 5* Radish (New Year), E 5* Rosemary, 5* Rough Potato, E 5* Saffron (Christmas), 5* Saffron (June Bride), E 5* Saintpaulia (Costumed Carefree Aristocrat), 5* Sakaki, 5* Sawagikyou, 5* Scilla, 5* Seashore Pink, 5* Sedum, 5* Shion (Nokonngiku), 5* Showy Evening Primrose, 5* Showy Evening Primrose (Easter), B 5* Sickle-shaped Solomon's Seal, 5* Silene Coeli Rosa, B 5* Sill Plain, E 5* Skunk Vine, B 5* Smithiantha, E 5* Snake Gourd, E 5* Snapdragon (Valentine), 5* Sneezeweed (June Bride), 5* Society Garlic, E 5* Soft Windflower (Prison Island), E 5* Spoon Wood, 5* Spring Star (Maid), 5* Squirrel Tail Grass, B 5* Star Cluster, 5* Statice, 5* Straw Flower, 5* Sutera (Aspirational Sparkling Nova), 5* Tall Stewartia, E 5* Tatarian Aster, B 5* Tea Plant, E 5* Texas Bluebell, E 5* Thoroughwort, 5* Tiger Lily (Christmas), E 5* Tree Peony, 5* Treyni (Schefflera), 5* Turnip, B 5* Tutsan, E 5* Twinspur, 5* Veronica, 5* Water Dropwort, E 5* Water Hyacinth, E 5* Watercress, 5* Wax Tree, E 5* Wax Vine (Christmas), E 5* White Gaura, E 5* Winter Cosmos, 5* Wood Sorrel (Tanabata), 5* Worm Wood, 5* Worm Wood (Christmas), E 5* Yarrow, 5* Yuri Amakubo (Exstia Flora), RG 6* Agapanthus, RG 6* Asian Bleeding Heart, RG 6* Bouvardia, RG 6* Turnip Rape |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 12% | B 5* Strelitzia |
Atk up | [For 4 allies] Increase Attack by 12% | E 5* Aster, B 5* Fatsia, B 5* Lobelia, E 5* Toad Lily |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 12% | B 5* Acanthus, E 5* Aloe (Valentine), B 5* Baikamo (Halloween), B 5* Barrenwort, B 5* Calendula, B 5* Chocolate Cosmos (Swimsuit), B 5* Christmas Begonia, B 5* Coral Flower, B 5* Crimson Clover, B 5* Cyclamen (Radiant Princess), B 5* Echinacea, B 5* Egyptian Water Lily (Maturing Conspirator), B 5* Fennel, B 5* Formosan Cherry, B 5* Gerbera, B 5* Green Bristlegrass (Flower Festival), B 5* Himalayan Creeping Saxifrage, B 5* Ivy (Swimsuit), B 5* Kudzu, B 5* Lily of the Valley, B 5* Lion's Ear, B 5* Lithops, B 5* Luffa, B 5* Mint (Maturing Virtue), B 5* Moss Phlox, B 5* Nasturtium, B 5* Nightshade, B 5* Pinkladies (Princess of Pure Flower), B 5* Poppy, B 5* Pyrethrum, B 5* Queen of the Night, B 5* Showy Evening Primrose, B 5* Tall Stewartia, B 5* Texas Bluebell, B 5* Turnip, B 5* Water Dropwort, E 5* Yomena, RG 6* Brodiaea |
Atk up | [For 3 allies] Increase Attack by 13% | B 5* Gazania |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 13% | RG 6* Passion Flower |
Atk up | [For 3 allies] Increase Attack by 14% | E 5* Green Bristlegrass |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 15% | 5* Adenium, B 5* Anthurium, 5* Asian Royal Fern, E 5* Buttercup, B 5* Dimorphotheca, B 5* Fir Tree, 5* Japanese Glory Bower, 5* Shizu (White Enkianthus), 5* Spider Wort, B 5* Trifoliate |
Atk up | [For 2 allies] Increase Attack by 15% | B 5* Angelonia, 5* Annabelle, 5* Azalea (Newcomer), 5* Black Locust, 5* Blood Iris, E 5* Butterfly Bush, 5* Calla, 5* Ceanothus, 5* Cobra Lily, 5* Curry Plant, 5* Eucharis, B 5* False Helleborine, 5* Four O'Clock, 5* Gaillardia, E 5* Habanero, 5* Idsuroei, 5* Isogiku, 5* Japanese Quince, 5* Kinutasou, 5* Lacquer Tree, 5* Leschenaultia, 5* Manettia, 5* Mauritiana, 5* Mikan, 5* Mini Rose, B 5* Montbretia, B 5* Morning Star Lily, 5* Native Bryony, E 5* Pine Tree, E 5* Ping Pong Mum, E 5* Plumeria, B 5* Rabbit-ear Iris, E 5* Rhodanthe, 5* Rough Cocklebur, 5* Showy Lily, E 5* Skimmia, 5* Snakeberry, B 5* Soft Windflower, B 5* Spring Star, E 5* Sweet William, 5* Three-leaved Clematis, B 5* Tithonia, 5* Torenia, 5* Trailing Abutilon, B 5* Vinca, 5* Water Hyssop, RG 6* Alstroemeria |
Atk up | [For 3 allies] Increase Attack by 15% | B 5* Alyssum, E 5* Apple of Sodom, B 5* Belladonna, B 5* Butterfly Bush, 5* Camellia (Bride of Phos), B 5* Ceanothus, E 5* Chocolate Cosmos, B 5* Cineraria, B 5* Correa, B 5* Curry Plant, 5* Fir Tree, B 5* Gooseberry, B 5* Idsuroei, B 5* Isogiku, B 5* Japanese Chloranthus, B 5* Japanese Quince, E 5* Japanese Water Iris, E 5* Lupin, B 5* Miltonia, B 5* Multiflora, 5* Night Phlox, B 5* Ping Pong Mum, B 5* Rainbow Rose, B 5* Sakura (Apron), B 5* Skullcap, B 5* Snakeberry, 5* Snapdragon, B 5* Sweet William, B 5* Torenia, 5* Violet, 5* Wood Sorrel |
Atk up | [For 4 allies] Increase Attack by 15% | B 5* Annabelle, B 5* Easter Lily, B 5* Fuchsia, B 5* Habanero, B 5* Japanese Mugwort, B 5* Leschenaultia, B 5* Violet, B 5* Wallich's Glory Bower |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 15% | B 5* Allium, B 5* Aloe (Valentine), B 5* Anemone (Radiant Princess), B 5* Apricot (Christmas), B 5* Aster, B 5* Azuki Bean, B 5* Balloon Vine, B 5* Blue Spiraea, B 5* Buntan, B 5* Buttercup, B 5* Camellia (Bride of Phos), B 5* Candle Bark, B 5* Cattleya (Swimsuit), B 5* Cherry Sage, B 5* Chloranthus, B 5* Clove, B 5* Coral Bush (June Bride), B 5* Coral Flower (June Bride), B 5* Cosmos, B 5* Cowslip, B 5* Creeping Jenny, B 5* Creeping Smartweed, B 5* Cymbidium, B 5* Dahlia, B 5* Dalmatian Bellflower, B 5* Dancing Lady Orchid, B 5* Dragon Fruit, B 5* Easter Cactus (Swimsuit), B 5* Epidendrum, B 5* Fir Tree, B 5* Flowering Dogwood (Yukata), B 5* Flowering Rush, E 5* Formosa Lily, B 5* Fuki, B 5* German Iris (Tanabata), B 5* Gilia, B 5* Ginkgo, B 5* Globe Thistle, B 5* Hare's Tail Grass (Halloween), B 5* Heather, B 5* Heavenly Bamboo, B 5* Heliopsis, B 5* Henna, B 5* Holly (Swimsuit), B 5* Hop, B 5* Iris, B 5* Ivy, B 5* Ixora, B 5* Japanese Apricot (Yukata), B 5* Japanese Water Iris, B 5* King Protea, B 5* Kiwi Fruit, B 5* Konara, B 5* Kurinsou, B 5* Lady's Sorrel, B 5* Laurentia, B 5* Laurentia (Ninja), B 5* Lemon, B 5* Lily, B 5* Liriope, B 5* Lupin, B 5* Madagascar Periwinkle, B 5* Maple (Christmas), B 5* Masdevallia, B 5* Night Phlox, B 5* North Pole, B 5* Oregano, B 5* Pachystachys, B 5* Peach, B 5* Pine Tree, B 5* Pink (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), B 5* Pinkladies (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), B 5* Plumed Cockscomb, B 5* Plumeria (June Bride), B 5* Poached Egg Plant, B 5* Pouch Flower, B 5* Quince, B 5* Radish (New Year), B 5* Red Cat's Tail, B 5* Reeves Spirea, B 5* Rose, B 5* Rosy Lily, B 5* Rough Potato, B 5* Saffron (June Bride), B 5* Saintpaulia (Costumed Carefree Aristocrat), B 5* Sandersonia, B 5* Sawagikyou, B 5* Sedum, B 5* Seemannia, B 5* Showy Evening Primrose (Easter), B 5* Silene Coeli Rosa, B 5* Silphium, B 5* Snapdragon, B 5* Society Garlic, B 5* Soft Windflower (Prison Island), B 5* Squirrel Tail Grass, B 5* Statice, B 5* Straw Flower, B 5* Tassel Flower, B 5* Thoroughwort, B 5* Tiger Lily (Christmas), B 5* Toad Lily, B 5* Water Lily, B 5* Yarrow, B 5* Yomena, 6* Aizoon Stonecrop (Christmas), RG 6* Amaryllis, RG 6* Annabelle, E 6* Azalea, RG 6* Azalea (Newcomer), E 6* Balsam, RG 6* Bistort, RG 6* Blue Lotus, E 6* Blushing Bride, E 6* Burning Bush, E 6* Cactus (Christmas), RG 6* Carnation, RG 6* Casablanca, RG 6* Chinese Milk Vetch, E 6* Chloranthus (Christmas), RG 6* Christmas Begonia, RG 6* Cockspur Coral Tree, 6* Colchicum, 6* Coral Bush, E 6* Corn Cockle, RG 6* Cornflower, RG 6* Cyclamen, 6* Daisy (Halloween), RG 6* Dandelion, RG 6* Dragon Fruit (Halloween), E 6* Easter Cactus, RG 6* Egyptian Water Lily, RG 6* Elm, RG 6* Evergreen Candytuft (Christmas), 6* Fennel (Hotspring Yukata), RG 6* Forget-Me-Not, 6* Four O'Clock (Costumed Pyrotechnician), RG 6* Fragrant Olive, 6* Geranium (Yukata), 6* Ghost Weed, RG 6* Gladiolus, RG 6* Globe Amaranth, 6* Godetia, E 6* Golden Lace, 6* Hare's Tail Grass, E 6* Herbaceous Peony (Halloween), RG 6* Hibiscus, RG 6* Hinoki, 6* Hollyhock, RG 6* Hydrangea, E 6* Ivy (New Year), RG 6* Japanese Rowan, RG 6* Japanese Snowball Bush, RG 6* Jasmine, E 6* Jersey Cudweed, 6* Kayana, RG 6* Kijimushiro, 6* Kugaisou, RG 6* Kurenai, E 6* Lantana (Flower Festival), E 6* Lavender (Valentine), RG 6* Lilac, RG 6* Lippia, E 6* Lotus, 6* Lotus (June Bride), RG 6* Lycaste, 6* Maple (Swimsuit), RG 6* Marguerite, E 6* Milim (China Pink), 6* Mimosa, RG 6* Mint, E 6* Monkshood (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), RG 6* Morning Glory, 6* Nerine, 6* Nerine (Christmas), RG 6* Nerine (June Bride), E 6* Nightmaher (Dog's Tooth Violet), E 6* Nightshade (Halloween), E 6* Nipplewort, E 6* Purple Columbine, RG 6* Purple Pansy, RG 6* Purple Tulip, 6* Reeves Spirea (Easter), RG 6* Royal Princess, 6* Royal Water Lily, RG 6* Saintpaulia, 6* Sakura, B 6* Sakura (Swimsuit), RG 6* Salvia, RG 6* Sasanqua, 6* Scotch Broom, E 6* Shizuka Masou, RG 6* Silver Orchid, E 6* Sneezeweed (Easter), RG 6* Snowflake, RG 6* Strawberry, 6* Streptocarpus (Halloween), 6* Summer Squash, RG 6* Sunflower, RG 6* Sweet Pea, E 6* Tall Stewartia (Christmas), RG 6* Thunberg Spirea, E 6* Tree of a Thousand Stars, 6* Viola, E 6* Violet Cress, 6* Walnut, E 6* Water Lily (June Bride), E 6* Wheat, RG 6* White Clover, RG 6* White Pansy, RG 6* White Tulip, E 6* Wolf Berry, RG 6* Yellow Pansy, RG 6* Yellow Tulip, RG 6* Yulan Magnolia, RG 6* Zebrina |
Atk up | [For 2 allies] Increase Attack by 18% | B 5* Rhodanthe |
Atk up | [For 3 allies] Increase Attack by 18% | B 5* Wood Sorrel |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 18% | RG+B 6* Amaryllis, E 6* Curcuma |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 20% | B 5* Black Baccara (Easter), B 5* Buttercup, 5* Clustered Bellflower, B 5* Gold Bunny, 5* Jujube, E 5* Nolana, 5* Pontederia, 5* Purple Loosestrife, E 5* Shion (Nokonngiku), B 5* Shizu (White Enkianthus), B 5* Spider Wort, 5* Spotted Bellflower, B 5* Welwitschia, 5* Zebrina, RG 6* Alstroemeria, RG 6* Pinkladies (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady) |
Atk up | [For 2 allies] Increase Attack by 20% | B 5* Blood Iris, B 5* Brachyscome, 5* Camellia, B 5* Lavender, B 5* Mini Rose, E 5* Red Tulip, B 5* Showy Lily, B 5* Solidaster |
Atk up | [For 3 allies] Increase Attack by 20% | B 5* Apple of Sodom, B 5* Chocolate Cosmos |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 20% | B 5* Aloe, B 5* Cape Jasmine, B 5* Dendrobium (Aspirational Youth-Caring Instructor), B 5* Flamingo Plant, B 5* Glory of the Sun, B 5* Japanese Silver Grass, B 5* Jumpseed, B 5* Kitsune no Botan, B 5* Sakaki, B 5* Spilanthes, B 5* Tatarian Aster, RG 6* Abelia, 6* Acacia, 6* Aizoon Stonecrop, B 6* Aizoon Stonecrop (Christmas), RG 6* Allium, B 6* Alstroemeria (Gratitude Towards The Future), RG 6* Anagallis, RG 6* Anthurium, 6* Apricot, 6* Asian Hazel, RG 6* Asian Pogonia, RG 6* Blue Star, 6* Bluebell, RG 6* Calendula, RG 6* Camellia (Bride of Phos), B 6* Cherry, E 6* Chocolate Lily, RG 6* Clove, RG 6* Coneflower (Ninja), RG 6* Coral Flower, 6* Curcuma (Yukata), RG+B 6* Cyclamen, RG 6* Cymbidium, B 6* Daisy (Halloween), RG 6* Dalmatian Bellflower, RG 6* Dancing Lady Orchid, RG+B 6* Dandelion, RG 6* Dendrobium (Valentine), RG 6* Dimorphotheca, E 6* Dusty Miller, E 6* Dusty Miller (Christmas), RG 6* Easter Cactus (Swimsuit), E 6* Edelweiss (New Year), RG 6* Eucharis, E 6* Evergreen Candytuft, RG 6* Fennel, B 6* Fennel (Hotspring Yukata), RG 6* Flamingo Plant (Christmas), B 6* Flowering Peach, RG 6* Flowering Rush, RG 6* Forest Ghost Flower, RG+B 6* Forget-Me-Not, RG 6* Formosan Cherry, B 6* Four O'Clock (Costumed Pyrotechnician), E 6* Freesia, RG 6* Geranium, RG 6* German Iris (Tanabata), B 6* Godetia, RG 6* Gooseberry, RG 6* Green Bell, RG 6* Green Bristlegrass, RG 6* Green Bristlegrass (Flower Festival), RG 6* Harujion, RG 6* Heavenly Bamboo, RG 6* Heliopsis, B 6* Herbaceous Peony, B 6* Herbaceous Peony (Halloween), B 6* Hollyhock, E 6* Horse Chestnut, 6* Ionocidium, RG 6* Iris, E 6* Ixia, RG 6* Ixora, B 6* Japanese Anemone, RG 6* Japanese Barberry, RG 6* Japanese Water Iris, RG 6* Japanese Water Iris (June Bride), B 6* Jersey Cudweed (New Year), RG 6* Lampranthus, B 6* Lantana (Flower Festival), RG 6* Laurentia, RG 6* Lily of the Valley, E 6* Liverwort, B 6* Loquat, B 6* Lotus (June Bride), RG 6* Lupin, 6* Marsh-marigold, RG 6* Melampodium, RG 6* Monotropastrum, RG 6* Moon Vine, RG 6* Mountain Lily, RG 6* Nasturtium, B 6* Nerine (Christmas), RG 6* Night Phlox, 6* Nipplewort (New Year), RG 6* Nolana, RG 6* Novalis, B 6* Novalis (Queen of Snowflakes), E 6* Paphiopedilum, RG 6* Penstemon, 6* Peristrophe, RG 6* Plumed Cockscomb, RG 6* Plumeria, RG 6* Poinsettia (Yukata), RG 6* Prune, RG+B 6* Purple Pansy, RG+B 6* Purple Tulip, 6* Purslane, RG 6* Red Cat's Tail, B 6* Reeves Spirea (Easter), 6* Royal Water Lily (June Bride), RG 6* Saffron (Christmas), RG 6* Schizanthus, RG 6* Sea Aster, E 6* Sensitive Plant, RG 6* Shion (Nokonngiku), RG 6* Sickle-shaped Solomon's Seal, B 6* Silk Tree, RG 6* Skullcap, RG 6* Snapdragon, 6* Sneezeweed, RG 6* Snow Pea, RG 6* Spider Wort, E 6* Stock, RG 6* Straw Flower, B 6* Streptocarpus (Halloween), B 6* Sutera, RG+B 6* Sweet Pea, RG 6* Tachibana, RG 6* Texas Bluebell, RG 6* Turnip, 6* Twinspur (Maid), B 6* Viola, RG 6* Water Hyssop, RG 6* Wax Tree, RG 6* Wax Vine (Christmas), RG+B 6* White Clover, RG+B 6* White Pansy, RG 6* Winter Cherry, RG 6* Wintersweet, B 6* Wolf Berry, RG 6* Worm Wood |
Atk up | [For 4 allies] Increase Attack by 22% | 6* Herbaceous Peony, 6* Red Spider Lily, E 6* Saffron |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 22% | RG 6* Aibika, RG 6* Angelonia, RG 6* Apple of Sodom, RG 6* Blushing Bride (Costumed Apprentice Teacher), RG 6* Calla, RG+B 6* Casablanca, RG 6* Chocolate Cosmos, RG 6* Cineraria, RG 6* Coral Bush (June Bride), RG 6* Cypress Vine, RG 6* Delphinium, RG 6* Echinacea, RG+B 6* Egyptian Water Lily, RG 6* Four O'Clock, RG 6* Fuchsia, RG 6* German Iris, RG 6* Ginkgo, RG+B 6* Globe Amaranth, RG 6* Heliotrope, RG+B 6* Hibiscus, RG 6* Holly (Swimsuit), RG 6* Isogiku, RG 6* Japanese Mugwort, RG 6* Larkspur, RG+B 6* Mint, RG 6* Mint (Maturing Virtue), RG+B 6* Morning Glory, RG 6* Pachystachys, RG 6* Pussy Ears, RG 6* Ranunculus, RG+B 6* Salvia, RG+B 6* Sasanqua, RG 6* Star Cluster, RG 6* Sutera (Aspirational Sparkling Nova), RG 6* Tiger Lily, RG 6* Vinca, RG+B 6* Yellow Tulip, RG+B 6* Yulan Magnolia |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 23% | RG 6* Baikasou, RG+B 6* Bistort, RG+B 6* Cornflower |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 24% | RG+B 6* Chinese Milk Vetch, RG 6* Papyrus Sedge, RG 6* Rhoeo, RG+B 6* Snowflake, RG 6* Wood Sorrel (Tanabata) |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 25% | B 5* Redcurrant, B 5* Rosemary, RG 6* Buttercup, RG 6* Garlic Vine, RG 6* Ixora, RG 6* Spider Wort, RG 6* Winter Cherry |
Atk up | [For 2 allies] Increase Attack by 25% | RG 6* Schizanthus |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 25% | B 5* Devil in a Bush, B 5* Poinsettia, B 6* Acacia, RG 6* Achimenes, RG 6* Aloe, E 6* Alstroemeria (Gratitude Towards The Future), RG 6* Anemone (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), RG 6* Angelica, RG+B 6* Annual Blue-eyed Grass, RG 6* Apple, RG 6* Apricot (Christmas), RG 6* Avens, RG 6* Baikamo (Halloween), RG 6* Beefsteak Geranium, RG 6* Belladonna, RG 6* Beloperone, RG 6* Berzelia, RG 6* Black Baccara (Easter), RG 6* Black Locust, B 6* Bluet, RG 6* Buttercup, 6* Cactus, B 6* Cactus (Christmas), RG 6* Candle Bark, RG 6* Canna, E 6* Cattleya (Radiant Princess), RG 6* Cattleya (Swimsuit), RG 6* Chloranthus, RG 6* Christmas Cactus, RG 6* Cobra Lily, RG 6* Creeping Jenny, RG 6* Crowea (Hotspring Yukata), B 6* Crown Imperial, RG 6* Curry Plant, RG 6* Cymbidium (Valentine), 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (Bride of Phos), RG 6* Dragon Fruit, B 6* Easter Cactus, RG 6* Echinacea (Hotspring Yukata), RG 6* Elder Flower, B 6* Epidendrum (New Year), RG 6* False Daphne, RG 6* Fan Flower, RG 6* Flowering Peach (June Bride), RG 6* Garlic Vine, B 6* Geranium (Yukata), RG 6* Gerbera, RG 6* Ghost Weed (Christmas), RG 6* Ghost Weed (Princess of Pure Flower), RG 6* Hare's Tail Grass (Halloween), RG 6* Heart Vine, RG 6* Himalayan Creeping Saxifrage, RG 6* Hop, RG 6* Hop (Hotspring Yukata), 6* Hyacinth, RG+B 6* Hydrangea, RG 6* Ionocidium (Christmas), 6* Japanese Apricot, RG 6* Japanese Quince, RG+B 6* Jasmine, B 6* Kayana, RG 6* Kinutasou, RG 6* Kitsune no Botan, RG+B 6* Kurenai, RG 6* Lamb's Ear (Easter), RG 6* Lamium, RG 6* Larkspur (Halloween), RG 6* Laurentia (Ninja), RG 6* Lesser Celandine, RG 6* Liatris, RG+B 6* Lilac, RG 6* Liriope, RG 6* Lithops, E 6* Loquat, RG 6* Manettia, RG 6* Maple (Christmas), RG 6* Mauritiana, B 6* Milim (China Pink), B 6* Mimosa, RG 6* Money Tree, RG 6* Moss Rose, RG 6* Multiflora, B 6* Nipplewort, RG 6* Otogirisou, RG 6* Pineapple, RG 6* Pinkladies (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), RG 6* Pot Marigold, RG 6* Pouch Flower, RG 6* Pyrethrum, RG 6* Quince, RG 6* Rabbit-ear Iris, RG 6* Radish (New Year), RG 6* Red Tulip, RG 6* Rosemary, RG 6* Rough Potato, RG+B 6* Royal Princess, RG+B 6* Saintpaulia, RG 6* Saintpaulia (Costumed Carefree Aristocrat), RG 6* Sawagikyou, RG 6* Sedum, RG 6* Seemannia, RG 6* Shizu (White Enkianthus), RG+B 6* Silver Orchid, RG 6* Soft Windflower (Prison Island), RG 6* Squirrel Tail Grass, RG+B 6* Thunberg Spirea, RG 6* Tithonia, RG 6* Toad Lily (Swimsuit), RG 6* Torenia, RG 6* Trailing Abutilon, RG 6* Treyni (Schefflera), E 6* Usagigiku, 6* Usagigoke, 6* Usagigoke (Swimsuit), RG 6* Violet, B 6* Walnut, RG 6* White Gaura, B 6* Wolf Berry (Christmas) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 26% | RG 6* Sanvitalia, RG 6* Tall Stewartia, RG 6* Water Fringe |
Atk up | [For 3 allies] Increase Attack by 27% | 6* Cattleya |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 27% | RG 6* Alyssum, RG 6* Channelled Heath, RG 6* Pink (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), RG 6* Smithiantha, RG 6* Snakeberry |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 28% | RG 6* Amur Adonis, RG 6* Baikamo, RG 6* Ceanothus, RG 6* Delphinium (Athletic Meet), RG 6* Lantana, RG 6* Rainbow Rose |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 29% | RG 6* Lunaria |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 30% | B 5* Adenium, 5* Cassis, 5* Christmas Bush, 5* Escallonia, 5* Lisa, 5* Potato, 5* Reed, 5* See-through Lily, B 5* Snow Dragon, 5* Twinflower, RG 6* Anthurium, RG 6* Cactus (Bride of Phos), RG 6* Creeping Smartweed, RG 6* Epidendrum, RG 6* Jujube, RG 6* Nolana, RG+B 6* Silver Orchid, RG 6* Water Lily |
Atk up | [For 2 allies] Increase Attack by 30% | B 5* Camellia, 5* Sea Aster |
Atk up | [For 3 allies] Increase Attack by 30% | 6* Daisy |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 30% | B 5* Fire Lily, RG 6* Aeonium, RG 6* Almond, RG+B 6* Alstroemeria, RG 6* Anchusa, B 6* Anemone, RG 6* Anemone (Radiant Princess), RG 6* Asiatic Dayflower, B 6* Azalea, RG 6* Azuki Bean, RG 6* Balloon Flower, RG 6* Barley, RG 6* Barrenwort (Valentine), RG+B 6* Blue Lotus, RG 6* Blue Spiraea, B 6* Blushing Bride, RG 6* Borage, B 6* Burning Bush, B 6* Burning Bush (Hotspring Yukata), RG 6* Butterfly Bush, RG 6* Cactus (Bride of Phos), RG 6* Camellia, RG+B 6* Carnation, B 6* Cattleya (Radiant Princess), RG 6* China Root, RG 6* Chinese Lantern, 6* Christmas Rose, RG 6* Cleome, B 6* Colchicum, RG 6* Coral Flower (June Bride), RG 6* Cosmos, RG 6* Cranberry, B 6* Cranesbill, RG 6* Creeping Bugleweed, 6* Crepis, RG 6* Crowea, B 6* Curcuma, RG 6* Dahlia, 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (Valentine), 6* Dendrobium, RG 6* Ebine, RG 6* Echeveria, B 6* Edelweiss (New Year), RG 6* Epidendrum, B 6* Epidendrum (Swimsuit), RG 6* Fatsia, RG 6* Fireweed, RG 6* Fuki, RG 6* Gaillardia, RG+B 6* Giant Arrowhead, RG 6* Glory of the Sun, RG 6* Gourd, RG 6* Habanero, E 6* Habranthus, RG 6* Hare's Ear, E 6* Heather (Swimsuit), RG 6* Henna, RG 6* Himalayan Creeping Saxifrage (Gothic Maid), RG 6* Holly, B 6* Ionocidium, RG 6* Ivy (Swimsuit), RG 6* Japanese Apricot (Yukata), RG 6* Japanese Chloranthus, RG 6* Japanese Gentian, RG 6* Japanese Glory Bower, 6* Japanese Laurel, RG+B 6* Japanese Rowan, RG 6* Japanese Viburnum, B 6* Jersey Cudweed, RG 6* Jujube, RG 6* Jumpseed, RG 6* Kiwi Fruit, RG 6* Konara, B 6* Kugaisou, RG 6* Lady's Sorrel, RG 6* Lady's Sorrel (New Year), RG 6* Lavender, RG 6* Lemon, RG 6* Leschenaultia, RG 6* Leucophyllum, E 6* Lewisia, RG 6* Linaria, RG 6* Lion's Ear, RG 6* Lobelia, 6* Mimulus, 6* Mistletoe, RG 6* Moss Phlox, RG+B 6* Moth Orchid, B 6* Nerine, B 6* Nightmaher (Dog's Tooth Violet), B 6* Nightshade (Halloween), RG 6* Olive, RG 6* Oregano, RG 6* Peach, RG 6* Peperomia, B 6* Pickerel Weed (Christmas), 6* Pink, RG 6* Pinkladies (Princess of Pure Flower), RG 6* Pontederia, B 6* Purple Columbine, 6* Red Ginger, B 6* Red Spider Lily, RG 6* Rose, B 6* Royal Water Lily, RG 6* Saffron (June Bride), RG 6* Sakaki, RG 6* Satsuki, B 6* Scotch Broom (Christmas), B 6* Shizuka Masou, RG 6* Showy Evening Primrose, RG 6* Showy Evening Primrose (Easter), RG 6* Snake Gourd, E 6* Snow Drop, RG 6* Solidaster, E 6* Sparaxis, RG 6* Spilanthes, B 6* Stock, RG+B 6* Strawberry, RG 6* Strelitzia, B 6* Summer Squash (Swimsuit), RG 6* Three-leaved Clematis, RG 6* Tiger Lily (Christmas), RG 6* Toad Lily, B 6* Tritonia, B 6* Usagigoke, B 6* Usagigoke (Swimsuit), RG 6* Wallich's Glory Bower, RG 6* Water Hyacinth, RG 6* Water Lily, 6* Water Lily (Swimsuit), RG 6* Watercress, 6* Wax Vine, RG 6* Welwitschia, B 6* Wheat, RG 6* Wheel Lily, RG 6* Worm Wood (Christmas), RG 6* Yamashitae, RG 6* Yarrow, RG+B 6* Yellow Pansy |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 32% | RG 6* Chocolate Cosmos (Swimsuit), RG 6* Easter Lily, RG 6* Hosta, RG 6* Japanese Madder, RG 6* Kalanchoe, RG 6* Luffa, RG 6* Nightshade, RG 6* Ornamental Kale, RG 6* Pickerel Weed, RG 6* Showy Lily, RG 6* Water Dropwort |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 33% | RG+B 6* Fragrant Olive, RG 6* Kurinsou, RG 6* Physostegia, RG 6* Pitcher Plant, RG 6* Queen of the Night, RG 6* Seashore Pink, RG 6* Spring Star (Maid) |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 35% | RG 6* Anemone (Radiant Princess), RG 6* Ghost Weed (Princess of Pure Flower), 6* Japanese Apricot, RG 6* Reeves Spirea, RG 6* Snake Gourd |
Atk up | [For 2 allies] Increase Attack by 35% | 6* Kerria, 6* Maple |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 35% | RG 6* Acanthus, RG 6* Ananas, RG 6* Anemone (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), RG 6* Billy Buttons, RG 6* Brachyscome, RG 6* Buntan, RG 6* Coleus, RG 6* Correa, RG 6* Cowslip, RG 6* Crimson Clover, B 6* Daisy, E 6* Duranta, RG 6* Egyptian Water Lily (Maturing Conspirator), RG 6* False Helleborine, RG 6* Flat Sea Holly, RG+B 6* Gladiolus, RG 6* Gold Coin Daisy, RG 6* Heather, RG 6* King Protea, RG 6* Kudzu, RG 6* Lucky Bamboo, RG 6* Lunaria (Swimsuit), RG 6* Madagascar Periwinkle, RG 6* Masdevallia, RG 6* Primula, E 6* Red Spider Lily (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), RG 6* Reeves Spirea, RG 6* Rosy Lily, RG 6* Scilla, RG 6* Silphium, RG 6* Skimmia, B 6* Sneezeweed, B 6* Soapwort, RG 6* Society Garlic, RG 6* Soft Windflower, 6* Streptocarpus, RG 6* Tatarian Aster, RG 6* Tree Peony, RG 6* Tuberose, RG+B 6* Turnip Rape, RG 6* Veronica, B 6* Violet Cress, RG+B 6* Water Fringe, B 6* Water Lily (June Bride), RG 6* Winter Cosmos, RG 6* Yomena |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 38% | RG 6* False Hydrangea, RG+B 6* Zephyranthes |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 40% | 5* Melampodium, RG 6* Asian Royal Fern, RG 6* Barrenwort (Valentine), RG+B 6* Carnation, RG 6* Chinese Quince, RG+B 6* Forget-Me-Not, RG 6* Maple (Christmas), RG 6* Saintpaulia (Costumed Carefree Aristocrat) |
Atk up | [For 2 allies] Increase Attack by 40% | B 5* Sea Aster, RG 6* Blood Iris, RG 6* Montbretia |
Atk up | [For 3 allies] Increase Attack by 40% | 6* Sneezeweed |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 40% | RG 6* Aloe (Valentine), E 6* Anemone (Princess of Pure Flower), RG 6* Anisodontea, RG 6* Asian Royal Fern, RG 6* Bauera, RG 6* Blood Iris, RG 6* Chinese Quince, B 6* Christmas Rose, RG 6* Clematis, RG 6* Cowberry, E 6* Cranesbill, RG 6* Dendrobium (Aspirational Youth-Caring Instructor), RG 6* Edelweiss, RG 6* Fir Tree, RG 6* Gazania, RG 6* Gilia, RG 6* Hackberry, RG+B 6* Hinoki, RG 6* Idsuroei, RG 6* Lacquer Tree, RG 6* Lamb's Ear, RG+B 6* Marguerite, RG 6* Mertensia, RG 6* Mitsumata, RG 6* Monkshood, RG 6* Morning Star Lily, RG 6* Native Bryony, RG 6* Night Phlox (Christmas), RG+B 6* Novalis, RG 6* Penny Plant, RG 6* Pine Tree, E 6* Plum, RG 6* Poppy, RG 6* Rain Lily, RG 6* Redcurrant, RG 6* Rhodanthe, RG 6* Rough Cocklebur, RG+B 6* Sanvitalia, 6* Scotch Broom (Christmas), RG 6* Sensitive Plant (Christmas), RG 6* Skunk Vine, RG 6* Spring Star, RG 6* Sweet William, RG 6* Tea Plant, E 6* Threeleaf Arrowhead, RG 6* Twinspur, 6* Walnut (June Bride), RG+B 6* White Tulip, RG 6* Wood Sorrel |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 45% | RG+B 6* Amaryllis |
Atk up | [For 3 allies] Increase Attack by 45% | RG+B 6* Purple Pansy |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 45% | B 6* Anemone (Princess of Pure Flower), RG 6* Aster, RG 6* Bleeding Heart, RG 6* Cape Jasmine, RG 6* Creeping Smartweed, RG 6* Cuphea, RG 6* Duranta (Easter), B 6* Golden Lace, RG 6* Ivy, RG 6* Mini Rose, RG 6* North Pole, RG 6* Poached Egg Plant, RG 6* Poinsettia, B 6* Saffron, RG 6* Silene Coeli Rosa, RG 6* Sweet William Catchfly, RG 6* Tassel Flower, RG 6* Tutsan |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 50% | B 5* Armeria, 5* Artichoke, 5* South Enchanter's Nightshade, RG+B 6* Alstroemeria, RG 6* Black Baccara (Easter), RG 6* Clove, RG 6* Clustered Bellflower, RG 6* Crowea (Hotspring Yukata), 6* Dendrobium, RG 6* Flamingo Plant (Christmas), RG 6* Gajumaru, RG 6* Gold Bunny, RG+B 6* Heliconia, RG 6* Japanese Chloranthus, RG 6* Japanese Gentian, E 6* Kitsune no Botan (Valentine), E 6* Nepeta, RG 6* Peperomia, RG 6* Rosemary, 6* Verbascum |
Atk up | [For 3 allies] Increase Attack by 50% | RG 6* Mikan |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 50% | 6* Apple (Tanabata), RG 6* Barrenwort, E 6* Bush Clover, RG 6* Devil in a Bush, RG 6* Flamingo Plant, RG 6* Gajumaru, RG 6* Great Burnet (Maturing Strategist), RG+B 6* Heliconia, RG 6* Russelia, RG 6* Sandersonia, RG 6* Sneezeweed (June Bride), RG 6* Thoroughwort, 6* Viola (Yukata) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 55% | RG 6* Balloon Vine, RG 6* Devil's Claw, RG 6* Fire Lily, RG 6* Japanese Silver Grass, RG 6* Pomegranate, RG 6* Sourwood |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 60% | 6* Ash, RG 6* Dendrobium (Valentine), RG 6* Hare's Ear, E 6* Liverwort, RG 6* Melampodium, RG 6* Night Phlox, RG 6* Redcurrant, RG 6* Spotted Bellflower, RG 6* Trifoliate, B 6* Verbascum, B 6* Viburnum (Baseball) |
Atk up | [For 3 allies] Increase Attack by 60% | RG 6* Fullmoon Maple |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 60% | RG 6* Globe Thistle, B 6* Plum |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 65% | RG 6* Pickerel Weed |
Atk up | [For 2 allies] Increase Attack by 65% | 6* Black Baccara |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 70% | RG 6* Adenium, RG 6* Zebrina |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 75% | RG 6* Japanese Quince, E 6* Usagigiku |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 80% | E 6* Boronia |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 90% | B 6* Kitsune no Botan (Valentine) |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 100% | B 6* Acacia, 6* Akane, B 6* Balsam, B 6* Black Baccara, E 6* Bush Clover, B 6* Cactus, RG 6* Cassis, B 6* Cattleya, 6* Celia, 6* Chili Pepper, B 6* Chocolate Lily, RG 6* Christmas Bush, E 6* Convolvulus, B 6* Corn Cockle, 6* Digitalis, B 6* Dusty Miller, B 6* Dusty Miller (Christmas), RG 6* Escallonia, B 6* Hare's Tail Grass, B 6* Hyacinth, 6* Isogiku (Easter), B 6* Japanese Apricot, B 6* Kerria, RG 6* Lisa, B 6* Liverwort, 6* Mandarin's Hat, B 6* Maple, B 6* Maple (Swimsuit), 6* Marina Katsuragi (Exstia), B 6* Nepeta, RG 6* Potato, RG 6* Purple Loosestrife, 6* Red Spider Lily (Dress of Sparkling Passion), 6* Rye, B 6* Sakura, B 6* Sparaxis, B 6* Tall Stewartia (Christmas), B 6* Trailing Abutilon (Athletic Meet), RG 6* Twinflower, 6* Twinleaf, B 6* Usagigiku, B 6* Wheat (Christmas) |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 100% | RG 6* Snow Dragon |
Atk up | [For 2 allies] Increase Attack by 100% | RG 6* Lavender |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 110% | B 6* Chloranthus (Christmas), B 6* Japanese Silver Grass (Swimsuit) |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 120% | B 6* Iwarenge, B 6* Pink, B 6* Pinkladies, RG 6* Reed, RG 6* See-through Lily, 6* Silver Orchid (Noble Lady of Sparkling Destiny), RG 6* South Enchanter's Nightshade |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 130% | B 6* Acacia (New Year), B 6* Aizoon Stonecrop, B 6* Yarrow (Prison Island) |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 140% | B 6* Coriander |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 150% | RG 6* Artichoke, B 6* Dendrobium |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 160% | 6* Regal Lily |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by up to 10% based on one's own Affection | 5* Candle Bark, E 5* Cape Jasmine, 5* Flamingo Plant, E 5* Flowering Peach (June Bride), E 5* German Iris (Tanabata), E 5* Heather, E 5* Laurentia, 5* Star Cluster |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by up to 15% based on one's own Affection | 5* Allium, 5* Aloe, 5* Anemone (Radiant Princess), 5* Cattleya (Swimsuit), 5* Creeping Jenny, 5* Creeping Smartweed, 5* Hare's Tail Grass (Halloween), E 5* Hop, 5* Ixora, 5* Japanese Apricot (Yukata), 5* Madagascar Periwinkle, 5* Maple (Christmas), 5* Peach, 5* Pink (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), 5* Pouch Flower, 5* Reeves Spirea, 5* Tassel Flower |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by up to 20% based on one's own Affection | 6* Epidendrum (Swimsuit), 6* Flowering Peach, E 6* Pinkladies, 6* Soapwort |
Boss Dmg up | [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 5% | B 5* Nolana |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 5% | E 5* Cacao (Easter), E 5* Glory of the Snow, B 5* Rose Moss |
Boss Dmg up | [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 6% | E 5* Lacquer Tree |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 6% | B 5* Cattleya (Swimsuit), B 5* Nerine (June Bride), B 5* Pickerel Weed, B 5* Poinsettia (Yukata) |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 8% | 5* Elm, E 5* Ixora, B 5* Mint (Maturing Virtue), 5* Pyrethrum |
Boss Dmg up | [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 10% | E 5* Baikamo (Halloween), B 5* Camellia (Bride of Phos), E 5* Trifoliate, RG 6* Buckbean |
Boss Dmg up | [For 2 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 10% | E 5* Montbretia |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 10% | E 5* Baby Blue Eyes, E 5* Cactus (Bride of Phos), E 5* Camellia (Bride of Phos), B 5* Chocolate Lily (New Year), B 5* Easter Cactus (Swimsuit), B 5* Flowering Rush, B 5* Glory of the Snow, B 5* Gourd, B 5* Ixora, E 5* Sakaki, E 5* Sensitive Plant (Christmas), E 5* Soapwort (New Year), 5* Spoon Wood, RG 6* Buckbean, RG 6* Great Burnet (Maturing Strategist), RG 6* Rose Moss, RG 6* Sawagikyou, RG 6* Yarrow, RG+B 6* Yellow Tulip |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 10% | B 5* Blueberry |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 12% | 6* Apricot, 6* Black Locust (June Bride), RG 6* Candle Bark, RG 6* Comet Orchid, RG 6* Delphinium, RG 6* Green Bristlegrass, RG 6* Ixora, RG 6* Pyrethrum, RG 6* Sensitive Plant (Christmas), RG 6* Showy Lily, RG 6* Spoon Wood |
Boss Dmg up | [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 15% | B 5* Trifoliate |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 15% | RG 6* Abelia, RG 6* Anemone (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), RG 6* Azuki Bean, RG 6* Baikamo, RG 6* Cactus (Bride of Phos), RG 6* Camellia (Bride of Phos), RG 6* Cattleya (Swimsuit), RG 6* Channelled Heath, E 6* Chocolate Cosmos (Easter), RG 6* Coral Bush (June Bride), RG 6* Crowea (Hotspring Yukata), RG 6* Cyclamen (Radiant Princess), RG 6* Dancing Lady Orchid, E 6* Dusty Miller, RG 6* Easter Cactus (Swimsuit), 6* Edelweiss (New Year), RG 6* Elm, RG 6* Eucharis, B 6* Flowering Peach, RG 6* Gold Coin Daisy, RG 6* Gourd, RG 6* Green Bell, 6* Hyacinth, RG 6* Isogiku, RG 6* Japanese Water Iris, RG 6* Lacquer Tree, RG 6* Lily, RG 6* Liriope, RG 6* Lychnis, RG 6* Mint (Maturing Virtue), B 6* Monkshood (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), RG 6* Moth Orchid, RG 6* Mountain Lily, RG 6* Native Bryony, RG 6* Nerine (June Bride), RG 6* Nolana, RG 6* Otogirisou, RG 6* Pickerel Weed, RG 6* Poinsettia (Yukata), RG 6* Pot Marigold, RG 6* Russelia, RG 6* Saintpaulia (Costumed Carefree Aristocrat), RG 6* Sakaki, RG 6* Silphium, RG 6* Soapwort (New Year), RG 6* Solomon's Seal, RG 6* Three-leaved Clematis, RG 6* Toad Lily (Swimsuit), RG 6* Torenia, RG 6* Turnip, RG 6* Violet, RG 6* Worm Wood (Christmas), RG 6* Zebrina |
Boss Dmg up | [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 20% | E 5* Browallia, E 5* Christmas Bush, B 5* Cyclamen (Radiant Princess), B 5* Jujube, RG 6* Asian Royal Fern, RG 6* Buttercup, RG 6* Flamingo Plant (Christmas), RG 6* Rose Moss |
Boss Dmg up | [For 2 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 20% | RG 6* Montbretia |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 20% | RG 6* Baby Blue Eyes, RG 6* Cacao (Easter), B 6* Camellia Wabisuke, B 6* Cattleya (Radiant Princess), RG 6* Chocolate Lily (New Year), RG 6* Cuphea, RG 6* Dragon Fruit, RG 6* Fennel, RG 6* Fir Tree, RG 6* Fuki, RG 6* Glory of the Snow, B 6* Ivy (New Year), RG 6* Japanese Viburnum, RG 6* Lady's Sorrel, RG 6* Pulmonaria, RG 6* Rochea, RG 6* Rough Potato, B 6* Streptocarpus (Halloween), RG+B 6* Turnip Rape, RG 6* Wallich's Glory Bower, RG 6* Water Hyssop |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 20% | RG 6* Blueberry |
Boss Dmg up | [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 25% | 5* Sago Palm, RG 6* Baikamo (Halloween), RG 6* Camellia (Bride of Phos), E 6* Cardamine Lyrata |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 25% | 6* Acacia (New Year), RG 6* Cherry Sage, RG 6* Iris, RG 6* Santolina |
Boss Dmg up | [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 30% | B 5* Saintpaulia (Costumed Carefree Aristocrat), E 5* South Enchanter's Nightshade, RG+B 6* Buckbean, RG 6* Clove, RG 6* Crowea (Hotspring Yukata), RG 6* Jujube, RG 6* Peperomia, RG 6* Pomegranate, RG 6* Rosemary, RG 6* Zebrina |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 30% | B 6* Lotus |
Boss Dmg up | [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 35% | RG+B 6* Heliconia, RG 6* Pickerel Weed |
Boss Dmg up | [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 40% | E 5* Winter Jasmine, RG 6* Candle Bark, RG 6* Plumed Cockscomb |
Boss Dmg up | [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 45% | RG+B 6* Marigold |
Boss Dmg up | [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 50% | RG 6* Browallia, B 6* Cattleya (Radiant Princess), RG 6* Christmas Bush, RG 6* Gajumaru, 6* Iwarenge, RG 6* Japanese Quince, RG 6* Sago Palm, RG 6* Santolina, 6* Verbascum |
Boss Dmg up | [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 60% | 6* Ash, RG 6* Trifoliate |
Boss Dmg up | [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 70% | RG 6* Barrenwort (Valentine) |
Boss Dmg up | [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 80% | B 6* Balsam, B 6* Hyacinth, B 6* Iwarenge, B 6* Twinleaf, RG 6* Winter Jasmine |
Boss Dmg up | [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 90% | B 6* Ash, B 6* Maple (Swimsuit) |
Boss Dmg up | [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 96% | B 6* Chocolate Lily |
Boss Dmg up | [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 100% | E 6* Akane, B 6* Chloranthus (Christmas), B 6* Coriander, B 6* Corn Cockle, B 6* Dusty Miller, 6* Japanese Honeysuckle, B 6* Pink, RG 6* South Enchanter's Nightshade |
Boss Dmg up | [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 120% | B 6* Maple, B 6* Pumila |
Boss Dmg up | [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 130% | B 6* Sakura, B 6* Wheat (Christmas) |
Boss Dmg up | [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 150% | B 6* Pinkladies |
Boss Dmg up | [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 160% | B 6* Acacia (New Year) |
Atk up | [For 5 Magic allies] Increase Attack by 10% | 5* Shiitake |
Atk up | [For 5 Pierce allies] Increase Attack by 15% | E 5* Anemone (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams) |
Atk up | [For 5 Slash allies] Increase Attack by 20% | 5* Bougainvillea |
Atk up | [For 5 Magic allies] Increase Attack by 20% | B 5* Shiitake |
Atk up | [For 5 Pierce allies] Increase Attack by 25% | B 5* Anemone (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams) |
Atk up | [For 5 Slash allies] Increase Attack by 30% | B 5* Bougainvillea |
Atk up | [For 5 Magic allies] Increase Attack by 40% | RG 6* Shiitake |
Atk up | [For 5 Blunt allies] Increase Attack by 50% | B 6* Silk Tree (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams) |
Atk up | [For 5 Pierce allies] Increase Attack by 55% | RG 6* Anemone (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams) |
Atk up | [For 5 Slash allies] Increase Attack by 60% | RG 6* Bougainvillea |
Atk up | [For 3 allies] If the battle starts with the Light Gauge at least 100% filled, increase Attack by 12% | 5* Fuchsia, E 5* Seemannia |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] If the battle starts with the Light Gauge at least 100% filled, increase Attack by 15% | 5* Coral Bush (June Bride), E 5* Devil in a Bush |
Atk up | [For 1~5 allies, based on your Skill Level] Increase Attack by 18% | 5* Balloon Vine (Easter), 5* Beefsteak Geranium, E 5* Coneflower, 5* Firethorn, 5* Ionocidium (Christmas), E 5* Lucky Bamboo, 5* Tiger Lily, E 5* Toad Lily (Swimsuit) |
Atk up | [For 1~5 allies, based on your Skill Level] Increase Attack by 20% | B 5* Beefsteak Geranium |
Atk up | [For 1~5 allies, based on your Skill Level] Increase Attack by 25% | RG 6* Balloon Vine (Easter), RG 6* Coneflower |
Atk up | [For 1~5 allies, based on your Skill Level] Increase Attack by 30% | RG 6* Firethorn |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 3% | E 5* Cranberry |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 4% | B 5* Azalea (Newcomer), B 5* Pontederia |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 5% | 5* Blue Lace Flower, B 5* Cosmos, B 5* Cranberry, E 5* Dogwood, 5* Kentou Kanami, E 5* Linaria, B 5* Lippia, E 5* Meconopsis (Newcomer) |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 6% | B 5* Lucky Bamboo |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 8% | B 5* Baby Blue Eyes, E 5* Creeping Jenny, B 5* Ionocidium (Christmas), B 5* Reeves Spirea, B 5* Sensitive Plant (Christmas), B 5* Soapwort (New Year), B 5* Wheel Lily |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 10% | E 5* Chinese Quince, 5* Welwitschia |
Skill Dmg up | [For 2 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 10% | E 5* Fan Flower |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 10% | E 5* Aeonium, E 5* Almond, B 5* Azuki Bean, B 5* Blue Lace Flower, B 5* Cherry (June Bride), B 5* Coneflower (Ninja), B 5* Creeping Jenny, B 5* Cymbidium (Valentine), B 5* Dogwood, 5* Evergreen Candytuft (Christmas), B 5* Fan Flower, B 5* Ghost Weed (Princess of Pure Flower), B 5* Great Burnet (Maturing Strategist), B 5* Kentou Kanami, E 5* Kitsune no Botan, B 5* Linaria, B 5* Meconopsis (Newcomer), B 5* Plumed Cockscomb, B 5* Spring Star (Maid), B 5* Squirrel Tail Grass, E 5* Worm Wood, RG 6* Agave, 6* Alstroemeria (Gratitude Towards The Future), RG 6* Balloon Vine (Easter), RG+B 6* Cockspur Coral Tree, E 6* Flame Lily, 6* Freesia, 6* Ionocidium, RG 6* Lobelia, B 6* Loquat, RG+B 6* Marguerite, RG 6* Otogirisou (Baseball), RG 6* Poached Egg Plant, RG 6* Touch-me-not, E 6* Verbascum, RG 6* Verbena, RG 6* Wax Tree |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 12% | RG 6* Cineraria, RG+B 6* Cyclamen, RG 6* Sensitive Plant (Christmas), RG 6* Spring Star (Maid), RG 6* White Gaura |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 15% | B 5* Black Baccara (Easter), E 5* Jujube, E 5* Spider Wort, B 5* Squirrel Tail Grass, B 5* Worm Wood, E 6* Coriander |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 15% | E 5* Tiger's Claw, RG+B 6* Alstroemeria, RG 6* Asian Rice, RG 6* Azalea (Newcomer), RG 6* Azuki Bean, RG 6* Baby Blue Eyes, RG 6* Balloon Vine, RG 6* Belladonna, RG 6* Beloperone, RG 6* Berzelia, 6* Black Baccara, RG 6* Black Baccara (Easter), RG 6* Blueberry, 6* Cacao, B 6* Cactus (Christmas), RG 6* Calendula, RG 6* Cape Jasmine, RG 6* Cherry (June Bride), RG 6* Chocolate Cosmos (Swimsuit), RG 6* Chocolate Lily (New Year), RG 6* Coleus, RG 6* Coneflower (Ninja), E 6* Coriander, RG 6* Cosmos, RG 6* Cranberry, RG 6* Creeping Jenny, RG 6* Cymbidium (Valentine), B 6* Daisy (Halloween), RG 6* Easter Lily, RG 6* Echeveria, B 6* Edelweiss (New Year), RG 6* Elm, RG 6* Flowering Dogwood (Yukata), RG 6* Flowering Peach (June Bride), RG 6* Fuchsia, RG 6* Ghost Weed (Princess of Pure Flower), RG 6* Gilia, RG 6* Great Burnet (Maturing Strategist), RG 6* Heliopsis, RG 6* Himalayan Creeping Saxifrage (Gothic Maid), RG 6* Ionocidium (Christmas), RG 6* Kitsune no Botan, RG 6* Kurinsou, RG 6* Lampranthus, RG 6* Laurentia, RG 6* Lily of the Valley, RG 6* Linaria, RG 6* Lippia, E 6* Lotus (June Bride), RG 6* Lucky Bamboo, RG 6* Luffa, RG 6* Mandevilla, RG 6* Multiflora, RG 6* North Pole, RG 6* Penny Plant, RG 6* Plumed Cockscomb, RG 6* Pontederia, RG 6* Rabbit-ear Iris, RG 6* Radish, RG 6* Rain Lily, 6* Red Ginger, RG 6* Red Tulip, RG 6* Reeves Spirea, RG 6* Rosy Lily, RG+B 6* Royal Princess, RG+B 6* Salvia, RG 6* Sea Aster, RG 6* Shion (Nokonngiku), RG 6* Snapdragon, RG 6* Snapdragon (Valentine), RG 6* Soapwort (New Year), RG 6* Sourwood, RG 6* Spider Wort, RG 6* Straw Flower, RG+B 6* Thunberg Spirea, RG 6* Vinca, RG 6* Welwitschia, RG 6* Wheel Lily, RG 6* Winter Cherry, RG 6* Worm Wood, RG+B 6* Yellow Pansy |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 18% | B 5* Anemone (Radiant Princess) |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 20% | B 5* Jujube, E 5* Pinkladies (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), B 5* Rosemary, RG 6* Green Bristlegrass (Flower Festival), RG 6* Japanese Chloranthus, RG 6* Shion (Nokonngiku), RG+B 6* Thunberg Spirea, RG 6* Verbena, RG 6* Winter Cherry |
Skill Dmg up | [For 2 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 20% | B 5* Sea Aster, RG 6* Montbretia |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 20% | RG 6* Aeonium, RG 6* Anemone (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), RG 6* Dogwood, RG 6* Elder Flower, RG 6* Forest Ghost Flower, RG 6* Gazania, RG 6* Heather, RG 6* Kentou Kanami, RG 6* Meconopsis (Newcomer), RG 6* Moss Phlox, B 6* Nerine, 6* Pickerel Weed (Christmas), RG 6* Saffron (June Bride), RG+B 6* Sanvitalia, RG 6* Skimmia, RG 6* Tiger Lily (Christmas), 6* Wax Vine, RG 6* Winter Cosmos, B 6* Wolf Berry (Christmas) |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 25% | RG 6* Spider Wort |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 25% | RG 6* Acanthus, RG 6* Blue Lace Flower, RG 6* Tiger's Claw |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 30% | RG+B 6* Alstroemeria, RG 6* Black Baccara (Easter), RG 6* Chinese Quince, B 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (Bride of Phos), RG 6* Japanese Silver Grass, RG 6* Jujube, RG 6* Peperomia, RG 6* Reeves Spirea, RG 6* Rosemary, RG+B 6* Sanvitalia, RG 6* Touch-me-not, RG 6* Worm Wood |
Skill Dmg up | [For 2 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 30% | RG 6* Sea Aster |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 30% | RG 6* Almond, B 6* Cerastium, 6* Curcuma (Yukata), B 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (Bride of Phos), RG 6* Fan Flower, B 6* Wax Vine |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 35% | RG+B 6* Heliconia, RG 6* Squirrel Tail Grass |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 40% | B 5* Pinkladies (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), RG 6* Otogirisou (Baseball), RG 6* Saintpaulia (Costumed Carefree Aristocrat) |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 50% | RG 6* Anemone (Radiant Princess), B 6* Boronia, B 6* Convolvulus, RG 6* Japanese Quince, RG 6* Kentou Kanami, B 6* Kitsune no Botan (Valentine), RG 6* Plumed Cockscomb |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 60% | RG 6* Cassis, B 6* Dusty Miller (Christmas), B 6* Maple, B 6* Sandersonia (Halloween), E 6* Verbascum |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 70% | B 6* Verbascum |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 80% | B 6* Iwarenge, B 6* Knotweed, RG 6* Pinkladies (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), B 6* Trailing Abutilon (Athletic Meet) |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 90% | B 6* Maple (Swimsuit) |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 100% | B 6* Aizoon Stonecrop, 6* Marina Katsuragi (Exstia), E 6* Water Lily (Swimsuit), B 6* Yarrow (Prison Island) |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 120% | B 6* Black Baccara, B 6* Coriander |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 130% | B 6* Sakura |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 170% | B 6* Cattleya |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack using 20% of the party's Speed | 5* Pot Marigold |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack using 30% of the party's Speed | 5* Nodding Anemone, B 5* Pot Marigold |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack using 45% of the party's Speed | B 5* Creeping Smartweed |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack using 50% of the party's Speed | B 5* Nodding Anemone |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack using 60% of the party's Speed | B 5* Balloon Vine, B 5* Beefsteak Geranium, 5* Calendula, 5* Clover, 5* Larkspur |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack using 100% of the party's Speed | 5* Chinese Trumpet Vine |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack using 100% of the party's Speed | 6* Blushing Bride, B 6* Blushing Bride (Life Tree's Blessing), 6* Japanese Holly, 6* Japanese Silver Grass (Swimsuit) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack using 150% of the party's Speed | RG 6* Anagallis, RG 6* Balloon Vine, RG 6* Beefsteak Geranium, RG 6* Calendula, RG 6* Coral Flower (June Bride), RG 6* Creeping Smartweed, RG 6* Flat Sea Holly, RG 6* Harujion, RG 6* Larkspur, RG 6* Liriope, B 6* Nepeta, RG 6* Nightshade, RG 6* Nodding Anemone, RG 6* Pussy Ears, RG 6* Sweet William Catchfly, RG 6* Texas Bluebell |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack using 180% of the party's Speed | RG 6* Clover, RG 6* Dancing Lady Orchid, RG 6* Edelweiss, RG 6* Mandevilla, RG 6* Pot Marigold |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack using 200% of the party's Speed | B 5* Ionopsidium, RG 6* Chinese Trumpet Vine, B 6* Momiji Suzakuin |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack using 200% of the party's Speed | B 6* Blushing Bride, B 6* Hare's Tail Grass, 6* Pussy Willow (Halloween) |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack using 300% of the party's Speed | B 6* Celia, B 6* Kayana (Moon Viewing Rabbit), B 6* Pussy Willow, RG 6* Santolina |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack using 300% of the party's Speed | 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (10th Anniversary) |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack using 500% of the party's Speed | 6* Green Bristlegrass (Halloween), RG 6* Ionopsidium, B 6* Japanese Silver Grass (Swimsuit) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by how many enemies there are at the start of battle * 5% | E 5* Rochea |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by how many enemies there are at the start of battle * 7% | E 5* Cowberry, 5* Egyptian Water Lily (Maturing Conspirator), B 5* Elm, 5* Gajumaru, B 5* Mitsumata, 5* Otogirisou (Baseball), 5* Quince, E 5* Snowberry, B 5* Treyni (Schefflera) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by how many enemies there are at the start of battle * 10% | 5* Chelone, B 5* Night Phlox (Christmas), B 5* Rochea, B 5* Snowberry, B 5* Solomon's Seal, 5* Tiger's Claw, RG 6* Chocolate Cosmos, RG+B 6* Globe Amaranth, RG 6* Iris, B 6* Nightmaher (Dog's Tooth Violet), RG+B 6* Salvia, RG 6* Treyni (Schefflera) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by how many enemies there are at the start of battle * 15% | RG 6* Angelonia, RG 6* Cherry Sage (New Year), 6* Christmas Rose, RG 6* Dragon Fruit (Halloween), RG 6* Elm, RG 6* Gazania, RG 6* Ghost Weed (Christmas), RG 6* Lady's Sorrel, RG 6* Lantana, RG 6* Nerine (June Bride), RG 6* Otogirisou (Baseball), RG 6* Plumeria (June Bride), RG 6* Shizu (White Enkianthus), 6* Summer Squash (Swimsuit), RG+B 6* Yellow Pansy |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by how many enemies there are at the start of battle * 20% | RG 6* Blue Spiraea, E 6* Cacao, 6* Camellia Wabisuke, RG 6* Ceanothus, RG 6* Cowberry, E 6* Duranta, RG 6* Echinacea (Hotspring Yukata), RG 6* Edelweiss, B 6* Four O'Clock (Costumed Pyrotechnician), B 6* Hollyhock, RG 6* Japanese Water Iris, RG 6* Laurentia (Ninja), RG 6* Mitsumata, RG 6* Night Phlox (Christmas), 6* Pink, RG 6* Pulmonaria, RG 6* Snapdragon (Valentine), RG 6* Snowberry, E 6* Sparaxis, RG 6* Spoon Wood, RG 6* Statice, RG 6* Tiger's Claw |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by how many enemies there are at the start of battle * 25% | RG 6* Chelone, 6* Dracaena, RG 6* Quince, E 6* Red Spider Lily (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), RG 6* Rochea, B 6* Shizuka Masou, RG 6* Solomon's Seal |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by how many enemies there are at the start of battle * 35% | B 6* Red Spider Lily (World's Flower Shrine Maiden) |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by how many enemies there are at the start of battle * 50% | B 6* Tall Stewartia (Christmas) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 5% (Max 10%) | E 5* Japanese Water Iris (June Bride), E 5* Rough Potato (Christmas) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 5% (Max 15%) | E 5* Avens, B 5* Correa (Halloween), B 5* Nodding Anemone |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 10% (Max 20%) | B 5* Japanese Water Iris (June Bride), B 5* Rough Potato (Christmas) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 10% (Max 30%) | B 5* Red Dead Nettle, E 5* Tiger's Claw, RG 6* Multiflora, B 6* Sensitive Plant |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 10% (Max 40%) | 6* Peristrophe |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 15% (Max 30%) | RG 6* Annabelle |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 15% (Max 45%) | RG 6* Fan Flower |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 15% (Max 60%) | B 6* Henna (Christmas), RG 6* Tulsi |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 15% (Max 90%) | RG 6* Habanero |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 20% (Max 40%) | B 5* Achimenes, B 5* Barley, E 5* Channelled Heath, 5* Ebine, B 5* Green Bell, B 5* Masdevallia, E 5* Sawagikyou, RG 6* Japanese Water Iris (June Bride), RG 6* Lacquer Tree |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 20% (Max 60%) | RG 6* Avens, E 6* Cerastium, RG 6* Chinese Lantern, E 6* Cypress, RG 6* Lady's Sorrel (New Year), 6* Nipplewort (New Year), E 6* Rabbit's Foot, RG 6* Red Dead Nettle, RG 6* Sandersonia, RG 6* Tiger's Claw, RG 6* Water Dropwort (New Year), B 6* Wolf Berry (Christmas) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 20% (Max 80%) | RG 6* Billy Buttons, RG 6* German Iris (Tanabata), RG 6* Himalayan Creeping Saxifrage (Gothic Maid), RG 6* Japanese Barberry |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 20% (Max 100%) | B 6* Hemerocallis, B 6* Rabbit's Foot, RG 6* Sedum |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 25% (Max 50%) | RG 6* Adenium, RG 6* Agave, E 6* Cowslip (Maid), 6* Easter Cactus (June Bride), RG 6* Green Bell, RG 6* Lucky Bamboo, B 6* Meconopsis, RG 6* Rabbit-ear Iris, RG 6* Rough Potato (Christmas), E 6* Viburnum (Baseball), RG+B 6* White Pansy |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 25% (Max 75%) | RG 6* Pouch Flower |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 25% (Max 100%) | 6* Apple (June Bride), RG 6* Tithonia |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 25% (Max 125%) | B 6* Heart Tree |
Atk up | [For self] End of each turn, increase Attack by 30% (Max 150%) | B 6* Konagi |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 30% (Max 60%) | RG 6* Achimenes, RG 6* Ananas, RG 6* Barley, RG 6* Channelled Heath, RG 6* Cherry (June Bride), RG 6* Ebine, B 6* Herbaceous Peony (Halloween), 6* Japanese Anemone (Aspirational Relaxed Queen), RG 6* Mini Rose, RG 6* Sawagikyou, RG+B 6* Strawberry, RG 6* Toad Lily |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 30% (Max 90%) | RG 6* Masdevallia, B 6* Viburnum (Baseball), B 6* Wolf Berry |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 30% (Max 120%) | 6* Statice (Swimsuit) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 35% (Max 70%) | RG 6* Camellia, E 6* Snow Drop |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 40% (Max 80%) | 6* Mistletoe |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 45% (Max 135%) | 6* Bryonia |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 50% (Max 150%) | B 6* Bryonia |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 4% (Max 30%) | RG 6* Showy Evening Primrose (Easter) |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 5% (Max 15%) | E 5* Achimenes, B 5* Channelled Heath, 5* Smithiantha |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 5% (Max 20%) | B 5* Touch-me-not |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 10% (Max 30%) | RG 6* Achimenes, B 6* Aizoon Stonecrop (Christmas), RG 6* Apricot (Christmas), RG 6* Channelled Heath, RG+B 6* Kurenai, B 6* Lewisia, RG 6* Lithops, 6* Paphiopedilum |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 10% (Max 40%) | RG 6* Billy Buttons, RG 6* Snowberry |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 10% (Max 50%) | B 6* Flame Lily |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 15% (Max 30%) | RG 6* Rough Cocklebur, B 6* Snow Drop |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 15% (Max 45%) | RG 6* Avens, RG 6* Correa (Halloween), B 6* Cowslip (Maid), RG 6* Japanese Mugwort, RG 6* Tatarian Aster, RG 6* Viburnum, B 6* Viburnum (Baseball) |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 15% (Max 60%) | B 6* Henna (Christmas), RG 6* Monkshood, RG 6* Touch-me-not |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 20% (Max 40%) | RG 6* Azalea (Newcomer), RG 6* Clover, RG+B 6* Hydrangea, RG 6* Snow Pea |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 20% (Max 60%) | RG 6* Egyptian Water Lily (Maturing Conspirator), RG+B 6* Great Burnet, RG 6* Nodding Anemone, RG 6* Smithiantha, B 6* Tritonia |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 20% (Max 100%) | B 6* Rabbit's Foot |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 25% (Max 50%) | RG 6* Rough Potato (Christmas) |
Dmg up | [For self] End of each turn, increase Damage by 30% (Max 150%) | B 6* Konagi |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack based on enemy numbers (3: 50%, 2: 25%, 1: 10%) | B 6* Blueberry (Easter) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack based on enemy numbers (3: 7%, 2: 14%, 1: 21%) | B 5* Anchusa, 5* Angelica, 5* Christmas Cactus, E 5* Dendrobium (Valentine), E 5* Mandevilla (Valentine), B 5* Redcurrant, 5* Rose Moss, B 5* White Gaura |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack based on enemy numbers (3: 10%, 2: 20%, 1: 30%) | B 5* Angelica, B 5* Dendrobium (Valentine), 6* Chocolate Cosmos (Easter), B 6* Daisy (Halloween), RG 6* Watercress |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack based on enemy numbers (3: 15%, 2: 30%, 1: 40%) | 5* Blueberry |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack based on enemy numbers (3: 20%, 2: 30%, 1: 40%) | RG 6* Mandevilla (Valentine), RG 6* Valerian |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack based on enemy numbers (3: 15%, 2: 30%, 1: 45%) | RG 6* Aibika, RG 6* Anchusa, RG 6* Cacao (Easter), RG 6* Calla, RG 6* Cherry (June Bride), RG+B 6* Chinese Milk Vetch, RG 6* Christmas Cactus, RG 6* Comet Orchid, RG 6* Coneflower (Ninja), RG 6* Curry Plant, RG 6* Nolana, E 6* Osteospermum, B 6* Pothos, E 6* Pothos (Swimsuit), 6* Pygmy Water Lily (June Bride), RG 6* Radish, RG 6* Rose Moss, RG 6* Rugosa Rose, RG+B 6* Saintpaulia, RG+B 6* Snowflake, RG 6* Squirrel Tail Grass, 6* Trailing Abutilon (Athletic Meet), RG 6* White Gaura |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack based on enemy numbers (3: 0%, 2: 25%, 1: 50%) | B 6* Mikan (Valentine) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack based on enemy numbers (3: 20%, 2: 40%, 1: 50%) | RG 6* Blueberry |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack based on enemy numbers (3: 0%, 2: 30%, 1: 60%) | B 6* Orange (Valentine) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack based on enemy numbers (3: 20%, 2: 40%, 1: 60%) | RG+B 6* Amaryllis, B 6* Chocolate Cosmos (Easter), 6* Crown Imperial, RG 6* Flowering Rush, E 6* Konagi, RG 6* Montbretia, B 6* Nightshade (Halloween), RG 6* Redcurrant, B 6* Sensitive Plant, 6* Silk Tree (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers), RG 6* Snakeberry, B 6* Sneezeweed (Easter), B 6* Trailing Abutilon (Athletic Meet), RG 6* Winter Daphne |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack based on enemy numbers (3: 25%, 2: 50%, 1: 75%) | RG 6* Angelica, RG 6* Dendrobium (Valentine), B 6* Diamond Frost, RG 6* Turnip Rape (Young Knight of Hope) |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack based on enemy numbers (3: 50%, 2: 100%, 1: 150%) | B 6* Usagigiku |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack based on enemy numbers (3: 0%, 2: 0%, 1: 300%) | 6* Pumila |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack with more ally Attributes (1: 5%, 2: 10%, 3+: 15%) | B 5* Mandevilla (Valentine) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack with more ally Attributes (1: 10%, 2: 20%, 3+: 30%) | RG 6* Larkspur (Halloween) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack with more ally Attributes (1: 15%, 2: 30%, 3+: 45%) | RG 6* Borage, RG 6* Brachyscome, RG 6* Christmas Begonia, E 6* Evergreen Candytuft, RG 6* Kudzu, RG 6* Lippia, B 6* Nipplewort, B 6* Nipplewort (Dog Ear Poster Girl), 6* Pygmy Water Lily, RG 6* Queen of the Night, RG 6* Water Hyacinth, RG 6* Watercress (Christmas) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack with more ally Attributes (1: 20%, 2: 30%, 3+: 40%) | RG 6* Mandevilla (Valentine) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack with more ally Attributes (1: 20%, 2: 40%, 3+: 60%) | B 6* Basil, RG 6* Mandevilla |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack with more ally Attributes (1: 45%, 2: 30%, 3+: 15%) | RG 6* Exacum |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack with more ally Attributes (1: 60%, 2: 40%, 3+: 20%) | RG 6* Anemone (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack using 5% Defense Power | 5* Agapanthus, E 5* Tritonia (Christmas) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack using 10% Defense Power | B 5* Agapanthus, B 5* Mio, B 5* Tritonia (Christmas), B 5* Yuzu |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack using 20% Defense Power | RG 6* Dendrobium (Aspirational Youth-Caring Instructor) |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack using 25% Defense Power | 5* Manchineel |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack using 25% Defense Power | RG 6* Agapanthus, RG 6* Cowslip, RG 6* False Helleborine, RG 6* Fatsia, RG 6* Formosan Cherry, RG+B 6* Globe Amaranth, 6* Ixia, RG 6* Mio, RG 6* Oregano, RG 6* Pink (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), E 6* Pygmy Water Lily (June Bride), RG 6* Schizanthus, RG 6* Tritonia (Christmas), RG+B 6* Yulan Magnolia, RG 6* Yuzu |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack using 30% Defense Power | B 5* See-through Lily |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack using 30% Defense Power | B 6* Peach (Halloween) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack using 35% Defense Power | B 6* Cranesbill, 6* Hemerocallis, B 6* Queen of the Night (June Bride) |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack using 50% Defense Power | E 6* Convolvulus |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack using 70% Defense Power | RG 6* See-through Lily |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack using 75% Defense Power | B 6* Black Baccara |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack using 100% Defense Power | B 6* Castor Bean, B 6* Reese Verne (Exstia Chevalier) |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by how many allies there are at the start of battle * 2% | B 5* Lippia |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by how many allies there are at the start of battle * 2% | B 5* Brodiaea, 5* Hackberry, B 5* Kudzu, B 5* Lamb's Ear (Easter), 5* Mandevilla (Valentine) |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by how many allies there are at the start of battle * 3% | 5* Berzelia |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by how many allies there are at the start of battle * 3% | B 5* Agapanthus, 5* Tritonia (Christmas) |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by how many allies there are at the start of battle * 5% | B 5* Berzelia |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by how many allies there are at the start of battle * 5% | B 5* Tritonia (Christmas) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by how many allies there are at the start of battle * 7% | RG 6* Asian Pogonia, RG 6* Hackberry, RG 6* Kalanchoe, RG 6* Kudzu, RG 6* Lamb's Ear (Easter), RG 6* Mandevilla (Valentine), 6* Tritonia |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by how many allies there are at the start of battle * 10% | RG 6* Agapanthus, RG 6* Brodiaea, RG 6* Gourd, B 6* Milim (China Pink), RG 6* Tritonia (Christmas), RG+B 6* White Clover |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by how many allies there are at the start of battle * 12% | RG 6* Berzelia |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by how many allies there are at the start of battle * 15% | RG 6* Lippia |
Atk/Dmg up | [For self] If any ally goes below 50% HP, increase Attack by 10% and Damage by 10% | 5* Lunaria (Swimsuit) |
Atk/Dmg up | [For self] If any ally goes below 50% HP, increase Attack by 20% and Damage by 20% | B 5* Lunaria (Swimsuit) |
Atk/Dmg up | [For self] If any ally goes below 50% HP, increase Attack by 30% and Damage by 20% | 5* Crowea (Hotspring Yukata) |
Atk/Dmg up | [For self] If any ally goes below 50% HP, increase Attack by 30% and Damage by 30% | B 5* Crowea (Hotspring Yukata) |
Atk/Dmg up | [For self] If any ally goes below 50% HP, increase Attack by 50% and Damage by 35% | 6* Milim (China Pink) |
Atk/Dmg up | [For self] If any ally goes below 50% HP, increase Attack by 50% and Damage by 50% | RG 6* Crowea (Hotspring Yukata), RG 6* Lunaria (Swimsuit) |
Atk down | [For all enemies] End of each turn, reduce Attack by 20% (Max 60%) | B 6* Nipplewort (New Year) |
Skill Dmg | [For 5 Magic allies] Increase Skill Damage by 5% | E 5* Shiitake, E 5* Water Pepper |
Skill Dmg | [For 5 Pierce allies] Increase Skill Damage by 10% | E 5* Exacum, E 5* Rugosa Rose |
Skill Dmg | [For 5 Magic allies] Increase Skill Damage by 10% | B 5* Shiitake, B 5* Water Pepper |
Skill Dmg | [For 5 Pierce allies] Increase Skill Damage by 15% | B 5* Exacum, B 5* Rugosa Rose |
Skill Dmg | [For 5 Pierce allies] Increase Skill Damage by 20% | RG 6* Exacum, RG 6* Rugosa Rose |
Skill Dmg | [For 5 Magic allies] Increase Skill Damage by 40% | RG 6* Shiitake, RG 6* Water Pepper |
Skill Dmg | [For 2 Magic allies] Increase Skill Damage by 50% | E 5* East Asian Eurya |
Skill Dmg | [For 2 Magic allies] Increase Skill Damage by 65% | RG 6* East Asian Eurya |
Def up | [For self] Defend Damage Reduction by 10% | B 6* Bamboo |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 20% | B 6* Pygmy Water Lily (June Bride) |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 40% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% | E 6* Ash, B 6* Cypress, B 6* Japanese Indigo, B 6* Longstalk Holly, E 6* Plumeria (Motherly Love of Hope), 6* Queen of the Night (June Bride), B 6* Silk Tree (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers) |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 45% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% | B 6* Hemerocallis |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 50% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% | 6* Cotton, B 6* Cyclamen (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers), B 6* Queen of the Night (June Bride) |
Def down | [For all enemies] End of each turn, reduce Defense by 20% (Max 60%) | B 6* Bryonia |
Spd up | Increase the party's Speed by 50 | E 5* Belladonna, E 5* Edelweiss, E 5* Gaillardia, 5* Sweet William Catchfly |
Spd up | Increase the party's Speed by 100 | E 5* Anagallis, E 5* Calendula, 5* Chinese Trumpet Vine, E 5* Clover, E 5* Coral Flower (June Bride), E 5* Dancing Lady Orchid, 5* Flat Sea Holly, 5* Harujion, B 5* Ionopsidium, E 5* Mandevilla, E 5* Pot Marigold, B 6* Blushing Bride (Life Tree's Blessing), 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (10th Anniversary), 6* Japanese Holly, B 6* Miyako |
Spd up | Increase the party's Speed by 150 | E 5* Anthurium, E 5* Creeping Smartweed, E 5* Nightshade, E 5* Santolina, B 6* Celia, RG 6* Coral Flower (June Bride), RG 6* Cuphea, E 6* Hare's Tail Grass, RG 6* Harujion, E 6* Japanese Silver Grass (Swimsuit), B 6* Kayana (Moon Viewing Rabbit), RG 6* Larkspur, B 6* Momiji Suzakuin, 6* Nightshade (Swimsuit), RG 6* Nodding Anemone, B 6* Pussy Willow, 6* Pussy Willow (Halloween), E 6* Red Ginger, RG 6* Sweet William Catchfly |
Spd up | Increase the party's Speed by 200 | B 6* Blushing Bride, B 6* Hare's Tail Grass, RG 6* Ionopsidium, B 6* Japanese Silver Grass (Swimsuit) |
Spd down | Reduce the party's Speed by 150 | RG 6* Manuka |
Atk up | [For 3 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 10% | B 5* Madagascar Periwinkle |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 10% | 5* Impatiens, B 5* Kiwi Fruit |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 12% | B 5* Fennel |
Atk up | [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 15% | B 5* Maple (Christmas), B 5* Reeves Spirea |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 15% | B 5* Bleeding Heart, 5* Comet Orchid, E 5* Herb-of-grace, 5* Turnip Rape (Young Knight of Hope), B 5* Yarrow |
Atk up | [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 20% | B 5* Cactus (Bride of Phos), 5* Pinkladies (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 20% | B 5* Comet Orchid, 5* Dogwood, B 5* False Daphne, 5* Mountain Lily, B 5* Pomegranate |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 22% | 5* Anthurium |
Atk up | [For 2 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 25% | E 5* Vinca |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 25% | B 5* Impatiens, RG 6* Anthurium, E 6* Cattleya (Radiant Princess), RG 6* Nasturtium |
Atk up | [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 30% | RG 6* Anthurium |
Atk up | [For 2 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 30% | B 5* Vinca |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 30% | B 5* Dogwood, B 5* Herb-of-grace, B 5* Turnip Rape (Young Knight of Hope), RG 6* Comet Orchid, RG 6* Vinca |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 35% | RG 6* Flat Sea Holly, RG 6* Madagascar Periwinkle |
Atk up | [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 40% | B 5* Pinkladies (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), RG 6* Worm Wood |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 40% | RG 6* Worm Wood |
Atk up | [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 45% | RG 6* Maple (Christmas) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 45% | E 6* Diamond Frost, RG 6* Kiwi Fruit, RG 6* Turnip |
Atk up | [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 50% | RG+B 6* Alstroemeria, RG 6* Cactus (Bride of Phos), RG 6* Clove, E 6* Diamond Frost, RG+B 6* Marigold, 6* Orange, RG 6* Turnip Rape (Young Knight of Hope) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 50% | RG 6* Cactus (Bride of Phos), RG 6* Fennel, RG 6* Impatiens, 6* Kitsune no Botan (Valentine), 6* Orange, RG 6* Turnip Rape (Young Knight of Hope) |
Atk up | [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 60% | RG 6* Aloe (Valentine) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 60% | RG 6* Herb-of-grace |
Atk up | [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 70% | RG 6* Peperomia |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 70% | RG 6* Dogwood |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 75% | RG 6* False Daphne |
Atk up | [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 100% | 6* Dendrobium, RG 6* Pinkladies (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams) |
Atk up | [For 2 allies] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Attack by 15% | 5* Morning Star Lily |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Attack by 15% | 5* Rosy Lily |
Dmg up | [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Damage by 20% | RG 6* Pontederia |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Damage by 20% | RG 6* Pontederia |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Damage by 25% | RG 6* False Daphne, RG 6* Impatiens, 6* Japanese Anemone, 6* Novalis (Queen of Snowflakes), RG 6* Yomena |
Dmg up | [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Damage by 50% | E 6* Dendrobium |
Skill Rate up | [For 5 allies] [From Turn 2] Increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.1x | RG 6* Formosa Lily |
Skill Rate up | [For 5 allies] [From Turn 6] Increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.2x | B 6* Urza Pranaice |
Shine Drop up | [For 5 allies] Increase Shine Crystal Drop Rate by 5% | 4* Cornflower, 4* Zephyranthes, 5* Lunaria, B 5* Moon Vine |
Shine Drop up | [For 5 allies] Increase Shine Crystal Drop Rate by 10% | E 4* Cornflower, E 4* Zephyranthes, E 5* Acanthus, E 5* Annabelle, 5* Aster, E 5* Candle Bark, 5* Clematis, B 5* Coral Bush (June Bride), E 5* Crimson Clover, B 5* False Hydrangea, E 5* Fir Tree, 5* German Iris (Tanabata), E 5* Heavenly Bamboo, E 5* Japanese Chloranthus, B 5* Lamb's Ear (Easter), B 5* Laurentia, E 5* Lobelia, E 5* Peach, B 5* Radish, 5* Satsuki |
Shine Drop up | [For 5 allies] Increase Shine Crystal Drop Rate by 15% | B 5* Acanthus, B 5* Candle Bark, 5* Cosmos, B 5* Fir Tree |
Shine Drop up | [For 5 allies] Increase Shine Crystal Drop Rate by 20% | B 5* Peach, RG 6* Aster, RG 6* Clematis, RG+B 6* Cockspur Coral Tree, RG 6* Fir Tree, RG 6* Heavenly Bamboo, E 6* Hollyhock, RG 6* Japanese Chloranthus, RG 6* Lamb's Ear (Easter), RG 6* Laurentia, RG 6* Lobelia, RG 6* Zephyranthes |
Shine Drop up | [For 5 allies] Increase Shine Crystal Drop Rate by 25% | 5* Marlberry, RG 6* Acanthus, RG 6* Annabelle, RG 6* Candle Bark, RG+B 6* Casablanca, RG 6* Coral Bush (June Bride), RG 6* False Hydrangea, RG 6* German Iris (Tanabata), RG+B 6* Giant Leopard Plant, RG+B 6* Japanese Bindweed, RG+B 6* Jasmine, RG 6* Kinutasou, RG 6* Lindernia, RG 6* Lunaria, RG 6* Manettia, RG 6* Moon Vine, RG+B 6* Morning Glory, RG 6* Panama Queen, RG 6* Radish, RG 6* Verbena, E 6* Wax Vine |
Shine Drop up | [For 5 allies] Increase Shine Crystal Drop Rate by 30% | E 6* Cactus, RG 6* Cornflower, RG 6* Cosmos, RG 6* Crimson Clover, RG 6* Satsuki, RG+B 6* Sunflower |
Shine Drop up | [For 5 allies] Increase Shine Crystal Drop Rate by 50% | B 5* Kikuna, RG 6* Marlberry |
Shine Drop up | [For 5 allies] Increase Shine Crystal Drop Rate by 75% | E 6* Coral Bush (Life Tree's Blessing), E 6* Cyclamen (Life Tree's Blessing), RG 6* Kikuna, E 6* Sun |
Solar Dmg up | Increase Solar Drive Effect by 5% | E 3* Annual Blue-eyed Grass, E 3* Chinese Milk Vetch, E 3* Jasmine, E 3* Morning Glory, E 3* Royal Princess, 4* Casablanca, 4* Cockspur Coral Tree, 4* Dandelion, 4* Hibiscus |
Solar Dmg up | Increase Solar Drive Effect by 10% | E 4* Casablanca, E 4* Cockspur Coral Tree, E 4* Dandelion, E 4* Hibiscus, 5* Dimorphotheca |
Solar Dmg up | Increase Solar Drive Effect by 15% | E 5* Calla, B 5* Crowea, B 5* Dimorphotheca, E 5* False Hydrangea, B 5* Formosan Cherry, B 5* Heliopsis, E 5* Idsuroei, E 5* Kinutasou, E 5* Lamb's Ear, E 5* Lindernia, E 5* Lunaria, E 5* Manettia, B 5* Olive, 5* Pine Tree, B 5* Satsuki, 5* Seemannia |
Solar Dmg up | Increase Solar Drive Effect by 20% | B 5* Aloe, B 5* Chloranthus, E 5* Coral Bush (June Bride), E 5* Gerbera, B 5* Idsuroei, E 5* Ivy, E 5* Japanese Apricot (Yukata), 5* Kiwi Fruit, E 5* Lavender, E 5* Lily of the Valley, 5* Liriope, E 5* Moon Vine, E 5* Night Phlox, 5* Poinsettia, 5* Thoroughwort, E 5* Veronica, E 5* Violet |
Solar Dmg up | Increase Solar Drive Effect by 25% | 5* German Iris, B 5* Ivy, B 5* Kiwi Fruit, B 5* Liriope, B 5* Violet |
Solar Dmg up | Increase Solar Drive Effect by 30% | B 5* Coral Bush (June Bride), B 5* German Iris, B 5* Lavender, B 5* Night Phlox, E 5* Turnip |
Solar Dmg up | Increase Solar Drive Effect by 40% | E 6* Coral Bush, E 6* Flowering Dogwood, E 6* Ghost Weed, E 6* Mimosa |
Solar Dmg up | Increase Solar Drive Effect by 50% | E 6* Haru |
Solar Dmg up | Increase Solar Drive Effect by 70% | E 5* Kikuna, RG 6* Allium, RG 6* Aloe, RG 6* Annual Blue-eyed Grass, RG 6* Asian Rice, RG 6* Calla, RG 6* Casablanca, RG 6* Chinese Milk Vetch, RG 6* Chloranthus, RG 6* Clematis, RG 6* Cockspur Coral Tree, RG 6* Coral Bush (June Bride), RG+B 6* Cornflower, RG 6* Crimson Clover, RG 6* Crowea, RG 6* Dandelion, RG 6* Dimorphotheca, RG 6* False Hydrangea, RG 6* Formosan Cherry, RG 6* Gerbera, RG 6* German Iris, RG+B 6* Giant Leopard Plant, E 6* Godetia, RG 6* Heliopsis, RG 6* Hibiscus, RG 6* Idsuroei, RG 6* Ivy, RG 6* Japanese Apricot (Yukata), RG+B 6* Japanese Bindweed, RG 6* Jasmine, RG 6* Kinutasou, RG 6* Kiwi Fruit, RG 6* Lamb's Ear, RG 6* Lavender, RG 6* Lily of the Valley, RG 6* Liriope, RG 6* Lunaria, RG 6* Manettia, RG 6* Moon Vine, RG 6* Morning Glory, RG 6* Night Phlox, RG 6* Olive, RG 6* Panama Queen, RG 6* Pine Tree, RG 6* Poinsettia, RG 6* Radish, RG 6* Royal Princess, RG 6* Satsuki, RG 6* Seemannia, RG 6* Sunflower, RG+B 6* Sweet Pea, RG 6* Thoroughwort, RG 6* Turnip, RG 6* Veronica, RG 6* Violet |
Solar Dmg up | Increase Solar Drive Effect by 90% | RG 6* Kikuna |
Solar Dmg up | Increase Solar Drive Effect by 100% | B 6* Blushing Bride, B 6* Blushing Bride (Life Tree's Blessing), B 6* Cattleya (Life Tree's Blessing), B 6* Common Zinnia (Life Tree's Blessing), B 6* Coral Bush, B 6* Coral Bush (Life Tree's Blessing), 6* Cyclamen (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers), B 6* Cyclamen (Life Tree's Blessing), B 6* Dusty Miller (Life Tree's Blessing), B 6* Flowering Dogwood, B 6* Flowering Peach (Life Tree's Blessing), B 6* Ghost Weed, B 6* Godetia, B 6* Jersey Cudweed, B 6* Lemon (Fruits Fulcute), RG 6* Lindernia, 6* Longstalk Holly, B 6* Mimosa, B 6* Mimulus, B 6* Red Spider Lily (Life Tree's Blessing), B 6* Scotch Broom, B 6* Snow Drop (Life Tree's Blessing), B 6* Sutera, B 6* Sutera (Life Tree's Blessing), B 6* Viola (Yukata) |
Small Pest Dmg down | Takes 50% less Damage from small pests while moving | 5* Apple of Sodom, E 5* Coleus, 5* Japanese Water Iris, B 5* Monkshood, 5* Toad Lily, RG 6* Brodiaea |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 4% | RG 6* Cyclamen (Radiant Princess) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 5% | E 5* Asian Pogonia, E 5* Barrenwort (Valentine), E 5* Fuki |
Atk up | [For self] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 10% | B 5* Japanese Glory Bower, B 5* Wheel Lily |
Atk up | [For 2 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 10% | E 5* Schizanthus |
Atk up | [For 3 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 10% | E 5* Abelia |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 10% | B 5* Barrenwort (Valentine), 5* Cacao (Easter), E 5* Eucharis, B 5* Glory of the Snow, B 5* Hackberry, E 5* Himalayan Creeping Saxifrage (Gothic Maid), 5* Russelia, E 5* Skullcap, 5* Tachibana, E 5* Wallich's Glory Bower, 5* Wheel Lily, B 5* Winter Daphne, B 5* Wood Sorrel (Tanabata) |
Atk up | [For 3 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 12% | B 5* Canna |
Atk up | [For 2 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 15% | B 5* Schizanthus |
Atk up | [For 3 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 15% | B 5* Sakura (Apron) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 15% | B 5* Asian Pogonia, 5* Buttercup, B 5* Cacao (Easter), B 5* Cattleya (Swimsuit), B 5* Dahlia, B 5* Fuki, B 5* Lychnis, 5* Mint (Maturing Virtue), B 5* Otogirisou (Baseball), E 5* Pyrethrum, B 5* Shion (Nokonngiku), E 5* Silene Coeli Rosa, RG 6* Echinacea, RG 6* Lycaste, RG 6* Nerine (June Bride), RG 6* Rose Moss, RG 6* Saffron (Christmas), RG+B 6* Silver Orchid, RG 6* Skullcap, RG 6* Zebrina |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 18% | RG 6* Lychnis |
Atk up | [For self] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 20% | B 5* Spider Wort, B 5* Zebrina, RG 6* Pontederia, RG+B 6* Silver Orchid |
Atk up | [For 2 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 20% | E 5* Blood Iris, E 5* Showy Lily |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 20% | 5* Cherry Sage (New Year), 5* Chocolate Lily (New Year), E 5* Gourd, 5* Heliotrope (Yukata), 5* Sago Palm, B 5* Seashore Pink, RG 6* Apple of Sodom, RG 6* Canna, RG 6* Coral Flower (June Bride), RG+B 6* Dandelion, B 6* Fennel (Hotspring Yukata), RG 6* Forget-Me-Not, RG 6* Heliotrope, RG 6* Iris, RG 6* Mini Rose, RG 6* Novalis, RG 6* Otogirisou (Baseball), RG 6* Pontederia, RG 6* Pyrethrum, RG 6* Schizanthus, RG 6* Snow Pea, RG 6* Solidaster, RG 6* Spider Wort, E 6* Wheat (Christmas), RG 6* Wheel Lily, RG 6* Yarrow |
Atk up | [For 2 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 22% | B 5* Lacquer Tree, B 5* Manettia, B 5* Morning Star Lily, B 5* Native Bryony |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 22% | RG 6* Isogiku, RG 6* Poinsettia (Yukata), RG 6* Shion (Nokonngiku) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 24% | RG 6* Wood Sorrel (Tanabata) |
Atk up | [For self] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 25% | E 5* Sago Palm, E 6* Cardamine Lyrata, RG 6* Cyclamen (Radiant Princess), RG 6* Spider Wort, RG 6* Wheel Lily |
Atk up | [For 2 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 25% | B 5* Baikasou, 5* Chickweed, E 5* Otogirisou, B 5* Showy Lily, E 5* Soft Windflower, RG 6* Schizanthus |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 25% | B 5* Borage, E 5* Buntan, B 5* Fireweed, B 5* Gold Coin Daisy, B 5* Gourd, E 5* Hare's Tail Grass (Halloween), B 5* Plumeria (June Bride), 5* Red Tulip, 5* Silphium, RG 6* Asian Pogonia, RG 6* Baikasou, E 6* Baikasou (Easter), RG 6* Buttercup, RG 6* Camellia (Bride of Phos), RG 6* Dancing Lady Orchid, RG 6* Eucharis, B 6* Flowering Peach, RG 6* Hackberry, RG 6* Hop (Hotspring Yukata), B 6* Lotus (June Bride), RG 6* Manettia, RG 6* Meconopsis (Newcomer), RG 6* Mint (Maturing Virtue), RG 6* Pomegranate, RG 6* Pot Marigold, RG 6* Rough Potato, RG 6* Saintpaulia (Costumed Carefree Aristocrat), RG 6* Water Hyacinth, RG 6* Wax Vine (Christmas), RG 6* Winter Daphne, RG 6* Wintersweet |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 25% | E 5* Blueberry |
Atk up | [For 3 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 30% | E 5* Cherry Sage |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 30% | E 5* Fire Lily, RG 6* Abelia, RG 6* Asian Rice, RG 6* Barrenwort (Valentine), RG+B 6* Blue Lotus, RG 6* Buckbean, E 6* Cactus, B 6* Camellia Wabisuke, RG 6* Cattleya (Swimsuit), RG 6* Cherry Sage, RG 6* Cherry Sage (New Year), E 6* Chocolate Lily, RG 6* Dahlia, RG 6* Dalmatian Bellflower, B 6* Easter Cactus, RG 6* Fireweed, RG 6* Fuki, RG 6* German Iris, RG 6* Gold Coin Daisy, RG 6* Gooseberry, RG 6* Hare's Ear, E 6* Horse Chestnut, RG 6* Ivy (Swimsuit), B 6* Japanese Anemone, E 6* Japanese Anemone (Swimsuit), 6* Lavender (June Bride), B 6* Monkshood (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), RG 6* Plumeria (June Bride), RG 6* Sakura (Apron), B 6* Sneezeweed (Easter) |
Atk up | [For self] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 35% | RG 6* Rose Moss, RG 6* Snake Gourd |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 35% | RG+B 6* Bistort, RG 6* Buntan, RG 6* Cacao (Easter), RG 6* Calendula, RG+B 6* Cornflower, RG 6* Cymbidium (Valentine), RG 6* Glory of the Snow, RG 6* Hare's Tail Grass (Halloween), RG 6* Heliotrope (Yukata), B 6* Ivy (New Year), B 6* Lavender (Valentine), B 6* Lotus, RG 6* Mountain Lily, RG 6* Primula, RG 6* Queen of the Night, RG 6* Red Tulip, E 6* Sakura, RG 6* Seashore Pink, RG 6* Showy Lily, RG 6* Silphium, RG 6* Tachibana, RG 6* Veronica |
Atk up | [For self] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 40% | 5* Winter Jasmine, RG 6* Barrenwort (Valentine), RG+B 6* Forget-Me-Not, RG 6* Hare's Tail Grass (Halloween), RG 6* Isogiku |
Atk up | [For 2 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 40% | RG 6* Blood Iris |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 40% | RG 6* Blood Iris, RG 6* Borage, E 6* Cherry, B 6* Colchicum, B 6* Four O'Clock (Costumed Pyrotechnician), RG 6* Gaillardia, B 6* Lantana (Flower Festival), RG 6* Morning Star Lily, RG 6* Soft Windflower, B 6* Streptocarpus (Halloween), B 6* Summer Squash, RG 6* Wallich's Glory Bower |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 40% | RG 6* Blueberry |
Atk up | [For self] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 45% | RG 6* Buckbean |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 45% | RG 6* Otogirisou, B 6* Water Lily (June Bride) |
Atk up | [For self] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 50% | RG+B 6* Buckbean, B 6* Cardamine Lyrata, 6* Iwarenge, RG+B 6* Marigold, E 6* Nepeta |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 50% | 6* Blueberry (Easter), B 6* Horse Chestnut, B 6* Nightshade (Halloween), B 6* Tree of a Thousand Stars |
Atk up | [For self] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 60% | RG 6* Trifoliate |
Atk up | [For 2 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 70% | RG 6* Chickweed |
Atk up | [For self] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 80% | RG 6* Sago Palm |
Atk up | [For self] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 100% | B 6* Cactus, B 6* Cattleya (Life Tree's Blessing), B 6* Dusty Miller, B 6* Liverwort |
Atk up | [For self] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 120% | B 6* Maple, B 6* Pink |
Atk up | [For self] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 130% | B 6* Acacia (New Year), B 6* Sakura, B 6* Wheat (Christmas) |
Atk up | [For self] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 150% | 6* Akane, RG 6* Winter Jasmine |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 150% | B 6* Blue Lotus (Christmas) |
Atk up | [For self] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 160% | B 6* Pinkladies |
Atk up | [For self] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 200% | B 6* King's Cross |
Fill Light Gauge | [Start of subjugation] Fill the Light Gauge by 2% | E 3* Gladiolus, E 3* Japanese Bindweed, 4* Purple Tulip, 4* Sweet Pea |
Fill Light Gauge | [Start of subjugation] Fill the Light Gauge by 5% | E 4* Purple Tulip, E 4* Sweet Pea |
Fill Light Gauge | [Start of subjugation] Fill the Light Gauge by 10% | B 5* Calla, E 5* Clematis, B 5* Idsuroei, B 5* Lindernia, B 5* Panama Queen, 5* Radish |
Fill Light Gauge | [Start of subjugation] Fill the Light Gauge by 20% | 5* Lily of the Valley, E 5* Rose, 5* Tree Peony |
Fill Light Gauge | [Start of subjugation] Fill the Light Gauge by 30% | E 5* Allium, E 5* Cattleya (Swimsuit), B 5* Coral Bush (June Bride), E 5* German Iris, B 5* Holly (Swimsuit), B 5* Kiwi Fruit, B 5* Turnip |
Fill Light Gauge | [Start of subjugation] Fill the Light Gauge by 50% | RG 6* Acanthus, RG 6* Allium, RG+B 6* Annual Blue-eyed Grass, RG 6* Asian Rice, RG 6* Calla, RG+B 6* Casablanca, E 6* Cattleya, RG 6* Cattleya (Swimsuit), RG 6* Clematis, RG 6* Coral Bush (June Bride), RG 6* Crimson Clover, RG 6* German Iris, RG 6* Gladiolus, RG+B 6* Hibiscus, RG 6* Holly (Swimsuit), RG 6* Idsuroei, E 6* Japanese Apricot, RG 6* Japanese Bindweed, RG 6* Kiwi Fruit, RG 6* Lavender, RG 6* Lily, RG 6* Lily of the Valley, RG 6* Lindernia, RG+B 6* Morning Glory, RG 6* Night Phlox, RG 6* Purple Tulip, RG 6* Radish, RG 6* Rose, RG 6* Seemannia, RG 6* Sweet Pea, RG 6* Tree Peony, RG 6* Turnip, RG 6* Wheel Lily |
Fill Light Gauge | [Start of subjugation] Fill the Light Gauge by 100% | 6* Purple Tulip (Knight Medic) |
Fill Light Gauge | [Start of subjugation] Fill the Light Gauge by 100% | B 6* Jersey Cudweed (New Year) |
Heal Panel Effect up | Heal 2x more HP from Healing Panels | 5* Ginkgo, 5* Queen of the Night |
Heal Panel Effect up | Heal 3x more HP from Healing Panels | B 5* Asian Rice, 5* Elder Flower, E 5* Fuchsia, E 5* Holly, E 5* Japanese Glory Bower, 5* Lavender, E 5* Strelitzia |
Heal at Pest Nest | Allies Heal 10% HP when encountering a Nest Panel | E 5* Asian Rice, E 5* Black Locust, 5* Brodiaea, 5* Edelweiss, E 5* Glory of the Sun, E 5* Japanese Silver Grass, 5* Lesser Celandine, E 5* Monkshood, E 5* Rhoeo, E 5* Showy Evening Primrose, 5* Soft Windflower, 5* Sourwood, RG 6* Elder Flower, E 6* Pink, B 6* Win (Snowfield Formal Dress) |
Cannon Shots up | Encountered Cannon Panels will attack 1 more pest(s) | 5* Cape Jasmine, 5* Iris |
Atk up at Pest Nest | Increase Attack by 3% when encountering a Nest Panel (Max 12%) | 5* Japanese Gentian, 5* Monkshood |
Atk up at Pest Nest | Increase Attack by 5% when encountering a Nest Panel (Max 15%) | B 5* Black Locust, B 5* Edelweiss |
Atk up at Pest Nest | Increase Attack by 10% when encountering a Nest Panel (Max 30%) | RG 6* Black Locust |
Atk up at Pest Nest | Increase Attack by 50% when encountering a Nest Panel (Max 150%) | B 6* Common Zinnia (Thoughts of Absent Friends Swimsuit) |
Ignore Spd Panel | Ignores effects from Speed-altering Panels in maps | 4* Lilac, E 5* Amur Adonis, E 5* Cuphea, 5* Mandevilla, B 6* Christmas Rose, E 6* Nerine |
Skill Rate up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.2x | E 5* Comet Orchid, E 5* Stephanotis |
Skill Rate up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 3] Increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.2x | 5* Moon Vine, E 5* Tachibana |
Skill Rate up | [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.35x | 5* Nolana, E 5* Pontederia, E 5* Zebrina |
Skill Rate up | [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.5x | 5* Aloe (Valentine), B 5* Anthurium, 5* Cactus (Bride of Phos), E 5* Clove, E 5* Echinacea, E 5* Echinacea (Hotspring Yukata), 5* Epidendrum, E 5* Fennel, E 5* Maple (Christmas), B 5* Peperomia, B 5* Pineapple, E 5* Plumed Cockscomb, B 5* Pomegranate, E 5* Reeves Spirea, 5* Rosemary, 5* Saintpaulia (Costumed Carefree Aristocrat), 5* Snake Gourd, E 5* Squirrel Tail Grass, 5* Trifoliate, B 5* Turnip, B 5* Worm Wood, B 5* Yomena |
Skill Rate up | [For 2 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.5x | B 5* Echinacea, B 5* Nasturtium |
Skill Rate up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.65x | RG 6* Aloe (Valentine), E 6* Camellia Wabisuke, 6* Cattleya (Radiant Princess), RG 6* Comet Orchid, 6* Coriander, 6* Curcuma, 6* Diamond Frost, RG 6* Dogwood, RG 6* Echinacea, RG 6* Fennel, E 6* Four O'Clock (Costumed Pyrotechnician), RG 6* Herb-of-grace, E 6* Japanese Anemone, 6* Knotweed, RG 6* Lupin, RG 6* Nasturtium, E 6* Novalis (Queen of Snowflakes), RG 6* Pachystachys, 6* Pinkladies, 6* Purple Columbine, RG 6* Pyrethrum, E 6* Summer Squash (Swimsuit), RG 6* Tachibana, 6* Water Lily (June Bride), 6* Wheat |
Skill Rate up | [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Skill Activation Rate by 2x | RG 6* Alstroemeria, RG 6* Anthurium, RG 6* Cactus (Bride of Phos), RG 6* Clove, E 6* Convolvulus (Swimsuit), RG 6* Curry Plant, RG 6* Echinacea (Hotspring Yukata), RG 6* Epidendrum, RG 6* Heliconia, 6* Kitsune no Botan (Valentine), RG 6* Maple (Christmas), RG+B 6* Marigold, RG 6* Nolana, RG 6* Peperomia, RG 6* Pineapple, RG 6* Plumed Cockscomb, RG 6* Pomegranate, RG 6* Pontederia, RG 6* Reeves Spirea, RG 6* Rosemary, RG 6* Saintpaulia (Costumed Carefree Aristocrat), RG 6* Shion (Nokonngiku), RG 6* Snake Gourd, RG 6* Squirrel Tail Grass, RG 6* Trifoliate, RG 6* Turnip, RG 6* Worm Wood, RG 6* Yomena, RG 6* Zebrina |
Skill Rate up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Skill Activation Rate by 2x | 5* Cymbidium, B 6* Cacao, B 6* Camellia Wabisuke, B 6* Cattleya (Radiant Princess), B 6* Chloranthus (Christmas), B 6* Coral Bush, B 6* Coriander, B 6* Curcuma, B 6* Daisy, B 6* Diamond Frost, B 6* Dusty Miller (Christmas), B 6* Four O'Clock (Costumed Pyrotechnician), B 6* Hollyhock, B 6* Japanese Anemone, B 6* Knotweed, B 6* Novalis (Queen of Snowflakes), B 6* Orange, B 6* Pinkladies, 6* Plum, B 6* Purple Columbine, RG 6* Stephanotis, B 6* Summer Squash (Swimsuit), B 6* Viola, B 6* Water Lily (June Bride), B 6* Wheat |
Skill Rate up | [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Activation Rate by up to 1.1x based on one's own Affection | E 5* Hebe, 5* Sago Palm, 5* Stephanotis |
Skill Rate up | [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Activation Rate by up to 1.2x based on one's own Affection | B 5* Acanthus, 5* Agave, B 5* Allium, E 5* Aloe, E 5* Ananas, E 5* Anchusa, 5* Anemone (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), E 5* Anemone (Radiant Princess), 5* Anemone (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), B 5* Angelica, 5* Anisodontea, 5* Anri (Rue Anemone), 5* Apple, 5* Avens, E 5* Azalea (Newcomer), E 5* Azuki Bean, 5* Baby Blue Eyes, 5* Balloon Vine, E 5* Barley, B 5* Barrenwort (Valentine), B 5* Bauera, 5* Black Baccara (Easter), 5* Bleeding Heart, B 5* Blue Spiraea, B 5* Blueberry, E 5* Borage, E 5* Brodiaea, B 5* Buntan, B 5* Cape Plumbago, B 5* Carrot, B 5* Cassis, B 5* Chelone, E 5* Cherry (June Bride), E 5* Cherry Sage (New Year), B 5* Chicory, E 5* Chocolate Lily (New Year), 5* Cichorium, B 5* Cleome, B 5* Clover, 5* Coneflower (Ninja), 5* Cranberry, 5* Cyclamen (Radiant Princess), E 5* Cymbidium (Valentine), B 5* Dancing Lady Orchid, B 5* Delphinium, E 5* Devil's Claw, 5* Dill, B 5* Dragon Fruit (Halloween), E 5* Duranta (Easter), B 5* East Asian Eurya, B 5* Evergreen Candytuft (Christmas), 5* False Daphne, 5* Fire Lily, 5* Fireweed, E 5* Flamingo Plant, B 5* Flat Sea Holly, 5* Flowering Dogwood (Yukata), 5* Flowering Peach (June Bride), 5* Flowering Rush, E 5* Forest Ghost Flower, E 5* Fullmoon Maple, E 5* Garden Croton, E 5* Garlic Vine, 5* Gazania, 5* Geranium, B 5* German Iris, B 5* German Iris (Tanabata), E 5* Ghost Weed (Princess of Pure Flower), B 5* Gilia, 5* Globe Thistle, E 5* Gold Bunny, 5* Gourd, 5* Great Burnet (Maturing Strategist), 5* Gumi, 5* Habanero, E 5* Hackberry, B 5* Harujion, 5* Heart Vine, 5* Heather, B 5* Heavenly Bamboo, B 5* Heliotrope (Yukata), 5* Henna, 5* Himalayan Creeping Saxifrage (Gothic Maid), 5* Holly (Swimsuit), 5* Hop (Hotspring Yukata), E 5* Hosta, B 5* Iris, B 5* Ivy, B 5* Jack-in-the-pulpit, B 5* Japanese Chloranthus, 5* Japanese Viburnum, B 5* Japanese Water Iris, B 5* Kalanchoe, E 5* Kijimushiro, B 5* Kinutasou, E 5* Kudzu, E 5* Lady's Sorrel, E 5* Lamb's Ear (Easter), E 5* Lamium, B 5* Lantana, B 5* Larkspur, 5* Laurentia, 5* Lemon, B 5* Leucophyllum, B 5* Liatris, E 5* Lily, 5* Lippia, B 5* Liriope, 5* Lucky Bamboo, 5* Luffa, B 5* Lunaria (Swimsuit), E 5* Masdevallia, 5* Meconopsis (Newcomer), E 5* Miltonia, 5* Mitsumata, B 5* Moon Vine, B 5* Moss Rose, 5* Nerine (June Bride), E 5* Night Phlox (Christmas), E 5* Nodding Anemone, 5* Ornamental Kale, E 5* Panama Queen, B 5* Passion Flower, B 5* Peach, E 5* Physostegia, E 5* Pickerel Weed, 5* Pitcher Plant, 5* Plumeria (June Bride), B 5* Poached Egg Plant, E 5* Poinsettia (Yukata), B 5* Potato, E 5* Primula, B 5* Queen of the Night, E 5* Rainbow Rose, B 5* Red Tulip, B 5* Rose Mallow, E 5* Rough Potato, B 5* Rough Potato (Christmas), 5* Saffron (Christmas), B 5* Saffron (June Bride), B 5* Scilla, B 5* Screw Flower, E 5* Sea Aster, B 5* Seashore Aster, 5* Sensitive Plant (Christmas), E 5* Showy Baby's Breath, B 5* Showy Evening Primrose, E 5* Sill Plain, 5* Skimmia, E 5* Smithiantha, B 5* Snapdragon (Valentine), 5* Soapwort (New Year), 5* Soft Windflower (Prison Island), 5* Solidago, E 5* Sourwood, B 5* Spider Wort, E 5* Spring Star (Maid), B 5* Star Cluster, E 5* Statice, B 5* Straw Flower, E 5* Sutera (Aspirational Sparkling Nova), E 5* Tiger Lily (Christmas), 5* Tithonia, E 5* Tulsi, E 5* Tutsan, E 5* Twinflower, 5* Twinspur, B 5* Violet, E 5* Water Dropwort (New Year), B 5* Water Hyacinth, 5* Water Pepper, B 5* Water Speedwell, E 5* Watercress (Christmas), 5* Wax Vine (Christmas), E 5* Welwitschia, E 5* Wheel Lily, E 5* Winter Cherry, 5* Winter Cosmos, E 5* Wintersweet, B 5* Wood Sorrel, 5* Yarrow, E 5* Yuri Amakubo (Exstia Flora), RG 6* Abelia, RG 6* Agapanthus, 6* Alstroemeria (Gratitude Towards The Future), RG 6* Alyssum, RG 6* Amaryllis, RG 6* Anemone (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), RG 6* Angelonia, RG 6* Annabelle, B 6* Apricot, RG 6* Asian Bleeding Heart, RG 6* Asian Rice, RG 6* Asiatic Dayflower, RG 6* Aster, 6* Azalea, RG 6* Baikasou, RG+B 6* Balloon Flower, RG 6* Barrenwort, RG 6* Belladonna, RG 6* Beloperone, RG 6* Berzelia, RG 6* Billy Buttons, RG+B 6* Bistort, RG 6* Blue Lace Flower, RG+B 6* Blue Lotus, B 6* Bluebell, B 6* Blushing Bride, RG 6* Blushing Bride (Costumed Apprentice Teacher), 6* Burning Bush, B 6* Burning Bush (Hotspring Yukata), 6* Bush Clover, RG 6* Butterfly Bush, 6* Cactus (Christmas), RG 6* Calendula, RG 6* Calla, RG 6* Candle Bark, RG 6* Canna, RG 6* Carnation, RG 6* Cattleya (Swimsuit), RG 6* Ceanothus, E 6* Cerastium, B 6* Cherry, RG 6* Cherry Sage, RG 6* Chinese Quince, RG 6* Chloranthus, RG 6* Chocolate Cosmos (Swimsuit), RG 6* Christmas Cactus, RG 6* Cineraria, RG 6* Clematis, RG 6* Cobra Lily, RG+B 6* Cockspur Coral Tree, E 6* Colchicum, RG 6* Coleus, RG 6* Coral Flower, RG 6* Coral Flower (June Bride), B 6* Corn Cockle, RG 6* Cowberry, 6* Cowslip (Maid), RG 6* Creeping Bugleweed, RG 6* Creeping Jenny, RG 6* Crowea, B 6* Crown Imperial, RG+B 6* Cyclamen, RG 6* Cypress Vine, RG 6* Dahlia, B 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (Bride of Phos), RG 6* Dendrobium (Aspirational Youth-Caring Instructor), RG 6* Dendrobium (Valentine), RG 6* Devil in a Bush, RG 6* Dimorphotheca, 6* Dracaena, B 6* Duranta, RG 6* Easter Lily, B 6* Edelweiss (New Year), RG+B 6* Egyptian Water Lily, E 6* Elder Flower (Christmas), B 6* Epidendrum (New Year), B 6* Epidendrum (Swimsuit), 6* Evergreen Candytuft, RG 6* Exacum, RG 6* Fan Flower, E 6* Fennel (Hotspring Yukata), RG+B 6* Fragrant Olive, E 6* Freesia, RG 6* Gaillardia, E 6* Geranium (Yukata), RG 6* Gerbera, RG 6* Ghost Weed (Christmas), RG 6* Ginkgo, RG+B 6* Gladiolus, RG+B 6* Globe Amaranth, RG 6* Glory of the Snow, B 6* Godetia, RG 6* Gooseberry, RG 6* Green Bristlegrass, RG 6* Green Bristlegrass (Flower Festival), E 6* Habranthus, B 6* Hardenbergia, RG 6* Hare's Tail Grass (Halloween), 6* Heather (Swimsuit), RG 6* Hebe, RG 6* Heliopsis, B 6* Hemerocallis, B 6* Herbaceous Peony, RG 6* Himalayan Creeping Saxifrage, RG 6* Hop, RG 6* Idsuroei, B 6* Ionocidium, RG 6* Ionocidium (Christmas), E 6* Ixia, RG 6* Ixora, RG 6* Japanese Apricot (Yukata), RG+B 6* Japanese Bindweed, RG 6* Japanese Glory Bower, RG 6* Japanese Madder, RG 6* Japanese Mugwort, RG 6* Japanese Rowan, RG 6* Japanese Snowball Bush, RG 6* Japanese Water Iris (June Bride), 6* Jersey Cudweed, B 6* Jersey Cudweed (New Year), RG 6* Kalanchoe Pinnata, RG 6* King Protea, RG 6* Kitsune no Botan, RG 6* Kiwi Fruit, E 6* Konagi, E 6* Kugaisou, RG 6* Kurenai, RG 6* Kurinsou, RG 6* Lacquer Tree, RG 6* Lamb's Ear, RG 6* Lampranthus, RG 6* Lavender, 6* Lavender (Valentine), RG 6* Leschenaultia, E 6* Lewisia, RG 6* Lily of the Valley, RG 6* Linaria, E 6* Lion's Ear (Christmas), RG 6* Lithops, RG 6* Lobelia, RG 6* Lupin, RG 6* Madagascar Periwinkle, E 6* Maple, E 6* Maple (Swimsuit), RG 6* Marguerite, RG 6* Mertensia, B 6* Milim (China Pink), 6* Mimulus, RG 6* Mini Rose, RG 6* Mint, RG 6* Mint (Maturing Virtue), B 6* Monkshood (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), RG 6* Monotropastrum, RG 6* Montbretia, RG 6* Morning Star Lily, RG 6* Moss Phlox, RG+B 6* Moth Orchid, RG 6* Multiflora, E 6* Nemesia, B 6* Nerine (Christmas), RG 6* Night Phlox, RG 6* Nightshade, 6* Nightshade (Halloween), 6* Nipplewort, RG 6* North Pole, RG 6* Olive, B 6* Osteospermum, E 6* Pickerel Weed (Christmas), RG 6* Pink (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), RG 6* Pinkladies (Princess of Pure Flower), RG 6* Poppy, RG 6* Pot Marigold, E 6* Pothos, RG 6* Pouch Flower, RG 6* Purple Pansy, RG+B 6* Purple Tulip, RG 6* Quince, RG 6* Radish, RG 6* Rain Lily, RG 6* Ranunculus, RG 6* Red Cat's Tail, B 6* Red Spider Lily, B 6* Red Spider Lily (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), E 6* Reeves Spirea (Easter), RG 6* Rhodanthe, RG 6* Rhoeo, RG 6* Rosy Lily, RG 6* Rough Cocklebur, RG+B 6* Royal Princess, B 6* Royal Water Lily (June Bride), RG 6* Rugosa Rose, RG 6* Russelia, RG 6* Sago Palm, RG 6* Saintpaulia, RG 6* Salvia, RG+B 6* Sanvitalia, RG+B 6* Sasanqua, RG 6* Satsuki, E 6* Scotch Broom, E 6* Scotch Broom (Christmas), RG 6* Sedum, 6* Shizuka Masou, RG 6* Silene Coeli Rosa, RG+B 6* Silver Orchid, RG 6* Skunk Vine, RG 6* Snakeberry, B 6* Sneezeweed, B 6* Sneezeweed (Easter), RG 6* Sneezeweed (June Bride), B 6* Snow Drop, 6* Snow Drop (New Year), RG 6* Snowberry, RG 6* Society Garlic, RG 6* Soft Windflower, RG 6* Spilanthes, RG+B 6* Strawberry, RG 6* Strelitzia, E 6* Streptocarpus (Halloween), B 6* Summer Squash, RG+B 6* Sweet Pea, RG 6* Sweet William Catchfly, RG 6* Tall Stewartia, 6* Tarragon, RG 6* Tea Plant, RG 6* Thunberg Spirea, RG 6* Tiger Lily, RG 6* Toad Lily, RG 6* Toad Lily (Swimsuit), E 6* Trailing Abutilon (Athletic Meet), RG 6* Tree Peony, 6* Tree of a Thousand Stars, E 6* Tritonia, RG 6* Tritonia (Christmas), 6* Usagigoke, RG 6* Verbena, RG 6* Veronica, RG 6* Viburnum, RG 6* Vinca, B 6* Viola (Yukata), RG 6* Wallich's Glory Bower, E 6* Walnut, RG+B 6* Water Fringe, RG+B 6* White Clover, RG 6* White Gaura, RG 6* White Tulip, RG 6* Yamashitae, E 6* Yarrow (Prison Island), RG 6* Yellow Pansy, RG+B 6* Yellow Tulip, RG+B 6* Zephyranthes |
Skill Rate up | [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Activation Rate by up to 1.2x based on one's own Affection | RG 6* Stephanotis |
Skill Rate up | [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Activation Rate by up to 1.2x based on one's own Affection | RG 6* Blueberry |
Skill Rate up | [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.2x | B 5* Cape Jasmine, B 5* Fire Lily, B 5* Flowering Peach (June Bride), B 5* Lucky Bamboo, 6* Black Locust (June Bride) |
Skill Rate up | [For 5 allies] Based on one's own Skill Level, increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.28x~1.36x | B 5* Tiger's Claw, E 6* Acacia (New Year), RG 6* Almond, B 6* Alstroemeria (Gratitude Towards The Future), RG 6* Amur Adonis, RG 6* Anagallis, RG 6* Anemone (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), RG+B 6* Annual Blue-eyed Grass, RG 6* Apple of Sodom, 6* Asian Hazel, B 6* Azalea, RG 6* Balloon Vine (Easter), B 6* Bessera, RG 6* Black Locust, B 6* Black Locust (June Bride), E 6* Bluet (Rising Star of the Sparkling Fairyland), B 6* Boronia, E 6* Bryonia, E 6* Burdock, B 6* Cactus (Christmas), RG 6* Carrot, RG 6* Chelone, RG 6* Chocolate Cosmos, B 6* Christmas Rose, B 6* Colchicum, 6* Corbett, RG 6* Cosmos, B 6* Cowslip (Maid), 6* Cranesbill, 6* Crepis, E 6* Curcuma (Yukata), B 6* Daisy (Halloween), B 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (Valentine), B 6* Easter Cactus, RG 6* Echeveria, RG 6* Edelweiss, RG 6* Elder Flower, B 6* Fennel (Hotspring Yukata), RG 6* Fir Tree, B 6* Flowering Dogwood, RG 6* Fuchsia, B 6* Geranium (Yukata), RG 6* Globe Thistle, RG 6* Gold Coin Daisy, RG 6* Gumi, B 6* Heart Tree, RG 6* Holly, B 6* Ixia, RG 6* Jack-in-the-pulpit, E 6* Japanese Indigo, RG 6* Japanese Silver Grass, B 6* Jersey Cudweed, RG 6* Jujube, RG 6* Konara, B 6* Kugaisou, 6* Leschenaultia (Yukata), RG 6* Lesser Celandine, B 6* Lewisia, RG 6* Liatris, RG 6* Lilac, E 6* Longstalk Holly, B 6* Loquat, B 6* Lotus (June Bride), RG 6* Lychnis, RG 6* Mandevilla, B 6* Maple, B 6* Marina Katsuragi (Exstia), B 6* Mikan (Valentine), B 6* Mimosa, RG 6* Monkshood, RG 6* Moss Rose, B 6* Nerine, B 6* Nightmaher (Dog's Tooth Violet), B 6* Nightshade (Halloween), B 6* Nipplewort, E 6* Nipplewort (New Year), E 6* Peristrophe, B 6* Pickerel Weed (Christmas), B 6* Pink, RG 6* Radish (New Year), E 6* Rainbow Rose (Swimsuit), E 6* Red Ginger, B 6* Reeves Spirea (Easter), B 6* Regal Lily, RG 6* Sakaki, B 6* Scotch Broom (Christmas), RG 6* Screw Flower, B 6* Sensitive Plant, RG 6* Sickle-shaped Solomon's Seal, 6* Silk Tree (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers), RG 6* Snapdragon, RG 6* Sourwood, RG 6* Spring Star, E 6* Statice (Swimsuit), RG 6* Stokes' Aster, B 6* Streptocarpus (Halloween), 6* Sutera, B 6* Tritonia, 6* Twinspur (Maid), E 6* Usagigoke (Swimsuit), 6* Vervain, B 6* Violet Cress, B 6* Walnut, E 6* Walnut (June Bride), RG 6* Water Dropwort, B 6* Wax Vine, E 6* Wolf Berry (Christmas), RG 6* Yuri Amakubo (Exstia Flora) |
Skill Rate up | [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Skill Activation Rate by 100x | B 5* Santolina, E 6* Dendrobium, 6* Helianthus |
Evade Rate up | [For self] Increase Evade Rate by 50% | B 6* Daffodil |
Evade Rate up | [For self] Increase Evade Rate by 60% | B 6* Golden Lace, 6* Juneberry, B 6* Purslane |
Evade Rate up | [For self] Increase Evade Rate by 70% | B 6* Cypress, B 6* Juneberry, B 6* Lantana (Flower Festival), B 6* Wheat (Christmas) |
Hit Rate down | [For 2 enemies] Reduce Hit Rate by 5% | 5* Abelia, E 5* Baikasou, E 5* Chickweed, E 5* Lesser Celandine, 5* Penny Plant, B 5* Spider Lily, B 5* Tithonia |
Hit Rate down | [For all enemies] Reduce Hit Rate by 5% | B 5* Mini Rose, E 5* Pouch Flower |
Hit Rate down | [For all enemies] Reduce Hit Rate by 8% | B 5* Egyptian Water Lily (Maturing Conspirator), B 5* Lady's Sorrel, B 5* Pouch Flower, E 5* Sedum, B 5* Snowberry |
Hit Rate down | [For 2 enemies] Reduce Hit Rate by 10% | E 5* Barrenwort |
Hit Rate down | [For all enemies] Reduce Hit Rate by 10% | B 5* Lilac Squirrel, 5* Sickle-shaped Solomon's Seal |
Hit Rate down | [For all enemies] Reduce Hit Rate by 12% | RG 6* Abelia, RG 6* Annual Blue-eyed Grass, RG 6* Apricot (Christmas), RG 6* Baikasou, RG 6* Barrenwort, RG 6* Chickweed, RG 6* Cineraria, RG 6* Ebine, RG 6* Egyptian Water Lily (Maturing Conspirator), RG 6* Fullmoon Maple, RG+B 6* Hinoki, RG 6* Lesser Celandine, RG 6* Physostegia, RG 6* Pinkladies (Princess of Pure Flower), RG 6* Pouch Flower, RG 6* Sedum, RG 6* Soft Windflower (Prison Island), RG 6* Spider Lily, RG 6* Sweet William, RG 6* Tuberose, RG+B 6* White Tulip, RG+B 6* Zephyranthes |
Hit Rate down | [For all enemies] Reduce Hit Rate by 12% | RG 6* Coneflower (Ninja) |
Hit Rate down | [For all enemies] Reduce Hit Rate by 15% | E 6* Coffea, RG 6* Correa (Halloween), B 6* Evergreen Candytuft, RG 6* Globe Thistle, 6* Heart Tree, RG 6* Lady's Sorrel, RG 6* Mini Rose, RG 6* Penny Plant, RG 6* Radish (New Year), RG 6* Rain Lily, RG 6* Russelia, RG 6* Snowberry, RG 6* Tithonia, RG 6* Water Pepper, RG 6* Yamashitae |
Hit Rate down | [For all enemies] Reduce Hit Rate by 20% | 5* Vanda, B 6* Bush Clover, RG 6* Lilac Squirrel, E 6* Muscari, B 6* Red Spider Lily (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), 6* Smoke Tree, B 6* Usagigoke |
Hit Rate down | [For all enemies] Reduce Hit Rate by 20% | B 6* Angelica (Swimsuit) |
Hit Rate down | [For all enemies] Reduce Hit Rate by 30% | 5* Jack-in-the-pulpit, B 5* Kalanchoe Pinnata, 6* Digitalis, B 6* Lewisia |
Hit Rate down | [For all enemies] Reduce Hit Rate by 40% | B 6* Golden Lace |
Hit Rate down | [For all enemies] Reduce Hit Rate by 40% | B 6* Cherry |
Hit Rate down | [For all enemies] Reduce Hit Rate by 45% | B 6* Epidendrum (Swimsuit) |
Hit Rate down | [For all enemies] Reduce Hit Rate by 50% | RG 6* Sickle-shaped Solomon's Seal, RG 6* Vanda |
Hit Rate down | [For all enemies] Reduce Hit Rate by 60% | RG 6* Forest Ghost Flower, B 6* Heart Tree, RG 6* Jack-in-the-pulpit |
Negate Dmg | [For self] Negate Damage 1x | E 5* Blue Lace Flower, 5* Coleus, E 5* Correa (Halloween), 5* Glory of the Snow, B 5* Oriental Poppy, B 5* Rhoeo, B 5* Water Pepper, E 6* Thistle (Swimsuit) |
Negate Dmg | [For 2 allies] Negate Damage 1x | B 5* Apple of Sodom, B 5* Baikamo (Halloween), E 5* Blushing Bride (Costumed Apprentice Teacher), B 5* Correa (Halloween), E 5* Creeping Bugleweed, E 5* Konara, B 5* Papyrus Sedge, B 5* Sedum, E 5* Yuzu |
Negate Dmg | [For 3 allies] Negate Damage 1x | 5* Marshmallow Plant |
Negate Dmg | [For 5 allies] Negate Damage 1x | E 5* Sickle-shaped Solomon's Seal, RG 6* Aloe, RG 6* Ananas, E 6* Anemone (Princess of Pure Flower), E 6* Angelica (Swimsuit), RG 6* Apple of Sodom, B 6* Apricot, RG 6* Asian Pogonia, RG 6* Baby Blue Eyes, RG 6* Baikamo (Halloween), RG 6* Blue Lace Flower, RG 6* Blushing Bride (Costumed Apprentice Teacher), RG 6* Bouvardia, RG 6* Brachyscome, RG 6* Buntan, RG 6* Chicory, RG 6* Cleome, RG 6* Coleus, RG 6* Correa (Halloween), B 6* Cotton, B 6* Cowslip (Maid), RG 6* Creeping Bugleweed, RG+B 6* Cyclamen, 6* Epidendrum (New Year), RG 6* Flowering Dogwood (Yukata), RG 6* Giant Leopard Plant, RG 6* Glory of the Snow, B 6* Habranthus, RG 6* Heliotrope (Yukata), RG 6* Japanese Barberry, RG 6* Japanese Glory Bower, RG 6* Konara, RG 6* Lantana, 6* Lewisia, B 6* Marina Katsuragi (Exstia), RG 6* Marshmallow Plant, RG 6* Masdevallia, B 6* Mimosa, B 6* Ornithogalum, RG 6* Pachystachys, RG 6* Papyrus Sedge, RG 6* Pine Tree, B 6* Plum, E 6* Queen of the Night (June Bride), RG 6* Rhoeo, RG 6* Seashore Aster, RG 6* Sedum, RG 6* Seemannia, RG 6* Spoon Wood, RG 6* Tithonia, B 6* Tritonia, RG 6* Tutsan, E 6* Usagigoke, RG 6* Water Fringe, RG 6* Water Pepper, RG+B 6* White Clover, RG 6* White Pansy, 6* Wolf Berry, RG+B 6* Yulan Magnolia, RG 6* Yuzu |
Negate Dmg | [For 5 allies] Negate Damage 2x | B 6* Heather (Swimsuit), RG 6* Sickle-shaped Solomon's Seal |
Negate Dmg | [For self] Negate Damage 3x | 6* Cardamine Lyrata, 6* Satella, RG 6* Seashore Pink, RG 6* Sutera (Aspirational Sparkling Nova), 6* Usagigiku |
Evade Rate up | [For self] Increase Evade Rate by 55% for 2 turn(s), then by 30% afterwards | 5* Coral Flower (June Bride), 5* Japanese Water Iris (June Bride) |
Evade Rate up | [For self] Increase Evade Rate by 55% for 2 turn(s), then by 40% afterwards | E 5* Adenium, 5* Baikasou, E 5* Bouvardia, B 5* Chickweed, E 5* Cineraria, E 5* Curry Plant, 5* Eryngii, B 5* Holly, B 5* Japanese Gentian, B 5* Japanese Madder, E 5* Japanese Snowball Bush, 5* Lampranthus, E 5* Lunaria (Swimsuit), 5* Lycaste, E 5* Monotropastrum, 5* Ping Pong Mum, 5* Plumeria, 5* Rhodanthe, E 5* Sakura (Apron), 5* Sandersonia, B 5* Shizu (White Enkianthus), B 5* Trailing Abutilon, E 5* Tuberose, E 5* Water Hyssop, B 5* Yamashitae |
Evade Rate up | [For self] Increase Evade Rate by 60% for 2 turn(s), then by 30% afterwards | B 5* Checkerberry, E 5* Gumi |
Evade Rate up | [For self] Increase Evade Rate by 65% for 2 turn(s), then by 40% afterwards | B 5* Anemone (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), E 5* Angelica, 5* Baikamo, E 5* Beefsteak Geranium, B 5* Camellia (Bride of Phos), E 5* Chinese Lantern, 5* Chloranthus, B 5* Chocolate Cosmos, 5* Christmas Begonia, 5* Coneflower, E 5* Coral Flower, B 5* Creeping Jenny, B 5* Dalmatian Bellflower, B 5* Echinacea, E 5* Epidendrum, 5* Green Bristlegrass, E 5* Heliotrope, E 5* Himalayan Creeping Saxifrage, 5* Hop, B 5* Kitsune no Botan, B 5* Lady's Sorrel (New Year), 5* Laurentia (Ninja), 5* Lion's Ear, 5* Multiflora, B 5* Physostegia, 5* Poached Egg Plant, B 5* Poinsettia, B 5* Pouch Flower, E 5* Pussy Ears, 5* Rabbit-ear Iris, 5* Red Cat's Tail, B 5* Sakaki, B 5* Sawagikyou, E 5* Showy Evening Primrose (Easter), B 5* Snapdragon, E 5* Society Garlic, E 5* Star Cluster, B 5* Sutera (Aspirational Sparkling Nova), B 5* Tatarian Aster, 5* Texas Bluebell, B 5* Tiger Lily, E 5* Touch-me-not, B 5* Twinspur, B 5* Water Dropwort, 5* Water Lily, B 5* Watercress, E 5* Wood Sorrel (Tanabata) |
Evade Rate up | [For self] Increase Evade Rate by 70% for 2 turn(s), then by 40% afterwards | 6* Bluet, RG 6* Checkerberry, RG 6* Coral Flower (June Bride), E 6* Dragon Fruit (Swimsuit), RG 6* Gumi, RG 6* Ixora, E 6* Meconopsis, 6* Osteospermum, 6* Pussy Willow, 6* Water Poppy |
Evade Rate up | [For self] Increase Evade Rate by 70% for 3 turn(s), then by 40% afterwards | RG 6* Japanese Water Iris (June Bride), RG 6* Viburnum |
Evade Rate up | [For self] Increase Evade Rate by 75% for 2 turn(s), then by 40% afterwards | B 5* Camellia, B 5* Chloranthus, B 5* Crimson Clover, B 5* Glory of the Sun, B 5* Japanese Silver Grass, B 5* Lithops, B 5* Multiflora, B 5* Night Phlox, 5* Nightshade, B 5* Rabbit-ear Iris, B 5* Toad Lily, B 5* Water Lily |
Evade Rate up | [For self] Increase Evade Rate by 80% for 2 turn(s), then by 50% afterwards | RG 6* Achimenes, RG 6* Adenium, RG 6* Agave, RG 6* Aibika, E 6* Aizoon Stonecrop (Christmas), RG 6* Anemone (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), RG 6* Angelica, RG 6* Annabelle, RG 6* Apricot (Christmas), RG 6* Asian Bleeding Heart, RG 6* Baikamo, RG 6* Baikasou, RG 6* Beefsteak Geranium, RG 6* Bistort, E 6* Black Locust (June Bride), RG 6* Bleeding Heart, RG 6* Bouvardia, RG 6* Buttercup, RG 6* Camellia, RG 6* Camellia (Bride of Phos), RG 6* Chickweed, RG 6* Chinese Lantern, RG 6* Chloranthus, RG 6* Chocolate Cosmos, RG 6* Christmas Begonia, RG 6* Cineraria, RG 6* Coneflower, RG 6* Coral Flower, RG 6* Creeping Jenny, RG 6* Crimson Clover, RG 6* Curry Plant, 6* Cypress, RG 6* Dalmatian Bellflower, RG 6* Delphinium (Athletic Meet), RG 6* Devil in a Bush, RG 6* Devil's Claw, RG 6* Echinacea, RG 6* Egyptian Water Lily (Maturing Conspirator), RG 6* Epidendrum, RG 6* Eryngii, RG 6* Evergreen Candytuft (Christmas), RG 6* Flamingo Plant, RG+B 6* Forget-Me-Not, RG 6* Garlic Vine, RG 6* German Iris (Tanabata), RG 6* Giant Leopard Plant, RG 6* Glory of the Sun, 6* Golden Lace, RG 6* Green Bristlegrass, RG 6* Heart Vine, RG 6* Heliotrope, RG 6* Henna, E 6* Herbaceous Peony, RG 6* Himalayan Creeping Saxifrage, RG 6* Holly, RG 6* Hop, E 6* Ionocidium, RG 6* Japanese Chloranthus, RG 6* Japanese Gentian, RG 6* Japanese Madder, RG 6* Japanese Silver Grass, RG 6* Japanese Snowball Bush, RG 6* Jumpseed, RG 6* Kitsune no Botan, RG 6* Lady's Sorrel (New Year), RG 6* Lampranthus, RG 6* Laurentia (Ninja), RG 6* Leschenaultia, RG 6* Lion's Ear, RG 6* Lithops, RG 6* Lunaria (Swimsuit), RG 6* Lycaste, RG 6* Marigold, RG+B 6* Mint, RG 6* Monotropastrum, RG 6* Multiflora, 6* Nepeta, RG 6* Night Phlox, 6* Nightmaher (Dog's Tooth Violet), RG 6* Nightshade, RG 6* Physostegia, RG 6* Pinkladies (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), RG 6* Plumeria, RG 6* Poached Egg Plant, RG 6* Poinsettia, RG 6* Pouch Flower, E 6* Purslane, RG 6* Pussy Ears, RG 6* Rabbit-ear Iris, RG 6* Red Cat's Tail, E 6* Red Spider Lily, RG 6* Rhodanthe, E 6* Royal Water Lily (June Bride), 6* Saffron, RG 6* Saffron (Christmas), RG 6* Sakaki, RG 6* Sandersonia, 6* Sandersonia (Halloween), RG 6* Sasanqua, RG 6* Sawagikyou, RG 6* Shizu (White Enkianthus), RG 6* Showy Evening Primrose (Easter), RG 6* Snapdragon, RG 6* Society Garlic, RG 6* Star Cluster, E 6* Summer Squash, RG 6* Sutera (Aspirational Sparkling Nova), RG 6* Tatarian Aster, RG 6* Texas Bluebell, RG 6* Tiger Lily, RG 6* Toad Lily, RG 6* Touch-me-not, RG 6* Trailing Abutilon, RG 6* Tuberose, RG 6* Twinspur, 6* Viburnum (Baseball), RG 6* Water Dropwort, RG 6* Water Dropwort (New Year), RG 6* Water Hyssop, RG 6* Water Lily, RG 6* Watercress, 6* Wheat (Christmas), RG 6* Wood Sorrel (Tanabata), RG 6* Yamashitae |
Skill Rate up | [For self] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.2x | E 5* Westringia |
Skill Rate up | [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.35x | E 5* Siebold's Primrose |
Skill Rate up | [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.38x | B 5* Winged Everlasting |
Skill Rate up | [For self] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.5x | E 5* Marshmallow Plant |
Skill Rate up | [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.5x | E 6* Euryops Daisy, 6* Frost Aster, E 6* Meconopsis (Swimsuit), RG 6* Miltonia, RG 6* Siebold's Primrose, RG 6* Westringia, RG 6* Winged Everlasting |
Skill Rate up | [For self] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Skill Activation Rate by 2x | RG 6* Adenium, B 6* Castor Bean, 6* Convolvulus, B 6* Isogiku (Easter), E 6* Japanese Andromeda, E 6* Kitsune no Botan (Valentine), B 6* Luluna (Scaly Hydrangea), RG 6* Marshmallow Plant, B 6* Plumeria (Motherly Love of Hope), RG 6* Reeves Spirea, RG 6* Rosemary, RG 6* Squirrel Tail Grass, B 6* Thistle |
Skill Rate up | [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Skill Activation Rate by 2x | E 6* Anemone (June Bride), RG 6* Baikamo (Halloween), E 6* Beelzebub, 6* Black Baccara (Christmas), B 6* Cardamine Lyrata, RG 6* Chickweed, E 6* Cotton, E 6* Crepis (Witch of Light), B 6* Cyclamen (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers), B 6* Cymbidium (Cat Ear Maid), E 6* Flame Lily, B 6* Hyacinth (New Year), RG+B 6* Hydrangea, B 6* Japanese Anemone (Aspirational Relaxed Queen), B 6* Kitsune no Botan (Valentine), 6* Meconopsis, RG 6* Mio, E 6* Ornithogalum, E 6* Queen of the Night (Peach Blossom Spring Vigilante Corps), E 6* Red Spider Lily (Maid of Sad Memories), E 6* Rose (Hotspring Yukata), B 6* Royal Water Lily, E 6* Satella, E 6* Spring Star (Parallel Academy), E 6* Streptocarpus, E 6* Thistle (Swimsuit), E 6* Turep, 6* Viola (New Year) |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 4% | RG 6* Showy Evening Primrose (Easter) |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 5% | E 5* Hemlock |
Dmg up | [For self] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 10% | B 5* Dragon Tree |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 10% | B 5* Hemlock, E 5* Red Dead Nettle |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 15% | B 5* Red Dead Nettle |
Dmg up | [For self] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 20% | RG 6* Dragon Tree |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 20% | B 6* Flame Lily |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 30% | RG 6* Evergreen Candytuft (Christmas), RG 6* Habanero, RG 6* Hemlock, B 6* Japanese Anemone (Aspirational Relaxed Queen), RG 6* Japanese Glory Bower, RG 6* Japanese Water Iris (June Bride), RG 6* Lobelia, RG+B 6* Novalis, RG 6* Red Dead Nettle, RG 6* Rhoeo, B 6* Satella, RG 6* Skullcap |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 35% | RG 6* Alyssum, E 6* Blackberry, 6* Stock |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 40% | B 6* Blackberry |
Dmg up | [For self] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 50% | 6* Monkshood (June Bride), RG 6* Sawagikyou |
Dmg up | [For self] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 100% | 6* Convolvulus, B 6* Thistle |
Evade Rate up | [For 5 allies] Increase Evade Rate by 5% | B 5* Blue Lace Flower |
Evade Rate up | [For 5 allies] Increase Evade Rate by 10% | 6* Blackberry, RG 6* Blue Lace Flower, 6* Cypress, 6* Juneberry, E 6* Nicotiana, B 6* Purslane |
Evade Rate up | [For self] Increase Evade Rate by 50% | B 5* Manchineel |
Atk up | [For self] After you Evade 3x, increase Attack by 200%, Act Again Rate by 100%, and Evade Rate by 20% | E 6* Pussy Willow |
Atk up | [For self] After you Evade 5x, increase Attack by 300%, Skill Activation Rate by 2x, Act Again Rate by 100%, and Evade Rate by 20% | E 6* Sandersonia (Halloween) |
Atk up | [For self] After you Evade 5x, increase Attack by 400%, Skill Activation Rate by 2x, Act Again Rate by 100%, and Evade Rate by 20% | B 6* Sandersonia (Halloween) |
Create Heal Panels | [Start of subjugation] Change 2~3 Normal Panels into Healing Panels | 5* Chocolate Cosmos, 5* Chocolate Cosmos (Swimsuit), 5* Lantana, 5* Snapdragon (Valentine) |
Create Altar Panels | [Start of subjugation] Change 3~4 Normal Panels into Altar Panels | 5* Asian Rice, 5* Crimson Clover, 5* Devil in a Bush, E 5* Dimorphotheca, E 5* Kikuna, E 5* Straw Flower, B 6* Cattleya (Matured Charming Bride), E 6* Cyclamen (Life Tree's Blessing), RG+B 6* Hibiscus, RG 6* Lindernia, B 6* Sun, RG+B 6* Sunflower |
Create Rainbow Panels | [Start of subjugation] Change 3 Normal Panels into Rainbow Panels. When passed through, increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.1x and Heal HP for all parties | 6* Lantana (Flower Festival) |
Create Rainbow Panels | [Start of subjugation] Change 3 Normal Panels into Rainbow Panels. When passed through, increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.1x and Heal HP for all parties | B 6* Chocolate Cosmos (Easter) |
Create Gold Panels | [Start of subjugation] Change 4~5 Normal Panels into Gold Panels | B 6* Japanese Holly, 6* Mountain Marigold |
Atk up | [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 1% (Max 30%) | 5* Gerbera |
Atk up | [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 3% (Max 30%) | 5* Touch-me-not |
Atk up | [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 5% (Max 50%) | B 5* Touch-me-not |
Atk up | [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 8% (Max 48%) | B 5* Gerbera |
Atk up | [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 10% (Max 30%) | E 5* Bougainvillea |
Atk up | [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 10% (Max 60%) | B 5* Bougainvillea |
Atk up | [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 10% (Max 100%) | 6* Cactus |
Atk up | [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 10% (Max 150%) | RG 6* Linaria, RG 6* Touch-me-not |
Atk up | [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 12% (Max 72%) | RG 6* Gerbera |
Atk up | [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 15% (Max 90%) | RG 6* Bougainvillea |
Atk up | [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 16% (Max 96%) | 6* Chocolate Lily |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 5% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 15%) | E 5* Verbena |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 10% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 30%) | E 5* Ginkgo, 5* Glory of the Sun, 5* Lily, 5* Panama Queen, B 5* Verbena |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 10% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 30%) | B 5* Lily, RG+B 6* Giant Leopard Plant, RG 6* Lamb's Ear |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 12% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 36%) | B 5* Glory of the Sun |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 14% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 42%) | 6* Flowering Dogwood |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 15% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 45%) | RG 6* Verbena |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 15% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 45%) | RG+B 6* Chinese Milk Vetch, RG 6* Chloranthus, RG 6* Heavenly Bamboo, RG+B 6* Hibiscus, RG 6* Mandevilla (Valentine), E 6* Mimulus, B 6* Viola (New Year), B 6* Viola (Yukata) |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 20% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 60%) | B 6* Angraecum |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 20% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 60%) | RG 6* Aloe, RG+B 6* Casablanca, RG 6* Dimorphotheca, B 6* Ghost Weed, RG 6* Ginkgo, RG 6* Lamb's Ear (Easter), RG 6* Moon Vine, B 6* Purple Tulip (Knight Medic), RG 6* Straw Flower, RG+B 6* Sweet Pea |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 25% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 75%) | RG 6* Glory of the Sun, RG 6* Holly, RG 6* Holly (Swimsuit), RG 6* Idsuroei, RG 6* Japanese Bindweed, RG 6* Lily, RG 6* Lindernia, B 6* Mimulus, RG+B 6* Sunflower |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 30% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 90%) | B 6* Flowering Dogwood |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 35% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 105%) | B 6* Scotch Broom |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 40% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 120%) | RG 6* Panama Queen |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 40% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 120%) | 6* Jersey Cudweed (New Year) |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Damage by 10% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 30%) | RG 6* Heavenly Bamboo, E 6* Sutera |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Damage by 15% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 45%) | RG 6* Glory of the Sun, RG 6* Kinutasou, RG 6* Lily |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Damage by 20% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 60%) | E 6* Jersey Cudweed (New Year) |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 5% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 15%) | 5* Heliopsis |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 10% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 30%) | B 5* Heliopsis |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 15% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 45%) | RG 6* Formosan Cherry, RG 6* Heliopsis, RG 6* Poinsettia, B 6* Viola (Yukata) |
Crit Rate up | [For self] Increase Critical Rate by 5% | E 5* Chicory |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 5% | E 5* Bauera, 5* Correa (Halloween), E 5* Harujion, E 5* Kentou Kanami, E 5* Pulmonaria, 5* Rugosa Rose, 5* Seashore Aster, 5* Water Dropwort (New Year) |
Crit Rate up | [For self] Increase Critical Rate by 10% | B 5* Chicory, B 5* Chinese Quince, B 5* Fullmoon Maple, 5* Gold Bunny, B 5* Penstemon, E 5* Rose Moss |
Crit Rate up | [For 2 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 10% | 5* Asiatic Dayflower, 5* Canna, E 5* Cobra Lily, B 5* Eucharis, B 5* Four O'Clock, E 5* Japanese Barberry, E 5* Mauritiana, E 5* Three-leaved Clematis, 5* Viburnum, B 5* Water Hyssop |
Crit Rate up | [For 3 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 10% | B 5* Asian Bleeding Heart, E 5* Correa, B 5* Torenia, B 5* Viburnum |
Crit Rate up | [For 4 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 10% | B 5* Lunaria, E 5* Pineapple |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 10% | E 5* Balloon Vine (Easter), B 5* Bauera, E 5* Beloperone, B 5* Blushing Bride (Costumed Apprentice Teacher), B 5* Bougainvillea, 5* Butterfly Bush, 5* Cichorium, B 5* Correa (Halloween), E 5* Delphinium (Athletic Meet), B 5* Dragon Fruit, E 5* Dragon Fruit (Halloween), 5* Duranta (Easter), E 5* Easter Cactus (Swimsuit), B 5* Firethorn, B 5* Flamingo Plant (Christmas), B 5* Flowering Peach (June Bride), B 5* Gajumaru, 5* Ghost Weed (Christmas), B 5* Ginkgo, B 5* Harujion, B 5* Heliotrope, B 5* Hemlock, B 5* Henna, E 5* Ionocidium (Christmas), E 5* Ivy (Swimsuit), B 5* Japanese Apricot (Yukata), B 5* Larkspur (Halloween), 5* Lupin, B 5* Melampodium, 5* Money Tree, E 5* Nasturtium, B 5* Ornamental Kale, E 5* Papyrus Sedge, B 5* Pineapple, 5* Prune, B 5* Pulmonaria, E 5* Purple Loosestrife, 5* Purple Marshlocks, B 5* Pussy Ears, B 5* Rugosa Rose, E 5* Saffron (June Bride), E 5* Sago Palm, 5* Screw Flower, B 5* Seashore Aster, E 5* Stokes' Aster, E 5* Tiger Lily, 5* Toad Lily (Swimsuit), B 5* Tree Peony, E 5* Turnip Rape (Young Knight of Hope), B 5* Twinflower, B 5* Water Dropwort (New Year), 5* Watercress (Christmas), E 5* Wax Tree, 5* Wintersweet, RG 6* Hare's Ear, RG 6* Kentou Kanami |
Crit Rate up | [For self] Increase Critical Rate by 15% | B 5* Monotropastrum, B 5* Plumeria |
Crit Rate up | [For 2 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 15% | B 5* Spring Star |
Crit Rate up | [For 3 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 15% | B 5* Correa |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 15% | 5* Formosan Cherry, B 5* Prune, B 5* Turnip Rape (Young Knight of Hope), B 6* Cactus, 6* Easter Cactus (June Bride), B 6* Flowering Peach, RG 6* Four O'Clock, RG 6* Japanese Apricot (Yukata), RG 6* Money Tree, B 6* Muscari, RG 6* Plumeria, RG 6* Red Cat's Tail, RG 6* Red Dead Nettle, RG 6* Seemannia, E 6* Snow Drop (New Year), RG 6* Soapwort (New Year), E 6* Tarragon |
Crit Rate up | [For self] Increase Critical Rate by 20% | B 5* Aloe (Valentine), B 5* Rose Moss, RG 6* Chicory |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 20% | 5* East Asian Eurya, E 6* Aizoon Stonecrop, RG 6* Allium, RG 6* Anagallis, RG 6* Asian Bleeding Heart, RG 6* Asiatic Dayflower, RG 6* Balloon Vine (Easter), RG 6* Beloperone, B 6* Black Locust (June Bride), RG 6* Bleeding Heart, E 6* Bluet, RG 6* Blushing Bride (Costumed Apprentice Teacher), RG 6* Bougainvillea, RG 6* Butterfly Bush, RG+B 6* Carnation, B 6* Chili Pepper, RG 6* Christmas Cactus, B 6* Christmas Rose, RG 6* Cobra Lily, B 6* Colchicum, RG 6* Coneflower, RG 6* Correa (Halloween), B 6* Cypress, B 6* Daisy, E 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (Valentine), B 6* Diamond Frost, RG 6* Dragon Fruit (Halloween), 6* Dusty Miller, E 6* Epidendrum (New Year), RG 6* Eucharis, RG 6* Exacum, RG 6* Flat Sea Holly, RG 6* Flowering Peach (June Bride), RG 6* Formosan Cherry, B 6* Geranium (Yukata), RG 6* Ghost Weed (Christmas), RG 6* Ginkgo, B 6* Hare's Tail Grass, RG 6* Heliotrope, RG 6* Hemlock, E 6* Henna (Christmas), B 6* Herbaceous Peony, B 6* Hollyhock, B 6* Hyacinth, B 6* Hyacinth (New Year), RG 6* Ionocidium (Christmas), RG 6* Ivy (Swimsuit), RG 6* Jack-in-the-pulpit, RG 6* Japanese Barberry, RG+B 6* Japanese Rowan, RG 6* Japanese Viburnum, RG+B 6* Jasmine, RG 6* Lamium, RG 6* Larkspur (Halloween), RG 6* Laurentia, RG+B 6* Lilac, 6* Loquat, RG 6* Lupin, RG 6* Mauritiana, RG 6* Melampodium, RG+B 6* Mint, RG 6* Monotropastrum, RG 6* Nasturtium, E 6* Nerine (Christmas), 6* Nicotiana, RG 6* Ornamental Kale, B 6* Osteospermum, RG 6* Papyrus Sedge, B 6* Pickerel Weed (Christmas), RG 6* Pineapple, RG 6* Plumeria (June Bride), B 6* Pothos, RG 6* Pulmonaria, RG 6* Purple Marshlocks, B 6* Purslane, RG 6* Pussy Ears, E 6* Pygmy Water Lily, E 6* Pygmy Water Lily (June Bride), RG 6* Reed, RG 6* Rugosa Rose, RG 6* Saffron (June Bride), RG 6* Sago Palm, RG+B 6* Saintpaulia, 6* Sakura (Swimsuit), RG+B 6* Sasanqua, RG 6* Screw Flower, B 6* Silk Tree, RG 6* Spider Lily, RG 6* Statice, RG 6* Stokes' Aster, B 6* Streptocarpus, RG 6* Three-leaved Clematis, RG 6* Tiger Lily, RG 6* Toad Lily (Swimsuit), RG 6* Torenia, RG 6* Viburnum, RG 6* Water Hyssop, E 6* Water Poppy, RG 6* Wintersweet |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 25% | RG 6* Anisodontea, RG 6* Bauera, RG 6* Black Locust, RG 6* Chinese Quince, RG 6* Correa, RG 6* Cranberry, RG 6* Dahlia, RG+B 6* Dandelion, RG 6* Dragon Fruit, B 6* Dusty Miller, RG 6* Easter Cactus (Swimsuit), RG 6* Fullmoon Maple, RG 6* Geranium, B 6* Godetia, RG 6* Harujion, RG 6* Henna, RG 6* Lycaste, B 6* Maple (Swimsuit), B 6* Nipplewort, RG 6* Peach, RG 6* Penstemon, RG 6* Prune, RG 6* Purple Loosestrife, RG+B 6* Purple Tulip, RG 6* Rose Moss, RG 6* Seashore Aster, RG 6* Sill Plain, RG 6* Spring Star, RG 6* Sweet William, B 6* Tall Stewartia (Christmas), B 6* Tampala, 6* Threeleaf Arrowhead, RG 6* Turnip Rape (Young Knight of Hope), B 6* Walnut, RG 6* Water Dropwort (New Year), RG 6* Wax Tree, B 6* Wolf Berry |
Crit Rate up | [For self] Increase Critical Rate by 30% | B 5* Apple, B 5* Epidendrum, B 5* Wax Vine (Christmas), E 6* Mandarin's Hat, B 6* Meconopsis, B 6* Pussy Willow, RG 6* Rose Moss |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 30% | B 6* Acacia, B 6* Alstroemeria (Gratitude Towards The Future), B 6* Anemone, RG 6* Apple, E 6* Apple (June Bride), B 6* Balsam, B 6* Bessera, RG 6* Canna, RG 6* China Root, B 6* Chocolate Lily, E 6* Cyclamen (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers), RG 6* Delphinium (Athletic Meet), B 6* Dragon Fruit (Swimsuit), RG 6* East Asian Eurya, RG 6* Firethorn, RG 6* Flamingo Plant (Christmas), B 6* Herbaceous Peony (Halloween), B 6* Japanese Apricot, B 6* Japanese Silver Grass (Swimsuit), E 6* Juneberry, B 6* Kayana, B 6* Kitsune no Botan (Valentine), B 6* Kugaisou, E 6* Lavender (June Bride), RG 6* Lemon, RG 6* Lilac Squirrel, B 6* Longstalk Holly, RG 6* Lunaria, RG 6* Mikan, B 6* Nepeta, B 6* Nerine (Christmas), RG 6* Rose, RG 6* Showy Evening Primrose, B 6* Tarragon, RG 6* Tree Peony, RG 6* Twinflower, B 6* Water Poppy, RG 6* Watercress (Christmas), B 6* Wheat, B 6* Yarrow (Prison Island) |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 35% | B 6* Aizoon Stonecrop, E 6* Knotweed, B 6* Liverwort, 6* Plumeria (Motherly Love of Hope) |
Crit Rate up | [For self] Increase Critical Rate by 40% | E 5* Artichoke |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 45% | RG 6* Duranta (Easter) |
Crit Rate up | [For self] Increase Critical Rate by 50% | RG 6* Aloe (Valentine), E 6* Apple (Tanabata), RG 6* Epidendrum, RG 6* Gold Bunny, RG 6* Rainbow Rose, RG 6* Wax Vine (Christmas), 6* Yarrow (Prison Island) |
Crit Rate up | [For self] Increase Critical Rate by 80% | RG 6* Artichoke |
Crit Dmg up | [For 2 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 4% | B 5* Cobra Lily, B 5* Mauritiana, B 5* Three-leaved Clematis |
Crit Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 4% | B 5* Larkspur (Halloween), 5* Money Tree, E 5* Nasturtium |
Crit Dmg up | [For self] Increase Critical Damage by 5% | E 5* Chicory |
Crit Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 5% | E 5* Harujion, E 5* Kentou Kanami, E 5* Seashore Aster |
Crit Dmg up | [For 2 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 6% | B 5* Japanese Barberry |
Crit Dmg up | [For self] Increase Critical Damage by 10% | B 5* Apple, B 5* Chicory, B 5* Firethorn, E 5* Rose Moss, B 5* Wax Vine (Christmas), B 5* Wintersweet |
Crit Dmg up | [For 2 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 10% | E 5* Viburnum |
Crit Dmg up | [For 3 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 10% | B 5* Viburnum |
Crit Dmg up | [For 4 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 10% | E 5* Pineapple |
Crit Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 10% | B 5* Balloon Vine (Easter), B 5* Bougainvillea, E 5* Formosa Lily, B 5* Harujion, B 5* Pineapple, E 5* Prune, E 5* Purple Loosestrife, B 5* Seashore Aster, B 5* Toad Lily (Swimsuit), E 6* Tarragon |
Crit Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 12% | B 5* Beloperone, B 5* Delphinium (Athletic Meet), B 5* Ghost Weed (Christmas) |
Crit Dmg up | [For self] Increase Critical Damage by 15% | B 5* Chinese Quince |
Crit Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 15% | B 5* Kentou Kanami, B 5* Lupin, B 5* Prune, B 5* Tree Peony, B 5* Watercress (Christmas), RG 6* Ivy (Swimsuit), RG+B 6* Lilac |
Crit Dmg up | [For self] Increase Critical Damage by 20% | B 5* Aloe (Valentine), B 5* Rose Moss |
Crit Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 20% | B 5* Dogwood, 5* East Asian Eurya, E 5* Purple Marshlocks, E 5* Screw Flower, B 5* Turnip Rape (Young Knight of Hope), RG 6* Balloon Vine (Easter), RG 6* Bleeding Heart, RG+B 6* Carnation, RG 6* Christmas Cactus, B 6* Christmas Rose, B 6* Cypress, B 6* Daisy, RG 6* Dragon Fruit (Halloween), E 6* Epidendrum (New Year), RG 6* Exacum, RG 6* Formosan Cherry, RG 6* Gajumaru, RG 6* Ginkgo, E 6* Henna (Christmas), B 6* Herbaceous Peony, B 6* Hyacinth, RG 6* Japanese Viburnum, B 6* Liverwort, B 6* Nepeta, E 6* Nerine (Christmas), B 6* Osteospermum, RG 6* Papyrus Sedge, B 6* Pothos, RG 6* Pussy Ears, RG 6* Red Cat's Tail, 6* Sakura (Swimsuit), RG 6* Showy Evening Primrose, RG 6* Water Hyssop, E 6* Water Poppy |
Crit Dmg up | [For self] Increase Critical Damage by 25% | RG 6* Chinese Quince |
Crit Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 25% | RG 6* Allium, RG 6* Anagallis, RG 6* Canna, RG 6* Chinese Quince, RG 6* Cranberry, RG+B 6* Dandelion, RG 6* Delphinium (Athletic Meet), E 6* Easter Cactus (June Bride), RG 6* Eucharis, RG+B 6* Jasmine, RG 6* Larkspur (Halloween), RG 6* Mauritiana, RG 6* Prune, RG+B 6* Purple Tulip, B 6* Pygmy Water Lily, RG 6* Seashore Aster, RG 6* Seemannia, RG 6* Sill Plain, E 6* Snow Drop (New Year), B 6* Tall Stewartia (Christmas), 6* Threeleaf Arrowhead, RG 6* Viburnum, RG 6* Water Dropwort (New Year) |
Crit Dmg up | [For self] Increase Critical Damage by 30% | 5* Checkerberry, 5* Gold Bunny, RG 6* Chicory, RG 6* Rose Moss |
Crit Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 30% | B 5* Stokes' Aster, RG 6* Apple, E 6* Apple (June Bride), RG 6* Asian Bleeding Heart, RG 6* Asiatic Dayflower, RG 6* Beloperone, RG 6* Blushing Bride (Costumed Apprentice Teacher), RG 6* Cobra Lily, RG 6* Correa, RG 6* Dahlia, RG 6* Dragon Fruit, RG 6* East Asian Eurya, RG 6* Flamingo Plant (Christmas), RG 6* Flat Sea Holly, B 6* Flowering Peach, RG 6* Flowering Peach (June Bride), B 6* Geranium (Yukata), RG 6* Heliotrope, B 6* Henna (Christmas), B 6* Hyacinth (New Year), RG 6* Ionocidium (Christmas), RG 6* Japanese Barberry, RG+B 6* Japanese Rowan, E 6* Juneberry, E 6* Lavender (June Bride), RG 6* Lemon, RG 6* Lilac Squirrel, RG 6* Lunaria, RG 6* Lupin, RG+B 6* Mint, E 6* Orange, RG 6* Plumeria, RG 6* Purple Loosestrife, E 6* Rainbow Rose (Swimsuit), RG 6* Red Dead Nettle, RG 6* Rose, RG+B 6* Sasanqua, B 6* Tampala, RG 6* Tiger Lily, RG 6* Toad Lily (Swimsuit), RG 6* Turnip Rape (Young Knight of Hope), E 6* Water Lily (Swimsuit), RG 6* Watercress (Christmas), B 6* Wheat, RG 6* Wintersweet |
Crit Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 35% | B 6* Alstroemeria (Gratitude Towards The Future), RG 6* Ghost Weed (Christmas), B 6* Godetia, RG 6* Japanese Apricot (Yukata), B 6* Kugaisou, RG 6* Money Tree, B 6* Nerine (Christmas), B 6* Nipplewort, RG 6* Plumeria (June Bride), RG+B 6* Saintpaulia, RG 6* Statice, RG 6* Three-leaved Clematis, RG 6* Torenia, RG 6* Wax Tree |
Crit Dmg up | [For self] Increase Critical Damage by 40% | E 5* Melampodium, B 6* Cactus |
Crit Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 40% | B 6* Anemone, RG 6* Black Locust, B 6* Black Locust (June Bride), RG 6* Bougainvillea, RG 6* Butterfly Bush, RG 6* China Root, B 6* Colchicum, RG 6* Dogwood, 6* Dusty Miller, RG 6* Four O'Clock, RG 6* Fullmoon Maple, RG 6* Geranium, RG 6* Henna, RG 6* Jack-in-the-pulpit, B 6* Japanese Silver Grass (Swimsuit), B 6* Juneberry, RG 6* Lamium, RG 6* Laurentia, 6* Loquat, RG 6* Lycaste, B 6* Maple (Swimsuit), RG 6* Mikan, RG 6* Monotropastrum, RG 6* Nasturtium, RG 6* Peach, B 6* Pickerel Weed (Christmas), RG 6* Pulmonaria, RG 6* Purple Marshlocks, RG 6* Saffron (June Bride), RG 6* Soapwort (New Year), RG 6* Spring Star, RG 6* Stokes' Aster, B 6* Streptocarpus, RG 6* Sweet William, RG 6* Tree Peony, B 6* Wolf Berry |
Crit Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 45% | RG 6* Bauera, RG 6* Coneflower, E 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (Valentine), B 6* Epidendrum (New Year), RG 6* Harujion, B 6* Herbaceous Peony (Halloween), B 6* Hollyhock, E 6* Knotweed, RG 6* Pineapple, B 6* Purslane, B 6* Sakura (Swimsuit) |
Crit Dmg up | [For self] Increase Critical Damage by 50% | E 6* Apple (Tanabata), RG 6* Gajumaru, B 6* Maple (Swimsuit), B 6* Nepeta, RG 6* Wax Vine (Christmas) |
Crit Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 50% | RG 6* Anisodontea, B 6* Cactus, B 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (Valentine), B 6* Dragon Fruit (Swimsuit), RG 6* Easter Cactus (Swimsuit), RG 6* Firethorn, RG 6* Hare's Ear, B 6* Kayana, RG 6* Kentou Kanami, B 6* Orange, RG 6* Ornamental Kale, RG 6* Penstemon, B 6* Tarragon |
Crit Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 55% | B 6* Walnut |
Crit Dmg up | [For self] Increase Critical Damage by 60% | E 5* Armeria, B 6* Corn Cockle, B 6* Dusty Miller (Christmas), RG 6* Melampodium |
Crit Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 60% | B 6* Bessera, B 6* Japanese Apricot, RG 6* Spider Lily |
Crit Dmg up | [For self] Increase Critical Damage by 65% | B 6* Dusty Miller, RG 6* Prune |
Crit Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 65% | B 6* Silk Tree, B 6* Snow Drop (New Year) |
Crit Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 70% | B 6* Bluet |
Crit Dmg up | [For self] Increase Critical Damage by 80% | RG 6* Armeria, B 6* Hyacinth, B 6* Liverwort, RG 6* Twinflower |
Crit Dmg up | [For self] Increase Critical Damage by 100% | RG 6* Aloe (Valentine), E 6* Celia, RG 6* Checkerberry, B 6* Chocolate Lily, RG 6* Epidendrum, RG 6* Escallonia, RG 6* Gold Bunny, B 6* Hare's Ear (New Year), B 6* Hare's Tail Grass, B 6* Kitsune no Botan (Valentine), 6* Plumeria (Motherly Love of Hope), B 6* Pussy Willow, 6* Red Spider Lily (Dress of Sparkling Passion), E 6* Vanilla, 6* Yarrow (Prison Island) |
Crit Dmg up | [For self] Increase Critical Damage by 150% | B 6* Acacia, B 6* Aizoon Stonecrop, B 6* Balsam, B 6* Diamond Frost, RG 6* Kentou Kanami, B 6* Meconopsis, RG 6* Rainbow Rose, B 6* Tall Stewartia (Christmas), 6* Water Lily (Swimsuit), B 6* Water Poppy, B 6* Yarrow (Prison Island) |
Crit Dmg up | [For self] Increase Critical Damage by 200% | E 6* Digitalis, B 6* Pumila |
Crit Dmg up | [For 5 Blunt allies] Increase Critical Damage by 15% | B 5* Correa (Halloween) |
Crit Dmg up | [For 5 Pierce allies] Increase Critical Damage by 15% | B 5* Rugosa Rose |
Crit Dmg up | [For 5 Blunt allies] Increase Critical Damage by 50% | RG 6* Correa (Halloween) |
Crit Dmg up | [For 5 Pierce allies] Increase Critical Damage by 50% | RG 6* Rugosa Rose |
Crit Dmg up | [For 5 Blunt allies] Increase Critical Damage by 60% | B 6* Silk Tree (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams) |
Crit Rate up | [For self] [On Turn 1] Critical Rate is 100%, increase Critical Damage by 50% | RG 6* Echinacea (Hotspring Yukata), RG 6* Impatiens |
Crit Rate up | [For self] [On Turn 1] Critical Rate is 100%, increase Critical Damage by 60% | 6* Corn Cockle, 6* Dusty Miller (Christmas), RG 6* Pinkladies (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), RG 6* Silene Coeli Rosa |
Atk down | [For 1 enemy] Reduce Attack by 5% | 5* Rough Potato (Christmas) |
Atk down | [For all enemies] Reduce Attack by 5% | 5* Solomon's Seal |
Atk down | [For all enemies] Reduce Attack by 5% | 5* Passion Flower, 5* Pulmonaria, 5* Red Dead Nettle |
Atk down | [For 1 enemy] Reduce Attack by 10% | E 5* Anisodontea, 5* Belladonna, E 5* Gooseberry, 5* Kijimushiro, B 5* Monkshood, 5* Rain Lily, B 5* Rough Potato (Christmas), E 5* Snow Pea, E 5* Solidaster, 5* Spider Lily, E 5* Spring Star, 5* Strelitzia, E 5* Tea Plant, 5* Tulsi |
Atk down | [For 2 enemies] Reduce Attack by 10% | B 5* Tulsi |
Atk down | [For all enemies] Reduce Attack by 10% | B 5* Aeonium, 5* Apricot (Christmas), B 5* Cape Plumbago, 5* Cherry Sage, 5* Dalmatian Bellflower, 5* Green Bristlegrass (Flower Festival), B 5* Lupin, 5* Moss Phlox, B 5* Purple Marshlocks, B 5* Showy Evening Primrose (Easter), 5* Skunk Vine, B 5* Solomon's Seal, 5* Spilanthes, E 5* Tall Stewartia, B 5* Tea Plant, E 5* Treyni (Schefflera), 5* Wall Iris, E 6* Acacia, E 6* Epidendrum (Swimsuit), B 6* Nipplewort (New Year), RG 6* Oriental Poppy |
Atk down | [For all enemies] Reduce Attack by 10% | E 5* Ebine, E 5* Globe Thistle, B 5* Pinkladies (Princess of Pure Flower), B 5* Pulmonaria, B 5* Red Dead Nettle, E 5* Scilla, RG 6* Kijimushiro |
Atk down | [For 2 enemies] Reduce Attack by 15% | E 5* Dahlia, 5* Dragon Fruit, 5* Green Bell, E 5* Sneezeweed (June Bride) |
Atk down | [For all enemies] Reduce Attack by 15% | B 5* Sneezeweed (June Bride), RG 6* Belladonna, RG 6* Cherry Sage, RG 6* Egyptian Water Lily, RG 6* Green Bell, RG 6* Manettia, RG 6* Mini Rose, RG 6* Showy Evening Primrose (Easter), RG 6* Spring Star, RG 6* Treyni (Schefflera) |
Atk down | [For all enemies] Reduce Attack by 15% | RG 6* Brodiaea, E 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (Bride of Phos), RG 6* Delphinium, RG 6* Fireweed, RG 6* Four O'Clock, RG+B 6* Fragrant Olive, RG 6* Gourd, RG 6* Great Burnet, RG 6* Japanese Snowball Bush, 6* Lotus, RG 6* Red Dead Nettle, RG 6* Sill Plain, RG+B 6* Snowflake, RG 6* Strawberry, RG 6* Tall Stewartia, RG 6* Tassel Flower, RG 6* Trailing Abutilon, RG 6* White Clover, RG+B 6* White Pansy, RG 6* Worm Wood (Christmas) |
Atk down | [For 1 enemy] Reduce Attack by 20% | RG 6* Poinsettia |
Atk down | [For 2 enemies] Reduce Attack by 20% | 6* Herbaceous Peony (Halloween), 6* Ivy (New Year), RG 6* Plumeria |
Atk down | [For all enemies] Reduce Attack by 20% | 5* Kalanchoe Pinnata, B 6* Angelica (Swimsuit), B 6* Apple (Tanabata), RG 6* Apricot (Christmas), RG 6* Clover, E 6* Crepis, RG 6* Dalmatian Bellflower, RG 6* Dragon Fruit, RG 6* Duranta (Easter), RG 6* Green Bristlegrass (Flower Festival), 6* Horse Chestnut, RG 6* Jumpseed, B 6* Konagi, RG 6* Lacquer Tree, RG 6* Maria Custard, RG 6* Monkshood, RG 6* Moss Phlox, RG 6* Pine Tree, RG 6* Potato, RG 6* Pulmonaria, RG 6* Purple Marshlocks, B 6* Queen of the Night (June Bride), B 6* Rabbit's Foot, RG 6* Rough Potato (Christmas), RG 6* Skunk Vine, B 6* Snow Drop, RG 6* Snow Pea, RG 6* Solomon's Seal, RG 6* Spilanthes, RG 6* Spotted Bellflower, RG 6* Strelitzia, RG 6* Tea Plant, RG 6* Tritonia (Christmas), RG 6* Tulsi, RG 6* Water Dropwort (New Year), RG 6* Welwitschia, RG+B 6* White Tulip |
Atk down | [For all enemies] Reduce Attack by 20% | RG 6* Anisodontea, 6* Apple (Tanabata), 6* Cherry, E 6* Christmas Rose, RG 6* Correa, RG 6* Cowberry, RG 6* Cypress Vine, RG 6* Dahlia, RG 6* Devil in a Bush, RG 6* Ebine, RG+B 6* Egyptian Water Lily, RG 6* Eryngii, RG 6* False Hydrangea, RG 6* Globe Thistle, RG 6* Gooseberry, E 6* Heart Tree, RG 6* Hop (Hotspring Yukata), RG 6* Japanese Barberry, RG 6* Kinutasou, 6* Konagi, RG 6* Lesser Celandine, RG 6* Lupin, RG+B 6* Novalis, RG 6* Otogirisou, RG 6* Passion Flower, RG 6* Penny Plant, RG 6* Pinkladies (Princess of Pure Flower), 6* Rabbit's Foot, RG 6* Rain Lily, RG 6* Ranunculus, RG 6* Sandersonia, RG 6* Scilla, RG 6* Sedum, RG 6* Sneezeweed (June Bride), 6* Snow Drop, RG 6* Soft Windflower (Prison Island), RG 6* Solidaster, RG 6* Spider Lily, RG 6* Thoroughwort, RG+B 6* White Clover, RG 6* Zephyranthes |
Atk down | [For all enemies] Reduce Attack by 25% | B 6* Mistletoe |
Atk down | [For 1 enemy] Reduce Attack by 30% | B 5* Shiitake |
Atk down | [For all enemies] Reduce Attack by 30% | RG 6* Aeonium, B 6* Heart Tree, B 6* Herbaceous Peony (Halloween), B 6* Mimulus, B 6* Plumeria (Motherly Love of Hope) |
Atk down | [For all enemies] Reduce Attack by 30% | 6* Anemone (Princess of Pure Flower), 6* Red Spider Lily (World's Flower Shrine Maiden) |
Atk down | [For all enemies] Reduce Attack by 40% | B 6* Monkshood (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady) |
Atk down | [For all enemies] Reduce Attack by 50% | B 6* Acacia, B 6* Anemone (Princess of Pure Flower), 6* Azarin (Exstia Magica), E 6* Bluebell, B 6* Burning Bush, B 6* Cherry, B 6* Christmas Rose, B 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (Bride of Phos), B 6* Digitalis, B 6* Epidendrum (Swimsuit), B 6* Golden Lace, B 6* Horse Chestnut, B 6* Ivy (New Year), B 6* Lavender (Valentine), B 6* Lion's Ear (Christmas), B 6* Lotus, B 6* Nerine (Christmas), B 6* Red Spider Lily (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), 6* Wolf Berry (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers) |
Atk down | [For 1 enemy] Reduce Attack by 70% | B 6* Chocolate Cosmos (Easter) |
Def down | [For 2 enemies] Reduce Defense by 5% | 5* Santolina, 5* Tutsan |
Def down | [For 2 enemies] Reduce Defense by 10% | B 5* Santolina, B 5* Tutsan |
Def down | [For all enemies] Reduce Defense by 10% | B 5* Herb-of-grace |
Def down | [For all enemies] Reduce Defense by 15% | RG 6* Prune, RG 6* Tutsan |
Def down | [For 1 enemy] Reduce Defense by 20% | RG 6* Turnip Rape (Young Knight of Hope) |
Def down | [For 2 enemies] Reduce Defense by 20% | RG 6* Santolina |
Def down | [For all enemies] Reduce Defense by 20% | B 5* Maria Custard, 6* Bluebell, RG 6* Herb-of-grace, E 6* Iwarenge, 6* Konagi, RG 6* Pinkladies (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams) |
Def down | [For all enemies] Reduce Defense by 20% | B 6* Knotweed |
Def down | [For all enemies] Reduce Defense by 30% | B 6* Lavatera, RG 6* Maria Custard |
Def down | [For all enemies] Reduce Defense by 30% | B 6* Ash, E 6* Azarin (Exstia Magica), RG 6* Kalanchoe Pinnata |
Skill Rate down | [For 2 enemies] Reduce Skill Activation Rate by 10% | E 5* Asian Bleeding Heart, 5* Crowea, B 5* Eryngii, E 5* Japanese Gentian, E 5* Lampranthus, B 5* Russelia, B 5* Skimmia, E 5* Spider Lily, 5* Sweet William, E 5* Trailing Abutilon |
Skill Rate down | [For all enemies] Reduce Skill Activation Rate by 10% | E 5* Dill, E 5* Lilac Squirrel, B 5* Tiger's Claw |
Skill Rate down | [For 2 enemies] Reduce Skill Activation Rate by 12% | B 5* Sweet William |
Skill Rate down | [For all enemies] Reduce Skill Activation Rate by 12% | E 5* Madagascar Periwinkle, E 5* Red Cat's Tail, B 5* Society Garlic, B 5* Soft Windflower (Prison Island) |
Skill Rate down | [For all enemies] Reduce Skill Activation Rate by 15% | RG 6* Cypress Vine, RG+B 6* Egyptian Water Lily, RG 6* Russelia, RG+B 6* Snowflake |
Skill Rate down | [For all enemies] Reduce Skill Activation Rate by 20% | B 6* Burning Bush, RG 6* Crowea, RG 6* Tiger's Claw |
Skill Rate down | [For all enemies] Reduce Skill Activation Rate by 20% | RG 6* Asian Bleeding Heart, RG 6* Azuki Bean, RG 6* Ceanothus, RG 6* Habanero, RG 6* Lampranthus, RG 6* Pouch Flower, RG 6* Red Cat's Tail, RG 6* Rough Potato (Christmas), RG 6* Skimmia, RG 6* Soft Windflower (Prison Island), RG 6* Spider Lily, RG 6* Sweet William |
Skill Rate down | [For all enemies] Reduce Skill Activation Rate by 25% | RG 6* Dill, RG 6* Eryngii, B 6* Mistletoe, RG 6* Skunk Vine, RG 6* Trailing Abutilon |
Skill Rate down | [For all enemies] Reduce Skill Activation Rate by 25% | RG 6* Bauera, RG 6* Cichorium, RG 6* Hop (Hotspring Yukata), RG 6* Japanese Gentian, RG 6* Rhodanthe |
Skill Rate down | [For all enemies] Reduce Skill Activation Rate by 30% | 6* Azarin (Exstia Magica), B 6* Lavender (Valentine), RG 6* Lilac Squirrel, B 6* Lion's Ear (Christmas), 6* Muscari, 6* Wolf Berry (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers) |
Skill Rate down | [For all enemies] Reduce Skill Activation Rate by 30% | RG+B 6* Great Burnet, RG 6* Madagascar Periwinkle, RG 6* Society Garlic |
Skill Rate down | [For all enemies] Reduce Skill Activation Rate by 40% | B 6* Soapwort |
Skill Rate down | [For all enemies] Reduce Skill Activation Rate by 50% | RG 6* Aeonium, B 6* Ivy (New Year) |
Crit Rate down | [For all enemies] Reduce Critical Rate by 30% | B 6* Apple (June Bride) |
Crit Rate down | [For all enemies] Reduce Critical Rate by 50% | 5* Lilac Squirrel, RG 6* Cichorium, B 6* Smoke Tree |
Crit Rate down | [For all enemies] Reduce Critical Rate by 70% | B 6* Acacia, RG 6* Lilac Squirrel, B 6* Lotus, B 6* Nerine (Christmas), RG 6* Purple Marshlocks |
Skill Drain | [For 5 allies] Grant 5% Skill Drain (1 Skill Heals up to 50% Max HP) | 6* Elder Flower (Christmas), 6* Pothos, 6* Wolf Berry (Christmas) |
Skill Drain | [For 5 allies] Grant 20% Skill Drain (1 Skill Heals up to 50% Max HP) | B 6* Pothos, B 6* Wolf Berry (Christmas) |
Heal | [For self] Each turn, 100% chance to Heal 5% Max HP | RG+B 6* Purple Pansy |
Heal | [For 5 allies] Each turn, 15% chance to Heal 5% Max HP | 5* Mertensia, 5* Verbena |
Heal | [For 5 allies] Each turn, 25% chance to Heal 5% Max HP | 5* Creeping Bugleweed, B 5* Luffa, B 5* Mertensia, 5* Oregano |
Heal | [For 5 allies] Each turn, 30% chance to Heal 5% Max HP | B 5* Blue Star |
Heal | [For 5 allies] Each turn, 40% chance to Heal 5% Max HP | RG 6* Passion Flower, RG 6* Verbena |
Heal | [For 5 allies] Each turn, 50% chance to Heal 5% Max HP | RG 6* Blue Star, E 6* Coffea, RG 6* Creeping Bugleweed, RG 6* Luffa, RG 6* Mertensia, RG+B 6* Novalis, RG 6* Oregano, RG+B 6* Purple Tulip, RG 6* Yuzu |
Heal | [For self] Each turn, 100% chance to Heal 10% Max HP | B 6* Isogiku (Easter), B 6* Thistle (Swimsuit) |
Heal | [For 5 allies] Each turn, 25% chance to Heal 10% Max HP | E 5* Mattia (Field Horsetail), RG 6* Bouvardia, RG 6* Kijimushiro |
Heal | [For 5 allies] Each turn, 50% chance to Heal 10% Max HP | RG 6* Mattia (Field Horsetail) |
Heal | [For self] Each turn, 40% chance to Heal 25% Max HP | RG+B 6* Hinoki, RG 6* Japanese Mugwort, RG 6* Penstemon, RG 6* Smithiantha |
Heal | [For 5 allies] Each turn, 25% chance to Heal 25% Max HP | RG 6* Tulsi |
Heal | [For self] Each turn, 25% chance to Heal 30% Max HP | RG 6* Adenium |
Heal | [For self] Each turn, 30% chance to Heal 100% Max HP | RG 6* Gold Bunny |
Act Again Rate up | [For self] Increase Act Again Rate by 15% | B 5* Adenium, B 5* Annabelle, E 5* Asian Royal Fern, E 5* Isogiku, E 5* Japanese Quince, E 5* Shizu (White Enkianthus), E 5* Snakeberry, E 5* Torenia, E 5* Yamashitae |
Act Again Rate up | [For self] Increase Act Again Rate by 20% | B 5* Browallia |
Act Again Rate up | [For self] Increase Act Again Rate by 25% | E 5* Anemone (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), E 5* Black Baccara (Easter), 5* Chicory, B 5* Chinese Lantern, 5* Cowslip, B 5* Crowea (Hotspring Yukata), B 5* Dendrobium (Valentine), B 5* Fir Tree, B 5* Green Bristlegrass (Flower Festival), B 5* Hare's Ear, B 5* Hare's Tail Grass (Halloween), B 5* Jujube, E 5* Kalanchoe, 5* King Protea, 5* Lady's Sorrel (New Year), E 5* Otogirisou (Baseball), B 5* Pitcher Plant, E 5* Pomegranate, B 5* Poppy, B 5* Rochea, B 5* Saffron (Christmas), E 5* Silphium, B 5* Statice, E 5* Tassel Flower, 5* Watercress, B 5* Worm Wood (Christmas), 5* Yomena |
Act Again Rate up | [For self] Increase Act Again Rate by 30% | B 5* Artichoke, B 5* Christmas Bush, B 5* Linaria, B 5* Pinkladies (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), B 5* Purple Loosestrife, B 5* Reed, B 5* Silphium, 5* Snow Dragon, B 5* Wax Tree, B 5* Winter Jasmine |
Act Again Rate up | [For self] Increase Act Again Rate by 30% | E 5* Checkerberry, E 5* Clustered Bellflower, E 5* Spotted Bellflower |
Act Again Rate up | [For self] Increase Act Again Rate by 33% | B 5* Candle Bark, B 5* Chocolate Cosmos (Swimsuit), B 5* Tassel Flower |
Act Again Rate up | [For self] Increase Act Again Rate by 35% | B 5* Aster, B 5* Thoroughwort |
Act Again Rate up | [For self] Increase Act Again Rate by 40% | E 6* Helianthus, RG 6* Peperomia, RG 6* Rosemary, 6* Sneezeweed (Easter), 6* Tall Stewartia (Christmas) |
Act Again Rate up | [For self] Increase Act Again Rate by 50% | E 5* Sago Palm, RG 6* Anemone (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), RG 6* Annabelle, E 6* Apple (Tanabata), RG 6* Asian Royal Fern, 6* Balsam, RG 6* Berzelia, RG 6* Black Baccara (Easter), RG+B 6* Buckbean, RG 6* Buttercup, RG 6* Butterfly Bush, RG 6* Candle Bark, RG+B 6* Carnation, RG+B 6* Cockspur Coral Tree, RG+B 6* Cornflower, RG 6* Cymbidium, RG 6* Fir Tree, RG 6* Flowering Rush, RG+B 6* Forget-Me-Not, RG 6* Fuchsia, RG 6* Gajumaru, RG 6* Hare's Ear, RG+B 6* Jasmine, RG 6* Jumpseed, RG+B 6* Lilac, RG 6* Linaria, RG 6* Money Tree, RG 6* Otogirisou (Baseball), RG 6* Papyrus Sedge, RG 6* Pineapple, RG 6* Pomegranate, RG 6* Prune, RG 6* Rainbow Rose, RG 6* Rochea, RG 6* Saffron (Christmas), RG 6* Shizu (White Enkianthus), E 6* Silk Tree, RG 6* Star Cluster, RG 6* Tuberose, RG 6* Vinca, RG 6* Yarrow |
Act Again Rate up | [For self] Increase Act Again Rate by 60% | RG 6* Adenium, RG+B 6* Amaryllis, B 6* Apple (Tanabata), RG 6* Artichoke, RG 6* Aster, RG 6* Beefsteak Geranium, B 6* Blackberry, RG 6* Bougainvillea, RG 6* Browallia, RG 6* Cape Jasmine, RG 6* Chicory, RG 6* Chinese Lantern, RG 6* Chocolate Cosmos (Swimsuit), RG 6* Christmas Bush, B 6* Convolvulus, RG 6* Cowslip, RG 6* Creeping Smartweed, RG 6* Crowea (Hotspring Yukata), RG 6* Dalmatian Bellflower, B 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (Valentine), RG 6* Dendrobium (Valentine), RG 6* Elder Flower, RG 6* Fatsia, 6* Freesia, RG 6* Garlic Vine, RG 6* German Iris (Tanabata), RG 6* Ghost Weed (Princess of Pure Flower), RG+B 6* Gladiolus, RG 6* Green Bristlegrass (Flower Festival), RG 6* Hare's Tail Grass (Halloween), RG 6* Hosta, E 6* Ionocidium, RG 6* Isogiku, RG 6* Japanese Quince, RG+B 6* Japanese Rowan, RG 6* Jujube, RG 6* Kalanchoe, RG 6* King Protea, RG 6* Lady's Sorrel (New Year), 6* Mandarin's Hat, RG 6* Meconopsis (Newcomer), RG 6* Mint (Maturing Virtue), RG 6* Night Phlox (Christmas), E 6* Nipplewort (New Year), B 6* Peach (Halloween), RG 6* Pitcher Plant, B 6* Plumeria (Motherly Love of Hope), RG 6* Poppy, E 6* Pothos, RG 6* Primula, RG 6* Redcurrant, 6* Rye, RG 6* Satsuki, RG 6* Silene Coeli Rosa, B 6* Silk Tree, E 6* Silk Tree (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), RG 6* Silphium, B 6* Silver Orchid (Noble Lady of Sparkling Destiny), RG 6* Snakeberry, RG 6* Sneezeweed (June Bride), RG 6* Snow Dragon, B 6* Snow Drop (New Year), RG 6* Snow Pea, RG 6* Statice, RG+B 6* Sunflower, 6* Tarragon (Nova Vice-President of Hope), RG 6* Tassel Flower, RG 6* Thoroughwort, RG+B 6* Thunberg Spirea, RG 6* Torenia, RG 6* Trifoliate, E 6* Vervain, B 6* Water Lily (Swimsuit), RG 6* Watercress, RG 6* Wax Tree, RG 6* Winter Cherry, RG 6* Wood Sorrel, RG 6* Worm Wood (Christmas), RG 6* Yamashitae, RG 6* Yomena |
Act Again Rate up | [For self] Increase Act Again Rate by 60% | B 6* Alstroemeria (Gratitude Towards The Future), B 6* Balsam, B 6* Black Baccara, B 6* Cactus, 6* Celia, RG 6* Checkerberry, B 6* Hyacinth, B 6* Sneezeweed (Easter), 6* Twinleaf, B 6* Usagigiku |
Act Again Rate up | [For self] Increase Act Again Rate by 70% | RG 6* Cassis, RG 6* Clustered Bellflower, B 6* Digitalis, RG 6* Purple Loosestrife, RG 6* Stokes' Aster, B 6* Vanilla, B 6* Verbascum, RG 6* Winter Jasmine |
Act Again Rate up | [For self] Increase Act Again Rate by 70% | RG 6* Spotted Bellflower, B 6* Tall Stewartia (Christmas) |
Act Again Rate up | [For self] Increase Act Again Rate by 80% | RG 6* Reed |
Act Again Rate up | [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Act Again Rate by 25% | E 5* Impatiens |
Act Again Rate up | [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Act Again Rate by 50% | B 5* Impatiens |
Act Again Rate up | [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Act Again Rate by 75% | B 5* Clove, B 5* Echinacea (Hotspring Yukata), E 5* Peperomia, B 5* Snake Gourd |
Act Again Rate up | [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Act Again Rate by 100% | RG 6* Aloe (Valentine), RG+B 6* Alstroemeria, RG 6* Anthurium, RG 6* Cactus (Bride of Phos), 6* Chloranthus (Christmas), RG 6* Clove, RG 6* Echinacea (Hotspring Yukata), RG 6* False Daphne, E 6* Helianthus, RG 6* Heliconia, RG 6* Impatiens, RG 6* Peperomia, RG 6* Pinkladies (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), RG 6* Plumed Cockscomb, RG 6* Rosemary, RG 6* Santolina, RG 6* Silver Orchid, RG 6* Snake Gourd, RG 6* Wax Vine (Christmas), RG 6* Worm Wood, RG 6* Zebrina |
Act Again Rate up | [For 5 allies] Increase Act Again Rate by 15% | B 6* Bryonia, 6* Silk Tree |
Act Again Rate up | [For 5 allies] Increase Act Again Rate by 20% | B 6* Scotch Broom (Christmas) |
Weak Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 5% | 5* Konara |
Weak Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 7% | B 5* Ivy (Swimsuit) |
Weak Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 10% | 5* Herb-of-grace, B 5* Kentou Kanami, B 5* Konara, E 5* Moss Rose, B 5* Radish (New Year), 5* Stokes' Aster, B 5* Tea Plant, B 6* Basil, B 6* Duranta |
Weak Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 15% | B 5* Herb-of-grace, RG 6* Angelonia, RG 6* Fuki, RG 6* Ivy (Swimsuit), RG 6* Madagascar Periwinkle, RG 6* Mauritiana, E 6* Sakura (Swimsuit), RG 6* Watercress (Christmas) |
Weak Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 20% | RG+B 6* Balloon Flower, RG 6* Christmas Begonia, RG 6* Clove, RG+B 6* Giant Arrowhead, RG 6* Kentou Kanami, RG 6* Konara, RG 6* Lamium, RG 6* Lemon, RG 6* Melampodium, RG 6* Radish (New Year), B 6* Water Lily (Swimsuit) |
Weak Dmg up | [For self] Increase Weakness Damage by 25% | B 5* Lisa |
Weak Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 25% | RG 6* Coral Flower |
Weak Dmg up | [For self] Increase Weakness Damage by 30% | E 5* Reed |
Weak Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 30% | B 6* Burning Bush (Hotspring Yukata), E 6* Dracaena, RG 6* Herb-of-grace, RG 6* Moss Rose, 6* Violet Cress |
Weak Dmg up | [For self] Increase Weakness Damage by 40% | RG 6* Clove, RG 6* Kentou Kanami |
Weak Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 40% | RG 6* Stokes' Aster, RG 6* Tea Plant |
Weak Dmg up | [For self] Increase Weakness Damage by 50% | E 6* Boronia, 6* Hare's Ear (New Year), RG 6* Prune |
Weak Dmg up | [For self] Increase Weakness Damage by 60% | E 5* Armeria |
Weak Dmg up | [For self] Increase Weakness Damage by 70% | RG 6* Lisa |
Weak Dmg up | [For self] Increase Weakness Damage by 80% | RG 6* Armeria, 6* Daffodil, RG 6* Pinkladies (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), RG 6* Reed, B 6* Twinleaf |
Weak Dmg up | [For self] Increase Weakness Damage by 90% | B 6* Japanese Apricot |
Weak Dmg up | [For self] Increase Weakness Damage by 100% | B 6* Bush Clover, B 6* Japanese Silver Grass (Swimsuit), E 6* Pumila, 6* Silver Orchid (Noble Lady of Sparkling Destiny), B 6* Sparaxis, B 6* Water Lily (Swimsuit) |
Weak Dmg up | [For self] Increase Weakness Damage by 120% | E 6* Castor Bean, B 6* Pumila |
Def Rate up | [For self] Increase Defend Rate by 10% and Defend Damage Reduction by 10% | B 6* Bamboo |
Less Enemy Action | [For all enemies] Each turn, 25% chance to reduce the number of Attacks by 1 | 6* Henna (Christmas), 6* Monkshood (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady) |
Revive | If you have 0 HP: After the enemy turn, Heal 50% Max HP for 3 allies (Revive 0 HP allies with 50% Max HP) (1x per subjugation) | 6* Easter Cactus |
Revive | If you have 0 HP: After the enemy turn, Heal 100% Max HP for 5 allies (Revive 0 HP allies with 100% Max HP) (1x per subjugation) | 6* Adlay, B 6* Adlay (New Year), B 6* Easter Cactus |
Atk up w/ Less HP | [For 5 allies] [While alive] With less HP, increase Attack by up to 25% | 5* Winter Daphne |
Atk up w/ Less HP | [For 5 allies] [While alive] With less HP, increase Attack by up to 50% | B 5* Winter Daphne |
Atk up w/ Less HP | [For self] [While alive] With less HP, increase Attack by up to 80% | RG 6* Skullcap |
Atk up w/ Less HP | [For 5 allies] [While alive] With less HP, increase Attack by up to 80% | RG 6* Hemlock, RG 6* Lion's Ear |
Atk up w/ Less HP | [For self] [While alive] With less HP, increase Attack by up to 100% | B 5* Dragon Tree |
Atk up w/ Less HP | [For 5 allies] [While alive] With less HP, increase Attack by up to 100% | RG 6* Winter Daphne |
Atk up w/ Less HP | [For self] [While alive] With less HP, increase Attack by up to 150% | RG 6* Lobelia |
Atk up w/ Less HP | [For self] [While alive] With less HP, increase Attack by up to 200% | RG 6* Dragon Tree |
Atk up w/ Less HP | [For self] [While alive] With less HP, increase Attack by up to 300% | E 6* Knotweed (Valentine) |
Atk up w/ Less HP | [For self] [While alive] With less HP, increase Attack by up to 300% | B 6* Thistle |
Atk up w/ Less HP | [For 5 allies] [While alive] With less HP, increase Attack by up to 300% | E 6* Pinkladies (New Year) |
Atk up w/ Less HP | [For self] [While alive] With less HP, increase Attack by up to 500% | B 6* Corbett (Halloween) |
Dmg up w/ Less HP | [For 5 allies] [While alive] With less HP, increase Damage by up to 40% | B 6* Dragon Fruit (Swimsuit) |
Skill Dmg up w/ Less HP | [For 5 allies] [While alive] With less HP, increase Skill Damage by up to 60% | B 6* Adlay (Valentine) |
Crit Dmg up w/ Less HP | [For 5 allies] [While alive] With less HP, increase Critical Damage by up to 80% | RG 6* Hemlock |
Pursuit | [For self] Pursuit using 10% of the party's Overall Force | 5* Exacum, 5* Linaria, E 5* Manchineel |
Pursuit | [For self] Pursuit using 12% of the party's Overall Force | 5* Flamingo Plant (Christmas), E 5* Gold Coin Daisy, 5* Hare's Ear, E 5* Worm Wood (Christmas) |
Pursuit | [For self] Pursuit using 15% of the party's Overall Force | B 5* Anemone (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), B 5* Christmas Cactus, B 5* Cowberry, B 5* Exacum, B 5* Gold Coin Daisy, B 5* Hare's Ear, B 5* Linaria, B 5* Pinkladies (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), B 5* Veronica, B 5* Worm Wood (Christmas) |
Pursuit | [For self] Pursuit using 20% of the party's Overall Force | B 5* Prune, RG 6* Armeria, RG 6* Devil's Claw, RG 6* Manchineel, RG 6* Sanvitalia |
Pursuit | [For self] Pursuit using 30% of the party's Overall Force | RG 6* Anemone (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), RG 6* Aster, RG 6* Buttercup, RG 6* Cape Jasmine, RG 6* Chocolate Lily (New Year), RG 6* Christmas Cactus, RG 6* Cowberry, RG 6* Cymbidium, RG 6* Dendrobium (Aspirational Youth-Caring Instructor), RG 6* Echinacea (Hotspring Yukata), RG 6* Gold Coin Daisy, RG 6* Hare's Ear, RG+B 6* Heliconia, E 6* Hyacinth, RG 6* Jujube, RG 6* Jumpseed, RG 6* King Protea, RG 6* Laurentia (Ninja), RG 6* Linaria, RG 6* Night Phlox (Christmas), RG 6* Pinkladies (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), RG 6* Prune, RG 6* Quince, RG 6* Snow Pea, 6* Sparaxis, RG 6* Veronica, RG+B 6* Water Fringe, RG 6* Wax Tree, B 6* Wax Vine, RG 6* Winter Cosmos, RG 6* Worm Wood, RG 6* Worm Wood (Christmas), RG 6* Yarrow |
Pursuit | [For self] Pursuit using 40% of the party's Overall Force | 6* Bessera, RG 6* Exacum, 6* Liverwort |
Pursuit | [For self] Pursuit using 50% of the party's Overall Force | B 6* Black Locust (June Bride) |
Pursuit | [For self] Pursuit using 60% of the party's Overall Force | B 6* Hyacinth |
Pursuit | [For self] Pursuit using 100% of the party's Overall Force | B 6* Corn Cockle, 6* Hare's Ear (New Year) |
Pursuit | [For self] Pursuit using 120% of the party's Overall Force | B 6* Cactus, B 6* Liverwort, B 6* Silver Orchid (Noble Lady of Sparkling Destiny), B 6* Usagigiku |
Pursuit | [For self] Pursuit using 140% of the party's Overall Force | B 6* Sparaxis, E 6* Sparaxis (Halloween) |
Pursuit | [For self] Pursuit all enemies using 5% of the party's Overall Force | E 5* Redcurrant, 5* Rochea |
Pursuit | [For self] Pursuit all enemies using 10% of the party's Overall Force | B 5* Rochea |
Pursuit | [For self] Pursuit all enemies using 20% of the party's Overall Force | RG 6* Asian Royal Fern, RG 6* Christmas Cactus, RG+B 6* Dandelion, RG 6* Devil's Claw, 6* Duranta, RG 6* Flamingo Plant (Christmas), RG+B 6* Forget-Me-Not, RG 6* Japanese Quince, RG 6* Lamium, RG+B 6* Marguerite, RG 6* Mauritiana, RG+B 6* Moth Orchid, RG 6* Peach, RG 6* Poached Egg Plant, RG 6* Primula, RG 6* Redcurrant, RG 6* Rochea, RG+B 6* Sanvitalia |
Pursuit | [For self] Pursuit all enemies using 30% of the party's Overall Force | E 5* Kangaroo Paws |
Pursuit | [For self] Pursuit all enemies using 40% of the party's Overall Force | B 6* Duranta |
Pursuit | [For self] Pursuit all enemies using 50% of the party's Overall Force | 6* Convolvulus (Swimsuit), RG 6* Kangaroo Paws, 6* Nematanthus |
Pursuit | [For self] Pursuit all enemies using 100% of the party's Overall Force | 6* Boronia, E 6* Reese Verne (Exstia Chevalier) |
Pursuit | [For self] Pursuit all enemies using 100% of the party's Overall Force | 6* Castor Bean |
Add Pursuit | [For 5 allies] 20% chance to Pursuit using 40% of the party's Overall Force | 6* Basil, E 6* Bessera |
Add Pursuit | [For 5 allies] 100% chance to Pursuit using 20% of the party's Overall Force | B 6* Basil, B 6* Bessera, B 6* Duranta |
Use Skill to Skill Rate up, Act Again Rate up by Attr | [For 5 Blunt allies] After you use a Skill, on the next 3 turns, increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.4x and Act Again Rate by 25% | 6* Silk Tree (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams) |
Use Skill to Skill Rate up, Act Again Rate up by Attr | [For 5 Blunt allies] After you use a Skill, on the next 3 turns, increase Skill Activation Rate by 2x and Act Again Rate by 40% | B 6* Silk Tree (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams) |
Summon | After you Attack 3x, on the next 5 turns, summon Stra. Just after being summoned, Stra activates <Drachen Blitz> | B 6* Tarragon (Nova Vice-President of Hope) |
Transform | [For self] After you use a Skill, for the next 5 turns, Transform into <Eitel Dress>. [For 5 allies] [While Transformed] Increase Weakness Damage by 50%. Add Magic Attribute | B 6* Vervain |
Transform | [For self] After you use a Skill, for the next 7 turns, Transform into <Elegant Garment of Sunlight> | B 6* Roman Chamomile |
Transform | [For self] Gain Transform Ability Effects: Disable Critical Attacks and <Skill Damage up> abilities have their effect boosted by 10% | 6* Star Rush |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] After you use a Skill, increase Attack by 5% until battle end | 5* Prunus Persica |
Atk up | [For self] After you Attack, increase Attack by 5% until battle end (Up to 5x) | 5* Aphelandra |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 8% (Up to 5x) | B 5* Japanese Beech |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] After you use a Skill, increase Attack by 8% until battle end | RG 6* Prunus Persica |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, increase Attack by 10% until battle end (Up to 5x) | B 5* Staghorn Fern |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] After an ally does a Critical Attack, increase Attack by 10% (Up to 10x) | E 5* Marlberry |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 10% until battle end (Up to 10x) | B 5* Marlberry |
Atk up | [For self] [Until subjugation end] After you use a Skill, increase Attack by 10% (Up to 10x) | B 6* Obako |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 10% (20x per battle) | B 6* Common Zinnia (Christmas) |
Atk up | [For self] After you Attack, increase Attack by 10% until battle end (Up to 5x) | RG 6* Aphelandra |
Atk up | [For 5 allies with a single-target Skill] Increase Attack by 10% | E 5* Potato |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 10% | 5* Cape Plumbago, B 5* Chinese Lucky Grass, 5* Crinum, E 5* Dragon Tree, 5* Huechera, 5* Showy Baby's Breath, 5* Wall Iris, RG 6* Lindernia |
Atk up | [For self] [Until subjugation end] Just after you Attack, increase Attack by 10% (Up to 20x) | 6* Cattleya (Life Tree's Blessing) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [While alive] End of each turn, increase Attack by 10% (Up to 10x) | B 6* Sawagikyou (Swimsuit) |
Atk up | [For self] After an ally does an Attack, increase Attack by 12% until turn end | B 6* Asahi Kuki, 6* Luluna (Scaly Hydrangea) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 12% (Up to 5x) | RG 6* Japanese Beech |
Atk up | [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 12% until turn end | E 6* Lettuce |
Atk up | [For 2 Attack-type allies] Increase Attack by 15% | E 5* Cassis |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Just after an ally uses an Ability to Overheal, increase Attack by 15% until battle end (Up to 5x) | 5* Dwarf Lilyturf |
Atk up | [For self] After an ally is attacked, increase Attack by 15% (Up to 10x) | B 6* Baikamo (Easter) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 15% (Up to 10x) | B 6* Sawagikyou (Swimsuit) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 15% until battle end (Up to 10x) | E 6* Adlay (New Year) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 15% | 5* Hebe, E 5* Rose Mallow |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] After you use a Skill, increase Attack by 20% (5x per battle) | E 6* Common Zinnia (Christmas) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [Until subjugation end] After an enemy is defeated, increase Attack by 20% | RG 6* Purple Marshlocks |
Atk up | [For self] [Until subjugation end] Just after you Attack, increase Attack by 20% (Up to 10x) | RG 6* Winter Jasmine |
Atk up | [For self] Just after an ally does a Critical Attack, increase Attack by 20% until turn end | RG 6* Reed, E 6* Tacca Chantrieri (Formal Dress) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] After you attack, increase Attack by 20% (3x per battle) | 5* Japanese Camellia |
Atk up | [For self] End of each turn, increase Attack by 20% (Up to 5x) | E 6* Kayana (Moon Viewing Rabbit) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, increase Attack by 20% until battle end (Up to 5x) | RG 6* Staghorn Fern |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 20% (Up to 3x) | B 6* Reeves Spirea (Easter) |
Atk up | [For 2 allies with 100% HP or more] Start of each turn, increase Attack by 20% until turn end | B 5* Wall Iris |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 20% (Up to 5x) | 6* Lion's Ear (Christmas) |
Atk up | [For self] Just before an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 20% until turn end | E 6* Moonglow |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [While alive] Increase Attack by 20% | B 5* Chinese Lucky Grass |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] After an ally is attacked, on the next turn, increase Attack by 20% (Up to 4x) | B 6* Japanese Andromeda |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] After you Evade, increase Attack by 20% until battle end (Up to 10x) | E 6* Cistus |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] After you do a Critical Attack, increase Attack by 20% until battle end (Up to 5x) | B 6* White Dead Nettle |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] After an ally Evades, on the next turn, increase Attack by 20% | B 5* Crinum |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] After an ally does a Critical Attack, increase Attack by 20% until battle end (Up to 5x) | 6* Dusty Miller (Life Tree's Blessing) |
Atk up | [For self] End of each turn, increase Attack by 20% (Up to 15x) | B 6* Riko |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 20% | 5* Felicia, E 5* Suzuka Ichinose, E 6* Anemone (Parallel Academy), RG 6* Anri (Rue Anemone), B 6* Baikasou (Easter), 6* Blackberry (Easter), RG 6* Cape Plumbago, E 6* Cardamine Lyrata (Halloween), 6* Cattleya (Parallel Academy), RG 6* Chinese Lucky Grass, RG 6* Crinum, RG 6* Dragon Tree, 6* Eir (Thyme), E 6* Ghost Weed (Valentine), 6* Great Burnet (New Year), RG 6* Huechera, 6* Japanese Anemone (Swimsuit), RG 6* Miltonia, RG 6* Ping Pong Mum, RG 6* Rose Mallow, B 6* Saintpaulia (Formal Dress), RG 6* Showy Baby's Breath, 6* Thunberg Spirea (Christmas), 6* White Clover (Valentine), B 6* Yew Plum Pine |
Atk up | Unknown ability id 20001 with values 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 902, -1 | B 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (10th Anniversary) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 20%. End of each turn, increase Attack by 20% (Max 40%) | 5* Aerva |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 20%. End of each turn, increase Attack by 20% (Max 60%) | RG 6* Aerva |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 20%. End of each turn, increase Attack by 20% (Max 80%) | 5* Garden Croton |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 24%. End of each turn, increase Attack by 24% (Max 120%) | 6* Asahi Kuki, 6* Luluna (Scaly Hydrangea) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 25% (Up to 4x) | E 6* Cattleya (Parallel Academy) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies with 100% HP or more] Increase Attack by 25% | B 5* Pincushion |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] After an ally is attacked, increase Attack by 25% (Up to 5x) | B 6* Great Burnet (Formal Dress) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Just after an ally uses an Ability to Overheal, increase Attack by 25% until battle end (Up to 5x) | RG 6* Dwarf Lilyturf |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [While alive] Increase Attack by 25% | 5* Winged Everlasting |
Atk up | [For 1 Slash ally] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 25% until turn end | E 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (Christmas) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] After an ally does a Critical Attack, increase Attack by 25% (Up to 10x) | E 6* Adlay |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Just after an ally Negates Damage, increase Attack by 25% until battle end (2x per battle) | 5* Rose Campion |
Atk up | [For 5 allies from your Nation] Increase Attack by 25%. End of each turn, increase Attack by 25% (Max 100%) | B 6* Japanese Anemone (Swimsuit) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [While alive] Increase Attack by 25% | 6* Red Tulip (Knight Medic) |
Atk up | [For self] [Until subjugation end] Just after you use a Skill, increase Attack by 30% (Up to 4x) | B 6* Checkerberry (Easter) |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Attack by 30% | E 5* Manuka |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, if it's the 2nd time this battle: Increase Attack by 30% | B 6* Twinspur (Maid) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Just after an ally Evades 3x, increase Attack by 30% until battle end (5x per battle) | B 6* Heliotrope (Halloween) |
Atk up | [Power Seed V] [For 5 Lily Wood allies] After you use an Ability to Overheal, increase Attack by 30% until battle end (1x per turn) | B 6* Lilli |
Atk up | [For self] If you are an Attack-type: Increase Attack by 30% | 5* Browallia |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 30% | E 5* Pelargonium, E 6* Cymbidium (Cat Ear Maid), E 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (Christmas), RG 6* Hebe, RG 6* Sakura (Apron), 6* Scilla (Easter), 6* Spring Star (Parallel Academy), RG 6* Suzuka Ichinose, RG 6* Yuri Amakubo (Exstia Flora) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] After an ally Evades, increase Attack by 30% until battle end (Up to 5x) | B 6* Pinkladies (Bunny of Unspoken Love) |
Atk up | [For 1 Slash ally that is an Attack-type] Increase Attack by 30% | E 5* Poisonberry |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 30% | 5* Erica Christmas Parade, 5* Peace Lily |
Atk up | [For 5 allies with no Flower Family] Increase Attack by 30% | RG 6* Yuri Amakubo (Exstia Flora) |
Atk up | [For self] Start of each turn, if you have 50% HP or more: Increase Attack by 30% until turn end | E 5* Malcolmia |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 30% (Up to 5x) | 6* Bluet (Rising Star of the Sparkling Fairyland), B 6* Sensitive Plant (Marine Sailor) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] The 1st time you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Attack by 30% | E 6* Leschenaultia (Yukata) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Just after an ally uses an Ability to Overheal, increase Attack by 30% until battle end (Up to 5x) | E 6* Cattleya (Matured Charming Bride), B 6* Win (Snowfield Formal Dress) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] After you attack, increase Attack by 30% (3x per battle) | RG 6* Japanese Camellia |
Atk up | [For self] After you use a Skill, increase Attack by 30% (Up to 5x) | B 6* Rye |
Atk up | [Power Seed VI] [For 5 Lily Wood allies] After you use an Ability to Overheal, increase Attack by 30% until battle end (1x per turn) | B 6* Lilli |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [While alive] End of each turn, increase Attack by 30% (Up to 2x) | B 6* Azarin (Exstia Magica) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [While alive] Increase Attack by 30% | RG 6* Chinese Lucky Grass |
Atk up | [For self] [Until subjugation end] Just after you use a Skill, increase Attack by 30% (Up to 10x) | RG 6* Winter Jasmine |
Atk up | [For self] After you Evade, increase Attack by 30% (4x per battle) | B 6* Baikasou (Easter), E 6* Red Spider Lily (Life Tree's Blessing) |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] After an ally does a Critical Attack, on the next turn, increase Attack by 30% (1x per turn) | E 5* Luculia |
Atk up | [For 5 allies from your Flower Family] Increase Attack by 30% | 6* Purple Tulip (Knight Medic) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] After an ally Evades, increase Attack by 30% (Up to 4x) | E 6* Fragrant Olive (Moon Viewing Rabbit) |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 30%. End of each turn, increase Attack by 30% (Max 90%) | B 5* Barley (Halloween) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Start of each turn, if all allies have 100% HP or more: Increase Attack by 35% until turn end | RG 6* Clustered Bellflower |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 35% | B 6* Four O'Clock (Costumed Pyrotechnician), B 6* Novalis (Queen of Snowflakes), B 6* Water Lily (June Bride) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies with no Flower Family] Increase Attack by 35% | RG 6* Sill Plain |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] After you Evade, on the next turn, increase Attack by 35% | B 6* Aizoon Stonecrop (Christmas) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies with a single-target Skill] Increase Attack by 40% | RG 6* Potato |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Attack by 40% | B 5* Chervil, 6* Macadamia |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] After an ally Evades, on the next turn, increase Attack by 40% | RG 6* Crinum |
Atk up | [For self] After you do a Critical Attack, on the next turn, increase Attack by 40% | RG 6* Crown of Thorns |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Just after an ally uses an Ability to Overheal, increase Attack by 40% until battle end (Up to 5x) | 6* Makino |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 40% | B 6* Cacao, B 6* Cattleya (Radiant Princess), B 6* Curcuma |
Atk up | [For 2 allies with 100% HP or more] Start of each turn, increase Attack by 40% until turn end | RG 6* Wall Iris |
Atk up | [For 2 Attack-type allies] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Attack by 40% | B 5* South Enchanter's Nightshade |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 40% | E 5* Bird's Foot Trefoil |
Atk up | [For 3 Magic allies] Increase Attack by 40% | 5* Crossandra |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 40% | 6* Frost Aster |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] After you Defend 2x, starting next turn, increase Attack by 40% until battle end | E 6* Eir (Thyme) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [While alive] Increase Attack by 40% | 6* Flowering Peach (Halloween) |
Atk up | [For self] After you do a Critical Attack, increase Attack by 40% (Up to 6x) | RG 6* Checkerberry |
Atk up | [For 1 other ally] Just before you use a Skill, increase Attack by 40% until turn end | RG 6* Browallia |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Attack by 40% | 6* Lavatera |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] [While alive] Increase Attack by 40% | E 5* Huechera |
Atk up | [For 5 Blunt allies] Increase Attack by 40% | B 6* Silk Tree (New Year) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Just after an ally Negates Damage, increase Attack by 40% until battle end (2x per battle) | RG 6* Rose Campion |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 40%. End of each turn, increase Attack by 40% (Max 200%) | E 6* Flame Lily (Swimsuit) |
Atk up | [For self] End of each turn, increase Attack by 50% (Up to 4x) | B 6* Cattleya |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 50% | B 6* Camellia Wabisuke, B 6* Coral Bush, B 6* Daisy, B 6* Orange, B 6* Summer Squash (Swimsuit), 6* Urza Pranaice |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Attack by 50% | B 6* Hinoki (Parallel Academy) |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] [While alive] If you have 10% HP or less: Increase Attack by 50% (4x per battle) | B 6* Adlay (Valentine), E 6* Bean |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] [On first 2 Turns] Increase Attack by 50% | B 6* Hinoki (Parallel Academy) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [While alive] Start of each turn, if you have 50% HP or less: Increase Attack by 50% (1x per turn, 2x per battle) | E 6* Frost Aster |
Atk up | [For self] Start of each turn, if you have 50% HP or more: Increase Attack by 50% until turn end | RG 6* Malcolmia |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Attack by 50% | B 6* Crepis (Witch of Light), 6* Turep (Swimsuit Wedding) |
Atk up | [For 2 Attack-type allies] After an ally does a Critical Attack, on the next turn, increase Attack by 50% | B 5* Valerian |
Atk up | [For 5 allies with 80% HP or more] Start of each turn, increase Attack by 50% until turn end | B 6* Cerastium |
Atk up | [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 50% until turn end | B 6* Lemon (Fruits Fulcute) |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 50% | B 6* Hinoki (Parallel Academy) |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Attack by 50% | E 6* Isogiku (Formal Dress), RG 6* Manuka |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [While alive] Increase Attack by 50% | RG 6* Winged Everlasting |
Atk up | [For self] After you do a Critical Attack 2x, on the next turn, increase Attack by 50% | B 6* Japanese Honeysuckle (New Year) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 50% until battle end (Up to 4x) | B 6* Beelzebub |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] After an ally does a Critical Attack, on the next turn, increase Attack by 50% (1x per turn) | RG 6* Luculia |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] After an ally does a Critical Attack 3x, increase Attack by 50% until turn end | B 6* Japanese Felwort |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 50% | E 5* Barley (Halloween), 5* Chinese Lucky Grass, B 5* Musk Rose, 5* Tea Tree, 6* Baikamo (Easter) |
Atk up | [For 2 Attack-type allies] Increase Attack by 50% | RG 6* Cassis |
Atk up | [For self] [Until subjugation end] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Attack by 50% (Up to 4x) | B 6* Monkshood (June Bride) |
Atk up | [For self] Start of each turn, if you have 100% HP or more: Increase Attack by 50% until turn end | B 5* Clustered Bellflower |
Atk up | [For 1 Slash ally that is an Attack-type] Increase Attack by 50% | RG 6* Poisonberry |
Atk up | [For self] After you do a Critical Attack 3x, increase Attack by 50% until battle end (Up to 2x) | E 6* Khepri |
Atk up | [For self] [On Turn 2] Increase Attack by 50% (Disappears on Turn 3) | B 5* Musk Rose |
Atk up | [For 5 allies with 100% HP or more] Increase Attack by 50% | RG 6* Pincushion |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 50% | E 5* Poisonberry, E 5* Staghorn Fern |
Atk up | [For 5 Blunt allies] Increase Attack by 50% | 6* Japanese Indigo |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 50%. End of each turn, increase Attack by 50% (Max 150%) | RG 6* Barley (Halloween) |
Atk up | [For 1 Slash ally that is an Attack-type] Increase Attack by 60% | 6* Nemesia |
Atk up | [For 5 allies with 100% HP or more] Increase Attack by 60% | E 6* Macadamia |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 60% | 6* Coral Bush (Life Tree's Blessing), B 6* Datura, RG 6* Pelargonium |
Atk up | [For 1 ally with the highest Attack] Increase Attack by 60% | RG 6* Dill |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Attack by 60% | B 5* Siebold's Primrose |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Attack by 60% | 5* Chestnut Vine |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 60% | E 5* Chinese Trumpet Vine, E 5* Dragon Tree, RG 6* Peace Lily |
Atk up | [For 3 Magic allies] Increase Attack by 60% | RG 6* Crossandra |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Attack by 60% | E 5* Sunchoke |
Atk up | [For 1 Blunt ally that is an Attack-type] Increase Attack by 60% | 6* Nemesia |
Atk up | [For self, if at 100% HP or more] Just before you Attack, increase Attack by 60% until turn end (1x per turn) | 5* Tiger Lotus |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 70% | 6* Chocolate Vine |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [While alive] Increase Attack by 70% | 5* Plum (Fruits Fulcute) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] After an ally Evades, on the next turn, increase Attack by 70% (5x per turn) | B 6* Saffron (New Year) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies with 50% HP or less] [1x per turn] Just before you Attack, increase Attack by 70% until turn end | 6* Sedum (Easter), E 6* Wolf Berry (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers) |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Attack by 70% | B 6* Statice (Swimsuit) |
Atk up | [For 4 other allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 70% | B 6* Viola |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 70% | 6* Henna (Easter) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] After you Evade, on the next turn, increase Attack by 70% | B 6* Red Spider Lily |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Attack by 75% | B 6* Hinoki (Parallel Academy) |
Atk up | [For 1 Guardian-type ally] Increase Attack by 80% | 6* Red Spider Lily (Parallel Academy) |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 80% | 5* Aphelandra, E 5* Crown of Thorns, 5* Westringia, RG 6* Bird's Foot Trefoil, E 6* Checkerberry (Easter), RG 6* Dragon Tree, 6* Fire Lily (June Bride), 6* Obako, 6* Pavonia, 6* Thunberg Spirea (Christmas) |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] [While alive] End of each turn, increase Attack by 80% (Up to 2x) | E 6* Asian Hazel |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Attack by 80% | E 5* Bridal Veil, RG 6* Chervil |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] [While alive] Increase Attack by 80% | E 5* Winged Everlasting, RG 6* Huechera |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 80% | RG 6* Staghorn Fern |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Attack by 80% | RG 6* Sunchoke |
Atk up | [For 2 Attack-type allies] After an ally does a Critical Attack, on the next turn, increase Attack by 100% | RG 6* Valerian |
Atk up | [For self] After you Attack 2x, on the next turn, increase Attack by 100% (1x per turn) | B 6* Sakura (Doll Festival) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 100% | E 6* Cherry (Fruits Fulcute), B 6* Hare's Ear (Swimsuit Wedding), B 6* Miyako, E 6* Pussy Willow (Halloween), 6* Royal Princess (10th Anniversary), E 6* Saffron (New Year), 6* Silk Tree (10th Anniversary) |
Atk up | [For self] Start of each turn, if you have 50% HP or more: Increase Attack by 100% until turn end | 6* Nematanthus |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] [If there are 3 enemies] Increase Attack by 100% | B 6* White Clover (Valentine) |
Atk up | [For 2 Attack-type allies] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Attack by 100% | RG 6* South Enchanter's Nightshade |
Atk up | [For self] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Attack by 100% | B 6* Helianthus, RG 6* Lisa |
Atk up | [For self, if at 100% HP or more] Just before you Attack, increase Attack by 100% until turn end (1x per turn) | RG 6* Tiger Lotus |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Attack by 100% | E 5* Japanese Spiraea |
Atk up | [For self] [Until subjugation end] After you Defend 5x, increase Attack by 100% | 6* Peach (Halloween) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Attack by 100% (1x per turn) | B 6* Yoshino |
Atk up | [For self] Just before you do a Normal Attack, on this turn, increase Attack by 100% | B 6* Akane |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] If one has 100% HP or more: Increase Attack by 100% | B 6* Isogiku (Formal Dress) |
Atk up | [For 2 Attack-type allies] After an ally does a Critical Attack, on this turn, increase Attack by 100% | B 6* Viola (New Year) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [While alive] Increase Attack by 100% | RG 6* Plum (Fruits Fulcute) |
Atk up | [For self] After you do a Critical Attack, on the next turn, increase Attack by 100% | B 6* Aizoon Stonecrop |
Atk up | [For 3 Magic allies] After an ally uses a Skill, on the next 5 turns, increase Attack by 100% (1x per battle) | B 6* Angraecum |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally with a single-target Skill] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Attack by 100% | RG 6* Lemon Grass |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 100% | E 5* Common Sundew, 5* Victoria, 6* Anemone (Parallel Academy), RG 6* Aphelandra, RG 6* Barley (Halloween), 6* Blushing Bride (Life Tree's Blessing), B 6* Cattleya (Christmas), 6* Cherry (Fruits Fulcute), RG 6* Chinese Lucky Grass, RG 6* Chinese Trumpet Vine, 6* Chocolate Lily (Swimsuit), RG 6* Crown of Thorns, RG 6* Erica Christmas Parade, B 6* Jade Vine, 6* Japanese Andromeda, B 6* Japanese Honeysuckle (Parallel Academy), E 6* Kayana (Moon Viewing Rabbit), 6* King's Cross, E 6* Lemon (Fruits Fulcute), 6* Lettuce, 6* Lucifer, E 6* Momiji Suzakuin, RG 6* Musk Rose, 6* Ornithogalum (Christmas), 6* Ririmu Tobe, B 6* Silk Tree (Dreamlike Swimsuit), 6* Tacca Chantrieri (Formal Dress), 6* Turnip Rape (Formal Dress), E 6* Uesugi Kenshin, 6* Verbascum (Athletic Meet), RG 6* Westringia |
Atk up | [For self] Start of each turn, if you have 100% HP or more: Increase Attack by 100% until turn end | RG 6* Clustered Bellflower |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Attack by 100% | RG 6* Siebold's Primrose |
Atk up | [For self] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Attack by 100% (1x per turn) | 6* Japanese Honeysuckle (New Year) |
Atk up | [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 100% | B 5* Musk Rose |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] After the party Attacks 10x, starting next turn, increase Attack by 100% until battle end | B 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (10th Anniversary), B 6* Ghost Weed (10th Anniversary), B 6* Kerria (10th Anniversary), B 6* Royal Princess (10th Anniversary), B 6* Silk Tree (10th Anniversary) |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] [While alive] Increase Attack by 100% | RG 6* Winged Everlasting |
Atk up | [For self] After you use a Skill to Overheal, on the next turn, increase Attack by 100% (6x per turn) | B 6* Jade Vine |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Attack by 100% | RG 6* Bridal Veil, RG 6* Chestnut Vine, B 6* King Protea (New Year), B 6* Pinkladies (New Year), E 6* Yoshino |
Atk up | Unknown ability id 20001 with values 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 899, -1 | E 6* Japanese Holly |
Atk up | [For 1 Magic ally that is an Attack-type] Increase Attack by 100% | B 6* Tarragon (New Year), B 6* Weeping Willow |
Atk up | [Power Seed II] [For 5 allies] Start of each turn, if you have 100% HP or more: Increase Attack by 100% until turn end | B 6* Lilli |
Atk up | [For self] After an ally is attacked 20x, starting next turn, increase Attack by 100% until battle end (1x per battle) | B 6* Iris (DraPri Guu-ta-life) |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 100% | E 6* Convolvulus (Swimsuit) |
Atk up | [For self] After you do a Critical Attack, increase Attack by 100% until turn end | B 6* Mandarin's Hat |
Atk up | [For 1 Magic ally that is an Attack-type] [While alive] Increase Attack by 120% | B 6* Ivy (June Bride) |
Atk up | [For 1 Pierce ally that is an Attack-type] Increase Attack by 120% | B 6* Castor Bean (Athletic Meet) |
Atk up | [For self] If you are an Attack-type: Increase Attack by 120% | RG 6* Browallia |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 120% | 6* Cabernet Sauvignon, 6* Green Bristlegrass (Halloween), 6* Sparaxis (Halloween), 6* Vanilla |
Atk up | [For 1 Guardian-type ally] Increase Attack by 120% | 6* Blackberry (Easter) |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Attack by 120% | 6* Digitalis (Crossdressing Beauty), E 6* Dracaena, 6* Eremophila, B 6* Heliotrope (Halloween), B 6* Henna (Easter), 6* Japanese Apricot (Doll Festival), 6* Snow Drop (Marine Sailor) |
Atk up | [For self] After you are attacked 5x, on the next turn, increase Attack by 125% | 5* Fortune Saxifrage |
Atk up | [For self] Start of each turn, if there is 1 enemy: Increase Attack by 130% | B 6* Black Baccara (Christmas) |
Atk up | [For 1 Pierce ally that is an Attack-type] Increase Attack by 140% | 6* Asian White Birch |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Attack by 150% | B 6* Anemone (June Bride) |
Atk up | [For 2 allies] Start of battle, 50% chance to increase Attack by 150% (1x per battle, 2 random allies) | B 6* Scilla (Easter) |
Atk up | [For 1 Blunt ally that is an Attack-type] Increase Attack by 150% | E 6* Tacca Chantrieri |
Atk up | [For self] [On Turn 2] Increase Attack by 150% (Disappears on Turn 3) | E 6* Lucifer |
Atk up | [For self] [While Summon is active] Increase Attack by 150% | 6* Khepri |
Atk up | [For self] After a Guardian-type ally is attacked 3x, starting next turn, increase Attack by 150% until battle end | RG 6* Tea Tree |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] After an ally Negates Damage, on the next turn, increase Attack by 150% (1x per turn) | E 6* Silk Tree (June Bride) |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Attack by 150% | RG 6* Japanese Spiraea |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 150% | 6* Moonglow, 6* Sakura (Doll Festival), 6* Star Rush, RG 6* Victoria, 6* Wood Sorrel (Swimsuit) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Attack by 150% | E 6* Lily (Formal Dress) |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Attack by 150% | B 6* Bloss (Easter) |
Atk up | [While Switched to Ao] [For self] Start of each turn, increase Attack by 150% | B 6* Midgardsorm |
Atk up | [For self] On the turn your Skill activates, increase Attack by 150% | E 6* Anemone (Parallel Academy) |
Atk up | [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 170% | B 6* Diamond Frost |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] [While alive] Increase Attack by 180% | B 6* Cardamine Lyrata (Halloween), B 6* Pothos (Swimsuit) |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Start of each turn, if you have 100% HP or more: Increase Attack by 180% (Doesn't Stack) | E 6* Garden Phlox (Peach Blossom Spring Vigilante Corps) |
Atk up | [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 200% | B 6* Dendrobium, B 6* Orange |
Atk up | [Power Seed III] [For 5 allies] Start of each turn, if you have 100% HP or more: Increase Attack by 200% until turn end (300% Total) | B 6* Lilli |
Atk up | [For self] After an enemy is defeated, increase Attack by 200% | RG 6* Marshmallow Plant |
Atk up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] After you do a Critical Attack, on the next turn, increase Attack by 200% (1x per turn) | B 6* Win (Christmas) |
Atk up | [Power Seed II] [For self] Increase Attack by 200% (500% Total) | B 6* Win |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 200% | B 6* Sun, 6* Win (Christmas) |
Atk up | [For self] After you Attack 5x, starting next turn, increase Attack by 200% until battle end (1x per battle) | RG 6* Victoria |
Atk up | [For self, if at 100% HP or more] Increase Attack by 200% | B 6* Dendrobium (Cat Ear Maid) |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] [While alive] Start of each turn, chance to increase Attack by 200% until turn end based on Luck Rate | 6* Bloss |
Atk up | [For 5 allies] After you activate Guts, on the next turn, increase Attack by 200% | B 6* Cistus |
Atk up | [For self] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Attack by 200% | RG 6* Snow Dragon |
Atk up | [For self] [On turns that are a multiple of 3] Resets Attack boosts | B 6* Burdock |
Atk up | [For self] Start of each turn, increase Attack by 200% | B 6* Burdock |
Atk up | [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 250% | E 6* Lucifer |
Atk up | [While Transformed] [For self] Increase Attack by 300% | B 6* Nidhogg |
Atk up | [Power Seed VI] [For 5 Blossom Hill allies] Increase Attack by 300% | B 6* Bloss |
Atk up | [For self] Increase Attack by 300% | RG 6* Common Sundew, B 6* Midgardsorm, 6* Nidhogg, E 6* Win |
Atk up | [For self] After you are attacked 5x, on the next turn, increase Attack by 300% | RG 6* Fortune Saxifrage |
Atk up | [For 5 allies with no Flower Family] After an ally is attacked 20x, starting next turn, increase Attack by 300% until battle end (1x per battle) | B 6* Iris (DraPri Guu-ta-life) |
Atk up | [While Transformed into Axe] [For self] Increase Attack by 500% | B 6* Corbett |
Atk up | [For self] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Attack by 500% | E 6* Common Zinnia (Life Tree's Blessing) |
Atk up w/ Def | [For self] [While Summon is active] Increase Attack using 50% Defense Power | E 6* Bamboo |
Atk up w/ Def | [For self] Increase Attack using 200% Defense Power | E 6* Tampala (Christmas) |
Atk up w/ Def | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack using 100% Defense Power | E 6* Queen of the Night (Peach Blossom Spring Vigilante Corps) |
Atk up w/ Def | [For 5 allies] Start of each turn, if you have 50% HP or less: Increase Attack using 100% Defense Power until turn end | B 6* Sutera (Protective Swimsuit) |
Def up | [For self] | E 6* Azalea (Christmas), B 6* Convolvulus (Swimsuit), B 6* Pinkladies (Parallel Academy) |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Defend Damage Reduction by 1.5% | E 5* Heliopsis |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Defend Damage Reduction by 3% | B 5* Heliopsis |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Defend Damage Reduction by 5.3% | RG 6* Formosan Cherry, RG 6* Heliopsis, RG 6* Poinsettia, 6* Viola (Yukata) |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Defend Damage Reduction by 6% | B 6* Viola (Yukata) |
Def up | [For self] [Until subjugation end] After an ally is attacked, increase Defense by 2% (Up to 50x) | B 6* Eir (Thyme) |
Def up | [For 2 allies] Increase Defense by 3% and Defend Damage Reduction by 0.4% | E 3* Balloon Flower, E 3* Fragrant Olive, E 3* Globe Amaranth, E 3* Hydrangea, E 3* Marigold, E 3* Moth Orchid, 4* Giant Arrowhead, 4* Great Burnet, 4* Hinoki, 4* Snowflake, 4* Yellow Tulip, 4* Yulan Magnolia |
Def up | [For 3 allies] Increase Defense by 5% and Defend Damage Reduction by 0.7% | E 4* Giant Arrowhead, E 4* Great Burnet, E 4* Hinoki, E 4* Snowflake, E 4* Yellow Tulip, E 4* Yulan Magnolia |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 7% and Defend Damage Reduction by 1% | 5* Aibika, E 5* Billy Buttons, E 5* Cypress Vine, 5* Japanese Madder, E 5* Jumpseed, E 5* Mertensia, E 5* Morning Star Lily, 5* Pachystachys |
Def up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Defense by 8% (Up to 5x) | E 5* Japanese Beech |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Just before being attacked, increase Defense by 10% for attacked allies (Up to 90%) | E 5* Cape Plumbago |
Def up | [For 5 allies] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Defense by 10% (20x per battle) | B 6* Common Zinnia (Christmas) |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 10% | E 5* Shaga |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 10% | 5* Cape Plumbago |
Def up | [For self] After you are attacked, increase Defense by 10% (6x per battle) | RG 6* Fortune Saxifrage |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 10% and Defend Damage Reduction by 1.5% | E 5* Agapanthus, E 5* Blue Spiraea, E 5* Camellia, B 5* Geranium, B 5* Kurinsou, B 5* Lemon, E 5* Lithops, 5* Lychnis, E 5* Rosy Lily, E 5* Solomon's Seal, B 5* Tulsi, E 5* Water Lily |
Def up | [For 3 allies] Increase Defense by 10% and Defend Damage Reduction by 1.5% | B 5* Bouvardia, E 5* China Root, E 5* Geranium, 5* Japanese Mugwort, 5* Japanese Snowball Bush |
Def up | [For 4 allies] Increase Defense by 10% and Defend Damage Reduction by 1.5% | B 5* Asiatic Dayflower, E 5* Crowea, E 5* Easter Lily, E 5* Fatsia, B 5* Japanese Mugwort, E 5* Leschenaultia |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 10% and Defend Damage Reduction by 2% | B 5* Marshmallow Plant |
Def up | [For 4 allies] Increase Defense by 10% and Defend Damage Reduction by 2.2% | B 5* Amur Adonis |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 10%. End of each turn, increase Defense by 10% (Max 20%) | B 5* Mattia (Field Horsetail) |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 10%. End of each turn, increase Defense by 10% (Max 30%) | RG 6* Mattia (Field Horsetail) |
Def up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Defense by 12% (Up to 5x) | RG 6* Japanese Beech |
Def up | [For 4 allies] Increase Defense by 12% and Defend Damage Reduction by 1.8% | E 5* Cosmos, B 5* Fatsia |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 12% and Defend Damage Reduction by 2.5% | B 5* Cosmos |
Def up | [For 3 allies] Increase Defense by 13% and Defend Damage Reduction by 2.7% | B 5* Sandersonia |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 14% and Defend Damage Reduction by 2.1% | E 6* Daisy |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 15% | 5* Common Sorrel |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Just before being attacked, increase Defense by 15% for attacked allies (Up to 90%) | RG 6* Cape Plumbago |
Def up | [For 2 allies] Increase Defense by 15% and Defend Damage Reduction by 2.2% | B 5* Blood Iris, E 5* Brachyscome, E 5* Eryngii, E 5* False Helleborine, B 5* Mikan, E 5* Mini Rose, E 5* Native Bryony, B 5* Rough Cocklebur, B 5* Schizanthus |
Def up | [For 3 allies] Increase Defense by 15% and Defend Damage Reduction by 2.2% | E 5* Cymbidium, B 5* Miltonia, E 5* Wood Sorrel |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 15% and Defend Damage Reduction by 2.2% | B 5* Agapanthus, B 5* Avens, B 5* Cacao (Easter), B 5* Cymbidium, B 5* Lychnis, 5* Mio, E 5* Passion Flower, B 5* Pine Tree, B 5* Solomon's Seal, B 5* Tritonia (Christmas), 5* Yuzu, E 6* Anemone, RG 6* Cyclamen, E 6* Flowering Peach, RG 6* Fragrant Olive, RG 6* Hinoki, RG 6* Hydrangea, RG 6* Moth Orchid, E 6* Royal Water Lily, RG 6* Snowflake, RG 6* Yellow Tulip |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 15% and Defend Damage Reduction by 3% | B 5* Camellia, B 5* Lithops, E 5* Oregano, E 5* Pinkladies (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), B 5* Tassel Flower, B 5* Water Lily, RG 6* Cymbidium |
Def up | [For 5 Guardian-type allies] Just before being attacked, increase Defense by 20% for attacked allies (Up to 60%) | RG 6* Syngonium |
Def up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Defense by 20% (Up to 5x) | 6* Lion's Ear (Christmas) |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 20% | RG 6* Shaga |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 20% | 6* Azalea (Christmas), RG 6* Cape Plumbago |
Def up | [For 2 allies] [While alive] [1x per turn] Start of each turn, if you have 50% HP or less: Increase Defense by 20% (Up to 3x per battle) | RG 6* Shaga |
Def up | [For 5 allies] After an ally is attacked, increase Defense by 20% (Up to 5x) | E 6* Great Burnet (Formal Dress) |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 20% and Defend Damage Reduction by 3% | E 5* North Pole |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 20% and Defend Damage Reduction by 3% | B 5* Common Sorrel, 5* Oriental Poppy, RG 6* Japanese Snowball Bush |
Def up | [For 2 allies] Increase Defense by 20% and Defend Damage Reduction by 3% | B 5* Brachyscome, 5* Echeveria, E 5* Mountain Lily |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 20% and Defend Damage Reduction by 3.5% | B 5* Spotted Bellflower |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 20% and Defend Damage Reduction by 3.7% | RG 6* Lemon, RG 6* Lithops |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 20% and Defend Damage Reduction by 4% | 5* Ionopsidium |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 20% and Defend Damage Reduction by 5% | E 5* Calibrachoa |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 20% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% | E 5* Lemon Grass, 5* Shaga |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 22% and Defend Damage Reduction by 4% | E 6* Black Baccara, RG+B 6* Cyclamen, RG+B 6* Hinoki, E 6* Japanese Anemone (Aspirational Relaxed Queen) |
Def up | [For self] Start of each turn, if you have 50% HP or less: After you are attacked, increase Defense by 25% until turn end | B 6* Sutera (Protective Swimsuit) |
Def up | [For 5 allies] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Defense by 25% (Up to 10x) | E 6* Adlay |
Def up | [For 3 allies] Increase Defense by 25% and Defend Damage Reduction by 3.7% | E 6* Kerria, E 6* Viola |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 25% and Defend Damage Reduction by 4.5% | RG 6* Crowea, 6* Flame Lily, RG 6* Flamingo Plant, RG 6* Globe Amaranth, RG 6* Rosy Lily, RG 6* Star Cluster |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 25% and Defend Damage Reduction by 5% | B 6* Streptocarpus |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 25% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% | E 5* Lemon Grass |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 25% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% | B 6* Flame Lily |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 30% | RG 6* Common Sorrel, 6* Japanese Felwort, B 6* Yew Plum Pine |
Def up | [For 1 Guardian-type ally] [While alive] Increase Defense by 30% | B 5* Huechera |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 30% | 6* Anemone (June Bride) |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 30% and Defend Damage Reduction by 4% | RG 6* Ionopsidium |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 30% and Defend Damage Reduction by 4.5% | B 5* North Pole |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 30% and Defend Damage Reduction by 5% | E 5* See-through Lily |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 30% and Defend Damage Reduction by 5% | E 5* Snowflake (Christmas) |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 30% and Defend Damage Reduction by 5.3% | B 6* Yellow Tulip (Knight Medic) |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 30% and Defend Damage Reduction by 5.3% | RG 6* Aibika, RG 6* Alyssum, RG 6* Amur Adonis, RG 6* Ananas, RG 6* Annabelle, RG 6* Asiatic Dayflower, RG 6* Azalea (Newcomer), RG 6* Baikamo, RG 6* Balloon Flower, RG 6* Barrenwort, RG 6* Billy Buttons, RG 6* Blood Iris, RG 6* Blue Spiraea, RG 6* Brachyscome, RG+B 6* Buckbean, RG 6* Cacao (Easter), RG 6* Camellia, RG 6* China Root, RG 6* Cowberry, RG 6* Cypress Vine, RG 6* Easter Lily, RG 6* Echeveria, RG+B 6* Egyptian Water Lily, RG 6* Eryngii, RG 6* False Helleborine, RG 6* Fatsia, RG 6* Felicia, RG 6* Four O'Clock, RG+B 6* Fragrant Olive, RG 6* Giant Arrowhead, RG+B 6* Gladiolus, RG 6* Great Burnet, RG 6* Himalayan Creeping Saxifrage (Gothic Maid), RG+B 6* Hydrangea, RG 6* Japanese Glory Bower, RG 6* Japanese Madder, RG 6* Japanese Mugwort, RG 6* Jumpseed, RG+B 6* Kurenai, RG 6* Kurinsou, RG 6* Leschenaultia, RG 6* Lion's Ear, RG 6* Lobelia, RG 6* Lychnis, RG+B 6* Marguerite, RG 6* Mertensia, RG 6* Mini Rose, RG 6* Mitsumata, RG 6* Morning Star Lily, RG+B 6* Moth Orchid, RG 6* Mountain Lily, RG 6* Native Bryony, RG 6* Olive, RG 6* Oregano, RG 6* Pachystachys, RG 6* Passion Flower, RG 6* Penny Plant, RG 6* Physostegia, RG 6* Pine Tree, RG 6* Pinkladies (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), RG 6* Poppy, RG 6* Rain Lily, RG 6* Ranunculus, RG 6* Rose, RG 6* Rough Cocklebur, RG 6* Sandersonia, RG 6* Schizanthus, RG 6* Scilla, RG 6* Showy Lily, RG 6* Skunk Vine, RG+B 6* Snowflake, RG 6* Spoon Wood, RG 6* Squirrel Tail Grass, RG 6* Sweet William Catchfly, 6* Tampala, RG 6* Tassel Flower, RG 6* Thoroughwort, RG 6* Toad Lily, RG 6* Tritonia (Christmas), RG 6* Tulsi, RG+B 6* Turnip Rape, RG 6* Water Lily, RG 6* Wintersweet, RG 6* Wood Sorrel, RG+B 6* Yellow Tulip, RG 6* Yulan Magnolia |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 30% and Defend Damage Reduction by 5.4% | RG 6* Bouvardia |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 30% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% | B 6* Anemone, B 6* Apricot, B 6* Cardamine Lyrata, B 6* Flowering Peach, B 6* Japanese Anemone (Aspirational Relaxed Queen), E 6* Japanese Felwort, B 6* Kayana, B 6* Mistletoe, B 6* Reese Verne (Exstia Chevalier), B 6* Tampala, 6* Thistle (Swimsuit) |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 30% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% | E 6* Beelzebub, RG 6* Calibrachoa, E 6* Great Burnet (New Year), RG 6* Miltonia, RG 6* Ping Pong Mum, RG 6* Shaga |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 30% and Defend Damage Reduction by 7.5% | 6* Asahi Kuki |
Def up | [For 5 allies] After an ally does a Critical Attack, on the next turn, increase Defense by 35% | B 6* Ghost Weed (Valentine) |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 35% | B 6* Satella |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 35% and Defend Damage Reduction by 5.3% | RG 6* Marigold |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 35% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% | E 6* Fire Lily (June Bride) |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 35% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% | B 5* Syngonium, RG 6* Agapanthus, B 6* Anemone (Princess of Pure Flower), B 6* Apple (Tanabata), RG 6* Avens, B 6* Black Baccara, RG 6* Clover, RG 6* Cosmos, RG 6* Cowslip, B 6* Cranesbill, B 6* Crown Imperial, RG 6* Cuphea, B 6* Elder Flower (Christmas), RG 6* Fire Lily, RG 6* Firethorn, RG 6* Flowering Dogwood (Yukata), B 6* Freesia, RG 6* Geranium, RG 6* Globe Thistle, E 6* Hemerocallis, B 6* Ionocidium, B 6* Ixia, B 6* Kerria, RG 6* Mio, B 6* Nipplewort (New Year), RG+B 6* Novalis, RG 6* Penstemon, B 6* Rabbit's Foot, B 6* Red Ginger, B 6* Royal Water Lily, B 6* Saffron, B 6* Satella, B 6* Sneezeweed, RG 6* Solomon's Seal, RG 6* Sourwood, B 6* Stock, B 6* Tarragon, E 6* Tarragon (Nova Vice-President of Hope), RG 6* Yuzu |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 35% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% | B 6* Euryops Daisy, E 6* Saffron (Parallel Academy), B 6* Silk Tree (Parallel Academy) |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 35%. End of each turn, increase Defense by 35% (Max 105%) | 6* Heather (Swimsuit) |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 40% | B 6* Alstroemeria (Formal Dress), E 6* Valnbone (Goldenrod) |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 40% | 6* Pinkladies (Parallel Academy) |
Def up | [For 5 allies] After an ally is attacked, on the next turn, increase Defense by 40% | B 6* Curcuma (Yukata) |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 40% and Defend Damage Reduction by 4% | 6* Meconopsis (Swimsuit) |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 40% and Defend Damage Reduction by 5% | B 6* Alstroemeria (Formal Dress) |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 40% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% | RG 6* Common Sorrel, B 6* Konagi, RG 6* Marshmallow Plant, B 6* Nerine, RG 6* Oriental Poppy, 6* Rose (Hotspring Yukata), 6* Valnbone (Goldenrod) |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 40% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% | RG 6* Lemon Grass |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 40% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% | RG 6* Sakura (Apron) |
Def up | [For 2 allies with 50% HP or more] Start of each turn, increase Defense by 45% until turn end | RG 6* Wall Iris |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 45% | 6* Smoke Tree |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 45% | RG 6* Ping Pong Mum |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 45% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% | B 6* Rainbow Rose (Swimsuit) |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 45% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% | B 6* Black Baccara (Christmas), 6* Spring Star (Parallel Academy) |
Def up | [For 3 allies] Increase Defense by 48% and Defend Damage Reduction by 8% | RG 6* Gaillardia, RG 6* North Pole |
Def up | [For 1 Guardian ally with a multi-target Skill] Increase Defense by 50% | RG 6* Tea Tree |
Def up | [For self] After you Defend, increase Defense by 50% until turn end | RG 6* Spotted Bellflower |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Start of each turn, if you have 50% HP or less: Increase Defense by 50% until turn end | B 6* Smoke Tree |
Def up | [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Defense by 50% until battle end (Up to 4x) | B 6* Beelzebub |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 50% | 5* Siebold's Primrose, E 6* Hinoki (Parallel Academy), 6* Red Spider Lily (Parallel Academy) |
Def up | [For 5 allies] After you Defend, on the next turn, increase Defense by 50% | B 6* Azalea (Christmas) |
Def up | [For 5 allies] [Until subjugation end] After an enemy is defeated, increase Defense by 50% | E 6* Peach (Halloween) |
Def up | [For 1 Guardian-type ally] [While alive] If you have 10% HP or less: Increase Defense by 50% (4x per battle) | E 6* Adlay (Valentine) |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 50% | 5* Calibrachoa, 6* Beelzebub, RG 6* Miltonia, 6* Saffron (Parallel Academy) |
Def up | [Power Seed V] [For 5 Bergamot Valley allies] Increase Defense by 50% (350% Total) | B 6* Belle |
Def up | [For 5 allies] After an ally uses a Skill, on the next turn, increase Defense by 50% | B 6* Nemesia |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 50% and Defend Damage Reduction by 5% | B 5* Calibrachoa |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 50% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% | 6* Azalea (Christmas), RG 6* Lemon Grass, E 6* Pinkladies (Parallel Academy), 6* Tampala (Christmas) |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 50% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% | 6* Ornithogalum, 6* Streptocarpus (Swimsuit), 6* Yew Plum Pine |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 50% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% | RG 6* Purple Loosestrife |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 50% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% | E 6* Anemone (New Year), B 6* Asahi Kuki, E 6* Baikamo (Easter), B 6* Cactus (Halloween), E 6* Cardamine Lyrata (Crossdressing Beauty), B 6* Cymbidium (Cat Ear Maid), 6* Red Tulip (Knight Medic), 6* Scilla (Easter) |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 50% and Defend Damage Reduction by 7.5% | B 6* Euryops Daisy |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 50% and Defend Damage Reduction by 7.5% | B 5* Dendrobium (Aspirational Youth-Caring Instructor), B 5* Pink (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), RG 6* Adenium, B 6* Convolvulus, B 6* Isogiku (Easter), B 6* Sandersonia (Halloween), RG 6* Spotted Bellflower, 6* Thistle |
Def up | [For 3 allies] Increase Defense by 50% and Defend Damage Reduction by 8.3% | RG 6* Dendrobium (Aspirational Youth-Caring Instructor), RG 6* Mikan, RG 6* Pink (World's Flower Shrine Maiden) |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 50% and Defend Damage Reduction by 9% | RG 6* Calibrachoa |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 50% and Defend Damage Reduction by 10% | RG 6* Snowflake (Christmas) |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 50% and Defend Damage Reduction by 10% | E 6* Chili Pepper, 6* Nasturtium (Easter) |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 50% and Defend Damage Reduction by 20% | 6* Peach (Halloween) |
Def up | [For 1 Pierce ally that is a Guardian-type] Increase Defense by 60% | 6* Ghost Weed (Valentine) |
Def up | [For 5 allies with 100% HP or more] Increase Defense by 60% | B 6* Turep |
Def up | [For 5 Blunt allies with a single-target Skill] Increase Defense by 60% | B 6* Bluebell |
Def up | [For 1 Guardian-type ally] Increase Defense by 60% and Defend Damage Reduction by 10% | E 6* Cattleya (Christmas) |
Def up | [For self] Start of each turn, if there are 2+ enemies: Increase Defense by 65% | B 6* Black Baccara (Christmas) |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 65% and Defend Damage Reduction by 10% | 6* Yellow Tulip (Knight Medic) |
Def up | [For 5 allies] After an ally Defends 3x, starting next turn, increase Defense by 65% until battle end (Doesn't Stack) | B 6* Nasturtium (Easter) |
Def up | [For 1 Healing-type ally with a multi-target Skill] [While alive] Increase Defense by 70% | RG 6* Anri (Rue Anemone) |
Def up | [For 1 Guardian-type ally] [While alive] Increase Defense by 70% | RG 6* Huechera |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 70% and Defend Damage Reduction by 7.5% | E 6* Anemone (June Bride) |
Def up | [For 1 ally with the lowest HP] Start of each turn, increase Defense by 75% until turn end | B 6* Saffron (Parallel Academy) |
Def up | [For 5 allies] [While Summon is active] Increase Defense by 80% | E 6* Bamboo |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 80% | B 5* October Stonecrop |
Def up | [For 2 Guardian-type allies] [While alive] Increase Defense by 80% | B 6* Flowering Peach (Halloween) |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 80% | RG 6* Siebold's Primrose |
Def up | [For self] Start of each turn, if you have 80% HP or more: Increase Defense by 100% until turn end | B 6* Thistle (Swimsuit) |
Def up | [Power Seed II] [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 100% (200% Total) | B 6* Belle |
Def up | [For self] [While Summon is active] End of each turn, increase Defense by 100% | B 6* Bamboo |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Just before being attacked, increase Defense by 100% until battle end (Up to 300%) | E 6* Bamboo (Swimsuit), B 6* Japanese Cedar |
Def up | [For 5 allies] After the party Attacks 10x, starting next turn, increase Defense by 100% until battle end | B 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (10th Anniversary), B 6* Ghost Weed (10th Anniversary), B 6* Kerria (10th Anniversary), B 6* Royal Princess (10th Anniversary), B 6* Silk Tree (10th Anniversary) |
Def up | [Power Seed I] [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 100% | E 6* Belle |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 100% | 6* Dusty Miller (Maid to Support You) |
Def up | [For 5 allies] [While alive] Start of each turn, chance to increase Defense by 100% until turn end based on Luck Rate | 6* Belle |
Def up | [Power Seed III] [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 100% (300% Total) | B 6* Belle |
Def up | [For self] Just before being attacked, increase Defense by 100% until turn end (1x per turn) | B 6* Chili Pepper (Swimsuit) |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 100% and Defend Damage Reduction by 2.5% | E 6* Pink (Christmas) |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 100% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% | B 6* Queen of the Night (Peach Blossom Spring Vigilante Corps) |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 100% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% | B 6* Dusty Miller (Maid to Support You), B 6* Flame Lily (Swimsuit) |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 100% and Defend Damage Reduction by 10% | 6* Hyacinth (New Year), RG 6* See-through Lily |
Def up | [For self] After an ally does a Critical Attack 5x, increase Defense by 150% until turn end | B 6* Rose (Hotspring Yukata) |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 150% | B 6* Japanese Cedar |
Def up | [Power Seed VI] [For 5 Bergamot Valley allies] Increase Defense by 150% (500% Total) | B 6* Belle |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 150% | E 6* Anemone (New Year), E 6* Chili Pepper (Swimsuit), E 6* Flame Lily (Swimsuit) |
Def up | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 150% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6.5% | 6* Sango |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 200% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% (Lasts 2 Turns) | B 6* Monkshood (June Bride) |
Def up | [For self] [1x per battle] Start of each turn, if you have 50% HP or less: Increase Defense by 250% | B 6* Castor Bean |
Def up | [For self] Increase Defense by 300% and Defend Damage Reduction by 20% | 6* Bamboo (Swimsuit) |
Dmg Reduction up | [For 5 allies] [While alive] Just after an ally uses an Ability to Overheal, increase Damage Reduction by 5% until battle end (Up to 5x) | B 6* Cattleya (Matured Charming Bride) |
Dmg Reduction up | [For 5 allies] [While alive] Just after an ally uses an Ability to Overheal, increase Damage Reduction by 10% until battle end (Up to 5x) | B 6* Win (Snowfield Formal Dress) |
Dmg Reduction up | [For 5 allies] After an ally is defeated, increase Damage Reduction by 20% | B 6* Wolf Berry (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers) |
Dmg Reduction up | [For self] Increase Damage Reduction by 25% | B 5* Westringia |
Dmg Reduction up | [Power Seed III] [For self] Increase Damage Reduction by 25% (50% Total) | B 6* Win |
Dmg Reduction up | [Power Seed II] [For self] Increase Damage Reduction by 25% | B 6* Win |
Dmg Reduction up | [For self] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Damage Reduction by 30% | B 5* Plum (Fruits Fulcute) |
Dmg Reduction up | [Power Seed IV] [For self] Increase Damage Reduction by 30% (80% Total) | B 6* Win |
Dmg Reduction up | [For 5 allies] [While alive] Increase Damage Reduction by 40% | B 6* Win (Christmas) |
Dmg Reduction up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage Reduction by 40% | B 5* Siebold's Primrose |
Dmg Reduction up | [For 5 allies with 100% HP or more] Start of each turn, increase Damage Reduction by 40% until turn end | B 6* Wolf Berry (Easter) |
Dmg Reduction up | [For 1 ally with the lowest HP] Start of each turn, increase Damage Reduction by 40% until turn end | B 5* Japanese Dock |
Dmg Reduction up | [For self] Increase Damage Reduction by 40% | 6* Great Burnet (Formal Dress) |
Dmg Reduction up | [For 1 ally with the lowest HP] Start of each turn, increase Damage Reduction by 50% until turn end | RG 6* Japanese Dock |
Dmg Reduction up | [For self] Increase Damage Reduction by 50% | B 6* Bamboo (Swimsuit), RG 6* Westringia |
Dmg Reduction up | [While Transformed] [For self] Increase Damage Reduction by 50% | B 6* Nidhogg |
Dmg Reduction up | [For 5 Magic allies] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Damage Reduction by 60% | B 6* Marsh-marigold |
Dmg Reduction up | [For 5 allies] After you Defend, on the next turn, increase Damage Reduction by 60% | RG 6* Common Sorrel |
Dmg Reduction up | [For 5 allies with 100% HP or more] Start of each turn, increase Damage Reduction by 60% until turn end | B 6* Dusty Miller (Maid to Support You) |
Dmg Reduction up | [For 5 allies with 100% HP or more] [While alive] Increase Damage Reduction by 60% | B 6* Flame Lily (Swimsuit) |
Dmg Reduction up | [For 5 allies] After an ally does a Critical Attack 5x, on the next turn, increase Damage Reduction by 60% | 6* Win |
Dmg Reduction up | [For self] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Damage Reduction by 60% | RG 6* Plum (Fruits Fulcute) |
Dmg Reduction up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Damage Reduction by 80% | B 6* Pink (Christmas) |
Barrier | [For 5 allies] [While alive] Create a 15% Barrier | 6* Meconopsis (Swimsuit) |
Barrier | [For 5 allies] [While alive] Create a 20% Barrier | E 5* Manchineel |
Barrier | [For 5 allies] After an ally is attacked, on the next turn, create a 30% Barrier | B 6* Curcuma (Yukata) |
Barrier | [For 5 allies] [While alive] Create a 30% Barrier | B 5* Calibrachoa, 5* Lemon Grass, E 5* October Stonecrop, B 5* Syngonium, B 6* Aizoon Stonecrop (Christmas), B 6* Alstroemeria (Formal Dress), B 6* Anemone, B 6* Anemone (June Bride), B 6* Azalea, B 6* Azalea (Christmas), E 6* Bamboo, 6* Beelzebub, B 6* Black Locust (June Bride), B 6* Blackberry, B 6* Bluet, B 6* Cardamine Lyrata, E 6* Chili Pepper, RG 6* Common Sorrel, B 6* Crown Imperial, B 6* Dragon Fruit (Swimsuit), 6* Dusty Miller (Maid to Support You), B 6* Euryops Daisy, E 6* Fire Lily (June Bride), B 6* Flame Lily, B 6* Flame Lily (Swimsuit), B 6* Freesia, B 6* Geranium (Yukata), E 6* Hardenbergia, B 6* Herbaceous Peony, E 6* Hyacinth (New Year), B 6* Ionocidium, E 6* Japanese Felwort, B 6* Kayana, B 6* Kerria, RG 6* Manchineel, RG 6* Miltonia, E 6* Nasturtium (Easter), B 6* Nightmaher (Dog's Tooth Violet), 6* Nightshade (Swimsuit), B 6* Osteospermum, B 6* Paphiopedilum, RG 6* Ping Pong Mum, B 6* Pussy Willow, B 6* Red Ginger, B 6* Red Spider Lily, 6* Reese Verne (Exstia Chevalier), B 6* Royal Water Lily, B 6* Royal Water Lily (June Bride), B 6* Saffron, RG 6* Sakura (Apron), B 6* Sandersonia (Halloween), B 6* Silk Tree (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers), E 6* Silk Tree (Parallel Academy), B 6* Sneezeweed, B 6* Stock, B 6* Summer Squash, B 6* Tarragon, B 6* Thistle, 6* Thistle (Swimsuit), B 6* Tree of a Thousand Stars, B 6* Usagigoke, 6* Valnbone (Goldenrod), B 6* Viburnum (Baseball), B 6* Water Poppy |
Barrier | [For 5 allies] [While alive] Create a 30% Barrier | E 6* Asahi Kuki, RG 6* Oriental Poppy, E 6* Yew Plum Pine |
Guts | [For self] After you Attack 2x, 40 Guts 1x until battle end | B 5* Pea |
Guts | [For self] If you have 10% HP or less: Possible Guts 1x (1x per turn) | 6* Adlay (Valentine) |
Guts | [For 1 Attack-type ally] If you have 10% HP or less: Possible Guts 1x (1x per turn) | 6* Bean |
Guts | [For self] Just after you drop to 10% HP or less, Possible Guts 1x (1x per turn) | B 6* Viola (New Year) |
Guts | [For self] If you have 10% HP or less: Possible Guts 1x (1x per turn) | B 6* Silk Tree (Dreamlike Swimsuit) |
Guts | [For 5 allies] Guaranteed Guts 1x | B 5* Chinese Lucky Grass, B 5* Cinnamon, E 5* Common Sorrel, E 5* Huechera, E 5* Kalanchoe Pinnata, E 6* Apple (June Bride), E 6* Ash, E 6* Blue Lotus (Christmas), RG 6* Blue Star, RG 6* Cichorium, B 6* Cyclamen (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers), B 6* Cypress, B 6* Easter Cactus (June Bride), E 6* Euryops Daisy, B 6* Hemerocallis, B 6* Japanese Indigo, B 6* Lady's Sorrel (Swimsuit), E 6* Lion's Ear (Christmas), B 6* Longstalk Holly, RG 6* Miltonia, 6* Platanus, E 6* Plumeria (Motherly Love of Hope), 6* Queen of the Night (June Bride), E 6* Sedum (Easter), B 6* Silk Tree (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers), B 6* Silk Tree (Parallel Academy), B 6* Tampala (Christmas), B 6* Viola (New Year), 6* Yellow Tulip (Knight Medic) |
Guts | [For self] After an ally Evades, Guaranteed Guts 1x until battle end (1x per turn) | B 6* Cistus |
Guts | [For self] After you use a Skill 3x, Guaranteed Guts 1x | B 5* Garden Croton |
Guts | [For self] After you Attack 3x, Grant "Guaranteed Guts 1x" | B 6* Vanilla |
Guts | [For 5 allies] Just before an ally is attacked, 25% chance to grant Guaranteed Guts 1x for attacked allies until battle end | E 6* Cactus (Halloween), B 6* Chickpea |
Guts | [For self] Guaranteed Guts 1x | B 5* Blue Star, 5* Dragon Tree, B 5* Escallonia, 5* Hemlock, E 5* Winter Daphne, E 6* Cattleya (Life Tree's Blessing), RG 6* Lemon Grass |
Guts | [For 3 allies] Guaranteed Guts 1x | B 5* Cichorium |
Guts | [For 5 allies] Just after you activate Guts, there is a 35% chance it becomes Guaranteed Guts 1x until battle end | 6* Oleander |
Guts | [For 5 allies] After you are attacked 10x, Guaranteed Guts 1x | B 6* Eir (Thyme) |
Guts | [For self] After an enemy is defeated, Grant "Guaranteed Guts 1x" | RG 6* Escallonia |
Guts | [For 5 allies] After an ally uses a Skill, Guaranteed Guts 1x (20x per battle) | B 6* Common Zinnia (Christmas) |
Guts | [For 5 allies with no Flower Family] Guaranteed Guts 1x | B 5* Suzuka Ichinose |
Guts | [For self] After you Attack 2x, Guaranteed Guts 1x until battle end | B 6* Corbett (Halloween), RG 6* Pea |
Guts | [For self] Possible Guts 2x | 5* Erica Christmas Parade |
Guts | [For 5 allies with no Flower Family] Guaranteed Guts 2x | RG 6* Suzuka Ichinose |
Guts | [For 5 allies] [On first 3 Turns] Guaranteed Guts 2x | B 6* Lavatera |
Guts | [For 5 allies] Guaranteed Guts 2x | B 5* Japanese Beech, E 5* Japanese Spiraea, 5* Manuka, 5* Miyako Wasure, B 5* Pincushion, B 5* Sunchoke, E 6* Asian White Birch, 6* Bamboo (Swimsuit), 6* Cardamine Lyrata (Halloween), 6* Cherry (Fruits Fulcute), 6* Chickpea, RG 6* Cinnamon, 6* Cotton, B 6* Curcuma (Yukata), 6* Cyclamen (Life Tree's Blessing), B 6* Cymbidium (Cat Ear Maid), E 6* Duranta (June Bride), RG 6* Dwarf Lilyturf, B 6* Eremophila, B 6* Flame Lily (Swimsuit), 6* Geranium (Swimsuit), B 6* Great Burnet (New Year), 6* King Protea (New Year), E 6* Miyako, E 6* Nidhogg, 6* Pink (Christmas), 6* Queen of the Night (Peach Blossom Spring Vigilante Corps), E 6* Red Tulip (Knight Medic), 6* Saffron (New Year), E 6* Sango, B 6* Sauvignon Blanc, B 6* Spring Star (Parallel Academy) |
Guts | [For 5 allies] Start of each turn, if you have 50% HP or less: Guaranteed Guts 2x until battle end (1x per battle) | B 6* Sutera (Protective Swimsuit) |
Guts | [For 1 Guardian ally with a multi-target Skill] Guaranteed Guts 2x | RG 6* Tea Tree |
Guts | [For self] Guaranteed Guts 2x | 5* Siebold's Primrose, 6* Anemone (New Year), E 6* Cactus (Halloween), 6* Corbett (Halloween), RG 6* Dragon Tree, B 6* Dusty Miller (Maid to Support You), RG 6* Mattia (Field Horsetail) |
Guts | [For 1 Attack-type ally with a single-target Skill] Guaranteed Guts 2x | RG 6* Lemon Grass |
Guts | [For 5 allies] Possible Guts 3x | 5* Japanese Belladonna |
Guts | [For self] Possible Guts 3x | 5* Common Sorrel |
Guts | [For 3 allies] Possible Guts 3x | B 6* Hinoki (Parallel Academy) |
Guts | [For 5 allies from your Nation] Possible Guts 3x | E 6* Silk Tree (New Year) |
Guts | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Possible Guts 3x | B 5* Chestnut Vine |
Guts | [For self] Possible Guts 3x | B 5* Agapanthus, B 5* Aibika, B 5* Amur Adonis, B 5* Asiatic Dayflower, B 5* Avens, B 5* Billy Buttons, B 5* Blood Iris, B 5* Blue Spiraea, B 5* Bouvardia, B 5* Brachyscome, B 5* Cacao (Easter), E 5* Calibrachoa, B 5* Camellia, B 5* China Root, B 5* Cosmos, B 5* Crowea, B 5* Cymbidium, B 5* Cypress Vine, B 5* Dendrobium (Aspirational Youth-Caring Instructor), B 5* Easter Lily, B 5* Echeveria, B 5* Eryngii, B 5* False Helleborine, B 5* Fatsia, E 5* Fortune Saxifrage, B 5* Geranium, B 5* Heliopsis, B 5* Japanese Madder, B 5* Japanese Mugwort, B 5* Japanese Snowball Bush, B 5* Jumpseed, B 5* Kurinsou, B 5* Lemon, B 5* Leschenaultia, B 5* Lithops, B 5* Lychnis, B 5* Marshmallow Plant, B 5* Mertensia, B 5* Mikan, B 5* Miltonia, B 5* Mini Rose, B 5* Mio, B 5* Morning Star Lily, B 5* Mountain Lily, B 5* Native Bryony, B 5* North Pole, B 5* Oregano, B 5* Oriental Poppy, B 5* Pachystachys, B 5* Passion Flower, B 5* Peace Lily, B 5* Pine Tree, B 5* Pink (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), B 5* Pinkladies (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), B 5* Rosy Lily, B 5* Rough Cocklebur, B 5* Sandersonia, B 5* Schizanthus, B 5* See-through Lily, B 5* Solomon's Seal, B 5* Spotted Bellflower, B 5* Syngonium, B 5* Tassel Flower, B 5* Tritonia (Christmas), B 5* Tulsi, 5* Wall Iris, B 5* Water Lily, B 5* Wood Sorrel, B 5* Yuzu, RG 6* Adenium, 6* Alstroemeria (Formal Dress), RG 6* Alyssum, RG 6* Ananas, B 6* Anemone, E 6* Anemone (June Bride), B 6* Anemone (Princess of Pure Flower), RG 6* Annabelle, B 6* Apple (Tanabata), B 6* Apricot, B 6* Asahi Kuki, B 6* Azalea (Christmas), RG 6* Azalea (Newcomer), RG 6* Baikamo, RG 6* Balloon Flower, B 6* Bamboo, RG 6* Barrenwort, B 6* Black Baccara, E 6* Black Baccara (Christmas), E 6* Blackberry (Easter), RG+B 6* Buckbean, B 6* Cardamine Lyrata, 6* Cardamine Lyrata (Crossdressing Beauty), RG 6* Chervil, B 6* Chili Pepper, RG 6* Clover, B 6* Convolvulus, B 6* Convolvulus (Swimsuit), RG 6* Cowberry, RG 6* Cowslip, B 6* Cranesbill, B 6* Crown Imperial, RG 6* Cuphea, RG 6* Cyclamen, RG+B 6* Egyptian Water Lily, B 6* Elder Flower (Christmas), RG 6* Erica Christmas Parade, 6* Euryops Daisy, RG 6* Fire Lily, B 6* Fire Lily (June Bride), RG 6* Firethorn, B 6* Flame Lily, RG 6* Flamingo Plant, RG 6* Flowering Dogwood (Yukata), B 6* Flowering Peach, RG 6* Formosan Cherry, RG 6* Four O'Clock, RG 6* Fragrant Olive, B 6* Freesia, 6* Frost Aster, RG 6* Gaillardia, RG 6* Giant Arrowhead, RG+B 6* Gladiolus, RG 6* Globe Amaranth, RG 6* Globe Thistle, RG 6* Great Burnet, RG 6* Himalayan Creeping Saxifrage (Gothic Maid), RG 6* Hinoki, B 6* Hyacinth (New Year), RG 6* Hydrangea, B 6* Ionocidium, B 6* Isogiku (Easter), 6* Ivy (June Bride), B 6* Ixia, B 6* Japanese Anemone (Aspirational Relaxed Queen), B 6* Japanese Felwort, RG 6* Japanese Glory Bower, B 6* Kayana, B 6* Kerria, B 6* Konagi, RG+B 6* Kurenai, RG 6* Lion's Ear, RG 6* Lobelia, RG+B 6* Marguerite, RG 6* Marigold, B 6* Meconopsis (Swimsuit), B 6* Mistletoe, RG 6* Mitsumata, RG 6* Moth Orchid, B 6* Nasturtium (Easter), B 6* Nerine, B 6* Nipplewort (New Year), RG+B 6* Novalis, RG 6* Olive, B 6* Ornithogalum, B 6* Peach (Halloween), RG 6* Penny Plant, RG 6* Penstemon, RG 6* Physostegia, RG 6* Ping Pong Mum, B 6* Pinkladies (Parallel Academy), RG 6* Poinsettia, RG 6* Poppy, RG 6* Purple Loosestrife, B 6* Rabbit's Foot, RG 6* Rain Lily, B 6* Rainbow Rose (Swimsuit), RG 6* Ranunculus, B 6* Red Ginger, B 6* Reese Verne (Exstia Chevalier), RG 6* Rose, B 6* Rose (Hotspring Yukata), B 6* Royal Water Lily, B 6* Saffron, B 6* Saffron (Parallel Academy), RG 6* Sakura (Apron), B 6* Sandersonia (Halloween), B 6* Satella, RG 6* Scilla, E 6* Scilla (Easter), RG 6* Showy Lily, RG 6* Skunk Vine, B 6* Smoke Tree, B 6* Sneezeweed, RG 6* Snowflake, RG 6* Sourwood, RG 6* Spoon Wood, RG 6* Squirrel Tail Grass, RG 6* Star Cluster, B 6* Stock, B 6* Streptocarpus, B 6* Streptocarpus (Swimsuit), RG 6* Sweet William Catchfly, B 6* Tampala, B 6* Tarragon, B 6* Tarragon (Nova Vice-President of Hope), B 6* Thistle, B 6* Thistle (Swimsuit), RG 6* Thoroughwort, RG 6* Toad Lily, RG+B 6* Turnip Rape, B 6* Valnbone (Goldenrod), B 6* Viola (Yukata), RG 6* Wintersweet, RG 6* Yellow Tulip, B 6* Yew Plum Pine, RG 6* Yulan Magnolia |
Guts | [For 5 allies] Possible Guts 3x | 6* Saintpaulia (Formal Dress), RG 6* Winged Everlasting |
Guts | [For self] Guaranteed Guts 3x | 5* Pea, RG 6* Beefsteak Geranium, 6* Chili Pepper (Swimsuit), 6* Dragon Fruit (Swimsuit), RG 6* Hemlock, B 6* Japanese Andromeda, RG 6* Kitsune no Botan, B 6* Monkshood (June Bride), 6* Nidhogg (Christmas), E 6* Serket, RG 6* Skullcap, E 6* Sutera (Protective Swimsuit), RG 6* Trifoliate, B 6* Vanilla, RG 6* Wall Iris, RG 6* Winter Daphne, E 6* Wood Sorrel (Swimsuit) |
Guts | [For 5 allies] Guaranteed Guts 3x | 6* Belle, E 6* Bloss (Easter), 6* Fragrant Olive (Moon Viewing Rabbit), E 6* Japanese Cedar, RG 6* Sunchoke |
Guts | [For self] Guaranteed Guts 4x | RG 6* Escallonia |
Guts | [For 5 allies] Possible Guts 5x | 6* Datura |
Guts | [For self] Possible Guts 5x | E 5* October Stonecrop |
Guts | [For self] Guaranteed Guts 5x | B 6* Dragon Fruit (Swimsuit), RG 6* Pea |
Guts | [For 5 allies] Possible Guts 10x | 6* Oleander |
Guts | [For self] Possible Guts 10x | RG 6* Crown of Thorns |
Guts | [For self] Guaranteed Guts 10x | 6* Midgardsorm |
Guts | [For 5 allies] Just before you Attack, if all allies have 100% HP or more: Grant "Guaranteed Guts 99x" until turn end | B 6* Burning Bush (Hotspring Yukata) |
Guts | [For 5 allies] Just before you Attack, if all allies have 100% HP or more: Grant "Guaranteed Guts 100x" until turn end | B 6* Japanese Holly |
Dmg Reduction up | [For self] Increase Damage Reduction from non-Critical Attacks by 50% | RG 6* Escallonia, RG 6* Purple Marshlocks |
Dmg Reduction up | [For 5 allies with no Flower Family] Increase Damage Reduction from Skill Attacks by 20% | B 6* Beelzebub |
Dmg Reduction up | [For 5 allies] Increase Damage Reduction from Skill Attacks by 40% | B 6* Fragrant Olive (Moon Viewing Rabbit) |
Dmg Reduction up | [For 5 allies] [While alive] Increase Damage Reduction from Skill Attacks by 50% | B 6* Cyclamen (Life Tree's Blessing), B 6* Lady's Sorrel (Swimsuit), E 6* Queen of the Night (Peach Blossom Spring Vigilante Corps) |
Dmg Reduction up | [For 5 allies with no Flower Family] Increase Damage Reduction from Skill Attacks by 50% | B 6* Sango |
Dmg Reduction up | [For 5 allies] [While alive] Increase Damage Reduction from Skill Attacks by 80% | B 6* Japanese Cedar |
Dmg Reduction up | [For self] Increase Damage Reduction from Normal Attacks by 50% | B 6* Castor Bean |
B 6* Sigillaria (Swimsuit) | ||
B 6* Sigillaria | ||
B 6* Sigillaria | ||
B 6* Sigillaria (Swimsuit) | ||
Dmg up | [For self] After you Attack, increase Damage by 5% until battle end (Up to 5x) | B 5* Aphelandra |
Dmg up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] After you use a Skill, increase Damage by 5% until battle end | E 5* Prunus Persica |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Damage by 6% (20x per battle) | B 6* Common Zinnia (Christmas) |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 6% (Up to 10x) | E 5* Manuka |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies with 100% HP or more] Increase Damage by 10% | B 5* Pincushion |
Dmg up | [For self] [Until subjugation end] After an enemy is defeated, increase Damage by 10% | E 6* Ririmu Tobe |
Dmg up | [For self] [Until subjugation end] After an enemy is defeated, increase Damage by 10% | B 6* Convolvulus (Swimsuit) |
Dmg up | [For self] Just after an ally does a Critical Attack, increase Damage by 10% until turn end | 6* Garden Phlox |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Damage by 10% (Up to 4x) | E 5* Garden Croton |
Dmg up | Unknown ability id 20201 with values 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 195, -1 | B 5* Marlberry |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 10% (Up to 10x) | RG 6* Manuka |
Dmg up | Unknown ability id 20201 with values 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 196, -1 | E 5* Marlberry |
Dmg up | [For self] After you Attack, increase Damage by 10% until battle end (Up to 5x) | RG 6* Aphelandra |
Dmg up | [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Damage by 12% until turn end | B 6* Lettuce |
Dmg up | [For self] Increase Damage by 15% | E 5* Erica Christmas Parade |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you attack, increase Damage by 15% (3x per battle) | B 5* Japanese Camellia |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies with no Flower Family] Increase Damage by 15% | B 5* Suzuka Ichinose |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Just after an ally uses an Ability to Overheal, increase Damage by 15% until battle end (Up to 5x) | B 5* Dwarf Lilyturf |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Damage by 20% | E 5* Kurin Yukifude |
Dmg up | [For self, if at 10% HP or less] Just before you Attack, increase Damage by 20% until battle end | B 6* Corbett (Halloween) |
Dmg up | [For self] After you do a Critical Attack 2x, on the next turn, increase Damage by 20% | 6* Chocolate Lily (Swimsuit) |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After an ally does a Critical Attack, increase Damage by 20% until battle end (Up to 5x) | 6* Dusty Miller (Life Tree's Blessing) |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] [While alive] Increase Damage by 20% | B 5* Winged Everlasting |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you do a Critical Attack, on the next turn, increase Damage by 20% | RG 6* Aerva |
Dmg up | [For self] Just before an ally uses a Skill, increase Damage by 20% until turn end | B 6* Moonglow |
Dmg up | [For self] [Until subjugation end] After an enemy uses a Skill, increase Damage by 20% (4x per subjugation) | RG 6* Common Sundew |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 20% (Up to 5x) | E 6* Dusty Miller (Maid to Support You) |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill 2x, increase Damage by 20% until battle end (Up to 5x) | B 6* White Dead Nettle |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Damage by 20% | RG 6* Twinflower |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 20% (Up to 3x) | RG 6* Vanda |
Dmg up | [For self] After you use a Skill to Overheal, increase Damage by 20% until battle end (Up to 10x) | E 6* Jade Vine |
Dmg up | [For self] Increase Damage by 20% | B 5* Shaga |
Dmg up | [For self] Increase Damage by 20%. End of each turn, increase Damage by 20% (Max 40%) | RG 6* Shaga |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Damage by 25% | B 6* Japanese Anemone, B 6* Novalis (Queen of Snowflakes) |
Dmg up | [For self] After you Evade, increase Damage by 25% (4x per battle) | B 6* Red Spider Lily (Life Tree's Blessing) |
Dmg up | [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Damage by 25% until turn end | E 6* Regal Lily |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 25% (5x per turn) | E 6* Beelzebub |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After an ally is defeated, increase Damage by 25% | B 6* Wolf Berry (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers) |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Just after an ally uses an Ability to Overheal, increase Damage by 25% until battle end (Up to 5x) | RG 6* Dwarf Lilyturf |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 30% (Up to 5x) | B 6* Sensitive Plant (Marine Sailor) |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies with no Flower Family] Increase Damage by 30% | RG 6* Suzuka Ichinose |
Dmg up | [For self] Increase Damage by 30% | RG 6* Erica Christmas Parade |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Damage by 30% | B 5* Sunchoke |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After an ally Evades, increase Damage by 30% until battle end (Up to 5x) | B 6* Pinkladies (Bunny of Unspoken Love) |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, if it's the 4th time this battle: Increase Damage by 30% | B 6* Twinspur (Maid) |
Dmg up | [For self] After you use a Skill, increase Damage by 30% (Up to 5x) | RG 6* Artichoke |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies with 100% HP or more] Increase Damage by 30% | RG 6* Pincushion |
Dmg up | [For self] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Damage by 30% | 5* Tritoma |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Damage by 30% | B 6* Coral Bush |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you attack, increase Damage by 30% (3x per battle) | RG 6* Japanese Camellia |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you Evade, on the next turn, increase Damage by 35% | B 6* Aizoon Stonecrop (Christmas) |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Damage by 40% | RG 6* Kurin Yukifude |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you Defend, on the next turn, increase Damage by 40% | B 6* Azalea (Christmas) |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 40% | B 6* Stock |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 40% | E 6* Blackberry (Easter) |
Dmg up | [For 3 Magic allies] Increase Damage by 40% | B 5* Crossandra |
Dmg up | Unknown ability id 20201 with values 40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 904, -1 | B 6* Kerria (10th Anniversary) |
Dmg up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] [While alive] End of each turn, increase Damage by 40% (Up to 2x) | B 6* Asian Hazel |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Damage by 40%. End of each turn, increase Damage by 40% (Max 200%) | E 6* Flame Lily (Swimsuit) |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies from your Nation] Increase Damage by 45% | B 6* Novalis (Queen of Snowflakes) |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Damage by 50% | RG 6* Sunchoke |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Damage by 50% (2x per turn) | 6* Bloss (Easter) |
Dmg up | [For self] End of each turn, increase Damage by 50% (Up to 3x) | B 6* Usagigiku |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] [While alive] Increase Damage by 50% | RG 6* Winged Everlasting |
Dmg up | [For self] After you do a Critical Attack, on the next turn, increase Damage by 50% (3x per turn) | B 6* Turnip Rape (Formal Dress) |
Dmg up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] After you do a Critical Attack, on the next turn, increase Damage by 50% | 6* Japanese Apricot (Doll Festival) |
Dmg up | [For self] [Until subjugation end] After an ally is defeated, increase Damage by 50% | RG 6* See-through Lily |
Dmg up | [For self] Increase Damage by 50% | B 5* Pea, 6* Corbett, 6* Iris (DraPri Guu-ta-life), E 6* Obako |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After Switching to Shiro, starting next turn, increase Damage by 50% until battle end (2x per battle) | B 6* Midgardsorm |
Dmg up | [For 3 Magic allies] After an ally uses a Skill, on the next 5 turns, increase Damage by 50% (1x per battle) | E 6* Angraecum |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Damage by 50% | B 6* White Dead Nettle |
Dmg up | [For self] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 50% | E 6* Baikasou (Easter) |
Dmg up | [For 1 Guardian-type ally] Increase Damage by 50% | B 6* Lady's Sorrel (Swimsuit) |
Dmg up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Damage by 50% | B 6* Japanese Apricot (Doll Festival) |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Damage by 50% | E 6* Crepis (Witch of Light) |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Damage by 50% | 6* Pothos (Swimsuit) |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Damage by 50% | E 6* Coral Bush (Life Tree's Blessing), 6* Miyako |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you Evade, on the next turn, increase Damage by 50% | B 6* Paphiopedilum |
Dmg up | [For 3 Magic allies] Increase Damage by 50% | RG 6* Crossandra |
Dmg up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Just after you activate Guts, increase Damage by 50% until battle end (Up to 5x) | B 6* Oleander |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Start of each turn, if you have 100% HP or more: Increase Damage by 50% (Doesn't Stack) | 6* Miyako |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 50% | B 6* Anemone (June Bride) |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies with 50% HP or less] [1x per turn] Just before you Attack, increase Damage by 50% until turn end | B 6* Wolf Berry (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers) |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After an ally Defends 5x, starting next turn, increase Damage by 50% until battle end (Doesn't Stack) | B 6* Nasturtium (Easter) |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you Evade, on the next turn, increase Damage by 55% | B 6* Royal Water Lily (June Bride) |
Dmg up | [For self] After you do a Critical Attack, on the next turn, increase Damage by 60% | B 6* Japanese Apricot |
Dmg up | [For self] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Damage by 60% | RG 6* Tritoma |
Dmg up | [For self] After you Evade, on the next turn, increase Damage by 65% | B 6* Paphiopedilum |
Dmg up | [For 1 Slash ally that is a Guardian-type] After you Evade, on the next turn, increase Damage by 65% | E 6* Streptocarpus (Swimsuit) |
Dmg up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Damage by 70% | B 6* Dracaena, 6* Pinkladies (New Year), 6* Wolf Berry (Easter) |
Dmg up | [For self] After you do a Weakness Attack, on the next turn, increase Damage by 70% | B 6* Sakura (Doll Festival) |
Dmg up | [For self] Increase Damage by 70% | B 6* Haru |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] [While alive] Increase Damage by 70% | E 5* Plum (Fruits Fulcute) |
Dmg up | [For self, if at 100% HP or more] Increase Damage by 80% | B 6* Dendrobium (Cat Ear Maid) |
Dmg up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] [While alive] Increase Damage by 80% | 6* Flowering Peach (Halloween) |
Dmg up | [For self] Increase Damage by 80% | 6* Daffodil, RG 6* Pea |
Dmg up | [For self, if at 200% HP or more] Just before you Attack, increase Damage by 80% until turn end (1x per turn) | B 5* Tiger Lotus |
Dmg up | [For self] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Damage by 100% | B 6* Common Zinnia (Life Tree's Blessing) |
Dmg up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Damage by 100% | 5* Japanese Spiraea |
Dmg up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Start of each turn, if you have Retained HP: Increase Damage by 100% until turn end | E 6* Silk Tree (10th Anniversary) |
Dmg up | [For 1 Attack-type ally with 100% HP or more] Increase Damage by 100% | E 6* Weeping Willow |
Dmg up | [For self] [From Turn 2] Start of each turn, if you have Retained HP: Increase Damage by 100% until turn end | B 6* Silk Tree (Dreamlike Swimsuit) |
Dmg up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] If 1 enemy has 90% HP or more: Increase Damage by 100% until turn end | B 6* Hinoki (Parallel Academy) |
Dmg up | [For self] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Damage by 100% | B 6* Cattleya |
Dmg up | [For self] Start of each turn, if you have 80% HP or more: Increase Damage by 100% until turn end | E 6* Alstroemeria (Formal Dress) |
Dmg up | [For self] [Until subjugation end] After you defeat an enemy, increase Damage by 100% (Up to 5x) | E 6* Nidhogg (Christmas) |
Dmg up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Damage by 100% | B 6* Cattleya (Parallel Academy) |
Dmg up | [While Transformed] [For self] Increase Damage by 100% | B 6* Nidhogg |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After an ally uses an Ability to Overheal, on the next turn, increase Damage by 100% (1x per turn) | B 6* Belial |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] [While alive] Increase Damage by 100% | RG 6* Plum (Fruits Fulcute) |
Dmg up | [For self] [On Turn 2] Increase Damage by 100% (Disappears on Turn 3) | B 6* Lucifer |
Dmg up | [For self] Increase Damage by 100% | 6* Corbett (Halloween), 6* Nidhogg, E 6* Wood Sorrel (Swimsuit) |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 100% | B 6* Flame Lily (Swimsuit) |
Dmg up | [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Damage by 120% | B 6* Dendrobium |
Dmg up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Damage by 120% | E 6* Yoshino |
Dmg up | [For self] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Damage by 120% | B 6* Marina Katsuragi (Exstia) |
Dmg up | [For self] Increase Damage by 120% | 6* Lemon (Fruits Fulcute) |
Dmg up | [For self] On turns that are a multiple of 6, increase Damage by 120% | B 6* Japanese Laurel |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Just before you use a Skill, increase Damage by 125% | B 6* Cherry (Fruits Fulcute) |
Dmg up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Damage by 150% | RG 6* Japanese Spiraea |
Dmg up | [For 1 Magic ally that is an Attack-type] After an ally does a Critical Attack 20x, starting next turn, increase Damage by 150% until battle end | B 6* Weeping Willow |
Dmg up | [For self] Increase Damage by 150% | E 6* Star Rush |
Dmg up | [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Damage by 200% | B 6* Lucifer |
Dmg up | [For self] Start of each turn, if you have 100% HP or more: Increase Damage by 200% (Doesn't Stack) | B 6* Silver Orchid (Formal Dress) |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Damage by 200% | E 6* Sun |
Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After an ally uses a Skill 20x, on the next turn, increase Damage by 300% until battle end (1x per battle) | B 6* Turep (Swimsuit Wedding) |
Boss Dmg up | [For self] [Until subjugation end] After an enemy is defeated, increase Boss Damage by 10% | E 6* Ririmu Tobe |
Boss Dmg up | [For 1 Blunt ally that is an Attack-type] After an ally does a Critical Attack, increase Boss Damage by 10% until turn end | E 6* Tacca Chantrieri |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 15% | E 5* Valerian, B 6* Duranta (June Bride) |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Boss Damage by 15% (Up to 3x) | B 6* Chocolate Cosmos (Easter) |
Boss Dmg up | [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 15%. End of each turn, increase Boss Damage by 15% (Max 75%) | 6* Luluna (Scaly Hydrangea) |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, increase Boss Damage by 20% (5x per battle) | 6* Common Zinnia (Christmas) |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 20% | E 6* Baikamo (Easter), E 6* Cardamine Lyrata (Halloween), E 6* Turnip Rape (Formal Dress) |
Boss Dmg up | [For 4 Slash allies with no Flower Family] Increase Boss Damage by 20% | E 5* Setsugekka Kazamine |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After an ally Evades, increase Boss Damage by 20% (6x per battle) | E 6* Blueberry (Easter) |
Boss Dmg up | Unknown ability id 20202 with values 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 902, -1 | B 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (10th Anniversary) |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Boss Damage by 20% | B 6* Camellia Wabisuke |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After an ally Evades, increase Boss Damage by 20% (Up to 4x) | E 6* Red Spider Lily (Parallel Academy) |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After an ally does a Critical Attack 3x, increase Boss Damage by 20% (Up to 5x) | B 6* Dusty Miller (Parallel Academy) |
Boss Dmg up | [For self] Just after an ally does a Critical Attack, increase Boss Damage by 20% until turn end | E 6* Tacca Chantrieri (Formal Dress) |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies] The 4th time you use a skill, starting next turn, increase Boss Damage by 20% until battle end | B 6* Leschenaultia (Yukata) |
Boss Dmg up | [For 2 Pierce allies] Increase Boss Damage by 25% | E 5* Carrot |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 25% | RG 6* Valerian, E 6* Viola (New Year) |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Boss Damage by 25% | B 6* Cardamine Lyrata |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you Evade, on the next turn, increase Boss Damage by 25% | B 6* Tree of a Thousand Stars |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you Defend, on the next turn, increase Boss Damage by 30% | B 6* Sneezeweed |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 30% | E 6* Blueberry (Easter), 6* Ivy (June Bride), 6* Twinleaf (Valentine) |
Boss Dmg up | [For 4 Slash allies with no Flower Family] Increase Boss Damage by 30% | RG 6* Setsugekka Kazamine |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies from your Nation] Increase Boss Damage by 40% | B 6* Japanese Anemone |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Boss Damage by 40% | B 6* Purple Columbine |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 40% | E 6* Japanese Anemone (Swimsuit) |
Boss Dmg up | [For 1 other ally] Just before you use a Skill, increase Boss Damage by 40% until turn end | RG 6* Browallia |
Boss Dmg up | [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 50% | 6* Baikamo (Easter) |
Boss Dmg up | [For 2 Pierce allies] Increase Boss Damage by 50% | RG 6* Carrot |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After an ally is attacked, on the next turn, increase Boss Damage by 50% | B 6* Eremophila |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 50% | B 6* Flowering Peach (Life Tree's Blessing), E 6* Sawagikyou (Swimsuit) |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Boss Damage by 50% | 6* Turep (Swimsuit Wedding) |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies from your Nation] Increase Boss Damage by 50% | B 6* Royal Princess (10th Anniversary) |
Boss Dmg up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Just after you activate Guts, increase Boss Damage by 50% until battle end (Up to 5x) | B 6* Oleander |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After an ally does a Critical Attack 4x, increase Boss Damage by 50% until turn end | B 6* Japanese Felwort |
Boss Dmg up | [While Transformed] [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 70% | B 6* Nidhogg |
Boss Dmg up | [For 2 other allies] Increase Boss Damage by 80% | B 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (Christmas) |
Boss Dmg up | [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 80% | 6* Obako |
Boss Dmg up | [For self] Start of each turn, if you have 80% HP or more: Increase Boss Damage by 80% until turn end | E 6* Nematanthus |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Boss Damage by 100% | E 6* Lily (Formal Dress) |
Boss Dmg up | [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 100% | 6* Lucifer |
Boss Dmg up | [For self] Just before you do a Normal Attack, on this turn, increase Boss Damage by 100% | B 6* Akane |
Boss Dmg up | [For self] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Boss Damage by 100% | 6* Japanese Andromeda |
Boss Dmg up | [For self] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Boss Damage by 100% | B 6* Helianthus |
Boss Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 100% | E 6* Lavender (Witch of Darkness) |
Boss Dmg up | [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 120% | 6* Lemon (Fruits Fulcute) |
Boss Dmg up | [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 150% | E 6* Sakura (Doll Festival) |
Boss Dmg up | [For self] Start of each turn, if you have 100% HP or more: Increase Boss Damage by 150% (Doesn't Stack) | B 6* King's Cross |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Skill Damage by 10% | E 5* Leucophyllum |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After an enemy uses a Skill, on the next turn, increase Skill Damage by 10% (5x per battle) | 5* Pincushion |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 10% | 5* Garden Croton |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] End of each turn, increase Skill Damage by 10% (Up to 10x) | B 6* Cattleya (Life Tree's Blessing) |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, increase Skill Damage by 10% until battle end (Up to 5x) | E 5* Staghorn Fern |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Skill Damage by 12% until turn end | 6* Platanus |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 15% | E 5* Cinnamon |
Skill Dmg up | [For 1 Slash ally] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Skill Damage by 15% until turn end | E 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (Christmas) |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Skill Damage by 15% (1x per turn) | B 5* Cinnamon, RG 6* Chervil |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] [Until subjugation end] Just after you use a Skill, increase Skill Damage by 20% (Up to 20x) | E 6* Cattleya (Life Tree's Blessing) |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 20% | E 5* Chinese Lucky Grass |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, increase Skill Damage by 20% until battle end (Up to 5x) | RG 6* Staghorn Fern |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 20% | RG 6* Garden Croton, E 6* Ivy (June Bride) |
Skill Dmg up | [For 3 Magic allies] Increase Skill Damage by 20% | E 5* Crossandra |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Skill Damage by 20% (Up to 3x) | B 6* Reeves Spirea (Easter) |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Skill Damage by 20% (Up to 5x) | E 6* Vervain (Swimsuit) |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies with 80% HP or more] Start of each turn, increase Skill Damage by 20% until turn end | B 5* Malcolmia |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you attack, increase Skill Damage by 20% (3x per battle) | E 5* Japanese Camellia |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 20%. End of each turn, increase Skill Damage by 20% (Max 80%) | B 6* Crepis (Witch of Light) |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After an enemy uses a Skill, on the next turn, increase Skill Damage by 25% (5x per battle) | RG 6* Pincushion |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Skill Damage by 25% | B 6* Cacao |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Skill Damage by 25% | B 6* Royal Water Lily |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 25% | B 5* Fortune Saxifrage, B 5* Peace Lily |
Skill Dmg up | [For 2 Magic allies] Increase Skill Damage by 25% | 5* Carrot |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Skill Damage by 30% | 5* Formosa Lily, RG 6* Leucophyllum |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Skill Damage by 30% (Up to 5x) | 6* Bluet (Rising Star of the Sparkling Fairyland) |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Skill Damage by 30% (1x per turn) | RG 6* Cinnamon |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Skill Damage by 30% until turn end | E 6* Verbascum (Athletic Meet) |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] [While alive] Increase Skill Damage by 30% | E 6* Marina Katsuragi (Exstia) |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies with 80% HP or more] Start of each turn, increase Skill Damage by 30% until turn end | RG 6* Malcolmia |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you attack, increase Skill Damage by 30% (3x per battle) | RG 6* Japanese Camellia |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, increase Skill Damage by 30% (5x per battle) | 6* Common Zinnia (Thoughts of Absent Friends Swimsuit) |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 30% | E 6* Black Baccara (Christmas), 6* Cattleya (Parallel Academy), RG 6* Cinnamon, E 6* Flowering Peach (Life Tree's Blessing), B 6* Red Tulip (Knight Medic), B 6* Thunberg Spirea (Christmas), E 6* Turep |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you Defend, on the next turn, increase Skill Damage by 30% | B 6* Red Ginger |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you Evade, on the next turn, increase Skill Damage by 30% | B 6* Azalea, B 6* Ionocidium |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] After you use a Skill, increase Skill Damage by 30% (Up to 5x) | B 6* Rye |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] Start of each turn, if 1 enemy has 60% HP or less: Increase Skill Damage by 35% until turn end | B 5* Erica Christmas Parade |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies with no Flower Family] Increase Skill Damage by 40% | B 6* Urza Pranaice |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 40% | RG 6* Chinese Lucky Grass |
Skill Dmg up | [For 3 Magic allies] Increase Skill Damage by 40% | RG 6* Crossandra |
Skill Dmg up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Skill Damage by 40%. End of each turn, increase Skill Damage by 40% (Max 80%) | 5* Bridal Veil |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Skill Damage by 45% | B 6* Purple Columbine |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] If at least one ally has 50% HP or more: Increase Skill Damage by 50% until turn end | B 6* Spring Star (Parallel Academy) |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] After an ally does an Attack, increase Skill Damage by 50% until turn end | B 6* Star Rush |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies with 80% HP or more] Start of each turn, increase Skill Damage by 50% until turn end | B 6* Nematanthus |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] [Until subjugation end] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Skill Damage by 50% (Up to 4x) | B 6* Monkshood (June Bride) |
Skill Dmg up | [For 2 Magic allies] Increase Skill Damage by 50% | RG 6* Carrot |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Skill Damage by 50% | E 6* Monkshood (June Bride) |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] After Switching to Shiro, starting next turn, increase Skill Damage by 50% until battle end (Up to 10x) | B 6* Midgardsorm |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Skill Damage by 50% until turn end | E 6* Star Rush |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 50% | B 6* Azalea (Christmas), RG 6* Fortune Saxifrage, RG 6* Peace Lily, E 6* Thunberg Spirea (Christmas) |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 50% | B 5* Staghorn Fern, E 6* Spring Star (Parallel Academy) |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Skill Damage by 50% | B 6* Star Rush |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] End of each turn, increase Skill Damage by 50% (Up to 4x) | B 6* Cattleya |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 Blunt allies] Increase Skill Damage by 50% | B 6* Silk Tree (New Year) |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Skill Damage by 50% | 6* Crepis (Witch of Light) |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] After Switching to Ao, starting next turn, increase Skill Damage by 50% until battle end (Up to 10x) | B 6* Midgardsorm |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Skill Damage by 50% | RG 6* Formosa Lily |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] Each turn, 50% chance to increase Skill Damage by 50% until battle end (Up to 5x) | B 6* Anemone (Parallel Academy) |
Skill Dmg up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Skill Damage by 50%. End of each turn, increase Skill Damage by 50% (Max 100%) | RG 6* Bridal Veil, E 6* Cattleya (Parallel Academy) |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After an ally uses a Skill 5x, on the next turn, increase Skill Damage by 60% | 6* Nipplewort (Dog Ear Poster Girl) |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Skill Damage by 60% | B 6* Summer Squash (Swimsuit) |
Skill Dmg up | [For 4 other allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Skill Damage by 60% | B 6* Viola |
Skill Dmg up | [For 3 Magic allies] Increase Skill Damage by 70% | E 6* Angraecum |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] Start of each turn, if 1 enemy has 60% HP or less: Increase Skill Damage by 70% until turn end | RG 6* Erica Christmas Parade |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] <Golden Melody> Increase Skill Damage by 70% | RG 6* Mattia (Field Horsetail) |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Skill Damage by 70% (1x per turn) | E 6* Curcuma (Yukata) |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 80% | 6* Burdock, E 6* Verbascum (Athletic Meet) |
Skill Dmg up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] [While alive] Increase Skill Damage by 80% | B 6* Cardamine Lyrata (Halloween) |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 80% | RG 6* Staghorn Fern |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] Start of each turn, if there is 1 enemy: Increase Skill Damage by 100% | 6* Black Baccara (Christmas) |
Skill Dmg up | Unknown ability id 20203 with values 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 899, -1 | B 6* Japanese Holly |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] [On Turn 2] Increase Skill Damage by 100% (Disappears on Turn 3) | B 6* Lucifer |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Skill Damage by 100% | B 6* Helianthus |
Skill Dmg up | [For 2 allies] Start of battle, 50% chance to increase Skill Damage by 100% (1x per battle, 2 random allies) | B 6* Scilla (Easter) |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] On turns that are a multiple of 2, increase Skill Damage by 100% | 6* Japanese Laurel |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Start of each turn, if you have Retained HP: Increase Skill Damage by 100% until turn end | B 6* Silk Tree (10th Anniversary) |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies with no Flower Family] After an ally uses an Ability to Overheal, on the next turn, increase Skill Damage by 100% (1x per turn) | B 6* Belial |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 100% | 6* Crepis (Witch of Light), 6* Lavender (Witch of Darkness), E 6* Royal Princess (10th Anniversary) |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 100% | 6* Cichorium (Homely Bride), E 6* Ornithogalum (Christmas) |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Skill Damage by 120% | B 6* Dendrobium |
Skill Dmg up | [For self, if at 100% HP or more] Increase Skill Damage by 120% | B 6* Dendrobium (Cat Ear Maid) |
Skill Dmg up | [For 1 Magic ally that is an Attack-type] [While alive] Increase Skill Damage by 120% | B 6* Ivy (June Bride) |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 120% | 6* Checkerberry (Easter) |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 130% | B 6* Burdock |
Skill Dmg up | [For 3 Magic allies] After an ally uses a Skill, on the next 5 turns, increase Skill Damage by 130% (1x per battle) | B 6* Angraecum |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Skill Damage by 140% | E 6* Japanese Andromeda |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 150% | 6* Star Rush |
Skill Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Skill Damage by 150% | B 6* Lily (Formal Dress) |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Skill Damage by 200% | B 6* Lucifer |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] After an enemy is defeated, on the next 3 turns, increase Skill Damage by 300% | E 6* Cichorium (Homely Bride) |
Skill Dmg up | [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 300% | 6* Midgardsorm |
Weak Dmg up | [For self] After you Attack, increase Weakness Damage by 5% until battle end (Up to 5x) | E 5* Aphelandra |
Weak Dmg up | [For 1 Magic ally that is an Attack-type] After an ally does an Attack, increase Weakness Damage by 10% until turn end | 6* Tarragon (New Year) |
Weak Dmg up | [For self, if at 20% HP or less] Just before you Attack, increase Weakness Damage by 10% until battle end | B 6* Corbett (Halloween) |
Weak Dmg up | [For self] After you Attack, increase Weakness Damage by 10% until battle end (Up to 5x) | RG 6* Aphelandra |
Weak Dmg up | [For 1 Pierce ally that is an Attack-type] After an ally does a Critical Attack, increase Weakness Damage by 10% until turn end | E 6* Castor Bean (Athletic Meet) |
Weak Dmg up | [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Weakness Damage by 12% until turn end | E 6* Lettuce |
Weak Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Weakness Damage by 12% until turn end | E 6* Platanus |
Weak Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 15% | E 5* Cinnamon |
Weak Dmg up | [For self] After you use a Skill to Overheal, increase Weakness Damage by 20% until battle end (Up to 10x) | 6* Jade Vine |
Weak Dmg up | [For self] Just before an ally uses a Skill, increase Weakness Damage by 20% until turn end | E 6* Moonglow |
Weak Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 20% | B 5* Kikuna, B 5* Poisonberry, B 6* Eremophila |
Weak Dmg up | [For self] After you Evade, increase Weakness Damage by 25% (4x per battle) | E 6* Red Spider Lily (Life Tree's Blessing) |
Weak Dmg up | [For self] [Until subjugation end] After an enemy uses a Skill, increase Weakness Damage by 25% (4x per subjugation) | RG 6* Common Sundew |
Weak Dmg up | [For 5 allies] The 2nd time you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Weakness Damage by 30% | B 6* Leschenaultia (Yukata) |
Weak Dmg up | [For self] Increase Weakness Damage by 30% | B 5* Kangaroo Paws |
Weak Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 30% | RG 6* Cinnamon, RG 6* Kikuna, 6* Momiji Suzakuin |
Weak Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you Evade, on the next turn, increase Weakness Damage by 30% | B 6* Summer Squash |
Weak Dmg up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] After an ally does a Weakness Attack 5x, starting next turn, increase Weakness Damage by 30% (10x per battle) | B 6* King Protea (New Year) |
Weak Dmg up | [For 1 Slash ally that is an Attack-type] Increase Weakness Damage by 30% | 5* Poisonberry |
Weak Dmg up | [For self] Start of each turn, if 1 enemy has 60% HP or less: Increase Weakness Damage by 35% until turn end | E 5* Erica Christmas Parade |
Weak Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 40% | 6* Ivy (June Bride) |
Weak Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 40% | B 6* Orange (Valentine) |
Weak Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Just after an ally uses an Ability to Overheal, increase Weakness Damage by 40% until battle end (Up to 5x) | B 6* Apricot (June Bride) |
Weak Dmg up | [For self] After you do a Critical Attack, increase Weakness Damage by 40% (Up to 6x) | RG 6* Checkerberry |
Weak Dmg up | [For self] Increase Weakness Damage by 40% | B 5* Bird's Foot Trefoil, 6* Verbascum (Athletic Meet) |
Weak Dmg up | [For 3 Attack-type allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 40% | 6* Urza Pranaice |
Weak Dmg up | [For 5 allies] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Weakness Damage by 40% | 6* Lavatera |
Weak Dmg up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Weakness Damage by 45% | B 6* Curcuma |
Weak Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 50% | E 5* Japanese Belladonna, E 6* Datura, B 6* Iris (DraPri Guu-ta-life), 6* King Protea (New Year) |
Weak Dmg up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] After an ally uses a Skill 5x, on the next turn, increase Weakness Damage by 50% (4x per battle) | 6* Cymbidium (Cat Ear Maid) |
Weak Dmg up | [For self] Increase Weakness Damage by 50% | E 6* Cabernet Sauvignon, E 6* Thunberg Spirea (Christmas) |
Weak Dmg up | [For 1 Slash ally that is an Attack-type] Increase Weakness Damage by 50% | RG 6* Poisonberry |
Weak Dmg up | [For self] Start of each turn, 50% chance to increase Weakness Damage by 50% (Up to 2x) | B 5* Chinese Lucky Grass |
Weak Dmg up | [For 2 Blunt allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 50% | B 5* Persian Speedwell |
Weak Dmg up | [For 5 allies from your Nation] Increase Weakness Damage by 50% | B 6* Royal Princess (10th Anniversary) |
Weak Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Weakness Damage by 50% | B 6* Anemone (June Bride) |
Weak Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After an ally does a Weakness Attack, on the next turn, increase Weakness Damage by 50% (3x per turn) | E 6* Snow Drop (Life Tree's Blessing) |
Weak Dmg up | [For 5 Pierce allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 50% | 6* Castor Bean (Athletic Meet) |
Weak Dmg up | [For self] Start of each turn, if you have 80% HP or more: Increase Weakness Damage by 50% until turn end | RG 6* Malcolmia |
Weak Dmg up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Weakness Damage by 50% | 6* Chocolate Vine |
Weak Dmg up | [For 3 allies with a multi-target Skill] Increase Weakness Damage by 50% | B 6* Thunberg Spirea (Christmas) |
Weak Dmg up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Weakness Damage by 50% | 5* Japanese Zelkova |
Weak Dmg up | [For 5 allies] After an ally does a Critical Attack 5x, increase Weakness Damage by 50% until turn end | B 6* Japanese Felwort |
Weak Dmg up | [For 5 allies with 100% HP or more] Increase Weakness Damage by 60% | 6* Sango |
Weak Dmg up | [For self] [Until subjugation end] Just after you use a Skill, increase Weakness Damage by 60% (Up to 4x) | B 6* Checkerberry (Easter) |
Weak Dmg up | [For self] Start of each turn, if 1 enemy has 60% HP or less: Increase Weakness Damage by 70% until turn end | RG 6* Erica Christmas Parade |
Weak Dmg up | [For 3 Magic allies] After an ally uses a Skill, on this turn, increase Weakness Damage by 70% | B 6* Angraecum |
Weak Dmg up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Weakness Damage by 75% | E 6* Urza Pranaice |
Weak Dmg up | [For self, if at 300% HP or more] Just before you Attack, increase Weakness Damage by 80% until turn end (1x per turn) | B 5* Tiger Lotus |
Weak Dmg up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Weakness Damage by 80% | E 6* Hinoki (Parallel Academy) |
Weak Dmg up | [For self] Increase Weakness Damage by 80% | RG 6* Bird's Foot Trefoil, RG 6* Kangaroo Paws |
Weak Dmg up | [For self] On turns that are a multiple of 6, increase Weakness Damage by 80% | B 6* Japanese Laurel |
Weak Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 80% | RG 6* Japanese Belladonna |
Weak Dmg up | [For 5 Blunt allies] [While alive] Increase Weakness Damage by 100% | B 6* Moonglow |
Weak Dmg up | [For self] Increase Weakness Damage by 100% | E 6* Iris (DraPri Guu-ta-life), B 6* Japanese Honeysuckle (Parallel Academy), 6* Momiji Suzakuin |
Weak Dmg up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Weakness Damage by 100% | RG 6* Japanese Zelkova |
Weak Dmg up | [For 2 Blunt allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 100% | RG 6* Persian Speedwell |
Weak Dmg up | [For self] End of each turn, increase Weakness Damage by 100% (Up to 4x) | E 6* Silver Orchid (Noble Lady of Sparkling Destiny) |
Weak Dmg up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Weakness Damage by 100% | B 5* Japanese Spiraea |
Weak Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 100% | E 6* Hare's Ear (Swimsuit Wedding), E 6* Yakutsk |
Weak Dmg up | [For self] After you do a Weakness Attack, on the next turn, increase Weakness Damage by 100% | B 6* Sakura (Doll Festival) |
Weak Dmg up | [For self] Start of each turn, 50% chance to increase Weakness Damage by 110% (Up to 2x) | RG 6* Chinese Lucky Grass |
Weak Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Just before you use a Skill, increase Weakness Damage by 125% | B 6* Cherry (Fruits Fulcute) |
Weak Dmg up | [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 150% | E 6* Sigillaria (Swimsuit) |
Weak Dmg up | [For 1 Pierce ally that is an Attack-type] Increase Weakness Damage by 150% | 6* Asian White Birch |
Weak Dmg up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Weakness Damage by 150% | RG 6* Japanese Spiraea |
Weak Dmg up | [For self, if at 300% HP or more] Just before you Attack, increase Weakness Damage by 150% until turn end (1x per turn) | RG 6* Tiger Lotus |
Weak Dmg up | [For self] Start of each turn, if you have 100% HP or more: Increase Weakness Damage by 300% (Doesn't Stack) | 6* Silver Orchid (Formal Dress) |
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP | [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 30% HP or more by 40% | E 6* Uesugi Kenshin |
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP | [For 5 allies] Increase Damage against enemies with 30% HP or more by 40% | B 6* Heather (Swimsuit) |
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP | [For 5 allies] Increase Damage against enemies with 40% HP or more by 20% | RG 6* Chelone |
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP | [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 40% HP or more by 60% | B 6* Pink |
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP | [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 50% HP or more by 25% | E 5* Lisa |
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP | [For 5 allies] Increase Damage against enemies with 50% HP or more by 30% | RG 6* Leucophyllum |
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP | [For self] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Damage against enemies with 50% HP or more by 30% | E 5* Snow Dragon |
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP | [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 50% HP or more by 30% | RG 6* Dragon Tree |
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP | [For 5 allies] Increase Damage against enemies with 50% HP or more by 40% | RG 6* Forest Ghost Flower |
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP | [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 50% HP or more by 50% | B 6* Convolvulus (Swimsuit) |
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP | [For 2 Attack-type allies] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Damage against enemies with 50% HP or more by 50% | RG 6* South Enchanter's Nightshade |
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP | [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 50% HP or more by 60% | 6* Uesugi Kenshin |
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP | [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 50% HP or more by 70% | RG 6* Lisa |
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP | [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 50% HP or more by 80% | 6* Pavonia |
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP | [For self] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Damage against enemies with 50% HP or more by 100% | RG 6* Snow Dragon |
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP | [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 80% HP or more by 80% | 6* Pavonia |
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP | [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 80% HP or more by 120% | 6* Uesugi Kenshin |
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP | [For 5 allies] Increase Damage against enemies with 30% HP or less by 20% | 5* Japanese Belladonna |
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP | [For 5 allies] Increase Damage against enemies with 30% HP or less by 30% | RG 6* Japanese Belladonna |
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP | [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 30% HP or less by 50% | E 5* Escallonia, B 6* Cichorium (Homely Bride) |
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP | [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 30% HP or less by 200% | RG 6* Escallonia |
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP | [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 40% HP or less by 46% | B 6* Chocolate Lily |
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage against enemies with 50% HP or less by 20% (Up to 4x) | B 6* Peristrophe |
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP | [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 50% HP or less by 50% | B 6* Cichorium (Homely Bride) |
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP | [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 50% HP or less by 70% | B 6* Akane |
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP | [For 5 allies] Increase Damage against enemies with 60% HP or less by 10% | B 5* Hebe |
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP | [For 5 allies] Increase Damage against enemies with 60% HP or less by 20% | RG 6* Hebe |
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP | [For 5 allies] Increase Damage against enemies with 60% HP or less by 30% | B 6* Statice (Swimsuit), B 6* Threeleaf Arrowhead |
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP | [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 70% HP or less by 50% | RG 6* Christmas Bush |
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP | [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 70% HP or less by 70% | B 6* Trailing Abutilon (Athletic Meet) |
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP | [For 5 allies] Increase Damage against enemies with 80% HP or less by 20% | B 6* Peristrophe |
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP | [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 80% HP or less by 35% | B 6* Akane |
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP | [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 80% HP or less by 50% | B 6* Chocolate Lily |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 5 allies] Grant "[For self] Increase Attack by (Current HP / Max HP) * 50%" | B 5* Redbud Hazel |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Grant "[For self] Increase Attack by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100%" | E 6* Henna (Easter) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For self] Increase Attack by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% | E 6* Bunny Cactus |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 5 allies] Grant "[For self] Increase Defense by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100%" | E 6* Japanese Cedar |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 5 allies] Grant "[For self] Increase Critical Rate by (Current HP / Max HP) * 10%" | B 6* Red Spider Lily (Maid of Sad Memories) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 5 allies] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 5%" | B 5* Chervil |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 10%" | B 5* Bridal Veil |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 5 allies] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 10%" | B 5* Solidago, B 6* Bay Laurel, RG 6* Chervil, 6* Isogiku (Formal Dress) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 1 ally with the highest HP] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 20%" | B 5* Pampas Grass |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 1 Slash ally that is an Attack-type] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 20%" | B 5* Poisonberry |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 25% | B 5* Westringia, B 6* Fire Lily (June Bride) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 5 allies] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 25%" | B 5* Shell Ginger, RG 6* Solidago |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 1 Blunt ally that is an Attack-type] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 25%" | B 5* Snowflake (Christmas) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 30% | B 6* Nematanthus |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 5 allies] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 30%" | 6* Macadamia |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 30%" | RG 6* Bridal Veil |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 1 ally with the highest HP] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 30%" | RG 6* Pampas Grass |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 35% | B 5* Hop, B 5* Moss Phlox, B 5* Pinkladies (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), B 5* Silene Coeli Rosa, B 5* Tall Stewartia |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 1 Slash ally that is an Attack-type] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 40%" | RG 6* Poisonberry |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [While Switched to Shiro] [For 5 allies] Grant "Start of each turn, [For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 50%" | B 6* Midgardsorm |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 50% | RG 6* Amur Adonis, RG 6* Anchusa, RG 6* Anemone (Radiant Princess), RG 6* Barley, RG 6* Blue Lotus, RG 6* Cobra Lily, RG 6* Fire Lily, RG 6* Flamingo Plant (Christmas), RG 6* Geranium, RG 6* Hop, RG 6* Hosta, RG 6* Japanese Chloranthus, RG 6* Japanese Gentian, RG 6* Kijimushiro, RG+B 6* Kurenai, B 6* Luluna (Scaly Hydrangea), RG 6* Lunaria (Swimsuit), RG 6* Moss Phlox, RG 6* Pinkladies (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), RG 6* Rainbow Rose, RG 6* Reeves Spirea, B 6* Ririmu Tobe, RG 6* Shiitake, RG 6* Silene Coeli Rosa, RG 6* Tall Stewartia, E 6* Tampala (Christmas), RG 6* Trifoliate, RG 6* Turnip Rape, E 6* Turnip Rape (Formal Dress), RG 6* Water Lily, RG 6* Westringia, RG 6* Wood Sorrel (Tanabata) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 5 allies] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 50%" | B 6* Japanese Anemone (Swimsuit), RG 6* Shell Ginger |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 1 Blunt ally that is an Attack-type] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 50%" | RG 6* Snowflake (Christmas) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 60% | E 6* Blushing Bride (Life Tree's Blessing) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 80% | B 6* Verbascum |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 1 Blunt ally that is an Attack-type] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100%" | B 6* Tacca Chantrieri |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [While Transformed into Axe] [For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% | B 6* Corbett |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100%" | B 6* Geranium (Swimsuit), E 6* Wolf Berry (Easter) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 1 Slash ally that is an Attack-type] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100%" | B 6* Blue Lotus (Christmas) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 5 allies] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100%" | B 6* Adlay, 6* Adlay (New Year) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 1 Pierce ally that is an Attack-type] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100%" | B 6* Castor Bean (Athletic Meet) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% | E 6* Bunny Cactus, E 6* Garden Phlox, B 6* Geranium (Swimsuit), 6* Isogiku (Easter), B 6* Kerria, 6* Regal Lily, E 6* Rye |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 1 Magic ally that is an Attack-type] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100%" | B 6* Tarragon (New Year) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 150% | 6* Anemone (Parallel Academy) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 1 Pierce ally that is an Attack-type] Grant "[For self] Increase Boss Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 25%" | 5* Snake Strawberry |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 1 Pierce ally that is an Attack-type] Grant "[For self] Increase Boss Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 50%" | RG 6* Snake Strawberry |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For self] Increase Boss Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 80% | E 5* Barley (Halloween) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For self] Increase Boss Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% | RG 6* Barley (Halloween), B 6* King's Cross |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Grant "[For self] Increase Weakness Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100%" | B 6* Snow Drop (Marine Sailor) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 1 Blunt ally that is an Attack-type] Grant "[For self] Increase Critical Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 25%" | B 5* Snowflake (Christmas) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 1 Blunt ally that is an Attack-type] Grant "[For self] Increase Critical Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 50%" | RG 6* Snowflake (Christmas) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 5 allies] Grant "[For self] Increase Critical Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 50%" | B 6* Red Spider Lily (Maid of Sad Memories) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Grant "[For self] Increase Critical Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100%" | B 6* Strawberry (Valentine) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For self] Increase Critical Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% | E 6* Bunny Cactus, B 6* Rafflesia |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 5 allies] Grant "[For self] Increase Critical Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 150%" | B 6* Belial |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 5 allies] Grant "[For self] Increase Skill Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 30%" | B 6* Macadamia |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 3 Magic allies that are Special-type] Grant "[For self] Increase Skill Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 60%" | B 6* Vervain (Swimsuit) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For self] Increase Skill Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% | B 6* Verbascum (Athletic Meet) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For self] Increase Solar Drive Effect by (Current HP / Max HP) * 20% | 5* Shell Ginger |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For self] Increase Solar Drive Effect by (Current HP / Max HP) * 50% | RG 6* Shell Ginger |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Less HP | [For self] With less HP, increase Attack by up to 150% | E 5* Pea |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Less HP | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Grant "[For self] With less HP, increase Attack by up to 200%" | B 6* Chickpea |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Less HP | [For self] With less HP, increase Attack by up to 200% | RG 6* Pea |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Less HP | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Grant "[For self] With less HP, increase Damage by up to 200%" | B 6* Bean |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Less HP | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Grant "[For self] With less HP, increase Critical Damage by up to 200%" | E 6* Oleander |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Less HP | [For self] With less HP, increase Skill Damage by up to 80% | 6* Silk Tree (Dreamlike Swimsuit) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For self] Increase Attack by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% | E 6* Ghost Weed (10th Anniversary), B 6* Nidhogg (Christmas) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For self] Increase Attack by (Current HP / Max HP) * 150% | 6* Anemone (Bunny of Fleeting Dreams) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For self] Increase Defense by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% | B 6* Cardamine Lyrata (Crossdressing Beauty) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% | B 6* Anemone (New Year) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 5 allies] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 25% | E 5* Miyako Wasure |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 5 allies] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 50% | RG 6* Miyako Wasure |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 50% | B 6* Ghost Weed (10th Anniversary) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 5 allies] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 60% | B 6* Sutera (Life Tree's Blessing) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% | B 6* Garden Phlox (Peach Blossom Spring Vigilante Corps), 6* Great Burnet (Formal Dress) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 5 allies] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% | B 6* Riko |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 5 allies from your Nation] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% | B 6* Bloss (Easter) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For self] Each turn, 30% chance to increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 150% until turn end | B 6* Anemone (Bunny of Fleeting Dreams) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% | B 6* Riko |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For self] Increase Weakness Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% | B 6* Nidhogg (Christmas) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For self] Increase Critical Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% | B 6* Nidhogg (Christmas), B 6* Tacca Chantrieri (Formal Dress) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 5 allies from your Nation] Increase Critical Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 150% | B 6* Win (Christmas) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For self] Increase Critical Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 150% | B 6* Anemone (Bunny of Fleeting Dreams) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 5 allies from your Nation] Increase Skill Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% | B 6* Silk Tree (June Bride) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For self] Increase Solar Drive Effect by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% | E 6* Japanese Holly |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 5 allies] Increase Heal Effect by (Current HP / Max HP) * 50% | B 6* Apricot (June Bride) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP | [For 5 allies] Increase Counter Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% | E 6* Anemone (New Year) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Less HP | [For 5 allies] With less HP, increase Attack by up to 300% | B 6* Cistus |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Less HP | [For 5 allies] With less HP, increase Defense by up to 200% | E 6* Sutera (Protective Swimsuit) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More Party HP | [For 5 Magic allies] Increase Weakness Damage by the party's (Total Current HP / Total Max HP) * 150% | 6* Japanese Beautyberry |
Atk/Dmg up w/ More Party HP | [For 5 Magic allies] Increase Critical Damage by the party's (Total Current HP / Total Max HP) * 150% | E 6* Japanese Beautyberry |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr | [For self] Increase Attack by up to -1% based on how many allies are Blunt (2: 100%, 3: 150%, 4: 200%, 5: -1%) | E 6* Silver Orchid (Formal Dress) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Attack by up to -1% based on how many allies are Pierce (2: 0%, 3: 80%, 4: 100%, 5: -1%) | B 6* Strawberry (Valentine) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies are Slash (2: 0%, 3: 100%, 4: 120%, 5: -1%) | B 6* Twinleaf (Valentine) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr | [For 5 allies] Increase Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies are Magic (2: 25%, 3: 50%, 4: 80%, 5: -1%) | E 6* Great Burnet (Formal Dress) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr | [For self] Increase Boss Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies are Blunt (2: 20%, 3: 40%, 4: 60%, 5: -1%) | B 6* Silver Orchid (Formal Dress) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Weakness Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies are Slash (2: 0%, 3: 100%, 4: 120%, 5: -1%) | E 6* Twinleaf (Valentine) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Critical Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies are Pierce (2: 0%, 3: 80%, 4: 100%, 5: -1%) | E 6* Strawberry (Valentine) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr | [For all enemies] Reduce Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies are Magic (2: 20%, 3: 25%, 4: 30%, 5: -1%) | B 6* Great Burnet (Formal Dress) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr | [For self] Increase Attack by up to -1% based on how many allies have your Attribute (1: 50%, 2: 70%, 3: 100%, 4: 150%, 5: -1%) | B 6* Moonglow, B 6* Mountain Marigold, B 6* Rafflesia |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by up to -1% based on how many allies have your Attribute (1: 50%, 2: 70%, 3: 100%, 4: 150%, 5: -1%) | B 6* Japanese Beautyberry |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr | [For 1 Pierce ally that is an Attack-type] Increase Critical Rate by up to -1% based on how many allies have your Attribute (2: 20%, 3: 25%, 4: 30%) | E 5* Snake Strawberry |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr | [For 1 Pierce ally that is an Attack-type] Increase Critical Rate by up to -1% based on how many allies have your Attribute (2: 30%, 3: 40%, 4: 50%) | RG 6* Snake Strawberry |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr | [For 2 other Slash allies] Increase Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies have your Attribute (1: 46%, 2+: -1%) | B 5* Pelargonium |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr | [For 5 allies] Increase Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies have your Attribute (1: 50%, 2: 70%, 3: 100%, 4: 150%, 5: -1%) | B 6* Japanese Beautyberry |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr | [For self] Increase Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies have your Attribute (1: 50%, 2: 70%, 3: 100%, 4: 150%, 5: -1%) | B 6* Mountain Marigold, B 6* Rafflesia |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr | [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies have your Attribute (1: 30%, 2: 50%, 3: 80%, 4: 130%, 5: -1%) | B 6* Pinkladies (Bunny of Unspoken Love) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr | [For 2 other Slash allies] Increase Weakness Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies have your Attribute (1: 46%, 2+: -1%) | B 5* Pelargonium |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr | [For self] Increase Weakness Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies have your Attribute (1: 50%, 2: 70%, 3: 100%, 4: 150%, 5: -1%) | B 6* Mountain Marigold, B 6* Rafflesia |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr | [For 1 Pierce ally that is an Attack-type] Increase Critical Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies have your Attribute (2: 30%, 3: 60%, 4: 80%) | 5* Snake Strawberry |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr | [For 1 Pierce ally that is an Attack-type] Increase Critical Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies have your Attribute (2: 60%, 3: 90%, 4: 150%) | RG 6* Snake Strawberry |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr | [For self] Increase Maintain HP by up to -1% based on how many allies have your Attribute (1: 15%, 2: 30%, 3: 45%, 4: 75%, 5: -1%) | E 6* Anemone (Bunny of Fleeting Dreams) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr | [For 5 allies] Increase Heal Effect by up to -1% based on how many allies have your Attribute (1: 20%, 2: 60%, 3: 80%, 4: 100%, 5: -1%) | B 6* Japanese Beautyberry |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Unique Attr | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack with more ally Attributes (1: 50%, 2: 100%, 3+: 120%) | B 6* Queen of the Night (Peach Blossom Spring Vigilante Corps) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Unique Attr | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense with more ally Attributes (1: 50%, 2: 100%, 3+: 120%) | B 6* Queen of the Night (Peach Blossom Spring Vigilante Corps) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Nation | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by up to -1% based on how many allies are from your Nation (1: 5%, 2: 10%, 3: 15%, 4: 20%, 5: -1%) | 6* Win (Christmas) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Nation | [For 5 allies] Increase Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies are from your Nation (1: 50%, 2: 60%, 3: 80%, 4: 100%, 5: -1%) | E 6* Royal Princess (10th Anniversary), B 6* Silk Tree (10th Anniversary) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Nation | [For self] Increase Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies are from your Nation (1: 50%, 2: 100%, 3: 150%, 4: 200%, 5: -1%) | 6* Anemone (Bunny of Fleeting Dreams) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Nation | [For 5 allies] Increase Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies are from your Nation (1: 50%, 2: 100%, 3: 150%, 4: 200%, 5: -1%) | 6* Bloss (Easter) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Nation | [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies are from your Nation (1: 80%, 2: 100%, 3: 150%, 4: 200%, 5: -1%) | 6* Win (Christmas) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Nation | [For 5 allies] Increase Maintain HP by up to -1% based on how many allies are from your Nation (1: 50%, 2: 100%, 3: 150%, 4: 200%, 5: -1%) | B 6* Silk Tree (June Bride) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Nation | [For 5 allies] Increase Maintain HP by up to -1% based on how many allies are from your Nation (1: 100%, 2: 200%, 3: 300%, 4: 350%, 5: -1%) | E 6* Bloss (Easter) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Nation | [For 5 allies] Increase Intercept Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies are from your Nation (1: 30%, 2: 50%, 3: 80%, 4: 130%, 5: -1%) | B 6* Pinkladies (Bunny of Unspoken Love) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Enemy # | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack based on enemy numbers (3: 30%, 2: 40%, 1: 50%) | 5* Snowflake (Christmas) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Enemy # | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack based on enemy numbers (3: 60%, 2: 80%, 1: 100%) | RG 6* Snowflake (Christmas) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Enemy # | [For self] Increase Attack based on enemy numbers (3: 50%, 2: 100%, 1: 150%) | B 6* Cichorium (Homely Bride) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Enemy # | [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage based on enemy numbers (3: 50%, 2: 100%, 1: 150%) | E 6* Sensitive Plant (Marine Sailor) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Enemy # | [For self] Increase Skill Damage based on enemy numbers (3: 100%, 2: 150%, 1: 200%) | B 6* Cichorium (Homely Bride) |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Common Attr | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by up to -1% based on how many allies have the party's most common Attribute (1: 25%, 2: 30%, 3: 60%, 4: 80%) | B 5* Japanese Zelkova |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Common Attr | [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by up to -1% based on how many allies have the party's most common Attribute (1: 50%, 2: 70%, 3: 100%, 4: 150%) | RG 6* Japanese Zelkova |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Common Attr | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by up to -1% based on how many allies have the party's most common Attribute (1: 25%, 2: 30%, 3: 60%, 4: 80%) | B 5* Japanese Zelkova |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Common Attr | [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by up to -1% based on how many allies have the party's most common Attribute (1: 50%, 2: 70%, 3: 100%, 4: 150%) | RG 6* Japanese Zelkova |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Common Attr | [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies have the party's most common Attribute (1: 25%, 2: 30%, 3: 60%, 4: 80%) | B 5* Japanese Zelkova |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Common Attr | [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies have the party's most common Attribute (1: 50%, 2: 70%, 3: 100%, 4: 150%) | RG 6* Japanese Zelkova |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Common Attr | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies have the party's most common Attribute (1: 25%, 2: 30%, 3: 60%, 4: 80%) | B 5* Japanese Zelkova |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Common Attr | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies have the party's most common Attribute (1: 50%, 2: 70%, 3: 100%, 4: 150%) | RG 6* Japanese Zelkova |
Atk/Dmg up w/ Ally # | [For self] Increase Boss Damage by up to -1% based on ally numbers (2: 40%, 3: 60%, 4: 80%, 5: -1%) | 6* Ghost Weed (10th Anniversary) |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Critical Rate by 5% (Up to 10x) | 5* Manuka |
Crit Rate up | [For self] After you Attack, increase Critical Rate by 5% until battle end (Up to 5x) | E 5* Aphelandra |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Critical Rate by 8% (Up to 10x) | RG 6* Manuka |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 10% | B 5* Aerva, 5* Hebe, 5* Luculia, 5* Redbud Hazel, 5* Setsugekka Kazamine, 5* Suzuka Ichinose, 5* Valerian |
Crit Rate up | [For 4 Slash allies with no Flower Family] Increase Critical Rate by 10% | 5* Setsugekka Kazamine |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 10% (1x per turn) | B 5* Marlberry |
Crit Rate up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Just after you activate Guts, increase Critical Rate by 10% until battle end (Up to 5x) | E 6* Oleander |
Crit Rate up | [For self] After you Attack, increase Critical Rate by 10% until battle end (Up to 5x) | RG 6* Aphelandra |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] Just after you attack, increase Critical Rate by 10% until battle end (5x per battle) | B 6* Cardamine Lyrata (Crossdressing Beauty) |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] Just after an ally uses an Ability to Overheal, increase Critical Rate by 10% until battle end (Up to 5x) | B 6* Apricot (June Bride), B 6* Makino, B 6* Win (Snowfield Formal Dress) |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 10%. End of each turn, increase Critical Rate by 10% (Max 50%) | B 6* Sensitive Plant (Marine Sailor) |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 15% | 5* Sunchoke |
Crit Rate up | [For 4 Slash allies with no Flower Family] Increase Critical Rate by 15% | RG 6* Setsugekka Kazamine |
Crit Rate up | [For 3 Magic allies] Increase Critical Rate by 15% | 5* Crossandra |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 15% | 5* Bird's Foot Trefoil, B 5* Huechera, E 5* Japanese Zelkova, 5* Pelargonium, RG 6* Aerva, E 6* Castor Bean (Athletic Meet), B 6* Ghost Weed (Valentine), RG 6* Hebe, 6* Nematanthus, RG 6* Redbud Hazel, 6* Sauvignon Blanc, RG 6* Setsugekka Kazamine, 6* Strawberry (Valentine), RG 6* Valerian, 6* Yew Plum Pine |
Crit Rate up | [For 2 Blunt allies] Increase Critical Rate by 15% | 5* Persian Speedwell |
Crit Rate up | [For 1 Guardian-type ally] After an ally is attacked, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 20% | E 6* Lady's Sorrel (Swimsuit) |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 20% | RG 6* Sunchoke |
Crit Rate up | [For self] After you Evade, increase Critical Rate by 20% (4x per battle) | E 6* Red Spider Lily (Life Tree's Blessing) |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 20% | 5* Kikuna, E 6* Bay Laurel, 6* Duranta (June Bride), E 6* Dusty Miller (Parallel Academy), E 6* Flowering Peach (Life Tree's Blessing), RG 6* Pelargonium, RG 6* Suzuka Ichinose, 6* Tacca Chantrieri, 6* Tampala (Christmas), 6* Tarragon (New Year), 6* Win |
Crit Rate up | [For self] Increase Critical Rate by 20% | RG 6* Anri (Rue Anemone) |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 20% | 6* Mikan (Valentine) |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 20% (1x per turn) | 6* Cattleya (Christmas) |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies with no Flower Family] Increase Critical Rate by 20% | B 5* Suzuka Ichinose |
Crit Rate up | [For 2 allies with 80% HP or more] Start of each turn, increase Critical Rate by 20% until turn end | B 5* Wall Iris |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 20% | E 5* Siebold's Primrose |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] After you Evade, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 20% | 6* Bay Laurel |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Critical Rate by 20% | 5* Luculia |
Crit Rate up | [For 1 Slash ally that is an Attack-type] Increase Critical Rate by 25% | 5* Poisonberry |
Crit Rate up | [For self, if at 400% HP or more] Just before you Attack, increase Critical Rate by 25% until turn end (1x per turn) | B 5* Tiger Lotus |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 25% | RG 6* Sakura (Apron) |
Crit Rate up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Critical Rate by 25% | 6* Dusty Miller (Parallel Academy) |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 25% | 6* Cabernet Sauvignon, 6* Lady's Sorrel (Swimsuit), E 6* Nipplewort (Dog Ear Poster Girl), 6* Oleander, E 6* Purple Tulip (Knight Medic), E 6* Saffron (New Year) |
Crit Rate up | [For 3 Magic allies] Increase Critical Rate by 25% | RG 6* Crossandra |
Crit Rate up | [For 2 Blunt allies] Increase Critical Rate by 30% | RG 6* Persian Speedwell |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 30% | B 6* Anemone (New Year), E 6* Belial, E 6* Belle, 6* Blue Lotus (Christmas), 6* Cyclamen (Life Tree's Blessing), E 6* Dusty Miller (Life Tree's Blessing), E 6* Hare's Ear (Swimsuit Wedding), 6* Heliotrope (Halloween), E 6* Henna (Easter), RG 6* Huechera, E 6* Japanese Apricot (Doll Festival), RG 6* Japanese Zelkova, E 6* Serket, E 6* Sigillaria (Swimsuit), 6* Yakutsk |
Crit Rate up | [For self] Increase Critical Rate by 30% | B 5* Chinese Trumpet Vine, B 6* Cattleya (Christmas), RG 6* Crown of Thorns |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] After an ally Defends, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 30% | E 6* Silk Tree (Parallel Academy) |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies with no Flower Family] Increase Critical Rate by 30% | 6* Lucifer |
Crit Rate up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Critical Rate by 30% | E 6* Pinkladies (New Year), 6* Snow Drop (Marine Sailor) |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 30% | RG 6* Siebold's Primrose |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] After you Evade, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 30% | E 6* Pinkladies (Bunny of Unspoken Love) |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies from your Flower Family] Increase Critical Rate by 30% | B 6* Win (Christmas) |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 30% (1x per turn) | RG 6* Marlberry |
Crit Rate up | [For 2 allies with 80% HP or more] Start of each turn, increase Critical Rate by 35% until turn end | RG 6* Wall Iris |
Crit Rate up | [For 1 Slash ally that is an Attack-type] Increase Critical Rate by 35% | RG 6* Poisonberry |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 Blunt or Magic allies] Increase Critical Rate by 40% | 6* Angelica (Swimsuit) |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Critical Rate by 40% | RG 6* Luculia |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 40% | E 6* Ornithogalum |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 Slash or Pierce allies] Increase Critical Rate by 40% | E 6* Celia |
Crit Rate up | [For self] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 40% | 6* Ornithogalum (Christmas) |
Crit Rate up | [For self] Increase Critical Rate by 40% | B 6* Cabernet Sauvignon, 6* Corbett, E 6* Nidhogg |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 40% (1x per turn) | B 6* Dusty Miller (Maid to Support You) |
Crit Rate up | [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Critical Rate by 40% | B 5* Sago Palm |
Crit Rate up | [For 2 Slash allies] Increase Critical Rate by 40% | E 6* Urza Pranaice |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 45% (1x per turn) | E 6* Yew Plum Pine |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies with an all-target Skill] Increase Critical Rate by 45% | B 6* Crepis |
Crit Rate up | [For self] Increase Critical Rate by 46% | 6* Chocolate Lily (Swimsuit) |
Crit Rate up | [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Critical Rate by 50% | E 6* Digitalis (Crossdressing Beauty) |
Crit Rate up | [For self] On turns that are a multiple of 3, increase Critical Rate by 50% | E 6* Japanese Laurel |
Crit Rate up | [For self] Increase Critical Rate by 50% | RG 6* Chinese Trumpet Vine, B 6* Green Bristlegrass (Halloween), 6* Midgardsorm |
Crit Rate up | [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 50% | E 6* Japanese Beautyberry |
Crit Rate up | [For self] After you do a Critical Attack, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 50% | B 6* Nicotiana |
Crit Rate up | [For self] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 50% (1x per turn) | 6* Haru |
Crit Rate up | [For self, if at 400% HP or more] Just before you Attack, increase Critical Rate by 50% until turn end (1x per turn) | RG 6* Tiger Lotus |
Crit Rate up | [For self] Start of each turn, if there are 3 enemies: Increase Critical Rate by 55% | B 6* |