Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Equipment List
Img JP EN Lv1
For Ability
Equip 360313 5 光華祭総合1等の花冠 Shining Flower Festival 1st Place Flower Crown 250 50 495 99 Cattleya, Cattleya (Swimsuit), Cattleya (Radiant Princess), Cattleya (Parallel Academy), Cattleya (Christmas), Cattleya (Life Tree's Blessing), Cattleya (Matured Charming Bride)
Equip 360314 5 光華祭総合2等の花冠 Shining Flower Festival 2nd Place Flower Crown 250 50 495 99 Anemone, Anemone (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), Anemone (Radiant Princess), Anemone (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), Anemone (Princess of Pure Flower), Anemone (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), Anemone (Parallel Academy), Anemone (June Bride), Anemone (Bunny of Fleeting Dreams), Anemone (New Year)
Equip 360315 5 光華祭総合3等の花冠 Shining Flower Festival 3rd Place Flower Crown 250 50 495 99 Cyclamen, Cyclamen (Radiant Princess), Cyclamen (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers), Cyclamen (Life Tree's Blessing)
Equip 360316 5 光華祭★2第1等の杯 Shining Flower Festival ★2 1st Place Trophy 240 45 436 94 Mint, Mint (Maturing Virtue)
Equip 360317 5 光華祭★3第1等の杯 Shining Flower Festival ★3 1st Place Trophy 240 45 436 94 Egyptian Water Lily, Egyptian Water Lily (Maturing Conspirator)
Equip 360318 5 光華祭★4第1等の杯 Shining Flower Festival ★4 1st Place Trophy 240 45 436 94 Great Burnet, Great Burnet (Maturing Strategist), Great Burnet (New Year), Great Burnet (Formal Dress)
Equip 360319 5 光華祭★5第1等の杯 Shining Flower Festival ★5 1st Place Trophy 240 45 436 94 Monkshood, Monkshood (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), Monkshood (June Bride)
Equip 360320 5 光華祭★6第1等の杯 Shining Flower Festival ★6 1st Place Trophy 240 45 436 94 Snow Drop, Snow Drop (New Year), Snow Drop (Life Tree's Blessing), Snow Drop (Marine Sailor)
Equip 360321 5 光華祭総合10等の胸章 Shining Flower Festival All Star 10th Place Breastplate 230 40 426 89 Apricot, Apricot (Christmas), Apricot (June Bride)
Equip 360322 5 光華祭総合20等の胸章 Shining Flower Festival All Star 20th Place Breastplate 230 40 426 89 Ionocidium, Ionocidium (Christmas)
Equip 360323 5 光華祭総合30等の胸章 Shining Flower Festival All Star 30th Place Breastplate 230 40 426 89 Turnip Rape, Turnip Rape (Young Knight of Hope), Turnip Rape (Formal Dress)
Equip 360324 5 光華祭総合87等の胸章 Shining Flower Festival All Star 87th Place Breastplate 230 40 426 89 Otogirisou, Otogirisou (Baseball)
Equip 360325 5 光華祭総合127等の胸章 Shining Flower Festival All Star 127th Place Breastplate 230 40 426 89 Barrenwort, Barrenwort (Valentine)
Equip 360460 5 才華祭総合1等のかんざし Shining Talent Festival 1st Place Hairpin 190 110 435 159 Monkshood, Monkshood (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), Monkshood (June Bride)
Equip 360461 5 才華祭総合2等のかんざし Shining Talent Festival 2nd Place Hairpin 190 110 435 159 Anemone, Anemone (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), Anemone (Radiant Princess), Anemone (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), Anemone (Princess of Pure Flower), Anemone (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), Anemone (Parallel Academy), Anemone (June Bride), Anemone (Bunny of Fleeting Dreams), Anemone (New Year)
Equip 360462 5 才華祭総合3等のかんざし Shining Talent Festival 3rd Place Hairpin 190 110 435 159 Pinkladies, Pinkladies (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), Pinkladies (Princess of Pure Flower), Pinkladies (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), Pinkladies (Parallel Academy), Pinkladies (New Year), Pinkladies (Bunny of Unspoken Love)
Equip 360463 5 才華祭★2第1等の盃 Talented Flower Festival ★2 1st Place Sake Cup 180 105 376 154 Cyclamen, Cyclamen (Radiant Princess), Cyclamen (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers), Cyclamen (Life Tree's Blessing)
Equip 360464 5 才華祭★3第1等の盃 Talented Flower Festival ★3 1st Place Sake Cup 180 105 376 154 Alstroemeria, Alstroemeria (Gratitude Towards The Future), Alstroemeria (Formal Dress)
Equip 360465 5 才華祭★4第1等の盃 Talented Flower Festival ★4 1st Place Sake Cup 180 105 376 154 Saintpaulia, Saintpaulia (Costumed Carefree Aristocrat), Saintpaulia (Formal Dress)
Equip 360466 5 才華祭★5第1等の盃 Talented Flower Festival ★5 1st Place Sake Cup 180 105 376 154 Water Lily, Water Lily (June Bride), Water Lily (Swimsuit)
Equip 360467 5 才華祭★6第1等の盃 Talented Flower Festival ★6 1st Place Sake Cup 180 105 376 154 Red Spider Lily, Red Spider Lily (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), Red Spider Lily (Dress of Sparkling Passion), Red Spider Lily (Parallel Academy), Red Spider Lily (Life Tree's Blessing), Red Spider Lily (Maid of Sad Memories), Red Spider Lily (Maid of Sad Memories)
Equip 360468 5 才華祭新人第1等の記章 (No Translation)[Edit] 170 100 366 149 Blushing Bride, Blushing Bride (Costumed Apprentice Teacher), Blushing Bride (Life Tree's Blessing)
Equip 360469 5 才華祭新人第2等の記章 (No Translation)[Edit] 170 100 366 149 Japanese Anemone, Japanese Anemone (Aspirational Relaxed Queen), Japanese Anemone (Swimsuit)
Equip 360470 5 才華祭新人第3等の記章 (No Translation)[Edit] 170 100 366 149 Wolf Berry, Wolf Berry (Christmas), Wolf Berry (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers), Wolf Berry (Easter)
Equip 360588 5 精華祭総合1等のティアラ Spirit Flower Festival 1st Place Tiara 90 210 335 259 Anemone, Anemone (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), Anemone (Radiant Princess), Anemone (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), Anemone (Princess of Pure Flower), Anemone (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), Anemone (Parallel Academy), Anemone (June Bride), Anemone (Bunny of Fleeting Dreams), Anemone (New Year)
Equip 360589 5 精華祭総合2等のティアラ Spirit Flower Festival 2nd Place Tiara 90 210 335 259 Ghost Weed, Ghost Weed (Christmas), Ghost Weed (Princess of Pure Flower), Ghost Weed (Valentine), Ghost Weed (10th Anniversary)
Equip 360590 5 精華祭総合3等のティアラ Spirit Flower Festival 3rd Place Tiara 90 210 335 259 Pinkladies, Pinkladies (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), Pinkladies (Princess of Pure Flower), Pinkladies (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), Pinkladies (Parallel Academy), Pinkladies (New Year), Pinkladies (Bunny of Unspoken Love)
Equip 360591 5 精華祭総合4等のティアラ Spirit Flower Festival 4th Place Tiara 90 210 335 259 Snow Drop, Snow Drop (New Year), Snow Drop (Life Tree's Blessing), Snow Drop (Marine Sailor)
Equip 360592 5 精華祭総合5等のティアラ Spirit Flower Festival 5th Place Tiara 90 210 335 259 Red Spider Lily, Red Spider Lily (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), Red Spider Lily (Dress of Sparkling Passion), Red Spider Lily (Parallel Academy), Red Spider Lily (Life Tree's Blessing), Red Spider Lily (Maid of Sad Memories)
Equip 360593 5 精華祭★2第1等の杯 Spirit Flower Festival ★2 1st Place Trophy 85 200 281 249 Cyclamen, Cyclamen (Radiant Princess), Cyclamen (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers), Cyclamen (Life Tree's Blessing)
Equip 360594 5 精華祭★3第1等の杯 Spirit Flower Festival ★3 1st Place Trophy 85 200 281 249 Alstroemeria, Alstroemeria (Gratitude Towards The Future), Alstroemeria (Formal Dress)
Equip 360595 5 精華祭★4第1等の杯 Spirit Flower Festival ★4 1st Place Trophy 85 200 281 249 Turnip Rape, Turnip Rape (Young Knight of Hope), Turnip Rape (Formal Dress)
Equip 360596 5 精華祭★5第1等の杯 Spirit Flower Festival ★5 1st Place Trophy 85 200 281 249 Spring Star, Spring Star (Maid), Spring Star (Parallel Academy)
Equip 360597 5 精華祭★6第1等の杯 Spirit Flower Festival ★6 1st Place Trophy 85 200 281 249 Saffron, Saffron (Christmas), Saffron (June Bride), Saffron (Parallel Academy), Saffron (New Year)
Equip 360598 5 精華祭緊急任務★5第1等の杯 (No Translation)[Edit] 85 200 281 249 Mandevilla, Mandevilla (Valentine)
Equip 360636 5 精華祭私服第1等の記章 Spirit Flower Festival 1st Place Emblem 75 195 271 244 Japanese Anemone, Japanese Anemone (Aspirational Relaxed Queen), Japanese Anemone (Swimsuit)
Equip 360637 5 精華祭私服第2等の記章 Spirit Flower Festival 2nd Place Emblem 75 195 271 244 Water Lily, Water Lily (June Bride), Water Lily (Swimsuit)
Equip 360638 5 精華祭私服第3等の記章 Spirit Flower Festival 3rd Place Emblem 75 195 271 244 Chocolate Lily, Chocolate Lily (New Year), Chocolate Lily (Swimsuit)
Equip 360639 5 精華祭制服第1等の記章 (No Translation)[Edit] 75 195 271 244 Dendrobium, Dendrobium (Valentine), Dendrobium (Aspirational Youth-Caring Instructor), Dendrobium (Cat Ear Maid)
Equip 360640 5 精華祭制服第2等の記章 (No Translation)[Edit] 75 195 271 244 Dusty Miller, Dusty Miller (Christmas), Dusty Miller (Parallel Academy), Dusty Miller (Life Tree's Blessing), Dusty Miller (Maid to Support You)
Equip 360641 5 精華祭制服第3等の記章 (No Translation)[Edit] 75 195 271 244 Flowering Peach, Flowering Peach (June Bride), Flowering Peach (Halloween), Flowering Peach (Life Tree's Blessing)
Equip 360642 5 精華祭新人第1等の記章 (No Translation)[Edit] 75 195 271 244 Sutera, Sutera (Aspirational Sparkling Nova), Sutera (Life Tree's Blessing), Sutera (Protective Swimsuit)
Equip 360643 5 精華祭新人第2等の記章 (No Translation)[Edit] 75 195 271 244 Nipplewort, Nipplewort (New Year), Nipplewort (Dog Ear Poster Girl)
Equip 360644 5 精華祭新人第3等の記章 (No Translation)[Edit] 75 195 271 244 Wheat, Wheat (Christmas)
Equip 360733 5 万華祭総合第4等の手鏡 (No Translation)[Edit] 90 195 286 244 Cyclamen, Cyclamen (Radiant Princess), Cyclamen (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers), Cyclamen (Life Tree's Blessing)
Equip 360734 5 万華祭総合第5等の手鏡 (No Translation)[Edit] 90 195 286 244 Saffron, Saffron (Christmas), Saffron (June Bride), Saffron (Parallel Academy), Saffron (New Year)
Equip 360735 5 万華祭総合第6等の手鏡 (No Translation)[Edit] 90 195 286 244 Red Spider Lily, Red Spider Lily (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), Red Spider Lily (Dress of Sparkling Passion), Red Spider Lily (Parallel Academy), Red Spider Lily (Life Tree's Blessing), Red Spider Lily (Maid of Sad Memories)
Equip 360736 5 万華祭総合第7等の手鏡 (No Translation)[Edit] 90 195 286 244 Verbena
Equip 360737 5 万華祭総合第8等の手鏡 (No Translation)[Edit] 90 195 286 244 Snow Drop, Snow Drop (New Year), Snow Drop (Life Tree's Blessing), Snow Drop (Marine Sailor)
Equip 360738 5 万華祭総合第9等の手鏡 (No Translation)[Edit] 90 195 286 244 Dusty Miller, Dusty Miller (Christmas), Dusty Miller (Parallel Academy), Dusty Miller (Life Tree's Blessing), Dusty Miller (Maid to Support You)
Equip 360739 5 万華祭総合第10等の手鏡 (No Translation)[Edit] 90 195 286 244 Cattleya, Cattleya (Swimsuit), Cattleya (Radiant Princess), Cattleya (Parallel Academy), Cattleya (Christmas), Cattleya (Life Tree's Blessing), Cattleya (Matured Charming Bride)
Equip 360743 5 万華祭総合1等の髪飾り (No Translation)[Edit] 100 200 345 249 Silk Tree, Silk Tree (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), Silk Tree (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers), Silk Tree (Parallel Academy), Silk Tree (New Year), Silk Tree (June Bride), Silk Tree (Dreamlike Swimsuit), Silk Tree (10th Anniversary)
Equip 360744 5 万華祭総合2等の髪飾り (No Translation)[Edit] 100 200 345 249 Anemone, Anemone (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), Anemone (Radiant Princess), Anemone (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), Anemone (Princess of Pure Flower), Anemone (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), Anemone (Parallel Academy), Anemone (June Bride), Anemone (Bunny of Fleeting Dreams), Anemone (New Year)
Equip 360745 5 万華祭総合3等の髪飾り (No Translation)[Edit] 100 200 345 249 Pinkladies, Pinkladies (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), Pinkladies (Princess of Pure Flower), Pinkladies (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), Pinkladies (Parallel Academy), Pinkladies (New Year), Pinkladies (Bunny of Unspoken Love)
Equip 360753 5 万華祭母親第1等の記章 (No Translation)[Edit] 80 190 276 239 Plumeria, Plumeria (June Bride), Plumeria (Motherly Love of Hope)
Equip 360754 5 万華祭★2~★4第1等の記章 Ten Thousand Flowers Festival ★2-4 1st Place Medal 80 190 276 239 Turnip Rape, Turnip Rape (Young Knight of Hope), Turnip Rape (Formal Dress)
Equip 360755 5 万華祭新人第1等の記章 (No Translation)[Edit] 80 190 276 239 Tarragon, Tarragon (Nova Vice-President of Hope), Tarragon (New Year)
Equip 380313 5 成熟した光華の花冠 Matured Light Flower Crown 375 75 620 222 Cattleya, Cattleya (Swimsuit), Cattleya (Radiant Princess), Cattleya (Parallel Academy), Cattleya (Christmas), Cattleya (Life Tree's Blessing), Cattleya (Matured Charming Bride) [For self] Increase Attack by 5%
[For self] Increase Defense by 5%
Equip 380314 5 薄れゆく光華の花冠 Fading Shining Flower Festival Flower Crown 375 75 620 222 Anemone, Anemone (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), Anemone (Radiant Princess), Anemone (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), Anemone (Princess of Pure Flower), Anemone (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), Anemone (Parallel Academy), Anemone (June Bride), Anemone (Bunny of Fleeting Dreams), Anemone (New Year) [For self] Increase Attack by 5%
[For self] Increase Defense by 5%
Equip 380315 5 内気と光華の花冠 Timid Radiant Flower Crown 375 75 620 222 Cyclamen, Cyclamen (Radiant Princess), Cyclamen (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers), Cyclamen (Life Tree's Blessing) [For self] Increase Attack by 5%
[For self] Increase Defense by 5%
Equip 380316 5 美徳と光華の杯 (No Translation)[Edit] 360 68 605 215 Mint, Mint (Maturing Virtue) [For self] Increase Attack by 5%
[For self] Increase Defense by 5%
Equip 380317 5 清浄な光華の杯 (No Translation)[Edit] 360 68 605 215 Egyptian Water Lily, Egyptian Water Lily (Maturing Conspirator) [For self] Increase Attack by 5%
[For self] Increase Defense by 5%
Equip 380318 5 変化と光華の杯 Change and Brilliance Trophy 360 68 605 215 Great Burnet, Great Burnet (Maturing Strategist), Great Burnet (New Year), Great Burnet (Formal Dress) [For self] Increase Attack by 5%
[For self] Increase Defense by 5%
Equip 380319 5 人嫌いな光華の杯 Misanthropic Shining Flower Trophy 360 68 605 215 Monkshood, Monkshood (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), Monkshood (June Bride) [For self] Increase Attack by 5%
[For self] Increase Defense by 5%
Equip 380320 5 逆境のなかの光華の杯 Brilliance in Adversity Trophy 360 68 605 215 Snow Drop, Snow Drop (New Year), Snow Drop (Life Tree's Blessing), Snow Drop (Marine Sailor) [For self] Increase Attack by 5%
[For self] Increase Defense by 5%
Equip 380321 5 臆病な光華の胸章 Timid Radiance Medal 345 60 590 207 Apricot, Apricot (Christmas), Apricot (June Bride) [For self] Increase Attack by 5%
[For self] Increase Defense by 5%
Equip 380322 5 容姿端麗な光華の胸章 (No Translation)[Edit] 345 60 590 207 Ionocidium, Ionocidium (Christmas) [For self] Increase Attack by 5%
[For self] Increase Defense by 5%
Equip 380323 5 競争と光華の胸章 Competition and Shining Flower Breastplate 345 60 590 207 Turnip Rape, Turnip Rape (Young Knight of Hope), Turnip Rape (Formal Dress) [For self] Increase Attack by 5%
[For self] Increase Defense by 5%
Equip 380324 5 迷信と光華の胸章 (No Translation)[Edit] 345 60 590 207 Otogirisou, Otogirisou (Baseball) [For self] Increase Attack by 5%
[For self] Increase Defense by 5%
Equip 380325 5 光華を捕らえる胸章 (No Translation)[Edit] 345 60 590 207 Barrenwort, Barrenwort (Valentine) [For self] Increase Attack by 5%
[For self] Increase Defense by 5%
Equip 380365 5 期待と真実のマフラー (No Translation)[Edit] 368 38 613 185 Anemone (Radiant Princess) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380366 5 はにかむ絆のリボン Bashful Bond Ribbon 345 60 590 207 Cyclamen (Radiant Princess) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380367 5 魅惑的な魔力の髪飾り Fascinating Magical Power Hair Ornament 390 60 635 207 Cattleya (Radiant Princess) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380460 5 人嫌いな才華のかんざし Misanthropic Shining Talent Hairpin 295 155 540 302 Monkshood, Monkshood (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), Monkshood (June Bride)
Equip 380461 5 薄れゆく才華のかんざし Fading Talent Festival Hairpin 295 155 540 302 Anemone, Anemone (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), Anemone (Radiant Princess), Anemone (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), Anemone (Princess of Pure Flower), Anemone (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), Anemone (Parallel Academy), Anemone (June Bride), Anemone (Bunny of Fleeting Dreams), Anemone (New Year)
Equip 380462 5 無言な才華のかんざし Talent That Needs No Words Hairpin 295 155 540 302 Pinkladies, Pinkladies (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), Pinkladies (Princess of Pure Flower), Pinkladies (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), Pinkladies (Parallel Academy), Pinkladies (New Year), Pinkladies (Bunny of Unspoken Love)
Equip 380463 5 内気と才華の盃 Timid Talent Sake Cup 280 148 525 295 Cyclamen, Cyclamen (Radiant Princess), Cyclamen (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers), Cyclamen (Life Tree's Blessing)
Equip 380464 5 未来への才華の盃 (No Translation)[Edit] 280 148 525 295 Alstroemeria, Alstroemeria (Gratitude Towards The Future), Alstroemeria (Formal Dress)
Equip 380465 5 親しみ深い才華の盃 Familiarity and Talented Flowers Sake Cup 280 148 525 295 Saintpaulia, Saintpaulia (Costumed Carefree Aristocrat), Saintpaulia (Formal Dress)
Equip 380466 5 信頼と才華の盃 (No Translation)[Edit] 280 148 525 295 Water Lily, Water Lily (June Bride), Water Lily (Swimsuit)
Equip 380467 5 悲しい才華の盃 Sad Talent Sake Cup 280 148 525 295 Red Spider Lily, Red Spider Lily (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), Red Spider Lily (Dress of Sparkling Passion), Red Spider Lily (Parallel Academy), Red Spider Lily (Life Tree's Blessing), Red Spider Lily (Maid of Sad Memories)
Equip 380468 5 可憐な才華の記章 Pretty Genius Award 265 140 510 287 Blushing Bride, Blushing Bride (Costumed Apprentice Teacher), Blushing Bride (Life Tree's Blessing)
Equip 380469 5 忍耐と薄れゆく才華の記章 (No Translation)[Edit] 265 140 510 287 Japanese Anemone, Japanese Anemone (Aspirational Relaxed Queen), Japanese Anemone (Swimsuit)
Equip 380470 5 過去を水に流す才華の記章 Washing Away the Past Shining Talent Award 265 140 510 287 Wolf Berry, Wolf Berry (Christmas), Wolf Berry (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers), Wolf Berry (Easter)
Equip 380588 5 薄れゆく精華のティアラ Fading Spirit Flower Tiara 130 320 375 467 Anemone, Anemone (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), Anemone (Radiant Princess), Anemone (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), Anemone (Princess of Pure Flower), Anemone (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), Anemone (Parallel Academy), Anemone (June Bride), Anemone (Bunny of Fleeting Dreams), Anemone (New Year)
Equip 380589 5 穏やかな精華のティアラ (No Translation)[Edit] 130 320 375 467 Ghost Weed, Ghost Weed (Christmas), Ghost Weed (Princess of Pure Flower), Ghost Weed (Valentine), Ghost Weed (10th Anniversary)
Equip 380590 5 無言な精華のティアラ Sacred Flower That Needs No Words Tiara 130 320 375 467 Pinkladies, Pinkladies (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), Pinkladies (Princess of Pure Flower), Pinkladies (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), Pinkladies (Parallel Academy), Pinkladies (New Year), Pinkladies (Bunny of Unspoken Love)
Equip 380591 5 逆境のなかの精華のティアラ Pure Flowers in Adversity Tiara 130 320 375 467 Snow Drop, Snow Drop (New Year), Snow Drop (Life Tree's Blessing), Snow Drop (Marine Sailor)
Equip 380592 5 情熱と独立の精華のティアラ Passion and Independence Pure Flower Tiara 130 320 375 467 Red Spider Lily, Red Spider Lily (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), Red Spider Lily (Dress of Sparkling Passion), Red Spider Lily (Parallel Academy), Red Spider Lily (Life Tree's Blessing), Red Spider Lily (Maid of Sad Memories)
Equip 380593 5 内気と精華の杯 Timid and Pure Wine Glass 123 305 368 452 Cyclamen, Cyclamen (Radiant Princess), Cyclamen (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers), Cyclamen (Life Tree's Blessing)
Equip 380594 5 信頼と精華の杯 (No Translation)[Edit] 123 305 368 452 Alstroemeria, Alstroemeria (Gratitude Towards The Future), Alstroemeria (Formal Dress)
Equip 380595 5 競争と精華の杯 Competition and Spirit Flower Trophy 123 305 368 452 Turnip Rape, Turnip Rape (Young Knight of Hope), Turnip Rape (Formal Dress)
Equip 380596 5 恨みと精華の杯 (No Translation)[Edit] 123 305 368 452 Spring Star, Spring Star (Maid), Spring Star (Parallel Academy)
Equip 380597 5 喜びと陽気の精華の杯 Joy and Cheer Sacred Flower Cup 123 305 368 452 Saffron, Saffron (Christmas), Saffron (June Bride), Saffron (Parallel Academy), Saffron (New Year)
Equip 380598 5 危険な恋と精華の杯 (No Translation)[Edit] 123 305 368 452 Mandevilla, Mandevilla (Valentine)
Equip 380624 5 好奇心と祝福の花飾り (No Translation)[Edit] 366 39 611 186 Ghost Weed (Princess of Pure Flower) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380625 5 固く結ばれた愛のリボン (No Translation)[Edit] 345 60 590 207 Pinkladies (Princess of Pure Flower) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380626 5 真心と真実の王冠 (No Translation)[Edit] 375 75 620 222 Anemone (Princess of Pure Flower) [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Equip 380636 5 忍耐と薄れゆく精華の記章 (No Translation)[Edit] 115 290 360 437 Japanese Anemone, Japanese Anemone (Aspirational Relaxed Queen), Japanese Anemone (Swimsuit)
Equip 380637 5 信頼と精華の記章 (No Translation)[Edit] 115 290 360 437 Water Lily, Water Lily (June Bride), Water Lily (Swimsuit)
Equip 380638 5 恋と呪いと精華の記章 Cursed Love Spirit Flower Festival Emblem 115 290 360 437 Chocolate Lily, Chocolate Lily (New Year), Chocolate Lily (Swimsuit)
Equip 380639 5 天性の華の精華の記章 (No Translation)[Edit] 115 290 360 437 Dendrobium, Dendrobium (Valentine), Dendrobium (Aspirational Youth-Caring Instructor), Dendrobium (Cat Ear Maid)
Equip 380640 5 あなたを支える精華の記章 I'll Support You Pure Flower Award 115 290 360 437 Dusty Miller, Dusty Miller (Christmas), Dusty Miller (Parallel Academy), Dusty Miller (Life Tree's Blessing), Dusty Miller (Maid to Support You)
Equip 380641 5 恋の虜と精華の記章 Prisoner of Love and Excellence Award 115 290 360 437 Flowering Peach, Flowering Peach (June Bride), Flowering Peach (Halloween), Flowering Peach (Life Tree's Blessing)
Equip 380642 5 小さな強さの精華の記章 Small Strength Pure Flower Award 115 290 360 437 Sutera, Sutera (Aspirational Sparkling Nova), Sutera (Life Tree's Blessing), Sutera (Protective Swimsuit)
Equip 380643 5 仲間と一緒の精華の記章 (No Translation)[Edit] 115 290 360 437 Nipplewort, Nipplewort (New Year), Nipplewort (Dog Ear Poster Girl)
Equip 380644 5 富と繁栄と精華の記章 (No Translation)[Edit] 115 290 360 437 Wheat, Wheat (Christmas)
Equip 380733 5 はにかみと万華の手鏡 Shy Ten Thousand Flowers Hand Mirror 125 303 370 450 Cyclamen, Cyclamen (Radiant Princess), Cyclamen (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers), Cyclamen (Life Tree's Blessing)
Equip 380734 5 喜びと万華の手鏡 Joy and Ten Thousand Flowers Hand Mirror 125 303 370 450 Saffron, Saffron (Christmas), Saffron (June Bride), Saffron (Parallel Academy), Saffron (New Year)
Equip 380735 5 情熱と万華の手鏡 Passion Ten Thousands Flowers Hand Mirror 125 303 370 450 Red Spider Lily, Red Spider Lily (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), Red Spider Lily (Dress of Sparkling Passion), Red Spider Lily (Parallel Academy), Red Spider Lily (Life Tree's Blessing), Red Spider Lily (Maid of Sad Memories)
Equip 380736 5 勤勉と万華の手鏡 (No Translation)[Edit] 125 303 370 450 Verbena
Equip 380737 5 希望と万華の手鏡 Hope and Ten Thousand Flowers Hand Mirror 125 303 370 450 Snow Drop, Snow Drop (New Year), Snow Drop (Life Tree's Blessing), Snow Drop (Marine Sailor)
Equip 380738 5 穏やかな万華の手鏡 Calm Ten Thousand Flowers Hand Mirror 125 303 370 450 Dusty Miller, Dusty Miller (Christmas), Dusty Miller (Parallel Academy), Dusty Miller (Life Tree's Blessing), Dusty Miller (Maid to Support You)
Equip 380739 5 成熟した魅力の万華の手鏡 Matured Magical Kaleidoscope Hand Mirror 125 303 370 450 Cattleya, Cattleya (Swimsuit), Cattleya (Radiant Princess), Cattleya (Parallel Academy), Cattleya (Christmas), Cattleya (Life Tree's Blessing), Cattleya (Matured Charming Bride)
Equip 380743 5 安らぎと万華の髪飾り Serenity and Ten Thousand Flowers Hair Ornament 140 310 385 457 Silk Tree, Silk Tree (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), Silk Tree (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers), Silk Tree (Parallel Academy), Silk Tree (New Year), Silk Tree (June Bride), Silk Tree (Dreamlike Swimsuit), Silk Tree (10th Anniversary)
Equip 380744 5 薄れゆく万華の髪飾り (No Translation)[Edit] 140 310 385 457 Anemone, Anemone (World's Flower Shrine Maiden), Anemone (Radiant Princess), Anemone (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), Anemone (Princess of Pure Flower), Anemone (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), Anemone (Parallel Academy), Anemone (June Bride), Anemone (Bunny of Fleeting Dreams), Anemone (New Year)
Equip 380745 5 無言な万華の髪飾り Ten Thousand Flowers That Need No Words Hair Accessory 140 310 385 457 Pinkladies, Pinkladies (Heavenly Flower's Young Lady), Pinkladies (Princess of Pure Flower), Pinkladies (Flower Saint Who Talks About Dreams), Pinkladies (Parallel Academy), Pinkladies (New Year), Pinkladies (Bunny of Unspoken Love)
Equip 380753 5 気品と万華の記章 (No Translation)[Edit] 120 285 365 432 Plumeria, Plumeria (June Bride), Plumeria (Motherly Love of Hope)
Equip 380754 5 競争と万華の記章 Competition and Ten Thousand Flowers Medal 120 285 365 432 Turnip Rape, Turnip Rape (Young Knight of Hope), Turnip Rape (Formal Dress)
Equip 380755 5 不変の好奇心と万華の記章 Constant Curiosity and Ten Thousand Flowers Award 120 285 365 432 Tarragon, Tarragon (Nova Vice-President of Hope), Tarragon (New Year)