Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Flower Knight Girl Wikia


This page relates abilities to characters. To see relations of characters to abilities, go to List of Flower Knights.

  • No prefix means the character has the ability from the start.
  • E means the character earns the ability after Evolution.
  • B means the character earns the ability after Blooming.
  • RG means the character earns the ability after Rarity Growth.
  • RG+B means the character earns the ability after Rarity Growth and Blooming. Only 2-4*s go through this. It is the final evolution stage for them.
Comprehensive Ability List
Type Description Characters
Atk up [For 2 allies] Increase Attack by 3% E 3* Alstroemeria, E 3* Blue Lotus, E 3* Carnation, E 3* Egyptian Water Lily, E 3* Kurenai, E 3* Novalis, E 3* Sanvitalia, E 3* Sasanqua, E 3* White Pansy, E 3* Yellow Pansy, 4* Forget-Me-Not, 4* Japanese Rowan, 4* Saintpaulia, 4* Silver Orchid, 4* Turnip Rape, 4* Water Fringe, 4* White Tulip
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 4% RG 6* Cyclamen (Radiant Princess)
Atk up [For 2 allies] Increase Attack by 5% E 5* Japanese Madder
Atk up [For 3 allies] Increase Attack by 5% E 4* Forget-Me-Not, E 4* Japanese Rowan, E 4* Lilac, E 4* Saintpaulia, E 4* Silver Orchid, E 4* Turnip Rape, E 4* Water Fringe, E 4* White Tulip, E 5* Mitsumata
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 5% E 5* Agave, 5* Asian Pogonia, 5* Barrenwort (Valentine), 5* Bauera, E 5* Berzelia, 5* Fuki, E 5* Lippia, B 5* Mitsumata, 5* Moss Rose, E 5* Pachystachys, 5* Sill Plain, B 5* Sourwood
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 10% 5* Angelonia, B 5* Aster, B 5* Coleus, B 5* Ixora, 5* Redcurrant, 5* Rhoeo
Atk up [For 2 allies] Increase Attack by 10% B 5* Aibika, 5* Brachyscome, B 5* Clematis, B 5* Echeveria, 5* False Helleborine, B 5* Himalayan Creeping Saxifrage (Gothic Maid), 5* Japanese Barberry, B 5* Japanese Madder, B 5* Mandevilla, 5* Montbretia, B 5* Otogirisou, E 5* Radish, 5* Schizanthus, 5* Solidaster, 5* Spring Star, E 5* Tithonia, 5* Tuberose, 5* Vinca
Atk up [For 3 allies] Increase Attack by 10% B 5* Abelia, E 5* Alyssum, 5* Amur Adonis, 5* Ananas, E 5* Anri (Rue Anemone), 5* Asian Bleeding Heart, E 5* Asiatic Dayflower, 5* Bouvardia, E 5* Canna, 5* China Root, 5* Chinese Quince, 5* Cineraria, 5* Correa, 5* Devil's Claw, E 5* Elder Flower, 5* False Hydrangea, 5* Fan Flower, 5* Fatsia, 5* Fullmoon Maple, 5* Garlic Vine, E 5* Gazania, 5* Gooseberry, 5* Holly, 5* Hosta, 5* Japanese Chloranthus, E 5* Japanese Mugwort, B 5* Japanese Snowball Bush, 5* Lamb's Ear, 5* Lamium, 5* Lindernia, 5* Lobelia, E 5* Lycaste, 5* Miltonia, 5* Monotropastrum, 5* Olive, B 5* Penny Plant, E 5* Penstemon, 5* Primula, E 5* Rain Lily, 5* Rainbow Rose, 5* Ranunculus, E 5* Russelia, 5* Sakura (Apron), E 5* Sandersonia, E 5* Satsuki, 5* Skullcap, 5* Snow Pea, B 5* Sweet William Catchfly, B 5* Tachibana, 5* Tea Plant, 5* Wallich's Glory Bower, 5* Winter Cherry, 5* Yamashitae
Atk up [For 4 allies] Increase Attack by 10% B 5* Amur Adonis, 5* Anagallis, B 5* Asiatic Dayflower, 5* Billy Buttons, B 5* Cuphea, 5* Cypress Vine, 5* Easter Lily, B 5* Garlic Vine, B 5* Hosta, E 5* Japanese Viburnum, 5* Jumpseed, B 5* Lamium, B 5* Lampranthus, B 5* Lycaste, 5* North Pole, B 5* Primula, B 5* Rain Lily, B 5* Ranunculus, B 5* Snow Pea, B 5* Winter Cherry
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 10% 5* Acanthus, 5* Achimenes, 5* Aeonium, 5* Almond, B 5* Anagallis, B 5* Ananas, 5* Anchusa, 5* Anemone (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), E 5* Anemone (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), B 5* Anisodontea, B 5* Anri (Rue Anemone), E 5* Apple, E 5* Apricot (Christmas), 5* Azuki Bean, E 5* Baikamo, 5* Baikamo (Halloween), E 5* Balloon Vine, 5* Barley, 5* Barrenwort, B 5* Barrenwort (Valentine), B 5* Bauera, 5* Beloperone, B 5* Billy Buttons, E 5* Bleeding Heart, 5* Blue Spiraea, 5* Blue Star, 5* Blushing Bride (Costumed Apprentice Teacher), 5* Borage, B 5* Brodiaea, 5* Buntan, B 5* Cactus (Bride of Phos), 5* Channelled Heath, 5* Cherry (June Bride), 5* Chinese Lantern, E 5* Chloranthus, E 5* Chocolate Cosmos (Swimsuit), E 5* Christmas Begonia, E 5* Christmas Cactus, E 5* Cichorium, E 5* Cleome, 5* Clove, E 5* Coneflower (Ninja), 5* Coral Flower, 5* Cowberry, E 5* Cowslip, B 5* Creeping Bugleweed, E 5* Crowea (Hotspring Yukata), E 5* Cyclamen (Radiant Princess), 5* Cymbidium (Valentine), B 5* Cypress Vine, 5* Dahlia, E 5* Dalmatian Bellflower, 5* Dancing Lady Orchid, 5* Delphinium, 5* Delphinium (Athletic Meet), 5* Dendrobium (Aspirational Youth-Caring Instructor), 5* Dendrobium (Valentine), B 5* Devil's Claw, E 5* Dragon Fruit, 5* Dragon Fruit (Halloween), B 5* Duranta (Easter), 5* Easter Cactus (Swimsuit), B 5* Ebine, 5* Echinacea, 5* Echinacea (Hotspring Yukata), E 5* Egyptian Water Lily (Maturing Conspirator), B 5* Elder Flower, E 5* Elm, E 5* Evergreen Candytuft (Christmas), E 5* False Daphne, B 5* Fan Flower, 5* Fennel, E 5* Fireweed, E 5* Flamingo Plant (Christmas), E 5* Flat Sea Holly, E 5* Flowering Dogwood (Yukata), B 5* Flowering Peach (June Bride), E 5* Flowering Rush, B 5* Forest Ghost Flower, E 5* Formosan Cherry, E 5* Gajumaru, B 5* Geranium, E 5* Ghost Weed (Christmas), 5* Ghost Weed (Princess of Pure Flower), 5* Gilia, 5* Gold Coin Daisy, E 5* Great Burnet (Maturing Strategist), E 5* Green Bell, E 5* Green Bristlegrass (Flower Festival), E 5* Hare's Ear, E 5* Heart Vine, 5* Heavenly Bamboo, 5* Heliotrope, E 5* Henna, 5* Himalayan Creeping Saxifrage, E 5* Holly (Swimsuit), E 5* Hop (Hotspring Yukata), E 5* Iris, 5* Ivy, 5* Ivy (Swimsuit), 5* Japanese Silver Grass, B 5* Japanese Viburnum, 5* Kalanchoe, B 5* Kijimushiro, E 5* King Protea, 5* Kitsune no Botan, E 5* Kiwi Fruit, 5* Kudzu, E 5* Kurinsou, 5* Lady's Sorrel, E 5* Lady's Sorrel (New Year), B 5* Lamb's Ear, 5* Lamb's Ear (Easter), E 5* Lantana, E 5* Larkspur, 5* Larkspur (Halloween), E 5* Laurentia (Ninja), E 5* Lemon, B 5* Lesser Celandine, 5* Leucophyllum, 5* Liatris, B 5* Lindernia, E 5* Lion's Ear, B 5* Lippia, E 5* Liriope, 5* Lithops, E 5* Luffa, 5* Masdevallia, E 5* Melampodium, E 5* Mint (Maturing Virtue), E 5* Money Tree, E 5* Moss Phlox, E 5* Multiflora, 5* Nasturtium, E 5* Nerine (June Bride), 5* Night Phlox (Christmas), E 5* Ornamental Kale, 5* Papyrus Sedge, 5* Peperomia, 5* Physostegia, 5* Pickerel Weed, 5* Pineapple, 5* Pinkladies (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), E 5* Pinkladies (Princess of Pure Flower), E 5* Pitcher Plant, 5* Plumed Cockscomb, E 5* Plumeria (June Bride), E 5* Poached Egg Plant, E 5* Poinsettia, 5* Poinsettia (Yukata), 5* Pomegranate, E 5* Poppy, B 5* Prune, B 5* Pulmonaria, 5* Pussy Ears, E 5* Queen of the Night, E 5* Quince, E 5* Rabbit-ear Iris, 5* Radish (New Year), E 5* Rosemary, 5* Rough Potato, E 5* Saffron (Christmas), 5* Saffron (June Bride), E 5* Saintpaulia (Costumed Carefree Aristocrat), 5* Sakaki, 5* Sawagikyou, 5* Scilla, 5* Seashore Pink, 5* Sedum, 5* Shion (Nokonngiku), 5* Showy Evening Primrose, 5* Showy Evening Primrose (Easter), B 5* Sickle-shaped Solomon's Seal, 5* Silene Coeli Rosa, B 5* Sill Plain, E 5* Skunk Vine, B 5* Smithiantha, E 5* Snake Gourd, E 5* Snapdragon (Valentine), 5* Sneezeweed (June Bride), 5* Society Garlic, E 5* Soft Windflower (Prison Island), E 5* Spoon Wood, 5* Spring Star (Maid), 5* Squirrel Tail Grass, B 5* Star Cluster, 5* Statice, 5* Straw Flower, 5* Sutera (Aspirational Sparkling Nova), 5* Tall Stewartia, E 5* Tatarian Aster, B 5* Tea Plant, E 5* Texas Bluebell, E 5* Thoroughwort, 5* Tiger Lily (Christmas), E 5* Tree Peony, 5* Treyni (Schefflera), 5* Turnip, B 5* Tutsan, E 5* Twinspur, 5* Veronica, 5* Water Dropwort, E 5* Water Hyacinth, E 5* Watercress, 5* Wax Tree, E 5* Wax Vine (Christmas), E 5* White Gaura, E 5* Winter Cosmos, 5* Wood Sorrel (Tanabata), 5* Worm Wood, 5* Worm Wood (Christmas), E 5* Yarrow, 5* Yuri Amakubo (Exstia Flora), RG 6* Agapanthus, RG 6* Asian Bleeding Heart, RG 6* Bouvardia, RG 6* Turnip Rape
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 12% B 5* Strelitzia
Atk up [For 4 allies] Increase Attack by 12% E 5* Aster, B 5* Fatsia, B 5* Lobelia, E 5* Toad Lily
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 12% B 5* Acanthus, E 5* Aloe (Valentine), B 5* Baikamo (Halloween), B 5* Barrenwort, B 5* Calendula, B 5* Chocolate Cosmos (Swimsuit), B 5* Christmas Begonia, B 5* Coral Flower, B 5* Crimson Clover, B 5* Cyclamen (Radiant Princess), B 5* Echinacea, B 5* Egyptian Water Lily (Maturing Conspirator), B 5* Fennel, B 5* Formosan Cherry, B 5* Gerbera, B 5* Green Bristlegrass (Flower Festival), B 5* Himalayan Creeping Saxifrage, B 5* Ivy (Swimsuit), B 5* Kudzu, B 5* Lily of the Valley, B 5* Lion's Ear, B 5* Lithops, B 5* Luffa, B 5* Mint (Maturing Virtue), B 5* Moss Phlox, B 5* Nasturtium, B 5* Nightshade, B 5* Pinkladies (Princess of Pure Flower), B 5* Poppy, B 5* Pyrethrum, B 5* Queen of the Night, B 5* Showy Evening Primrose, B 5* Tall Stewartia, B 5* Texas Bluebell, B 5* Turnip, B 5* Water Dropwort, E 5* Yomena, RG 6* Brodiaea
Atk up [For 3 allies] Increase Attack by 13% B 5* Gazania
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 13% RG 6* Passion Flower
Atk up [For 3 allies] Increase Attack by 14% E 5* Green Bristlegrass
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 15% 5* Adenium, B 5* Anthurium, 5* Asian Royal Fern, E 5* Buttercup, B 5* Dimorphotheca, B 5* Fir Tree, 5* Japanese Glory Bower, 5* Shizu (White Enkianthus), 5* Spider Wort, B 5* Trifoliate
Atk up [For 2 allies] Increase Attack by 15% B 5* Angelonia, 5* Annabelle, 5* Azalea (Newcomer), 5* Black Locust, 5* Blood Iris, E 5* Butterfly Bush, 5* Calla, 5* Ceanothus, 5* Cobra Lily, 5* Curry Plant, 5* Eucharis, B 5* False Helleborine, 5* Four O'Clock, 5* Gaillardia, E 5* Habanero, 5* Idsuroei, 5* Isogiku, 5* Japanese Quince, 5* Kinutasou, 5* Lacquer Tree, 5* Leschenaultia, 5* Manettia, 5* Mauritiana, 5* Mikan, 5* Mini Rose, B 5* Montbretia, B 5* Morning Star Lily, 5* Native Bryony, E 5* Pine Tree, E 5* Ping Pong Mum, E 5* Plumeria, B 5* Rabbit-ear Iris, E 5* Rhodanthe, 5* Rough Cocklebur, 5* Showy Lily, E 5* Skimmia, 5* Snakeberry, B 5* Soft Windflower, B 5* Spring Star, E 5* Sweet William, 5* Three-leaved Clematis, B 5* Tithonia, 5* Torenia, 5* Trailing Abutilon, B 5* Vinca, 5* Water Hyssop, RG 6* Alstroemeria
Atk up [For 3 allies] Increase Attack by 15% B 5* Alyssum, E 5* Apple of Sodom, B 5* Belladonna, B 5* Butterfly Bush, 5* Camellia (Bride of Phos), B 5* Ceanothus, E 5* Chocolate Cosmos, B 5* Cineraria, B 5* Correa, B 5* Curry Plant, 5* Fir Tree, B 5* Gooseberry, B 5* Idsuroei, B 5* Isogiku, B 5* Japanese Chloranthus, B 5* Japanese Quince, E 5* Japanese Water Iris, E 5* Lupin, B 5* Miltonia, B 5* Multiflora, 5* Night Phlox, B 5* Ping Pong Mum, B 5* Rainbow Rose, B 5* Sakura (Apron), B 5* Skullcap, B 5* Snakeberry, 5* Snapdragon, B 5* Sweet William, B 5* Torenia, 5* Violet, 5* Wood Sorrel
Atk up [For 4 allies] Increase Attack by 15% B 5* Annabelle, B 5* Easter Lily, B 5* Fuchsia, B 5* Habanero, B 5* Japanese Mugwort, B 5* Leschenaultia, B 5* Violet, B 5* Wallich's Glory Bower
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 15% B 5* Allium, B 5* Aloe (Valentine), B 5* Anemone (Radiant Princess), B 5* Apricot (Christmas), B 5* Aster, B 5* Azuki Bean, B 5* Balloon Vine, B 5* Blue Spiraea, B 5* Buntan, B 5* Buttercup, B 5* Camellia (Bride of Phos), B 5* Candle Bark, B 5* Cattleya (Swimsuit), B 5* Cherry Sage, B 5* Chloranthus, B 5* Clove, B 5* Coral Bush (June Bride), B 5* Coral Flower (June Bride), B 5* Cosmos, B 5* Cowslip, B 5* Creeping Jenny, B 5* Creeping Smartweed, B 5* Cymbidium, B 5* Dahlia, B 5* Dalmatian Bellflower, B 5* Dancing Lady Orchid, B 5* Dragon Fruit, B 5* Easter Cactus (Swimsuit), B 5* Epidendrum, B 5* Fir Tree, B 5* Flowering Dogwood (Yukata), B 5* Flowering Rush, E 5* Formosa Lily, B 5* Fuki, B 5* German Iris (Tanabata), B 5* Gilia, B 5* Ginkgo, B 5* Globe Thistle, B 5* Hare's Tail Grass (Halloween), B 5* Heather, B 5* Heavenly Bamboo, B 5* Heliopsis, B 5* Henna, B 5* Holly (Swimsuit), B 5* Hop, B 5* Iris, B 5* Ivy, B 5* Ixora, B 5* Japanese Apricot (Yukata), B 5* Japanese Water Iris, B 5* King Protea, B 5* Kiwi Fruit, B 5* Konara, B 5* Kurinsou, B 5* Lady's Sorrel, B 5* Laurentia, B 5* Laurentia (Ninja), B 5* Lemon, B 5* Lily, B 5* Liriope, B 5* Lupin, B 5* Madagascar Periwinkle, B 5* Maple (Christmas), B 5* Masdevallia, B 5* Night Phlox, B 5* North Pole, B 5* Oregano, B 5* Pachystachys, B 5* Peach, B 5* Pine Tree, B 5* Pink (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), B 5* Pinkladies (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), B 5* Plumed Cockscomb, B 5* Plumeria (June Bride), B 5* Poached Egg Plant, B 5* Pouch Flower, B 5* Quince, B 5* Radish (New Year), B 5* Red Cat's Tail, B 5* Reeves Spirea, B 5* Rose, B 5* Rosy Lily, B 5* Rough Potato, B 5* Saffron (June Bride), B 5* Saintpaulia (Costumed Carefree Aristocrat), B 5* Sandersonia, B 5* Sawagikyou, B 5* Sedum, B 5* Seemannia, B 5* Showy Evening Primrose (Easter), B 5* Silene Coeli Rosa, B 5* Silphium, B 5* Snapdragon, B 5* Society Garlic, B 5* Soft Windflower (Prison Island), B 5* Squirrel Tail Grass, B 5* Statice, B 5* Straw Flower, B 5* Tassel Flower, B 5* Thoroughwort, B 5* Tiger Lily (Christmas), B 5* Toad Lily, B 5* Water Lily, B 5* Yarrow, B 5* Yomena, 6* Aizoon Stonecrop (Christmas), RG 6* Amaryllis, RG 6* Annabelle, E 6* Azalea, RG 6* Azalea (Newcomer), E 6* Balsam, RG 6* Bistort, RG 6* Blue Lotus, E 6* Blushing Bride, E 6* Burning Bush, E 6* Cactus (Christmas), RG 6* Carnation, RG 6* Casablanca, RG 6* Chinese Milk Vetch, E 6* Chloranthus (Christmas), RG 6* Christmas Begonia, RG 6* Cockspur Coral Tree, 6* Colchicum, 6* Coral Bush, E 6* Corn Cockle, RG 6* Cornflower, RG 6* Cyclamen, 6* Daisy (Halloween), RG 6* Dandelion, RG 6* Dragon Fruit (Halloween), E 6* Easter Cactus, RG 6* Egyptian Water Lily, RG 6* Elm, RG 6* Evergreen Candytuft (Christmas), 6* Fennel (Hotspring Yukata), RG 6* Forget-Me-Not, 6* Four O'Clock (Costumed Pyrotechnician), RG 6* Fragrant Olive, 6* Geranium (Yukata), 6* Ghost Weed, RG 6* Gladiolus, RG 6* Globe Amaranth, 6* Godetia, E 6* Golden Lace, 6* Hare's Tail Grass, E 6* Herbaceous Peony (Halloween), RG 6* Hibiscus, RG 6* Hinoki, 6* Hollyhock, RG 6* Hydrangea, E 6* Ivy (New Year), RG 6* Japanese Rowan, RG 6* Japanese Snowball Bush, RG 6* Jasmine, E 6* Jersey Cudweed, 6* Kayana, RG 6* Kijimushiro, 6* Kugaisou, RG 6* Kurenai, E 6* Lantana (Flower Festival), E 6* Lavender (Valentine), RG 6* Lilac, RG 6* Lippia, E 6* Lotus, 6* Lotus (June Bride), RG 6* Lycaste, 6* Maple (Swimsuit), RG 6* Marguerite, E 6* Milim (China Pink), 6* Mimosa, RG 6* Mint, E 6* Monkshood (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), RG 6* Morning Glory, 6* Nerine, 6* Nerine (Christmas), RG 6* Nerine (June Bride), E 6* Nightmaher (Dog's Tooth Violet), E 6* Nightshade (Halloween), E 6* Nipplewort, E 6* Purple Columbine, RG 6* Purple Pansy, RG 6* Purple Tulip, 6* Reeves Spirea (Easter), RG 6* Royal Princess, 6* Royal Water Lily, RG 6* Saintpaulia, 6* Sakura, B 6* Sakura (Swimsuit), RG 6* Salvia, RG 6* Sasanqua, 6* Scotch Broom, E 6* Shizuka Masou, RG 6* Silver Orchid, E 6* Sneezeweed (Easter), RG 6* Snowflake, RG 6* Strawberry, 6* Streptocarpus (Halloween), 6* Summer Squash, RG 6* Sunflower, RG 6* Sweet Pea, E 6* Tall Stewartia (Christmas), RG 6* Thunberg Spirea, E 6* Tree of a Thousand Stars, 6* Viola, E 6* Violet Cress, 6* Walnut, E 6* Water Lily (June Bride), E 6* Wheat, RG 6* White Clover, RG 6* White Pansy, RG 6* White Tulip, E 6* Wolf Berry, RG 6* Yellow Pansy, RG 6* Yellow Tulip, RG 6* Yulan Magnolia, RG 6* Zebrina
Atk up [For 2 allies] Increase Attack by 18% B 5* Rhodanthe
Atk up [For 3 allies] Increase Attack by 18% B 5* Wood Sorrel
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 18% RG+B 6* Amaryllis, E 6* Curcuma
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 20% B 5* Black Baccara (Easter), B 5* Buttercup, 5* Clustered Bellflower, B 5* Gold Bunny, 5* Jujube, E 5* Nolana, 5* Pontederia, 5* Purple Loosestrife, E 5* Shion (Nokonngiku), B 5* Shizu (White Enkianthus), B 5* Spider Wort, 5* Spotted Bellflower, B 5* Welwitschia, 5* Zebrina, RG 6* Alstroemeria, RG 6* Pinkladies (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady)
Atk up [For 2 allies] Increase Attack by 20% B 5* Blood Iris, B 5* Brachyscome, 5* Camellia, B 5* Lavender, B 5* Mini Rose, E 5* Red Tulip, B 5* Showy Lily, B 5* Solidaster
Atk up [For 3 allies] Increase Attack by 20% B 5* Apple of Sodom, B 5* Chocolate Cosmos
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 20% B 5* Aloe, B 5* Cape Jasmine, B 5* Dendrobium (Aspirational Youth-Caring Instructor), B 5* Flamingo Plant, B 5* Glory of the Sun, B 5* Japanese Silver Grass, B 5* Jumpseed, B 5* Kitsune no Botan, B 5* Sakaki, B 5* Spilanthes, B 5* Tatarian Aster, RG 6* Abelia, 6* Acacia, 6* Aizoon Stonecrop, B 6* Aizoon Stonecrop (Christmas), RG 6* Allium, B 6* Alstroemeria (Gratitude Towards The Future), RG 6* Anagallis, RG 6* Anthurium, 6* Apricot, 6* Asian Hazel, RG 6* Asian Pogonia, RG 6* Blue Star, 6* Bluebell, RG 6* Calendula, RG 6* Camellia (Bride of Phos), B 6* Cherry, E 6* Chocolate Lily, RG 6* Clove, RG 6* Coneflower (Ninja), RG 6* Coral Flower, 6* Curcuma (Yukata), RG+B 6* Cyclamen, RG 6* Cymbidium, B 6* Daisy (Halloween), RG 6* Dalmatian Bellflower, RG 6* Dancing Lady Orchid, RG+B 6* Dandelion, RG 6* Dendrobium (Valentine), RG 6* Dimorphotheca, E 6* Dusty Miller, E 6* Dusty Miller (Christmas), RG 6* Easter Cactus (Swimsuit), E 6* Edelweiss (New Year), RG 6* Eucharis, E 6* Evergreen Candytuft, RG 6* Fennel, B 6* Fennel (Hotspring Yukata), RG 6* Flamingo Plant (Christmas), B 6* Flowering Peach, RG 6* Flowering Rush, RG 6* Forest Ghost Flower, RG+B 6* Forget-Me-Not, RG 6* Formosan Cherry, B 6* Four O'Clock (Costumed Pyrotechnician), E 6* Freesia, RG 6* Geranium, RG 6* German Iris (Tanabata), B 6* Godetia, RG 6* Gooseberry, RG 6* Green Bell, RG 6* Green Bristlegrass, RG 6* Green Bristlegrass (Flower Festival), RG 6* Harujion, RG 6* Heavenly Bamboo, RG 6* Heliopsis, B 6* Herbaceous Peony, B 6* Herbaceous Peony (Halloween), B 6* Hollyhock, E 6* Horse Chestnut, 6* Ionocidium, RG 6* Iris, E 6* Ixia, RG 6* Ixora, B 6* Japanese Anemone, RG 6* Japanese Barberry, RG 6* Japanese Water Iris, RG 6* Japanese Water Iris (June Bride), B 6* Jersey Cudweed (New Year), RG 6* Lampranthus, B 6* Lantana (Flower Festival), RG 6* Laurentia, RG 6* Lily of the Valley, E 6* Liverwort, B 6* Loquat, B 6* Lotus (June Bride), RG 6* Lupin, 6* Marsh-marigold, RG 6* Melampodium, RG 6* Monotropastrum, RG 6* Moon Vine, RG 6* Mountain Lily, RG 6* Nasturtium, B 6* Nerine (Christmas), RG 6* Night Phlox, 6* Nipplewort (New Year), RG 6* Nolana, RG 6* Novalis, B 6* Novalis (Queen of Snowflakes), E 6* Paphiopedilum, RG 6* Penstemon, 6* Peristrophe, RG 6* Plumed Cockscomb, RG 6* Plumeria, RG 6* Poinsettia (Yukata), RG 6* Prune, RG+B 6* Purple Pansy, RG+B 6* Purple Tulip, 6* Purslane, RG 6* Red Cat's Tail, B 6* Reeves Spirea (Easter), 6* Royal Water Lily (June Bride), RG 6* Saffron (Christmas), RG 6* Schizanthus, RG 6* Sea Aster, E 6* Sensitive Plant, RG 6* Shion (Nokonngiku), RG 6* Sickle-shaped Solomon's Seal, B 6* Silk Tree, RG 6* Skullcap, RG 6* Snapdragon, 6* Sneezeweed, RG 6* Snow Pea, RG 6* Spider Wort, E 6* Stock, RG 6* Straw Flower, B 6* Streptocarpus (Halloween), B 6* Sutera, RG+B 6* Sweet Pea, RG 6* Tachibana, RG 6* Texas Bluebell, RG 6* Turnip, 6* Twinspur (Maid), B 6* Viola, RG 6* Water Hyssop, RG 6* Wax Tree, RG 6* Wax Vine (Christmas), RG+B 6* White Clover, RG+B 6* White Pansy, RG 6* Winter Cherry, RG 6* Wintersweet, B 6* Wolf Berry, RG 6* Worm Wood
Atk up [For 4 allies] Increase Attack by 22% 6* Herbaceous Peony, 6* Red Spider Lily, E 6* Saffron
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 22% RG 6* Aibika, RG 6* Angelonia, RG 6* Apple of Sodom, RG 6* Blushing Bride (Costumed Apprentice Teacher), RG 6* Calla, RG+B 6* Casablanca, RG 6* Chocolate Cosmos, RG 6* Cineraria, RG 6* Coral Bush (June Bride), RG 6* Cypress Vine, RG 6* Delphinium, RG 6* Echinacea, RG+B 6* Egyptian Water Lily, RG 6* Four O'Clock, RG 6* Fuchsia, RG 6* German Iris, RG 6* Ginkgo, RG+B 6* Globe Amaranth, RG 6* Heliotrope, RG+B 6* Hibiscus, RG 6* Holly (Swimsuit), RG 6* Isogiku, RG 6* Japanese Mugwort, RG 6* Larkspur, RG+B 6* Mint, RG 6* Mint (Maturing Virtue), RG+B 6* Morning Glory, RG 6* Pachystachys, RG 6* Pussy Ears, RG 6* Ranunculus, RG+B 6* Salvia, RG+B 6* Sasanqua, RG 6* Star Cluster, RG 6* Sutera (Aspirational Sparkling Nova), RG 6* Tiger Lily, RG 6* Vinca, RG+B 6* Yellow Tulip, RG+B 6* Yulan Magnolia
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 23% RG 6* Baikasou, RG+B 6* Bistort, RG+B 6* Cornflower
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 24% RG+B 6* Chinese Milk Vetch, RG 6* Papyrus Sedge, RG 6* Rhoeo, RG+B 6* Snowflake, RG 6* Wood Sorrel (Tanabata)
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 25% B 5* Redcurrant, B 5* Rosemary, RG 6* Buttercup, RG 6* Garlic Vine, RG 6* Ixora, RG 6* Spider Wort, RG 6* Winter Cherry
Atk up [For 2 allies] Increase Attack by 25% RG 6* Schizanthus
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 25% B 5* Devil in a Bush, B 5* Poinsettia, B 6* Acacia, RG 6* Achimenes, RG 6* Aloe, E 6* Alstroemeria (Gratitude Towards The Future), RG 6* Anemone (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), RG 6* Angelica, RG+B 6* Annual Blue-eyed Grass, RG 6* Apple, RG 6* Apricot (Christmas), RG 6* Avens, RG 6* Baikamo (Halloween), RG 6* Beefsteak Geranium, RG 6* Belladonna, RG 6* Beloperone, RG 6* Berzelia, RG 6* Black Baccara (Easter), RG 6* Black Locust, B 6* Bluet, RG 6* Buttercup, 6* Cactus, B 6* Cactus (Christmas), RG 6* Candle Bark, RG 6* Canna, E 6* Cattleya (Radiant Princess), RG 6* Cattleya (Swimsuit), RG 6* Chloranthus, RG 6* Christmas Cactus, RG 6* Cobra Lily, RG 6* Creeping Jenny, RG 6* Crowea (Hotspring Yukata), B 6* Crown Imperial, RG 6* Curry Plant, RG 6* Cymbidium (Valentine), 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (Bride of Phos), RG 6* Dragon Fruit, B 6* Easter Cactus, RG 6* Echinacea (Hotspring Yukata), RG 6* Elder Flower, B 6* Epidendrum (New Year), RG 6* False Daphne, RG 6* Fan Flower, RG 6* Flowering Peach (June Bride), RG 6* Garlic Vine, B 6* Geranium (Yukata), RG 6* Gerbera, RG 6* Ghost Weed (Christmas), RG 6* Ghost Weed (Princess of Pure Flower), RG 6* Hare's Tail Grass (Halloween), RG 6* Heart Vine, RG 6* Himalayan Creeping Saxifrage, RG 6* Hop, RG 6* Hop (Hotspring Yukata), 6* Hyacinth, RG+B 6* Hydrangea, RG 6* Ionocidium (Christmas), 6* Japanese Apricot, RG 6* Japanese Quince, RG+B 6* Jasmine, B 6* Kayana, RG 6* Kinutasou, RG 6* Kitsune no Botan, RG+B 6* Kurenai, RG 6* Lamb's Ear (Easter), RG 6* Lamium, RG 6* Larkspur (Halloween), RG 6* Laurentia (Ninja), RG 6* Lesser Celandine, RG 6* Liatris, RG+B 6* Lilac, RG 6* Liriope, RG 6* Lithops, E 6* Loquat, RG 6* Manettia, RG 6* Maple (Christmas), RG 6* Mauritiana, B 6* Milim (China Pink), B 6* Mimosa, RG 6* Money Tree, RG 6* Moss Rose, RG 6* Multiflora, B 6* Nipplewort, RG 6* Otogirisou, RG 6* Pineapple, RG 6* Pinkladies (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), RG 6* Pot Marigold, RG 6* Pouch Flower, RG 6* Pyrethrum, RG 6* Quince, RG 6* Rabbit-ear Iris, RG 6* Radish (New Year), RG 6* Red Tulip, RG 6* Rosemary, RG 6* Rough Potato, RG+B 6* Royal Princess, RG+B 6* Saintpaulia, RG 6* Saintpaulia (Costumed Carefree Aristocrat), RG 6* Sawagikyou, RG 6* Sedum, RG 6* Seemannia, RG 6* Shizu (White Enkianthus), RG+B 6* Silver Orchid, RG 6* Soft Windflower (Prison Island), RG 6* Squirrel Tail Grass, RG+B 6* Thunberg Spirea, RG 6* Tithonia, RG 6* Toad Lily (Swimsuit), RG 6* Torenia, RG 6* Trailing Abutilon, RG 6* Treyni (Schefflera), E 6* Usagigiku, 6* Usagigoke, 6* Usagigoke (Swimsuit), RG 6* Violet, B 6* Walnut, RG 6* White Gaura, B 6* Wolf Berry (Christmas)
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 26% RG 6* Sanvitalia, RG 6* Tall Stewartia, RG 6* Water Fringe
Atk up [For 3 allies] Increase Attack by 27% 6* Cattleya
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 27% RG 6* Alyssum, RG 6* Channelled Heath, RG 6* Pink (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), RG 6* Smithiantha, RG 6* Snakeberry
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 28% RG 6* Amur Adonis, RG 6* Baikamo, RG 6* Ceanothus, RG 6* Delphinium (Athletic Meet), RG 6* Lantana, RG 6* Rainbow Rose
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 29% RG 6* Lunaria
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 30% B 5* Adenium, 5* Cassis, 5* Christmas Bush, 5* Escallonia, 5* Lisa, 5* Potato, 5* Reed, 5* See-through Lily, B 5* Snow Dragon, 5* Twinflower, RG 6* Anthurium, RG 6* Cactus (Bride of Phos), RG 6* Creeping Smartweed, RG 6* Epidendrum, RG 6* Jujube, RG 6* Nolana, RG+B 6* Silver Orchid, RG 6* Water Lily
Atk up [For 2 allies] Increase Attack by 30% B 5* Camellia, 5* Sea Aster
Atk up [For 3 allies] Increase Attack by 30% 6* Daisy
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 30% B 5* Fire Lily, RG 6* Aeonium, RG 6* Almond, RG+B 6* Alstroemeria, RG 6* Anchusa, B 6* Anemone, RG 6* Anemone (Radiant Princess), RG 6* Asiatic Dayflower, B 6* Azalea, RG 6* Azuki Bean, RG 6* Balloon Flower, RG 6* Barley, RG 6* Barrenwort (Valentine), RG+B 6* Blue Lotus, RG 6* Blue Spiraea, B 6* Blushing Bride, RG 6* Borage, B 6* Burning Bush, B 6* Burning Bush (Hotspring Yukata), RG 6* Butterfly Bush, RG 6* Cactus (Bride of Phos), RG 6* Camellia, RG+B 6* Carnation, B 6* Cattleya (Radiant Princess), RG 6* China Root, RG 6* Chinese Lantern, 6* Christmas Rose, RG 6* Cleome, B 6* Colchicum, RG 6* Coral Flower (June Bride), RG 6* Cosmos, RG 6* Cranberry, B 6* Cranesbill, RG 6* Creeping Bugleweed, 6* Crepis, RG 6* Crowea, B 6* Curcuma, RG 6* Dahlia, 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (Valentine), 6* Dendrobium, RG 6* Ebine, RG 6* Echeveria, B 6* Edelweiss (New Year), RG 6* Epidendrum, B 6* Epidendrum (Swimsuit), RG 6* Fatsia, RG 6* Fireweed, RG 6* Fuki, RG 6* Gaillardia, RG+B 6* Giant Arrowhead, RG 6* Glory of the Sun, RG 6* Gourd, RG 6* Habanero, E 6* Habranthus, RG 6* Hare's Ear, E 6* Heather (Swimsuit), RG 6* Henna, RG 6* Himalayan Creeping Saxifrage (Gothic Maid), RG 6* Holly, B 6* Ionocidium, RG 6* Ivy (Swimsuit), RG 6* Japanese Apricot (Yukata), RG 6* Japanese Chloranthus, RG 6* Japanese Gentian, RG 6* Japanese Glory Bower, 6* Japanese Laurel, RG+B 6* Japanese Rowan, RG 6* Japanese Viburnum, B 6* Jersey Cudweed, RG 6* Jujube, RG 6* Jumpseed, RG 6* Kiwi Fruit, RG 6* Konara, B 6* Kugaisou, RG 6* Lady's Sorrel, RG 6* Lady's Sorrel (New Year), RG 6* Lavender, RG 6* Lemon, RG 6* Leschenaultia, RG 6* Leucophyllum, E 6* Lewisia, RG 6* Linaria, RG 6* Lion's Ear, RG 6* Lobelia, 6* Mimulus, 6* Mistletoe, RG 6* Moss Phlox, RG+B 6* Moth Orchid, B 6* Nerine, B 6* Nightmaher (Dog's Tooth Violet), B 6* Nightshade (Halloween), RG 6* Olive, RG 6* Oregano, RG 6* Peach, RG 6* Peperomia, B 6* Pickerel Weed (Christmas), 6* Pink, RG 6* Pinkladies (Princess of Pure Flower), RG 6* Pontederia, B 6* Purple Columbine, 6* Red Ginger, B 6* Red Spider Lily, RG 6* Rose, B 6* Royal Water Lily, RG 6* Saffron (June Bride), RG 6* Sakaki, RG 6* Satsuki, B 6* Scotch Broom (Christmas), B 6* Shizuka Masou, RG 6* Showy Evening Primrose, RG 6* Showy Evening Primrose (Easter), RG 6* Snake Gourd, E 6* Snow Drop, RG 6* Solidaster, E 6* Sparaxis, RG 6* Spilanthes, B 6* Stock, RG+B 6* Strawberry, RG 6* Strelitzia, B 6* Summer Squash (Swimsuit), RG 6* Three-leaved Clematis, RG 6* Tiger Lily (Christmas), RG 6* Toad Lily, B 6* Tritonia, B 6* Usagigoke, B 6* Usagigoke (Swimsuit), RG 6* Wallich's Glory Bower, RG 6* Water Hyacinth, RG 6* Water Lily, 6* Water Lily (Swimsuit), RG 6* Watercress, 6* Wax Vine, RG 6* Welwitschia, B 6* Wheat, RG 6* Wheel Lily, RG 6* Worm Wood (Christmas), RG 6* Yamashitae, RG 6* Yarrow, RG+B 6* Yellow Pansy
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 32% RG 6* Chocolate Cosmos (Swimsuit), RG 6* Easter Lily, RG 6* Hosta, RG 6* Japanese Madder, RG 6* Kalanchoe, RG 6* Luffa, RG 6* Nightshade, RG 6* Ornamental Kale, RG 6* Pickerel Weed, RG 6* Showy Lily, RG 6* Water Dropwort
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 33% RG+B 6* Fragrant Olive, RG 6* Kurinsou, RG 6* Physostegia, RG 6* Pitcher Plant, RG 6* Queen of the Night, RG 6* Seashore Pink, RG 6* Spring Star (Maid)
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 35% RG 6* Anemone (Radiant Princess), RG 6* Ghost Weed (Princess of Pure Flower), 6* Japanese Apricot, RG 6* Reeves Spirea, RG 6* Snake Gourd
Atk up [For 2 allies] Increase Attack by 35% 6* Kerria, 6* Maple
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 35% RG 6* Acanthus, RG 6* Ananas, RG 6* Anemone (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), RG 6* Billy Buttons, RG 6* Brachyscome, RG 6* Buntan, RG 6* Coleus, RG 6* Correa, RG 6* Cowslip, RG 6* Crimson Clover, B 6* Daisy, E 6* Duranta, RG 6* Egyptian Water Lily (Maturing Conspirator), RG 6* False Helleborine, RG 6* Flat Sea Holly, RG+B 6* Gladiolus, RG 6* Gold Coin Daisy, RG 6* Heather, RG 6* King Protea, RG 6* Kudzu, RG 6* Lucky Bamboo, RG 6* Lunaria (Swimsuit), RG 6* Madagascar Periwinkle, RG 6* Masdevallia, RG 6* Primula, E 6* Red Spider Lily (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), RG 6* Reeves Spirea, RG 6* Rosy Lily, RG 6* Scilla, RG 6* Silphium, RG 6* Skimmia, B 6* Sneezeweed, B 6* Soapwort, RG 6* Society Garlic, RG 6* Soft Windflower, 6* Streptocarpus, RG 6* Tatarian Aster, RG 6* Tree Peony, RG 6* Tuberose, RG+B 6* Turnip Rape, RG 6* Veronica, B 6* Violet Cress, RG+B 6* Water Fringe, B 6* Water Lily (June Bride), RG 6* Winter Cosmos, RG 6* Yomena
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 38% RG 6* False Hydrangea, RG+B 6* Zephyranthes
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 40% 5* Melampodium, RG 6* Asian Royal Fern, RG 6* Barrenwort (Valentine), RG+B 6* Carnation, RG 6* Chinese Quince, RG+B 6* Forget-Me-Not, RG 6* Maple (Christmas), RG 6* Saintpaulia (Costumed Carefree Aristocrat)
Atk up [For 2 allies] Increase Attack by 40% B 5* Sea Aster, RG 6* Blood Iris, RG 6* Montbretia
Atk up [For 3 allies] Increase Attack by 40% 6* Sneezeweed
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 40% RG 6* Aloe (Valentine), E 6* Anemone (Princess of Pure Flower), RG 6* Anisodontea, RG 6* Asian Royal Fern, RG 6* Bauera, RG 6* Blood Iris, RG 6* Chinese Quince, B 6* Christmas Rose, RG 6* Clematis, RG 6* Cowberry, E 6* Cranesbill, RG 6* Dendrobium (Aspirational Youth-Caring Instructor), RG 6* Edelweiss, RG 6* Fir Tree, RG 6* Gazania, RG 6* Gilia, RG 6* Hackberry, RG+B 6* Hinoki, RG 6* Idsuroei, RG 6* Lacquer Tree, RG 6* Lamb's Ear, RG+B 6* Marguerite, RG 6* Mertensia, RG 6* Mitsumata, RG 6* Monkshood, RG 6* Morning Star Lily, RG 6* Native Bryony, RG 6* Night Phlox (Christmas), RG+B 6* Novalis, RG 6* Penny Plant, RG 6* Pine Tree, E 6* Plum, RG 6* Poppy, RG 6* Rain Lily, RG 6* Redcurrant, RG 6* Rhodanthe, RG 6* Rough Cocklebur, RG+B 6* Sanvitalia, 6* Scotch Broom (Christmas), RG 6* Sensitive Plant (Christmas), RG 6* Skunk Vine, RG 6* Spring Star, RG 6* Sweet William, RG 6* Tea Plant, E 6* Threeleaf Arrowhead, RG 6* Twinspur, 6* Walnut (June Bride), RG+B 6* White Tulip, RG 6* Wood Sorrel
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 45% RG+B 6* Amaryllis
Atk up [For 3 allies] Increase Attack by 45% RG+B 6* Purple Pansy
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 45% B 6* Anemone (Princess of Pure Flower), RG 6* Aster, RG 6* Bleeding Heart, RG 6* Cape Jasmine, RG 6* Creeping Smartweed, RG 6* Cuphea, RG 6* Duranta (Easter), B 6* Golden Lace, RG 6* Ivy, RG 6* Mini Rose, RG 6* North Pole, RG 6* Poached Egg Plant, RG 6* Poinsettia, B 6* Saffron, RG 6* Silene Coeli Rosa, RG 6* Sweet William Catchfly, RG 6* Tassel Flower, RG 6* Tutsan
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 50% B 5* Armeria, 5* Artichoke, 5* South Enchanter's Nightshade, RG+B 6* Alstroemeria, RG 6* Black Baccara (Easter), RG 6* Clove, RG 6* Clustered Bellflower, RG 6* Crowea (Hotspring Yukata), 6* Dendrobium, RG 6* Flamingo Plant (Christmas), RG 6* Gajumaru, RG 6* Gold Bunny, RG+B 6* Heliconia, RG 6* Japanese Chloranthus, RG 6* Japanese Gentian, E 6* Kitsune no Botan (Valentine), E 6* Nepeta, RG 6* Peperomia, RG 6* Rosemary, 6* Verbascum
Atk up [For 3 allies] Increase Attack by 50% RG 6* Mikan
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 50% 6* Apple (Tanabata), RG 6* Barrenwort, E 6* Bush Clover, RG 6* Devil in a Bush, RG 6* Flamingo Plant, RG 6* Gajumaru, RG 6* Great Burnet (Maturing Strategist), RG+B 6* Heliconia, RG 6* Russelia, RG 6* Sandersonia, RG 6* Sneezeweed (June Bride), RG 6* Thoroughwort, 6* Viola (Yukata)
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 55% RG 6* Balloon Vine, RG 6* Devil's Claw, RG 6* Fire Lily, RG 6* Japanese Silver Grass, RG 6* Pomegranate, RG 6* Sourwood
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 60% 6* Ash, RG 6* Dendrobium (Valentine), RG 6* Hare's Ear, E 6* Liverwort, RG 6* Melampodium, RG 6* Night Phlox, RG 6* Redcurrant, RG 6* Spotted Bellflower, RG 6* Trifoliate, B 6* Verbascum, B 6* Viburnum (Baseball)
Atk up [For 3 allies] Increase Attack by 60% RG 6* Fullmoon Maple
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 60% RG 6* Globe Thistle, B 6* Plum
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 65% RG 6* Pickerel Weed
Atk up [For 2 allies] Increase Attack by 65% 6* Black Baccara
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 70% RG 6* Adenium, RG 6* Zebrina
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 75% RG 6* Japanese Quince, E 6* Usagigiku
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 80% E 6* Boronia
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 90% B 6* Kitsune no Botan (Valentine)
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 100% B 6* Acacia, 6* Akane, B 6* Balsam, B 6* Black Baccara, E 6* Bush Clover, B 6* Cactus, RG 6* Cassis, B 6* Cattleya, 6* Celia, 6* Chili Pepper, B 6* Chocolate Lily, RG 6* Christmas Bush, E 6* Convolvulus, B 6* Corn Cockle, 6* Digitalis, B 6* Dusty Miller, B 6* Dusty Miller (Christmas), RG 6* Escallonia, B 6* Hare's Tail Grass, B 6* Hyacinth, 6* Isogiku (Easter), B 6* Japanese Apricot, B 6* Kerria, RG 6* Lisa, B 6* Liverwort, 6* Mandarin's Hat, B 6* Maple, B 6* Maple (Swimsuit), 6* Marina Katsuragi (Exstia), B 6* Nepeta, RG 6* Potato, RG 6* Purple Loosestrife, 6* Red Spider Lily (Dress of Sparkling Passion), 6* Rye, B 6* Sakura, B 6* Sparaxis, B 6* Tall Stewartia (Christmas), B 6* Trailing Abutilon (Athletic Meet), RG 6* Twinflower, 6* Twinleaf, B 6* Usagigiku, B 6* Wheat (Christmas)
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 100% RG 6* Snow Dragon
Atk up [For 2 allies] Increase Attack by 100% RG 6* Lavender
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 110% B 6* Chloranthus (Christmas), B 6* Japanese Silver Grass (Swimsuit)
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 120% B 6* Iwarenge, B 6* Pink, B 6* Pinkladies, RG 6* Reed, RG 6* See-through Lily, 6* Silver Orchid (Noble Lady of Sparkling Destiny), RG 6* South Enchanter's Nightshade
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 130% B 6* Acacia (New Year), B 6* Aizoon Stonecrop, B 6* Yarrow (Prison Island)
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 140% B 6* Coriander
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 150% RG 6* Artichoke, B 6* Dendrobium
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 160% 6* Regal Lily
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by up to 10% based on one's own Affection 5* Candle Bark, E 5* Cape Jasmine, 5* Flamingo Plant, E 5* Flowering Peach (June Bride), E 5* German Iris (Tanabata), E 5* Heather, E 5* Laurentia, 5* Star Cluster
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by up to 15% based on one's own Affection 5* Allium, 5* Aloe, 5* Anemone (Radiant Princess), 5* Cattleya (Swimsuit), 5* Creeping Jenny, 5* Creeping Smartweed, 5* Hare's Tail Grass (Halloween), E 5* Hop, 5* Ixora, 5* Japanese Apricot (Yukata), 5* Madagascar Periwinkle, 5* Maple (Christmas), 5* Peach, 5* Pink (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), 5* Pouch Flower, 5* Reeves Spirea, 5* Tassel Flower
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by up to 20% based on one's own Affection 6* Epidendrum (Swimsuit), 6* Flowering Peach, E 6* Pinkladies, 6* Soapwort
Boss Dmg up [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 5% B 5* Nolana
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 5% E 5* Cacao (Easter), E 5* Glory of the Snow, B 5* Rose Moss
Boss Dmg up [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 6% E 5* Lacquer Tree
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 6% B 5* Cattleya (Swimsuit), B 5* Nerine (June Bride), B 5* Pickerel Weed, B 5* Poinsettia (Yukata)
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 8% 5* Elm, E 5* Ixora, B 5* Mint (Maturing Virtue), 5* Pyrethrum
Boss Dmg up [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 10% E 5* Baikamo (Halloween), B 5* Camellia (Bride of Phos), E 5* Trifoliate, RG 6* Buckbean
Boss Dmg up [For 2 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 10% E 5* Montbretia
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 10% E 5* Baby Blue Eyes, E 5* Cactus (Bride of Phos), E 5* Camellia (Bride of Phos), B 5* Chocolate Lily (New Year), B 5* Easter Cactus (Swimsuit), B 5* Flowering Rush, B 5* Glory of the Snow, B 5* Gourd, B 5* Ixora, E 5* Sakaki, E 5* Sensitive Plant (Christmas), E 5* Soapwort (New Year), 5* Spoon Wood, RG 6* Buckbean, RG 6* Great Burnet (Maturing Strategist), RG 6* Rose Moss, RG 6* Sawagikyou, RG 6* Yarrow, RG+B 6* Yellow Tulip
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 10% B 5* Blueberry
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 12% 6* Apricot, 6* Black Locust (June Bride), RG 6* Candle Bark, RG 6* Comet Orchid, RG 6* Delphinium, RG 6* Green Bristlegrass, RG 6* Ixora, RG 6* Pyrethrum, RG 6* Sensitive Plant (Christmas), RG 6* Showy Lily, RG 6* Spoon Wood
Boss Dmg up [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 15% B 5* Trifoliate
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 15% RG 6* Abelia, RG 6* Anemone (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), RG 6* Azuki Bean, RG 6* Baikamo, RG 6* Cactus (Bride of Phos), RG 6* Camellia (Bride of Phos), RG 6* Cattleya (Swimsuit), RG 6* Channelled Heath, E 6* Chocolate Cosmos (Easter), RG 6* Coral Bush (June Bride), RG 6* Crowea (Hotspring Yukata), RG 6* Cyclamen (Radiant Princess), RG 6* Dancing Lady Orchid, E 6* Dusty Miller, RG 6* Easter Cactus (Swimsuit), 6* Edelweiss (New Year), RG 6* Elm, RG 6* Eucharis, B 6* Flowering Peach, RG 6* Gold Coin Daisy, RG 6* Gourd, RG 6* Green Bell, 6* Hyacinth, RG 6* Isogiku, RG 6* Japanese Water Iris, RG 6* Lacquer Tree, RG 6* Lily, RG 6* Liriope, RG 6* Lychnis, RG 6* Mint (Maturing Virtue), B 6* Monkshood (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), RG 6* Moth Orchid, RG 6* Mountain Lily, RG 6* Native Bryony, RG 6* Nerine (June Bride), RG 6* Nolana, RG 6* Otogirisou, RG 6* Pickerel Weed, RG 6* Poinsettia (Yukata), RG 6* Pot Marigold, RG 6* Russelia, RG 6* Saintpaulia (Costumed Carefree Aristocrat), RG 6* Sakaki, RG 6* Silphium, RG 6* Soapwort (New Year), RG 6* Solomon's Seal, RG 6* Three-leaved Clematis, RG 6* Toad Lily (Swimsuit), RG 6* Torenia, RG 6* Turnip, RG 6* Violet, RG 6* Worm Wood (Christmas), RG 6* Zebrina
Boss Dmg up [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 20% E 5* Browallia, E 5* Christmas Bush, B 5* Cyclamen (Radiant Princess), B 5* Jujube, RG 6* Asian Royal Fern, RG 6* Buttercup, RG 6* Flamingo Plant (Christmas), RG 6* Rose Moss
Boss Dmg up [For 2 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 20% RG 6* Montbretia
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 20% RG 6* Baby Blue Eyes, RG 6* Cacao (Easter), B 6* Camellia Wabisuke, B 6* Cattleya (Radiant Princess), RG 6* Chocolate Lily (New Year), RG 6* Cuphea, RG 6* Dragon Fruit, RG 6* Fennel, RG 6* Fir Tree, RG 6* Fuki, RG 6* Glory of the Snow, B 6* Ivy (New Year), RG 6* Japanese Viburnum, RG 6* Lady's Sorrel, RG 6* Pulmonaria, RG 6* Rochea, RG 6* Rough Potato, B 6* Streptocarpus (Halloween), RG+B 6* Turnip Rape, RG 6* Wallich's Glory Bower, RG 6* Water Hyssop
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 20% RG 6* Blueberry
Boss Dmg up [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 25% 5* Sago Palm, RG 6* Baikamo (Halloween), RG 6* Camellia (Bride of Phos), E 6* Cardamine Lyrata
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 25% 6* Acacia (New Year), RG 6* Cherry Sage, RG 6* Iris, RG 6* Santolina
Boss Dmg up [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 30% B 5* Saintpaulia (Costumed Carefree Aristocrat), E 5* South Enchanter's Nightshade, RG+B 6* Buckbean, RG 6* Clove, RG 6* Crowea (Hotspring Yukata), RG 6* Jujube, RG 6* Peperomia, RG 6* Pomegranate, RG 6* Rosemary, RG 6* Zebrina
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 30% B 6* Lotus
Boss Dmg up [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 35% RG+B 6* Heliconia, RG 6* Pickerel Weed
Boss Dmg up [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 40% E 5* Winter Jasmine, RG 6* Candle Bark, RG 6* Plumed Cockscomb
Boss Dmg up [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 45% RG+B 6* Marigold
Boss Dmg up [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 50% RG 6* Browallia, B 6* Cattleya (Radiant Princess), RG 6* Christmas Bush, RG 6* Gajumaru, 6* Iwarenge, RG 6* Japanese Quince, RG 6* Sago Palm, RG 6* Santolina, 6* Verbascum
Boss Dmg up [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 60% 6* Ash, RG 6* Trifoliate
Boss Dmg up [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 70% RG 6* Barrenwort (Valentine)
Boss Dmg up [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 80% B 6* Balsam, B 6* Hyacinth, B 6* Iwarenge, B 6* Twinleaf, RG 6* Winter Jasmine
Boss Dmg up [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 90% B 6* Ash, B 6* Maple (Swimsuit)
Boss Dmg up [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 96% B 6* Chocolate Lily
Boss Dmg up [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 100% E 6* Akane, B 6* Chloranthus (Christmas), B 6* Coriander, B 6* Corn Cockle, B 6* Dusty Miller, 6* Japanese Honeysuckle, B 6* Pink, RG 6* South Enchanter's Nightshade
Boss Dmg up [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 120% B 6* Maple, B 6* Pumila
Boss Dmg up [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 130% B 6* Sakura, B 6* Wheat (Christmas)
Boss Dmg up [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 150% B 6* Pinkladies
Boss Dmg up [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 160% B 6* Acacia (New Year)
Atk up [For 5 Magic allies] Increase Attack by 10% 5* Shiitake
Atk up [For 5 Pierce allies] Increase Attack by 15% E 5* Anemone (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams)
Atk up [For 5 Slash allies] Increase Attack by 20% 5* Bougainvillea
Atk up [For 5 Magic allies] Increase Attack by 20% B 5* Shiitake
Atk up [For 5 Pierce allies] Increase Attack by 25% B 5* Anemone (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams)
Atk up [For 5 Slash allies] Increase Attack by 30% B 5* Bougainvillea
Atk up [For 5 Magic allies] Increase Attack by 40% RG 6* Shiitake
Atk up [For 5 Blunt allies] Increase Attack by 50% B 6* Silk Tree (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams)
Atk up [For 5 Pierce allies] Increase Attack by 55% RG 6* Anemone (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams)
Atk up [For 5 Slash allies] Increase Attack by 60% RG 6* Bougainvillea
Atk up [For 3 allies] If the battle starts with the Light Gauge at least 100% filled, increase Attack by 12% 5* Fuchsia, E 5* Seemannia
Atk up [For 5 allies] If the battle starts with the Light Gauge at least 100% filled, increase Attack by 15% 5* Coral Bush (June Bride), E 5* Devil in a Bush
Atk up [For 1~5 allies, based on your Skill Level] Increase Attack by 18% 5* Balloon Vine (Easter), 5* Beefsteak Geranium, E 5* Coneflower, 5* Firethorn, 5* Ionocidium (Christmas), E 5* Lucky Bamboo, 5* Tiger Lily, E 5* Toad Lily (Swimsuit)
Atk up [For 1~5 allies, based on your Skill Level] Increase Attack by 20% B 5* Beefsteak Geranium
Atk up [For 1~5 allies, based on your Skill Level] Increase Attack by 25% RG 6* Balloon Vine (Easter), RG 6* Coneflower
Atk up [For 1~5 allies, based on your Skill Level] Increase Attack by 30% RG 6* Firethorn
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 3% E 5* Cranberry
Skill Dmg up [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 4% B 5* Azalea (Newcomer), B 5* Pontederia
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 5% 5* Blue Lace Flower, B 5* Cosmos, B 5* Cranberry, E 5* Dogwood, 5* Kentou Kanami, E 5* Linaria, B 5* Lippia, E 5* Meconopsis (Newcomer)
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 6% B 5* Lucky Bamboo
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 8% B 5* Baby Blue Eyes, E 5* Creeping Jenny, B 5* Ionocidium (Christmas), B 5* Reeves Spirea, B 5* Sensitive Plant (Christmas), B 5* Soapwort (New Year), B 5* Wheel Lily
Skill Dmg up [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 10% E 5* Chinese Quince, 5* Welwitschia
Skill Dmg up [For 2 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 10% E 5* Fan Flower
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 10% E 5* Aeonium, E 5* Almond, B 5* Azuki Bean, B 5* Blue Lace Flower, B 5* Cherry (June Bride), B 5* Coneflower (Ninja), B 5* Creeping Jenny, B 5* Cymbidium (Valentine), B 5* Dogwood, 5* Evergreen Candytuft (Christmas), B 5* Fan Flower, B 5* Ghost Weed (Princess of Pure Flower), B 5* Great Burnet (Maturing Strategist), B 5* Kentou Kanami, E 5* Kitsune no Botan, B 5* Linaria, B 5* Meconopsis (Newcomer), B 5* Plumed Cockscomb, B 5* Spring Star (Maid), B 5* Squirrel Tail Grass, E 5* Worm Wood, RG 6* Agave, 6* Alstroemeria (Gratitude Towards The Future), RG 6* Balloon Vine (Easter), RG+B 6* Cockspur Coral Tree, E 6* Flame Lily, 6* Freesia, 6* Ionocidium, RG 6* Lobelia, B 6* Loquat, RG+B 6* Marguerite, RG 6* Otogirisou (Baseball), RG 6* Poached Egg Plant, RG 6* Touch-me-not, E 6* Verbascum, RG 6* Verbena, RG 6* Wax Tree
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 12% RG 6* Cineraria, RG+B 6* Cyclamen, RG 6* Sensitive Plant (Christmas), RG 6* Spring Star (Maid), RG 6* White Gaura
Skill Dmg up [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 15% B 5* Black Baccara (Easter), E 5* Jujube, E 5* Spider Wort, B 5* Squirrel Tail Grass, B 5* Worm Wood, E 6* Coriander
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 15% E 5* Tiger's Claw, RG+B 6* Alstroemeria, RG 6* Asian Rice, RG 6* Azalea (Newcomer), RG 6* Azuki Bean, RG 6* Baby Blue Eyes, RG 6* Balloon Vine, RG 6* Belladonna, RG 6* Beloperone, RG 6* Berzelia, 6* Black Baccara, RG 6* Black Baccara (Easter), RG 6* Blueberry, 6* Cacao, B 6* Cactus (Christmas), RG 6* Calendula, RG 6* Cape Jasmine, RG 6* Cherry (June Bride), RG 6* Chocolate Cosmos (Swimsuit), RG 6* Chocolate Lily (New Year), RG 6* Coleus, RG 6* Coneflower (Ninja), E 6* Coriander, RG 6* Cosmos, RG 6* Cranberry, RG 6* Creeping Jenny, RG 6* Cymbidium (Valentine), B 6* Daisy (Halloween), RG 6* Easter Lily, RG 6* Echeveria, B 6* Edelweiss (New Year), RG 6* Elm, RG 6* Flowering Dogwood (Yukata), RG 6* Flowering Peach (June Bride), RG 6* Fuchsia, RG 6* Ghost Weed (Princess of Pure Flower), RG 6* Gilia, RG 6* Great Burnet (Maturing Strategist), RG 6* Heliopsis, RG 6* Himalayan Creeping Saxifrage (Gothic Maid), RG 6* Ionocidium (Christmas), RG 6* Kitsune no Botan, RG 6* Kurinsou, RG 6* Lampranthus, RG 6* Laurentia, RG 6* Lily of the Valley, RG 6* Linaria, RG 6* Lippia, E 6* Lotus (June Bride), RG 6* Lucky Bamboo, RG 6* Luffa, RG 6* Mandevilla, RG 6* Multiflora, RG 6* North Pole, RG 6* Penny Plant, RG 6* Plumed Cockscomb, RG 6* Pontederia, RG 6* Rabbit-ear Iris, RG 6* Radish, RG 6* Rain Lily, 6* Red Ginger, RG 6* Red Tulip, RG 6* Reeves Spirea, RG 6* Rosy Lily, RG+B 6* Royal Princess, RG+B 6* Salvia, RG 6* Sea Aster, RG 6* Shion (Nokonngiku), RG 6* Snapdragon, RG 6* Snapdragon (Valentine), RG 6* Soapwort (New Year), RG 6* Sourwood, RG 6* Spider Wort, RG 6* Straw Flower, RG+B 6* Thunberg Spirea, RG 6* Vinca, RG 6* Welwitschia, RG 6* Wheel Lily, RG 6* Winter Cherry, RG 6* Worm Wood, RG+B 6* Yellow Pansy
Skill Dmg up [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 18% B 5* Anemone (Radiant Princess)
Skill Dmg up [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 20% B 5* Jujube, E 5* Pinkladies (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), B 5* Rosemary, RG 6* Green Bristlegrass (Flower Festival), RG 6* Japanese Chloranthus, RG 6* Shion (Nokonngiku), RG+B 6* Thunberg Spirea, RG 6* Verbena, RG 6* Winter Cherry
Skill Dmg up [For 2 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 20% B 5* Sea Aster, RG 6* Montbretia
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 20% RG 6* Aeonium, RG 6* Anemone (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), RG 6* Dogwood, RG 6* Elder Flower, RG 6* Forest Ghost Flower, RG 6* Gazania, RG 6* Heather, RG 6* Kentou Kanami, RG 6* Meconopsis (Newcomer), RG 6* Moss Phlox, B 6* Nerine, 6* Pickerel Weed (Christmas), RG 6* Saffron (June Bride), RG+B 6* Sanvitalia, RG 6* Skimmia, RG 6* Tiger Lily (Christmas), 6* Wax Vine, RG 6* Winter Cosmos, B 6* Wolf Berry (Christmas)
Skill Dmg up [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 25% RG 6* Spider Wort
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 25% RG 6* Acanthus, RG 6* Blue Lace Flower, RG 6* Tiger's Claw
Skill Dmg up [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 30% RG+B 6* Alstroemeria, RG 6* Black Baccara (Easter), RG 6* Chinese Quince, B 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (Bride of Phos), RG 6* Japanese Silver Grass, RG 6* Jujube, RG 6* Peperomia, RG 6* Reeves Spirea, RG 6* Rosemary, RG+B 6* Sanvitalia, RG 6* Touch-me-not, RG 6* Worm Wood
Skill Dmg up [For 2 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 30% RG 6* Sea Aster
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 30% RG 6* Almond, B 6* Cerastium, 6* Curcuma (Yukata), B 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (Bride of Phos), RG 6* Fan Flower, B 6* Wax Vine
Skill Dmg up [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 35% RG+B 6* Heliconia, RG 6* Squirrel Tail Grass
Skill Dmg up [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 40% B 5* Pinkladies (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), RG 6* Otogirisou (Baseball), RG 6* Saintpaulia (Costumed Carefree Aristocrat)
Skill Dmg up [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 50% RG 6* Anemone (Radiant Princess), B 6* Boronia, B 6* Convolvulus, RG 6* Japanese Quince, RG 6* Kentou Kanami, B 6* Kitsune no Botan (Valentine), RG 6* Plumed Cockscomb
Skill Dmg up [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 60% RG 6* Cassis, B 6* Dusty Miller (Christmas), B 6* Maple, B 6* Sandersonia (Halloween), E 6* Verbascum
Skill Dmg up [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 70% B 6* Verbascum
Skill Dmg up [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 80% B 6* Iwarenge, B 6* Knotweed, RG 6* Pinkladies (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), B 6* Trailing Abutilon (Athletic Meet)
Skill Dmg up [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 90% B 6* Maple (Swimsuit)
Skill Dmg up [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 100% B 6* Aizoon Stonecrop, 6* Marina Katsuragi (Exstia), E 6* Water Lily (Swimsuit), B 6* Yarrow (Prison Island)
Skill Dmg up [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 120% B 6* Black Baccara, B 6* Coriander
Skill Dmg up [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 130% B 6* Sakura
Skill Dmg up [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 170% B 6* Cattleya
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack using 20% of the party's Speed 5* Pot Marigold
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack using 30% of the party's Speed 5* Nodding Anemone, B 5* Pot Marigold
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack using 45% of the party's Speed B 5* Creeping Smartweed
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack using 50% of the party's Speed B 5* Nodding Anemone
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack using 60% of the party's Speed B 5* Balloon Vine, B 5* Beefsteak Geranium, 5* Calendula, 5* Clover, 5* Larkspur
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack using 100% of the party's Speed 5* Chinese Trumpet Vine
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack using 100% of the party's Speed 6* Blushing Bride, B 6* Blushing Bride (Life Tree's Blessing), 6* Japanese Holly, 6* Japanese Silver Grass (Swimsuit)
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack using 150% of the party's Speed RG 6* Anagallis, RG 6* Balloon Vine, RG 6* Beefsteak Geranium, RG 6* Calendula, RG 6* Coral Flower (June Bride), RG 6* Creeping Smartweed, RG 6* Flat Sea Holly, RG 6* Harujion, RG 6* Larkspur, RG 6* Liriope, B 6* Nepeta, RG 6* Nightshade, RG 6* Nodding Anemone, RG 6* Pussy Ears, RG 6* Sweet William Catchfly, RG 6* Texas Bluebell
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack using 180% of the party's Speed RG 6* Clover, RG 6* Dancing Lady Orchid, RG 6* Edelweiss, RG 6* Mandevilla, RG 6* Pot Marigold
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack using 200% of the party's Speed B 5* Ionopsidium, RG 6* Chinese Trumpet Vine, B 6* Momiji Suzakuin
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack using 200% of the party's Speed B 6* Blushing Bride, B 6* Hare's Tail Grass, 6* Pussy Willow (Halloween)
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack using 300% of the party's Speed B 6* Celia, B 6* Kayana (Moon Viewing Rabbit), B 6* Pussy Willow, RG 6* Santolina
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack using 300% of the party's Speed 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (10th Anniversary)
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack using 500% of the party's Speed 6* Green Bristlegrass (Halloween), RG 6* Ionopsidium, B 6* Japanese Silver Grass (Swimsuit)
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by how many enemies there are at the start of battle * 5% E 5* Rochea
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by how many enemies there are at the start of battle * 7% E 5* Cowberry, 5* Egyptian Water Lily (Maturing Conspirator), B 5* Elm, 5* Gajumaru, B 5* Mitsumata, 5* Otogirisou (Baseball), 5* Quince, E 5* Snowberry, B 5* Treyni (Schefflera)
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by how many enemies there are at the start of battle * 10% 5* Chelone, B 5* Night Phlox (Christmas), B 5* Rochea, B 5* Snowberry, B 5* Solomon's Seal, 5* Tiger's Claw, RG 6* Chocolate Cosmos, RG+B 6* Globe Amaranth, RG 6* Iris, B 6* Nightmaher (Dog's Tooth Violet), RG+B 6* Salvia, RG 6* Treyni (Schefflera)
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by how many enemies there are at the start of battle * 15% RG 6* Angelonia, RG 6* Cherry Sage (New Year), 6* Christmas Rose, RG 6* Dragon Fruit (Halloween), RG 6* Elm, RG 6* Gazania, RG 6* Ghost Weed (Christmas), RG 6* Lady's Sorrel, RG 6* Lantana, RG 6* Nerine (June Bride), RG 6* Otogirisou (Baseball), RG 6* Plumeria (June Bride), RG 6* Shizu (White Enkianthus), 6* Summer Squash (Swimsuit), RG+B 6* Yellow Pansy
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by how many enemies there are at the start of battle * 20% RG 6* Blue Spiraea, E 6* Cacao, 6* Camellia Wabisuke, RG 6* Ceanothus, RG 6* Cowberry, E 6* Duranta, RG 6* Echinacea (Hotspring Yukata), RG 6* Edelweiss, B 6* Four O'Clock (Costumed Pyrotechnician), B 6* Hollyhock, RG 6* Japanese Water Iris, RG 6* Laurentia (Ninja), RG 6* Mitsumata, RG 6* Night Phlox (Christmas), 6* Pink, RG 6* Pulmonaria, RG 6* Snapdragon (Valentine), RG 6* Snowberry, E 6* Sparaxis, RG 6* Spoon Wood, RG 6* Statice, RG 6* Tiger's Claw
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by how many enemies there are at the start of battle * 25% RG 6* Chelone, 6* Dracaena, RG 6* Quince, E 6* Red Spider Lily (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), RG 6* Rochea, B 6* Shizuka Masou, RG 6* Solomon's Seal
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by how many enemies there are at the start of battle * 35% B 6* Red Spider Lily (World's Flower Shrine Maiden)
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by how many enemies there are at the start of battle * 50% B 6* Tall Stewartia (Christmas)
Atk up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 5% (Max 10%) E 5* Japanese Water Iris (June Bride), E 5* Rough Potato (Christmas)
Atk up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 5% (Max 15%) E 5* Avens, B 5* Correa (Halloween), B 5* Nodding Anemone
Atk up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 10% (Max 20%) B 5* Japanese Water Iris (June Bride), B 5* Rough Potato (Christmas)
Atk up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 10% (Max 30%) B 5* Red Dead Nettle, E 5* Tiger's Claw, RG 6* Multiflora, B 6* Sensitive Plant
Atk up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 10% (Max 40%) 6* Peristrophe
Atk up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 15% (Max 30%) RG 6* Annabelle
Atk up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 15% (Max 45%) RG 6* Fan Flower
Atk up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 15% (Max 60%) B 6* Henna (Christmas), RG 6* Tulsi
Atk up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 15% (Max 90%) RG 6* Habanero
Atk up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 20% (Max 40%) B 5* Achimenes, B 5* Barley, E 5* Channelled Heath, 5* Ebine, B 5* Green Bell, B 5* Masdevallia, E 5* Sawagikyou, RG 6* Japanese Water Iris (June Bride), RG 6* Lacquer Tree
Atk up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 20% (Max 60%) RG 6* Avens, E 6* Cerastium, RG 6* Chinese Lantern, E 6* Cypress, RG 6* Lady's Sorrel (New Year), 6* Nipplewort (New Year), E 6* Rabbit's Foot, RG 6* Red Dead Nettle, RG 6* Sandersonia, RG 6* Tiger's Claw, RG 6* Water Dropwort (New Year), B 6* Wolf Berry (Christmas)
Atk up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 20% (Max 80%) RG 6* Billy Buttons, RG 6* German Iris (Tanabata), RG 6* Himalayan Creeping Saxifrage (Gothic Maid), RG 6* Japanese Barberry
Atk up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 20% (Max 100%) B 6* Hemerocallis, B 6* Rabbit's Foot, RG 6* Sedum
Atk up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 25% (Max 50%) RG 6* Adenium, RG 6* Agave, E 6* Cowslip (Maid), 6* Easter Cactus (June Bride), RG 6* Green Bell, RG 6* Lucky Bamboo, B 6* Meconopsis, RG 6* Rabbit-ear Iris, RG 6* Rough Potato (Christmas), E 6* Viburnum (Baseball), RG+B 6* White Pansy
Atk up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 25% (Max 75%) RG 6* Pouch Flower
Atk up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 25% (Max 100%) 6* Apple (June Bride), RG 6* Tithonia
Atk up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 25% (Max 125%) B 6* Heart Tree
Atk up [For self] End of each turn, increase Attack by 30% (Max 150%) B 6* Konagi
Atk up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 30% (Max 60%) RG 6* Achimenes, RG 6* Ananas, RG 6* Barley, RG 6* Channelled Heath, RG 6* Cherry (June Bride), RG 6* Ebine, B 6* Herbaceous Peony (Halloween), 6* Japanese Anemone (Aspirational Relaxed Queen), RG 6* Mini Rose, RG 6* Sawagikyou, RG+B 6* Strawberry, RG 6* Toad Lily
Atk up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 30% (Max 90%) RG 6* Masdevallia, B 6* Viburnum (Baseball), B 6* Wolf Berry
Atk up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 30% (Max 120%) 6* Statice (Swimsuit)
Atk up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 35% (Max 70%) RG 6* Camellia, E 6* Snow Drop
Atk up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 40% (Max 80%) 6* Mistletoe
Atk up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 45% (Max 135%) 6* Bryonia
Atk up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 50% (Max 150%) B 6* Bryonia
Dmg up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 4% (Max 30%) RG 6* Showy Evening Primrose (Easter)
Dmg up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 5% (Max 15%) E 5* Achimenes, B 5* Channelled Heath, 5* Smithiantha
Dmg up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 5% (Max 20%) B 5* Touch-me-not
Dmg up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 10% (Max 30%) RG 6* Achimenes, B 6* Aizoon Stonecrop (Christmas), RG 6* Apricot (Christmas), RG 6* Channelled Heath, RG+B 6* Kurenai, B 6* Lewisia, RG 6* Lithops, 6* Paphiopedilum
Dmg up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 10% (Max 40%) RG 6* Billy Buttons, RG 6* Snowberry
Dmg up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 10% (Max 50%) B 6* Flame Lily
Dmg up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 15% (Max 30%) RG 6* Rough Cocklebur, B 6* Snow Drop
Dmg up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 15% (Max 45%) RG 6* Avens, RG 6* Correa (Halloween), B 6* Cowslip (Maid), RG 6* Japanese Mugwort, RG 6* Tatarian Aster, RG 6* Viburnum, B 6* Viburnum (Baseball)
Dmg up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 15% (Max 60%) B 6* Henna (Christmas), RG 6* Monkshood, RG 6* Touch-me-not
Dmg up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 20% (Max 40%) RG 6* Azalea (Newcomer), RG 6* Clover, RG+B 6* Hydrangea, RG 6* Snow Pea
Dmg up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 20% (Max 60%) RG 6* Egyptian Water Lily (Maturing Conspirator), RG+B 6* Great Burnet, RG 6* Nodding Anemone, RG 6* Smithiantha, B 6* Tritonia
Dmg up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 20% (Max 100%) B 6* Rabbit's Foot
Dmg up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 25% (Max 50%) RG 6* Rough Potato (Christmas)
Dmg up [For self] End of each turn, increase Damage by 30% (Max 150%) B 6* Konagi
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack based on enemy numbers (3: 50%, 2: 25%, 1: 10%) B 6* Blueberry (Easter)
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack based on enemy numbers (3: 7%, 2: 14%, 1: 21%) B 5* Anchusa, 5* Angelica, 5* Christmas Cactus, E 5* Dendrobium (Valentine), E 5* Mandevilla (Valentine), B 5* Redcurrant, 5* Rose Moss, B 5* White Gaura
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack based on enemy numbers (3: 10%, 2: 20%, 1: 30%) B 5* Angelica, B 5* Dendrobium (Valentine), 6* Chocolate Cosmos (Easter), B 6* Daisy (Halloween), RG 6* Watercress
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack based on enemy numbers (3: 15%, 2: 30%, 1: 40%) 5* Blueberry
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack based on enemy numbers (3: 20%, 2: 30%, 1: 40%) RG 6* Mandevilla (Valentine), RG 6* Valerian
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack based on enemy numbers (3: 15%, 2: 30%, 1: 45%) RG 6* Aibika, RG 6* Anchusa, RG 6* Cacao (Easter), RG 6* Calla, RG 6* Cherry (June Bride), RG+B 6* Chinese Milk Vetch, RG 6* Christmas Cactus, RG 6* Comet Orchid, RG 6* Coneflower (Ninja), RG 6* Curry Plant, RG 6* Nolana, E 6* Osteospermum, B 6* Pothos, E 6* Pothos (Swimsuit), 6* Pygmy Water Lily (June Bride), RG 6* Radish, RG 6* Rose Moss, RG 6* Rugosa Rose, RG+B 6* Saintpaulia, RG+B 6* Snowflake, RG 6* Squirrel Tail Grass, 6* Trailing Abutilon (Athletic Meet), RG 6* White Gaura
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack based on enemy numbers (3: 0%, 2: 25%, 1: 50%) B 6* Mikan (Valentine)
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack based on enemy numbers (3: 20%, 2: 40%, 1: 50%) RG 6* Blueberry
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack based on enemy numbers (3: 0%, 2: 30%, 1: 60%) B 6* Orange (Valentine)
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack based on enemy numbers (3: 20%, 2: 40%, 1: 60%) RG+B 6* Amaryllis, B 6* Chocolate Cosmos (Easter), 6* Crown Imperial, RG 6* Flowering Rush, E 6* Konagi, RG 6* Montbretia, B 6* Nightshade (Halloween), RG 6* Redcurrant, B 6* Sensitive Plant, 6* Silk Tree (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers), RG 6* Snakeberry, B 6* Sneezeweed (Easter), B 6* Trailing Abutilon (Athletic Meet), RG 6* Winter Daphne
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack based on enemy numbers (3: 25%, 2: 50%, 1: 75%) RG 6* Angelica, RG 6* Dendrobium (Valentine), B 6* Diamond Frost, RG 6* Turnip Rape (Young Knight of Hope)
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack based on enemy numbers (3: 50%, 2: 100%, 1: 150%) B 6* Usagigiku
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack based on enemy numbers (3: 0%, 2: 0%, 1: 300%) 6* Pumila
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack with more ally Attributes (1: 5%, 2: 10%, 3+: 15%) B 5* Mandevilla (Valentine)
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack with more ally Attributes (1: 10%, 2: 20%, 3+: 30%) RG 6* Larkspur (Halloween)
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack with more ally Attributes (1: 15%, 2: 30%, 3+: 45%) RG 6* Borage, RG 6* Brachyscome, RG 6* Christmas Begonia, E 6* Evergreen Candytuft, RG 6* Kudzu, RG 6* Lippia, B 6* Nipplewort, B 6* Nipplewort (Dog Ear Poster Girl), 6* Pygmy Water Lily, RG 6* Queen of the Night, RG 6* Water Hyacinth, RG 6* Watercress (Christmas)
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack with more ally Attributes (1: 20%, 2: 30%, 3+: 40%) RG 6* Mandevilla (Valentine)
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack with more ally Attributes (1: 20%, 2: 40%, 3+: 60%) B 6* Basil, RG 6* Mandevilla
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack with more ally Attributes (1: 45%, 2: 30%, 3+: 15%) RG 6* Exacum
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack with more ally Attributes (1: 60%, 2: 40%, 3+: 20%) RG 6* Anemone (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams)
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack using 5% Defense Power 5* Agapanthus, E 5* Tritonia (Christmas)
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack using 10% Defense Power B 5* Agapanthus, B 5* Mio, B 5* Tritonia (Christmas), B 5* Yuzu
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack using 20% Defense Power RG 6* Dendrobium (Aspirational Youth-Caring Instructor)
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack using 25% Defense Power 5* Manchineel
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack using 25% Defense Power RG 6* Agapanthus, RG 6* Cowslip, RG 6* False Helleborine, RG 6* Fatsia, RG 6* Formosan Cherry, RG+B 6* Globe Amaranth, 6* Ixia, RG 6* Mio, RG 6* Oregano, RG 6* Pink (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), E 6* Pygmy Water Lily (June Bride), RG 6* Schizanthus, RG 6* Tritonia (Christmas), RG+B 6* Yulan Magnolia, RG 6* Yuzu
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack using 30% Defense Power B 5* See-through Lily
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack using 30% Defense Power B 6* Peach (Halloween)
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack using 35% Defense Power B 6* Cranesbill, 6* Hemerocallis, B 6* Queen of the Night (June Bride)
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack using 50% Defense Power E 6* Convolvulus
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack using 70% Defense Power RG 6* See-through Lily
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack using 75% Defense Power B 6* Black Baccara
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack using 100% Defense Power B 6* Castor Bean, B 6* Reese Verne (Exstia Chevalier)
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by how many allies there are at the start of battle * 2% B 5* Lippia
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by how many allies there are at the start of battle * 2% B 5* Brodiaea, 5* Hackberry, B 5* Kudzu, B 5* Lamb's Ear (Easter), 5* Mandevilla (Valentine)
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by how many allies there are at the start of battle * 3% 5* Berzelia
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by how many allies there are at the start of battle * 3% B 5* Agapanthus, 5* Tritonia (Christmas)
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by how many allies there are at the start of battle * 5% B 5* Berzelia
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by how many allies there are at the start of battle * 5% B 5* Tritonia (Christmas)
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by how many allies there are at the start of battle * 7% RG 6* Asian Pogonia, RG 6* Hackberry, RG 6* Kalanchoe, RG 6* Kudzu, RG 6* Lamb's Ear (Easter), RG 6* Mandevilla (Valentine), 6* Tritonia
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by how many allies there are at the start of battle * 10% RG 6* Agapanthus, RG 6* Brodiaea, RG 6* Gourd, B 6* Milim (China Pink), RG 6* Tritonia (Christmas), RG+B 6* White Clover
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by how many allies there are at the start of battle * 12% RG 6* Berzelia
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by how many allies there are at the start of battle * 15% RG 6* Lippia
Atk/Dmg up [For self] If any ally goes below 50% HP, increase Attack by 10% and Damage by 10% 5* Lunaria (Swimsuit)
Atk/Dmg up [For self] If any ally goes below 50% HP, increase Attack by 20% and Damage by 20% B 5* Lunaria (Swimsuit)
Atk/Dmg up [For self] If any ally goes below 50% HP, increase Attack by 30% and Damage by 20% 5* Crowea (Hotspring Yukata)
Atk/Dmg up [For self] If any ally goes below 50% HP, increase Attack by 30% and Damage by 30% B 5* Crowea (Hotspring Yukata)
Atk/Dmg up [For self] If any ally goes below 50% HP, increase Attack by 50% and Damage by 35% 6* Milim (China Pink)
Atk/Dmg up [For self] If any ally goes below 50% HP, increase Attack by 50% and Damage by 50% RG 6* Crowea (Hotspring Yukata), RG 6* Lunaria (Swimsuit)
Atk down [For all enemies] End of each turn, reduce Attack by 20% (Max 60%) B 6* Nipplewort (New Year)
Skill Dmg [For 5 Magic allies] Increase Skill Damage by 5% E 5* Shiitake, E 5* Water Pepper
Skill Dmg [For 5 Pierce allies] Increase Skill Damage by 10% E 5* Exacum, E 5* Rugosa Rose
Skill Dmg [For 5 Magic allies] Increase Skill Damage by 10% B 5* Shiitake, B 5* Water Pepper
Skill Dmg [For 5 Pierce allies] Increase Skill Damage by 15% B 5* Exacum, B 5* Rugosa Rose
Skill Dmg [For 5 Pierce allies] Increase Skill Damage by 20% RG 6* Exacum, RG 6* Rugosa Rose
Skill Dmg [For 5 Magic allies] Increase Skill Damage by 40% RG 6* Shiitake, RG 6* Water Pepper
Skill Dmg [For 2 Magic allies] Increase Skill Damage by 50% E 5* East Asian Eurya
Skill Dmg [For 2 Magic allies] Increase Skill Damage by 65% RG 6* East Asian Eurya
Def up [For self] Defend Damage Reduction by 10% B 6* Bamboo
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 20% B 6* Pygmy Water Lily (June Bride)
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 40% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% E 6* Ash, B 6* Cypress, B 6* Japanese Indigo, B 6* Longstalk Holly, E 6* Plumeria (Motherly Love of Hope), 6* Queen of the Night (June Bride), B 6* Silk Tree (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers)
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 45% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% B 6* Hemerocallis
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 50% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% 6* Cotton, B 6* Cyclamen (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers), B 6* Queen of the Night (June Bride)
Def down [For all enemies] End of each turn, reduce Defense by 20% (Max 60%) B 6* Bryonia
Spd up Increase the party's Speed by 50 E 5* Belladonna, E 5* Edelweiss, E 5* Gaillardia, 5* Sweet William Catchfly
Spd up Increase the party's Speed by 100 E 5* Anagallis, E 5* Calendula, 5* Chinese Trumpet Vine, E 5* Clover, E 5* Coral Flower (June Bride), E 5* Dancing Lady Orchid, 5* Flat Sea Holly, 5* Harujion, B 5* Ionopsidium, E 5* Mandevilla, E 5* Pot Marigold, B 6* Blushing Bride (Life Tree's Blessing), 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (10th Anniversary), 6* Japanese Holly, B 6* Miyako
Spd up Increase the party's Speed by 150 E 5* Anthurium, E 5* Creeping Smartweed, E 5* Nightshade, E 5* Santolina, B 6* Celia, RG 6* Coral Flower (June Bride), RG 6* Cuphea, E 6* Hare's Tail Grass, RG 6* Harujion, E 6* Japanese Silver Grass (Swimsuit), B 6* Kayana (Moon Viewing Rabbit), RG 6* Larkspur, B 6* Momiji Suzakuin, 6* Nightshade (Swimsuit), RG 6* Nodding Anemone, B 6* Pussy Willow, 6* Pussy Willow (Halloween), E 6* Red Ginger, RG 6* Sweet William Catchfly
Spd up Increase the party's Speed by 200 B 6* Blushing Bride, B 6* Hare's Tail Grass, RG 6* Ionopsidium, B 6* Japanese Silver Grass (Swimsuit)
Spd down Reduce the party's Speed by 150 RG 6* Manuka
Atk up [For 3 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 10% B 5* Madagascar Periwinkle
Atk up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 10% 5* Impatiens, B 5* Kiwi Fruit
Atk up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 12% B 5* Fennel
Atk up [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 15% B 5* Maple (Christmas), B 5* Reeves Spirea
Atk up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 15% B 5* Bleeding Heart, 5* Comet Orchid, E 5* Herb-of-grace, 5* Turnip Rape (Young Knight of Hope), B 5* Yarrow
Atk up [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 20% B 5* Cactus (Bride of Phos), 5* Pinkladies (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams)
Atk up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 20% B 5* Comet Orchid, 5* Dogwood, B 5* False Daphne, 5* Mountain Lily, B 5* Pomegranate
Atk up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 22% 5* Anthurium
Atk up [For 2 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 25% E 5* Vinca
Atk up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 25% B 5* Impatiens, RG 6* Anthurium, E 6* Cattleya (Radiant Princess), RG 6* Nasturtium
Atk up [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 30% RG 6* Anthurium
Atk up [For 2 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 30% B 5* Vinca
Atk up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 30% B 5* Dogwood, B 5* Herb-of-grace, B 5* Turnip Rape (Young Knight of Hope), RG 6* Comet Orchid, RG 6* Vinca
Atk up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 35% RG 6* Flat Sea Holly, RG 6* Madagascar Periwinkle
Atk up [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 40% B 5* Pinkladies (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), RG 6* Worm Wood
Atk up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 40% RG 6* Worm Wood
Atk up [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 45% RG 6* Maple (Christmas)
Atk up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 45% E 6* Diamond Frost, RG 6* Kiwi Fruit, RG 6* Turnip
Atk up [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 50% RG+B 6* Alstroemeria, RG 6* Cactus (Bride of Phos), RG 6* Clove, E 6* Diamond Frost, RG+B 6* Marigold, 6* Orange, RG 6* Turnip Rape (Young Knight of Hope)
Atk up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 50% RG 6* Cactus (Bride of Phos), RG 6* Fennel, RG 6* Impatiens, 6* Kitsune no Botan (Valentine), 6* Orange, RG 6* Turnip Rape (Young Knight of Hope)
Atk up [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 60% RG 6* Aloe (Valentine)
Atk up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 60% RG 6* Herb-of-grace
Atk up [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 70% RG 6* Peperomia
Atk up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 70% RG 6* Dogwood
Atk up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 75% RG 6* False Daphne
Atk up [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 100% 6* Dendrobium, RG 6* Pinkladies (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams)
Atk up [For 2 allies] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Attack by 15% 5* Morning Star Lily
Atk up [For 5 allies] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Attack by 15% 5* Rosy Lily
Dmg up [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Damage by 20% RG 6* Pontederia
Dmg up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Damage by 20% RG 6* Pontederia
Dmg up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Damage by 25% RG 6* False Daphne, RG 6* Impatiens, 6* Japanese Anemone, 6* Novalis (Queen of Snowflakes), RG 6* Yomena
Dmg up [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Damage by 50% E 6* Dendrobium
Skill Rate up [For 5 allies] [From Turn 2] Increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.1x RG 6* Formosa Lily
Skill Rate up [For 5 allies] [From Turn 6] Increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.2x B 6* Urza Pranaice
Shine Drop up [For 5 allies] Increase Shine Crystal Drop Rate by 5% 4* Cornflower, 4* Zephyranthes, 5* Lunaria, B 5* Moon Vine
Shine Drop up [For 5 allies] Increase Shine Crystal Drop Rate by 10% E 4* Cornflower, E 4* Zephyranthes, E 5* Acanthus, E 5* Annabelle, 5* Aster, E 5* Candle Bark, 5* Clematis, B 5* Coral Bush (June Bride), E 5* Crimson Clover, B 5* False Hydrangea, E 5* Fir Tree, 5* German Iris (Tanabata), E 5* Heavenly Bamboo, E 5* Japanese Chloranthus, B 5* Lamb's Ear (Easter), B 5* Laurentia, E 5* Lobelia, E 5* Peach, B 5* Radish, 5* Satsuki
Shine Drop up [For 5 allies] Increase Shine Crystal Drop Rate by 15% B 5* Acanthus, B 5* Candle Bark, 5* Cosmos, B 5* Fir Tree
Shine Drop up [For 5 allies] Increase Shine Crystal Drop Rate by 20% B 5* Peach, RG 6* Aster, RG 6* Clematis, RG+B 6* Cockspur Coral Tree, RG 6* Fir Tree, RG 6* Heavenly Bamboo, E 6* Hollyhock, RG 6* Japanese Chloranthus, RG 6* Lamb's Ear (Easter), RG 6* Laurentia, RG 6* Lobelia, RG 6* Zephyranthes
Shine Drop up [For 5 allies] Increase Shine Crystal Drop Rate by 25% 5* Marlberry, RG 6* Acanthus, RG 6* Annabelle, RG 6* Candle Bark, RG+B 6* Casablanca, RG 6* Coral Bush (June Bride), RG 6* False Hydrangea, RG 6* German Iris (Tanabata), RG+B 6* Giant Leopard Plant, RG+B 6* Japanese Bindweed, RG+B 6* Jasmine, RG 6* Kinutasou, RG 6* Lindernia, RG 6* Lunaria, RG 6* Manettia, RG 6* Moon Vine, RG+B 6* Morning Glory, RG 6* Panama Queen, RG 6* Radish, RG 6* Verbena, E 6* Wax Vine
Shine Drop up [For 5 allies] Increase Shine Crystal Drop Rate by 30% E 6* Cactus, RG 6* Cornflower, RG 6* Cosmos, RG 6* Crimson Clover, RG 6* Satsuki, RG+B 6* Sunflower
Shine Drop up [For 5 allies] Increase Shine Crystal Drop Rate by 50% B 5* Kikuna, RG 6* Marlberry
Shine Drop up [For 5 allies] Increase Shine Crystal Drop Rate by 75% E 6* Coral Bush (Life Tree's Blessing), E 6* Cyclamen (Life Tree's Blessing), RG 6* Kikuna, E 6* Sun
Solar Dmg up Increase Solar Drive Effect by 5% E 3* Annual Blue-eyed Grass, E 3* Chinese Milk Vetch, E 3* Jasmine, E 3* Morning Glory, E 3* Royal Princess, 4* Casablanca, 4* Cockspur Coral Tree, 4* Dandelion, 4* Hibiscus
Solar Dmg up Increase Solar Drive Effect by 10% E 4* Casablanca, E 4* Cockspur Coral Tree, E 4* Dandelion, E 4* Hibiscus, 5* Dimorphotheca
Solar Dmg up Increase Solar Drive Effect by 15% E 5* Calla, B 5* Crowea, B 5* Dimorphotheca, E 5* False Hydrangea, B 5* Formosan Cherry, B 5* Heliopsis, E 5* Idsuroei, E 5* Kinutasou, E 5* Lamb's Ear, E 5* Lindernia, E 5* Lunaria, E 5* Manettia, B 5* Olive, 5* Pine Tree, B 5* Satsuki, 5* Seemannia
Solar Dmg up Increase Solar Drive Effect by 20% B 5* Aloe, B 5* Chloranthus, E 5* Coral Bush (June Bride), E 5* Gerbera, B 5* Idsuroei, E 5* Ivy, E 5* Japanese Apricot (Yukata), 5* Kiwi Fruit, E 5* Lavender, E 5* Lily of the Valley, 5* Liriope, E 5* Moon Vine, E 5* Night Phlox, 5* Poinsettia, 5* Thoroughwort, E 5* Veronica, E 5* Violet
Solar Dmg up Increase Solar Drive Effect by 25% 5* German Iris, B 5* Ivy, B 5* Kiwi Fruit, B 5* Liriope, B 5* Violet
Solar Dmg up Increase Solar Drive Effect by 30% B 5* Coral Bush (June Bride), B 5* German Iris, B 5* Lavender, B 5* Night Phlox, E 5* Turnip
Solar Dmg up Increase Solar Drive Effect by 40% E 6* Coral Bush, E 6* Flowering Dogwood, E 6* Ghost Weed, E 6* Mimosa
Solar Dmg up Increase Solar Drive Effect by 50% E 6* Haru
Solar Dmg up Increase Solar Drive Effect by 70% E 5* Kikuna, RG 6* Allium, RG 6* Aloe, RG 6* Annual Blue-eyed Grass, RG 6* Asian Rice, RG 6* Calla, RG 6* Casablanca, RG 6* Chinese Milk Vetch, RG 6* Chloranthus, RG 6* Clematis, RG 6* Cockspur Coral Tree, RG 6* Coral Bush (June Bride), RG+B 6* Cornflower, RG 6* Crimson Clover, RG 6* Crowea, RG 6* Dandelion, RG 6* Dimorphotheca, RG 6* False Hydrangea, RG 6* Formosan Cherry, RG 6* Gerbera, RG 6* German Iris, RG+B 6* Giant Leopard Plant, E 6* Godetia, RG 6* Heliopsis, RG 6* Hibiscus, RG 6* Idsuroei, RG 6* Ivy, RG 6* Japanese Apricot (Yukata), RG+B 6* Japanese Bindweed, RG 6* Jasmine, RG 6* Kinutasou, RG 6* Kiwi Fruit, RG 6* Lamb's Ear, RG 6* Lavender, RG 6* Lily of the Valley, RG 6* Liriope, RG 6* Lunaria, RG 6* Manettia, RG 6* Moon Vine, RG 6* Morning Glory, RG 6* Night Phlox, RG 6* Olive, RG 6* Panama Queen, RG 6* Pine Tree, RG 6* Poinsettia, RG 6* Radish, RG 6* Royal Princess, RG 6* Satsuki, RG 6* Seemannia, RG 6* Sunflower, RG+B 6* Sweet Pea, RG 6* Thoroughwort, RG 6* Turnip, RG 6* Veronica, RG 6* Violet
Solar Dmg up Increase Solar Drive Effect by 90% RG 6* Kikuna
Solar Dmg up Increase Solar Drive Effect by 100% B 6* Blushing Bride, B 6* Blushing Bride (Life Tree's Blessing), B 6* Cattleya (Life Tree's Blessing), B 6* Common Zinnia (Life Tree's Blessing), B 6* Coral Bush, B 6* Coral Bush (Life Tree's Blessing), 6* Cyclamen (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers), B 6* Cyclamen (Life Tree's Blessing), B 6* Dusty Miller (Life Tree's Blessing), B 6* Flowering Dogwood, B 6* Flowering Peach (Life Tree's Blessing), B 6* Ghost Weed, B 6* Godetia, B 6* Jersey Cudweed, B 6* Lemon (Fruits Fulcute), RG 6* Lindernia, 6* Longstalk Holly, B 6* Mimosa, B 6* Mimulus, B 6* Red Spider Lily (Life Tree's Blessing), B 6* Scotch Broom, B 6* Snow Drop (Life Tree's Blessing), B 6* Sutera, B 6* Sutera (Life Tree's Blessing), B 6* Viola (Yukata)
Small Pest Dmg down Takes 50% less Damage from small pests while moving 5* Apple of Sodom, E 5* Coleus, 5* Japanese Water Iris, B 5* Monkshood, 5* Toad Lily, RG 6* Brodiaea
Atk up [For 5 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 4% RG 6* Cyclamen (Radiant Princess)
Atk up [For 5 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 5% E 5* Asian Pogonia, E 5* Barrenwort (Valentine), E 5* Fuki
Atk up [For self] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 10% B 5* Japanese Glory Bower, B 5* Wheel Lily
Atk up [For 2 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 10% E 5* Schizanthus
Atk up [For 3 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 10% E 5* Abelia
Atk up [For 5 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 10% B 5* Barrenwort (Valentine), 5* Cacao (Easter), E 5* Eucharis, B 5* Glory of the Snow, B 5* Hackberry, E 5* Himalayan Creeping Saxifrage (Gothic Maid), 5* Russelia, E 5* Skullcap, 5* Tachibana, E 5* Wallich's Glory Bower, 5* Wheel Lily, B 5* Winter Daphne, B 5* Wood Sorrel (Tanabata)
Atk up [For 3 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 12% B 5* Canna
Atk up [For 2 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 15% B 5* Schizanthus
Atk up [For 3 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 15% B 5* Sakura (Apron)
Atk up [For 5 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 15% B 5* Asian Pogonia, 5* Buttercup, B 5* Cacao (Easter), B 5* Cattleya (Swimsuit), B 5* Dahlia, B 5* Fuki, B 5* Lychnis, 5* Mint (Maturing Virtue), B 5* Otogirisou (Baseball), E 5* Pyrethrum, B 5* Shion (Nokonngiku), E 5* Silene Coeli Rosa, RG 6* Echinacea, RG 6* Lycaste, RG 6* Nerine (June Bride), RG 6* Rose Moss, RG 6* Saffron (Christmas), RG+B 6* Silver Orchid, RG 6* Skullcap, RG 6* Zebrina
Atk up [For 5 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 18% RG 6* Lychnis
Atk up [For self] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 20% B 5* Spider Wort, B 5* Zebrina, RG 6* Pontederia, RG+B 6* Silver Orchid
Atk up [For 2 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 20% E 5* Blood Iris, E 5* Showy Lily
Atk up [For 5 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 20% 5* Cherry Sage (New Year), 5* Chocolate Lily (New Year), E 5* Gourd, 5* Heliotrope (Yukata), 5* Sago Palm, B 5* Seashore Pink, RG 6* Apple of Sodom, RG 6* Canna, RG 6* Coral Flower (June Bride), RG+B 6* Dandelion, B 6* Fennel (Hotspring Yukata), RG 6* Forget-Me-Not, RG 6* Heliotrope, RG 6* Iris, RG 6* Mini Rose, RG 6* Novalis, RG 6* Otogirisou (Baseball), RG 6* Pontederia, RG 6* Pyrethrum, RG 6* Schizanthus, RG 6* Snow Pea, RG 6* Solidaster, RG 6* Spider Wort, E 6* Wheat (Christmas), RG 6* Wheel Lily, RG 6* Yarrow
Atk up [For 2 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 22% B 5* Lacquer Tree, B 5* Manettia, B 5* Morning Star Lily, B 5* Native Bryony
Atk up [For 5 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 22% RG 6* Isogiku, RG 6* Poinsettia (Yukata), RG 6* Shion (Nokonngiku)
Atk up [For 5 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 24% RG 6* Wood Sorrel (Tanabata)
Atk up [For self] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 25% E 5* Sago Palm, E 6* Cardamine Lyrata, RG 6* Cyclamen (Radiant Princess), RG 6* Spider Wort, RG 6* Wheel Lily
Atk up [For 2 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 25% B 5* Baikasou, 5* Chickweed, E 5* Otogirisou, B 5* Showy Lily, E 5* Soft Windflower, RG 6* Schizanthus
Atk up [For 5 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 25% B 5* Borage, E 5* Buntan, B 5* Fireweed, B 5* Gold Coin Daisy, B 5* Gourd, E 5* Hare's Tail Grass (Halloween), B 5* Plumeria (June Bride), 5* Red Tulip, 5* Silphium, RG 6* Asian Pogonia, RG 6* Baikasou, E 6* Baikasou (Easter), RG 6* Buttercup, RG 6* Camellia (Bride of Phos), RG 6* Dancing Lady Orchid, RG 6* Eucharis, B 6* Flowering Peach, RG 6* Hackberry, RG 6* Hop (Hotspring Yukata), B 6* Lotus (June Bride), RG 6* Manettia, RG 6* Meconopsis (Newcomer), RG 6* Mint (Maturing Virtue), RG 6* Pomegranate, RG 6* Pot Marigold, RG 6* Rough Potato, RG 6* Saintpaulia (Costumed Carefree Aristocrat), RG 6* Water Hyacinth, RG 6* Wax Vine (Christmas), RG 6* Winter Daphne, RG 6* Wintersweet
Atk up [For 5 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 25% E 5* Blueberry
Atk up [For 3 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 30% E 5* Cherry Sage
Atk up [For 5 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 30% E 5* Fire Lily, RG 6* Abelia, RG 6* Asian Rice, RG 6* Barrenwort (Valentine), RG+B 6* Blue Lotus, RG 6* Buckbean, E 6* Cactus, B 6* Camellia Wabisuke, RG 6* Cattleya (Swimsuit), RG 6* Cherry Sage, RG 6* Cherry Sage (New Year), E 6* Chocolate Lily, RG 6* Dahlia, RG 6* Dalmatian Bellflower, B 6* Easter Cactus, RG 6* Fireweed, RG 6* Fuki, RG 6* German Iris, RG 6* Gold Coin Daisy, RG 6* Gooseberry, RG 6* Hare's Ear, E 6* Horse Chestnut, RG 6* Ivy (Swimsuit), B 6* Japanese Anemone, E 6* Japanese Anemone (Swimsuit), 6* Lavender (June Bride), B 6* Monkshood (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), RG 6* Plumeria (June Bride), RG 6* Sakura (Apron), B 6* Sneezeweed (Easter)
Atk up [For self] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 35% RG 6* Rose Moss, RG 6* Snake Gourd
Atk up [For 5 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 35% RG+B 6* Bistort, RG 6* Buntan, RG 6* Cacao (Easter), RG 6* Calendula, RG+B 6* Cornflower, RG 6* Cymbidium (Valentine), RG 6* Glory of the Snow, RG 6* Hare's Tail Grass (Halloween), RG 6* Heliotrope (Yukata), B 6* Ivy (New Year), B 6* Lavender (Valentine), B 6* Lotus, RG 6* Mountain Lily, RG 6* Primula, RG 6* Queen of the Night, RG 6* Red Tulip, E 6* Sakura, RG 6* Seashore Pink, RG 6* Showy Lily, RG 6* Silphium, RG 6* Tachibana, RG 6* Veronica
Atk up [For self] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 40% 5* Winter Jasmine, RG 6* Barrenwort (Valentine), RG+B 6* Forget-Me-Not, RG 6* Hare's Tail Grass (Halloween), RG 6* Isogiku
Atk up [For 2 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 40% RG 6* Blood Iris
Atk up [For 5 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 40% RG 6* Blood Iris, RG 6* Borage, E 6* Cherry, B 6* Colchicum, B 6* Four O'Clock (Costumed Pyrotechnician), RG 6* Gaillardia, B 6* Lantana (Flower Festival), RG 6* Morning Star Lily, RG 6* Soft Windflower, B 6* Streptocarpus (Halloween), B 6* Summer Squash, RG 6* Wallich's Glory Bower
Atk up [For 5 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 40% RG 6* Blueberry
Atk up [For self] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 45% RG 6* Buckbean
Atk up [For 5 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 45% RG 6* Otogirisou, B 6* Water Lily (June Bride)
Atk up [For self] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 50% RG+B 6* Buckbean, B 6* Cardamine Lyrata, 6* Iwarenge, RG+B 6* Marigold, E 6* Nepeta
Atk up [For 5 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 50% 6* Blueberry (Easter), B 6* Horse Chestnut, B 6* Nightshade (Halloween), B 6* Tree of a Thousand Stars
Atk up [For self] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 60% RG 6* Trifoliate
Atk up [For 2 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 70% RG 6* Chickweed
Atk up [For self] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 80% RG 6* Sago Palm
Atk up [For self] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 100% B 6* Cactus, B 6* Cattleya (Life Tree's Blessing), B 6* Dusty Miller, B 6* Liverwort
Atk up [For self] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 120% B 6* Maple, B 6* Pink
Atk up [For self] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 130% B 6* Acacia (New Year), B 6* Sakura, B 6* Wheat (Christmas)
Atk up [For self] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 150% 6* Akane, RG 6* Winter Jasmine
Atk up [For 5 allies] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 150% B 6* Blue Lotus (Christmas)
Atk up [For self] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 160% B 6* Pinkladies
Atk up [For self] [In boss fight] Increase Attack by 200% B 6* King's Cross
Fill Light Gauge [Start of subjugation] Fill the Light Gauge by 2% E 3* Gladiolus, E 3* Japanese Bindweed, 4* Purple Tulip, 4* Sweet Pea
Fill Light Gauge [Start of subjugation] Fill the Light Gauge by 5% E 4* Purple Tulip, E 4* Sweet Pea
Fill Light Gauge [Start of subjugation] Fill the Light Gauge by 10% B 5* Calla, E 5* Clematis, B 5* Idsuroei, B 5* Lindernia, B 5* Panama Queen, 5* Radish
Fill Light Gauge [Start of subjugation] Fill the Light Gauge by 20% 5* Lily of the Valley, E 5* Rose, 5* Tree Peony
Fill Light Gauge [Start of subjugation] Fill the Light Gauge by 30% E 5* Allium, E 5* Cattleya (Swimsuit), B 5* Coral Bush (June Bride), E 5* German Iris, B 5* Holly (Swimsuit), B 5* Kiwi Fruit, B 5* Turnip
Fill Light Gauge [Start of subjugation] Fill the Light Gauge by 50% RG 6* Acanthus, RG 6* Allium, RG+B 6* Annual Blue-eyed Grass, RG 6* Asian Rice, RG 6* Calla, RG+B 6* Casablanca, E 6* Cattleya, RG 6* Cattleya (Swimsuit), RG 6* Clematis, RG 6* Coral Bush (June Bride), RG 6* Crimson Clover, RG 6* German Iris, RG 6* Gladiolus, RG+B 6* Hibiscus, RG 6* Holly (Swimsuit), RG 6* Idsuroei, E 6* Japanese Apricot, RG 6* Japanese Bindweed, RG 6* Kiwi Fruit, RG 6* Lavender, RG 6* Lily, RG 6* Lily of the Valley, RG 6* Lindernia, RG+B 6* Morning Glory, RG 6* Night Phlox, RG 6* Purple Tulip, RG 6* Radish, RG 6* Rose, RG 6* Seemannia, RG 6* Sweet Pea, RG 6* Tree Peony, RG 6* Turnip, RG 6* Wheel Lily
Fill Light Gauge [Start of subjugation] Fill the Light Gauge by 100% 6* Purple Tulip (Knight Medic)
Fill Light Gauge [Start of subjugation] Fill the Light Gauge by 100% B 6* Jersey Cudweed (New Year)
Heal Panel Effect up Heal 2x more HP from Healing Panels 5* Ginkgo, 5* Queen of the Night
Heal Panel Effect up Heal 3x more HP from Healing Panels B 5* Asian Rice, 5* Elder Flower, E 5* Fuchsia, E 5* Holly, E 5* Japanese Glory Bower, 5* Lavender, E 5* Strelitzia
Heal at Pest Nest Allies Heal 10% HP when encountering a Nest Panel E 5* Asian Rice, E 5* Black Locust, 5* Brodiaea, 5* Edelweiss, E 5* Glory of the Sun, E 5* Japanese Silver Grass, 5* Lesser Celandine, E 5* Monkshood, E 5* Rhoeo, E 5* Showy Evening Primrose, 5* Soft Windflower, 5* Sourwood, RG 6* Elder Flower, E 6* Pink, B 6* Win (Snowfield Formal Dress)
Cannon Shots up Encountered Cannon Panels will attack 1 more pest(s) 5* Cape Jasmine, 5* Iris
Atk up at Pest Nest Increase Attack by 3% when encountering a Nest Panel (Max 12%) 5* Japanese Gentian, 5* Monkshood
Atk up at Pest Nest Increase Attack by 5% when encountering a Nest Panel (Max 15%) B 5* Black Locust, B 5* Edelweiss
Atk up at Pest Nest Increase Attack by 10% when encountering a Nest Panel (Max 30%) RG 6* Black Locust
Atk up at Pest Nest Increase Attack by 50% when encountering a Nest Panel (Max 150%) B 6* Common Zinnia (Thoughts of Absent Friends Swimsuit)
Ignore Spd Panel Ignores effects from Speed-altering Panels in maps 4* Lilac, E 5* Amur Adonis, E 5* Cuphea, 5* Mandevilla, B 6* Christmas Rose, E 6* Nerine
Skill Rate up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.2x E 5* Comet Orchid, E 5* Stephanotis
Skill Rate up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 3] Increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.2x 5* Moon Vine, E 5* Tachibana
Skill Rate up [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.35x 5* Nolana, E 5* Pontederia, E 5* Zebrina
Skill Rate up [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.5x 5* Aloe (Valentine), B 5* Anthurium, 5* Cactus (Bride of Phos), E 5* Clove, E 5* Echinacea, E 5* Echinacea (Hotspring Yukata), 5* Epidendrum, E 5* Fennel, E 5* Maple (Christmas), B 5* Peperomia, B 5* Pineapple, E 5* Plumed Cockscomb, B 5* Pomegranate, E 5* Reeves Spirea, 5* Rosemary, 5* Saintpaulia (Costumed Carefree Aristocrat), 5* Snake Gourd, E 5* Squirrel Tail Grass, 5* Trifoliate, B 5* Turnip, B 5* Worm Wood, B 5* Yomena
Skill Rate up [For 2 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.5x B 5* Echinacea, B 5* Nasturtium
Skill Rate up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.65x RG 6* Aloe (Valentine), E 6* Camellia Wabisuke, 6* Cattleya (Radiant Princess), RG 6* Comet Orchid, 6* Coriander, 6* Curcuma, 6* Diamond Frost, RG 6* Dogwood, RG 6* Echinacea, RG 6* Fennel, E 6* Four O'Clock (Costumed Pyrotechnician), RG 6* Herb-of-grace, E 6* Japanese Anemone, 6* Knotweed, RG 6* Lupin, RG 6* Nasturtium, E 6* Novalis (Queen of Snowflakes), RG 6* Pachystachys, 6* Pinkladies, 6* Purple Columbine, RG 6* Pyrethrum, E 6* Summer Squash (Swimsuit), RG 6* Tachibana, 6* Water Lily (June Bride), 6* Wheat
Skill Rate up [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Skill Activation Rate by 2x RG 6* Alstroemeria, RG 6* Anthurium, RG 6* Cactus (Bride of Phos), RG 6* Clove, E 6* Convolvulus (Swimsuit), RG 6* Curry Plant, RG 6* Echinacea (Hotspring Yukata), RG 6* Epidendrum, RG 6* Heliconia, 6* Kitsune no Botan (Valentine), RG 6* Maple (Christmas), RG+B 6* Marigold, RG 6* Nolana, RG 6* Peperomia, RG 6* Pineapple, RG 6* Plumed Cockscomb, RG 6* Pomegranate, RG 6* Pontederia, RG 6* Reeves Spirea, RG 6* Rosemary, RG 6* Saintpaulia (Costumed Carefree Aristocrat), RG 6* Shion (Nokonngiku), RG 6* Snake Gourd, RG 6* Squirrel Tail Grass, RG 6* Trifoliate, RG 6* Turnip, RG 6* Worm Wood, RG 6* Yomena, RG 6* Zebrina
Skill Rate up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Skill Activation Rate by 2x 5* Cymbidium, B 6* Cacao, B 6* Camellia Wabisuke, B 6* Cattleya (Radiant Princess), B 6* Chloranthus (Christmas), B 6* Coral Bush, B 6* Coriander, B 6* Curcuma, B 6* Daisy, B 6* Diamond Frost, B 6* Dusty Miller (Christmas), B 6* Four O'Clock (Costumed Pyrotechnician), B 6* Hollyhock, B 6* Japanese Anemone, B 6* Knotweed, B 6* Novalis (Queen of Snowflakes), B 6* Orange, B 6* Pinkladies, 6* Plum, B 6* Purple Columbine, RG 6* Stephanotis, B 6* Summer Squash (Swimsuit), B 6* Viola, B 6* Water Lily (June Bride), B 6* Wheat
Skill Rate up [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Activation Rate by up to 1.1x based on one's own Affection E 5* Hebe, 5* Sago Palm, 5* Stephanotis
Skill Rate up [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Activation Rate by up to 1.2x based on one's own Affection B 5* Acanthus, 5* Agave, B 5* Allium, E 5* Aloe, E 5* Ananas, E 5* Anchusa, 5* Anemone (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), E 5* Anemone (Radiant Princess), 5* Anemone (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), B 5* Angelica, 5* Anisodontea, 5* Anri (Rue Anemone), 5* Apple, 5* Avens, E 5* Azalea (Newcomer), E 5* Azuki Bean, 5* Baby Blue Eyes, 5* Balloon Vine, E 5* Barley, B 5* Barrenwort (Valentine), B 5* Bauera, 5* Black Baccara (Easter), 5* Bleeding Heart, B 5* Blue Spiraea, B 5* Blueberry, E 5* Borage, E 5* Brodiaea, B 5* Buntan, B 5* Cape Plumbago, B 5* Carrot, B 5* Cassis, B 5* Chelone, E 5* Cherry (June Bride), E 5* Cherry Sage (New Year), B 5* Chicory, E 5* Chocolate Lily (New Year), 5* Cichorium, B 5* Cleome, B 5* Clover, 5* Coneflower (Ninja), 5* Cranberry, 5* Cyclamen (Radiant Princess), E 5* Cymbidium (Valentine), B 5* Dancing Lady Orchid, B 5* Delphinium, E 5* Devil's Claw, 5* Dill, B 5* Dragon Fruit (Halloween), E 5* Duranta (Easter), B 5* East Asian Eurya, B 5* Evergreen Candytuft (Christmas), 5* False Daphne, 5* Fire Lily, 5* Fireweed, E 5* Flamingo Plant, B 5* Flat Sea Holly, 5* Flowering Dogwood (Yukata), 5* Flowering Peach (June Bride), 5* Flowering Rush, E 5* Forest Ghost Flower, E 5* Fullmoon Maple, E 5* Garden Croton, E 5* Garlic Vine, 5* Gazania, 5* Geranium, B 5* German Iris, B 5* German Iris (Tanabata), E 5* Ghost Weed (Princess of Pure Flower), B 5* Gilia, 5* Globe Thistle, E 5* Gold Bunny, 5* Gourd, 5* Great Burnet (Maturing Strategist), 5* Gumi, 5* Habanero, E 5* Hackberry, B 5* Harujion, 5* Heart Vine, 5* Heather, B 5* Heavenly Bamboo, B 5* Heliotrope (Yukata), 5* Henna, 5* Himalayan Creeping Saxifrage (Gothic Maid), 5* Holly (Swimsuit), 5* Hop (Hotspring Yukata), E 5* Hosta, B 5* Iris, B 5* Ivy, B 5* Jack-in-the-pulpit, B 5* Japanese Chloranthus, 5* Japanese Viburnum, B 5* Japanese Water Iris, B 5* Kalanchoe, E 5* Kijimushiro, B 5* Kinutasou, E 5* Kudzu, E 5* Lady's Sorrel, E 5* Lamb's Ear (Easter), E 5* Lamium, B 5* Lantana, B 5* Larkspur, 5* Laurentia, 5* Lemon, B 5* Leucophyllum, B 5* Liatris, E 5* Lily, 5* Lippia, B 5* Liriope, 5* Lucky Bamboo, 5* Luffa, B 5* Lunaria (Swimsuit), E 5* Masdevallia, 5* Meconopsis (Newcomer), E 5* Miltonia, 5* Mitsumata, B 5* Moon Vine, B 5* Moss Rose, 5* Nerine (June Bride), E 5* Night Phlox (Christmas), E 5* Nodding Anemone, 5* Ornamental Kale, E 5* Panama Queen, B 5* Passion Flower, B 5* Peach, E 5* Physostegia, E 5* Pickerel Weed, 5* Pitcher Plant, 5* Plumeria (June Bride), B 5* Poached Egg Plant, E 5* Poinsettia (Yukata), B 5* Potato, E 5* Primula, B 5* Queen of the Night, E 5* Rainbow Rose, B 5* Red Tulip, B 5* Rose Mallow, E 5* Rough Potato, B 5* Rough Potato (Christmas), 5* Saffron (Christmas), B 5* Saffron (June Bride), B 5* Scilla, B 5* Screw Flower, E 5* Sea Aster, B 5* Seashore Aster, 5* Sensitive Plant (Christmas), E 5* Showy Baby's Breath, B 5* Showy Evening Primrose, E 5* Sill Plain, 5* Skimmia, E 5* Smithiantha, B 5* Snapdragon (Valentine), 5* Soapwort (New Year), 5* Soft Windflower (Prison Island), 5* Solidago, E 5* Sourwood, B 5* Spider Wort, E 5* Spring Star (Maid), B 5* Star Cluster, E 5* Statice, B 5* Straw Flower, E 5* Sutera (Aspirational Sparkling Nova), E 5* Tiger Lily (Christmas), 5* Tithonia, E 5* Tulsi, E 5* Tutsan, E 5* Twinflower, 5* Twinspur, B 5* Violet, E 5* Water Dropwort (New Year), B 5* Water Hyacinth, 5* Water Pepper, B 5* Water Speedwell, E 5* Watercress (Christmas), 5* Wax Vine (Christmas), E 5* Welwitschia, E 5* Wheel Lily, E 5* Winter Cherry, 5* Winter Cosmos, E 5* Wintersweet, B 5* Wood Sorrel, 5* Yarrow, E 5* Yuri Amakubo (Exstia Flora), RG 6* Abelia, RG 6* Agapanthus, 6* Alstroemeria (Gratitude Towards The Future), RG 6* Alyssum, RG 6* Amaryllis, RG 6* Anemone (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), RG 6* Angelonia, RG 6* Annabelle, B 6* Apricot, RG 6* Asian Bleeding Heart, RG 6* Asian Rice, RG 6* Asiatic Dayflower, RG 6* Aster, 6* Azalea, RG 6* Baikasou, RG+B 6* Balloon Flower, RG 6* Barrenwort, RG 6* Belladonna, RG 6* Beloperone, RG 6* Berzelia, RG 6* Billy Buttons, RG+B 6* Bistort, RG 6* Blue Lace Flower, RG+B 6* Blue Lotus, B 6* Bluebell, B 6* Blushing Bride, RG 6* Blushing Bride (Costumed Apprentice Teacher), 6* Burning Bush, B 6* Burning Bush (Hotspring Yukata), 6* Bush Clover, RG 6* Butterfly Bush, 6* Cactus (Christmas), RG 6* Calendula, RG 6* Calla, RG 6* Candle Bark, RG 6* Canna, RG 6* Carnation, RG 6* Cattleya (Swimsuit), RG 6* Ceanothus, E 6* Cerastium, B 6* Cherry, RG 6* Cherry Sage, RG 6* Chinese Quince, RG 6* Chloranthus, RG 6* Chocolate Cosmos (Swimsuit), RG 6* Christmas Cactus, RG 6* Cineraria, RG 6* Clematis, RG 6* Cobra Lily, RG+B 6* Cockspur Coral Tree, E 6* Colchicum, RG 6* Coleus, RG 6* Coral Flower, RG 6* Coral Flower (June Bride), B 6* Corn Cockle, RG 6* Cowberry, 6* Cowslip (Maid), RG 6* Creeping Bugleweed, RG 6* Creeping Jenny, RG 6* Crowea, B 6* Crown Imperial, RG+B 6* Cyclamen, RG 6* Cypress Vine, RG 6* Dahlia, B 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (Bride of Phos), RG 6* Dendrobium (Aspirational Youth-Caring Instructor), RG 6* Dendrobium (Valentine), RG 6* Devil in a Bush, RG 6* Dimorphotheca, 6* Dracaena, B 6* Duranta, RG 6* Easter Lily, B 6* Edelweiss (New Year), RG+B 6* Egyptian Water Lily, E 6* Elder Flower (Christmas), B 6* Epidendrum (New Year), B 6* Epidendrum (Swimsuit), 6* Evergreen Candytuft, RG 6* Exacum, RG 6* Fan Flower, E 6* Fennel (Hotspring Yukata), RG+B 6* Fragrant Olive, E 6* Freesia, RG 6* Gaillardia, E 6* Geranium (Yukata), RG 6* Gerbera, RG 6* Ghost Weed (Christmas), RG 6* Ginkgo, RG+B 6* Gladiolus, RG+B 6* Globe Amaranth, RG 6* Glory of the Snow, B 6* Godetia, RG 6* Gooseberry, RG 6* Green Bristlegrass, RG 6* Green Bristlegrass (Flower Festival), E 6* Habranthus, B 6* Hardenbergia, RG 6* Hare's Tail Grass (Halloween), 6* Heather (Swimsuit), RG 6* Hebe, RG 6* Heliopsis, B 6* Hemerocallis, B 6* Herbaceous Peony, RG 6* Himalayan Creeping Saxifrage, RG 6* Hop, RG 6* Idsuroei, B 6* Ionocidium, RG 6* Ionocidium (Christmas), E 6* Ixia, RG 6* Ixora, RG 6* Japanese Apricot (Yukata), RG+B 6* Japanese Bindweed, RG 6* Japanese Glory Bower, RG 6* Japanese Madder, RG 6* Japanese Mugwort, RG 6* Japanese Rowan, RG 6* Japanese Snowball Bush, RG 6* Japanese Water Iris (June Bride), 6* Jersey Cudweed, B 6* Jersey Cudweed (New Year), RG 6* Kalanchoe Pinnata, RG 6* King Protea, RG 6* Kitsune no Botan, RG 6* Kiwi Fruit, E 6* Konagi, E 6* Kugaisou, RG 6* Kurenai, RG 6* Kurinsou, RG 6* Lacquer Tree, RG 6* Lamb's Ear, RG 6* Lampranthus, RG 6* Lavender, 6* Lavender (Valentine), RG 6* Leschenaultia, E 6* Lewisia, RG 6* Lily of the Valley, RG 6* Linaria, E 6* Lion's Ear (Christmas), RG 6* Lithops, RG 6* Lobelia, RG 6* Lupin, RG 6* Madagascar Periwinkle, E 6* Maple, E 6* Maple (Swimsuit), RG 6* Marguerite, RG 6* Mertensia, B 6* Milim (China Pink), 6* Mimulus, RG 6* Mini Rose, RG 6* Mint, RG 6* Mint (Maturing Virtue), B 6* Monkshood (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), RG 6* Monotropastrum, RG 6* Montbretia, RG 6* Morning Star Lily, RG 6* Moss Phlox, RG+B 6* Moth Orchid, RG 6* Multiflora, E 6* Nemesia, B 6* Nerine (Christmas), RG 6* Night Phlox, RG 6* Nightshade, 6* Nightshade (Halloween), 6* Nipplewort, RG 6* North Pole, RG 6* Olive, B 6* Osteospermum, E 6* Pickerel Weed (Christmas), RG 6* Pink (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), RG 6* Pinkladies (Princess of Pure Flower), RG 6* Poppy, RG 6* Pot Marigold, E 6* Pothos, RG 6* Pouch Flower, RG 6* Purple Pansy, RG+B 6* Purple Tulip, RG 6* Quince, RG 6* Radish, RG 6* Rain Lily, RG 6* Ranunculus, RG 6* Red Cat's Tail, B 6* Red Spider Lily, B 6* Red Spider Lily (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), E 6* Reeves Spirea (Easter), RG 6* Rhodanthe, RG 6* Rhoeo, RG 6* Rosy Lily, RG 6* Rough Cocklebur, RG+B 6* Royal Princess, B 6* Royal Water Lily (June Bride), RG 6* Rugosa Rose, RG 6* Russelia, RG 6* Sago Palm, RG 6* Saintpaulia, RG 6* Salvia, RG+B 6* Sanvitalia, RG+B 6* Sasanqua, RG 6* Satsuki, E 6* Scotch Broom, E 6* Scotch Broom (Christmas), RG 6* Sedum, 6* Shizuka Masou, RG 6* Silene Coeli Rosa, RG+B 6* Silver Orchid, RG 6* Skunk Vine, RG 6* Snakeberry, B 6* Sneezeweed, B 6* Sneezeweed (Easter), RG 6* Sneezeweed (June Bride), B 6* Snow Drop, 6* Snow Drop (New Year), RG 6* Snowberry, RG 6* Society Garlic, RG 6* Soft Windflower, RG 6* Spilanthes, RG+B 6* Strawberry, RG 6* Strelitzia, E 6* Streptocarpus (Halloween), B 6* Summer Squash, RG+B 6* Sweet Pea, RG 6* Sweet William Catchfly, RG 6* Tall Stewartia, 6* Tarragon, RG 6* Tea Plant, RG 6* Thunberg Spirea, RG 6* Tiger Lily, RG 6* Toad Lily, RG 6* Toad Lily (Swimsuit), E 6* Trailing Abutilon (Athletic Meet), RG 6* Tree Peony, 6* Tree of a Thousand Stars, E 6* Tritonia, RG 6* Tritonia (Christmas), 6* Usagigoke, RG 6* Verbena, RG 6* Veronica, RG 6* Viburnum, RG 6* Vinca, B 6* Viola (Yukata), RG 6* Wallich's Glory Bower, E 6* Walnut, RG+B 6* Water Fringe, RG+B 6* White Clover, RG 6* White Gaura, RG 6* White Tulip, RG 6* Yamashitae, E 6* Yarrow (Prison Island), RG 6* Yellow Pansy, RG+B 6* Yellow Tulip, RG+B 6* Zephyranthes
Skill Rate up [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Activation Rate by up to 1.2x based on one's own Affection RG 6* Stephanotis
Skill Rate up [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Activation Rate by up to 1.2x based on one's own Affection RG 6* Blueberry
Skill Rate up [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.2x B 5* Cape Jasmine, B 5* Fire Lily, B 5* Flowering Peach (June Bride), B 5* Lucky Bamboo, 6* Black Locust (June Bride)
Skill Rate up [For 5 allies] Based on one's own Skill Level, increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.28x~1.36x B 5* Tiger's Claw, E 6* Acacia (New Year), RG 6* Almond, B 6* Alstroemeria (Gratitude Towards The Future), RG 6* Amur Adonis, RG 6* Anagallis, RG 6* Anemone (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), RG+B 6* Annual Blue-eyed Grass, RG 6* Apple of Sodom, 6* Asian Hazel, B 6* Azalea, RG 6* Balloon Vine (Easter), B 6* Bessera, RG 6* Black Locust, B 6* Black Locust (June Bride), E 6* Bluet (Rising Star of the Sparkling Fairyland), B 6* Boronia, E 6* Bryonia, E 6* Burdock, B 6* Cactus (Christmas), RG 6* Carrot, RG 6* Chelone, RG 6* Chocolate Cosmos, B 6* Christmas Rose, B 6* Colchicum, 6* Corbett, RG 6* Cosmos, B 6* Cowslip (Maid), 6* Cranesbill, 6* Crepis, E 6* Curcuma (Yukata), B 6* Daisy (Halloween), B 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (Valentine), B 6* Easter Cactus, RG 6* Echeveria, RG 6* Edelweiss, RG 6* Elder Flower, B 6* Fennel (Hotspring Yukata), RG 6* Fir Tree, B 6* Flowering Dogwood, RG 6* Fuchsia, B 6* Geranium (Yukata), RG 6* Globe Thistle, RG 6* Gold Coin Daisy, RG 6* Gumi, B 6* Heart Tree, RG 6* Holly, B 6* Ixia, RG 6* Jack-in-the-pulpit, E 6* Japanese Indigo, RG 6* Japanese Silver Grass, B 6* Jersey Cudweed, RG 6* Jujube, RG 6* Konara, B 6* Kugaisou, 6* Leschenaultia (Yukata), RG 6* Lesser Celandine, B 6* Lewisia, RG 6* Liatris, RG 6* Lilac, E 6* Longstalk Holly, B 6* Loquat, B 6* Lotus (June Bride), RG 6* Lychnis, RG 6* Mandevilla, B 6* Maple, B 6* Marina Katsuragi (Exstia), B 6* Mikan (Valentine), B 6* Mimosa, RG 6* Monkshood, RG 6* Moss Rose, B 6* Nerine, B 6* Nightmaher (Dog's Tooth Violet), B 6* Nightshade (Halloween), B 6* Nipplewort, E 6* Nipplewort (New Year), E 6* Peristrophe, B 6* Pickerel Weed (Christmas), B 6* Pink, RG 6* Radish (New Year), E 6* Rainbow Rose (Swimsuit), E 6* Red Ginger, B 6* Reeves Spirea (Easter), B 6* Regal Lily, RG 6* Sakaki, B 6* Scotch Broom (Christmas), RG 6* Screw Flower, B 6* Sensitive Plant, RG 6* Sickle-shaped Solomon's Seal, 6* Silk Tree (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers), RG 6* Snapdragon, RG 6* Sourwood, RG 6* Spring Star, E 6* Statice (Swimsuit), RG 6* Stokes' Aster, B 6* Streptocarpus (Halloween), 6* Sutera, B 6* Tritonia, 6* Twinspur (Maid), E 6* Usagigoke (Swimsuit), 6* Vervain, B 6* Violet Cress, B 6* Walnut, E 6* Walnut (June Bride), RG 6* Water Dropwort, B 6* Wax Vine, E 6* Wolf Berry (Christmas), RG 6* Yuri Amakubo (Exstia Flora)
Skill Rate up [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Skill Activation Rate by 100x B 5* Santolina, E 6* Dendrobium, 6* Helianthus
Evade Rate up [For self] Increase Evade Rate by 50% B 6* Daffodil
Evade Rate up [For self] Increase Evade Rate by 60% B 6* Golden Lace, 6* Juneberry, B 6* Purslane
Evade Rate up [For self] Increase Evade Rate by 70% B 6* Cypress, B 6* Juneberry, B 6* Lantana (Flower Festival), B 6* Wheat (Christmas)
Hit Rate down [For 2 enemies] Reduce Hit Rate by 5% 5* Abelia, E 5* Baikasou, E 5* Chickweed, E 5* Lesser Celandine, 5* Penny Plant, B 5* Spider Lily, B 5* Tithonia
Hit Rate down [For all enemies] Reduce Hit Rate by 5% B 5* Mini Rose, E 5* Pouch Flower
Hit Rate down [For all enemies] Reduce Hit Rate by 8% B 5* Egyptian Water Lily (Maturing Conspirator), B 5* Lady's Sorrel, B 5* Pouch Flower, E 5* Sedum, B 5* Snowberry
Hit Rate down [For 2 enemies] Reduce Hit Rate by 10% E 5* Barrenwort
Hit Rate down [For all enemies] Reduce Hit Rate by 10% B 5* Lilac Squirrel, 5* Sickle-shaped Solomon's Seal
Hit Rate down [For all enemies] Reduce Hit Rate by 12% RG 6* Abelia, RG 6* Annual Blue-eyed Grass, RG 6* Apricot (Christmas), RG 6* Baikasou, RG 6* Barrenwort, RG 6* Chickweed, RG 6* Cineraria, RG 6* Ebine, RG 6* Egyptian Water Lily (Maturing Conspirator), RG 6* Fullmoon Maple, RG+B 6* Hinoki, RG 6* Lesser Celandine, RG 6* Physostegia, RG 6* Pinkladies (Princess of Pure Flower), RG 6* Pouch Flower, RG 6* Sedum, RG 6* Soft Windflower (Prison Island), RG 6* Spider Lily, RG 6* Sweet William, RG 6* Tuberose, RG+B 6* White Tulip, RG+B 6* Zephyranthes
Hit Rate down [For all enemies] Reduce Hit Rate by 12% RG 6* Coneflower (Ninja)
Hit Rate down [For all enemies] Reduce Hit Rate by 15% E 6* Coffea, RG 6* Correa (Halloween), B 6* Evergreen Candytuft, RG 6* Globe Thistle, 6* Heart Tree, RG 6* Lady's Sorrel, RG 6* Mini Rose, RG 6* Penny Plant, RG 6* Radish (New Year), RG 6* Rain Lily, RG 6* Russelia, RG 6* Snowberry, RG 6* Tithonia, RG 6* Water Pepper, RG 6* Yamashitae
Hit Rate down [For all enemies] Reduce Hit Rate by 20% 5* Vanda, B 6* Bush Clover, RG 6* Lilac Squirrel, E 6* Muscari, B 6* Red Spider Lily (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), 6* Smoke Tree, B 6* Usagigoke
Hit Rate down [For all enemies] Reduce Hit Rate by 20% B 6* Angelica (Swimsuit)
Hit Rate down [For all enemies] Reduce Hit Rate by 30% 5* Jack-in-the-pulpit, B 5* Kalanchoe Pinnata, 6* Digitalis, B 6* Lewisia
Hit Rate down [For all enemies] Reduce Hit Rate by 40% B 6* Golden Lace
Hit Rate down [For all enemies] Reduce Hit Rate by 40% B 6* Cherry
Hit Rate down [For all enemies] Reduce Hit Rate by 45% B 6* Epidendrum (Swimsuit)
Hit Rate down [For all enemies] Reduce Hit Rate by 50% RG 6* Sickle-shaped Solomon's Seal, RG 6* Vanda
Hit Rate down [For all enemies] Reduce Hit Rate by 60% RG 6* Forest Ghost Flower, B 6* Heart Tree, RG 6* Jack-in-the-pulpit
Negate Dmg [For self] Negate Damage 1x E 5* Blue Lace Flower, 5* Coleus, E 5* Correa (Halloween), 5* Glory of the Snow, B 5* Oriental Poppy, B 5* Rhoeo, B 5* Water Pepper, E 6* Thistle (Swimsuit)
Negate Dmg [For 2 allies] Negate Damage 1x B 5* Apple of Sodom, B 5* Baikamo (Halloween), E 5* Blushing Bride (Costumed Apprentice Teacher), B 5* Correa (Halloween), E 5* Creeping Bugleweed, E 5* Konara, B 5* Papyrus Sedge, B 5* Sedum, E 5* Yuzu
Negate Dmg [For 3 allies] Negate Damage 1x 5* Marshmallow Plant
Negate Dmg [For 5 allies] Negate Damage 1x E 5* Sickle-shaped Solomon's Seal, RG 6* Aloe, RG 6* Ananas, E 6* Anemone (Princess of Pure Flower), E 6* Angelica (Swimsuit), RG 6* Apple of Sodom, B 6* Apricot, RG 6* Asian Pogonia, RG 6* Baby Blue Eyes, RG 6* Baikamo (Halloween), RG 6* Blue Lace Flower, RG 6* Blushing Bride (Costumed Apprentice Teacher), RG 6* Bouvardia, RG 6* Brachyscome, RG 6* Buntan, RG 6* Chicory, RG 6* Cleome, RG 6* Coleus, RG 6* Correa (Halloween), B 6* Cotton, B 6* Cowslip (Maid), RG 6* Creeping Bugleweed, RG+B 6* Cyclamen, 6* Epidendrum (New Year), RG 6* Flowering Dogwood (Yukata), RG 6* Giant Leopard Plant, RG 6* Glory of the Snow, B 6* Habranthus, RG 6* Heliotrope (Yukata), RG 6* Japanese Barberry, RG 6* Japanese Glory Bower, RG 6* Konara, RG 6* Lantana, 6* Lewisia, B 6* Marina Katsuragi (Exstia), RG 6* Marshmallow Plant, RG 6* Masdevallia, B 6* Mimosa, B 6* Ornithogalum, RG 6* Pachystachys, RG 6* Papyrus Sedge, RG 6* Pine Tree, B 6* Plum, E 6* Queen of the Night (June Bride), RG 6* Rhoeo, RG 6* Seashore Aster, RG 6* Sedum, RG 6* Seemannia, RG 6* Spoon Wood, RG 6* Tithonia, B 6* Tritonia, RG 6* Tutsan, E 6* Usagigoke, RG 6* Water Fringe, RG 6* Water Pepper, RG+B 6* White Clover, RG 6* White Pansy, 6* Wolf Berry, RG+B 6* Yulan Magnolia, RG 6* Yuzu
Negate Dmg [For 5 allies] Negate Damage 2x B 6* Heather (Swimsuit), RG 6* Sickle-shaped Solomon's Seal
Negate Dmg [For self] Negate Damage 3x 6* Cardamine Lyrata, 6* Satella, RG 6* Seashore Pink, RG 6* Sutera (Aspirational Sparkling Nova), 6* Usagigiku
Evade Rate up [For self] Increase Evade Rate by 55% for 2 turn(s), then by 30% afterwards 5* Coral Flower (June Bride), 5* Japanese Water Iris (June Bride)
Evade Rate up [For self] Increase Evade Rate by 55% for 2 turn(s), then by 40% afterwards E 5* Adenium, 5* Baikasou, E 5* Bouvardia, B 5* Chickweed, E 5* Cineraria, E 5* Curry Plant, 5* Eryngii, B 5* Holly, B 5* Japanese Gentian, B 5* Japanese Madder, E 5* Japanese Snowball Bush, 5* Lampranthus, E 5* Lunaria (Swimsuit), 5* Lycaste, E 5* Monotropastrum, 5* Ping Pong Mum, 5* Plumeria, 5* Rhodanthe, E 5* Sakura (Apron), 5* Sandersonia, B 5* Shizu (White Enkianthus), B 5* Trailing Abutilon, E 5* Tuberose, E 5* Water Hyssop, B 5* Yamashitae
Evade Rate up [For self] Increase Evade Rate by 60% for 2 turn(s), then by 30% afterwards B 5* Checkerberry, E 5* Gumi
Evade Rate up [For self] Increase Evade Rate by 65% for 2 turn(s), then by 40% afterwards B 5* Anemone (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), E 5* Angelica, 5* Baikamo, E 5* Beefsteak Geranium, B 5* Camellia (Bride of Phos), E 5* Chinese Lantern, 5* Chloranthus, B 5* Chocolate Cosmos, 5* Christmas Begonia, 5* Coneflower, E 5* Coral Flower, B 5* Creeping Jenny, B 5* Dalmatian Bellflower, B 5* Echinacea, E 5* Epidendrum, 5* Green Bristlegrass, E 5* Heliotrope, E 5* Himalayan Creeping Saxifrage, 5* Hop, B 5* Kitsune no Botan, B 5* Lady's Sorrel (New Year), 5* Laurentia (Ninja), 5* Lion's Ear, 5* Multiflora, B 5* Physostegia, 5* Poached Egg Plant, B 5* Poinsettia, B 5* Pouch Flower, E 5* Pussy Ears, 5* Rabbit-ear Iris, 5* Red Cat's Tail, B 5* Sakaki, B 5* Sawagikyou, E 5* Showy Evening Primrose (Easter), B 5* Snapdragon, E 5* Society Garlic, E 5* Star Cluster, B 5* Sutera (Aspirational Sparkling Nova), B 5* Tatarian Aster, 5* Texas Bluebell, B 5* Tiger Lily, E 5* Touch-me-not, B 5* Twinspur, B 5* Water Dropwort, 5* Water Lily, B 5* Watercress, E 5* Wood Sorrel (Tanabata)
Evade Rate up [For self] Increase Evade Rate by 70% for 2 turn(s), then by 40% afterwards 6* Bluet, RG 6* Checkerberry, RG 6* Coral Flower (June Bride), E 6* Dragon Fruit (Swimsuit), RG 6* Gumi, RG 6* Ixora, E 6* Meconopsis, 6* Osteospermum, 6* Pussy Willow, 6* Water Poppy
Evade Rate up [For self] Increase Evade Rate by 70% for 3 turn(s), then by 40% afterwards RG 6* Japanese Water Iris (June Bride), RG 6* Viburnum
Evade Rate up [For self] Increase Evade Rate by 75% for 2 turn(s), then by 40% afterwards B 5* Camellia, B 5* Chloranthus, B 5* Crimson Clover, B 5* Glory of the Sun, B 5* Japanese Silver Grass, B 5* Lithops, B 5* Multiflora, B 5* Night Phlox, 5* Nightshade, B 5* Rabbit-ear Iris, B 5* Toad Lily, B 5* Water Lily
Evade Rate up [For self] Increase Evade Rate by 80% for 2 turn(s), then by 50% afterwards RG 6* Achimenes, RG 6* Adenium, RG 6* Agave, RG 6* Aibika, E 6* Aizoon Stonecrop (Christmas), RG 6* Anemone (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), RG 6* Angelica, RG 6* Annabelle, RG 6* Apricot (Christmas), RG 6* Asian Bleeding Heart, RG 6* Baikamo, RG 6* Baikasou, RG 6* Beefsteak Geranium, RG 6* Bistort, E 6* Black Locust (June Bride), RG 6* Bleeding Heart, RG 6* Bouvardia, RG 6* Buttercup, RG 6* Camellia, RG 6* Camellia (Bride of Phos), RG 6* Chickweed, RG 6* Chinese Lantern, RG 6* Chloranthus, RG 6* Chocolate Cosmos, RG 6* Christmas Begonia, RG 6* Cineraria, RG 6* Coneflower, RG 6* Coral Flower, RG 6* Creeping Jenny, RG 6* Crimson Clover, RG 6* Curry Plant, 6* Cypress, RG 6* Dalmatian Bellflower, RG 6* Delphinium (Athletic Meet), RG 6* Devil in a Bush, RG 6* Devil's Claw, RG 6* Echinacea, RG 6* Egyptian Water Lily (Maturing Conspirator), RG 6* Epidendrum, RG 6* Eryngii, RG 6* Evergreen Candytuft (Christmas), RG 6* Flamingo Plant, RG+B 6* Forget-Me-Not, RG 6* Garlic Vine, RG 6* German Iris (Tanabata), RG 6* Giant Leopard Plant, RG 6* Glory of the Sun, 6* Golden Lace, RG 6* Green Bristlegrass, RG 6* Heart Vine, RG 6* Heliotrope, RG 6* Henna, E 6* Herbaceous Peony, RG 6* Himalayan Creeping Saxifrage, RG 6* Holly, RG 6* Hop, E 6* Ionocidium, RG 6* Japanese Chloranthus, RG 6* Japanese Gentian, RG 6* Japanese Madder, RG 6* Japanese Silver Grass, RG 6* Japanese Snowball Bush, RG 6* Jumpseed, RG 6* Kitsune no Botan, RG 6* Lady's Sorrel (New Year), RG 6* Lampranthus, RG 6* Laurentia (Ninja), RG 6* Leschenaultia, RG 6* Lion's Ear, RG 6* Lithops, RG 6* Lunaria (Swimsuit), RG 6* Lycaste, RG 6* Marigold, RG+B 6* Mint, RG 6* Monotropastrum, RG 6* Multiflora, 6* Nepeta, RG 6* Night Phlox, 6* Nightmaher (Dog's Tooth Violet), RG 6* Nightshade, RG 6* Physostegia, RG 6* Pinkladies (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), RG 6* Plumeria, RG 6* Poached Egg Plant, RG 6* Poinsettia, RG 6* Pouch Flower, E 6* Purslane, RG 6* Pussy Ears, RG 6* Rabbit-ear Iris, RG 6* Red Cat's Tail, E 6* Red Spider Lily, RG 6* Rhodanthe, E 6* Royal Water Lily (June Bride), 6* Saffron, RG 6* Saffron (Christmas), RG 6* Sakaki, RG 6* Sandersonia, 6* Sandersonia (Halloween), RG 6* Sasanqua, RG 6* Sawagikyou, RG 6* Shizu (White Enkianthus), RG 6* Showy Evening Primrose (Easter), RG 6* Snapdragon, RG 6* Society Garlic, RG 6* Star Cluster, E 6* Summer Squash, RG 6* Sutera (Aspirational Sparkling Nova), RG 6* Tatarian Aster, RG 6* Texas Bluebell, RG 6* Tiger Lily, RG 6* Toad Lily, RG 6* Touch-me-not, RG 6* Trailing Abutilon, RG 6* Tuberose, RG 6* Twinspur, 6* Viburnum (Baseball), RG 6* Water Dropwort, RG 6* Water Dropwort (New Year), RG 6* Water Hyssop, RG 6* Water Lily, RG 6* Watercress, 6* Wheat (Christmas), RG 6* Wood Sorrel (Tanabata), RG 6* Yamashitae
Skill Rate up [For self] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.2x E 5* Westringia
Skill Rate up [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.35x E 5* Siebold's Primrose
Skill Rate up [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.38x B 5* Winged Everlasting
Skill Rate up [For self] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.5x E 5* Marshmallow Plant
Skill Rate up [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.5x E 6* Euryops Daisy, 6* Frost Aster, E 6* Meconopsis (Swimsuit), RG 6* Miltonia, RG 6* Siebold's Primrose, RG 6* Westringia, RG 6* Winged Everlasting
Skill Rate up [For self] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Skill Activation Rate by 2x RG 6* Adenium, B 6* Castor Bean, 6* Convolvulus, B 6* Isogiku (Easter), E 6* Japanese Andromeda, E 6* Kitsune no Botan (Valentine), B 6* Luluna (Scaly Hydrangea), RG 6* Marshmallow Plant, B 6* Plumeria (Motherly Love of Hope), RG 6* Reeves Spirea, RG 6* Rosemary, RG 6* Squirrel Tail Grass, B 6* Thistle
Skill Rate up [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Skill Activation Rate by 2x E 6* Anemone (June Bride), RG 6* Baikamo (Halloween), E 6* Beelzebub, 6* Black Baccara (Christmas), B 6* Cardamine Lyrata, RG 6* Chickweed, E 6* Cotton, E 6* Crepis (Witch of Light), B 6* Cyclamen (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers), B 6* Cymbidium (Cat Ear Maid), E 6* Flame Lily, B 6* Hyacinth (New Year), RG+B 6* Hydrangea, B 6* Japanese Anemone (Aspirational Relaxed Queen), B 6* Kitsune no Botan (Valentine), 6* Meconopsis, RG 6* Mio, E 6* Ornithogalum, E 6* Queen of the Night (Peach Blossom Spring Vigilante Corps), E 6* Red Spider Lily (Maid of Sad Memories), E 6* Rose (Hotspring Yukata), B 6* Royal Water Lily, E 6* Satella, E 6* Spring Star (Parallel Academy), E 6* Streptocarpus, E 6* Thistle (Swimsuit), E 6* Turep, 6* Viola (New Year)
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 4% RG 6* Showy Evening Primrose (Easter)
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 5% E 5* Hemlock
Dmg up [For self] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 10% B 5* Dragon Tree
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 10% B 5* Hemlock, E 5* Red Dead Nettle
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 15% B 5* Red Dead Nettle
Dmg up [For self] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 20% RG 6* Dragon Tree
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 20% B 6* Flame Lily
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 30% RG 6* Evergreen Candytuft (Christmas), RG 6* Habanero, RG 6* Hemlock, B 6* Japanese Anemone (Aspirational Relaxed Queen), RG 6* Japanese Glory Bower, RG 6* Japanese Water Iris (June Bride), RG 6* Lobelia, RG+B 6* Novalis, RG 6* Red Dead Nettle, RG 6* Rhoeo, B 6* Satella, RG 6* Skullcap
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 35% RG 6* Alyssum, E 6* Blackberry, 6* Stock
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 40% B 6* Blackberry
Dmg up [For self] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 50% 6* Monkshood (June Bride), RG 6* Sawagikyou
Dmg up [For self] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 100% 6* Convolvulus, B 6* Thistle
Evade Rate up [For 5 allies] Increase Evade Rate by 5% B 5* Blue Lace Flower
Evade Rate up [For 5 allies] Increase Evade Rate by 10% 6* Blackberry, RG 6* Blue Lace Flower, 6* Cypress, 6* Juneberry, E 6* Nicotiana, B 6* Purslane
Evade Rate up [For self] Increase Evade Rate by 50% B 5* Manchineel
Atk up [For self] After you Evade 3x, increase Attack by 200%, Act Again Rate by 100%, and Evade Rate by 20% E 6* Pussy Willow
Atk up [For self] After you Evade 5x, increase Attack by 300%, Skill Activation Rate by 2x, Act Again Rate by 100%, and Evade Rate by 20% E 6* Sandersonia (Halloween)
Atk up [For self] After you Evade 5x, increase Attack by 400%, Skill Activation Rate by 2x, Act Again Rate by 100%, and Evade Rate by 20% B 6* Sandersonia (Halloween)
Create Heal Panels [Start of subjugation] Change 2~3 Normal Panels into Healing Panels 5* Chocolate Cosmos, 5* Chocolate Cosmos (Swimsuit), 5* Lantana, 5* Snapdragon (Valentine)
Create Altar Panels [Start of subjugation] Change 3~4 Normal Panels into Altar Panels 5* Asian Rice, 5* Crimson Clover, 5* Devil in a Bush, E 5* Dimorphotheca, E 5* Kikuna, E 5* Straw Flower, B 6* Cattleya (Matured Charming Bride), E 6* Cyclamen (Life Tree's Blessing), RG+B 6* Hibiscus, RG 6* Lindernia, B 6* Sun, RG+B 6* Sunflower
Create Rainbow Panels [Start of subjugation] Change 3 Normal Panels into Rainbow Panels. When passed through, increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.1x and Heal HP for all parties 6* Lantana (Flower Festival)
Create Rainbow Panels [Start of subjugation] Change 3 Normal Panels into Rainbow Panels. When passed through, increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.1x and Heal HP for all parties B 6* Chocolate Cosmos (Easter)
Create Gold Panels [Start of subjugation] Change 4~5 Normal Panels into Gold Panels B 6* Japanese Holly, 6* Mountain Marigold
Atk up [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 1% (Max 30%) 5* Gerbera
Atk up [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 3% (Max 30%) 5* Touch-me-not
Atk up [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 5% (Max 50%) B 5* Touch-me-not
Atk up [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 8% (Max 48%) B 5* Gerbera
Atk up [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 10% (Max 30%) E 5* Bougainvillea
Atk up [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 10% (Max 60%) B 5* Bougainvillea
Atk up [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 10% (Max 100%) 6* Cactus
Atk up [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 10% (Max 150%) RG 6* Linaria, RG 6* Touch-me-not
Atk up [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 12% (Max 72%) RG 6* Gerbera
Atk up [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 15% (Max 90%) RG 6* Bougainvillea
Atk up [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 16% (Max 96%) 6* Chocolate Lily
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 5% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 15%) E 5* Verbena
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 10% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 30%) E 5* Ginkgo, 5* Glory of the Sun, 5* Lily, 5* Panama Queen, B 5* Verbena
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 10% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 30%) B 5* Lily, RG+B 6* Giant Leopard Plant, RG 6* Lamb's Ear
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 12% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 36%) B 5* Glory of the Sun
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 14% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 42%) 6* Flowering Dogwood
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 15% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 45%) RG 6* Verbena
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 15% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 45%) RG+B 6* Chinese Milk Vetch, RG 6* Chloranthus, RG 6* Heavenly Bamboo, RG+B 6* Hibiscus, RG 6* Mandevilla (Valentine), E 6* Mimulus, B 6* Viola (New Year), B 6* Viola (Yukata)
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 20% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 60%) B 6* Angraecum
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 20% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 60%) RG 6* Aloe, RG+B 6* Casablanca, RG 6* Dimorphotheca, B 6* Ghost Weed, RG 6* Ginkgo, RG 6* Lamb's Ear (Easter), RG 6* Moon Vine, B 6* Purple Tulip (Knight Medic), RG 6* Straw Flower, RG+B 6* Sweet Pea
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 25% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 75%) RG 6* Glory of the Sun, RG 6* Holly, RG 6* Holly (Swimsuit), RG 6* Idsuroei, RG 6* Japanese Bindweed, RG 6* Lily, RG 6* Lindernia, B 6* Mimulus, RG+B 6* Sunflower
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 30% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 90%) B 6* Flowering Dogwood
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 35% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 105%) B 6* Scotch Broom
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 40% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 120%) RG 6* Panama Queen
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 40% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 120%) 6* Jersey Cudweed (New Year)
Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Damage by 10% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 30%) RG 6* Heavenly Bamboo, E 6* Sutera
Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Damage by 15% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 45%) RG 6* Glory of the Sun, RG 6* Kinutasou, RG 6* Lily
Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Damage by 20% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 60%) E 6* Jersey Cudweed (New Year)
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 5% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 15%) 5* Heliopsis
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 10% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 30%) B 5* Heliopsis
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 15% per Solar Drive used this subjugation (Max 45%) RG 6* Formosan Cherry, RG 6* Heliopsis, RG 6* Poinsettia, B 6* Viola (Yukata)
Crit Rate up [For self] Increase Critical Rate by 5% E 5* Chicory
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 5% E 5* Bauera, 5* Correa (Halloween), E 5* Harujion, E 5* Kentou Kanami, E 5* Pulmonaria, 5* Rugosa Rose, 5* Seashore Aster, 5* Water Dropwort (New Year)
Crit Rate up [For self] Increase Critical Rate by 10% B 5* Chicory, B 5* Chinese Quince, B 5* Fullmoon Maple, 5* Gold Bunny, B 5* Penstemon, E 5* Rose Moss
Crit Rate up [For 2 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 10% 5* Asiatic Dayflower, 5* Canna, E 5* Cobra Lily, B 5* Eucharis, B 5* Four O'Clock, E 5* Japanese Barberry, E 5* Mauritiana, E 5* Three-leaved Clematis, 5* Viburnum, B 5* Water Hyssop
Crit Rate up [For 3 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 10% B 5* Asian Bleeding Heart, E 5* Correa, B 5* Torenia, B 5* Viburnum
Crit Rate up [For 4 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 10% B 5* Lunaria, E 5* Pineapple
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 10% E 5* Balloon Vine (Easter), B 5* Bauera, E 5* Beloperone, B 5* Blushing Bride (Costumed Apprentice Teacher), B 5* Bougainvillea, 5* Butterfly Bush, 5* Cichorium, B 5* Correa (Halloween), E 5* Delphinium (Athletic Meet), B 5* Dragon Fruit, E 5* Dragon Fruit (Halloween), 5* Duranta (Easter), E 5* Easter Cactus (Swimsuit), B 5* Firethorn, B 5* Flamingo Plant (Christmas), B 5* Flowering Peach (June Bride), B 5* Gajumaru, 5* Ghost Weed (Christmas), B 5* Ginkgo, B 5* Harujion, B 5* Heliotrope, B 5* Hemlock, B 5* Henna, E 5* Ionocidium (Christmas), E 5* Ivy (Swimsuit), B 5* Japanese Apricot (Yukata), B 5* Larkspur (Halloween), 5* Lupin, B 5* Melampodium, 5* Money Tree, E 5* Nasturtium, B 5* Ornamental Kale, E 5* Papyrus Sedge, B 5* Pineapple, 5* Prune, B 5* Pulmonaria, E 5* Purple Loosestrife, 5* Purple Marshlocks, B 5* Pussy Ears, B 5* Rugosa Rose, E 5* Saffron (June Bride), E 5* Sago Palm, 5* Screw Flower, B 5* Seashore Aster, E 5* Stokes' Aster, E 5* Tiger Lily, 5* Toad Lily (Swimsuit), B 5* Tree Peony, E 5* Turnip Rape (Young Knight of Hope), B 5* Twinflower, B 5* Water Dropwort (New Year), 5* Watercress (Christmas), E 5* Wax Tree, 5* Wintersweet, RG 6* Hare's Ear, RG 6* Kentou Kanami
Crit Rate up [For self] Increase Critical Rate by 15% B 5* Monotropastrum, B 5* Plumeria
Crit Rate up [For 2 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 15% B 5* Spring Star
Crit Rate up [For 3 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 15% B 5* Correa
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 15% 5* Formosan Cherry, B 5* Prune, B 5* Turnip Rape (Young Knight of Hope), B 6* Cactus, 6* Easter Cactus (June Bride), B 6* Flowering Peach, RG 6* Four O'Clock, RG 6* Japanese Apricot (Yukata), RG 6* Money Tree, B 6* Muscari, RG 6* Plumeria, RG 6* Red Cat's Tail, RG 6* Red Dead Nettle, RG 6* Seemannia, E 6* Snow Drop (New Year), RG 6* Soapwort (New Year), E 6* Tarragon
Crit Rate up [For self] Increase Critical Rate by 20% B 5* Aloe (Valentine), B 5* Rose Moss, RG 6* Chicory
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 20% 5* East Asian Eurya, E 6* Aizoon Stonecrop, RG 6* Allium, RG 6* Anagallis, RG 6* Asian Bleeding Heart, RG 6* Asiatic Dayflower, RG 6* Balloon Vine (Easter), RG 6* Beloperone, B 6* Black Locust (June Bride), RG 6* Bleeding Heart, E 6* Bluet, RG 6* Blushing Bride (Costumed Apprentice Teacher), RG 6* Bougainvillea, RG 6* Butterfly Bush, RG+B 6* Carnation, B 6* Chili Pepper, RG 6* Christmas Cactus, B 6* Christmas Rose, RG 6* Cobra Lily, B 6* Colchicum, RG 6* Coneflower, RG 6* Correa (Halloween), B 6* Cypress, B 6* Daisy, E 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (Valentine), B 6* Diamond Frost, RG 6* Dragon Fruit (Halloween), 6* Dusty Miller, E 6* Epidendrum (New Year), RG 6* Eucharis, RG 6* Exacum, RG 6* Flat Sea Holly, RG 6* Flowering Peach (June Bride), RG 6* Formosan Cherry, B 6* Geranium (Yukata), RG 6* Ghost Weed (Christmas), RG 6* Ginkgo, B 6* Hare's Tail Grass, RG 6* Heliotrope, RG 6* Hemlock, E 6* Henna (Christmas), B 6* Herbaceous Peony, B 6* Hollyhock, B 6* Hyacinth, B 6* Hyacinth (New Year), RG 6* Ionocidium (Christmas), RG 6* Ivy (Swimsuit), RG 6* Jack-in-the-pulpit, RG 6* Japanese Barberry, RG+B 6* Japanese Rowan, RG 6* Japanese Viburnum, RG+B 6* Jasmine, RG 6* Lamium, RG 6* Larkspur (Halloween), RG 6* Laurentia, RG+B 6* Lilac, 6* Loquat, RG 6* Lupin, RG 6* Mauritiana, RG 6* Melampodium, RG+B 6* Mint, RG 6* Monotropastrum, RG 6* Nasturtium, E 6* Nerine (Christmas), 6* Nicotiana, RG 6* Ornamental Kale, B 6* Osteospermum, RG 6* Papyrus Sedge, B 6* Pickerel Weed (Christmas), RG 6* Pineapple, RG 6* Plumeria (June Bride), B 6* Pothos, RG 6* Pulmonaria, RG 6* Purple Marshlocks, B 6* Purslane, RG 6* Pussy Ears, E 6* Pygmy Water Lily, E 6* Pygmy Water Lily (June Bride), RG 6* Reed, RG 6* Rugosa Rose, RG 6* Saffron (June Bride), RG 6* Sago Palm, RG+B 6* Saintpaulia, 6* Sakura (Swimsuit), RG+B 6* Sasanqua, RG 6* Screw Flower, B 6* Silk Tree, RG 6* Spider Lily, RG 6* Statice, RG 6* Stokes' Aster, B 6* Streptocarpus, RG 6* Three-leaved Clematis, RG 6* Tiger Lily, RG 6* Toad Lily (Swimsuit), RG 6* Torenia, RG 6* Viburnum, RG 6* Water Hyssop, E 6* Water Poppy, RG 6* Wintersweet
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 25% RG 6* Anisodontea, RG 6* Bauera, RG 6* Black Locust, RG 6* Chinese Quince, RG 6* Correa, RG 6* Cranberry, RG 6* Dahlia, RG+B 6* Dandelion, RG 6* Dragon Fruit, B 6* Dusty Miller, RG 6* Easter Cactus (Swimsuit), RG 6* Fullmoon Maple, RG 6* Geranium, B 6* Godetia, RG 6* Harujion, RG 6* Henna, RG 6* Lycaste, B 6* Maple (Swimsuit), B 6* Nipplewort, RG 6* Peach, RG 6* Penstemon, RG 6* Prune, RG 6* Purple Loosestrife, RG+B 6* Purple Tulip, RG 6* Rose Moss, RG 6* Seashore Aster, RG 6* Sill Plain, RG 6* Spring Star, RG 6* Sweet William, B 6* Tall Stewartia (Christmas), B 6* Tampala, 6* Threeleaf Arrowhead, RG 6* Turnip Rape (Young Knight of Hope), B 6* Walnut, RG 6* Water Dropwort (New Year), RG 6* Wax Tree, B 6* Wolf Berry
Crit Rate up [For self] Increase Critical Rate by 30% B 5* Apple, B 5* Epidendrum, B 5* Wax Vine (Christmas), E 6* Mandarin's Hat, B 6* Meconopsis, B 6* Pussy Willow, RG 6* Rose Moss
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 30% B 6* Acacia, B 6* Alstroemeria (Gratitude Towards The Future), B 6* Anemone, RG 6* Apple, E 6* Apple (June Bride), B 6* Balsam, B 6* Bessera, RG 6* Canna, RG 6* China Root, B 6* Chocolate Lily, E 6* Cyclamen (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers), RG 6* Delphinium (Athletic Meet), B 6* Dragon Fruit (Swimsuit), RG 6* East Asian Eurya, RG 6* Firethorn, RG 6* Flamingo Plant (Christmas), B 6* Herbaceous Peony (Halloween), B 6* Japanese Apricot, B 6* Japanese Silver Grass (Swimsuit), E 6* Juneberry, B 6* Kayana, B 6* Kitsune no Botan (Valentine), B 6* Kugaisou, E 6* Lavender (June Bride), RG 6* Lemon, RG 6* Lilac Squirrel, B 6* Longstalk Holly, RG 6* Lunaria, RG 6* Mikan, B 6* Nepeta, B 6* Nerine (Christmas), RG 6* Rose, RG 6* Showy Evening Primrose, B 6* Tarragon, RG 6* Tree Peony, RG 6* Twinflower, B 6* Water Poppy, RG 6* Watercress (Christmas), B 6* Wheat, B 6* Yarrow (Prison Island)
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 35% B 6* Aizoon Stonecrop, E 6* Knotweed, B 6* Liverwort, 6* Plumeria (Motherly Love of Hope)
Crit Rate up [For self] Increase Critical Rate by 40% E 5* Artichoke
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 45% RG 6* Duranta (Easter)
Crit Rate up [For self] Increase Critical Rate by 50% RG 6* Aloe (Valentine), E 6* Apple (Tanabata), RG 6* Epidendrum, RG 6* Gold Bunny, RG 6* Rainbow Rose, RG 6* Wax Vine (Christmas), 6* Yarrow (Prison Island)
Crit Rate up [For self] Increase Critical Rate by 80% RG 6* Artichoke
Crit Dmg up [For 2 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 4% B 5* Cobra Lily, B 5* Mauritiana, B 5* Three-leaved Clematis
Crit Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 4% B 5* Larkspur (Halloween), 5* Money Tree, E 5* Nasturtium
Crit Dmg up [For self] Increase Critical Damage by 5% E 5* Chicory
Crit Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 5% E 5* Harujion, E 5* Kentou Kanami, E 5* Seashore Aster
Crit Dmg up [For 2 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 6% B 5* Japanese Barberry
Crit Dmg up [For self] Increase Critical Damage by 10% B 5* Apple, B 5* Chicory, B 5* Firethorn, E 5* Rose Moss, B 5* Wax Vine (Christmas), B 5* Wintersweet
Crit Dmg up [For 2 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 10% E 5* Viburnum
Crit Dmg up [For 3 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 10% B 5* Viburnum
Crit Dmg up [For 4 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 10% E 5* Pineapple
Crit Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 10% B 5* Balloon Vine (Easter), B 5* Bougainvillea, E 5* Formosa Lily, B 5* Harujion, B 5* Pineapple, E 5* Prune, E 5* Purple Loosestrife, B 5* Seashore Aster, B 5* Toad Lily (Swimsuit), E 6* Tarragon
Crit Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 12% B 5* Beloperone, B 5* Delphinium (Athletic Meet), B 5* Ghost Weed (Christmas)
Crit Dmg up [For self] Increase Critical Damage by 15% B 5* Chinese Quince
Crit Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 15% B 5* Kentou Kanami, B 5* Lupin, B 5* Prune, B 5* Tree Peony, B 5* Watercress (Christmas), RG 6* Ivy (Swimsuit), RG+B 6* Lilac
Crit Dmg up [For self] Increase Critical Damage by 20% B 5* Aloe (Valentine), B 5* Rose Moss
Crit Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 20% B 5* Dogwood, 5* East Asian Eurya, E 5* Purple Marshlocks, E 5* Screw Flower, B 5* Turnip Rape (Young Knight of Hope), RG 6* Balloon Vine (Easter), RG 6* Bleeding Heart, RG+B 6* Carnation, RG 6* Christmas Cactus, B 6* Christmas Rose, B 6* Cypress, B 6* Daisy, RG 6* Dragon Fruit (Halloween), E 6* Epidendrum (New Year), RG 6* Exacum, RG 6* Formosan Cherry, RG 6* Gajumaru, RG 6* Ginkgo, E 6* Henna (Christmas), B 6* Herbaceous Peony, B 6* Hyacinth, RG 6* Japanese Viburnum, B 6* Liverwort, B 6* Nepeta, E 6* Nerine (Christmas), B 6* Osteospermum, RG 6* Papyrus Sedge, B 6* Pothos, RG 6* Pussy Ears, RG 6* Red Cat's Tail, 6* Sakura (Swimsuit), RG 6* Showy Evening Primrose, RG 6* Water Hyssop, E 6* Water Poppy
Crit Dmg up [For self] Increase Critical Damage by 25% RG 6* Chinese Quince
Crit Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 25% RG 6* Allium, RG 6* Anagallis, RG 6* Canna, RG 6* Chinese Quince, RG 6* Cranberry, RG+B 6* Dandelion, RG 6* Delphinium (Athletic Meet), E 6* Easter Cactus (June Bride), RG 6* Eucharis, RG+B 6* Jasmine, RG 6* Larkspur (Halloween), RG 6* Mauritiana, RG 6* Prune, RG+B 6* Purple Tulip, B 6* Pygmy Water Lily, RG 6* Seashore Aster, RG 6* Seemannia, RG 6* Sill Plain, E 6* Snow Drop (New Year), B 6* Tall Stewartia (Christmas), 6* Threeleaf Arrowhead, RG 6* Viburnum, RG 6* Water Dropwort (New Year)
Crit Dmg up [For self] Increase Critical Damage by 30% 5* Checkerberry, 5* Gold Bunny, RG 6* Chicory, RG 6* Rose Moss
Crit Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 30% B 5* Stokes' Aster, RG 6* Apple, E 6* Apple (June Bride), RG 6* Asian Bleeding Heart, RG 6* Asiatic Dayflower, RG 6* Beloperone, RG 6* Blushing Bride (Costumed Apprentice Teacher), RG 6* Cobra Lily, RG 6* Correa, RG 6* Dahlia, RG 6* Dragon Fruit, RG 6* East Asian Eurya, RG 6* Flamingo Plant (Christmas), RG 6* Flat Sea Holly, B 6* Flowering Peach, RG 6* Flowering Peach (June Bride), B 6* Geranium (Yukata), RG 6* Heliotrope, B 6* Henna (Christmas), B 6* Hyacinth (New Year), RG 6* Ionocidium (Christmas), RG 6* Japanese Barberry, RG+B 6* Japanese Rowan, E 6* Juneberry, E 6* Lavender (June Bride), RG 6* Lemon, RG 6* Lilac Squirrel, RG 6* Lunaria, RG 6* Lupin, RG+B 6* Mint, E 6* Orange, RG 6* Plumeria, RG 6* Purple Loosestrife, E 6* Rainbow Rose (Swimsuit), RG 6* Red Dead Nettle, RG 6* Rose, RG+B 6* Sasanqua, B 6* Tampala, RG 6* Tiger Lily, RG 6* Toad Lily (Swimsuit), RG 6* Turnip Rape (Young Knight of Hope), E 6* Water Lily (Swimsuit), RG 6* Watercress (Christmas), B 6* Wheat, RG 6* Wintersweet
Crit Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 35% B 6* Alstroemeria (Gratitude Towards The Future), RG 6* Ghost Weed (Christmas), B 6* Godetia, RG 6* Japanese Apricot (Yukata), B 6* Kugaisou, RG 6* Money Tree, B 6* Nerine (Christmas), B 6* Nipplewort, RG 6* Plumeria (June Bride), RG+B 6* Saintpaulia, RG 6* Statice, RG 6* Three-leaved Clematis, RG 6* Torenia, RG 6* Wax Tree
Crit Dmg up [For self] Increase Critical Damage by 40% E 5* Melampodium, B 6* Cactus
Crit Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 40% B 6* Anemone, RG 6* Black Locust, B 6* Black Locust (June Bride), RG 6* Bougainvillea, RG 6* Butterfly Bush, RG 6* China Root, B 6* Colchicum, RG 6* Dogwood, 6* Dusty Miller, RG 6* Four O'Clock, RG 6* Fullmoon Maple, RG 6* Geranium, RG 6* Henna, RG 6* Jack-in-the-pulpit, B 6* Japanese Silver Grass (Swimsuit), B 6* Juneberry, RG 6* Lamium, RG 6* Laurentia, 6* Loquat, RG 6* Lycaste, B 6* Maple (Swimsuit), RG 6* Mikan, RG 6* Monotropastrum, RG 6* Nasturtium, RG 6* Peach, B 6* Pickerel Weed (Christmas), RG 6* Pulmonaria, RG 6* Purple Marshlocks, RG 6* Saffron (June Bride), RG 6* Soapwort (New Year), RG 6* Spring Star, RG 6* Stokes' Aster, B 6* Streptocarpus, RG 6* Sweet William, RG 6* Tree Peony, B 6* Wolf Berry
Crit Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 45% RG 6* Bauera, RG 6* Coneflower, E 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (Valentine), B 6* Epidendrum (New Year), RG 6* Harujion, B 6* Herbaceous Peony (Halloween), B 6* Hollyhock, E 6* Knotweed, RG 6* Pineapple, B 6* Purslane, B 6* Sakura (Swimsuit)
Crit Dmg up [For self] Increase Critical Damage by 50% E 6* Apple (Tanabata), RG 6* Gajumaru, B 6* Maple (Swimsuit), B 6* Nepeta, RG 6* Wax Vine (Christmas)
Crit Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 50% RG 6* Anisodontea, B 6* Cactus, B 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (Valentine), B 6* Dragon Fruit (Swimsuit), RG 6* Easter Cactus (Swimsuit), RG 6* Firethorn, RG 6* Hare's Ear, B 6* Kayana, RG 6* Kentou Kanami, B 6* Orange, RG 6* Ornamental Kale, RG 6* Penstemon, B 6* Tarragon
Crit Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 55% B 6* Walnut
Crit Dmg up [For self] Increase Critical Damage by 60% E 5* Armeria, B 6* Corn Cockle, B 6* Dusty Miller (Christmas), RG 6* Melampodium
Crit Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 60% B 6* Bessera, B 6* Japanese Apricot, RG 6* Spider Lily
Crit Dmg up [For self] Increase Critical Damage by 65% B 6* Dusty Miller, RG 6* Prune
Crit Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 65% B 6* Silk Tree, B 6* Snow Drop (New Year)
Crit Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by 70% B 6* Bluet
Crit Dmg up [For self] Increase Critical Damage by 80% RG 6* Armeria, B 6* Hyacinth, B 6* Liverwort, RG 6* Twinflower
Crit Dmg up [For self] Increase Critical Damage by 100% RG 6* Aloe (Valentine), E 6* Celia, RG 6* Checkerberry, B 6* Chocolate Lily, RG 6* Epidendrum, RG 6* Escallonia, RG 6* Gold Bunny, B 6* Hare's Ear (New Year), B 6* Hare's Tail Grass, B 6* Kitsune no Botan (Valentine), 6* Plumeria (Motherly Love of Hope), B 6* Pussy Willow, 6* Red Spider Lily (Dress of Sparkling Passion), E 6* Vanilla, 6* Yarrow (Prison Island)
Crit Dmg up [For self] Increase Critical Damage by 150% B 6* Acacia, B 6* Aizoon Stonecrop, B 6* Balsam, B 6* Diamond Frost, RG 6* Kentou Kanami, B 6* Meconopsis, RG 6* Rainbow Rose, B 6* Tall Stewartia (Christmas), 6* Water Lily (Swimsuit), B 6* Water Poppy, B 6* Yarrow (Prison Island)
Crit Dmg up [For self] Increase Critical Damage by 200% E 6* Digitalis, B 6* Pumila
Crit Dmg up [For 5 Blunt allies] Increase Critical Damage by 15% B 5* Correa (Halloween)
Crit Dmg up [For 5 Pierce allies] Increase Critical Damage by 15% B 5* Rugosa Rose
Crit Dmg up [For 5 Blunt allies] Increase Critical Damage by 50% RG 6* Correa (Halloween)
Crit Dmg up [For 5 Pierce allies] Increase Critical Damage by 50% RG 6* Rugosa Rose
Crit Dmg up [For 5 Blunt allies] Increase Critical Damage by 60% B 6* Silk Tree (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams)
Crit Rate up [For self] [On Turn 1] Critical Rate is 100%, increase Critical Damage by 50% RG 6* Echinacea (Hotspring Yukata), RG 6* Impatiens
Crit Rate up [For self] [On Turn 1] Critical Rate is 100%, increase Critical Damage by 60% 6* Corn Cockle, 6* Dusty Miller (Christmas), RG 6* Pinkladies (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), RG 6* Silene Coeli Rosa
Atk down [For 1 enemy] Reduce Attack by 5% 5* Rough Potato (Christmas)
Atk down [For all enemies] Reduce Attack by 5% 5* Solomon's Seal
Atk down [For all enemies] Reduce Attack by 5% 5* Passion Flower, 5* Pulmonaria, 5* Red Dead Nettle
Atk down [For 1 enemy] Reduce Attack by 10% E 5* Anisodontea, 5* Belladonna, E 5* Gooseberry, 5* Kijimushiro, B 5* Monkshood, 5* Rain Lily, B 5* Rough Potato (Christmas), E 5* Snow Pea, E 5* Solidaster, 5* Spider Lily, E 5* Spring Star, 5* Strelitzia, E 5* Tea Plant, 5* Tulsi
Atk down [For 2 enemies] Reduce Attack by 10% B 5* Tulsi
Atk down [For all enemies] Reduce Attack by 10% B 5* Aeonium, 5* Apricot (Christmas), B 5* Cape Plumbago, 5* Cherry Sage, 5* Dalmatian Bellflower, 5* Green Bristlegrass (Flower Festival), B 5* Lupin, 5* Moss Phlox, B 5* Purple Marshlocks, B 5* Showy Evening Primrose (Easter), 5* Skunk Vine, B 5* Solomon's Seal, 5* Spilanthes, E 5* Tall Stewartia, B 5* Tea Plant, E 5* Treyni (Schefflera), 5* Wall Iris, E 6* Acacia, E 6* Epidendrum (Swimsuit), B 6* Nipplewort (New Year), RG 6* Oriental Poppy
Atk down [For all enemies] Reduce Attack by 10% E 5* Ebine, E 5* Globe Thistle, B 5* Pinkladies (Princess of Pure Flower), B 5* Pulmonaria, B 5* Red Dead Nettle, E 5* Scilla, RG 6* Kijimushiro
Atk down [For 2 enemies] Reduce Attack by 15% E 5* Dahlia, 5* Dragon Fruit, 5* Green Bell, E 5* Sneezeweed (June Bride)
Atk down [For all enemies] Reduce Attack by 15% B 5* Sneezeweed (June Bride), RG 6* Belladonna, RG 6* Cherry Sage, RG 6* Egyptian Water Lily, RG 6* Green Bell, RG 6* Manettia, RG 6* Mini Rose, RG 6* Showy Evening Primrose (Easter), RG 6* Spring Star, RG 6* Treyni (Schefflera)
Atk down [For all enemies] Reduce Attack by 15% RG 6* Brodiaea, E 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (Bride of Phos), RG 6* Delphinium, RG 6* Fireweed, RG 6* Four O'Clock, RG+B 6* Fragrant Olive, RG 6* Gourd, RG 6* Great Burnet, RG 6* Japanese Snowball Bush, 6* Lotus, RG 6* Red Dead Nettle, RG 6* Sill Plain, RG+B 6* Snowflake, RG 6* Strawberry, RG 6* Tall Stewartia, RG 6* Tassel Flower, RG 6* Trailing Abutilon, RG 6* White Clover, RG+B 6* White Pansy, RG 6* Worm Wood (Christmas)
Atk down [For 1 enemy] Reduce Attack by 20% RG 6* Poinsettia
Atk down [For 2 enemies] Reduce Attack by 20% 6* Herbaceous Peony (Halloween), 6* Ivy (New Year), RG 6* Plumeria
Atk down [For all enemies] Reduce Attack by 20% 5* Kalanchoe Pinnata, B 6* Angelica (Swimsuit), B 6* Apple (Tanabata), RG 6* Apricot (Christmas), RG 6* Clover, E 6* Crepis, RG 6* Dalmatian Bellflower, RG 6* Dragon Fruit, RG 6* Duranta (Easter), RG 6* Green Bristlegrass (Flower Festival), 6* Horse Chestnut, RG 6* Jumpseed, B 6* Konagi, RG 6* Lacquer Tree, RG 6* Maria Custard, RG 6* Monkshood, RG 6* Moss Phlox, RG 6* Pine Tree, RG 6* Potato, RG 6* Pulmonaria, RG 6* Purple Marshlocks, B 6* Queen of the Night (June Bride), B 6* Rabbit's Foot, RG 6* Rough Potato (Christmas), RG 6* Skunk Vine, B 6* Snow Drop, RG 6* Snow Pea, RG 6* Solomon's Seal, RG 6* Spilanthes, RG 6* Spotted Bellflower, RG 6* Strelitzia, RG 6* Tea Plant, RG 6* Tritonia (Christmas), RG 6* Tulsi, RG 6* Water Dropwort (New Year), RG 6* Welwitschia, RG+B 6* White Tulip
Atk down [For all enemies] Reduce Attack by 20% RG 6* Anisodontea, 6* Apple (Tanabata), 6* Cherry, E 6* Christmas Rose, RG 6* Correa, RG 6* Cowberry, RG 6* Cypress Vine, RG 6* Dahlia, RG 6* Devil in a Bush, RG 6* Ebine, RG+B 6* Egyptian Water Lily, RG 6* Eryngii, RG 6* False Hydrangea, RG 6* Globe Thistle, RG 6* Gooseberry, E 6* Heart Tree, RG 6* Hop (Hotspring Yukata), RG 6* Japanese Barberry, RG 6* Kinutasou, 6* Konagi, RG 6* Lesser Celandine, RG 6* Lupin, RG+B 6* Novalis, RG 6* Otogirisou, RG 6* Passion Flower, RG 6* Penny Plant, RG 6* Pinkladies (Princess of Pure Flower), 6* Rabbit's Foot, RG 6* Rain Lily, RG 6* Ranunculus, RG 6* Sandersonia, RG 6* Scilla, RG 6* Sedum, RG 6* Sneezeweed (June Bride), 6* Snow Drop, RG 6* Soft Windflower (Prison Island), RG 6* Solidaster, RG 6* Spider Lily, RG 6* Thoroughwort, RG+B 6* White Clover, RG 6* Zephyranthes
Atk down [For all enemies] Reduce Attack by 25% B 6* Mistletoe
Atk down [For 1 enemy] Reduce Attack by 30% B 5* Shiitake
Atk down [For all enemies] Reduce Attack by 30% RG 6* Aeonium, B 6* Heart Tree, B 6* Herbaceous Peony (Halloween), B 6* Mimulus, B 6* Plumeria (Motherly Love of Hope)
Atk down [For all enemies] Reduce Attack by 30% 6* Anemone (Princess of Pure Flower), 6* Red Spider Lily (World's Flower Shrine Maiden)
Atk down [For all enemies] Reduce Attack by 40% B 6* Monkshood (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady)
Atk down [For all enemies] Reduce Attack by 50% B 6* Acacia, B 6* Anemone (Princess of Pure Flower), 6* Azarin (Exstia Magica), E 6* Bluebell, B 6* Burning Bush, B 6* Cherry, B 6* Christmas Rose, B 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (Bride of Phos), B 6* Digitalis, B 6* Epidendrum (Swimsuit), B 6* Golden Lace, B 6* Horse Chestnut, B 6* Ivy (New Year), B 6* Lavender (Valentine), B 6* Lion's Ear (Christmas), B 6* Lotus, B 6* Nerine (Christmas), B 6* Red Spider Lily (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), 6* Wolf Berry (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers)
Atk down [For 1 enemy] Reduce Attack by 70% B 6* Chocolate Cosmos (Easter)
Def down [For 2 enemies] Reduce Defense by 5% 5* Santolina, 5* Tutsan
Def down [For 2 enemies] Reduce Defense by 10% B 5* Santolina, B 5* Tutsan
Def down [For all enemies] Reduce Defense by 10% B 5* Herb-of-grace
Def down [For all enemies] Reduce Defense by 15% RG 6* Prune, RG 6* Tutsan
Def down [For 1 enemy] Reduce Defense by 20% RG 6* Turnip Rape (Young Knight of Hope)
Def down [For 2 enemies] Reduce Defense by 20% RG 6* Santolina
Def down [For all enemies] Reduce Defense by 20% B 5* Maria Custard, 6* Bluebell, RG 6* Herb-of-grace, E 6* Iwarenge, 6* Konagi, RG 6* Pinkladies (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams)
Def down [For all enemies] Reduce Defense by 20% B 6* Knotweed
Def down [For all enemies] Reduce Defense by 30% B 6* Lavatera, RG 6* Maria Custard
Def down [For all enemies] Reduce Defense by 30% B 6* Ash, E 6* Azarin (Exstia Magica), RG 6* Kalanchoe Pinnata
Skill Rate down [For 2 enemies] Reduce Skill Activation Rate by 10% E 5* Asian Bleeding Heart, 5* Crowea, B 5* Eryngii, E 5* Japanese Gentian, E 5* Lampranthus, B 5* Russelia, B 5* Skimmia, E 5* Spider Lily, 5* Sweet William, E 5* Trailing Abutilon
Skill Rate down [For all enemies] Reduce Skill Activation Rate by 10% E 5* Dill, E 5* Lilac Squirrel, B 5* Tiger's Claw
Skill Rate down [For 2 enemies] Reduce Skill Activation Rate by 12% B 5* Sweet William
Skill Rate down [For all enemies] Reduce Skill Activation Rate by 12% E 5* Madagascar Periwinkle, E 5* Red Cat's Tail, B 5* Society Garlic, B 5* Soft Windflower (Prison Island)
Skill Rate down [For all enemies] Reduce Skill Activation Rate by 15% RG 6* Cypress Vine, RG+B 6* Egyptian Water Lily, RG 6* Russelia, RG+B 6* Snowflake
Skill Rate down [For all enemies] Reduce Skill Activation Rate by 20% B 6* Burning Bush, RG 6* Crowea, RG 6* Tiger's Claw
Skill Rate down [For all enemies] Reduce Skill Activation Rate by 20% RG 6* Asian Bleeding Heart, RG 6* Azuki Bean, RG 6* Ceanothus, RG 6* Habanero, RG 6* Lampranthus, RG 6* Pouch Flower, RG 6* Red Cat's Tail, RG 6* Rough Potato (Christmas), RG 6* Skimmia, RG 6* Soft Windflower (Prison Island), RG 6* Spider Lily, RG 6* Sweet William
Skill Rate down [For all enemies] Reduce Skill Activation Rate by 25% RG 6* Dill, RG 6* Eryngii, B 6* Mistletoe, RG 6* Skunk Vine, RG 6* Trailing Abutilon
Skill Rate down [For all enemies] Reduce Skill Activation Rate by 25% RG 6* Bauera, RG 6* Cichorium, RG 6* Hop (Hotspring Yukata), RG 6* Japanese Gentian, RG 6* Rhodanthe
Skill Rate down [For all enemies] Reduce Skill Activation Rate by 30% 6* Azarin (Exstia Magica), B 6* Lavender (Valentine), RG 6* Lilac Squirrel, B 6* Lion's Ear (Christmas), 6* Muscari, 6* Wolf Berry (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers)
Skill Rate down [For all enemies] Reduce Skill Activation Rate by 30% RG+B 6* Great Burnet, RG 6* Madagascar Periwinkle, RG 6* Society Garlic
Skill Rate down [For all enemies] Reduce Skill Activation Rate by 40% B 6* Soapwort
Skill Rate down [For all enemies] Reduce Skill Activation Rate by 50% RG 6* Aeonium, B 6* Ivy (New Year)
Crit Rate down [For all enemies] Reduce Critical Rate by 30% B 6* Apple (June Bride)
Crit Rate down [For all enemies] Reduce Critical Rate by 50% 5* Lilac Squirrel, RG 6* Cichorium, B 6* Smoke Tree
Crit Rate down [For all enemies] Reduce Critical Rate by 70% B 6* Acacia, RG 6* Lilac Squirrel, B 6* Lotus, B 6* Nerine (Christmas), RG 6* Purple Marshlocks
Skill Drain [For 5 allies] Grant 5% Skill Drain (1 Skill Heals up to 50% Max HP) 6* Elder Flower (Christmas), 6* Pothos, 6* Wolf Berry (Christmas)
Skill Drain [For 5 allies] Grant 20% Skill Drain (1 Skill Heals up to 50% Max HP) B 6* Pothos, B 6* Wolf Berry (Christmas)
Heal [For self] Each turn, 100% chance to Heal 5% Max HP RG+B 6* Purple Pansy
Heal [For 5 allies] Each turn, 15% chance to Heal 5% Max HP 5* Mertensia, 5* Verbena
Heal [For 5 allies] Each turn, 25% chance to Heal 5% Max HP 5* Creeping Bugleweed, B 5* Luffa, B 5* Mertensia, 5* Oregano
Heal [For 5 allies] Each turn, 30% chance to Heal 5% Max HP B 5* Blue Star
Heal [For 5 allies] Each turn, 40% chance to Heal 5% Max HP RG 6* Passion Flower, RG 6* Verbena
Heal [For 5 allies] Each turn, 50% chance to Heal 5% Max HP RG 6* Blue Star, E 6* Coffea, RG 6* Creeping Bugleweed, RG 6* Luffa, RG 6* Mertensia, RG+B 6* Novalis, RG 6* Oregano, RG+B 6* Purple Tulip, RG 6* Yuzu
Heal [For self] Each turn, 100% chance to Heal 10% Max HP B 6* Isogiku (Easter), B 6* Thistle (Swimsuit)
Heal [For 5 allies] Each turn, 25% chance to Heal 10% Max HP E 5* Mattia (Field Horsetail), RG 6* Bouvardia, RG 6* Kijimushiro
Heal [For 5 allies] Each turn, 50% chance to Heal 10% Max HP RG 6* Mattia (Field Horsetail)
Heal [For self] Each turn, 40% chance to Heal 25% Max HP RG+B 6* Hinoki, RG 6* Japanese Mugwort, RG 6* Penstemon, RG 6* Smithiantha
Heal [For 5 allies] Each turn, 25% chance to Heal 25% Max HP RG 6* Tulsi
Heal [For self] Each turn, 25% chance to Heal 30% Max HP RG 6* Adenium
Heal [For self] Each turn, 30% chance to Heal 100% Max HP RG 6* Gold Bunny
Act Again Rate up [For self] Increase Act Again Rate by 15% B 5* Adenium, B 5* Annabelle, E 5* Asian Royal Fern, E 5* Isogiku, E 5* Japanese Quince, E 5* Shizu (White Enkianthus), E 5* Snakeberry, E 5* Torenia, E 5* Yamashitae
Act Again Rate up [For self] Increase Act Again Rate by 20% B 5* Browallia
Act Again Rate up [For self] Increase Act Again Rate by 25% E 5* Anemone (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), E 5* Black Baccara (Easter), 5* Chicory, B 5* Chinese Lantern, 5* Cowslip, B 5* Crowea (Hotspring Yukata), B 5* Dendrobium (Valentine), B 5* Fir Tree, B 5* Green Bristlegrass (Flower Festival), B 5* Hare's Ear, B 5* Hare's Tail Grass (Halloween), B 5* Jujube, E 5* Kalanchoe, 5* King Protea, 5* Lady's Sorrel (New Year), E 5* Otogirisou (Baseball), B 5* Pitcher Plant, E 5* Pomegranate, B 5* Poppy, B 5* Rochea, B 5* Saffron (Christmas), E 5* Silphium, B 5* Statice, E 5* Tassel Flower, 5* Watercress, B 5* Worm Wood (Christmas), 5* Yomena
Act Again Rate up [For self] Increase Act Again Rate by 30% B 5* Artichoke, B 5* Christmas Bush, B 5* Linaria, B 5* Pinkladies (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), B 5* Purple Loosestrife, B 5* Reed, B 5* Silphium, 5* Snow Dragon, B 5* Wax Tree, B 5* Winter Jasmine
Act Again Rate up [For self] Increase Act Again Rate by 30% E 5* Checkerberry, E 5* Clustered Bellflower, E 5* Spotted Bellflower
Act Again Rate up [For self] Increase Act Again Rate by 33% B 5* Candle Bark, B 5* Chocolate Cosmos (Swimsuit), B 5* Tassel Flower
Act Again Rate up [For self] Increase Act Again Rate by 35% B 5* Aster, B 5* Thoroughwort
Act Again Rate up [For self] Increase Act Again Rate by 40% E 6* Helianthus, RG 6* Peperomia, RG 6* Rosemary, 6* Sneezeweed (Easter), 6* Tall Stewartia (Christmas)
Act Again Rate up [For self] Increase Act Again Rate by 50% E 5* Sago Palm, RG 6* Anemone (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), RG 6* Annabelle, E 6* Apple (Tanabata), RG 6* Asian Royal Fern, 6* Balsam, RG 6* Berzelia, RG 6* Black Baccara (Easter), RG+B 6* Buckbean, RG 6* Buttercup, RG 6* Butterfly Bush, RG 6* Candle Bark, RG+B 6* Carnation, RG+B 6* Cockspur Coral Tree, RG+B 6* Cornflower, RG 6* Cymbidium, RG 6* Fir Tree, RG 6* Flowering Rush, RG+B 6* Forget-Me-Not, RG 6* Fuchsia, RG 6* Gajumaru, RG 6* Hare's Ear, RG+B 6* Jasmine, RG 6* Jumpseed, RG+B 6* Lilac, RG 6* Linaria, RG 6* Money Tree, RG 6* Otogirisou (Baseball), RG 6* Papyrus Sedge, RG 6* Pineapple, RG 6* Pomegranate, RG 6* Prune, RG 6* Rainbow Rose, RG 6* Rochea, RG 6* Saffron (Christmas), RG 6* Shizu (White Enkianthus), E 6* Silk Tree, RG 6* Star Cluster, RG 6* Tuberose, RG 6* Vinca, RG 6* Yarrow
Act Again Rate up [For self] Increase Act Again Rate by 60% RG 6* Adenium, RG+B 6* Amaryllis, B 6* Apple (Tanabata), RG 6* Artichoke, RG 6* Aster, RG 6* Beefsteak Geranium, B 6* Blackberry, RG 6* Bougainvillea, RG 6* Browallia, RG 6* Cape Jasmine, RG 6* Chicory, RG 6* Chinese Lantern, RG 6* Chocolate Cosmos (Swimsuit), RG 6* Christmas Bush, B 6* Convolvulus, RG 6* Cowslip, RG 6* Creeping Smartweed, RG 6* Crowea (Hotspring Yukata), RG 6* Dalmatian Bellflower, B 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (Valentine), RG 6* Dendrobium (Valentine), RG 6* Elder Flower, RG 6* Fatsia, 6* Freesia, RG 6* Garlic Vine, RG 6* German Iris (Tanabata), RG 6* Ghost Weed (Princess of Pure Flower), RG+B 6* Gladiolus, RG 6* Green Bristlegrass (Flower Festival), RG 6* Hare's Tail Grass (Halloween), RG 6* Hosta, E 6* Ionocidium, RG 6* Isogiku, RG 6* Japanese Quince, RG+B 6* Japanese Rowan, RG 6* Jujube, RG 6* Kalanchoe, RG 6* King Protea, RG 6* Lady's Sorrel (New Year), 6* Mandarin's Hat, RG 6* Meconopsis (Newcomer), RG 6* Mint (Maturing Virtue), RG 6* Night Phlox (Christmas), E 6* Nipplewort (New Year), B 6* Peach (Halloween), RG 6* Pitcher Plant, B 6* Plumeria (Motherly Love of Hope), RG 6* Poppy, E 6* Pothos, RG 6* Primula, RG 6* Redcurrant, 6* Rye, RG 6* Satsuki, RG 6* Silene Coeli Rosa, B 6* Silk Tree, E 6* Silk Tree (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), RG 6* Silphium, B 6* Silver Orchid (Noble Lady of Sparkling Destiny), RG 6* Snakeberry, RG 6* Sneezeweed (June Bride), RG 6* Snow Dragon, B 6* Snow Drop (New Year), RG 6* Snow Pea, RG 6* Statice, RG+B 6* Sunflower, 6* Tarragon (Nova Vice-President of Hope), RG 6* Tassel Flower, RG 6* Thoroughwort, RG+B 6* Thunberg Spirea, RG 6* Torenia, RG 6* Trifoliate, E 6* Vervain, B 6* Water Lily (Swimsuit), RG 6* Watercress, RG 6* Wax Tree, RG 6* Winter Cherry, RG 6* Wood Sorrel, RG 6* Worm Wood (Christmas), RG 6* Yamashitae, RG 6* Yomena
Act Again Rate up [For self] Increase Act Again Rate by 60% B 6* Alstroemeria (Gratitude Towards The Future), B 6* Balsam, B 6* Black Baccara, B 6* Cactus, 6* Celia, RG 6* Checkerberry, B 6* Hyacinth, B 6* Sneezeweed (Easter), 6* Twinleaf, B 6* Usagigiku
Act Again Rate up [For self] Increase Act Again Rate by 70% RG 6* Cassis, RG 6* Clustered Bellflower, B 6* Digitalis, RG 6* Purple Loosestrife, RG 6* Stokes' Aster, B 6* Vanilla, B 6* Verbascum, RG 6* Winter Jasmine
Act Again Rate up [For self] Increase Act Again Rate by 70% RG 6* Spotted Bellflower, B 6* Tall Stewartia (Christmas)
Act Again Rate up [For self] Increase Act Again Rate by 80% RG 6* Reed
Act Again Rate up [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Act Again Rate by 25% E 5* Impatiens
Act Again Rate up [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Act Again Rate by 50% B 5* Impatiens
Act Again Rate up [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Act Again Rate by 75% B 5* Clove, B 5* Echinacea (Hotspring Yukata), E 5* Peperomia, B 5* Snake Gourd
Act Again Rate up [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Act Again Rate by 100% RG 6* Aloe (Valentine), RG+B 6* Alstroemeria, RG 6* Anthurium, RG 6* Cactus (Bride of Phos), 6* Chloranthus (Christmas), RG 6* Clove, RG 6* Echinacea (Hotspring Yukata), RG 6* False Daphne, E 6* Helianthus, RG 6* Heliconia, RG 6* Impatiens, RG 6* Peperomia, RG 6* Pinkladies (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), RG 6* Plumed Cockscomb, RG 6* Rosemary, RG 6* Santolina, RG 6* Silver Orchid, RG 6* Snake Gourd, RG 6* Wax Vine (Christmas), RG 6* Worm Wood, RG 6* Zebrina
Act Again Rate up [For 5 allies] Increase Act Again Rate by 15% B 6* Bryonia, 6* Silk Tree
Act Again Rate up [For 5 allies] Increase Act Again Rate by 20% B 6* Scotch Broom (Christmas)
Weak Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 5% 5* Konara
Weak Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 7% B 5* Ivy (Swimsuit)
Weak Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 10% 5* Herb-of-grace, B 5* Kentou Kanami, B 5* Konara, E 5* Moss Rose, B 5* Radish (New Year), 5* Stokes' Aster, B 5* Tea Plant, B 6* Basil, B 6* Duranta
Weak Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 15% B 5* Herb-of-grace, RG 6* Angelonia, RG 6* Fuki, RG 6* Ivy (Swimsuit), RG 6* Madagascar Periwinkle, RG 6* Mauritiana, E 6* Sakura (Swimsuit), RG 6* Watercress (Christmas)
Weak Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 20% RG+B 6* Balloon Flower, RG 6* Christmas Begonia, RG 6* Clove, RG+B 6* Giant Arrowhead, RG 6* Kentou Kanami, RG 6* Konara, RG 6* Lamium, RG 6* Lemon, RG 6* Melampodium, RG 6* Radish (New Year), B 6* Water Lily (Swimsuit)
Weak Dmg up [For self] Increase Weakness Damage by 25% B 5* Lisa
Weak Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 25% RG 6* Coral Flower
Weak Dmg up [For self] Increase Weakness Damage by 30% E 5* Reed
Weak Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 30% B 6* Burning Bush (Hotspring Yukata), E 6* Dracaena, RG 6* Herb-of-grace, RG 6* Moss Rose, 6* Violet Cress
Weak Dmg up [For self] Increase Weakness Damage by 40% RG 6* Clove, RG 6* Kentou Kanami
Weak Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 40% RG 6* Stokes' Aster, RG 6* Tea Plant
Weak Dmg up [For self] Increase Weakness Damage by 50% E 6* Boronia, 6* Hare's Ear (New Year), RG 6* Prune
Weak Dmg up [For self] Increase Weakness Damage by 60% E 5* Armeria
Weak Dmg up [For self] Increase Weakness Damage by 70% RG 6* Lisa
Weak Dmg up [For self] Increase Weakness Damage by 80% RG 6* Armeria, 6* Daffodil, RG 6* Pinkladies (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), RG 6* Reed, B 6* Twinleaf
Weak Dmg up [For self] Increase Weakness Damage by 90% B 6* Japanese Apricot
Weak Dmg up [For self] Increase Weakness Damage by 100% B 6* Bush Clover, B 6* Japanese Silver Grass (Swimsuit), E 6* Pumila, 6* Silver Orchid (Noble Lady of Sparkling Destiny), B 6* Sparaxis, B 6* Water Lily (Swimsuit)
Weak Dmg up [For self] Increase Weakness Damage by 120% E 6* Castor Bean, B 6* Pumila
Def Rate up [For self] Increase Defend Rate by 10% and Defend Damage Reduction by 10% B 6* Bamboo
Less Enemy Action [For all enemies] Each turn, 25% chance to reduce the number of Attacks by 1 6* Henna (Christmas), 6* Monkshood (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady)
Revive If you have 0 HP: After the enemy turn, Heal 50% Max HP for 3 allies (Revive 0 HP allies with 50% Max HP) (1x per subjugation) 6* Easter Cactus
Revive If you have 0 HP: After the enemy turn, Heal 100% Max HP for 5 allies (Revive 0 HP allies with 100% Max HP) (1x per subjugation) 6* Adlay, B 6* Adlay (New Year), B 6* Easter Cactus
Atk up w/ Less HP [For 5 allies] [While alive] With less HP, increase Attack by up to 25% 5* Winter Daphne
Atk up w/ Less HP [For 5 allies] [While alive] With less HP, increase Attack by up to 50% B 5* Winter Daphne
Atk up w/ Less HP [For self] [While alive] With less HP, increase Attack by up to 80% RG 6* Skullcap
Atk up w/ Less HP [For 5 allies] [While alive] With less HP, increase Attack by up to 80% RG 6* Hemlock, RG 6* Lion's Ear
Atk up w/ Less HP [For self] [While alive] With less HP, increase Attack by up to 100% B 5* Dragon Tree
Atk up w/ Less HP [For 5 allies] [While alive] With less HP, increase Attack by up to 100% RG 6* Winter Daphne
Atk up w/ Less HP [For self] [While alive] With less HP, increase Attack by up to 150% RG 6* Lobelia
Atk up w/ Less HP [For self] [While alive] With less HP, increase Attack by up to 200% RG 6* Dragon Tree
Atk up w/ Less HP [For self] [While alive] With less HP, increase Attack by up to 300% E 6* Knotweed (Valentine)
Atk up w/ Less HP [For self] [While alive] With less HP, increase Attack by up to 300% B 6* Thistle
Atk up w/ Less HP [For 5 allies] [While alive] With less HP, increase Attack by up to 300% E 6* Pinkladies (New Year)
Atk up w/ Less HP [For self] [While alive] With less HP, increase Attack by up to 500% B 6* Corbett (Halloween)
Dmg up w/ Less HP [For 5 allies] [While alive] With less HP, increase Damage by up to 40% B 6* Dragon Fruit (Swimsuit)
Skill Dmg up w/ Less HP [For 5 allies] [While alive] With less HP, increase Skill Damage by up to 60% B 6* Adlay (Valentine)
Crit Dmg up w/ Less HP [For 5 allies] [While alive] With less HP, increase Critical Damage by up to 80% RG 6* Hemlock
Pursuit [For self] Pursuit using 10% of the party's Overall Force 5* Exacum, 5* Linaria, E 5* Manchineel
Pursuit [For self] Pursuit using 12% of the party's Overall Force 5* Flamingo Plant (Christmas), E 5* Gold Coin Daisy, 5* Hare's Ear, E 5* Worm Wood (Christmas)
Pursuit [For self] Pursuit using 15% of the party's Overall Force B 5* Anemone (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), B 5* Christmas Cactus, B 5* Cowberry, B 5* Exacum, B 5* Gold Coin Daisy, B 5* Hare's Ear, B 5* Linaria, B 5* Pinkladies (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), B 5* Veronica, B 5* Worm Wood (Christmas)
Pursuit [For self] Pursuit using 20% of the party's Overall Force B 5* Prune, RG 6* Armeria, RG 6* Devil's Claw, RG 6* Manchineel, RG 6* Sanvitalia
Pursuit [For self] Pursuit using 30% of the party's Overall Force RG 6* Anemone (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), RG 6* Aster, RG 6* Buttercup, RG 6* Cape Jasmine, RG 6* Chocolate Lily (New Year), RG 6* Christmas Cactus, RG 6* Cowberry, RG 6* Cymbidium, RG 6* Dendrobium (Aspirational Youth-Caring Instructor), RG 6* Echinacea (Hotspring Yukata), RG 6* Gold Coin Daisy, RG 6* Hare's Ear, RG+B 6* Heliconia, E 6* Hyacinth, RG 6* Jujube, RG 6* Jumpseed, RG 6* King Protea, RG 6* Laurentia (Ninja), RG 6* Linaria, RG 6* Night Phlox (Christmas), RG 6* Pinkladies (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), RG 6* Prune, RG 6* Quince, RG 6* Snow Pea, 6* Sparaxis, RG 6* Veronica, RG+B 6* Water Fringe, RG 6* Wax Tree, B 6* Wax Vine, RG 6* Winter Cosmos, RG 6* Worm Wood, RG 6* Worm Wood (Christmas), RG 6* Yarrow
Pursuit [For self] Pursuit using 40% of the party's Overall Force 6* Bessera, RG 6* Exacum, 6* Liverwort
Pursuit [For self] Pursuit using 50% of the party's Overall Force B 6* Black Locust (June Bride)
Pursuit [For self] Pursuit using 60% of the party's Overall Force B 6* Hyacinth
Pursuit [For self] Pursuit using 100% of the party's Overall Force B 6* Corn Cockle, 6* Hare's Ear (New Year)
Pursuit [For self] Pursuit using 120% of the party's Overall Force B 6* Cactus, B 6* Liverwort, B 6* Silver Orchid (Noble Lady of Sparkling Destiny), B 6* Usagigiku
Pursuit [For self] Pursuit using 140% of the party's Overall Force B 6* Sparaxis, E 6* Sparaxis (Halloween)
Pursuit [For self] Pursuit all enemies using 5% of the party's Overall Force E 5* Redcurrant, 5* Rochea
Pursuit [For self] Pursuit all enemies using 10% of the party's Overall Force B 5* Rochea
Pursuit [For self] Pursuit all enemies using 20% of the party's Overall Force RG 6* Asian Royal Fern, RG 6* Christmas Cactus, RG+B 6* Dandelion, RG 6* Devil's Claw, 6* Duranta, RG 6* Flamingo Plant (Christmas), RG+B 6* Forget-Me-Not, RG 6* Japanese Quince, RG 6* Lamium, RG+B 6* Marguerite, RG 6* Mauritiana, RG+B 6* Moth Orchid, RG 6* Peach, RG 6* Poached Egg Plant, RG 6* Primula, RG 6* Redcurrant, RG 6* Rochea, RG+B 6* Sanvitalia
Pursuit [For self] Pursuit all enemies using 30% of the party's Overall Force E 5* Kangaroo Paws
Pursuit [For self] Pursuit all enemies using 40% of the party's Overall Force B 6* Duranta
Pursuit [For self] Pursuit all enemies using 50% of the party's Overall Force 6* Convolvulus (Swimsuit), RG 6* Kangaroo Paws, 6* Nematanthus
Pursuit [For self] Pursuit all enemies using 100% of the party's Overall Force 6* Boronia, E 6* Reese Verne (Exstia Chevalier)
Pursuit [For self] Pursuit all enemies using 100% of the party's Overall Force 6* Castor Bean
Add Pursuit [For 5 allies] 20% chance to Pursuit using 40% of the party's Overall Force 6* Basil, E 6* Bessera
Add Pursuit [For 5 allies] 100% chance to Pursuit using 20% of the party's Overall Force B 6* Basil, B 6* Bessera, B 6* Duranta
Use Skill to Skill Rate up, Act Again Rate up by Attr [For 5 Blunt allies] After you use a Skill, on the next 3 turns, increase Skill Activation Rate by 1.4x and Act Again Rate by 25% 6* Silk Tree (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams)
Use Skill to Skill Rate up, Act Again Rate up by Attr [For 5 Blunt allies] After you use a Skill, on the next 3 turns, increase Skill Activation Rate by 2x and Act Again Rate by 40% B 6* Silk Tree (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams)
Summon After you Attack 3x, on the next 5 turns, summon Stra. Just after being summoned, Stra activates <Drachen Blitz> B 6* Tarragon (Nova Vice-President of Hope)
Transform [For self] After you use a Skill, for the next 5 turns, Transform into <Eitel Dress>. [For 5 allies] [While Transformed] Increase Weakness Damage by 50%. Add Magic Attribute B 6* Vervain
Transform [For self] After you use a Skill, for the next 7 turns, Transform into <Elegant Garment of Sunlight> B 6* Roman Chamomile
Transform [For self] Gain Transform Ability Effects: Disable Critical Attacks and <Skill Damage up> abilities have their effect boosted by 10% 6* Star Rush
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally] After you use a Skill, increase Attack by 5% until battle end 5* Prunus Persica
Atk up [For self] After you Attack, increase Attack by 5% until battle end (Up to 5x) 5* Aphelandra
Atk up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 8% (Up to 5x) B 5* Japanese Beech
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally] After you use a Skill, increase Attack by 8% until battle end RG 6* Prunus Persica
Atk up [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, increase Attack by 10% until battle end (Up to 5x) B 5* Staghorn Fern
Atk up [For 5 allies] After an ally does a Critical Attack, increase Attack by 10% (Up to 10x) E 5* Marlberry
Atk up [For 5 allies] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 10% until battle end (Up to 10x) B 5* Marlberry
Atk up [For self] [Until subjugation end] After you use a Skill, increase Attack by 10% (Up to 10x) B 6* Obako
Atk up [For 5 allies] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 10% (20x per battle) B 6* Common Zinnia (Christmas)
Atk up [For self] After you Attack, increase Attack by 10% until battle end (Up to 5x) RG 6* Aphelandra
Atk up [For 5 allies with a single-target Skill] Increase Attack by 10% E 5* Potato
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 10% 5* Cape Plumbago, B 5* Chinese Lucky Grass, 5* Crinum, E 5* Dragon Tree, 5* Huechera, 5* Showy Baby's Breath, 5* Wall Iris, RG 6* Lindernia
Atk up [For self] [Until subjugation end] Just after you Attack, increase Attack by 10% (Up to 20x) 6* Cattleya (Life Tree's Blessing)
Atk up [For 5 allies] [While alive] End of each turn, increase Attack by 10% (Up to 10x) B 6* Sawagikyou (Swimsuit)
Atk up [For self] After an ally does an Attack, increase Attack by 12% until turn end B 6* Asahi Kuki, 6* Luluna (Scaly Hydrangea)
Atk up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 12% (Up to 5x) RG 6* Japanese Beech
Atk up [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 12% until turn end E 6* Lettuce
Atk up [For 2 Attack-type allies] Increase Attack by 15% E 5* Cassis
Atk up [For 5 allies] Just after an ally uses an Ability to Overheal, increase Attack by 15% until battle end (Up to 5x) 5* Dwarf Lilyturf
Atk up [For self] After an ally is attacked, increase Attack by 15% (Up to 10x) B 6* Baikamo (Easter)
Atk up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 15% (Up to 10x) B 6* Sawagikyou (Swimsuit)
Atk up [For 5 allies] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 15% until battle end (Up to 10x) E 6* Adlay (New Year)
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 15% 5* Hebe, E 5* Rose Mallow
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally] After you use a Skill, increase Attack by 20% (5x per battle) E 6* Common Zinnia (Christmas)
Atk up [For 5 allies] [Until subjugation end] After an enemy is defeated, increase Attack by 20% RG 6* Purple Marshlocks
Atk up [For self] [Until subjugation end] Just after you Attack, increase Attack by 20% (Up to 10x) RG 6* Winter Jasmine
Atk up [For self] Just after an ally does a Critical Attack, increase Attack by 20% until turn end RG 6* Reed, E 6* Tacca Chantrieri (Formal Dress)
Atk up [For 5 allies] After you attack, increase Attack by 20% (3x per battle) 5* Japanese Camellia
Atk up [For self] End of each turn, increase Attack by 20% (Up to 5x) E 6* Kayana (Moon Viewing Rabbit)
Atk up [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, increase Attack by 20% until battle end (Up to 5x) RG 6* Staghorn Fern
Atk up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 20% (Up to 3x) B 6* Reeves Spirea (Easter)
Atk up [For 2 allies with 100% HP or more] Start of each turn, increase Attack by 20% until turn end B 5* Wall Iris
Atk up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 20% (Up to 5x) 6* Lion's Ear (Christmas)
Atk up [For self] Just before an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 20% until turn end E 6* Moonglow
Atk up [For 5 allies] [While alive] Increase Attack by 20% B 5* Chinese Lucky Grass
Atk up [For 5 allies] After an ally is attacked, on the next turn, increase Attack by 20% (Up to 4x) B 6* Japanese Andromeda
Atk up [For 5 allies] After you Evade, increase Attack by 20% until battle end (Up to 10x) E 6* Cistus
Atk up [For 5 allies] After you do a Critical Attack, increase Attack by 20% until battle end (Up to 5x) B 6* White Dead Nettle
Atk up [For 5 allies] After an ally Evades, on the next turn, increase Attack by 20% B 5* Crinum
Atk up [For 5 allies] After an ally does a Critical Attack, increase Attack by 20% until battle end (Up to 5x) 6* Dusty Miller (Life Tree's Blessing)
Atk up [For self] End of each turn, increase Attack by 20% (Up to 15x) B 6* Riko
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 20% 5* Felicia, E 5* Suzuka Ichinose, E 6* Anemone (Parallel Academy), RG 6* Anri (Rue Anemone), B 6* Baikasou (Easter), 6* Blackberry (Easter), RG 6* Cape Plumbago, E 6* Cardamine Lyrata (Halloween), 6* Cattleya (Parallel Academy), RG 6* Chinese Lucky Grass, RG 6* Crinum, RG 6* Dragon Tree, 6* Eir (Thyme), E 6* Ghost Weed (Valentine), 6* Great Burnet (New Year), RG 6* Huechera, 6* Japanese Anemone (Swimsuit), RG 6* Miltonia, RG 6* Ping Pong Mum, RG 6* Rose Mallow, B 6* Saintpaulia (Formal Dress), RG 6* Showy Baby's Breath, 6* Thunberg Spirea (Christmas), 6* White Clover (Valentine), B 6* Yew Plum Pine
Atk up Unknown ability id 20001 with values 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 902, -1 B 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (10th Anniversary)
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 20%. End of each turn, increase Attack by 20% (Max 40%) 5* Aerva
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 20%. End of each turn, increase Attack by 20% (Max 60%) RG 6* Aerva
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 20%. End of each turn, increase Attack by 20% (Max 80%) 5* Garden Croton
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 24%. End of each turn, increase Attack by 24% (Max 120%) 6* Asahi Kuki, 6* Luluna (Scaly Hydrangea)
Atk up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 25% (Up to 4x) E 6* Cattleya (Parallel Academy)
Atk up [For 5 allies with 100% HP or more] Increase Attack by 25% B 5* Pincushion
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally] After an ally is attacked, increase Attack by 25% (Up to 5x) B 6* Great Burnet (Formal Dress)
Atk up [For 5 allies] Just after an ally uses an Ability to Overheal, increase Attack by 25% until battle end (Up to 5x) RG 6* Dwarf Lilyturf
Atk up [For 5 allies] [While alive] Increase Attack by 25% 5* Winged Everlasting
Atk up [For 1 Slash ally] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 25% until turn end E 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (Christmas)
Atk up [For 5 allies] After an ally does a Critical Attack, increase Attack by 25% (Up to 10x) E 6* Adlay
Atk up [For 5 allies] Just after an ally Negates Damage, increase Attack by 25% until battle end (2x per battle) 5* Rose Campion
Atk up [For 5 allies from your Nation] Increase Attack by 25%. End of each turn, increase Attack by 25% (Max 100%) B 6* Japanese Anemone (Swimsuit)
Atk up [For 5 allies] [While alive] Increase Attack by 25% 6* Red Tulip (Knight Medic)
Atk up [For self] [Until subjugation end] Just after you use a Skill, increase Attack by 30% (Up to 4x) B 6* Checkerberry (Easter)
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Attack by 30% E 5* Manuka
Atk up [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, if it's the 2nd time this battle: Increase Attack by 30% B 6* Twinspur (Maid)
Atk up [For 5 allies] Just after an ally Evades 3x, increase Attack by 30% until battle end (5x per battle) B 6* Heliotrope (Halloween)
Atk up [Power Seed V] [For 5 Lily Wood allies] After you use an Ability to Overheal, increase Attack by 30% until battle end (1x per turn) B 6* Lilli
Atk up [For self] If you are an Attack-type: Increase Attack by 30% 5* Browallia
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 30% E 5* Pelargonium, E 6* Cymbidium (Cat Ear Maid), E 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (Christmas), RG 6* Hebe, RG 6* Sakura (Apron), 6* Scilla (Easter), 6* Spring Star (Parallel Academy), RG 6* Suzuka Ichinose, RG 6* Yuri Amakubo (Exstia Flora)
Atk up [For 5 allies] After an ally Evades, increase Attack by 30% until battle end (Up to 5x) B 6* Pinkladies (Bunny of Unspoken Love)
Atk up [For 1 Slash ally that is an Attack-type] Increase Attack by 30% E 5* Poisonberry
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 30% 5* Erica Christmas Parade, 5* Peace Lily
Atk up [For 5 allies with no Flower Family] Increase Attack by 30% RG 6* Yuri Amakubo (Exstia Flora)
Atk up [For self] Start of each turn, if you have 50% HP or more: Increase Attack by 30% until turn end E 5* Malcolmia
Atk up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Attack by 30% (Up to 5x) 6* Bluet (Rising Star of the Sparkling Fairyland), B 6* Sensitive Plant (Marine Sailor)
Atk up [For 5 allies] The 1st time you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Attack by 30% E 6* Leschenaultia (Yukata)
Atk up [For 5 allies] Just after an ally uses an Ability to Overheal, increase Attack by 30% until battle end (Up to 5x) E 6* Cattleya (Matured Charming Bride), B 6* Win (Snowfield Formal Dress)
Atk up [For 5 allies] After you attack, increase Attack by 30% (3x per battle) RG 6* Japanese Camellia
Atk up [For self] After you use a Skill, increase Attack by 30% (Up to 5x) B 6* Rye
Atk up [Power Seed VI] [For 5 Lily Wood allies] After you use an Ability to Overheal, increase Attack by 30% until battle end (1x per turn) B 6* Lilli
Atk up [For 5 allies] [While alive] End of each turn, increase Attack by 30% (Up to 2x) B 6* Azarin (Exstia Magica)
Atk up [For 5 allies] [While alive] Increase Attack by 30% RG 6* Chinese Lucky Grass
Atk up [For self] [Until subjugation end] Just after you use a Skill, increase Attack by 30% (Up to 10x) RG 6* Winter Jasmine
Atk up [For self] After you Evade, increase Attack by 30% (4x per battle) B 6* Baikasou (Easter), E 6* Red Spider Lily (Life Tree's Blessing)
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally] After an ally does a Critical Attack, on the next turn, increase Attack by 30% (1x per turn) E 5* Luculia
Atk up [For 5 allies from your Flower Family] Increase Attack by 30% 6* Purple Tulip (Knight Medic)
Atk up [For 5 allies] After an ally Evades, increase Attack by 30% (Up to 4x) E 6* Fragrant Olive (Moon Viewing Rabbit)
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 30%. End of each turn, increase Attack by 30% (Max 90%) B 5* Barley (Halloween)
Atk up [For 5 allies] Start of each turn, if all allies have 100% HP or more: Increase Attack by 35% until turn end RG 6* Clustered Bellflower
Atk up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 35% B 6* Four O'Clock (Costumed Pyrotechnician), B 6* Novalis (Queen of Snowflakes), B 6* Water Lily (June Bride)
Atk up [For 5 allies with no Flower Family] Increase Attack by 35% RG 6* Sill Plain
Atk up [For 5 allies] After you Evade, on the next turn, increase Attack by 35% B 6* Aizoon Stonecrop (Christmas)
Atk up [For 5 allies with a single-target Skill] Increase Attack by 40% RG 6* Potato
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Attack by 40% B 5* Chervil, 6* Macadamia
Atk up [For 5 allies] After an ally Evades, on the next turn, increase Attack by 40% RG 6* Crinum
Atk up [For self] After you do a Critical Attack, on the next turn, increase Attack by 40% RG 6* Crown of Thorns
Atk up [For 5 allies] Just after an ally uses an Ability to Overheal, increase Attack by 40% until battle end (Up to 5x) 6* Makino
Atk up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 40% B 6* Cacao, B 6* Cattleya (Radiant Princess), B 6* Curcuma
Atk up [For 2 allies with 100% HP or more] Start of each turn, increase Attack by 40% until turn end RG 6* Wall Iris
Atk up [For 2 Attack-type allies] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Attack by 40% B 5* South Enchanter's Nightshade
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 40% E 5* Bird's Foot Trefoil
Atk up [For 3 Magic allies] Increase Attack by 40% 5* Crossandra
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 40% 6* Frost Aster
Atk up [For 5 allies] After you Defend 2x, starting next turn, increase Attack by 40% until battle end E 6* Eir (Thyme)
Atk up [For 5 allies] [While alive] Increase Attack by 40% 6* Flowering Peach (Halloween)
Atk up [For self] After you do a Critical Attack, increase Attack by 40% (Up to 6x) RG 6* Checkerberry
Atk up [For 1 other ally] Just before you use a Skill, increase Attack by 40% until turn end RG 6* Browallia
Atk up [For 5 allies] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Attack by 40% 6* Lavatera
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally] [While alive] Increase Attack by 40% E 5* Huechera
Atk up [For 5 Blunt allies] Increase Attack by 40% B 6* Silk Tree (New Year)
Atk up [For 5 allies] Just after an ally Negates Damage, increase Attack by 40% until battle end (2x per battle) RG 6* Rose Campion
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 40%. End of each turn, increase Attack by 40% (Max 200%) E 6* Flame Lily (Swimsuit)
Atk up [For self] End of each turn, increase Attack by 50% (Up to 4x) B 6* Cattleya
Atk up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 50% B 6* Camellia Wabisuke, B 6* Coral Bush, B 6* Daisy, B 6* Orange, B 6* Summer Squash (Swimsuit), 6* Urza Pranaice
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Attack by 50% B 6* Hinoki (Parallel Academy)
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally] [While alive] If you have 10% HP or less: Increase Attack by 50% (4x per battle) B 6* Adlay (Valentine), E 6* Bean
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally] [On first 2 Turns] Increase Attack by 50% B 6* Hinoki (Parallel Academy)
Atk up [For 5 allies] [While alive] Start of each turn, if you have 50% HP or less: Increase Attack by 50% (1x per turn, 2x per battle) E 6* Frost Aster
Atk up [For self] Start of each turn, if you have 50% HP or more: Increase Attack by 50% until turn end RG 6* Malcolmia
Atk up [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Attack by 50% B 6* Crepis (Witch of Light), 6* Turep (Swimsuit Wedding)
Atk up [For 2 Attack-type allies] After an ally does a Critical Attack, on the next turn, increase Attack by 50% B 5* Valerian
Atk up [For 5 allies with 80% HP or more] Start of each turn, increase Attack by 50% until turn end B 6* Cerastium
Atk up [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 50% until turn end B 6* Lemon (Fruits Fulcute)
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 50% B 6* Hinoki (Parallel Academy)
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Attack by 50% E 6* Isogiku (Formal Dress), RG 6* Manuka
Atk up [For 5 allies] [While alive] Increase Attack by 50% RG 6* Winged Everlasting
Atk up [For self] After you do a Critical Attack 2x, on the next turn, increase Attack by 50% B 6* Japanese Honeysuckle (New Year)
Atk up [For 5 allies] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Attack by 50% until battle end (Up to 4x) B 6* Beelzebub
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally] After an ally does a Critical Attack, on the next turn, increase Attack by 50% (1x per turn) RG 6* Luculia
Atk up [For 5 allies] After an ally does a Critical Attack 3x, increase Attack by 50% until turn end B 6* Japanese Felwort
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 50% E 5* Barley (Halloween), 5* Chinese Lucky Grass, B 5* Musk Rose, 5* Tea Tree, 6* Baikamo (Easter)
Atk up [For 2 Attack-type allies] Increase Attack by 50% RG 6* Cassis
Atk up [For self] [Until subjugation end] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Attack by 50% (Up to 4x) B 6* Monkshood (June Bride)
Atk up [For self] Start of each turn, if you have 100% HP or more: Increase Attack by 50% until turn end B 5* Clustered Bellflower
Atk up [For 1 Slash ally that is an Attack-type] Increase Attack by 50% RG 6* Poisonberry
Atk up [For self] After you do a Critical Attack 3x, increase Attack by 50% until battle end (Up to 2x) E 6* Khepri
Atk up [For self] [On Turn 2] Increase Attack by 50% (Disappears on Turn 3) B 5* Musk Rose
Atk up [For 5 allies with 100% HP or more] Increase Attack by 50% RG 6* Pincushion
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 50% E 5* Poisonberry, E 5* Staghorn Fern
Atk up [For 5 Blunt allies] Increase Attack by 50% 6* Japanese Indigo
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 50%. End of each turn, increase Attack by 50% (Max 150%) RG 6* Barley (Halloween)
Atk up [For 1 Slash ally that is an Attack-type] Increase Attack by 60% 6* Nemesia
Atk up [For 5 allies with 100% HP or more] Increase Attack by 60% E 6* Macadamia
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 60% 6* Coral Bush (Life Tree's Blessing), B 6* Datura, RG 6* Pelargonium
Atk up [For 1 ally with the highest Attack] Increase Attack by 60% RG 6* Dill
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Attack by 60% B 5* Siebold's Primrose
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Attack by 60% 5* Chestnut Vine
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 60% E 5* Chinese Trumpet Vine, E 5* Dragon Tree, RG 6* Peace Lily
Atk up [For 3 Magic allies] Increase Attack by 60% RG 6* Crossandra
Atk up [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Attack by 60% E 5* Sunchoke
Atk up [For 1 Blunt ally that is an Attack-type] Increase Attack by 60% 6* Nemesia
Atk up [For self, if at 100% HP or more] Just before you Attack, increase Attack by 60% until turn end (1x per turn) 5* Tiger Lotus
Atk up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 70% 6* Chocolate Vine
Atk up [For 5 allies] [While alive] Increase Attack by 70% 5* Plum (Fruits Fulcute)
Atk up [For 5 allies] After an ally Evades, on the next turn, increase Attack by 70% (5x per turn) B 6* Saffron (New Year)
Atk up [For 5 allies with 50% HP or less] [1x per turn] Just before you Attack, increase Attack by 70% until turn end 6* Sedum (Easter), E 6* Wolf Berry (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers)
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Attack by 70% B 6* Statice (Swimsuit)
Atk up [For 4 other allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 70% B 6* Viola
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 70% 6* Henna (Easter)
Atk up [For 5 allies] After you Evade, on the next turn, increase Attack by 70% B 6* Red Spider Lily
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Attack by 75% B 6* Hinoki (Parallel Academy)
Atk up [For 1 Guardian-type ally] Increase Attack by 80% 6* Red Spider Lily (Parallel Academy)
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 80% 5* Aphelandra, E 5* Crown of Thorns, 5* Westringia, RG 6* Bird's Foot Trefoil, E 6* Checkerberry (Easter), RG 6* Dragon Tree, 6* Fire Lily (June Bride), 6* Obako, 6* Pavonia, 6* Thunberg Spirea (Christmas)
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally] [While alive] End of each turn, increase Attack by 80% (Up to 2x) E 6* Asian Hazel
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Attack by 80% E 5* Bridal Veil, RG 6* Chervil
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally] [While alive] Increase Attack by 80% E 5* Winged Everlasting, RG 6* Huechera
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 80% RG 6* Staghorn Fern
Atk up [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Attack by 80% RG 6* Sunchoke
Atk up [For 2 Attack-type allies] After an ally does a Critical Attack, on the next turn, increase Attack by 100% RG 6* Valerian
Atk up [For self] After you Attack 2x, on the next turn, increase Attack by 100% (1x per turn) B 6* Sakura (Doll Festival)
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 100% E 6* Cherry (Fruits Fulcute), B 6* Hare's Ear (Swimsuit Wedding), B 6* Miyako, E 6* Pussy Willow (Halloween), 6* Royal Princess (10th Anniversary), E 6* Saffron (New Year), 6* Silk Tree (10th Anniversary)
Atk up [For self] Start of each turn, if you have 50% HP or more: Increase Attack by 100% until turn end 6* Nematanthus
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally] [If there are 3 enemies] Increase Attack by 100% B 6* White Clover (Valentine)
Atk up [For 2 Attack-type allies] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Attack by 100% RG 6* South Enchanter's Nightshade
Atk up [For self] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Attack by 100% B 6* Helianthus, RG 6* Lisa
Atk up [For self, if at 100% HP or more] Just before you Attack, increase Attack by 100% until turn end (1x per turn) RG 6* Tiger Lotus
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Attack by 100% E 5* Japanese Spiraea
Atk up [For self] [Until subjugation end] After you Defend 5x, increase Attack by 100% 6* Peach (Halloween)
Atk up [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Attack by 100% (1x per turn) B 6* Yoshino
Atk up [For self] Just before you do a Normal Attack, on this turn, increase Attack by 100% B 6* Akane
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally] If one has 100% HP or more: Increase Attack by 100% B 6* Isogiku (Formal Dress)
Atk up [For 2 Attack-type allies] After an ally does a Critical Attack, on this turn, increase Attack by 100% B 6* Viola (New Year)
Atk up [For 5 allies] [While alive] Increase Attack by 100% RG 6* Plum (Fruits Fulcute)
Atk up [For self] After you do a Critical Attack, on the next turn, increase Attack by 100% B 6* Aizoon Stonecrop
Atk up [For 3 Magic allies] After an ally uses a Skill, on the next 5 turns, increase Attack by 100% (1x per battle) B 6* Angraecum
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally with a single-target Skill] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Attack by 100% RG 6* Lemon Grass
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 100% E 5* Common Sundew, 5* Victoria, 6* Anemone (Parallel Academy), RG 6* Aphelandra, RG 6* Barley (Halloween), 6* Blushing Bride (Life Tree's Blessing), B 6* Cattleya (Christmas), 6* Cherry (Fruits Fulcute), RG 6* Chinese Lucky Grass, RG 6* Chinese Trumpet Vine, 6* Chocolate Lily (Swimsuit), RG 6* Crown of Thorns, RG 6* Erica Christmas Parade, B 6* Jade Vine, 6* Japanese Andromeda, B 6* Japanese Honeysuckle (Parallel Academy), E 6* Kayana (Moon Viewing Rabbit), 6* King's Cross, E 6* Lemon (Fruits Fulcute), 6* Lettuce, 6* Lucifer, E 6* Momiji Suzakuin, RG 6* Musk Rose, 6* Ornithogalum (Christmas), 6* Ririmu Tobe, B 6* Silk Tree (Dreamlike Swimsuit), 6* Tacca Chantrieri (Formal Dress), 6* Turnip Rape (Formal Dress), E 6* Uesugi Kenshin, 6* Verbascum (Athletic Meet), RG 6* Westringia
Atk up [For self] Start of each turn, if you have 100% HP or more: Increase Attack by 100% until turn end RG 6* Clustered Bellflower
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Attack by 100% RG 6* Siebold's Primrose
Atk up [For self] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Attack by 100% (1x per turn) 6* Japanese Honeysuckle (New Year)
Atk up [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 100% B 5* Musk Rose
Atk up [For 5 allies] After the party Attacks 10x, starting next turn, increase Attack by 100% until battle end B 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (10th Anniversary), B 6* Ghost Weed (10th Anniversary), B 6* Kerria (10th Anniversary), B 6* Royal Princess (10th Anniversary), B 6* Silk Tree (10th Anniversary)
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally] [While alive] Increase Attack by 100% RG 6* Winged Everlasting
Atk up [For self] After you use a Skill to Overheal, on the next turn, increase Attack by 100% (6x per turn) B 6* Jade Vine
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Attack by 100% RG 6* Bridal Veil, RG 6* Chestnut Vine, B 6* King Protea (New Year), B 6* Pinkladies (New Year), E 6* Yoshino
Atk up Unknown ability id 20001 with values 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 899, -1 E 6* Japanese Holly
Atk up [For 1 Magic ally that is an Attack-type] Increase Attack by 100% B 6* Tarragon (New Year), B 6* Weeping Willow
Atk up [Power Seed II] [For 5 allies] Start of each turn, if you have 100% HP or more: Increase Attack by 100% until turn end B 6* Lilli
Atk up [For self] After an ally is attacked 20x, starting next turn, increase Attack by 100% until battle end (1x per battle) B 6* Iris (DraPri Guu-ta-life)
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 100% E 6* Convolvulus (Swimsuit)
Atk up [For self] After you do a Critical Attack, increase Attack by 100% until turn end B 6* Mandarin's Hat
Atk up [For 1 Magic ally that is an Attack-type] [While alive] Increase Attack by 120% B 6* Ivy (June Bride)
Atk up [For 1 Pierce ally that is an Attack-type] Increase Attack by 120% B 6* Castor Bean (Athletic Meet)
Atk up [For self] If you are an Attack-type: Increase Attack by 120% RG 6* Browallia
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 120% 6* Cabernet Sauvignon, 6* Green Bristlegrass (Halloween), 6* Sparaxis (Halloween), 6* Vanilla
Atk up [For 1 Guardian-type ally] Increase Attack by 120% 6* Blackberry (Easter)
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Attack by 120% 6* Digitalis (Crossdressing Beauty), E 6* Dracaena, 6* Eremophila, B 6* Heliotrope (Halloween), B 6* Henna (Easter), 6* Japanese Apricot (Doll Festival), 6* Snow Drop (Marine Sailor)
Atk up [For self] After you are attacked 5x, on the next turn, increase Attack by 125% 5* Fortune Saxifrage
Atk up [For self] Start of each turn, if there is 1 enemy: Increase Attack by 130% B 6* Black Baccara (Christmas)
Atk up [For 1 Pierce ally that is an Attack-type] Increase Attack by 140% 6* Asian White Birch
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Attack by 150% B 6* Anemone (June Bride)
Atk up [For 2 allies] Start of battle, 50% chance to increase Attack by 150% (1x per battle, 2 random allies) B 6* Scilla (Easter)
Atk up [For 1 Blunt ally that is an Attack-type] Increase Attack by 150% E 6* Tacca Chantrieri
Atk up [For self] [On Turn 2] Increase Attack by 150% (Disappears on Turn 3) E 6* Lucifer
Atk up [For self] [While Summon is active] Increase Attack by 150% 6* Khepri
Atk up [For self] After a Guardian-type ally is attacked 3x, starting next turn, increase Attack by 150% until battle end RG 6* Tea Tree
Atk up [For 5 allies] After an ally Negates Damage, on the next turn, increase Attack by 150% (1x per turn) E 6* Silk Tree (June Bride)
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Attack by 150% RG 6* Japanese Spiraea
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 150% 6* Moonglow, 6* Sakura (Doll Festival), 6* Star Rush, RG 6* Victoria, 6* Wood Sorrel (Swimsuit)
Atk up [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Attack by 150% E 6* Lily (Formal Dress)
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Attack by 150% B 6* Bloss (Easter)
Atk up [While Switched to Ao] [For self] Start of each turn, increase Attack by 150% B 6* Midgardsorm
Atk up [For self] On the turn your Skill activates, increase Attack by 150% E 6* Anemone (Parallel Academy)
Atk up [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 170% B 6* Diamond Frost
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally] [While alive] Increase Attack by 180% B 6* Cardamine Lyrata (Halloween), B 6* Pothos (Swimsuit)
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally] Start of each turn, if you have 100% HP or more: Increase Attack by 180% (Doesn't Stack) E 6* Garden Phlox (Peach Blossom Spring Vigilante Corps)
Atk up [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 200% B 6* Dendrobium, B 6* Orange
Atk up [Power Seed III] [For 5 allies] Start of each turn, if you have 100% HP or more: Increase Attack by 200% until turn end (300% Total) B 6* Lilli
Atk up [For self] After an enemy is defeated, increase Attack by 200% RG 6* Marshmallow Plant
Atk up [For 1 Attack-type ally] After you do a Critical Attack, on the next turn, increase Attack by 200% (1x per turn) B 6* Win (Christmas)
Atk up [Power Seed II] [For self] Increase Attack by 200% (500% Total) B 6* Win
Atk up [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 200% B 6* Sun, 6* Win (Christmas)
Atk up [For self] After you Attack 5x, starting next turn, increase Attack by 200% until battle end (1x per battle) RG 6* Victoria
Atk up [For self, if at 100% HP or more] Increase Attack by 200% B 6* Dendrobium (Cat Ear Maid)
Atk up [For 5 allies] [While alive] Start of each turn, chance to increase Attack by 200% until turn end based on Luck Rate 6* Bloss
Atk up [For 5 allies] After you activate Guts, on the next turn, increase Attack by 200% B 6* Cistus
Atk up [For self] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Attack by 200% RG 6* Snow Dragon
Atk up [For self] [On turns that are a multiple of 3] Resets Attack boosts B 6* Burdock
Atk up [For self] Start of each turn, increase Attack by 200% B 6* Burdock
Atk up [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Attack by 250% E 6* Lucifer
Atk up [While Transformed] [For self] Increase Attack by 300% B 6* Nidhogg
Atk up [Power Seed VI] [For 5 Blossom Hill allies] Increase Attack by 300% B 6* Bloss
Atk up [For self] Increase Attack by 300% RG 6* Common Sundew, B 6* Midgardsorm, 6* Nidhogg, E 6* Win
Atk up [For self] After you are attacked 5x, on the next turn, increase Attack by 300% RG 6* Fortune Saxifrage
Atk up [For 5 allies with no Flower Family] After an ally is attacked 20x, starting next turn, increase Attack by 300% until battle end (1x per battle) B 6* Iris (DraPri Guu-ta-life)
Atk up [While Transformed into Axe] [For self] Increase Attack by 500% B 6* Corbett
Atk up [For self] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Attack by 500% E 6* Common Zinnia (Life Tree's Blessing)
Atk up w/ Def [For self] [While Summon is active] Increase Attack using 50% Defense Power E 6* Bamboo
Atk up w/ Def [For self] Increase Attack using 200% Defense Power E 6* Tampala (Christmas)
Atk up w/ Def [For 5 allies] Increase Attack using 100% Defense Power E 6* Queen of the Night (Peach Blossom Spring Vigilante Corps)
Atk up w/ Def [For 5 allies] Start of each turn, if you have 50% HP or less: Increase Attack using 100% Defense Power until turn end B 6* Sutera (Protective Swimsuit)
Def up [For self] E 6* Azalea (Christmas), B 6* Convolvulus (Swimsuit), B 6* Pinkladies (Parallel Academy)
Def up [For 5 allies] Defend Damage Reduction by 1.5% E 5* Heliopsis
Def up [For 5 allies] Defend Damage Reduction by 3% B 5* Heliopsis
Def up [For 5 allies] Defend Damage Reduction by 5.3% RG 6* Formosan Cherry, RG 6* Heliopsis, RG 6* Poinsettia, 6* Viola (Yukata)
Def up [For 5 allies] Defend Damage Reduction by 6% B 6* Viola (Yukata)
Def up [For self] [Until subjugation end] After an ally is attacked, increase Defense by 2% (Up to 50x) B 6* Eir (Thyme)
Def up [For 2 allies] Increase Defense by 3% and Defend Damage Reduction by 0.4% E 3* Balloon Flower, E 3* Fragrant Olive, E 3* Globe Amaranth, E 3* Hydrangea, E 3* Marigold, E 3* Moth Orchid, 4* Giant Arrowhead, 4* Great Burnet, 4* Hinoki, 4* Snowflake, 4* Yellow Tulip, 4* Yulan Magnolia
Def up [For 3 allies] Increase Defense by 5% and Defend Damage Reduction by 0.7% E 4* Giant Arrowhead, E 4* Great Burnet, E 4* Hinoki, E 4* Snowflake, E 4* Yellow Tulip, E 4* Yulan Magnolia
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 7% and Defend Damage Reduction by 1% 5* Aibika, E 5* Billy Buttons, E 5* Cypress Vine, 5* Japanese Madder, E 5* Jumpseed, E 5* Mertensia, E 5* Morning Star Lily, 5* Pachystachys
Def up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Defense by 8% (Up to 5x) E 5* Japanese Beech
Def up [For 5 allies] Just before being attacked, increase Defense by 10% for attacked allies (Up to 90%) E 5* Cape Plumbago
Def up [For 5 allies] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Defense by 10% (20x per battle) B 6* Common Zinnia (Christmas)
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 10% E 5* Shaga
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 10% 5* Cape Plumbago
Def up [For self] After you are attacked, increase Defense by 10% (6x per battle) RG 6* Fortune Saxifrage
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 10% and Defend Damage Reduction by 1.5% E 5* Agapanthus, E 5* Blue Spiraea, E 5* Camellia, B 5* Geranium, B 5* Kurinsou, B 5* Lemon, E 5* Lithops, 5* Lychnis, E 5* Rosy Lily, E 5* Solomon's Seal, B 5* Tulsi, E 5* Water Lily
Def up [For 3 allies] Increase Defense by 10% and Defend Damage Reduction by 1.5% B 5* Bouvardia, E 5* China Root, E 5* Geranium, 5* Japanese Mugwort, 5* Japanese Snowball Bush
Def up [For 4 allies] Increase Defense by 10% and Defend Damage Reduction by 1.5% B 5* Asiatic Dayflower, E 5* Crowea, E 5* Easter Lily, E 5* Fatsia, B 5* Japanese Mugwort, E 5* Leschenaultia
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 10% and Defend Damage Reduction by 2% B 5* Marshmallow Plant
Def up [For 4 allies] Increase Defense by 10% and Defend Damage Reduction by 2.2% B 5* Amur Adonis
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 10%. End of each turn, increase Defense by 10% (Max 20%) B 5* Mattia (Field Horsetail)
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 10%. End of each turn, increase Defense by 10% (Max 30%) RG 6* Mattia (Field Horsetail)
Def up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Defense by 12% (Up to 5x) RG 6* Japanese Beech
Def up [For 4 allies] Increase Defense by 12% and Defend Damage Reduction by 1.8% E 5* Cosmos, B 5* Fatsia
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 12% and Defend Damage Reduction by 2.5% B 5* Cosmos
Def up [For 3 allies] Increase Defense by 13% and Defend Damage Reduction by 2.7% B 5* Sandersonia
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 14% and Defend Damage Reduction by 2.1% E 6* Daisy
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 15% 5* Common Sorrel
Def up [For 5 allies] Just before being attacked, increase Defense by 15% for attacked allies (Up to 90%) RG 6* Cape Plumbago
Def up [For 2 allies] Increase Defense by 15% and Defend Damage Reduction by 2.2% B 5* Blood Iris, E 5* Brachyscome, E 5* Eryngii, E 5* False Helleborine, B 5* Mikan, E 5* Mini Rose, E 5* Native Bryony, B 5* Rough Cocklebur, B 5* Schizanthus
Def up [For 3 allies] Increase Defense by 15% and Defend Damage Reduction by 2.2% E 5* Cymbidium, B 5* Miltonia, E 5* Wood Sorrel
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 15% and Defend Damage Reduction by 2.2% B 5* Agapanthus, B 5* Avens, B 5* Cacao (Easter), B 5* Cymbidium, B 5* Lychnis, 5* Mio, E 5* Passion Flower, B 5* Pine Tree, B 5* Solomon's Seal, B 5* Tritonia (Christmas), 5* Yuzu, E 6* Anemone, RG 6* Cyclamen, E 6* Flowering Peach, RG 6* Fragrant Olive, RG 6* Hinoki, RG 6* Hydrangea, RG 6* Moth Orchid, E 6* Royal Water Lily, RG 6* Snowflake, RG 6* Yellow Tulip
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 15% and Defend Damage Reduction by 3% B 5* Camellia, B 5* Lithops, E 5* Oregano, E 5* Pinkladies (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), B 5* Tassel Flower, B 5* Water Lily, RG 6* Cymbidium
Def up [For 5 Guardian-type allies] Just before being attacked, increase Defense by 20% for attacked allies (Up to 60%) RG 6* Syngonium
Def up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Defense by 20% (Up to 5x) 6* Lion's Ear (Christmas)
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 20% RG 6* Shaga
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 20% 6* Azalea (Christmas), RG 6* Cape Plumbago
Def up [For 2 allies] [While alive] [1x per turn] Start of each turn, if you have 50% HP or less: Increase Defense by 20% (Up to 3x per battle) RG 6* Shaga
Def up [For 5 allies] After an ally is attacked, increase Defense by 20% (Up to 5x) E 6* Great Burnet (Formal Dress)
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 20% and Defend Damage Reduction by 3% E 5* North Pole
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 20% and Defend Damage Reduction by 3% B 5* Common Sorrel, 5* Oriental Poppy, RG 6* Japanese Snowball Bush
Def up [For 2 allies] Increase Defense by 20% and Defend Damage Reduction by 3% B 5* Brachyscome, 5* Echeveria, E 5* Mountain Lily
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 20% and Defend Damage Reduction by 3.5% B 5* Spotted Bellflower
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 20% and Defend Damage Reduction by 3.7% RG 6* Lemon, RG 6* Lithops
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 20% and Defend Damage Reduction by 4% 5* Ionopsidium
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 20% and Defend Damage Reduction by 5% E 5* Calibrachoa
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 20% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% E 5* Lemon Grass, 5* Shaga
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 22% and Defend Damage Reduction by 4% E 6* Black Baccara, RG+B 6* Cyclamen, RG+B 6* Hinoki, E 6* Japanese Anemone (Aspirational Relaxed Queen)
Def up [For self] Start of each turn, if you have 50% HP or less: After you are attacked, increase Defense by 25% until turn end B 6* Sutera (Protective Swimsuit)
Def up [For 5 allies] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Defense by 25% (Up to 10x) E 6* Adlay
Def up [For 3 allies] Increase Defense by 25% and Defend Damage Reduction by 3.7% E 6* Kerria, E 6* Viola
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 25% and Defend Damage Reduction by 4.5% RG 6* Crowea, 6* Flame Lily, RG 6* Flamingo Plant, RG 6* Globe Amaranth, RG 6* Rosy Lily, RG 6* Star Cluster
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 25% and Defend Damage Reduction by 5% B 6* Streptocarpus
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 25% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% E 5* Lemon Grass
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 25% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% B 6* Flame Lily
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 30% RG 6* Common Sorrel, 6* Japanese Felwort, B 6* Yew Plum Pine
Def up [For 1 Guardian-type ally] [While alive] Increase Defense by 30% B 5* Huechera
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 30% 6* Anemone (June Bride)
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 30% and Defend Damage Reduction by 4% RG 6* Ionopsidium
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 30% and Defend Damage Reduction by 4.5% B 5* North Pole
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 30% and Defend Damage Reduction by 5% E 5* See-through Lily
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 30% and Defend Damage Reduction by 5% E 5* Snowflake (Christmas)
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 30% and Defend Damage Reduction by 5.3% B 6* Yellow Tulip (Knight Medic)
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 30% and Defend Damage Reduction by 5.3% RG 6* Aibika, RG 6* Alyssum, RG 6* Amur Adonis, RG 6* Ananas, RG 6* Annabelle, RG 6* Asiatic Dayflower, RG 6* Azalea (Newcomer), RG 6* Baikamo, RG 6* Balloon Flower, RG 6* Barrenwort, RG 6* Billy Buttons, RG 6* Blood Iris, RG 6* Blue Spiraea, RG 6* Brachyscome, RG+B 6* Buckbean, RG 6* Cacao (Easter), RG 6* Camellia, RG 6* China Root, RG 6* Cowberry, RG 6* Cypress Vine, RG 6* Easter Lily, RG 6* Echeveria, RG+B 6* Egyptian Water Lily, RG 6* Eryngii, RG 6* False Helleborine, RG 6* Fatsia, RG 6* Felicia, RG 6* Four O'Clock, RG+B 6* Fragrant Olive, RG 6* Giant Arrowhead, RG+B 6* Gladiolus, RG 6* Great Burnet, RG 6* Himalayan Creeping Saxifrage (Gothic Maid), RG+B 6* Hydrangea, RG 6* Japanese Glory Bower, RG 6* Japanese Madder, RG 6* Japanese Mugwort, RG 6* Jumpseed, RG+B 6* Kurenai, RG 6* Kurinsou, RG 6* Leschenaultia, RG 6* Lion's Ear, RG 6* Lobelia, RG 6* Lychnis, RG+B 6* Marguerite, RG 6* Mertensia, RG 6* Mini Rose, RG 6* Mitsumata, RG 6* Morning Star Lily, RG+B 6* Moth Orchid, RG 6* Mountain Lily, RG 6* Native Bryony, RG 6* Olive, RG 6* Oregano, RG 6* Pachystachys, RG 6* Passion Flower, RG 6* Penny Plant, RG 6* Physostegia, RG 6* Pine Tree, RG 6* Pinkladies (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), RG 6* Poppy, RG 6* Rain Lily, RG 6* Ranunculus, RG 6* Rose, RG 6* Rough Cocklebur, RG 6* Sandersonia, RG 6* Schizanthus, RG 6* Scilla, RG 6* Showy Lily, RG 6* Skunk Vine, RG+B 6* Snowflake, RG 6* Spoon Wood, RG 6* Squirrel Tail Grass, RG 6* Sweet William Catchfly, 6* Tampala, RG 6* Tassel Flower, RG 6* Thoroughwort, RG 6* Toad Lily, RG 6* Tritonia (Christmas), RG 6* Tulsi, RG+B 6* Turnip Rape, RG 6* Water Lily, RG 6* Wintersweet, RG 6* Wood Sorrel, RG+B 6* Yellow Tulip, RG 6* Yulan Magnolia
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 30% and Defend Damage Reduction by 5.4% RG 6* Bouvardia
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 30% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% B 6* Anemone, B 6* Apricot, B 6* Cardamine Lyrata, B 6* Flowering Peach, B 6* Japanese Anemone (Aspirational Relaxed Queen), E 6* Japanese Felwort, B 6* Kayana, B 6* Mistletoe, B 6* Reese Verne (Exstia Chevalier), B 6* Tampala, 6* Thistle (Swimsuit)
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 30% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% E 6* Beelzebub, RG 6* Calibrachoa, E 6* Great Burnet (New Year), RG 6* Miltonia, RG 6* Ping Pong Mum, RG 6* Shaga
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 30% and Defend Damage Reduction by 7.5% 6* Asahi Kuki
Def up [For 5 allies] After an ally does a Critical Attack, on the next turn, increase Defense by 35% B 6* Ghost Weed (Valentine)
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 35% B 6* Satella
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 35% and Defend Damage Reduction by 5.3% RG 6* Marigold
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 35% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% E 6* Fire Lily (June Bride)
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 35% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% B 5* Syngonium, RG 6* Agapanthus, B 6* Anemone (Princess of Pure Flower), B 6* Apple (Tanabata), RG 6* Avens, B 6* Black Baccara, RG 6* Clover, RG 6* Cosmos, RG 6* Cowslip, B 6* Cranesbill, B 6* Crown Imperial, RG 6* Cuphea, B 6* Elder Flower (Christmas), RG 6* Fire Lily, RG 6* Firethorn, RG 6* Flowering Dogwood (Yukata), B 6* Freesia, RG 6* Geranium, RG 6* Globe Thistle, E 6* Hemerocallis, B 6* Ionocidium, B 6* Ixia, B 6* Kerria, RG 6* Mio, B 6* Nipplewort (New Year), RG+B 6* Novalis, RG 6* Penstemon, B 6* Rabbit's Foot, B 6* Red Ginger, B 6* Royal Water Lily, B 6* Saffron, B 6* Satella, B 6* Sneezeweed, RG 6* Solomon's Seal, RG 6* Sourwood, B 6* Stock, B 6* Tarragon, E 6* Tarragon (Nova Vice-President of Hope), RG 6* Yuzu
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 35% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% B 6* Euryops Daisy, E 6* Saffron (Parallel Academy), B 6* Silk Tree (Parallel Academy)
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 35%. End of each turn, increase Defense by 35% (Max 105%) 6* Heather (Swimsuit)
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 40% B 6* Alstroemeria (Formal Dress), E 6* Valnbone (Goldenrod)
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 40% 6* Pinkladies (Parallel Academy)
Def up [For 5 allies] After an ally is attacked, on the next turn, increase Defense by 40% B 6* Curcuma (Yukata)
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 40% and Defend Damage Reduction by 4% 6* Meconopsis (Swimsuit)
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 40% and Defend Damage Reduction by 5% B 6* Alstroemeria (Formal Dress)
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 40% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% RG 6* Common Sorrel, B 6* Konagi, RG 6* Marshmallow Plant, B 6* Nerine, RG 6* Oriental Poppy, 6* Rose (Hotspring Yukata), 6* Valnbone (Goldenrod)
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 40% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% RG 6* Lemon Grass
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 40% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% RG 6* Sakura (Apron)
Def up [For 2 allies with 50% HP or more] Start of each turn, increase Defense by 45% until turn end RG 6* Wall Iris
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 45% 6* Smoke Tree
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 45% RG 6* Ping Pong Mum
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 45% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% B 6* Rainbow Rose (Swimsuit)
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 45% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% B 6* Black Baccara (Christmas), 6* Spring Star (Parallel Academy)
Def up [For 3 allies] Increase Defense by 48% and Defend Damage Reduction by 8% RG 6* Gaillardia, RG 6* North Pole
Def up [For 1 Guardian ally with a multi-target Skill] Increase Defense by 50% RG 6* Tea Tree
Def up [For self] After you Defend, increase Defense by 50% until turn end RG 6* Spotted Bellflower
Def up [For 5 allies] Start of each turn, if you have 50% HP or less: Increase Defense by 50% until turn end B 6* Smoke Tree
Def up [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Defense by 50% until battle end (Up to 4x) B 6* Beelzebub
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 50% 5* Siebold's Primrose, E 6* Hinoki (Parallel Academy), 6* Red Spider Lily (Parallel Academy)
Def up [For 5 allies] After you Defend, on the next turn, increase Defense by 50% B 6* Azalea (Christmas)
Def up [For 5 allies] [Until subjugation end] After an enemy is defeated, increase Defense by 50% E 6* Peach (Halloween)
Def up [For 1 Guardian-type ally] [While alive] If you have 10% HP or less: Increase Defense by 50% (4x per battle) E 6* Adlay (Valentine)
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 50% 5* Calibrachoa, 6* Beelzebub, RG 6* Miltonia, 6* Saffron (Parallel Academy)
Def up [Power Seed V] [For 5 Bergamot Valley allies] Increase Defense by 50% (350% Total) B 6* Belle
Def up [For 5 allies] After an ally uses a Skill, on the next turn, increase Defense by 50% B 6* Nemesia
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 50% and Defend Damage Reduction by 5% B 5* Calibrachoa
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 50% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% 6* Azalea (Christmas), RG 6* Lemon Grass, E 6* Pinkladies (Parallel Academy), 6* Tampala (Christmas)
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 50% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% 6* Ornithogalum, 6* Streptocarpus (Swimsuit), 6* Yew Plum Pine
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 50% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% RG 6* Purple Loosestrife
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 50% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% E 6* Anemone (New Year), B 6* Asahi Kuki, E 6* Baikamo (Easter), B 6* Cactus (Halloween), E 6* Cardamine Lyrata (Crossdressing Beauty), B 6* Cymbidium (Cat Ear Maid), 6* Red Tulip (Knight Medic), 6* Scilla (Easter)
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 50% and Defend Damage Reduction by 7.5% B 6* Euryops Daisy
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 50% and Defend Damage Reduction by 7.5% B 5* Dendrobium (Aspirational Youth-Caring Instructor), B 5* Pink (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), RG 6* Adenium, B 6* Convolvulus, B 6* Isogiku (Easter), B 6* Sandersonia (Halloween), RG 6* Spotted Bellflower, 6* Thistle
Def up [For 3 allies] Increase Defense by 50% and Defend Damage Reduction by 8.3% RG 6* Dendrobium (Aspirational Youth-Caring Instructor), RG 6* Mikan, RG 6* Pink (World's Flower Shrine Maiden)
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 50% and Defend Damage Reduction by 9% RG 6* Calibrachoa
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 50% and Defend Damage Reduction by 10% RG 6* Snowflake (Christmas)
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 50% and Defend Damage Reduction by 10% E 6* Chili Pepper, 6* Nasturtium (Easter)
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 50% and Defend Damage Reduction by 20% 6* Peach (Halloween)
Def up [For 1 Pierce ally that is a Guardian-type] Increase Defense by 60% 6* Ghost Weed (Valentine)
Def up [For 5 allies with 100% HP or more] Increase Defense by 60% B 6* Turep
Def up [For 5 Blunt allies with a single-target Skill] Increase Defense by 60% B 6* Bluebell
Def up [For 1 Guardian-type ally] Increase Defense by 60% and Defend Damage Reduction by 10% E 6* Cattleya (Christmas)
Def up [For self] Start of each turn, if there are 2+ enemies: Increase Defense by 65% B 6* Black Baccara (Christmas)
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 65% and Defend Damage Reduction by 10% 6* Yellow Tulip (Knight Medic)
Def up [For 5 allies] After an ally Defends 3x, starting next turn, increase Defense by 65% until battle end (Doesn't Stack) B 6* Nasturtium (Easter)
Def up [For 1 Healing-type ally with a multi-target Skill] [While alive] Increase Defense by 70% RG 6* Anri (Rue Anemone)
Def up [For 1 Guardian-type ally] [While alive] Increase Defense by 70% RG 6* Huechera
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 70% and Defend Damage Reduction by 7.5% E 6* Anemone (June Bride)
Def up [For 1 ally with the lowest HP] Start of each turn, increase Defense by 75% until turn end B 6* Saffron (Parallel Academy)
Def up [For 5 allies] [While Summon is active] Increase Defense by 80% E 6* Bamboo
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 80% B 5* October Stonecrop
Def up [For 2 Guardian-type allies] [While alive] Increase Defense by 80% B 6* Flowering Peach (Halloween)
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 80% RG 6* Siebold's Primrose
Def up [For self] Start of each turn, if you have 80% HP or more: Increase Defense by 100% until turn end B 6* Thistle (Swimsuit)
Def up [Power Seed II] [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 100% (200% Total) B 6* Belle
Def up [For self] [While Summon is active] End of each turn, increase Defense by 100% B 6* Bamboo
Def up [For 5 allies] Just before being attacked, increase Defense by 100% until battle end (Up to 300%) E 6* Bamboo (Swimsuit), B 6* Japanese Cedar
Def up [For 5 allies] After the party Attacks 10x, starting next turn, increase Defense by 100% until battle end B 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (10th Anniversary), B 6* Ghost Weed (10th Anniversary), B 6* Kerria (10th Anniversary), B 6* Royal Princess (10th Anniversary), B 6* Silk Tree (10th Anniversary)
Def up [Power Seed I] [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 100% E 6* Belle
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 100% 6* Dusty Miller (Maid to Support You)
Def up [For 5 allies] [While alive] Start of each turn, chance to increase Defense by 100% until turn end based on Luck Rate 6* Belle
Def up [Power Seed III] [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 100% (300% Total) B 6* Belle
Def up [For self] Just before being attacked, increase Defense by 100% until turn end (1x per turn) B 6* Chili Pepper (Swimsuit)
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 100% and Defend Damage Reduction by 2.5% E 6* Pink (Christmas)
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 100% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% B 6* Queen of the Night (Peach Blossom Spring Vigilante Corps)
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 100% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% B 6* Dusty Miller (Maid to Support You), B 6* Flame Lily (Swimsuit)
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 100% and Defend Damage Reduction by 10% 6* Hyacinth (New Year), RG 6* See-through Lily
Def up [For self] After an ally does a Critical Attack 5x, increase Defense by 150% until turn end B 6* Rose (Hotspring Yukata)
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 150% B 6* Japanese Cedar
Def up [Power Seed VI] [For 5 Bergamot Valley allies] Increase Defense by 150% (500% Total) B 6* Belle
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 150% E 6* Anemone (New Year), E 6* Chili Pepper (Swimsuit), E 6* Flame Lily (Swimsuit)
Def up [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 150% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6.5% 6* Sango
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 200% and Defend Damage Reduction by 6% (Lasts 2 Turns) B 6* Monkshood (June Bride)
Def up [For self] [1x per battle] Start of each turn, if you have 50% HP or less: Increase Defense by 250% B 6* Castor Bean
Def up [For self] Increase Defense by 300% and Defend Damage Reduction by 20% 6* Bamboo (Swimsuit)
Dmg Reduction up [For 5 allies] [While alive] Just after an ally uses an Ability to Overheal, increase Damage Reduction by 5% until battle end (Up to 5x) B 6* Cattleya (Matured Charming Bride)
Dmg Reduction up [For 5 allies] [While alive] Just after an ally uses an Ability to Overheal, increase Damage Reduction by 10% until battle end (Up to 5x) B 6* Win (Snowfield Formal Dress)
Dmg Reduction up [For 5 allies] After an ally is defeated, increase Damage Reduction by 20% B 6* Wolf Berry (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers)
Dmg Reduction up [For self] Increase Damage Reduction by 25% B 5* Westringia
Dmg Reduction up [Power Seed III] [For self] Increase Damage Reduction by 25% (50% Total) B 6* Win
Dmg Reduction up [Power Seed II] [For self] Increase Damage Reduction by 25% B 6* Win
Dmg Reduction up [For self] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Damage Reduction by 30% B 5* Plum (Fruits Fulcute)
Dmg Reduction up [Power Seed IV] [For self] Increase Damage Reduction by 30% (80% Total) B 6* Win
Dmg Reduction up [For 5 allies] [While alive] Increase Damage Reduction by 40% B 6* Win (Christmas)
Dmg Reduction up [For 1 Attack-type ally] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage Reduction by 40% B 5* Siebold's Primrose
Dmg Reduction up [For 5 allies with 100% HP or more] Start of each turn, increase Damage Reduction by 40% until turn end B 6* Wolf Berry (Easter)
Dmg Reduction up [For 1 ally with the lowest HP] Start of each turn, increase Damage Reduction by 40% until turn end B 5* Japanese Dock
Dmg Reduction up [For self] Increase Damage Reduction by 40% 6* Great Burnet (Formal Dress)
Dmg Reduction up [For 1 ally with the lowest HP] Start of each turn, increase Damage Reduction by 50% until turn end RG 6* Japanese Dock
Dmg Reduction up [For self] Increase Damage Reduction by 50% B 6* Bamboo (Swimsuit), RG 6* Westringia
Dmg Reduction up [While Transformed] [For self] Increase Damage Reduction by 50% B 6* Nidhogg
Dmg Reduction up [For 5 Magic allies] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Damage Reduction by 60% B 6* Marsh-marigold
Dmg Reduction up [For 5 allies] After you Defend, on the next turn, increase Damage Reduction by 60% RG 6* Common Sorrel
Dmg Reduction up [For 5 allies with 100% HP or more] Start of each turn, increase Damage Reduction by 60% until turn end B 6* Dusty Miller (Maid to Support You)
Dmg Reduction up [For 5 allies with 100% HP or more] [While alive] Increase Damage Reduction by 60% B 6* Flame Lily (Swimsuit)
Dmg Reduction up [For 5 allies] After an ally does a Critical Attack 5x, on the next turn, increase Damage Reduction by 60% 6* Win
Dmg Reduction up [For self] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Damage Reduction by 60% RG 6* Plum (Fruits Fulcute)
Dmg Reduction up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Damage Reduction by 80% B 6* Pink (Christmas)
Barrier [For 5 allies] [While alive] Create a 15% Barrier 6* Meconopsis (Swimsuit)
Barrier [For 5 allies] [While alive] Create a 20% Barrier E 5* Manchineel
Barrier [For 5 allies] After an ally is attacked, on the next turn, create a 30% Barrier B 6* Curcuma (Yukata)
Barrier [For 5 allies] [While alive] Create a 30% Barrier B 5* Calibrachoa, 5* Lemon Grass, E 5* October Stonecrop, B 5* Syngonium, B 6* Aizoon Stonecrop (Christmas), B 6* Alstroemeria (Formal Dress), B 6* Anemone, B 6* Anemone (June Bride), B 6* Azalea, B 6* Azalea (Christmas), E 6* Bamboo, 6* Beelzebub, B 6* Black Locust (June Bride), B 6* Blackberry, B 6* Bluet, B 6* Cardamine Lyrata, E 6* Chili Pepper, RG 6* Common Sorrel, B 6* Crown Imperial, B 6* Dragon Fruit (Swimsuit), 6* Dusty Miller (Maid to Support You), B 6* Euryops Daisy, E 6* Fire Lily (June Bride), B 6* Flame Lily, B 6* Flame Lily (Swimsuit), B 6* Freesia, B 6* Geranium (Yukata), E 6* Hardenbergia, B 6* Herbaceous Peony, E 6* Hyacinth (New Year), B 6* Ionocidium, E 6* Japanese Felwort, B 6* Kayana, B 6* Kerria, RG 6* Manchineel, RG 6* Miltonia, E 6* Nasturtium (Easter), B 6* Nightmaher (Dog's Tooth Violet), 6* Nightshade (Swimsuit), B 6* Osteospermum, B 6* Paphiopedilum, RG 6* Ping Pong Mum, B 6* Pussy Willow, B 6* Red Ginger, B 6* Red Spider Lily, 6* Reese Verne (Exstia Chevalier), B 6* Royal Water Lily, B 6* Royal Water Lily (June Bride), B 6* Saffron, RG 6* Sakura (Apron), B 6* Sandersonia (Halloween), B 6* Silk Tree (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers), E 6* Silk Tree (Parallel Academy), B 6* Sneezeweed, B 6* Stock, B 6* Summer Squash, B 6* Tarragon, B 6* Thistle, 6* Thistle (Swimsuit), B 6* Tree of a Thousand Stars, B 6* Usagigoke, 6* Valnbone (Goldenrod), B 6* Viburnum (Baseball), B 6* Water Poppy
Barrier [For 5 allies] [While alive] Create a 30% Barrier E 6* Asahi Kuki, RG 6* Oriental Poppy, E 6* Yew Plum Pine
Guts [For self] After you Attack 2x, 40 Guts 1x until battle end B 5* Pea
Guts [For self] If you have 10% HP or less: Possible Guts 1x (1x per turn) 6* Adlay (Valentine)
Guts [For 1 Attack-type ally] If you have 10% HP or less: Possible Guts 1x (1x per turn) 6* Bean
Guts [For self] Just after you drop to 10% HP or less, Possible Guts 1x (1x per turn) B 6* Viola (New Year)
Guts [For self] If you have 10% HP or less: Possible Guts 1x (1x per turn) B 6* Silk Tree (Dreamlike Swimsuit)
Guts [For 5 allies] Guaranteed Guts 1x B 5* Chinese Lucky Grass, B 5* Cinnamon, E 5* Common Sorrel, E 5* Huechera, E 5* Kalanchoe Pinnata, E 6* Apple (June Bride), E 6* Ash, E 6* Blue Lotus (Christmas), RG 6* Blue Star, RG 6* Cichorium, B 6* Cyclamen (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers), B 6* Cypress, B 6* Easter Cactus (June Bride), E 6* Euryops Daisy, B 6* Hemerocallis, B 6* Japanese Indigo, B 6* Lady's Sorrel (Swimsuit), E 6* Lion's Ear (Christmas), B 6* Longstalk Holly, RG 6* Miltonia, 6* Platanus, E 6* Plumeria (Motherly Love of Hope), 6* Queen of the Night (June Bride), E 6* Sedum (Easter), B 6* Silk Tree (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers), B 6* Silk Tree (Parallel Academy), B 6* Tampala (Christmas), B 6* Viola (New Year), 6* Yellow Tulip (Knight Medic)
Guts [For self] After an ally Evades, Guaranteed Guts 1x until battle end (1x per turn) B 6* Cistus
Guts [For self] After you use a Skill 3x, Guaranteed Guts 1x B 5* Garden Croton
Guts [For self] After you Attack 3x, Grant "Guaranteed Guts 1x" B 6* Vanilla
Guts [For 5 allies] Just before an ally is attacked, 25% chance to grant Guaranteed Guts 1x for attacked allies until battle end E 6* Cactus (Halloween), B 6* Chickpea
Guts [For self] Guaranteed Guts 1x B 5* Blue Star, 5* Dragon Tree, B 5* Escallonia, 5* Hemlock, E 5* Winter Daphne, E 6* Cattleya (Life Tree's Blessing), RG 6* Lemon Grass
Guts [For 3 allies] Guaranteed Guts 1x B 5* Cichorium
Guts [For 5 allies] Just after you activate Guts, there is a 35% chance it becomes Guaranteed Guts 1x until battle end 6* Oleander
Guts [For 5 allies] After you are attacked 10x, Guaranteed Guts 1x B 6* Eir (Thyme)
Guts [For self] After an enemy is defeated, Grant "Guaranteed Guts 1x" RG 6* Escallonia
Guts [For 5 allies] After an ally uses a Skill, Guaranteed Guts 1x (20x per battle) B 6* Common Zinnia (Christmas)
Guts [For 5 allies with no Flower Family] Guaranteed Guts 1x B 5* Suzuka Ichinose
Guts [For self] After you Attack 2x, Guaranteed Guts 1x until battle end B 6* Corbett (Halloween), RG 6* Pea
Guts [For self] Possible Guts 2x 5* Erica Christmas Parade
Guts [For 5 allies with no Flower Family] Guaranteed Guts 2x RG 6* Suzuka Ichinose
Guts [For 5 allies] [On first 3 Turns] Guaranteed Guts 2x B 6* Lavatera
Guts [For 5 allies] Guaranteed Guts 2x B 5* Japanese Beech, E 5* Japanese Spiraea, 5* Manuka, 5* Miyako Wasure, B 5* Pincushion, B 5* Sunchoke, E 6* Asian White Birch, 6* Bamboo (Swimsuit), 6* Cardamine Lyrata (Halloween), 6* Cherry (Fruits Fulcute), 6* Chickpea, RG 6* Cinnamon, 6* Cotton, B 6* Curcuma (Yukata), 6* Cyclamen (Life Tree's Blessing), B 6* Cymbidium (Cat Ear Maid), E 6* Duranta (June Bride), RG 6* Dwarf Lilyturf, B 6* Eremophila, B 6* Flame Lily (Swimsuit), 6* Geranium (Swimsuit), B 6* Great Burnet (New Year), 6* King Protea (New Year), E 6* Miyako, E 6* Nidhogg, 6* Pink (Christmas), 6* Queen of the Night (Peach Blossom Spring Vigilante Corps), E 6* Red Tulip (Knight Medic), 6* Saffron (New Year), E 6* Sango, B 6* Sauvignon Blanc, B 6* Spring Star (Parallel Academy)
Guts [For 5 allies] Start of each turn, if you have 50% HP or less: Guaranteed Guts 2x until battle end (1x per battle) B 6* Sutera (Protective Swimsuit)
Guts [For 1 Guardian ally with a multi-target Skill] Guaranteed Guts 2x RG 6* Tea Tree
Guts [For self] Guaranteed Guts 2x 5* Siebold's Primrose, 6* Anemone (New Year), E 6* Cactus (Halloween), 6* Corbett (Halloween), RG 6* Dragon Tree, B 6* Dusty Miller (Maid to Support You), RG 6* Mattia (Field Horsetail)
Guts [For 1 Attack-type ally with a single-target Skill] Guaranteed Guts 2x RG 6* Lemon Grass
Guts [For 5 allies] Possible Guts 3x 5* Japanese Belladonna
Guts [For self] Possible Guts 3x 5* Common Sorrel
Guts [For 3 allies] Possible Guts 3x B 6* Hinoki (Parallel Academy)
Guts [For 5 allies from your Nation] Possible Guts 3x E 6* Silk Tree (New Year)
Guts [For 1 Attack-type ally] Possible Guts 3x B 5* Chestnut Vine
Guts [For self] Possible Guts 3x B 5* Agapanthus, B 5* Aibika, B 5* Amur Adonis, B 5* Asiatic Dayflower, B 5* Avens, B 5* Billy Buttons, B 5* Blood Iris, B 5* Blue Spiraea, B 5* Bouvardia, B 5* Brachyscome, B 5* Cacao (Easter), E 5* Calibrachoa, B 5* Camellia, B 5* China Root, B 5* Cosmos, B 5* Crowea, B 5* Cymbidium, B 5* Cypress Vine, B 5* Dendrobium (Aspirational Youth-Caring Instructor), B 5* Easter Lily, B 5* Echeveria, B 5* Eryngii, B 5* False Helleborine, B 5* Fatsia, E 5* Fortune Saxifrage, B 5* Geranium, B 5* Heliopsis, B 5* Japanese Madder, B 5* Japanese Mugwort, B 5* Japanese Snowball Bush, B 5* Jumpseed, B 5* Kurinsou, B 5* Lemon, B 5* Leschenaultia, B 5* Lithops, B 5* Lychnis, B 5* Marshmallow Plant, B 5* Mertensia, B 5* Mikan, B 5* Miltonia, B 5* Mini Rose, B 5* Mio, B 5* Morning Star Lily, B 5* Mountain Lily, B 5* Native Bryony, B 5* North Pole, B 5* Oregano, B 5* Oriental Poppy, B 5* Pachystachys, B 5* Passion Flower, B 5* Peace Lily, B 5* Pine Tree, B 5* Pink (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), B 5* Pinkladies (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), B 5* Rosy Lily, B 5* Rough Cocklebur, B 5* Sandersonia, B 5* Schizanthus, B 5* See-through Lily, B 5* Solomon's Seal, B 5* Spotted Bellflower, B 5* Syngonium, B 5* Tassel Flower, B 5* Tritonia (Christmas), B 5* Tulsi, 5* Wall Iris, B 5* Water Lily, B 5* Wood Sorrel, B 5* Yuzu, RG 6* Adenium, 6* Alstroemeria (Formal Dress), RG 6* Alyssum, RG 6* Ananas, B 6* Anemone, E 6* Anemone (June Bride), B 6* Anemone (Princess of Pure Flower), RG 6* Annabelle, B 6* Apple (Tanabata), B 6* Apricot, B 6* Asahi Kuki, B 6* Azalea (Christmas), RG 6* Azalea (Newcomer), RG 6* Baikamo, RG 6* Balloon Flower, B 6* Bamboo, RG 6* Barrenwort, B 6* Black Baccara, E 6* Black Baccara (Christmas), E 6* Blackberry (Easter), RG+B 6* Buckbean, B 6* Cardamine Lyrata, 6* Cardamine Lyrata (Crossdressing Beauty), RG 6* Chervil, B 6* Chili Pepper, RG 6* Clover, B 6* Convolvulus, B 6* Convolvulus (Swimsuit), RG 6* Cowberry, RG 6* Cowslip, B 6* Cranesbill, B 6* Crown Imperial, RG 6* Cuphea, RG 6* Cyclamen, RG+B 6* Egyptian Water Lily, B 6* Elder Flower (Christmas), RG 6* Erica Christmas Parade, 6* Euryops Daisy, RG 6* Fire Lily, B 6* Fire Lily (June Bride), RG 6* Firethorn, B 6* Flame Lily, RG 6* Flamingo Plant, RG 6* Flowering Dogwood (Yukata), B 6* Flowering Peach, RG 6* Formosan Cherry, RG 6* Four O'Clock, RG 6* Fragrant Olive, B 6* Freesia, 6* Frost Aster, RG 6* Gaillardia, RG 6* Giant Arrowhead, RG+B 6* Gladiolus, RG 6* Globe Amaranth, RG 6* Globe Thistle, RG 6* Great Burnet, RG 6* Himalayan Creeping Saxifrage (Gothic Maid), RG 6* Hinoki, B 6* Hyacinth (New Year), RG 6* Hydrangea, B 6* Ionocidium, B 6* Isogiku (Easter), 6* Ivy (June Bride), B 6* Ixia, B 6* Japanese Anemone (Aspirational Relaxed Queen), B 6* Japanese Felwort, RG 6* Japanese Glory Bower, B 6* Kayana, B 6* Kerria, B 6* Konagi, RG+B 6* Kurenai, RG 6* Lion's Ear, RG 6* Lobelia, RG+B 6* Marguerite, RG 6* Marigold, B 6* Meconopsis (Swimsuit), B 6* Mistletoe, RG 6* Mitsumata, RG 6* Moth Orchid, B 6* Nasturtium (Easter), B 6* Nerine, B 6* Nipplewort (New Year), RG+B 6* Novalis, RG 6* Olive, B 6* Ornithogalum, B 6* Peach (Halloween), RG 6* Penny Plant, RG 6* Penstemon, RG 6* Physostegia, RG 6* Ping Pong Mum, B 6* Pinkladies (Parallel Academy), RG 6* Poinsettia, RG 6* Poppy, RG 6* Purple Loosestrife, B 6* Rabbit's Foot, RG 6* Rain Lily, B 6* Rainbow Rose (Swimsuit), RG 6* Ranunculus, B 6* Red Ginger, B 6* Reese Verne (Exstia Chevalier), RG 6* Rose, B 6* Rose (Hotspring Yukata), B 6* Royal Water Lily, B 6* Saffron, B 6* Saffron (Parallel Academy), RG 6* Sakura (Apron), B 6* Sandersonia (Halloween), B 6* Satella, RG 6* Scilla, E 6* Scilla (Easter), RG 6* Showy Lily, RG 6* Skunk Vine, B 6* Smoke Tree, B 6* Sneezeweed, RG 6* Snowflake, RG 6* Sourwood, RG 6* Spoon Wood, RG 6* Squirrel Tail Grass, RG 6* Star Cluster, B 6* Stock, B 6* Streptocarpus, B 6* Streptocarpus (Swimsuit), RG 6* Sweet William Catchfly, B 6* Tampala, B 6* Tarragon, B 6* Tarragon (Nova Vice-President of Hope), B 6* Thistle, B 6* Thistle (Swimsuit), RG 6* Thoroughwort, RG 6* Toad Lily, RG+B 6* Turnip Rape, B 6* Valnbone (Goldenrod), B 6* Viola (Yukata), RG 6* Wintersweet, RG 6* Yellow Tulip, B 6* Yew Plum Pine, RG 6* Yulan Magnolia
Guts [For 5 allies] Possible Guts 3x 6* Saintpaulia (Formal Dress), RG 6* Winged Everlasting
Guts [For self] Guaranteed Guts 3x 5* Pea, RG 6* Beefsteak Geranium, 6* Chili Pepper (Swimsuit), 6* Dragon Fruit (Swimsuit), RG 6* Hemlock, B 6* Japanese Andromeda, RG 6* Kitsune no Botan, B 6* Monkshood (June Bride), 6* Nidhogg (Christmas), E 6* Serket, RG 6* Skullcap, E 6* Sutera (Protective Swimsuit), RG 6* Trifoliate, B 6* Vanilla, RG 6* Wall Iris, RG 6* Winter Daphne, E 6* Wood Sorrel (Swimsuit)
Guts [For 5 allies] Guaranteed Guts 3x 6* Belle, E 6* Bloss (Easter), 6* Fragrant Olive (Moon Viewing Rabbit), E 6* Japanese Cedar, RG 6* Sunchoke
Guts [For self] Guaranteed Guts 4x RG 6* Escallonia
Guts [For 5 allies] Possible Guts 5x 6* Datura
Guts [For self] Possible Guts 5x E 5* October Stonecrop
Guts [For self] Guaranteed Guts 5x B 6* Dragon Fruit (Swimsuit), RG 6* Pea
Guts [For 5 allies] Possible Guts 10x 6* Oleander
Guts [For self] Possible Guts 10x RG 6* Crown of Thorns
Guts [For self] Guaranteed Guts 10x 6* Midgardsorm
Guts [For 5 allies] Just before you Attack, if all allies have 100% HP or more: Grant "Guaranteed Guts 99x" until turn end B 6* Burning Bush (Hotspring Yukata)
Guts [For 5 allies] Just before you Attack, if all allies have 100% HP or more: Grant "Guaranteed Guts 100x" until turn end B 6* Japanese Holly
Dmg Reduction up [For self] Increase Damage Reduction from non-Critical Attacks by 50% RG 6* Escallonia, RG 6* Purple Marshlocks
Dmg Reduction up [For 5 allies with no Flower Family] Increase Damage Reduction from Skill Attacks by 20% B 6* Beelzebub
Dmg Reduction up [For 5 allies] Increase Damage Reduction from Skill Attacks by 40% B 6* Fragrant Olive (Moon Viewing Rabbit)
Dmg Reduction up [For 5 allies] [While alive] Increase Damage Reduction from Skill Attacks by 50% B 6* Cyclamen (Life Tree's Blessing), B 6* Lady's Sorrel (Swimsuit), E 6* Queen of the Night (Peach Blossom Spring Vigilante Corps)
Dmg Reduction up [For 5 allies with no Flower Family] Increase Damage Reduction from Skill Attacks by 50% B 6* Sango
Dmg Reduction up [For 5 allies] [While alive] Increase Damage Reduction from Skill Attacks by 80% B 6* Japanese Cedar
Dmg Reduction up [For self] Increase Damage Reduction from Normal Attacks by 50% B 6* Castor Bean
B 6* Sigillaria (Swimsuit)
B 6* Sigillaria
B 6* Sigillaria
B 6* Sigillaria (Swimsuit)
Dmg up [For self] After you Attack, increase Damage by 5% until battle end (Up to 5x) B 5* Aphelandra
Dmg up [For 1 Attack-type ally] After you use a Skill, increase Damage by 5% until battle end E 5* Prunus Persica
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Damage by 6% (20x per battle) B 6* Common Zinnia (Christmas)
Dmg up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 6% (Up to 10x) E 5* Manuka
Dmg up [For 5 allies with 100% HP or more] Increase Damage by 10% B 5* Pincushion
Dmg up [For self] [Until subjugation end] After an enemy is defeated, increase Damage by 10% E 6* Ririmu Tobe
Dmg up [For self] [Until subjugation end] After an enemy is defeated, increase Damage by 10% B 6* Convolvulus (Swimsuit)
Dmg up [For self] Just after an ally does a Critical Attack, increase Damage by 10% until turn end 6* Garden Phlox
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Damage by 10% (Up to 4x) E 5* Garden Croton
Dmg up Unknown ability id 20201 with values 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 195, -1 B 5* Marlberry
Dmg up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 10% (Up to 10x) RG 6* Manuka
Dmg up Unknown ability id 20201 with values 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 196, -1 E 5* Marlberry
Dmg up [For self] After you Attack, increase Damage by 10% until battle end (Up to 5x) RG 6* Aphelandra
Dmg up [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Damage by 12% until turn end B 6* Lettuce
Dmg up [For self] Increase Damage by 15% E 5* Erica Christmas Parade
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you attack, increase Damage by 15% (3x per battle) B 5* Japanese Camellia
Dmg up [For 5 allies with no Flower Family] Increase Damage by 15% B 5* Suzuka Ichinose
Dmg up [For 5 allies] Just after an ally uses an Ability to Overheal, increase Damage by 15% until battle end (Up to 5x) B 5* Dwarf Lilyturf
Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Damage by 20% E 5* Kurin Yukifude
Dmg up [For self, if at 10% HP or less] Just before you Attack, increase Damage by 20% until battle end B 6* Corbett (Halloween)
Dmg up [For self] After you do a Critical Attack 2x, on the next turn, increase Damage by 20% 6* Chocolate Lily (Swimsuit)
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After an ally does a Critical Attack, increase Damage by 20% until battle end (Up to 5x) 6* Dusty Miller (Life Tree's Blessing)
Dmg up [For 5 allies] [While alive] Increase Damage by 20% B 5* Winged Everlasting
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you do a Critical Attack, on the next turn, increase Damage by 20% RG 6* Aerva
Dmg up [For self] Just before an ally uses a Skill, increase Damage by 20% until turn end B 6* Moonglow
Dmg up [For self] [Until subjugation end] After an enemy uses a Skill, increase Damage by 20% (4x per subjugation) RG 6* Common Sundew
Dmg up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 20% (Up to 5x) E 6* Dusty Miller (Maid to Support You)
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill 2x, increase Damage by 20% until battle end (Up to 5x) B 6* White Dead Nettle
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Damage by 20% RG 6* Twinflower
Dmg up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 20% (Up to 3x) RG 6* Vanda
Dmg up [For self] After you use a Skill to Overheal, increase Damage by 20% until battle end (Up to 10x) E 6* Jade Vine
Dmg up [For self] Increase Damage by 20% B 5* Shaga
Dmg up [For self] Increase Damage by 20%. End of each turn, increase Damage by 20% (Max 40%) RG 6* Shaga
Dmg up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Damage by 25% B 6* Japanese Anemone, B 6* Novalis (Queen of Snowflakes)
Dmg up [For self] After you Evade, increase Damage by 25% (4x per battle) B 6* Red Spider Lily (Life Tree's Blessing)
Dmg up [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Damage by 25% until turn end E 6* Regal Lily
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 25% (5x per turn) E 6* Beelzebub
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After an ally is defeated, increase Damage by 25% B 6* Wolf Berry (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers)
Dmg up [For 5 allies] Just after an ally uses an Ability to Overheal, increase Damage by 25% until battle end (Up to 5x) RG 6* Dwarf Lilyturf
Dmg up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage by 30% (Up to 5x) B 6* Sensitive Plant (Marine Sailor)
Dmg up [For 5 allies with no Flower Family] Increase Damage by 30% RG 6* Suzuka Ichinose
Dmg up [For self] Increase Damage by 30% RG 6* Erica Christmas Parade
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Damage by 30% B 5* Sunchoke
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After an ally Evades, increase Damage by 30% until battle end (Up to 5x) B 6* Pinkladies (Bunny of Unspoken Love)
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, if it's the 4th time this battle: Increase Damage by 30% B 6* Twinspur (Maid)
Dmg up [For self] After you use a Skill, increase Damage by 30% (Up to 5x) RG 6* Artichoke
Dmg up [For 5 allies with 100% HP or more] Increase Damage by 30% RG 6* Pincushion
Dmg up [For self] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Damage by 30% 5* Tritoma
Dmg up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Damage by 30% B 6* Coral Bush
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you attack, increase Damage by 30% (3x per battle) RG 6* Japanese Camellia
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you Evade, on the next turn, increase Damage by 35% B 6* Aizoon Stonecrop (Christmas)
Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Damage by 40% RG 6* Kurin Yukifude
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you Defend, on the next turn, increase Damage by 40% B 6* Azalea (Christmas)
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 40% B 6* Stock
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 40% E 6* Blackberry (Easter)
Dmg up [For 3 Magic allies] Increase Damage by 40% B 5* Crossandra
Dmg up Unknown ability id 20201 with values 40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 904, -1 B 6* Kerria (10th Anniversary)
Dmg up [For 1 Attack-type ally] [While alive] End of each turn, increase Damage by 40% (Up to 2x) B 6* Asian Hazel
Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Damage by 40%. End of each turn, increase Damage by 40% (Max 200%) E 6* Flame Lily (Swimsuit)
Dmg up [For 5 allies from your Nation] Increase Damage by 45% B 6* Novalis (Queen of Snowflakes)
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Damage by 50% RG 6* Sunchoke
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Damage by 50% (2x per turn) 6* Bloss (Easter)
Dmg up [For self] End of each turn, increase Damage by 50% (Up to 3x) B 6* Usagigiku
Dmg up [For 5 allies] [While alive] Increase Damage by 50% RG 6* Winged Everlasting
Dmg up [For self] After you do a Critical Attack, on the next turn, increase Damage by 50% (3x per turn) B 6* Turnip Rape (Formal Dress)
Dmg up [For 1 Attack-type ally] After you do a Critical Attack, on the next turn, increase Damage by 50% 6* Japanese Apricot (Doll Festival)
Dmg up [For self] [Until subjugation end] After an ally is defeated, increase Damage by 50% RG 6* See-through Lily
Dmg up [For self] Increase Damage by 50% B 5* Pea, 6* Corbett, 6* Iris (DraPri Guu-ta-life), E 6* Obako
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After Switching to Shiro, starting next turn, increase Damage by 50% until battle end (2x per battle) B 6* Midgardsorm
Dmg up [For 3 Magic allies] After an ally uses a Skill, on the next 5 turns, increase Damage by 50% (1x per battle) E 6* Angraecum
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Damage by 50% B 6* White Dead Nettle
Dmg up [For self] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 50% E 6* Baikasou (Easter)
Dmg up [For 1 Guardian-type ally] Increase Damage by 50% B 6* Lady's Sorrel (Swimsuit)
Dmg up [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Damage by 50% B 6* Japanese Apricot (Doll Festival)
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Damage by 50% E 6* Crepis (Witch of Light)
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Damage by 50% 6* Pothos (Swimsuit)
Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Damage by 50% E 6* Coral Bush (Life Tree's Blessing), 6* Miyako
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you Evade, on the next turn, increase Damage by 50% B 6* Paphiopedilum
Dmg up [For 3 Magic allies] Increase Damage by 50% RG 6* Crossandra
Dmg up [For 1 Attack-type ally] Just after you activate Guts, increase Damage by 50% until battle end (Up to 5x) B 6* Oleander
Dmg up [For 5 allies] Start of each turn, if you have 100% HP or more: Increase Damage by 50% (Doesn't Stack) 6* Miyako
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 50% B 6* Anemone (June Bride)
Dmg up [For 5 allies with 50% HP or less] [1x per turn] Just before you Attack, increase Damage by 50% until turn end B 6* Wolf Berry (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers)
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After an ally Defends 5x, starting next turn, increase Damage by 50% until battle end (Doesn't Stack) B 6* Nasturtium (Easter)
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you Evade, on the next turn, increase Damage by 55% B 6* Royal Water Lily (June Bride)
Dmg up [For self] After you do a Critical Attack, on the next turn, increase Damage by 60% B 6* Japanese Apricot
Dmg up [For self] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Damage by 60% RG 6* Tritoma
Dmg up [For self] After you Evade, on the next turn, increase Damage by 65% B 6* Paphiopedilum
Dmg up [For 1 Slash ally that is a Guardian-type] After you Evade, on the next turn, increase Damage by 65% E 6* Streptocarpus (Swimsuit)
Dmg up [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Damage by 70% B 6* Dracaena, 6* Pinkladies (New Year), 6* Wolf Berry (Easter)
Dmg up [For self] After you do a Weakness Attack, on the next turn, increase Damage by 70% B 6* Sakura (Doll Festival)
Dmg up [For self] Increase Damage by 70% B 6* Haru
Dmg up [For 5 allies] [While alive] Increase Damage by 70% E 5* Plum (Fruits Fulcute)
Dmg up [For self, if at 100% HP or more] Increase Damage by 80% B 6* Dendrobium (Cat Ear Maid)
Dmg up [For 1 Attack-type ally] [While alive] Increase Damage by 80% 6* Flowering Peach (Halloween)
Dmg up [For self] Increase Damage by 80% 6* Daffodil, RG 6* Pea
Dmg up [For self, if at 200% HP or more] Just before you Attack, increase Damage by 80% until turn end (1x per turn) B 5* Tiger Lotus
Dmg up [For self] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Damage by 100% B 6* Common Zinnia (Life Tree's Blessing)
Dmg up [For 1 Attack-type ally] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Damage by 100% 5* Japanese Spiraea
Dmg up [For 1 Attack-type ally] Start of each turn, if you have Retained HP: Increase Damage by 100% until turn end E 6* Silk Tree (10th Anniversary)
Dmg up [For 1 Attack-type ally with 100% HP or more] Increase Damage by 100% E 6* Weeping Willow
Dmg up [For self] [From Turn 2] Start of each turn, if you have Retained HP: Increase Damage by 100% until turn end B 6* Silk Tree (Dreamlike Swimsuit)
Dmg up [For 1 Attack-type ally] If 1 enemy has 90% HP or more: Increase Damage by 100% until turn end B 6* Hinoki (Parallel Academy)
Dmg up [For self] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Damage by 100% B 6* Cattleya
Dmg up [For self] Start of each turn, if you have 80% HP or more: Increase Damage by 100% until turn end E 6* Alstroemeria (Formal Dress)
Dmg up [For self] [Until subjugation end] After you defeat an enemy, increase Damage by 100% (Up to 5x) E 6* Nidhogg (Christmas)
Dmg up [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Damage by 100% B 6* Cattleya (Parallel Academy)
Dmg up [While Transformed] [For self] Increase Damage by 100% B 6* Nidhogg
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After an ally uses an Ability to Overheal, on the next turn, increase Damage by 100% (1x per turn) B 6* Belial
Dmg up [For 5 allies] [While alive] Increase Damage by 100% RG 6* Plum (Fruits Fulcute)
Dmg up [For self] [On Turn 2] Increase Damage by 100% (Disappears on Turn 3) B 6* Lucifer
Dmg up [For self] Increase Damage by 100% 6* Corbett (Halloween), 6* Nidhogg, E 6* Wood Sorrel (Swimsuit)
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Damage by 100% B 6* Flame Lily (Swimsuit)
Dmg up [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Damage by 120% B 6* Dendrobium
Dmg up [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Damage by 120% E 6* Yoshino
Dmg up [For self] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Damage by 120% B 6* Marina Katsuragi (Exstia)
Dmg up [For self] Increase Damage by 120% 6* Lemon (Fruits Fulcute)
Dmg up [For self] On turns that are a multiple of 6, increase Damage by 120% B 6* Japanese Laurel
Dmg up [For 5 allies] Just before you use a Skill, increase Damage by 125% B 6* Cherry (Fruits Fulcute)
Dmg up [For 1 Attack-type ally] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Damage by 150% RG 6* Japanese Spiraea
Dmg up [For 1 Magic ally that is an Attack-type] After an ally does a Critical Attack 20x, starting next turn, increase Damage by 150% until battle end B 6* Weeping Willow
Dmg up [For self] Increase Damage by 150% E 6* Star Rush
Dmg up [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Damage by 200% B 6* Lucifer
Dmg up [For self] Start of each turn, if you have 100% HP or more: Increase Damage by 200% (Doesn't Stack) B 6* Silver Orchid (Formal Dress)
Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Damage by 200% E 6* Sun
Dmg up [For 5 allies] After an ally uses a Skill 20x, on the next turn, increase Damage by 300% until battle end (1x per battle) B 6* Turep (Swimsuit Wedding)
Boss Dmg up [For self] [Until subjugation end] After an enemy is defeated, increase Boss Damage by 10% E 6* Ririmu Tobe
Boss Dmg up [For 1 Blunt ally that is an Attack-type] After an ally does a Critical Attack, increase Boss Damage by 10% until turn end E 6* Tacca Chantrieri
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 15% E 5* Valerian, B 6* Duranta (June Bride)
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Boss Damage by 15% (Up to 3x) B 6* Chocolate Cosmos (Easter)
Boss Dmg up [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 15%. End of each turn, increase Boss Damage by 15% (Max 75%) 6* Luluna (Scaly Hydrangea)
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, increase Boss Damage by 20% (5x per battle) 6* Common Zinnia (Christmas)
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 20% E 6* Baikamo (Easter), E 6* Cardamine Lyrata (Halloween), E 6* Turnip Rape (Formal Dress)
Boss Dmg up [For 4 Slash allies with no Flower Family] Increase Boss Damage by 20% E 5* Setsugekka Kazamine
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies] After an ally Evades, increase Boss Damage by 20% (6x per battle) E 6* Blueberry (Easter)
Boss Dmg up Unknown ability id 20202 with values 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 902, -1 B 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (10th Anniversary)
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Boss Damage by 20% B 6* Camellia Wabisuke
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies] After an ally Evades, increase Boss Damage by 20% (Up to 4x) E 6* Red Spider Lily (Parallel Academy)
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies] After an ally does a Critical Attack 3x, increase Boss Damage by 20% (Up to 5x) B 6* Dusty Miller (Parallel Academy)
Boss Dmg up [For self] Just after an ally does a Critical Attack, increase Boss Damage by 20% until turn end E 6* Tacca Chantrieri (Formal Dress)
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies] The 4th time you use a skill, starting next turn, increase Boss Damage by 20% until battle end B 6* Leschenaultia (Yukata)
Boss Dmg up [For 2 Pierce allies] Increase Boss Damage by 25% E 5* Carrot
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 25% RG 6* Valerian, E 6* Viola (New Year)
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Boss Damage by 25% B 6* Cardamine Lyrata
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you Evade, on the next turn, increase Boss Damage by 25% B 6* Tree of a Thousand Stars
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you Defend, on the next turn, increase Boss Damage by 30% B 6* Sneezeweed
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 30% E 6* Blueberry (Easter), 6* Ivy (June Bride), 6* Twinleaf (Valentine)
Boss Dmg up [For 4 Slash allies with no Flower Family] Increase Boss Damage by 30% RG 6* Setsugekka Kazamine
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies from your Nation] Increase Boss Damage by 40% B 6* Japanese Anemone
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Boss Damage by 40% B 6* Purple Columbine
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 40% E 6* Japanese Anemone (Swimsuit)
Boss Dmg up [For 1 other ally] Just before you use a Skill, increase Boss Damage by 40% until turn end RG 6* Browallia
Boss Dmg up [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 50% 6* Baikamo (Easter)
Boss Dmg up [For 2 Pierce allies] Increase Boss Damage by 50% RG 6* Carrot
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies] After an ally is attacked, on the next turn, increase Boss Damage by 50% B 6* Eremophila
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 50% B 6* Flowering Peach (Life Tree's Blessing), E 6* Sawagikyou (Swimsuit)
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Boss Damage by 50% 6* Turep (Swimsuit Wedding)
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies from your Nation] Increase Boss Damage by 50% B 6* Royal Princess (10th Anniversary)
Boss Dmg up [For 1 Attack-type ally] Just after you activate Guts, increase Boss Damage by 50% until battle end (Up to 5x) B 6* Oleander
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies] After an ally does a Critical Attack 4x, increase Boss Damage by 50% until turn end B 6* Japanese Felwort
Boss Dmg up [While Transformed] [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 70% B 6* Nidhogg
Boss Dmg up [For 2 other allies] Increase Boss Damage by 80% B 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (Christmas)
Boss Dmg up [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 80% 6* Obako
Boss Dmg up [For self] Start of each turn, if you have 80% HP or more: Increase Boss Damage by 80% until turn end E 6* Nematanthus
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Boss Damage by 100% E 6* Lily (Formal Dress)
Boss Dmg up [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 100% 6* Lucifer
Boss Dmg up [For self] Just before you do a Normal Attack, on this turn, increase Boss Damage by 100% B 6* Akane
Boss Dmg up [For self] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Boss Damage by 100% 6* Japanese Andromeda
Boss Dmg up [For self] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Boss Damage by 100% B 6* Helianthus
Boss Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Boss Damage by 100% E 6* Lavender (Witch of Darkness)
Boss Dmg up [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 120% 6* Lemon (Fruits Fulcute)
Boss Dmg up [For self] Increase Boss Damage by 150% E 6* Sakura (Doll Festival)
Boss Dmg up [For self] Start of each turn, if you have 100% HP or more: Increase Boss Damage by 150% (Doesn't Stack) B 6* King's Cross
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Skill Damage by 10% E 5* Leucophyllum
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] After an enemy uses a Skill, on the next turn, increase Skill Damage by 10% (5x per battle) 5* Pincushion
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 10% 5* Garden Croton
Skill Dmg up [For self] End of each turn, increase Skill Damage by 10% (Up to 10x) B 6* Cattleya (Life Tree's Blessing)
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, increase Skill Damage by 10% until battle end (Up to 5x) E 5* Staghorn Fern
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Skill Damage by 12% until turn end 6* Platanus
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 15% E 5* Cinnamon
Skill Dmg up [For 1 Slash ally] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Skill Damage by 15% until turn end E 6* Dancing Lady Orchid (Christmas)
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Skill Damage by 15% (1x per turn) B 5* Cinnamon, RG 6* Chervil
Skill Dmg up [For self] [Until subjugation end] Just after you use a Skill, increase Skill Damage by 20% (Up to 20x) E 6* Cattleya (Life Tree's Blessing)
Skill Dmg up [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 20% E 5* Chinese Lucky Grass
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, increase Skill Damage by 20% until battle end (Up to 5x) RG 6* Staghorn Fern
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 20% RG 6* Garden Croton, E 6* Ivy (June Bride)
Skill Dmg up [For 3 Magic allies] Increase Skill Damage by 20% E 5* Crossandra
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Skill Damage by 20% (Up to 3x) B 6* Reeves Spirea (Easter)
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Skill Damage by 20% (Up to 5x) E 6* Vervain (Swimsuit)
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies with 80% HP or more] Start of each turn, increase Skill Damage by 20% until turn end B 5* Malcolmia
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you attack, increase Skill Damage by 20% (3x per battle) E 5* Japanese Camellia
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 20%. End of each turn, increase Skill Damage by 20% (Max 80%) B 6* Crepis (Witch of Light)
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] After an enemy uses a Skill, on the next turn, increase Skill Damage by 25% (5x per battle) RG 6* Pincushion
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Skill Damage by 25% B 6* Cacao
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Skill Damage by 25% B 6* Royal Water Lily
Skill Dmg up [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 25% B 5* Fortune Saxifrage, B 5* Peace Lily
Skill Dmg up [For 2 Magic allies] Increase Skill Damage by 25% 5* Carrot
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Skill Damage by 30% 5* Formosa Lily, RG 6* Leucophyllum
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Skill Damage by 30% (Up to 5x) 6* Bluet (Rising Star of the Sparkling Fairyland)
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Skill Damage by 30% (1x per turn) RG 6* Cinnamon
Skill Dmg up [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Skill Damage by 30% until turn end E 6* Verbascum (Athletic Meet)
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] [While alive] Increase Skill Damage by 30% E 6* Marina Katsuragi (Exstia)
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies with 80% HP or more] Start of each turn, increase Skill Damage by 30% until turn end RG 6* Malcolmia
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you attack, increase Skill Damage by 30% (3x per battle) RG 6* Japanese Camellia
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, increase Skill Damage by 30% (5x per battle) 6* Common Zinnia (Thoughts of Absent Friends Swimsuit)
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 30% E 6* Black Baccara (Christmas), 6* Cattleya (Parallel Academy), RG 6* Cinnamon, E 6* Flowering Peach (Life Tree's Blessing), B 6* Red Tulip (Knight Medic), B 6* Thunberg Spirea (Christmas), E 6* Turep
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you Defend, on the next turn, increase Skill Damage by 30% B 6* Red Ginger
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you Evade, on the next turn, increase Skill Damage by 30% B 6* Azalea, B 6* Ionocidium
Skill Dmg up [For self] After you use a Skill, increase Skill Damage by 30% (Up to 5x) B 6* Rye
Skill Dmg up [For self] Start of each turn, if 1 enemy has 60% HP or less: Increase Skill Damage by 35% until turn end B 5* Erica Christmas Parade
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies with no Flower Family] Increase Skill Damage by 40% B 6* Urza Pranaice
Skill Dmg up [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 40% RG 6* Chinese Lucky Grass
Skill Dmg up [For 3 Magic allies] Increase Skill Damage by 40% RG 6* Crossandra
Skill Dmg up [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Skill Damage by 40%. End of each turn, increase Skill Damage by 40% (Max 80%) 5* Bridal Veil
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Skill Damage by 45% B 6* Purple Columbine
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] If at least one ally has 50% HP or more: Increase Skill Damage by 50% until turn end B 6* Spring Star (Parallel Academy)
Skill Dmg up [For self] After an ally does an Attack, increase Skill Damage by 50% until turn end B 6* Star Rush
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies with 80% HP or more] Start of each turn, increase Skill Damage by 50% until turn end B 6* Nematanthus
Skill Dmg up [For self] [Until subjugation end] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Skill Damage by 50% (Up to 4x) B 6* Monkshood (June Bride)
Skill Dmg up [For 2 Magic allies] Increase Skill Damage by 50% RG 6* Carrot
Skill Dmg up [For self] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Skill Damage by 50% E 6* Monkshood (June Bride)
Skill Dmg up [For self] After Switching to Shiro, starting next turn, increase Skill Damage by 50% until battle end (Up to 10x) B 6* Midgardsorm
Skill Dmg up [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Skill Damage by 50% until turn end E 6* Star Rush
Skill Dmg up [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 50% B 6* Azalea (Christmas), RG 6* Fortune Saxifrage, RG 6* Peace Lily, E 6* Thunberg Spirea (Christmas)
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 50% B 5* Staghorn Fern, E 6* Spring Star (Parallel Academy)
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Skill Damage by 50% B 6* Star Rush
Skill Dmg up [For self] End of each turn, increase Skill Damage by 50% (Up to 4x) B 6* Cattleya
Skill Dmg up [For 5 Blunt allies] Increase Skill Damage by 50% B 6* Silk Tree (New Year)
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Skill Damage by 50% 6* Crepis (Witch of Light)
Skill Dmg up [For self] After Switching to Ao, starting next turn, increase Skill Damage by 50% until battle end (Up to 10x) B 6* Midgardsorm
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Skill Damage by 50% RG 6* Formosa Lily
Skill Dmg up [For self] Each turn, 50% chance to increase Skill Damage by 50% until battle end (Up to 5x) B 6* Anemone (Parallel Academy)
Skill Dmg up [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Skill Damage by 50%. End of each turn, increase Skill Damage by 50% (Max 100%) RG 6* Bridal Veil, E 6* Cattleya (Parallel Academy)
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] After an ally uses a Skill 5x, on the next turn, increase Skill Damage by 60% 6* Nipplewort (Dog Ear Poster Girl)
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Skill Damage by 60% B 6* Summer Squash (Swimsuit)
Skill Dmg up [For 4 other allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Skill Damage by 60% B 6* Viola
Skill Dmg up [For 3 Magic allies] Increase Skill Damage by 70% E 6* Angraecum
Skill Dmg up [For self] Start of each turn, if 1 enemy has 60% HP or less: Increase Skill Damage by 70% until turn end RG 6* Erica Christmas Parade
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] <Golden Melody> Increase Skill Damage by 70% RG 6* Mattia (Field Horsetail)
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Skill Damage by 70% (1x per turn) E 6* Curcuma (Yukata)
Skill Dmg up [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 80% 6* Burdock, E 6* Verbascum (Athletic Meet)
Skill Dmg up [For 1 Attack-type ally] [While alive] Increase Skill Damage by 80% B 6* Cardamine Lyrata (Halloween)
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 80% RG 6* Staghorn Fern
Skill Dmg up [For self] Start of each turn, if there is 1 enemy: Increase Skill Damage by 100% 6* Black Baccara (Christmas)
Skill Dmg up Unknown ability id 20203 with values 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 899, -1 B 6* Japanese Holly
Skill Dmg up [For self] [On Turn 2] Increase Skill Damage by 100% (Disappears on Turn 3) B 6* Lucifer
Skill Dmg up [For self] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Skill Damage by 100% B 6* Helianthus
Skill Dmg up [For 2 allies] Start of battle, 50% chance to increase Skill Damage by 100% (1x per battle, 2 random allies) B 6* Scilla (Easter)
Skill Dmg up [For self] On turns that are a multiple of 2, increase Skill Damage by 100% 6* Japanese Laurel
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] Start of each turn, if you have Retained HP: Increase Skill Damage by 100% until turn end B 6* Silk Tree (10th Anniversary)
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies with no Flower Family] After an ally uses an Ability to Overheal, on the next turn, increase Skill Damage by 100% (1x per turn) B 6* Belial
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Skill Damage by 100% 6* Crepis (Witch of Light), 6* Lavender (Witch of Darkness), E 6* Royal Princess (10th Anniversary)
Skill Dmg up [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 100% 6* Cichorium (Homely Bride), E 6* Ornithogalum (Christmas)
Skill Dmg up [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Skill Damage by 120% B 6* Dendrobium
Skill Dmg up [For self, if at 100% HP or more] Increase Skill Damage by 120% B 6* Dendrobium (Cat Ear Maid)
Skill Dmg up [For 1 Magic ally that is an Attack-type] [While alive] Increase Skill Damage by 120% B 6* Ivy (June Bride)
Skill Dmg up [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 120% 6* Checkerberry (Easter)
Skill Dmg up [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 130% B 6* Burdock
Skill Dmg up [For 3 Magic allies] After an ally uses a Skill, on the next 5 turns, increase Skill Damage by 130% (1x per battle) B 6* Angraecum
Skill Dmg up [For self] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Skill Damage by 140% E 6* Japanese Andromeda
Skill Dmg up [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 150% 6* Star Rush
Skill Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Skill Damage by 150% B 6* Lily (Formal Dress)
Skill Dmg up [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Skill Damage by 200% B 6* Lucifer
Skill Dmg up [For self] After an enemy is defeated, on the next 3 turns, increase Skill Damage by 300% E 6* Cichorium (Homely Bride)
Skill Dmg up [For self] Increase Skill Damage by 300% 6* Midgardsorm
Weak Dmg up [For self] After you Attack, increase Weakness Damage by 5% until battle end (Up to 5x) E 5* Aphelandra
Weak Dmg up [For 1 Magic ally that is an Attack-type] After an ally does an Attack, increase Weakness Damage by 10% until turn end 6* Tarragon (New Year)
Weak Dmg up [For self, if at 20% HP or less] Just before you Attack, increase Weakness Damage by 10% until battle end B 6* Corbett (Halloween)
Weak Dmg up [For self] After you Attack, increase Weakness Damage by 10% until battle end (Up to 5x) RG 6* Aphelandra
Weak Dmg up [For 1 Pierce ally that is an Attack-type] After an ally does a Critical Attack, increase Weakness Damage by 10% until turn end E 6* Castor Bean (Athletic Meet)
Weak Dmg up [For self] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Weakness Damage by 12% until turn end E 6* Lettuce
Weak Dmg up [For 5 allies] After an ally uses a Skill, increase Weakness Damage by 12% until turn end E 6* Platanus
Weak Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 15% E 5* Cinnamon
Weak Dmg up [For self] After you use a Skill to Overheal, increase Weakness Damage by 20% until battle end (Up to 10x) 6* Jade Vine
Weak Dmg up [For self] Just before an ally uses a Skill, increase Weakness Damage by 20% until turn end E 6* Moonglow
Weak Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 20% B 5* Kikuna, B 5* Poisonberry, B 6* Eremophila
Weak Dmg up [For self] After you Evade, increase Weakness Damage by 25% (4x per battle) E 6* Red Spider Lily (Life Tree's Blessing)
Weak Dmg up [For self] [Until subjugation end] After an enemy uses a Skill, increase Weakness Damage by 25% (4x per subjugation) RG 6* Common Sundew
Weak Dmg up [For 5 allies] The 2nd time you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Weakness Damage by 30% B 6* Leschenaultia (Yukata)
Weak Dmg up [For self] Increase Weakness Damage by 30% B 5* Kangaroo Paws
Weak Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 30% RG 6* Cinnamon, RG 6* Kikuna, 6* Momiji Suzakuin
Weak Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you Evade, on the next turn, increase Weakness Damage by 30% B 6* Summer Squash
Weak Dmg up [For 1 Attack-type ally] After an ally does a Weakness Attack 5x, starting next turn, increase Weakness Damage by 30% (10x per battle) B 6* King Protea (New Year)
Weak Dmg up [For 1 Slash ally that is an Attack-type] Increase Weakness Damage by 30% 5* Poisonberry
Weak Dmg up [For self] Start of each turn, if 1 enemy has 60% HP or less: Increase Weakness Damage by 35% until turn end E 5* Erica Christmas Parade
Weak Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 40% 6* Ivy (June Bride)
Weak Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 40% B 6* Orange (Valentine)
Weak Dmg up [For 5 allies] Just after an ally uses an Ability to Overheal, increase Weakness Damage by 40% until battle end (Up to 5x) B 6* Apricot (June Bride)
Weak Dmg up [For self] After you do a Critical Attack, increase Weakness Damage by 40% (Up to 6x) RG 6* Checkerberry
Weak Dmg up [For self] Increase Weakness Damage by 40% B 5* Bird's Foot Trefoil, 6* Verbascum (Athletic Meet)
Weak Dmg up [For 3 Attack-type allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 40% 6* Urza Pranaice
Weak Dmg up [For 5 allies] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Weakness Damage by 40% 6* Lavatera
Weak Dmg up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Weakness Damage by 45% B 6* Curcuma
Weak Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 50% E 5* Japanese Belladonna, E 6* Datura, B 6* Iris (DraPri Guu-ta-life), 6* King Protea (New Year)
Weak Dmg up [For 1 Attack-type ally] After an ally uses a Skill 5x, on the next turn, increase Weakness Damage by 50% (4x per battle) 6* Cymbidium (Cat Ear Maid)
Weak Dmg up [For self] Increase Weakness Damage by 50% E 6* Cabernet Sauvignon, E 6* Thunberg Spirea (Christmas)
Weak Dmg up [For 1 Slash ally that is an Attack-type] Increase Weakness Damage by 50% RG 6* Poisonberry
Weak Dmg up [For self] Start of each turn, 50% chance to increase Weakness Damage by 50% (Up to 2x) B 5* Chinese Lucky Grass
Weak Dmg up [For 2 Blunt allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 50% B 5* Persian Speedwell
Weak Dmg up [For 5 allies from your Nation] Increase Weakness Damage by 50% B 6* Royal Princess (10th Anniversary)
Weak Dmg up [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Weakness Damage by 50% B 6* Anemone (June Bride)
Weak Dmg up [For 5 allies] After an ally does a Weakness Attack, on the next turn, increase Weakness Damage by 50% (3x per turn) E 6* Snow Drop (Life Tree's Blessing)
Weak Dmg up [For 5 Pierce allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 50% 6* Castor Bean (Athletic Meet)
Weak Dmg up [For self] Start of each turn, if you have 80% HP or more: Increase Weakness Damage by 50% until turn end RG 6* Malcolmia
Weak Dmg up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Weakness Damage by 50% 6* Chocolate Vine
Weak Dmg up [For 3 allies with a multi-target Skill] Increase Weakness Damage by 50% B 6* Thunberg Spirea (Christmas)
Weak Dmg up [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Weakness Damage by 50% 5* Japanese Zelkova
Weak Dmg up [For 5 allies] After an ally does a Critical Attack 5x, increase Weakness Damage by 50% until turn end B 6* Japanese Felwort
Weak Dmg up [For 5 allies with 100% HP or more] Increase Weakness Damage by 60% 6* Sango
Weak Dmg up [For self] [Until subjugation end] Just after you use a Skill, increase Weakness Damage by 60% (Up to 4x) B 6* Checkerberry (Easter)
Weak Dmg up [For self] Start of each turn, if 1 enemy has 60% HP or less: Increase Weakness Damage by 70% until turn end RG 6* Erica Christmas Parade
Weak Dmg up [For 3 Magic allies] After an ally uses a Skill, on this turn, increase Weakness Damage by 70% B 6* Angraecum
Weak Dmg up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Weakness Damage by 75% E 6* Urza Pranaice
Weak Dmg up [For self, if at 300% HP or more] Just before you Attack, increase Weakness Damage by 80% until turn end (1x per turn) B 5* Tiger Lotus
Weak Dmg up [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Weakness Damage by 80% E 6* Hinoki (Parallel Academy)
Weak Dmg up [For self] Increase Weakness Damage by 80% RG 6* Bird's Foot Trefoil, RG 6* Kangaroo Paws
Weak Dmg up [For self] On turns that are a multiple of 6, increase Weakness Damage by 80% B 6* Japanese Laurel
Weak Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 80% RG 6* Japanese Belladonna
Weak Dmg up [For 5 Blunt allies] [While alive] Increase Weakness Damage by 100% B 6* Moonglow
Weak Dmg up [For self] Increase Weakness Damage by 100% E 6* Iris (DraPri Guu-ta-life), B 6* Japanese Honeysuckle (Parallel Academy), 6* Momiji Suzakuin
Weak Dmg up [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Weakness Damage by 100% RG 6* Japanese Zelkova
Weak Dmg up [For 2 Blunt allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 100% RG 6* Persian Speedwell
Weak Dmg up [For self] End of each turn, increase Weakness Damage by 100% (Up to 4x) E 6* Silver Orchid (Noble Lady of Sparkling Destiny)
Weak Dmg up [For 1 Attack-type ally] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Weakness Damage by 100% B 5* Japanese Spiraea
Weak Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 100% E 6* Hare's Ear (Swimsuit Wedding), E 6* Yakutsk
Weak Dmg up [For self] After you do a Weakness Attack, on the next turn, increase Weakness Damage by 100% B 6* Sakura (Doll Festival)
Weak Dmg up [For self] Start of each turn, 50% chance to increase Weakness Damage by 110% (Up to 2x) RG 6* Chinese Lucky Grass
Weak Dmg up [For 5 allies] Just before you use a Skill, increase Weakness Damage by 125% B 6* Cherry (Fruits Fulcute)
Weak Dmg up [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by 150% E 6* Sigillaria (Swimsuit)
Weak Dmg up [For 1 Pierce ally that is an Attack-type] Increase Weakness Damage by 150% 6* Asian White Birch
Weak Dmg up [For 1 Attack-type ally] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Weakness Damage by 150% RG 6* Japanese Spiraea
Weak Dmg up [For self, if at 300% HP or more] Just before you Attack, increase Weakness Damage by 150% until turn end (1x per turn) RG 6* Tiger Lotus
Weak Dmg up [For self] Start of each turn, if you have 100% HP or more: Increase Weakness Damage by 300% (Doesn't Stack) 6* Silver Orchid (Formal Dress)
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 30% HP or more by 40% E 6* Uesugi Kenshin
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP [For 5 allies] Increase Damage against enemies with 30% HP or more by 40% B 6* Heather (Swimsuit)
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP [For 5 allies] Increase Damage against enemies with 40% HP or more by 20% RG 6* Chelone
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 40% HP or more by 60% B 6* Pink
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 50% HP or more by 25% E 5* Lisa
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP [For 5 allies] Increase Damage against enemies with 50% HP or more by 30% RG 6* Leucophyllum
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP [For self] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Damage against enemies with 50% HP or more by 30% E 5* Snow Dragon
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 50% HP or more by 30% RG 6* Dragon Tree
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP [For 5 allies] Increase Damage against enemies with 50% HP or more by 40% RG 6* Forest Ghost Flower
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 50% HP or more by 50% B 6* Convolvulus (Swimsuit)
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP [For 2 Attack-type allies] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Damage against enemies with 50% HP or more by 50% RG 6* South Enchanter's Nightshade
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 50% HP or more by 60% 6* Uesugi Kenshin
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 50% HP or more by 70% RG 6* Lisa
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 50% HP or more by 80% 6* Pavonia
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP [For self] [On first 3 Turns] Increase Damage against enemies with 50% HP or more by 100% RG 6* Snow Dragon
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 80% HP or more by 80% 6* Pavonia
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 80% HP or more by 120% 6* Uesugi Kenshin
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP [For 5 allies] Increase Damage against enemies with 30% HP or less by 20% 5* Japanese Belladonna
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP [For 5 allies] Increase Damage against enemies with 30% HP or less by 30% RG 6* Japanese Belladonna
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 30% HP or less by 50% E 5* Escallonia, B 6* Cichorium (Homely Bride)
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 30% HP or less by 200% RG 6* Escallonia
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 40% HP or less by 46% B 6* Chocolate Lily
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Damage against enemies with 50% HP or less by 20% (Up to 4x) B 6* Peristrophe
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 50% HP or less by 50% B 6* Cichorium (Homely Bride)
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 50% HP or less by 70% B 6* Akane
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP [For 5 allies] Increase Damage against enemies with 60% HP or less by 10% B 5* Hebe
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP [For 5 allies] Increase Damage against enemies with 60% HP or less by 20% RG 6* Hebe
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP [For 5 allies] Increase Damage against enemies with 60% HP or less by 30% B 6* Statice (Swimsuit), B 6* Threeleaf Arrowhead
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 70% HP or less by 50% RG 6* Christmas Bush
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 70% HP or less by 70% B 6* Trailing Abutilon (Athletic Meet)
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP [For 5 allies] Increase Damage against enemies with 80% HP or less by 20% B 6* Peristrophe
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 80% HP or less by 35% B 6* Akane
Dmg up w/ Enemy HP [For self] Increase Damage against enemies with 80% HP or less by 50% B 6* Chocolate Lily
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 5 allies] Grant "[For self] Increase Attack by (Current HP / Max HP) * 50%" B 5* Redbud Hazel
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 1 Attack-type ally] Grant "[For self] Increase Attack by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100%" E 6* Henna (Easter)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For self] Increase Attack by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% E 6* Bunny Cactus
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 5 allies] Grant "[For self] Increase Defense by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100%" E 6* Japanese Cedar
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 5 allies] Grant "[For self] Increase Critical Rate by (Current HP / Max HP) * 10%" B 6* Red Spider Lily (Maid of Sad Memories)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 5 allies] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 5%" B 5* Chervil
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 1 Attack-type ally] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 10%" B 5* Bridal Veil
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 5 allies] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 10%" B 5* Solidago, B 6* Bay Laurel, RG 6* Chervil, 6* Isogiku (Formal Dress)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 1 ally with the highest HP] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 20%" B 5* Pampas Grass
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 1 Slash ally that is an Attack-type] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 20%" B 5* Poisonberry
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 25% B 5* Westringia, B 6* Fire Lily (June Bride)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 5 allies] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 25%" B 5* Shell Ginger, RG 6* Solidago
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 1 Blunt ally that is an Attack-type] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 25%" B 5* Snowflake (Christmas)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 30% B 6* Nematanthus
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 5 allies] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 30%" 6* Macadamia
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 1 Attack-type ally] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 30%" RG 6* Bridal Veil
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 1 ally with the highest HP] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 30%" RG 6* Pampas Grass
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 35% B 5* Hop, B 5* Moss Phlox, B 5* Pinkladies (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), B 5* Silene Coeli Rosa, B 5* Tall Stewartia
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 1 Slash ally that is an Attack-type] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 40%" RG 6* Poisonberry
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [While Switched to Shiro] [For 5 allies] Grant "Start of each turn, [For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 50%" B 6* Midgardsorm
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 50% RG 6* Amur Adonis, RG 6* Anchusa, RG 6* Anemone (Radiant Princess), RG 6* Barley, RG 6* Blue Lotus, RG 6* Cobra Lily, RG 6* Fire Lily, RG 6* Flamingo Plant (Christmas), RG 6* Geranium, RG 6* Hop, RG 6* Hosta, RG 6* Japanese Chloranthus, RG 6* Japanese Gentian, RG 6* Kijimushiro, RG+B 6* Kurenai, B 6* Luluna (Scaly Hydrangea), RG 6* Lunaria (Swimsuit), RG 6* Moss Phlox, RG 6* Pinkladies (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), RG 6* Rainbow Rose, RG 6* Reeves Spirea, B 6* Ririmu Tobe, RG 6* Shiitake, RG 6* Silene Coeli Rosa, RG 6* Tall Stewartia, E 6* Tampala (Christmas), RG 6* Trifoliate, RG 6* Turnip Rape, E 6* Turnip Rape (Formal Dress), RG 6* Water Lily, RG 6* Westringia, RG 6* Wood Sorrel (Tanabata)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 5 allies] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 50%" B 6* Japanese Anemone (Swimsuit), RG 6* Shell Ginger
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 1 Blunt ally that is an Attack-type] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 50%" RG 6* Snowflake (Christmas)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 60% E 6* Blushing Bride (Life Tree's Blessing)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 80% B 6* Verbascum
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 1 Blunt ally that is an Attack-type] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100%" B 6* Tacca Chantrieri
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [While Transformed into Axe] [For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% B 6* Corbett
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 1 Attack-type ally] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100%" B 6* Geranium (Swimsuit), E 6* Wolf Berry (Easter)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 1 Slash ally that is an Attack-type] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100%" B 6* Blue Lotus (Christmas)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 5 allies] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100%" B 6* Adlay, 6* Adlay (New Year)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 1 Pierce ally that is an Attack-type] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100%" B 6* Castor Bean (Athletic Meet)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% E 6* Bunny Cactus, E 6* Garden Phlox, B 6* Geranium (Swimsuit), 6* Isogiku (Easter), B 6* Kerria, 6* Regal Lily, E 6* Rye
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 1 Magic ally that is an Attack-type] Grant "[For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100%" B 6* Tarragon (New Year)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 150% 6* Anemone (Parallel Academy)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 1 Pierce ally that is an Attack-type] Grant "[For self] Increase Boss Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 25%" 5* Snake Strawberry
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 1 Pierce ally that is an Attack-type] Grant "[For self] Increase Boss Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 50%" RG 6* Snake Strawberry
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For self] Increase Boss Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 80% E 5* Barley (Halloween)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For self] Increase Boss Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% RG 6* Barley (Halloween), B 6* King's Cross
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 1 Attack-type ally] Grant "[For self] Increase Weakness Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100%" B 6* Snow Drop (Marine Sailor)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 1 Blunt ally that is an Attack-type] Grant "[For self] Increase Critical Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 25%" B 5* Snowflake (Christmas)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 1 Blunt ally that is an Attack-type] Grant "[For self] Increase Critical Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 50%" RG 6* Snowflake (Christmas)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 5 allies] Grant "[For self] Increase Critical Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 50%" B 6* Red Spider Lily (Maid of Sad Memories)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 1 Attack-type ally] Grant "[For self] Increase Critical Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100%" B 6* Strawberry (Valentine)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For self] Increase Critical Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% E 6* Bunny Cactus, B 6* Rafflesia
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 5 allies] Grant "[For self] Increase Critical Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 150%" B 6* Belial
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 5 allies] Grant "[For self] Increase Skill Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 30%" B 6* Macadamia
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 3 Magic allies that are Special-type] Grant "[For self] Increase Skill Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 60%" B 6* Vervain (Swimsuit)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For self] Increase Skill Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% B 6* Verbascum (Athletic Meet)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For self] Increase Solar Drive Effect by (Current HP / Max HP) * 20% 5* Shell Ginger
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For self] Increase Solar Drive Effect by (Current HP / Max HP) * 50% RG 6* Shell Ginger
Atk/Dmg up w/ Less HP [For self] With less HP, increase Attack by up to 150% E 5* Pea
Atk/Dmg up w/ Less HP [For 1 Attack-type ally] Grant "[For self] With less HP, increase Attack by up to 200%" B 6* Chickpea
Atk/Dmg up w/ Less HP [For self] With less HP, increase Attack by up to 200% RG 6* Pea
Atk/Dmg up w/ Less HP [For 1 Attack-type ally] Grant "[For self] With less HP, increase Damage by up to 200%" B 6* Bean
Atk/Dmg up w/ Less HP [For 1 Attack-type ally] Grant "[For self] With less HP, increase Critical Damage by up to 200%" E 6* Oleander
Atk/Dmg up w/ Less HP [For self] With less HP, increase Skill Damage by up to 80% 6* Silk Tree (Dreamlike Swimsuit)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For self] Increase Attack by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% E 6* Ghost Weed (10th Anniversary), B 6* Nidhogg (Christmas)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For self] Increase Attack by (Current HP / Max HP) * 150% 6* Anemone (Bunny of Fleeting Dreams)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For self] Increase Defense by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% B 6* Cardamine Lyrata (Crossdressing Beauty)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% B 6* Anemone (New Year)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 5 allies] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 25% E 5* Miyako Wasure
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 5 allies] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 50% RG 6* Miyako Wasure
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For self] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 50% B 6* Ghost Weed (10th Anniversary)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 5 allies] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 60% B 6* Sutera (Life Tree's Blessing)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% B 6* Garden Phlox (Peach Blossom Spring Vigilante Corps), 6* Great Burnet (Formal Dress)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 5 allies] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% B 6* Riko
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 5 allies from your Nation] Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% B 6* Bloss (Easter)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For self] Each turn, 30% chance to increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 150% until turn end B 6* Anemone (Bunny of Fleeting Dreams)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% B 6* Riko
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For self] Increase Weakness Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% B 6* Nidhogg (Christmas)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For self] Increase Critical Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% B 6* Nidhogg (Christmas), B 6* Tacca Chantrieri (Formal Dress)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 5 allies from your Nation] Increase Critical Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 150% B 6* Win (Christmas)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For self] Increase Critical Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 150% B 6* Anemone (Bunny of Fleeting Dreams)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 5 allies from your Nation] Increase Skill Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% B 6* Silk Tree (June Bride)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For self] Increase Solar Drive Effect by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% E 6* Japanese Holly
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 5 allies] Increase Heal Effect by (Current HP / Max HP) * 50% B 6* Apricot (June Bride)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More HP [For 5 allies] Increase Counter Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% E 6* Anemone (New Year)
Atk/Dmg up w/ Less HP [For 5 allies] With less HP, increase Attack by up to 300% B 6* Cistus
Atk/Dmg up w/ Less HP [For 5 allies] With less HP, increase Defense by up to 200% E 6* Sutera (Protective Swimsuit)
Atk/Dmg up w/ More Party HP [For 5 Magic allies] Increase Weakness Damage by the party's (Total Current HP / Total Max HP) * 150% 6* Japanese Beautyberry
Atk/Dmg up w/ More Party HP [For 5 Magic allies] Increase Critical Damage by the party's (Total Current HP / Total Max HP) * 150% E 6* Japanese Beautyberry
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr [For self] Increase Attack by up to -1% based on how many allies are Blunt (2: 100%, 3: 150%, 4: 200%, 5: -1%) E 6* Silver Orchid (Formal Dress)
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Attack by up to -1% based on how many allies are Pierce (2: 0%, 3: 80%, 4: 100%, 5: -1%) B 6* Strawberry (Valentine)
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies are Slash (2: 0%, 3: 100%, 4: 120%, 5: -1%) B 6* Twinleaf (Valentine)
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr [For 5 allies] Increase Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies are Magic (2: 25%, 3: 50%, 4: 80%, 5: -1%) E 6* Great Burnet (Formal Dress)
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr [For self] Increase Boss Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies are Blunt (2: 20%, 3: 40%, 4: 60%, 5: -1%) B 6* Silver Orchid (Formal Dress)
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Weakness Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies are Slash (2: 0%, 3: 100%, 4: 120%, 5: -1%) E 6* Twinleaf (Valentine)
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Critical Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies are Pierce (2: 0%, 3: 80%, 4: 100%, 5: -1%) E 6* Strawberry (Valentine)
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr [For all enemies] Reduce Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies are Magic (2: 20%, 3: 25%, 4: 30%, 5: -1%) B 6* Great Burnet (Formal Dress)
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr [For self] Increase Attack by up to -1% based on how many allies have your Attribute (1: 50%, 2: 70%, 3: 100%, 4: 150%, 5: -1%) B 6* Moonglow, B 6* Mountain Marigold, B 6* Rafflesia
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by up to -1% based on how many allies have your Attribute (1: 50%, 2: 70%, 3: 100%, 4: 150%, 5: -1%) B 6* Japanese Beautyberry
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr [For 1 Pierce ally that is an Attack-type] Increase Critical Rate by up to -1% based on how many allies have your Attribute (2: 20%, 3: 25%, 4: 30%) E 5* Snake Strawberry
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr [For 1 Pierce ally that is an Attack-type] Increase Critical Rate by up to -1% based on how many allies have your Attribute (2: 30%, 3: 40%, 4: 50%) RG 6* Snake Strawberry
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr [For 2 other Slash allies] Increase Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies have your Attribute (1: 46%, 2+: -1%) B 5* Pelargonium
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr [For 5 allies] Increase Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies have your Attribute (1: 50%, 2: 70%, 3: 100%, 4: 150%, 5: -1%) B 6* Japanese Beautyberry
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr [For self] Increase Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies have your Attribute (1: 50%, 2: 70%, 3: 100%, 4: 150%, 5: -1%) B 6* Mountain Marigold, B 6* Rafflesia
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies have your Attribute (1: 30%, 2: 50%, 3: 80%, 4: 130%, 5: -1%) B 6* Pinkladies (Bunny of Unspoken Love)
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr [For 2 other Slash allies] Increase Weakness Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies have your Attribute (1: 46%, 2+: -1%) B 5* Pelargonium
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr [For self] Increase Weakness Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies have your Attribute (1: 50%, 2: 70%, 3: 100%, 4: 150%, 5: -1%) B 6* Mountain Marigold, B 6* Rafflesia
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr [For 1 Pierce ally that is an Attack-type] Increase Critical Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies have your Attribute (2: 30%, 3: 60%, 4: 80%) 5* Snake Strawberry
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr [For 1 Pierce ally that is an Attack-type] Increase Critical Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies have your Attribute (2: 60%, 3: 90%, 4: 150%) RG 6* Snake Strawberry
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr [For self] Increase Maintain HP by up to -1% based on how many allies have your Attribute (1: 15%, 2: 30%, 3: 45%, 4: 75%, 5: -1%) E 6* Anemone (Bunny of Fleeting Dreams)
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Attr [For 5 allies] Increase Heal Effect by up to -1% based on how many allies have your Attribute (1: 20%, 2: 60%, 3: 80%, 4: 100%, 5: -1%) B 6* Japanese Beautyberry
Atk/Dmg up w/ Unique Attr [For 5 allies] Increase Attack with more ally Attributes (1: 50%, 2: 100%, 3+: 120%) B 6* Queen of the Night (Peach Blossom Spring Vigilante Corps)
Atk/Dmg up w/ Unique Attr [For 5 allies] Increase Defense with more ally Attributes (1: 50%, 2: 100%, 3+: 120%) B 6* Queen of the Night (Peach Blossom Spring Vigilante Corps)
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Nation [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by up to -1% based on how many allies are from your Nation (1: 5%, 2: 10%, 3: 15%, 4: 20%, 5: -1%) 6* Win (Christmas)
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Nation [For 5 allies] Increase Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies are from your Nation (1: 50%, 2: 60%, 3: 80%, 4: 100%, 5: -1%) E 6* Royal Princess (10th Anniversary), B 6* Silk Tree (10th Anniversary)
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Nation [For self] Increase Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies are from your Nation (1: 50%, 2: 100%, 3: 150%, 4: 200%, 5: -1%) 6* Anemone (Bunny of Fleeting Dreams)
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Nation [For 5 allies] Increase Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies are from your Nation (1: 50%, 2: 100%, 3: 150%, 4: 200%, 5: -1%) 6* Bloss (Easter)
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Nation [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies are from your Nation (1: 80%, 2: 100%, 3: 150%, 4: 200%, 5: -1%) 6* Win (Christmas)
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Nation [For 5 allies] Increase Maintain HP by up to -1% based on how many allies are from your Nation (1: 50%, 2: 100%, 3: 150%, 4: 200%, 5: -1%) B 6* Silk Tree (June Bride)
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Nation [For 5 allies] Increase Maintain HP by up to -1% based on how many allies are from your Nation (1: 100%, 2: 200%, 3: 300%, 4: 350%, 5: -1%) E 6* Bloss (Easter)
Atk/Dmg up w/ Same Nation [For 5 allies] Increase Intercept Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies are from your Nation (1: 30%, 2: 50%, 3: 80%, 4: 130%, 5: -1%) B 6* Pinkladies (Bunny of Unspoken Love)
Atk/Dmg up w/ Enemy # [For 5 allies] Increase Attack based on enemy numbers (3: 30%, 2: 40%, 1: 50%) 5* Snowflake (Christmas)
Atk/Dmg up w/ Enemy # [For 5 allies] Increase Attack based on enemy numbers (3: 60%, 2: 80%, 1: 100%) RG 6* Snowflake (Christmas)
Atk/Dmg up w/ Enemy # [For self] Increase Attack based on enemy numbers (3: 50%, 2: 100%, 1: 150%) B 6* Cichorium (Homely Bride)
Atk/Dmg up w/ Enemy # [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage based on enemy numbers (3: 50%, 2: 100%, 1: 150%) E 6* Sensitive Plant (Marine Sailor)
Atk/Dmg up w/ Enemy # [For self] Increase Skill Damage based on enemy numbers (3: 100%, 2: 150%, 1: 200%) B 6* Cichorium (Homely Bride)
Atk/Dmg up w/ Common Attr [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by up to -1% based on how many allies have the party's most common Attribute (1: 25%, 2: 30%, 3: 60%, 4: 80%) B 5* Japanese Zelkova
Atk/Dmg up w/ Common Attr [For 5 allies] Increase Attack by up to -1% based on how many allies have the party's most common Attribute (1: 50%, 2: 70%, 3: 100%, 4: 150%) RG 6* Japanese Zelkova
Atk/Dmg up w/ Common Attr [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by up to -1% based on how many allies have the party's most common Attribute (1: 25%, 2: 30%, 3: 60%, 4: 80%) B 5* Japanese Zelkova
Atk/Dmg up w/ Common Attr [For 5 allies] Increase Defense by up to -1% based on how many allies have the party's most common Attribute (1: 50%, 2: 70%, 3: 100%, 4: 150%) RG 6* Japanese Zelkova
Atk/Dmg up w/ Common Attr [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies have the party's most common Attribute (1: 25%, 2: 30%, 3: 60%, 4: 80%) B 5* Japanese Zelkova
Atk/Dmg up w/ Common Attr [For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies have the party's most common Attribute (1: 50%, 2: 70%, 3: 100%, 4: 150%) RG 6* Japanese Zelkova
Atk/Dmg up w/ Common Attr [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies have the party's most common Attribute (1: 25%, 2: 30%, 3: 60%, 4: 80%) B 5* Japanese Zelkova
Atk/Dmg up w/ Common Attr [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Damage by up to -1% based on how many allies have the party's most common Attribute (1: 50%, 2: 70%, 3: 100%, 4: 150%) RG 6* Japanese Zelkova
Atk/Dmg up w/ Ally # [For self] Increase Boss Damage by up to -1% based on ally numbers (2: 40%, 3: 60%, 4: 80%, 5: -1%) 6* Ghost Weed (10th Anniversary)
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Critical Rate by 5% (Up to 10x) 5* Manuka
Crit Rate up [For self] After you Attack, increase Critical Rate by 5% until battle end (Up to 5x) E 5* Aphelandra
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] End of each turn, increase Critical Rate by 8% (Up to 10x) RG 6* Manuka
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 10% B 5* Aerva, 5* Hebe, 5* Luculia, 5* Redbud Hazel, 5* Setsugekka Kazamine, 5* Suzuka Ichinose, 5* Valerian
Crit Rate up [For 4 Slash allies with no Flower Family] Increase Critical Rate by 10% 5* Setsugekka Kazamine
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 10% (1x per turn) B 5* Marlberry
Crit Rate up [For 1 Attack-type ally] Just after you activate Guts, increase Critical Rate by 10% until battle end (Up to 5x) E 6* Oleander
Crit Rate up [For self] After you Attack, increase Critical Rate by 10% until battle end (Up to 5x) RG 6* Aphelandra
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] Just after you attack, increase Critical Rate by 10% until battle end (5x per battle) B 6* Cardamine Lyrata (Crossdressing Beauty)
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] Just after an ally uses an Ability to Overheal, increase Critical Rate by 10% until battle end (Up to 5x) B 6* Apricot (June Bride), B 6* Makino, B 6* Win (Snowfield Formal Dress)
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 10%. End of each turn, increase Critical Rate by 10% (Max 50%) B 6* Sensitive Plant (Marine Sailor)
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 15% 5* Sunchoke
Crit Rate up [For 4 Slash allies with no Flower Family] Increase Critical Rate by 15% RG 6* Setsugekka Kazamine
Crit Rate up [For 3 Magic allies] Increase Critical Rate by 15% 5* Crossandra
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 15% 5* Bird's Foot Trefoil, B 5* Huechera, E 5* Japanese Zelkova, 5* Pelargonium, RG 6* Aerva, E 6* Castor Bean (Athletic Meet), B 6* Ghost Weed (Valentine), RG 6* Hebe, 6* Nematanthus, RG 6* Redbud Hazel, 6* Sauvignon Blanc, RG 6* Setsugekka Kazamine, 6* Strawberry (Valentine), RG 6* Valerian, 6* Yew Plum Pine
Crit Rate up [For 2 Blunt allies] Increase Critical Rate by 15% 5* Persian Speedwell
Crit Rate up [For 1 Guardian-type ally] After an ally is attacked, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 20% E 6* Lady's Sorrel (Swimsuit)
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 20% RG 6* Sunchoke
Crit Rate up [For self] After you Evade, increase Critical Rate by 20% (4x per battle) E 6* Red Spider Lily (Life Tree's Blessing)
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 20% 5* Kikuna, E 6* Bay Laurel, 6* Duranta (June Bride), E 6* Dusty Miller (Parallel Academy), E 6* Flowering Peach (Life Tree's Blessing), RG 6* Pelargonium, RG 6* Suzuka Ichinose, 6* Tacca Chantrieri, 6* Tampala (Christmas), 6* Tarragon (New Year), 6* Win
Crit Rate up [For self] Increase Critical Rate by 20% RG 6* Anri (Rue Anemone)
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 20% 6* Mikan (Valentine)
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 20% (1x per turn) 6* Cattleya (Christmas)
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies with no Flower Family] Increase Critical Rate by 20% B 5* Suzuka Ichinose
Crit Rate up [For 2 allies with 80% HP or more] Start of each turn, increase Critical Rate by 20% until turn end B 5* Wall Iris
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 20% E 5* Siebold's Primrose
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] After you Evade, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 20% 6* Bay Laurel
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Critical Rate by 20% 5* Luculia
Crit Rate up [For 1 Slash ally that is an Attack-type] Increase Critical Rate by 25% 5* Poisonberry
Crit Rate up [For self, if at 400% HP or more] Just before you Attack, increase Critical Rate by 25% until turn end (1x per turn) B 5* Tiger Lotus
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 25% RG 6* Sakura (Apron)
Crit Rate up [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Critical Rate by 25% 6* Dusty Miller (Parallel Academy)
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 25% 6* Cabernet Sauvignon, 6* Lady's Sorrel (Swimsuit), E 6* Nipplewort (Dog Ear Poster Girl), 6* Oleander, E 6* Purple Tulip (Knight Medic), E 6* Saffron (New Year)
Crit Rate up [For 3 Magic allies] Increase Critical Rate by 25% RG 6* Crossandra
Crit Rate up [For 2 Blunt allies] Increase Critical Rate by 30% RG 6* Persian Speedwell
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 30% B 6* Anemone (New Year), E 6* Belial, E 6* Belle, 6* Blue Lotus (Christmas), 6* Cyclamen (Life Tree's Blessing), E 6* Dusty Miller (Life Tree's Blessing), E 6* Hare's Ear (Swimsuit Wedding), 6* Heliotrope (Halloween), E 6* Henna (Easter), RG 6* Huechera, E 6* Japanese Apricot (Doll Festival), RG 6* Japanese Zelkova, E 6* Serket, E 6* Sigillaria (Swimsuit), 6* Yakutsk
Crit Rate up [For self] Increase Critical Rate by 30% B 5* Chinese Trumpet Vine, B 6* Cattleya (Christmas), RG 6* Crown of Thorns
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] After an ally Defends, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 30% E 6* Silk Tree (Parallel Academy)
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies with no Flower Family] Increase Critical Rate by 30% 6* Lucifer
Crit Rate up [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Critical Rate by 30% E 6* Pinkladies (New Year), 6* Snow Drop (Marine Sailor)
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 30% RG 6* Siebold's Primrose
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] After you Evade, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 30% E 6* Pinkladies (Bunny of Unspoken Love)
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies from your Flower Family] Increase Critical Rate by 30% B 6* Win (Christmas)
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 30% (1x per turn) RG 6* Marlberry
Crit Rate up [For 2 allies with 80% HP or more] Start of each turn, increase Critical Rate by 35% until turn end RG 6* Wall Iris
Crit Rate up [For 1 Slash ally that is an Attack-type] Increase Critical Rate by 35% RG 6* Poisonberry
Crit Rate up [For 5 Blunt or Magic allies] Increase Critical Rate by 40% 6* Angelica (Swimsuit)
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] [On Turn 1] Increase Critical Rate by 40% RG 6* Luculia
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 40% E 6* Ornithogalum
Crit Rate up [For 5 Slash or Pierce allies] Increase Critical Rate by 40% E 6* Celia
Crit Rate up [For self] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 40% 6* Ornithogalum (Christmas)
Crit Rate up [For self] Increase Critical Rate by 40% B 6* Cabernet Sauvignon, 6* Corbett, E 6* Nidhogg
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 40% (1x per turn) B 6* Dusty Miller (Maid to Support You)
Crit Rate up [For self] [On Turn 1] Increase Critical Rate by 40% B 5* Sago Palm
Crit Rate up [For 2 Slash allies] Increase Critical Rate by 40% E 6* Urza Pranaice
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 45% (1x per turn) E 6* Yew Plum Pine
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies with an all-target Skill] Increase Critical Rate by 45% B 6* Crepis
Crit Rate up [For self] Increase Critical Rate by 46% 6* Chocolate Lily (Swimsuit)
Crit Rate up [For 1 Attack-type ally] Increase Critical Rate by 50% E 6* Digitalis (Crossdressing Beauty)
Crit Rate up [For self] On turns that are a multiple of 3, increase Critical Rate by 50% E 6* Japanese Laurel
Crit Rate up [For self] Increase Critical Rate by 50% RG 6* Chinese Trumpet Vine, B 6* Green Bristlegrass (Halloween), 6* Midgardsorm
Crit Rate up [For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by 50% E 6* Japanese Beautyberry
Crit Rate up [For self] After you do a Critical Attack, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 50% B 6* Nicotiana
Crit Rate up [For self] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, increase Critical Rate by 50% (1x per turn) 6* Haru
Crit Rate up [For self, if at 400% HP or more] Just before you Attack, increase Critical Rate by 50% until turn end (1x per turn) RG 6* Tiger Lotus
Crit Rate up [For self] Start of each turn, if there are 3 enemies: Increase Critical Rate by 55% B 6*