Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Equipment List
Img JP EN Lv1
For Ability
Equip 380000 5 美しい瞳の短剣 Beautiful Eyes Daggers 320 90 565 237 Dancing Lady Orchid [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380001 5 幸せな思い出の魔導書 Happy Memories Grimoire 413 42 658 189 Nerine [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380002 5 幸せを運ぶグローブ Happiness Carrying Glove 398 83 643 230 Cape Jasmine [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380003 5 きらめきの双刃 Glimmering Twin Swords 318 57 563 204 Flamingo Plant [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380004 5 幸福な家庭の髪留め Happy Household Hairpins 308 90 553 237 Strawberry [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380005 5 実らぬ恋のヴェール Unrequited Love Veil 308 93 553 240 Yellow Tulip [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380006 5 不信と期待の魔導書 Distrust and Anticipation Grimoire 335 71 580 218 Lavender [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380007 5 危険な恋の仕込み傘 Dangerous Love Training Umbrella 309 105 554 252 Mandevilla [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380008 5 美徳の双剣 Virtue Twin Swords 327 54 572 201 Mint [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380009 5 自由な心の銀の杖 Free Spirited Silver Cane 345 57 590 204 Showy Evening Primrose [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380010 5 温厚の短剣 Gentleness Daggers 326 78 571 225 Night Phlox [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380011 5 神秘的な斧 Mysterious Axe 369 101 614 248 Royal Water Lily [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380012 5 未来への憧れのベール Yearning Towards the Future Veil 350 42 595 189 Alstroemeria [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380013 5 友情と思い出の弓 Friendship and Memories Bow 330 74 575 221 Lilac [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380014 5 尊い思い出の白槌 Precious Memories White Mallet 368 54 613 201 Edelweiss [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380015 5 優れた美人の魔銃 Incredible Beauty's Magic Gun 383 75 628 222 Sakura [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380016 5 尊敬の籠手 Respect Gauntlet 336 59 581 206 Royal Princess [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380017 5 清らかな幸福の銃 Pure Happiness Gun 354 60 599 207 Epidendrum [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380018 5 清純な心のハンマー Pure Heart Hammer 333 77 578 224 Snapdragon [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380019 5 悲しい思い出の呪符 Sad Memories Spell Scroll 378 78 623 225 Red Spider Lily [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380020 5 変化と恋慕の帽子 Change and Adoration Hat 335 68 580 215 Great Burnet [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380021 5 荘厳と純潔のレイピア Solemnity and Purity Rapier 336 75 581 222 Mountain Lily [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380022 5 内気と臆病の花飾り Timidness and Cowardice Flower Decoration 363 47 608 194 Four O'Clock [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380023 5 忍耐力の聖突剣 Fortitude Holy Sword 395 62 640 209 Japanese Apricot [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380024 5 遊び心の胸章 Playfulness Medal 378 74 623 221 Dancing Lady Orchid (Bride of Phos) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380025 5 気取らない美しさの勲章 Unpretentious Beauty Order 374 35 619 182 Camellia (Bride of Phos) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380026 5 貴婦人の髪飾り Lady's Hair Ornament 357 42 602 189 Silver Orchid [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380027 5 内気な乙女の花飾り Shy Maiden's Flower Decoration 333 78 578 225 Cactus (Bride of Phos) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380028 5 不滅の愛の魔導書 Undying Love Grimoire 357 39 602 186 Purple Tulip [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380029 5 そっと見守る長槍 To Secretly Watch Over Long Spear 336 71 581 218 Monotropastrum [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380030 5 夜の魔法銃 Night Magic Gun 360 53 605 200 Moon Vine [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380031 5 成熟した魅力の魔杖 Mature Charm Magic Staff 387 69 632 216 Cattleya [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380032 5 親睦の剣 Fellowship Sword 329 78 574 225 Black Locust [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380033 5 一時の美の尖槍 Temporary Beauty's Sharp Spear 344 65 589 212 Dragon Fruit [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380034 5 心が通じるパーカー Heart to Heart Hoodie 359 53 604 200 Japanese Silver Grass [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380035 5 はずむ心のいたずら杖 Bouncing Heart Mischief Cane 347 104 592 251 Hare's Tail Grass [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380036 5 強い虚栄心の魔法銃 Strong Vanity Magic Gun 347 47 592 194 Amaryllis [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380037 5 秘めた思いの詩 Hidden Feelings Poem 342 65 587 212 Toad Lily [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380038 5 追憶と永遠の魔声銃 Recollection and Perpetuity Magic Sound Gun 351 57 596 204 Tachibana [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380039 5 一日だけの恋のクマさん One Day Only Love Bear-san 377 77 622 224 Red Ginger [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380040 5 はかない美しさの髪飾り Ephemeral Beauty Hair Ornaments 339 69 584 216 Lunaria [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380041 5 愛国心の長剣 Patriotic Longsword 359 51 604 198 Nasturtium [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380042 5 優しい知らせの花飾り Good News Flower Decoration 348 66 593 213 Laurentia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380043 5 善良な家風の竪琴 Good Family Tradition Lyre 377 114 622 261 Sneezeweed [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380044 5 親しみ深い花飾り Familiarity Flower Decoration 348 50 593 197 Saintpaulia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380045 5 誇りの星剣 Proud Holy Sword 336 71 581 218 Morning Star Lily [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380046 5 明るい人柄の片手斧 Cheerful Personality Hatchet 368 42 613 189 Gaillardia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380047 5 薄れゆく希望の三叉槍 Fading Hope Trident 329 128 574 275 Anemone [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380048 5 永遠の幸せのグローブ Eternal Happiness Gloves 357 50 602 197 Candle Bark [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380049 5 鎮魂の団扇 Repose of Souls Fan 341 65 586 212 Ginkgo [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380050 5 恋わずらいのフレイル Lovesickness Flail 332 78 577 225 Sourwood [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380051 5 大切な思い出の髪留め Precious Memories Hairpin 390 66 635 213 Maple [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380052 5 競争の片手剣 Rivalry One-Handed Sword 357 36 602 183 Turnip Rape [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380053 5 小さな幸せのハンマー Small Happiness Hammer 359 50 604 197 Violet [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380054 5 淡い初恋の帽子 Fleeting First Love Hat 347 59 592 206 Leschenaultia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380055 5 恋の虜のステッキ Prisoner of Love's Walking Stick 383 69 628 216 Flowering Peach [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380056 5 偽りの言葉の帽子 Falsehood Hat 357 50 602 197 Apple of Sodom [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380057 5 心変わりの短剣 Change of Heart Dagger 342 63 587 210 Lantana [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380058 5 正義と勝利の剣 Justice and Victory Sword 365 44 610 191 Japanese Gentian [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380059 5 大きさと広さのカバン Volume and Width Bag 390 63 635 210 Summer Squash [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380060 5 遊びと愛嬌のリボン Play and Charm Ribbon 356 51 601 198 Green Bristlegrass [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380061 5 燃える思いの魔球 Burning Feelings Magic Ball 344 62 589 209 German Iris [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380062 5 真の友情の双剣 True Friendship Twin Swords 341 69 586 216 Geranium [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380063 5 気品と崇高の魔刃 Elegance and Loftiness Magic Katana 408 44 653 191 Kerria [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380064 5 鮮やかな行動のダガー Brilliant Action Dagger 369 38 614 185 Star Cluster [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380065 5 ただよう品格のクナイ Effortless Dignity Kunai 351 54 596 201 Echinacea [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380066 5 分別の髪飾り Discernment Hair Ornament 329 75 574 222 Fatsia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380067 5 少女の恋の花飾り A Girl's Love Flower Decoration 348 104 593 251 Viola [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380068 5 穢れ無き心の髪飾り Pure Heart Hair Decoration 351 45 596 192 Snowflake [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380069 5 恋に悶えるバンダナ Agonising Love Bandana 344 62 589 209 Anthurium [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380070 5 迷信と秘密のマフラー Superstition and Secret Scarf 336 71 581 218 Otogirisou [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380071 5 小さな恋人の髪飾り Young Lover Hair Decoration 362 87 607 234 Cherry [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380072 5 最も美しい人へのギフト To The Most Beautiful Person Gift 344 62 589 209 Apple [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380073 5 不滅の眼帯 Undying Eyepatch 360 44 605 191 Ivy [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380074 5 福音のベル Gospel Bell 353 54 598 201 Sandersonia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380075 5 忍耐強い弓 Patience Bow 374 110 619 257 Mistletoe [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380076 5 高潔な心の花飾り Noble Heart Flower Decoration 350 50 595 197 Yulan Magnolia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380077 5 乙女の真心のメイス Maiden's Sincerity Mace 342 62 587 209 Cosmos [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380078 5 まだ見ぬ君への靴 To You Who I Haven't Yet Seen Shoes 326 80 571 227 Crowea [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380079 5 勇敢と大胆の刀 Bravery and Boldness Katana 413 38 658 185 Pink [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380080 5 高くそびえる翠槍 Imposing Green Spear 359 47 604 194 Fir Tree [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380081 5 聖なる願いの短剣 Holy Wish Dagger 351 56 596 203 Poinsettia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380082 5 不滅の輝きの短剣 Undying Light Dagger 336 68 581 215 Holly [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380083 5 いたわりの杖 Care Staff 333 114 578 261 Christmas Rose [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380084 5 不老の杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 332 68 577 215 Hinoki [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380085 5 愛の告白の銃 (No Translation)[Edit] 329 78 574 225 Red Tulip [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380086 5 情熱と尊敬のメガホン (No Translation)[Edit] 351 54 596 201 Canna [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380087 5 容姿端麗の髪飾り Attractive Face and Figure Hair Ornament 378 80 623 227 Ionocidium [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380088 5 富と財産のカルタ Wealth and Fortune Karuta 347 59 592 206 Chloranthus [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380089 5 機知に富む筆 (No Translation)[Edit] 336 68 581 215 Heavenly Bamboo [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380090 5 愛を包む絡繰り傘 (No Translation)[Edit] 327 80 572 227 Ornamental Kale [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380091 5 同情と哀れみの破魔弓 Sympathy and Compassion Evil-Destroying Bow 363 42 608 189 Pine Tree [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380092 5 寿ぎの羽子板 (No Translation)[Edit] 402 48 647 195 Coral Bush [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380093 5 威厳と高貴の宝剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 336 59 581 206 Casablanca [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380094 5 幸福を取り戻す帽子 Happiness Regaining Hat 357 50 602 197 Lily of the Valley [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380095 5 素敵な美しさの花飾り (No Translation)[Edit] 360 45 605 192 Calla [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380096 5 無邪気なレイピア Innocent Rapier 386 63 631 210 Daisy [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380097 5 王者の風格の鞠 (No Translation)[Edit] 333 71 578 218 Tree Peony [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380098 5 純潔と無垢の仕込み剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 354 51 599 198 Lily [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380099 5 幸せを招く独楽 (No Translation)[Edit] 345 60 590 207 Amur Adonis [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380100 5 恥じらいの花飾り (No Translation)[Edit] 387 62 632 209 Herbaceous Peony [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380101 5 新しい恋の花飾り (No Translation)[Edit] 336 63 581 210 Hibiscus [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380102 5 私の心の姿の槍 My Heart's Appearance Spear 350 56 595 203 Rosy Lily [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380103 5 胸に火がともる日記帳 (No Translation)[Edit] 327 78 572 225 Crimson Clover [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380104 5 燃える心の拳鍔 Burning Heart Fist Guard 362 89 607 236 Cactus [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380105 5 情熱と美のレイピア Passion and Beauty Rapier 312 95 557 242 Rose [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380106 5 献身的な愛の双槍 Devoted Love Twin Spears 342 62 587 209 Heliotrope [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380107 5 別れの悲しみの双剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 324 81 569 228 Poppy [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380108 5 秘密の愛の聖剣 Secret Love Holy Sword 407 44 652 191 Acacia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380109 5 失われた愛の杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 339 59 584 206 White Tulip [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380110 5 深窓の麗人のメイス Sheltered Beauty's Mace 332 72 577 219 Cymbidium [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380111 5 温かい心の杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 344 62 589 209 Glory of the Sun [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380112 5 天性の華の籠手 (No Translation)[Edit] 383 66 628 213 Dendrobium [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380113 5 清い愛のカチューシャ (No Translation)[Edit] 329 77 574 224 Rain Lily [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380114 5 女性の貞操の修道服 (No Translation)[Edit] 350 56 595 203 Veronica [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380115 5 いっしょに飛びたい風船 Want to Fly Together Balloon 339 66 584 213 Balloon Vine [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380116 5 恋が成就する鎖鋸 Love Fulfilling Chainsaw 402 50 647 197 Wax Vine [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380117 5 用意周到の短剣 Thoroughly Prepared Daggers 344 54 589 201 Gladiolus [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380118 5 伝令と使命の弓 (No Translation)[Edit] 345 60 590 207 Iris [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380119 5 光輝を放つシャムシール (No Translation)[Edit] 317 89 562 236 Ranunculus [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380120 5 永遠の愛と恨みの太刀 Eternal Love and Resentment Katana 381 69 626 216 Black Baccara [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380121 5 謙譲と愛らしさの冠 Humility and Prettiness Crown 353 53 598 200 Tall Stewartia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380122 5 秘めた感情の手鏡 Hidden Feelings Hand Mirror 341 65 586 212 Himalayan Creeping Saxifrage [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380123 5 永続する愛情のレイピア (No Translation)[Edit] 360 45 605 192 Primula [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380124 5 危険なスリングショット (No Translation)[Edit] 381 69 626 216 Burning Bush [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380125 5 清純な愛の花杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 326 78 571 225 Zephyranthes [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380126 5 気取らない美しさの双刀 Unpretentious Beauty Twin Katanas 342 63 587 210 Camellia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380127 5 崇高な美の希望剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 317 89 562 236 Gerbera [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380128 5 恋と呪いの魔剣 Love and Curse Magic Sword 396 54 641 201 Chocolate Lily [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380129 5 高貴と尊人の大鎌 (No Translation)[Edit] 336 69 581 216 Delphinium [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380130 5 追憶と思い出のフラスコ (No Translation)[Edit] 354 51 599 198 Rosemary [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380131 5 快活と喜びの花杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 348 57 593 204 Cineraria [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380132 5 秘密の恋の香水 (No Translation)[Edit] 380 71 625 218 Mimosa [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380133 5 つつましい幸せの籠手 Modest Happiness Gauntlet 357 33 602 180 Yellow Pansy [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380134 5 恋の思い出の弓 Memories of Love Bow 323 83 568 230 Chocolate Cosmos [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380135 5 恥ずかしがり屋の髪留め Shy Person's Hairbands 363 42 608 189 Fire Lily [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380136 5 返礼の短剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 383 68 628 215 Flowering Dogwood [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380137 5 天真爛漫のシャシュカ (No Translation)[Edit] 357 48 602 195 Hop [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380138 5 自立と誠実の箒 (No Translation)[Edit] 347 59 592 206 Heather [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380139 5 幸福と平穏の弓 (No Translation)[Edit] 338 68 583 215 Japanese Mugwort [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380140 5 臆病な愛のカチューシャ Timid Love Headband 387 63 632 210 Apricot [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380141 5 神の祝福の宝冠 God's Blessing Jeweled Crown 317 74 562 221 Novalis [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380142 5 優しい思い出の槌 (No Translation)[Edit] 348 50 593 197 Sweet Pea [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380143 5 信頼と信仰の短剣 Trust and Faith Daggers 339 66 584 213 Water Lily [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380144 5 天下無敵の大槌 (No Translation)[Edit] 372 33 617 180 Peach [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380145 5 変化を好む双錘 (No Translation)[Edit] 351 54 596 201 Aster [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380146 5 男嫌いの大鎌 (No Translation)[Edit] 342 63 587 210 Snake Gourd [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380147 5 旅立ちの魔導書 Departure Grimoire 333 72 578 219 Russelia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380148 5 喜びと陽気のボウガン Joy and Cheerfulness Crossbow 374 77 619 224 Saffron [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380149 5 清浄の紅葉傘 Pure Autumn Colored Umbrella 351 39 596 186 Egyptian Water Lily [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380150 5 慎重と用心の弓 (No Translation)[Edit] 329 69 574 216 Japanese Rowan [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380151 5 輝く心の髪飾り (No Translation)[Edit] 347 59 592 206 Wood Sorrel [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380152 5 愛情と慈しみの槍 Love and Affection Spear 335 71 580 218 Wintersweet [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380153 5 健康と信頼の剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 362 44 607 191 Aloe [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380154 5 謙遜と忍耐の弓 Humility and Endurance Bow 350 56 595 203 Liriope [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380155 5 貞淑と節制の鎖鎌 (No Translation)[Edit] 342 63 587 210 Satsuki [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380156 5 逆境の中の射突槍 (No Translation)[Edit] 381 69 626 216 Snow Drop [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380157 5 慈悲と慈愛の双剣 Compassion and Kindness Twin Swords 336 54 581 201 Blue Lotus [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380158 5 夢と童心のリボン (No Translation)[Edit] 347 51 592 198 Cockspur Coral Tree [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380159 5 貪欲の大剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 359 47 604 194 Lupin [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380160 5 華麗と優雅の大鎌 (No Translation)[Edit] 365 41 610 188 Dahlia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380161 5 沈黙の魔銃 (No Translation)[Edit] 321 84 566 231 Belladonna [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380162 5 君のことを忘れない風車 I Won't Forget You Pinwheel 342 63 587 210 Tatarian Aster [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380163 5 希望と優美のハット (No Translation)[Edit] 351 54 596 201 Texas Bluebell [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380164 5 甘い誘惑のキャンディ (No Translation)[Edit] 383 68 628 215 Evergreen Candytuft [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380165 5 変わらぬ愛のカチューシャ Unchanging Love Headband 333 57 578 204 Moth Orchid [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380166 5 真実の愛の腕章 True Love Armband 345 53 590 200 Forget-Me-Not [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380167 5 はかない美の扇子 (No Translation)[Edit] 362 44 607 191 Queen of the Night [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380168 5 優雅と優しさの花飾り (No Translation)[Edit] 356 50 601 197 Japanese Water Iris [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380169 5 上品と聡明の翠光杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 339 66 584 213 Green Bell [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380170 5 深い悲しみの水晶 (No Translation)[Edit] 354 51 599 198 Allium [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380171 5 奥ゆかしい美しさの錘 (No Translation)[Edit] 344 62 589 209 Alyssum [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380172 5 野望と大志のウォーピック (No Translation)[Edit] 380 71 625 218 Hollyhock [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380173 5 切実な愛の双刀 Earnest Love Twin Swords 347 44 592 191 Kurenai [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380174 5 初恋と陶酔の鐘 First Love and Intoxication Bell 338 53 583 200 Fragrant Olive [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380175 5 教育の名簿 (No Translation)[Edit] 332 66 577 213 Cornflower [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380176 5 燃ゆる思いの円月輪 (No Translation)[Edit] 357 48 602 195 Cherry Sage [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380177 5 熱烈な心の瓢箪 (No Translation)[Edit] 336 69 581 216 Fuchsia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380178 5 心で感じる白傘 (No Translation)[Edit] 353 53 598 200 Lady's Sorrel [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380179 5 お役に立ちたい妹 I want to be useful younger sister 342 63 587 210 Creeping Smartweed [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380180 5 純白な愛の傘 (No Translation)[Edit] 392 59 637 206 Habranthus [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380181 5 脚光の戦槌 Footlight War Hammer 336 47 581 194 Heliconia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380182 5 愛情と結束のとんがり帽子 Love and Unity Pointy Hat 350 41 595 188 Morning Glory [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380183 5 優しい愛情の弓 Tender Love Bow 342 48 587 195 Japanese Bindweed [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380184 5 予言と嫉妬の小さな王冠 Prediction and Jealousy Small Crown 330 60 575 207 Marigold [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380185 5 身近な愛のコンパス (No Translation)[Edit] 338 68 583 215 Gazania [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380186 5 寿ぐ花嫁の杖槍 (No Translation)[Edit] 348 57 593 204 Coral Bush (June Bride) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380187 5 恋の花嫁の花籠 Bride of Love's Flower Basket 356 50 601 197 Flowering Peach (June Bride) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380188 5 神秘的な花嫁の手袋 Mysterious Bride's Gloves 396 54 641 201 Royal Water Lily (June Bride) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380189 5 希望と幸運のリボン Hope and Good Luck Ribbon 333 50 578 197 White Clover [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380190 5 洗練の髪飾り Refinement Hair Ornament 347 36 592 183 Bistort [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380191 5 温順の短剣 Docile Dagger 341 50 586 197 White Pansy [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380192 5 従順と誠実の魔杖 Obedience and Sincerity Magic Staff 353 38 598 185 Balloon Flower [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380193 5 人見知りの羽衣 (No Translation)[Edit] 347 59 592 206 Lesser Celandine [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380194 5 燃える七夕の花飾り Burning Tanabata Flower Decoration 354 51 599 198 German Iris (Tanabata) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380195 5 輝く七夕の思い出セット (No Translation)[Edit] 360 45 605 192 Wood Sorrel (Tanabata) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380196 5 純愛の双鈎 (No Translation)[Edit] 378 69 623 216 Tree of a Thousand Stars [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380197 5 思慮深い兵法書 Thoughtful Tactics Book 329 54 574 201 Purple Pansy [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380198 5 自由と気ままな靴 Free and Self-Willed Shoes 336 47 581 194 Thunberg Spirea [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380199 5 困難に打ち勝つ槍 Overcoming Difficulty Lance 350 41 595 188 Sasanqua [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380200 5 官能的な魔法銃 Sensual Magic Gun 342 48 587 195 Jasmine [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380201 5 気品と上品のガントレット (No Translation)[Edit] 338 68 583 215 Plumeria [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380202 5 成熟した水着の帽子 Mature Swimsuit Hat 347 59 592 206 Cattleya (Swimsuit) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380203 5 水着の思い出の弓 Memories of Swimsuit Bow 356 50 601 197 Chocolate Cosmos (Swimsuit) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380204 5 清らかな水着の水鉄砲 (No Translation)[Edit] 374 77 619 224 Epidendrum (Swimsuit) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380205 5 色あせぬ恋の籠手 Unfading Love Gauntlet 336 54 581 201 Globe Amaranth [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380206 5 心が安らぐ髪留め Heart at Ease Hair Ties 347 44 592 191 Chinese Milk Vetch [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380207 5 家族愛のチョーカー Family Love Choker 327 56 572 203 Salvia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380208 5 真実の友情のメイス True Friendship Mace 339 44 584 191 Marguerite [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380209 5 元気と繁栄の銃 (No Translation)[Edit] 335 71 580 218 Seemannia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380210 5 恋の愉しみの眼帯 (No Translation)[Edit] 359 47 604 194 Water Hyacinth [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380211 5 あなたを捕らえる錨 I'll Capture You Anchor 341 65 586 212 Barrenwort [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380212 5 清楚と卑下のほうき (No Translation)[Edit] 387 63 632 210 Scotch Broom [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380213 5 光輝のバンダナ Brightness Bandana 330 53 575 200 Sunflower [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380214 5 内気とはにかみの魔導書 Shyness and Bashfulness Grimoire 336 47 581 194 Cyclamen [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380215 5 高慢の拳鍔 Haughty Fist Guards 347 44 592 191 Hydrangea [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380216 5 愛を信じる弓 Believing in Love Bow 341 50 586 197 Carnation [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380217 5 心の美しさの風車 Heart's Beauty Pinwheel 344 62 589 209 Clematis [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380218 5 返礼と浴衣のポイ (No Translation)[Edit] 356 51 601 198 Flowering Dogwood (Yukata) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380219 5 忍耐力と浴衣の風鈴 Fortitude and Yukata Wind Chimes 348 57 593 204 Japanese Apricot (Yukata) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380220 5 少女の浴衣のミニハンマー (No Translation)[Edit] 383 68 628 215 Viola (Yukata) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380221 5 真心の愛の花飾り (No Translation)[Edit] 326 57 571 204 Dandelion [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380222 5 気高い貴婦人の鋼弓 Noble Lady's Steel Bow 335 71 580 218 Agave [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380223 5 人嫌いの権杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 351 54 596 201 Monkshood [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380224 5 優しい感受性の槍 Tender Sensitivity Lance 344 62 589 209 Panama Queen [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380225 5 恋の病の提灯 (No Translation)[Edit] 345 60 590 207 Trailing Abutilon [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380226 5 心の平安の金棒 (No Translation)[Edit] 350 56 595 203 Chinese Lantern [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380227 5 意外性のある天狗面 (No Translation)[Edit] 357 48 602 195 Skunk Vine [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380228 5 穏やかな生活の氷杖 Calm Life Ice Staff 380 71 625 218 Ghost Weed [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380229 5 我が国を愛す大剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 347 59 592 206 Cuphea [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380230 5 初恋と嫉妬の剣 First Love and Jealousy Sword 378 72 623 219 Nightmaher (Dog's Tooth Violet) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380231 5 機敏の髪飾り Prompt Hair Ornament 383 68 628 215 Alstroemeria (Gratitude Towards The Future) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380232 5 あなたを信じて待つ髪飾り I'll Believe and Wait For You Hair Ornament 344 62 589 209 Anemone (World's Flower Shrine Maiden) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380233 5 純愛と貞節の勾玉 (No Translation)[Edit] 360 45 605 192 Pink (World's Flower Shrine Maiden) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380234 5 情熱と独立の錫杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 383 68 628 215 Red Spider Lily (World's Flower Shrine Maiden) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380235 5 清心と純心の槍 (No Translation)[Edit] 348 57 593 204 Eucharis [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380236 5 たくましく生きる手甲 (No Translation)[Edit] 347 59 592 206 Devil's Claw [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380237 5 エプロン美人のミトン Apron Beauty's Mittens 354 51 599 198 Sakura (Apron) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380238 5 淡い夢の砧 (No Translation)[Edit] 341 65 586 212 Kinutasou [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380239 5 ためらいの籠手 (No Translation)[Edit] 339 66 584 213 Thoroughwort [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380240 5 大らかな愛のラパン (No Translation)[Edit] 351 54 596 201 Pussy Ears [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380241 5 前向きな恋の釵 Positive Love Sai 380 71 625 218 Bush Clover [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380242 5 僅かの楽しみの光剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 332 74 577 221 Asiatic Dayflower [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380243 5 強い愛の帽子 Strong Love Hat 336 69 581 216 Pouch Flower [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380244 5 美を好む彫刻刀 (No Translation)[Edit] 347 59 592 206 Acanthus [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380245 5 あなたを支える剣 I'll Support You Sword 377 74 622 221 Dusty Miller [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380246 5 全てを手に入れる弓 (No Translation)[Edit] 341 65 586 212 Strelitzia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380247 5 怠け者のワンド Sloth's Wand 350 56 595 203 Lampranthus [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380248 5 真心と賢明のウフソー (No Translation)[Edit] 338 68 583 215 Wax Tree [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380249 5 恵まれた生活の魔銃 Blessed Living Magic Gun 351 54 596 201 Fireweed [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380250 5 清廉と優しさのシャボン玉 (No Translation)[Edit] 384 66 629 213 Soapwort [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380251 5 美しい変化の葉団扇 (No Translation)[Edit] 344 62 589 209 Fullmoon Maple [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380252 5 はずむイタズラの帽子 (No Translation)[Edit] 359 47 604 194 Hare's Tail Grass (Halloween) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380253 5 夢の中の恋の大鎌 (No Translation)[Edit] 341 65 586 212 Devil in a Bush [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380254 5 恥じらうイタズラの帽子 (No Translation)[Edit] 387 63 632 210 Herbaceous Peony (Halloween) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380255 5 大きな希望の金槌 (No Translation)[Edit] 335 71 580 218 Butterfly Bush [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380256 5 隠された美の長剣 Hidden Beauty's Longsword 351 54 596 201 Japanese Chloranthus [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380257 5 ユニークな双剣 Unique Twin Swords 354 51 599 198 Kiwi Fruit [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380258 5 完全無欠の髪飾り (No Translation)[Edit] 338 68 583 215 Pineapple [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380259 5 あなたに打ち明ける琵琶 I'll Open Up To You Biwa 380 71 625 218 Loquat [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380260 5 寛大と気前のよさの弓矢 (No Translation)[Edit] 344 62 589 209 Mikan [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380261 5 聖夜の思い出の大剣 Christmas Eve Memory Large Sword 356 50 601 197 Maple (Christmas) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380262 5 聖夜の恋が成就する帽子 Christmas Eve's Love Fulfilling Hat 347 59 592 206 Wax Vine (Christmas) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380263 5 いつも元気な圏 Always Lively Sphere 381 69 626 216 Purslane [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380264 5 あなたに従う杖 I'll Obey You Staff 339 66 584 213 Lamb's Ear [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380265 5 聖夜の愛のステッキ Christmas Eve's Love Walking Stick 348 57 593 204 Apricot (Christmas) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380266 5 聖夜と容姿端麗の弓 Christmas Eve and Attractive Face and Figure Bow 341 65 586 212 Ionocidium (Christmas) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380267 5 あなたについていくハート I'll Follow You Heart 354 51 599 198 Christmas Begonia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380268 5 聖夜の愛らしさの鉄扇 Christmas Eve's Prettiness Iron-Ribbed Fan 402 48 647 195 Tall Stewartia (Christmas) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380269 5 清純と寛大のマッチ (No Translation)[Edit] 333 72 578 219 Skimmia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380270 5 新春の心で感じる紅白傘 (No Translation)[Edit] 354 51 599 198 Lady's Sorrel (New Year) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380271 5 若返りの宝珠 (No Translation)[Edit] 341 65 586 212 False Daphne [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380272 5 平和と安らぎの双剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 333 72 578 219 Olive [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380273 5 終わりのない友情の胸花 Endless Friendship Boutonniere 350 56 595 203 Rhodanthe [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380274 5 新春の不滅の黄金杵 New Year's Undying Gold Mallet 399 51 644 198 Ivy (New Year) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380275 5 貧しくても高潔のハンマー (No Translation)[Edit] 347 59 592 206 Water Dropwort [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380276 5 軽口と愛情の手袋 (No Translation)[Edit] 338 68 583 215 Beefsteak Geranium [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380277 5 逢い引きと密会の回転鋸 Secret Date and Clandestine Meeting Rotating Saw 332 74 577 221 Chickweed [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380278 5 無償の愛の念珠 (No Translation)[Edit] 371 80 616 227 Jersey Cudweed [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380279 5 ひたむきな愛のスピア (No Translation)[Edit] 336 69 581 216 Annabelle [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380280 5 豊かな心の水晶 (No Translation)[Edit] 354 51 599 198 King Protea [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380281 5 楽しいおしゃべりのカバン (No Translation)[Edit] 338 68 583 215 Dalmatian Bellflower [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380282 5 用心と警戒の霊光剣 Guarding and Vigilance Spiritual-Light Sword 386 65 631 212 Aizoon Stonecrop [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380283 5 清らかな心の連弩 (No Translation)[Edit] 342 63 587 210 Lycaste [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380284 5 純潔と賢者のランス (No Translation)[Edit] 351 54 596 201 Tiger Lily [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380285 5 協力のガントレット (No Translation)[Edit] 347 59 592 206 Heart Vine [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380286 5 神聖と親切のギフトボール Holiness and Kindness Gift Ball 377 74 622 221 Cacao [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380287 5 失恋と従順の釣り竿 (No Translation)[Edit] 336 69 581 216 Asian Bleeding Heart [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380288 5 幸運が必ず来る波刃剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 353 53 598 200 Rabbit-ear Iris [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380289 5 成熟した美しさの鏡圏 (No Translation)[Edit] 344 62 589 209 Pomegranate [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380290 5 神聖と清らかな心の杖 Holiness and Pure Heart Staff 398 53 643 200 Lotus [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380291 5 愛嬌と陽気の短剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 336 69 581 216 Lamium [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380292 5 怠惰と粗暴の鞭 Laziness and Violence Whip 351 54 596 201 Rough Cocklebur [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380293 5 秘めたメイドの小さな人形 Hidden Maid's Small Doll 341 65 586 212 Himalayan Creeping Saxifrage (Gothic Maid) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380294 5 信頼と忠節のステッキ (No Translation)[Edit] 354 51 599 198 Flowering Rush [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380295 5 美しい思い出の五刃剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 350 56 595 203 Madagascar Periwinkle [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380296 5 感受性と無邪気の機関銃 Sensitivity and Simple-Mindedness Machine Gun 390 60 635 207 Freesia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380297 5 母性愛のハンマー (No Translation)[Edit] 333 72 578 219 Mauritiana [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380298 5 さり気ない優しさの帽子 (No Translation)[Edit] 344 62 589 209 Anri (Rue Anemone) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380299 5 慈悲と防衛の吹き矢 Compassion and Protection Blowgun 347 59 592 206 Firethorn [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380300 5 神様の贈り物の三叉槍 God's Present Trident 354 51 599 198 Ixora [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380301 5 忍耐と因縁の槍 (No Translation)[Edit] 378 72 623 219 Curcuma [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380302 5 黄金の輝きのカトラリー (No Translation)[Edit] 336 69 581 216 Curry Plant [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380303 5 あなたを慕うチャクラム I Long For You Chakram 339 66 584 213 Lindernia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380304 5 優雅と幼心のレイピア (No Translation)[Edit] 344 62 589 209 Reeves Spirea [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380305 5 変わり者の双剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 351 54 596 201 Pitcher Plant [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380306 5 敏感と鋭感の朝星棒 (No Translation)[Edit] 386 65 631 212 Sensitive Plant [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380307 5 思いやりの薬箱 (No Translation)[Edit] 333 72 578 219 Elder Flower [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380308 5 君を愛すハンマー (No Translation)[Edit] 342 63 587 210 Ping Pong Mum [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380309 5 バニーととびたいバニー服 Want to Hop With Bunnies Bunny Suit 356 50 601 197 Balloon Vine (Easter) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380310 5 愉快な気分の大砲 (No Translation)[Edit] 347 59 592 206 Poached Egg Plant [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380311 5 善良なバニーのバスケット Good Bunny's Basket 387 63 632 210 Sneezeweed (Easter) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380312 5 楽しい語らいのランタン (No Translation)[Edit] 336 69 581 216 Manettia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380326 5 花祭りと愛嬌の杖 Flower Festival and Charm Staff 356 50 601 197 Green Bristlegrass (Flower Festival) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380327 5 技芸のパレットセット (No Translation)[Edit] 351 54 596 201 Tassel Flower [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380328 5 心変わりな花祭りの虹剣 Heart Changing Flower Festival Rainbow Sword 389 62 634 209 Lantana (Flower Festival) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380329 5 伊達男の剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 339 66 584 213 Sweet William [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380330 5 戦いと勇敢の大鋸 (No Translation)[Edit] 357 48 602 195 Yarrow [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380331 5 正義と公正の小鋸 Justice and Fairness Small Saw 347 59 592 206 Coneflower [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380332 5 天才のスパイクシールド Genius' Spike Shield 384 66 629 213 Horse Chestnut [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380333 5 友情と協力の花棍 (No Translation)[Edit] 336 69 581 216 Soft Windflower [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380334 5 活力と自信のメイス Energy and Self-Confidence Mace 342 63 587 210 Idsuroei [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380335 5 快活と勝利の髪留め (No Translation)[Edit] 344 62 589 209 Money Tree [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380336 5 勝負好きの鞭 (No Translation)[Edit] 356 50 601 197 Creeping Jenny [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380337 5 可憐な心の花槍 Sweet Heart Flower Spear 390 60 635 207 Blushing Bride [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380338 5 罠としつこさの虫取り網 Trap and Persistence Insect Net 336 69 581 216 Sweet William Catchfly [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380339 5 幸せな花嫁のダイヤ Happy Bride's Diamond 360 45 605 192 Nerine (June Bride) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380340 5 従順と女性の愛情の杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 347 59 592 206 Yomena [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380341 5 花嫁と信仰のブーケ Bride and Faith Bouquet 395 56 640 203 Water Lily (June Bride) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380342 5 愛の誠実の医学書 (No Translation)[Edit] 338 68 583 215 Bouvardia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380343 5 幸福と開運の竹槍 (No Translation)[Edit] 344 62 589 209 Lucky Bamboo [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380344 5 悲嘆と悲痛のマフラー (No Translation)[Edit] 356 50 601 197 Calendula [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380345 5 最も美しい七夕の羽衣 The Most Beautiful Tanabata Robe Of Feathers 392 59 637 206 Apple (Tanabata) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380346 5 失った愛情の花槍 Lost Love Flower Spear 336 69 581 216 Penstemon [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380347 5 信じ合う心の帽子 (No Translation)[Edit] 348 57 593 204 Habanero [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380348 5 秘めた水着の帽子 Hidden Swimsuit Hat 350 56 595 203 Toad Lily (Swimsuit) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380349 5 幸運になる壺 (No Translation)[Edit] 338 68 583 215 Baikamo [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380350 5 水着の心の剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 381 69 626 216 Japanese Silver Grass (Swimsuit) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380351 5 平和の大バサミ Peace Large Scissors 335 71 580 218 False Hydrangea [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380352 5 賞賛と力量の槍傘 Praise and Ability Lance-Umbrella 359 47 604 194 Fennel [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380353 5 安定と順調の大剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 342 63 587 210 Watercress [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380354 5 過去を水に流す花杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 389 62 634 209 Wolf Berry [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380355 5 熱情と先駆者の錫杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 332 74 577 221 Japanese Quince [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380356 5 浴衣愛の双槍 Yukata Love Twin Spears 360 45 605 192 Heliotrope (Yukata) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380357 5 真心の三つ又分銅 (No Translation)[Edit] 357 48 602 195 Coral Flower [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380358 5 約束を守る美人の折本 (No Translation)[Edit] 372 78 617 225 Golden Lace [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380359 5 健やかな心のガントレット (No Translation)[Edit] 342 63 587 210 Echeveria [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380360 5 温和と愛嬌のメイス (No Translation)[Edit] 353 53 598 200 Torenia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380361 5 豊かさに恵まれる鍵 Blessed With Abundance Key 357 48 602 195 Cowslip [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380362 5 気高い誇りの杖 Noble Heart Cane 345 60 590 207 Bleeding Heart [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380363 5 信頼と自信の双刃刀 Trust and Self-Confidence Double-Edged Blade 393 57 638 204 Liverwort [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380364 5 強い個性の魔導書 (No Translation)[Edit] 338 68 583 215 Lobelia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380368 5 美麗なハンマー (No Translation)[Edit] 342 63 587 210 Water Hyssop [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380369 5 移りゆく日々の巻子本 (No Translation)[Edit] 347 59 592 206 Great Burnet (Maturing Strategist) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380370 5 信頼と優しさのマフラー Trust and Kindness Muffler 363 42 608 189 Egyptian Water Lily (Maturing Conspirator) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380371 5 清涼な髪飾り Cool Hair Ornament 387 18 632 165 Mint (Maturing Virtue) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380372 5 復活の喜びの大剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 392 59 637 206 Easter Cactus [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380373 5 恨みの戦斧 Resentment Battle Axe 357 48 602 195 Spring Star [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380374 5 ただよう湯煙のお風呂道具 (No Translation)[Edit] 344 62 589 209 Echinacea (Hotspring Yukata) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380375 5 爛漫な湯煙の赤ワイン (No Translation)[Edit] 368 38 613 185 Hop (Hotspring Yukata) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380376 5 無言の愛の髪留め Silent Love Hairpin 386 65 631 212 Pinkladies [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380377 5 潔白のレイピア (No Translation)[Edit] 357 48 602 195 Radish [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380378 5 欺瞞と悪戯のカード Deception and Mischief Cards 350 56 595 203 Nightshade [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380379 5 信頼と陽気のハンマー Trust and Cheerfulness Hammer 360 45 605 192 Larkspur [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380380 5 真実の虫眼鏡 (No Translation)[Edit] 401 50 646 197 Streptocarpus [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380381 5 激しい気性のゴーグル (No Translation)[Edit] 321 84 566 231 Japanese Barberry [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380382 5 表現する錘 Expressing Chuí 336 47 581 194 Buckbean [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380383 5 愛らしいきらめきのランス Beloved Shimmering Spear 339 51 584 198 Annual Blue-eyed Grass [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380384 5 しとやかな信頼の片手剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 338 60 583 207 Water Fringe [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380385 5 目立ちたがりのハサミ (No Translation)[Edit] 318 87 563 234 Yamashitae [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380386 5 一時の美のイタズラネコ耳 Temporary Beauty's Trick Cat Ears 359 47 604 194 Dragon Fruit (Halloween) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380387 5 苛酷と冗談の蛇 (No Translation)[Edit] 348 57 593 204 Worm Wood [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380388 5 無邪気なイタズラカボチャ Innocent Mischievous Pumpkin 375 75 620 222 Daisy (Halloween) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380389 5 いたずら好きの鎌 Prank-Loving Sickle 354 51 599 198 Native Bryony [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380390 5 慈愛の弓 Kindness Bow 356 50 601 197 Turnip [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380391 5 荘厳と可憐の斧 (No Translation)[Edit] 341 65 586 212 Baby Blue Eyes [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380392 5 栄耀栄華の双剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 384 66 629 213 Sparaxis [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380393 5 命を捧げる双剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 348 57 593 204 Skullcap [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380394 5 愛の喜びと情熱の日記 Love's Joy and Passion Diary 404 47 649 194 Azalea [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380395 5 節度と初恋のリボン Moderation and First Love Ribbon 362 44 607 191 Azalea (Newcomer) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380396 5 聖夜の生活の帽子 Christmas Eve's Life Hat 359 47 702 96 Ghost Weed (Christmas) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380397 5 聖夜と誘惑のサンタ帽子 Christmas Eve and Temptation Santa's Hat 348 57 691 106 Evergreen Candytuft (Christmas) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380398 5 聖夜の富と財産のリボン Christmas Eve's Wealth and Fortune Ribbon 383 68 628 215 Chloranthus (Christmas) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380399 5 永遠の幸福の太鼓 (No Translation)[Edit] 335 71 580 218 Billy Buttons [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380400 5 聖夜と陽気の三角帽子 Christmas Eve and Cheerfulness Tricorne 347 59 592 206 Saffron (Christmas) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380401 5 聖夜のきらめきのベル Christmas Eve's Sparkle Bell 354 51 599 198 Flamingo Plant (Christmas) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380402 5 聖夜を支える髪飾り I'll Support Christmas Eve Hair Ornament 378 72 623 219 Dusty Miller (Christmas) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380403 5 幸せを運ぶロングメイス Happiness Carrying Long Mace 338 68 583 215 Japanese Glory Bower [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380404 5 濃厚な愛のチャクラム Passionate Love Chakram 360 45 605 192 Miltonia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380405 5 新春の恋と呪いの鞘 New Year's Love and Curse Sheath 356 50 601 197 Chocolate Lily (New Year) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380406 5 あでやかな美人の槍 Captivating Beauty's Spear 345 60 590 207 Formosan Cherry [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380407 5 新春の尊い思い出の扇子 (No Translation)[Edit] 393 57 638 204 Edelweiss (New Year) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380408 5 優雅と豊麗の風水盤 (No Translation)[Edit] 344 62 589 209 Chinese Quince [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380409 5 寄り添う心の魔導書 (No Translation)[Edit] 357 48 602 195 False Helleborine [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380410 5 特徴と雄大のグローブ (No Translation)[Edit] 344 62 589 209 Lion's Ear [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380411 5 艶のある片思いのロッド (No Translation)[Edit] 360 45 605 192 Peperomia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380412 5 順風満帆のストック (No Translation)[Edit] 383 68 628 215 Stock [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380413 5 誓いと茶目っ気の雪玉 (No Translation)[Edit] 353 53 598 200 Viburnum [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380414 5 健康のトンファー (No Translation)[Edit] 362 44 607 191 Gajumaru [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380415 5 約束と幸運の三叉槍 Promise and Good Luck Trident 356 50 601 197 Clover [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380416 5 忍耐と薄れゆく愛の灯篭 (No Translation)[Edit] 378 72 623 219 Japanese Anemone [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380417 5 誘惑と慎み深さの刀 (No Translation)[Edit] 353 53 598 200 Coleus [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380418 5 思い出と温情の空太刀 (No Translation)[Edit] 323 83 568 230 Trifoliate [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380419 5 健康なチョコの片手剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 348 57 593 204 Aloe (Valentine) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380420 5 清純なチョコマフィン (No Translation)[Edit] 359 47 604 194 Snapdragon (Valentine) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380421 5 期待とチョコのレシピ本 Anticipation and Chocolate Recipe Book 384 66 629 213 Lavender (Valentine) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380422 5 神聖な長柄槍 Holy Long-Handled Spear 342 63 587 210 Asian Rice [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380423 5 情熱と熱意のジャマダハル (No Translation)[Edit] 360 45 605 192 Lemon [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380424 5 忍耐のモーニングスター Endurance Morning Star 351 54 596 201 Moss Phlox [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380425 5 優雅な装いの剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 390 60 635 207 Paphiopedilum [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380426 5 頭脳明晰な研究杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 374 32 619 179 Lacquer Tree [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380427 5 真心と調和の双頭薙刀 (No Translation)[Edit] 354 51 599 198 Winter Cosmos [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380428 5 秘めた愛の魔銃 Hidden Love Magic Gun 341 65 586 212 Flat Sea Holly [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380429 5 富と繁栄の泡だて器 (No Translation)[Edit] 377 74 622 221 Wheat [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380430 5 必ず来る幸福の双剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 362 44 607 191 Snow Pea [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380431 5 運動と尊人のボール (No Translation)[Edit] 347 59 592 206 Delphinium (Athletic Meet) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380432 5 清らかな祈りのオール (No Translation)[Edit] 354 51 599 198 Rough Potato [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380433 5 運動と恋のバット (No Translation)[Edit] 387 63 632 210 Trailing Abutilon (Athletic Meet) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380434 5 静かな想いの魔導書 (No Translation)[Edit] 342 63 587 210 Pot Marigold [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380435 5 爽やかな刀 (No Translation)[Edit] 348 57 593 204 Azuki Bean [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380436 5 魅惑の果実酒 Fascination Fruit Wine 375 30 620 177 Quince [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380437 5 小国の王の小銃 Ruler of Small Country's Rifle 392 59 637 206 Corn Cockle [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380438 5 純粋な心の片手剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 369 36 614 183 Adenium [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380439 5 自由な復活祭のうさぎ (No Translation)[Edit] 351 54 596 201 Showy Evening Primrose (Easter) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380440 5 はじめてのキスのレイピア (No Translation)[Edit] 366 39 611 186 Hare's Ear [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380441 5 復活祭と幼心の槍 (No Translation)[Edit] 407 44 652 191 Reeves Spirea (Easter) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380442 5 偽れない威厳の短銃 (No Translation)[Edit] 338 68 583 215 Easter Lily [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380443 5 前途洋々な錫杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 359 47 604 194 Pickerel Weed [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380444 5 富と貯えのウォーハンマー (No Translation)[Edit] 362 44 607 191 Squirrel Tail Grass [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380445 5 慎重と信頼の大剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 390 60 635 207 Pygmy Water Lily [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380446 5 希望と消息のレイピア (No Translation)[Edit] 354 51 599 198 Blood Iris [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380447 5 優しい忍の大筒 (No Translation)[Edit] 363 42 608 189 Laurentia (Ninja) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380448 5 公正な忍の苦無 Fair Ninja's Kunai 354 51 599 198 Coneflower (Ninja) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380449 5 静かなおもむきの巻物 (No Translation)[Edit] 381 69 626 216 Camellia Wabisuke [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380450 5 不屈の精神の手裏剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 348 57 593 204 China Root [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380451 5 さわやかな笑顔の傘 (No Translation)[Edit] 350 56 595 203 Spoon Wood [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380452 5 高貴な敵意の杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 362 44 607 191 Sawagikyou [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380453 5 協調の懐中時計 Cooperation Pocket Watch 402 48 647 195 Ixia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380454 5 無限の可能性の魔術書 (No Translation)[Edit] 347 59 592 206 Rainbow Rose [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380455 5 奇想天外なリボン Bizarre Ribbon 375 30 620 177 Welwitschia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380456 5 気品と花嫁のベール (No Translation)[Edit] 369 36 614 183 Plumeria (June Bride) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380457 5 小さな花嫁のクマさん仮面 (No Translation)[Edit] 347 59 592 206 Cherry (June Bride) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380458 5 神聖と花嫁のマスク Holiness and Bride Mask 378 72 623 219 Lotus (June Bride) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380459 5 慶事と祝いの片手剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 372 33 617 180 Jumpseed [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380471 5 純真な愛情のメイス (No Translation)[Edit] 365 41 610 188 Henna [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380472 5 思い出と不滅の愛の杖 Memories and Undying Love Staff 371 35 616 182 Straw Flower [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380473 5 海の如き愛の法螺貝 (No Translation)[Edit] 386 65 631 212 Tritonia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380474 5 まじないの機械鋸 (No Translation)[Edit] 347 59 592 206 Vinca [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380475 5 優美な果報者の杖 Graceful Lucky Person's Staff 344 62 589 209 Tithonia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380476 5 復活の水着のパスコア (No Translation)[Edit] 362 44 607 191 Easter Cactus (Swimsuit) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380477 5 不滅の水着のとなこ (No Translation)[Edit] 368 38 613 185 Holly (Swimsuit) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380478 5 大きさと水着のクレピ (No Translation)[Edit] 404 47 649 194 Summer Squash (Swimsuit) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380479 5 危険な戯れの双拳銃 (No Translation)[Edit] 345 60 590 207 Tuberose [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380480 5 途絶えぬ記憶の戦輪 (No Translation)[Edit] 363 42 608 189 Statice [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380481 5 星の輝きのアストロラーベ Star's Brilliance Astrolabe 356 50 601 197 Sedum [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380482 5 小さな強さの杖 Small Strength Staff 392 59 637 206 Sutera [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380483 5 特別の存在の大砲 Special Existence's Large Cannon 354 51 599 198 Comet Orchid [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380484 5 危険な美しさの杖 Dangerous Beauty Staff 378 72 623 219 Colchicum [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380485 5 聖なる浴衣の幽霊小盾 Holy Yukata Small Ghost Shield 368 38 613 185 Poinsettia (Yukata) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380486 5 罠の炎戦棍 (No Translation)[Edit] 359 47 604 194 Silene Coeli Rosa [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380487 5 真の浴衣の団扇 (No Translation)[Edit] 395 56 640 203 Geranium (Yukata) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380488 5 情熱的な愛の弓 Passionate Love Bow 353 53 598 200 Ceanothus [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380489 5 希望と運命の槌 Hope and Fate Hammer 360 45 605 192 Wallich's Glory Bower [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380490 5 おてんばな戦弓 Tomboy War Bow 369 36 614 183 Beloperone [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380491 5 栄光と栄誉の野戦帽 Glory and Honor Field Cap 339 66 584 213 Buttercup [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380492 5 聡明と知恵の泉の扇 Fountain of Wisdom and Intelligence's Fan 375 75 620 222 Violet Cress [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380493 5 謙虚と謙譲の杖 Modesty and Humility Staff 347 59 592 206 Abelia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380494 5 高貴と荘厳の一輪車 Nobility and Solemnity Unicycle 356 50 601 197 Elm [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380495 5 こよなき魅力のナーゾ Extremely Fascinating Nazo 347 59 592 206 Lithops [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380496 5 必ず手に入れる道化帽 Guaranteed To Obtain Clown Cap 383 68 628 215 Purple Columbine [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380497 5 真の幸福のクラブ True Happiness Club 353 53 598 200 Gooseberry [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380498 5 繁栄と豊作の酒樽 Prosperity and Abundant Harvest Barrel 369 36 614 183 Barley [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380499 5 円満と幸福の水筒 Harmony and Happiness Canteen 318 87 563 234 Gourd [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380500 5 知性と謀略の杖 Intelligence and Strategy Staff 378 72 623 219 Walnut [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380501 5 ひとときの幸せの槍 Moment of Happineness Spear 359 47 604 194 Zebrina [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380502 5 豊かさと給仕のリボン Abundance and Waitress Ribbon 374 77 619 224 Cowslip (Maid) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380503 5 自然の恵みの大槌 Nature's Blessing Large Hammer 335 71 580 218 Oregano [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380504 5 恨みと給仕のヘッドドレス Resentment and Waitress Headdress 375 30 620 177 Spring Star (Maid) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380505 5 心地よい空気の片手剣 Pleasant Atmosphere One-Handed Sword 351 54 596 201 Three-leaved Clematis [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380506 5 信頼とイタズラの三角帽子 Trust and Mischief Tricorne 357 48 602 195 Larkspur (Halloween) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380507 5 ひとりぼっちの大剣 Solitude Large Sword 353 53 598 200 Kitsune no Botan [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380508 5 欺瞞とイタズラの大鎌 Deception and Mischief Large Scythe 368 83 613 230 Nightshade (Halloween) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380509 5 世話好きの魔銃 Obliging Person's Magic Gun 374 32 619 179 Cypress Vine [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380510 5 奥深い愛情の番傘 (No Translation)[Edit] 362 44 607 191 Pinkladies (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380511 5 儚い夢の下駄 (No Translation)[Edit] 350 56 595 203 Anemone (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380512 5 騎士道の髪飾り Chivalry Hair Ornament 377 74 622 221 Monkshood (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380513 5 願う気持ちの短剣 Desired Feeling Dagger 369 36 614 183 Aibika [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380514 5 ほのかな思慕のフード (No Translation)[Edit] 360 45 605 192 Blushing Bride (Costumed Apprentice Teacher) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380515 5 小さな愛のフード (No Translation)[Edit] 357 48 602 195 Saintpaulia (Costumed Carefree Aristocrat) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380516 5 疑いの恋のフード (No Translation)[Edit] 383 68 628 215 Four O'Clock (Costumed Pyrotechnician) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380517 5 上品と荘厳のハット (No Translation)[Edit] 348 57 593 204 Showy Lily [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380518 5 明るい家族の棘付棍 (No Translation)[Edit] 390 60 635 207 Kugaisou [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380519 5 秘めたる慕情の複合弓 Hidden Longing Composite Bow 345 53 590 200 Giant Arrowhead [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380520 5 聖夜と賢者の雪だるま (No Translation)[Edit] 345 60 590 207 Tiger Lily (Christmas) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380521 5 聖夜と鋭感のサンタ帽子 (No Translation)[Edit] 360 45 605 192 Sensitive Plant (Christmas) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380522 5 聖夜と警戒のイブキ (No Translation)[Edit] 393 57 638 204 Aizoon Stonecrop (Christmas) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380523 5 あどけないレイピア Innocent Rapier 353 53 598 200 Winter Cherry [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380524 5 天真爛漫な鎌 (No Translation)[Edit] 362 44 607 191 Cranberry [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380525 5 温厚と聖夜のチョコケーキ (No Translation)[Edit] 347 59 592 206 Night Phlox (Christmas) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380526 5 苛酷と聖夜のグラス (No Translation)[Edit] 353 53 598 200 Worm Wood (Christmas) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380527 5 清楚と聖夜のプレゼント (No Translation)[Edit] 389 62 634 209 Scotch Broom (Christmas) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380528 5 互いをよく知るメイス (No Translation)[Edit] 344 62 589 209 Correa [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380529 5 新春の思いの猪円月輪 (No Translation)[Edit] 357 48 602 195 Cherry Sage (New Year) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380530 5 神を尊ぶ神楽弓 (No Translation)[Edit] 336 69 581 216 Sakaki [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380531 5 新春の愛の瓜坊 (No Translation)[Edit] 384 66 629 213 Acacia (New Year) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380532 5 清純な少女の面影の鶴戦棍 (No Translation)[Edit] 345 60 590 207 Snakeberry [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380533 5 追憶と純愛の茶筅棍 (No Translation)[Edit] 348 57 593 204 Tea Plant [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380534 5 負けず嫌いの戦扇 (No Translation)[Edit] 350 56 595 203 White Gaura [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380535 5 私を信じてほしい双剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 363 42 608 189 Twinspur [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380536 5 仲間と一緒の幽鬼面 (No Translation)[Edit] 380 71 625 218 Nipplewort [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380537 5 軽率と軽蔑の槍 (No Translation)[Edit] 351 54 596 201 Pontederia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380538 5 愛の始まりの傘 Beginning Of Love Umbrella 339 51 584 198 Sanvitalia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380539 5 詩情と才能の鮫歯刀 (No Translation)[Edit] 362 44 607 191 Multiflora [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380540 5 幸福を告げる拳鍔 (No Translation)[Edit] 351 54 596 201 Kalanchoe [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380541 5 女王の祝福の御杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 392 59 637 206 Novalis (Queen of Snowflakes) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380542 5 無意識の美の細槍 (No Translation)[Edit] 372 33 617 180 Mini Rose [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380543 5 天性のチョコのクッキー (No Translation)[Edit] 386 20 631 167 Dendrobium (Valentine) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380544 5 深窓のチョコのボウル (No Translation)[Edit] 359 47 604 194 Cymbidium (Valentine) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380545 5 美しいチョコのメイス Beautiful Chocolate Mace 405 45 650 192 Dancing Lady Orchid (Valentine) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380546 5 冬の足音のハンマー Winter's Footsteps Hammer 360 45 605 192 North Pole [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380547 5 優しい憂鬱の天秤 (No Translation)[Edit] 344 62 589 209 Angelica [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380548 5 愛らしい姫の両手剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 354 51 599 198 Channelled Heath [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380549 5 夢でもあなたを想う手人形 (No Translation)[Edit] 390 60 635 207 Usagigoke [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380550 5 いじらしさの髪留 (No Translation)[Edit] 336 69 581 216 Baikasou [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380551 5 まだ見ぬ湯煙の風呂道具 (No Translation)[Edit] 359 47 604 194 Crowea (Hotspring Yukata) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380552 5 悠々自適なお風呂セット (No Translation)[Edit] 360 45 605 192 Luffa [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380553 5 賞賛と湯煙の和傘 (No Translation)[Edit] 404 47 649 194 Fennel (Hotspring Yukata) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380554 5 理想の夫婦の短槍 (No Translation)[Edit] 368 38 613 185 Ananas [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380555 5 小さな思い出の賽子銃 (No Translation)[Edit] 371 35 616 182 Gold Coin Daisy [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380556 5 隠れた価値のトランク (No Translation)[Edit] 353 53 598 200 Scilla [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380557 5 遊びと悲哀のルーレット (No Translation)[Edit] 395 56 640 203 Hyacinth [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380558 5 一攫千金の乾坤圏 (No Translation)[Edit] 338 68 583 215 Penny Plant [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380559 5 友情と監獄のロッド (No Translation)[Edit] 339 66 584 213 Soft Windflower (Prison Island) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380560 5 手引きと誘導の鋭槍 (No Translation)[Edit] 347 59 592 206 Silphium [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380561 5 戦いと監獄の旗 (No Translation)[Edit] 405 45 650 192 Yarrow (Prison Island) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380562 5 可憐な恋のステッキ (No Translation)[Edit] 353 53 598 200 Angelonia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380563 5 あなたに従う復活のメイス I'll Obey You Resurrection Mace 362 44 607 191 Lamb's Ear (Easter) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380564 5 恨みと復活のカチューシャ (No Translation)[Edit] 341 65 586 212 Black Baccara (Easter) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380565 5 愛嬌のスプーン (No Translation)[Edit] 398 53 643 200 Usagigiku [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380566 5 恋の出会いのロッド (No Translation)[Edit] 351 54 596 201 Anagallis [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380567 5 秘密と球技のバット (No Translation)[Edit] 357 48 602 195 Otogirisou (Baseball) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380568 5 物思いのチアバトン (No Translation)[Edit] 335 71 580 218 Kurinsou [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380569 5 誓いと球技のグローブ (No Translation)[Edit] 384 66 629 213 Viburnum (Baseball) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380570 5 揺れる心のメイス (No Translation)[Edit] 344 62 589 209 Nolana [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380571 5 困難に負けない髪留め (No Translation)[Edit] 322 60 567 207 Giant Leopard Plant [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380572 5 あなたとの約束のアックス My Promise with You Axe 342 63 587 210 Physostegia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380573 5 勇気と心変わりの尖鎖 (No Translation)[Edit] 347 59 592 206 Borage [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380574 5 不変の好奇心の龍水晶 (No Translation)[Edit] 353 98 598 245 Tarragon [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380575 5 豊富な知識の虫眼鏡 (No Translation)[Edit] 339 66 584 213 Solidaster [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380576 5 楽天家と幸福のロッド (No Translation)[Edit] 347 59 592 206 Buntan [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380577 5 抱擁の神楽鈴 (No Translation)[Edit] 335 71 580 218 Smithiantha [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380578 5 静かな喜びの炎槍 (No Translation)[Edit] 392 59 637 206 Godetia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380579 5 宇宙の茸傘 (No Translation)[Edit] 333 72 578 219 Eryngii [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380580 5 喜びと花嫁のハンマー (No Translation)[Edit] 360 45 605 192 Saffron (June Bride) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380581 5 善良な花嫁の黄帽子 (No Translation)[Edit] 348 57 593 204 Sneezeweed (June Bride) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380582 5 親睦と花嫁の髪留め (No Translation)[Edit] 365 86 610 233 Black Locust (June Bride) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380583 5 優美と野生美の歯車 (No Translation)[Edit] 342 63 587 210 Brachyscome [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380584 5 我がままと悩みの薬研槌 (No Translation)[Edit] 342 63 587 210 Blue Spiraea [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380585 5 霊気のソードシールド (No Translation)[Edit] 350 56 595 203 Masdevallia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380586 5 忠実と困難の魔槌 (No Translation)[Edit] 369 81 614 228 Plum [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380587 5 変わらない思いのランス (No Translation)[Edit] 341 65 586 212 Hosta [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380599 5 純愛と才能の魔杖砲 (No Translation)[Edit] 357 48 602 195 Seashore Pink [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380600 5 恋のため息の双錘 (No Translation)[Edit] 344 62 589 209 Kudzu [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380601 5 あなたを見守る暗器 (No Translation)[Edit] 375 75 620 222 Duranta [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380602 5 壮大な美の蛇笛 (No Translation)[Edit] 336 69 581 216 Cobra Lily [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380603 5 気まぐれな恋の銃 (No Translation)[Edit] 347 59 592 206 Gilia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380604 5 落ち着きある魅力の戦槌 (No Translation)[Edit] 342 63 587 210 Society Garlic [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380605 5 天上の愛の錫杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 368 83 613 230 Crown Imperial [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380606 5 清楚な美しさの両刃斧 (No Translation)[Edit] 338 68 583 215 Isogiku [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380607 5 あなたを救う魔杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 353 53 598 200 Achimenes [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380608 5 鋭敏と権威の戦錘 (No Translation)[Edit] 345 60 590 207 Globe Thistle [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380609 5 大切な水着のボール (No Translation)[Edit] 398 53 643 200 Maple (Swimsuit) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380610 5 陽気と気品のジャマダハル (No Translation)[Edit] 342 63 587 210 Montbretia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380611 5 あふれる可能性の鉄扇 (No Translation)[Edit] 341 65 586 212 Fan Flower [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380612 5 不滅と水着のパラソル (No Translation)[Edit] 356 50 601 197 Ivy (Swimsuit) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380613 5 謙虚と誠実の弓 (No Translation)[Edit] 348 57 593 204 Ebine [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380614 5 優れた水着の魔銃 (No Translation)[Edit] 405 45 650 192 Sakura (Swimsuit) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380615 5 旅行と航海の双剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 330 75 575 222 Rhoeo [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380616 5 神聖と尊厳のレイピア (No Translation)[Edit] 360 45 605 192 Clove [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380617 5 愛の手紙の魔本 (No Translation)[Edit] 350 56 595 203 Papyrus Sedge [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380618 5 夢想と安らぎのブローチ (No Translation)[Edit] 390 60 635 207 Silk Tree [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380619 5 幸運を呼び込むサーベル (No Translation)[Edit] 338 68 583 215 Schizanthus [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380620 5 真実と偽りのフォーク (No Translation)[Edit] 348 57 593 204 Anchusa [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380621 5 冷淡と不実のボウイナイフ (No Translation)[Edit] 368 38 613 185 Cowberry [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380622 5 快活と短気のリボルバー (No Translation)[Edit] 402 48 647 195 Balsam [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380623 5 魔力と家族愛のロッド (No Translation)[Edit] 345 60 590 207 Verbena [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380627 5 富と誠実の魔本 (No Translation)[Edit] 342 63 587 210 Dimorphotheca [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380628 5 幸運とイタズラのカボチャ (No Translation)[Edit] 354 51 599 198 Baikamo (Halloween) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380629 5 おしゃれと個性のメイス (No Translation)[Edit] 365 41 610 188 Plumed Cockscomb [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380630 5 真実とイタズラのロッド (No Translation)[Edit] 392 59 637 206 Streptocarpus (Halloween) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380631 5 魅惑のささやきの弓 (No Translation)[Edit] 332 74 577 221 Spider Lily [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380632 5 知恵の泉の万年筆 (No Translation)[Edit] 375 30 620 177 Spider Wort [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380633 5 忍ぶ恋のフレイル (No Translation)[Edit] 369 36 614 183 Pyrethrum [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380634 5 可憐美の極致の焙烙玉 (No Translation)[Edit] 360 90 605 237 Kayana [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380635 5 夢想のからくり人形 (No Translation)[Edit] 357 48 602 195 Asian Royal Fern [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380645 5 天性の制服のカチューシャ (No Translation)[Edit] 357 48 602 195 Dendrobium (Aspirational Youth-Caring Instructor) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380646 5 見守る心と新来の杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 375 30 620 177 Sutera (Aspirational Sparkling Nova) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380647 5 淡い思いと内緒の下駄 (No Translation)[Edit] 383 68 628 215 Japanese Anemone (Aspirational Relaxed Queen) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380648 5 情熱と熱心の羽ペン (No Translation)[Edit] 345 60 590 207 Berzelia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380649 5 追憶の日々の大盾 (No Translation)[Edit] 345 60 590 207 Creeping Bugleweed [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380650 5 健康と英俊の鎌 (No Translation)[Edit] 369 36 614 183 Jujube [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380651 5 隠れた才能の鋸刃槍 (No Translation)[Edit] 386 65 631 212 Coriander [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380652 5 個性的な魔本 (No Translation)[Edit] 360 45 605 192 Garlic Vine [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380653 5 追憶の丸鋸 (No Translation)[Edit] 363 42 608 189 Sea Aster [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380654 5 雲隠れと聖夜のリボン (No Translation)[Edit] 383 68 628 215 Pickerel Weed (Christmas) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380655 5 幸せな聖夜の魔本 (No Translation)[Edit] 375 75 620 222 Nerine (Christmas) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380656 5 届けたい想いの弓 (No Translation)[Edit] 351 54 596 201 Asian Pogonia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380657 5 冒険心のモーニングスター (No Translation)[Edit] 375 30 620 177 Christmas Cactus [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380658 5 富と聖夜のクッキー (No Translation)[Edit] 380 71 625 218 Wheat (Christmas) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380659 5 聖夜の心のサンタ帽子 (No Translation)[Edit] 398 53 643 200 Cactus (Christmas) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380660 5 清廉と新春の髪飾り (No Translation)[Edit] 372 33 617 180 Soapwort (New Year) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380661 5 清らかな新春の羽子板銃 (No Translation)[Edit] 368 83 613 230 Epidendrum (New Year) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380662 5 希望と新春の髪飾り (No Translation)[Edit] 398 53 643 200 Snow Drop (New Year) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380663 5 決死の覚悟の杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 360 45 605 192 Japanese Snowball Bush [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380664 5 忠実の大剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 330 75 575 222 Japanese Viburnum [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380665 5 好奇心と期待感の大砲 Curiosity and Feeling of Expectation Cannon 383 23 628 170 Redcurrant [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380666 5 多才な人と陽気なヨーヨー (No Translation)[Edit] 363 42 608 189 Wheel Lily [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380667 5 静かな勇気の花籠鞠 (No Translation)[Edit] 375 75 620 222 Mimulus [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380668 5 不変のオーブ Unchangeable Orb 344 62 589 209 Mertensia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380669 5 春の幸せのロッド Springtime Happiness Rod 365 41 610 188 Red Dead Nettle [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380670 5 誠実と絆のレイピア Sincerity and Bonds Rapier 375 30 620 177 Lippia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380671 5 燃える愛情の大盾 (No Translation)[Edit] 357 93 602 240 Cardamine Lyrata [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380672 5 素朴と慈愛のシェルボトル (No Translation)[Edit] 333 72 578 219 Pachystachys [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380673 5 思慕と柔和のメイス (No Translation)[Edit] 396 54 641 201 Diamond Frost [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380674 5 変わらぬ信頼の聖杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 383 68 628 215 Cranesbill [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380675 5 自由な愛のかぎ爪 (No Translation)[Edit] 407 44 652 191 Nepeta [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380676 5 危険なチョコのリボン (No Translation)[Edit] 356 50 601 197 Mandevilla (Valentine) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380677 5 心の架け橋のメイス (No Translation)[Edit] 362 44 607 191 Chicory [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380678 5 純真とチョコのエプロン (No Translation)[Edit] 393 57 638 204 Kitsune no Botan (Valentine) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380679 5 今日限りのロッド (No Translation)[Edit] 342 63 587 210 Anisodontea [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380680 5 無邪気と忍耐の弓 Simple-mindedness and Endurance Bow 380 26 625 173 Rose Moss [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380681 5 名誉と機転の刀 (No Translation)[Edit] 345 60 590 207 Lychnis [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380682 5 熱い思いの弓 Passionate Feelings Bow 387 63 632 210 Lewisia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380683 5 媚びと傷のトンファー Flattery and Wound Tonfa 332 74 577 221 Japanese Madder [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380684 5 さりげない愛のナックル (No Translation)[Edit] 378 27 623 174 Harujion [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380685 5 将来有望のロッド Of Great Promise Rod 372 33 617 180 Avens [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380686 5 天分のフランベルジュ (No Translation)[Edit] 392 59 637 206 Flame Lily [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380687 5 明るく輝いてほしい大剣 Wanting You to Shine Brightly Large Sword 338 68 583 215 Kijimushiro [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380688 5 信じる心の時計槍 Believing Heart Clock-spear 342 63 587 210 Passion Flower [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380689 5 陽気と気ままな大鎌 Cheerful and Carefree Scythe 377 29 622 176 Red Cat's Tail [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380690 5 おとぎの国の夢の魔本 (No Translation)[Edit] 405 45 650 192 Bluet [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380691 5 家族思いのロッド (No Translation)[Edit] 386 65 631 212 Heart Tree [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380692 5 幸福と健康美の杖 Happiness and Healthy Beauty Staff 330 75 575 222 Yuzu [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380693 5 花嫁の喜びの大鋏 Joy of a Bride Large Scissors 414 36 659 183 Orange [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380694 5 大切に守る魔銃 Protecting With Great Care Magic Gun 333 72 578 219 Brodiaea [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380695 5 神聖と復活のエッグボール (No Translation)[Edit] 350 56 595 203 Cacao (Easter) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380696 5 復活の思い出の弓 (No Translation)[Edit] 360 90 605 237 Chocolate Cosmos (Easter) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380697 5 永遠の富の兎剣 Eternal Wealth Rabbit Sword 366 84 611 231 Rabbit's Foot [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380698 5 憩いと神秘的なブローチ (No Translation)[Edit] 402 48 647 195 Meconopsis [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380699 5 恋の予感のハンマー (No Translation)[Edit] 366 39 611 186 Meconopsis (Newcomer) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380700 5 力を合わせる木杖 Joining Forces Wooden Staff 368 38 613 185 Hackberry [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380701 5 不老不死の刀 Perpetual Youth and Longevity Katana 345 105 590 252 Tampala [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380702 5 鮮やかな人の手榴弾 (No Translation)[Edit] 380 26 625 173 Impatiens [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380703 5 悲しみは続かない槍斧 (No Translation)[Edit] 362 44 607 191 Tutsan [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380704 5 豊かな才能の花杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 410 41 655 188 Iwarenge [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380705 5 無邪気と元気なレイピア Simple-mindedned and Lively Rapier 395 56 640 203 Osteospermum [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380706 5 真心と花嫁の人形 (No Translation)[Edit] 372 33 617 180 Coral Flower (June Bride) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380707 5 はかない美と花嫁の髪飾り (No Translation)[Edit] 348 102 593 249 Queen of the Night (June Bride) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380708 5 優雅な花嫁の飛刀 (No Translation)[Edit] 375 30 620 177 Japanese Water Iris (June Bride) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380709 5 公平の裁きの剣 Judgement of Fairness Sword 360 45 605 192 Fuki [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380710 5 回復の杖 Recovery Staff 405 45 650 192 Knotweed [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380711 5 守護のぬいぐるみ Protection Stuffed Toy 345 105 590 252 Thistle [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380712 5 詩的な愛の釣り竿 Poetic Love Fishing Rod 365 41 610 188 Touch-me-not [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380713 5 優雅な傘 Elegant Umbrella 381 69 626 216 Bessera [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380714 5 強い正義感の槍 Strong Sense of Justice Spear 353 53 598 200 Exacum [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380715 5 水着の儚い美しさの扇 (No Translation)[Edit] 335 71 580 218 Lunaria (Swimsuit) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380716 5 一時の美の水着と浮き輪 (No Translation)[Edit] 398 53 643 200 Dragon Fruit (Swimsuit) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380717 5 健康と善良な家風の大砲 Health and Good Family Tradition Cannon 341 65 586 212 Rochea [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380718 5 誠実な愛のレイピア Sincere Love Rapier 333 72 578 219 Agapanthus [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380719 5 誘惑的なメイス Alluring Mace 396 54 641 201 Helianthus [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380720 5 憧れの両刃剣 Yearning Double-egded Blade 330 75 575 222 Heliopsis [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380721 5 幻想的な風船 Fantastic Balloon 342 63 587 210 Linaria [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380722 5 失望された槍 Disappointed Spear 353 98 598 245 Convolvulus [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380723 5 単純な美を追うチャクラム In Pursuit of Simple Beauty Chakram 315 90 560 237 Seashore Aster [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380724 5 香り豊かなピッケル Rich in Fragrance Ice Axe 329 77 574 224 Rugosa Rose [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380725 5 幸運が来る剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 401 50 646 197 Water Poppy [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380726 5 仲間思いなボウガン Companionship Crossbow 320 86 565 233 Glory of the Snow [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380727 5 勇気を感じるメイス Feeling Courage Mace 369 36 614 183 Konara [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380728 5 愛情の強い槍 (No Translation)[Edit] 410 41 655 188 Blackberry [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380729 5 疑い深い杖 Suspicious Staff 371 35 616 182 Shiitake [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380730 5 誠実さのあるチャクラム (No Translation)[Edit] 366 39 611 186 Prune [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380731 5 奥ゆかしい弓 (No Translation)[Edit] 383 68 628 215 Konagi [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380732 5 献身的な杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 333 72 578 219 Snowberry [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380740 5 互いを知るイタズラメイス (No Translation)[Edit] 342 63 587 210 Correa (Halloween) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380741 5 福音のイタズラベル (No Translation)[Edit] 387 63 632 210 Sandersonia (Halloween) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380742 5 気品のある鎌 (No Translation)[Edit] 348 57 593 204 Pulmonaria [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380746 5 薄れゆく希望を感じる槍 (No Translation)[Edit] 336 69 581 216 Anemone (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380747 5 清純さのある十字型の武器 (No Translation)[Edit] 387 18 632 165 Pinkladies (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380748 5 胸がときめく鈍器 (No Translation)[Edit] 390 60 635 207 Silk Tree (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380749 5 風変わりなロッド (No Translation)[Edit] 332 74 577 221 Water Pepper [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380750 5 好意を感じるメス (No Translation)[Edit] 306 99 551 246 Tulsi [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380751 5 神聖である注射器 (No Translation)[Edit] 354 96 599 243 Basil [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380752 5 死を惜しまない毒瓶 (No Translation)[Edit] 375 30 620 177 Hemlock [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380756 5 明るさと星の片手剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 372 33 617 180 Turnip Rape (Young Knight of Hope) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380757 5 日だまりと母のラトル (No Translation)[Edit] 336 114 581 261 Plumeria (Motherly Love of Hope) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380758 5 潔癖と新来の龍水晶 (No Translation)[Edit] 360 90 605 237 Tarragon (Nova Vice-President of Hope) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380759 5 肉親の絆の魔本 (No Translation)[Edit] 321 84 566 231 Mitsumata [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380760 5 安定と聖夜の大剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 330 75 575 222 Watercress (Christmas) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380761 5 水に流す聖夜の花杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 336 114 581 261 Wolf Berry (Christmas) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380762 5 清らかな聖夜のオール (No Translation)[Edit] 312 93 557 240 Rough Potato (Christmas) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380763 5 海の如き聖夜の法螺貝 (No Translation)[Edit] 315 90 560 237 Tritonia (Christmas) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380764 5 純真な聖夜のメイス (No Translation)[Edit] 345 105 590 252 Henna (Christmas) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380765 5 哀悼と再生の棺 Grief and Regeneration Coffin 306 99 551 246 Cypress [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380766 5 心を奪われる魔法の杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 339 111 584 258 Vervain [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380767 5 潔白と新春の破魔矢 (No Translation)[Edit] 336 69 581 216 Radish (New Year) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380768 5 仲間と一緒の新春の牛鬼面 (No Translation)[Edit] 327 123 572 270 Nipplewort (New Year) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380769 5 貧しくても新春のけん玉 (No Translation)[Edit] 330 75 575 222 Water Dropwort (New Year) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380770 5 無償の愛と新春の御札 (No Translation)[Edit] 345 105 590 203 Jersey Cudweed (New Year) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380771 5 永遠と不死の剣 Eternity and Immortality Blade 300 105 545 252 Winter Daphne [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380772 5 臨機応変な態度の魔杖 Manners Adequate to Current Circumstances Magic Wand 339 111 584 258 Verbascum [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380773 5 成熟した精神のメイス Matured Spirit Mace 323 83 568 230 Dogwood [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380774 5 心の痛みの分かる魔具 Understands Heartache Magic Tools 306 99 551 246 Solomon's Seal [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380775 5 華やかな明るさのスコップ Showy Brightness Scoop 342 108 587 255 Pothos [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380776 5 悪を遠ざける双剣 Keeping Evil at a Distance Twin Swords 333 72 578 219 Santolina [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380777 5 チョコを捕らえる錨 I'll Capture Chocolate Anchor 322 83 567 230 Barrenwort (Valentine) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380778 5 一夜の恋の鏡 One Night Love Mirror 348 102 593 249 Hemerocallis [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380779 5 可憐と満足のかんざし Lovely and Satisfying Ornamental Hairpin 330 75 575 222 Bauera [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380780 5 告げられぬ恋のロッド Untold Love Rod 324 81 569 228 Nodding Anemone [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380781 5 思いのまま自由なムチ Free as One Pleases Whip 389 62 634 209 Pussy Willow [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380782 5 安らぎと悔恨の香炉 Peace of Mind and Remorse Censer 323 83 568 230 Herb-of-grace [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380783 5 あなたを信じる円月輪 Believing in You Chakrams 330 75 575 222 Bougainvillea [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380784 5 自制のレイピア Self-Restraint Rapier 338 113 583 260 Bryonia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380785 5 優雅な振る舞いの空瑪瑙 Graceful Conduct Sky Agate 318 87 563 234 Blue Lace Flower [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380786 5 幸福な日々の工具 Happy Days Tool 353 98 598 245 Ash [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380787 5 復活祭を見守る暗器 Watching Over Easter Hidden Weapons 333 72 578 219 Duranta (Easter) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380788 5 清楚な復活祭の両刃斧 Pure Easter Double-edged Axe 323 128 568 275 Isogiku (Easter) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380789 5 私を元気づける弓 Cheering Me Up Bow 390 60 635 207 Pumila [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380790 5 愛の吐息の鳥籠 Sigh of Love Birdcage 368 38 613 185 Gold Bunny [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380791 5 心の純潔の双錘 Purity of Heart Dual Chuí 327 78 572 225 Gumi [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380792 5 穏やかな笑顔の剣 Gentle Smile Sword 330 120 575 267 Juneberry [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380793 5 明日の幸福の双拳銃 Tomorrow's Happiness Dual Pistols 375 30 620 177 Checkerberry [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380794 5 苦難の中の力の杖 Strength In Hardship Staff 383 68 628 215 Roman Chamomile [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380795 5 敬慕のグレイヴ Admiration Glaive 368 38 613 185 Leucophyllum [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380796 5 縁起が良い鍬 Of Good Omen Hoe 345 105 590 252 Threeleaf Arrowhead [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380797 5 知恵のメイス Wisdom Mace 300 105 545 252 Dill [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380798 5 幼い夢の槍 Childish Dream Spear 360 45 605 192 Carrot [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380799 5 人格者の土偶 Person of Character's Dogū 375 75 620 222 Burdock [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380800 5 元気と生命力の鞭 Lively and Vitality Whip 300 105 545 252 Solidago [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380801 5 夫婦円満のハンマー Matrimonial Happiness Hammer 378 27 623 174 Twinflower [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380802 5 遠慮の龍刀 Reserve Dragon-blade 381 69 626 216 Twinleaf [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380803 5 富と贅沢の杖 Wealth and Luxury Staff 338 113 583 260 Marsh-marigold [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380804 5 無邪気と可憐の細剣 Simple-mindedness and Lovely Hosotachi 315 90 560 237 Moss Rose [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380805 5 知性と花嫁のブーケ (No Translation)[Edit] 342 108 587 255 Walnut (June Bride) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380806 5 期待と花嫁のナイフ (No Translation)[Edit] 345 105 590 252 Lavender (June Bride) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380807 5 希望と真実の愛の杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 312 93 557 240 Almond [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380808 5 燃える想いの剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 357 48 602 195 Liatris [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380809 5 荘厳と無垢の長銃 (No Translation)[Edit] 383 68 628 215 Regal Lily [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380810 5 懐かしい音の鳴子 (No Translation)[Edit] 300 105 545 252 Sickle-shaped Solomon's Seal [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380811 5 いたずら心と水着の戦輪 (No Translation)[Edit] 380 71 625 218 Statice (Swimsuit) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380812 5 霊感と水着の天秤 (No Translation)[Edit] 338 113 583 260 Angelica (Swimsuit) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380813 5 心の美しさの水風船 (No Translation)[Edit] 360 45 605 192 South Enchanter's Nightshade [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380814 5 永久不滅の鈍器 (No Translation)[Edit] 390 60 635 207 Vanilla [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380815 5 永遠に生きる経本 (No Translation)[Edit] 353 53 598 200 Aeonium [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380816 5 先見の明の短剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 375 75 620 222 Longstalk Holly [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380817 5 悲哀と慈悲の拳鍔 (No Translation)[Edit] 368 38 613 185 Purple Loosestrife [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380818 5 美しい装いの双錘 (No Translation)[Edit] 330 120 575 267 Japanese Indigo [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380819 5 あなたを夢想する水着人形 (No Translation)[Edit] 345 105 590 252 Usagigoke (Swimsuit) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380820 5 奇跡の水着の魔術書 (No Translation)[Edit] 345 105 590 252 Rainbow Rose (Swimsuit) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380821 5 秘密の生活のハンマー (No Translation)[Edit] 378 27 623 174 Chelone [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380822 5 神の信頼と音楽のメイス (No Translation)[Edit] 375 30 620 177 Reed [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380823 5 不思議なグレイヴ (No Translation)[Edit] 338 113 583 260 Peristrophe [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380824 5 思慕の片刃斧 (No Translation)[Edit] 323 83 568 230 Screw Flower [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380825 5 正義と忠実のランプ (No Translation)[Edit] 330 75 575 222 Spotted Bellflower [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380826 5 無邪気なメイドの双剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 345 105 590 252 Twinspur (Maid) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380827 5 誠実と感謝のレイピア (No Translation)[Edit] 368 38 613 185 Clustered Bellflower [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380828 5 あたたかな心の杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 345 105 590 252 Crepis [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380829 5 情熱と温泉のレイピア (No Translation)[Edit] 345 105 590 252 Rose (Hotspring Yukata) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380830 5 希望の鉤爪 (No Translation)[Edit] 353 53 598 200 Purple Marshlocks [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380831 5 危険な温泉のピンポン (No Translation)[Edit] 342 108 587 255 Burning Bush (Hotspring Yukata) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380832 5 珍しさと目新しさの斧 (No Translation)[Edit] 375 30 620 177 Cassis [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380833 5 豊かな職人の麺棒 (No Translation)[Edit] 353 98 598 245 Rye [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380834 5 慈善と慈愛のポテトガン (No Translation)[Edit] 368 38 613 185 Potato [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380835 5 天下無敵ハロウィンの大槌 (No Translation)[Edit] 345 105 590 252 Peach (Halloween) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380836 5 恋とハロウィンのステッキ (No Translation)[Edit] 338 113 583 260 Flowering Peach (Halloween) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380837 5 深い思いのスティレット (No Translation)[Edit] 368 38 613 185 Lilac Squirrel [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380838 5 自愛と気高さの剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 390 60 635 207 Daffodil [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380839 5 魔除けの釵 (No Translation)[Edit] 383 68 628 215 Castor Bean [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380840 5 内気な七華の魔導書 (No Translation)[Edit] 375 75 620 222 Cyclamen (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380841 5 夢想と七華の鈍器 (No Translation)[Edit] 345 105 590 252 Silk Tree (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380842 5 誠実と七華の杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 345 105 590 252 Wolf Berry (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380843 5 祈りと清浄のハルバード (No Translation)[Edit] 375 30 620 177 Browallia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380844 5 慈悲と恵みの槍 (No Translation)[Edit] 375 30 620 177 Marshmallow Plant [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380845 5 真実と調和の杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 353 98 598 245 Asian Hazel [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380846 5 気難しい人の剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 368 38 613 185 Escallonia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380847 5 輝く情熱の呪符 (No Translation)[Edit] 390 60 635 207 Red Spider Lily (Dress of Sparkling Passion) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380848 5 輝く貴婦人のナックル (No Translation)[Edit] 353 98 598 245 Silver Orchid (Noble Lady of Sparkling Destiny) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380849 5 輝くおとぎの国の本 (No Translation)[Edit] 390 60 635 207 Bluet (Rising Star of the Sparkling Fairyland) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380850 5 追想と清楚の短刀 (No Translation)[Edit] 368 38 613 185 Stokes' Aster [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380851 5 聖夜と愛らしさの薬箱 (No Translation)[Edit] 338 113 583 260 Elder Flower (Christmas) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380852 5 雄大な聖夜のグローブ (No Translation)[Edit] 345 105 590 252 Lion's Ear (Christmas) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380853 5 気品と清楚のサーフボード (No Translation)[Edit] 368 38 613 185 Christmas Bush [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380854 5 奇跡的な再会のクロスボウ (No Translation)[Edit] 390 60 635 207 Hardenbergia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380855 5 恩恵と優美の大剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 368 38 613 185 Winter Jasmine [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380856 5 兎耳ディーラーの新春突剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 353 98 598 245 Hare's Ear (New Year) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380857 5 控え目な愛と新春の回転盤 (No Translation)[Edit] 345 105 590 252 Hyacinth (New Year) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380858 5 苦難の中の力の大剣 Strength In Hardship Large Sword 375 30 620 177 Jack-in-the-pulpit [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380859 5 奉仕の精神の剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 345 105 590 252 Lavatera [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380860 5 熱愛と不誠実のステッキ (No Translation)[Edit] 353 98 598 245 Digitalis [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380861 5 飾らぬ美と親思いの槍 (No Translation)[Edit] 368 38 613 185 See-through Lily [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380862 5 従順と服従のフレイル (No Translation)[Edit] 345 105 590 252 Bluebell [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380863 5 秘密のひとときの薙刀 (No Translation)[Edit] 375 30 620 177 Cleome [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380864 5 上品な美しさのクナイ (No Translation)[Edit] 375 30 620 177 Vanda [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380865 5 友愛の縄鏢 (No Translation)[Edit] 383 68 628 215 Japanese Honeysuckle [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380866 5 独立独歩のメイス (No Translation)[Edit] 375 30 620 177 Artichoke [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380867 5 純愛のチョコの大鋏 (No Translation)[Edit] 345 105 590 252 Orange (Valentine) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380868 5 寛大なチョコの弓矢 (No Translation)[Edit] 338 113 583 260 Mikan (Valentine) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380869 5 物思いの煙管 (No Translation)[Edit] 375 30 620 177 Forest Ghost Flower [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380870 5 唯一の恋の分銅鎖 (No Translation)[Edit] 345 105 590 252 Chocolate Vine [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380871 5 無言の愛の杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 245 205 490 352 Kalanchoe Pinnata [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380872 5 幸福と才能のランス (No Translation)[Edit] 335 116 580 263 Cerastium [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380873 5 美しき輝きの剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 330 75 575 222 Snow Dragon [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380874 5 旧友と雅味の剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 305 145 550 292 Chili Pepper [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380875 5 落ち着きのアストロラーベ (No Translation)[Edit] 300 135 565 277 Sedum (Easter) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380876 5 超克と愛国の剣盾 (No Translation)[Edit] 305 145 440 402 Nasturtium (Easter) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380877 5 純潔と信頼の調理具 (No Translation)[Edit] 315 90 401 396 Spilanthes [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380878 5 平和の祈りの大槌 (No Translation)[Edit] 355 95 620 222 Syngonium [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380879 5 心願成就の数珠 (No Translation)[Edit] 100 338 176 666 Adlay [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380880 5 神を敬う薙刀 (No Translation)[Edit] 355 110 595 247 East Asian Eurya [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380881 5 自然な心のハンマー (No Translation)[Edit] 155 288 400 435 Calibrachoa [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380882 5 通じ合う想いの錫杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 338 112 633 289 Muscari [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380883 5 同情と思いやりの剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 335 130 580 277 Armeria [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380884 5 幼い恋と思いやりの爆弾 (No Translation)[Edit] 255 195 500 342 Blueberry [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380885 5 休息に誘う機巧槍 (No Translation)[Edit] 325 125 570 272 Coffea [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380886 5 あなたは可憐なマスケット (No Translation)[Edit] 305 145 550 292 Melampodium [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380887 5 初志貫徹の手裏剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 350 100 595 247 Japanese Laurel [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380888 5 質素倹約の逆刃鎌 (No Translation)[Edit] 155 295 400 442 Cichorium [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380889 5 かわいらしい八角釵 (No Translation)[Edit] 310 140 555 287 Mandarin's Hat [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380890 5 純潔と飾らぬ美の短剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 235 215 480 362 Formosa Lily [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380891 5 遠くの友を思う拳銃 (No Translation)[Edit] 85 365 330 512 Common Zinnia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380892 5 秘密の恋の銃 (No Translation)[Edit] 305 145 550 292 Nicotiana [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380893 5 虚偽ノツキ刺シ (No Translation)[Edit] 400 50 645 197 Manchineel [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380894 5 信頼のブーケナイフ (No Translation)[Edit] 110 340 355 487 Pygmy Water Lily (June Bride) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380895 5 恥ずかしがりな花嫁の友達 (No Translation)[Edit] 195 255 440 402 Fire Lily (June Bride) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380896 5 復活の花嫁の大剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 190 260 435 407 Easter Cactus (June Bride) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380897 5 ともに旅する燭台杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 250 200 495 347 Stephanotis [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380898 5 最も美しい花嫁のブーケ (No Translation)[Edit] 180 270 425 417 Apple (June Bride) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380899 5 生命と力の四ツ竹 (No Translation)[Edit] 220 230 465 377 Tiger's Claw [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380900 5 盛夏の人間嫌いのパパ (No Translation)[Edit] 115 335 360 482 Thistle (Swimsuit) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380901 5 旅立ちと水飛沫のブラシ (No Translation)[Edit] 165 285 410 432 Heather (Swimsuit) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380902 5 信仰と水着の短剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 230 220 475 367 Water Lily (Swimsuit) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380903 5 胸を貫く恋の槍 (No Translation)[Edit] 305 145 550 292 Tritoma [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380904 5 星の精の槌 (No Translation)[Edit] 130 320 375 467 Blue Star [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380905 5 無垢と純粋の戦斧 (No Translation)[Edit] 120 330 365 477 Ornithogalum [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380906 5 芳香と印象的な分銅 (No Translation)[Edit] 260 190 505 337 Boronia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380907 5 勝利と栄光の弓 (No Translation)[Edit] 205 245 450 392 Bay Laurel [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380908 5 繊細と優美の長槍 (No Translation)[Edit] 300 150 545 297 Malcolmia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380909 5 雄々しい弓 (No Translation)[Edit] 245 205 490 352 Sago Palm [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380910 5 はかない青春の火炎放射器 (No Translation)[Edit] 200 250 445 397 Smoke Tree [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380911 5 義侠の愛のショットガン (No Translation)[Edit] 220 230 465 377 Japanese Felwort [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380912 5 使者の本 (No Translation)[Edit] 150 300 395 447 Wall Iris [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380913 5 忠義と不動の豪弓 (No Translation)[Edit] 10 440 255 587 Bamboo [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380914 5 名もない寂寥の直剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 130 320 375 467 Dracaena [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380915 5 真実さの梢子棍 (No Translation)[Edit] 440 10 685 157 Dragon Tree [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380916 5 真夏の淡い初恋のうちわ (No Translation)[Edit] 75 375 320 522 Leschenaultia (Yukata) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380917 5 短夜に香る乙女の槍 (No Translation)[Edit] 225 225 470 372 Curcuma (Yukata) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380918 5 一致の脇差 (No Translation)[Edit] 415 35 660 182 Garden Phlox [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380919 5 密かな情熱の花火 (No Translation)[Edit] 205 245 450 392 Cape Plumbago [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380920 5 悪戯と水遊びのカトラス (No Translation)[Edit] 55 395 300 542 Nightshade (Swimsuit) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380921 5 真実と砂浜のルーペ (No Translation)[Edit] 250 200 495 347 Streptocarpus (Swimsuit) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380922 5 潮騒と絆のパラソル (No Translation)[Edit] 415 35 660 182 Convolvulus (Swimsuit) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380923 5 妖艶なウィップ (No Translation)[Edit] 235 215 480 362 Garden Croton [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380924 5 夢想家の刀剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 125 325 370 472 Oriental Poppy [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380925 5 私を包んでくれるメイス (No Translation)[Edit] 135 315 380 462 Cotton [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380926 5 あなたと一緒の鉄球 (No Translation)[Edit] 405 45 650 192 Japanese Andromeda [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380927 5 切なる喜びのペン (No Translation)[Edit] 215 235 460 382 Showy Baby's Breath [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380928 5 虚飾のろうそく (No Translation)[Edit] 145 305 390 452 Crossandra [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380929 5 憩いと潮風のハンマー (No Translation)[Edit] 190 260 435 407 Meconopsis (Swimsuit) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380930 5 淡い思いと真夏の金魚鉢 (No Translation)[Edit] 205 245 450 392 Japanese Anemone (Swimsuit) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380931 5 向こう見ずな性格の傘 (No Translation)[Edit] 115 335 360 482 Water Speedwell [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380932 5 尊敬と柔和の三尖刀 (No Translation)[Edit] 60 390 305 537 Rose Mallow [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380933 5 偽りのない心の錘 (No Translation)[Edit] 135 315 380 462 Nemesia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380934 5 慎重と安堵のナックル (No Translation)[Edit] 140 310 385 457 Pavonia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380935 5 影の努力者のおもり (No Translation)[Edit] 110 340 355 487 Hebe [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380936 5 愚かなる宝剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 225 225 470 372 Corbett [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380937 5 古き良き時代の長弓 (No Translation)[Edit] 125 325 370 472 Nematanthus [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380938 5 適応力の魔杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 160 290 405 437 Valerian [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380939 5 警戒のトロンボーン (No Translation)[Edit] 40 410 285 557 Valnbone (Goldenrod) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380940 5 勇気のフリューゲルホルン (No Translation)[Edit] 145 305 390 452 Eir (Thyme) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380941 5 謙虚のコントラバス (No Translation)[Edit] 440 10 685 157 Luluna (Scaly Hydrangea) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380942 5 向上心のバイオリン (No Translation)[Edit] 215 235 460 382 Mattia (Field Horsetail) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380943 5 情熱と悪戯妖精の大盾 (No Translation)[Edit] 245 205 490 352 Cardamine Lyrata (Halloween) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380944 5 神秘な人と悪霊の鎌 (No Translation)[Edit] 305 145 550 292 Sparaxis (Halloween) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380945 5 孤独な主張の魔動槌 (No Translation)[Edit] 235 215 480 362 Tacca Chantrieri [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380946 5 反抗と抵抗の大剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 95 355 340 502 Shaga [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380947 5 あるいは魅力の庭球具 (No Translation)[Edit] 345 105 590 252 Cattleya (Parallel Academy) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380948 5 清純と青春の水着 (No Translation)[Edit] 45 405 290 552 Pinkladies (Parallel Academy) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380949 5 儚い夢と学舎のクロス (No Translation)[Edit] 375 75 620 222 Anemone (Parallel Academy) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380950 5 穏やかな学窓のトレイ (No Translation)[Edit] 265 185 510 332 Dusty Miller (Parallel Academy) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380951 5 例えば星に願う喇叭 (No Translation)[Edit] 85 365 330 512 Spring Star (Parallel Academy) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380952 5 持続の大金槌 (No Translation)[Edit] 205 245 450 392 Aerva [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380953 5 慎みと早い聖夜の魔書 (No Translation)[Edit] 45 405 290 552 Azalea (Christmas) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380954 5 気ままな赤帽子の槌 (No Translation)[Edit] 375 75 620 222 Thunberg Spirea (Christmas) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380955 5 不老と青灯の刃 (No Translation)[Edit] 35 415 280 562 Tampala (Christmas) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380956 5 一目ぼれの扇 (No Translation)[Edit] 140 310 385 457 Frost Aster [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380957 5 博愛と幸運の銃 (No Translation)[Edit] 125 325 370 472 Erica Christmas Parade [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380958 5 ある日常と情熱のポンポン (No Translation)[Edit] 175 275 420 422 Red Spider Lily (Parallel Academy) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380959 5 もしもの不滅の排球 (No Translation)[Edit] 120 330 365 477 Hinoki (Parallel Academy) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380960 5 とある夢想の画材 (No Translation)[Edit] 75 375 320 522 Silk Tree (Parallel Academy) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380961 5 ある情景の陽気の手芸具 (No Translation)[Edit] 150 300 395 447 Saffron (Parallel Academy) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380962 5 別世界の友愛のスケボ (No Translation)[Edit] 400 50 645 197 Japanese Honeysuckle (Parallel Academy) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380963 5 永遠の愛と赤帽子の太刀 (No Translation)[Edit] 195 255 440 402 Black Baccara (Christmas) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380964 5 美しい瞳と馬槽の杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 95 355 340 502 Dancing Lady Orchid (Christmas) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380965 5 永遠にそばにいる杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 135 315 380 462 Angraecum [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380966 5 魔力と白銀装飾の杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 140 310 385 457 Cattleya (Christmas) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380967 5 さまざまな愛の戦斧 (No Translation)[Edit] 320 130 565 277 Ionopsidium [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380968 5 もの思いと新春の御籤筒 (No Translation)[Edit] 85 365 330 512 Great Burnet (New Year) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380969 5 少女の恋と迎春の小槌 (No Translation)[Edit] 25 425 270 572 Viola (New Year) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380970 5 歓喜と歌声のあとの独楽 (No Translation)[Edit] 125 325 370 472 Silk Tree (New Year) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380971 5 清純な心と爽快のメイス (No Translation)[Edit] 405 45 650 192 Peace Lily [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380972 5 けがれない長杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 130 320 375 467 Crinum [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380973 5 艶やかな人のレイピア (No Translation)[Edit] 90 360 335 507 Pincushion [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380974 5 円満な関係のハンマー (No Translation)[Edit] 50 400 295 547 Euryops Daisy [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380975 5 瞳の佳人の槍 (No Translation)[Edit] 140 310 385 457 Eremophila [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380976 5 吉事と喜びの剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 200 250 445 397 Chinese Lucky Grass [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380977 5 不思議と陽気の爪 (No Translation)[Edit] 255 195 500 342 Kangaroo Paws [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380978 5 幸福な日々と礼式の拳 (No Translation)[Edit] 55 395 300 542 Alstroemeria (Formal Dress) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380979 5 翳らぬ希望の枝杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 225 225 470 372 Bloss [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380980 5 清楚な礼服の戦斧 (No Translation)[Edit] 275 175 520 322 Isogiku (Formal Dress) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380981 5 恨みを晴らす銃剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 435 15 680 162 Bird's Foot Trefoil [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380982 5 祝福と砂糖菓子のバトン (No Translation)[Edit] 155 295 400 442 Ghost Weed (Valentine) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380983 5 約束と甘味の果物ナイフ (No Translation)[Edit] 60 390 305 537 White Clover (Valentine) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380984 5 回復とスイーツのステッキ (No Translation)[Edit] 290 160 535 307 Knotweed (Valentine) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380985 5 恩恵と焼き菓子の数珠玉 (No Translation)[Edit] 205 245 450 392 Adlay (Valentine) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380986 5 詐欺と不誠実の釘バット (No Translation)[Edit] 449 1 694 148 Common Sundew [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380987 5 無邪気と純潔の斧 (No Translation)[Edit] 75 375 320 522 Felicia [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380988 5 天性の華と愛猫の肉球 (No Translation)[Edit] 440 10 685 157 Dendrobium (Cat Ear Maid) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380989 5 光と豊富の掛矢 (No Translation)[Edit] 220 230 465 377 Asian White Birch [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380990 5 深窓と猫使用人のメイス (No Translation)[Edit] 150 300 395 447 Cymbidium (Cat Ear Maid) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380991 5 静穏の灯篭杖 (No Translation)[Edit] 215 235 460 382 October Stonecrop [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380992 5 信頼と忠実の双球 (No Translation)[Edit] 205 245 450 392 Persian Speedwell [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380993 5 調和と犬娘の菓子台 (No Translation)[Edit] 40 410 285 557 Nipplewort (Dog Ear Poster Girl) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380994 5 色褪せぬ恋の木型 (No Translation)[Edit] 250 200 495 347 Yew Plum Pine [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380995 5 思い出と末裔の楔 (No Translation)[Edit] 175 275 420 422 Sigillaria [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380996 5 自由と不調和の大剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 55 395 300 542 Fortune Saxifrage [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380997 5 謙遜と白兎の槍 (No Translation)[Edit] 245 205 490 352 Blackberry (Easter) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380998 5 不老長寿と幸運兎の銃 (No Translation)[Edit] 170 280 415 427 Checkerberry (Easter) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380999 5 幼い恋と青兎の爆弾 (No Translation)[Edit] 160 290 405 437 Blueberry (Easter) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 381000 5 足跡のハンマー (No Translation)[Edit] 260 190 505 337 Obako [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 381001 5 凛々しさの直剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 55 395 300 542 Lemon Grass [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 381002 5 辛抱強さと博兎の槍 (No Translation)[Edit] 270 180 515 327 Scilla (Easter) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 381003 5 いじらしさと銀兎の刺突剣 (No Translation)[Edit] 70 380 315 527 Baikasou (Easter) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 381004 5 幸福になる空色兎の籠 (No Translation)[Edit] 240 210 485 357 Baikamo (Easter) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 381005 5 友愛と首斬兎の刃 (No Translation)[Edit] 260 190 505 337 Japanese Honeysuckle (Easter) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 381006 5 力強い味方のナイフ (No Translation)[Edit] 395 55 640 202 Tea Tree [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 381007 5 自立と独立の二叉槍 Self Reliant and Independent Bident 310 140 555 287 Crown of Thorns [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 381008 5 威厳と純潔の聖杖 Dignity and Chastity Crosier 100 350 345 497 Turep [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 381009 5 神聖なるスカラベ Sacred Scarab 390 60 635 207 Khepri
Equip 381010 5 愛情と忍耐の弓 Affection and Patience Bow 60 390 305 537 Common Sorrel [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 381011 5 感謝と真実の愛の二丁魔銃 Gratitude and True Love Twin Magic Guns 80 370 325 517 Red Tulip (Knight Medic) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 381012 5 神秘と不滅の愛の魔導書 Mystery and Undying Love Magical Tome 105 345 350 492 Purple Tulip (Knight Medic) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 381013 5 正直で実らぬ恋のハンマー Honest and Unrequited Love Hammer 35 415 280 562 Yellow Tulip (Knight Medic) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%