Below are lists of characters that were mentioned in the story, NPCs, and animal/spirit companions and such of the already existing Flower Knights.
Mentioned Characters[]
Characters below were only mentioned and their physical appearance is not know. Not all of them might end up being implemented.
JP Name | ENG Name | Mentioned in | Notes | Scientific Name |
エリンギ | Eryngii | Flat Sea Holly's voice lines and character quest. | Childhood friend of Flat Sea Holly. Long ago, she gave Flat Sea Holly candy when she was feeling down. | Pleurotus eryngii |
オイランソウ | Summer Phlox | Night Phlox's voice lines. | Night Phlox feels like she can't leave her on her own. | Phlox paniculata |
オレンジ | Orange | Mikan's voice lines and character quest. Lemon's voice lines. Episode Collection Vol. 2. | Mikan's older sister. She was looking after her sister in the past due to their parents being busy. She's a commanding officer of Orange Corp / オレンジ隊. Seems to be well-acquainted with Acacia, the commanding officer of Acacia Corp. | Citrus sinensis |
カヤナ | Kayana? | Camellia Wabisuke's voice lines. China Root's voice lines. | One of Camellia Wabisuke's disciples. | Justicia procumbens |
クレオメ | Cleome | White Gaura's voice lines. | A dancer and White Gaura's rival. | Cleome / Tarenaya hassleriana |
クワイ | Kuwai / Arrowhead | Giant Arrowhead's voice lines. | Younger sister of Giant Arrowhead. Giant Arrowhead calls her Ku-chan / クーちゃん. | Sagittaria trifolia 'Caerulea' |
コナギ | Konagi | Pickerel Weed's voice lines. | Pickerel Weed's younger sister. | Monochoria vaginalis var. plantaginea |
フウロソウ | (not possible to pin down) | Pickerel Weed's voice lines. Winter Cherry's voice lines. | Pickerel Weed's friend. Happened to travel together with Winter Cherry in the past. | Geranium or Pelargonium genus |
スグリ | Chinese Gooseberry | Conversation that happened in event Circulo Spectacle. | Troupe leader of Synchro Ribes(?) / シルクロ・リベス. | Ribes sinanense |
ミムルス | Mimulus | Conversation that happened in event Circulo Spectacle. | Member of Synchro Ribes(?) / シルクロ・リベス. | Mimulus |
スノーベリー | Snowberry | Viburnum's voice lines. | Younger sister of Viburnum. Apparently hates to lose. | Symphoricarpos |
タカサゴユリ | Taiwanese Lily | Easter Lily's voice lines and character quest. | Childhood friend of Easter Lily. Since childhood, she was often mistaken for Easter Lily due to their similar appearance. | Lilium formosanum |
マジョラム | Marjoram | Oregano's voice lines. | Oregano's cousin from her mother's side and her friend. | Origanum majorana |
トゥルシー | Tulasi | Oregano's voice lines. | Medical technologist. Younger sister of Basil. | Ocimum tenuiflorum |
バジル | Basil | Oregano's voice lines. | Medical technologist. Older sister of Tulasi. | Ocimum basilicum |
トネリコ | Japanese Ash Tree | Elm's voice lines. | Elm's childhood friend. They couldn't see each other for a long time but reunited after both of them became Flower Knights. | Fraxinus japonica |
ドラセナ | Dracaena | Lucky Bamboo's voice lines. | The oldest of Lucky Bamboo's sisters. | Dracaena |
マジナータ | Marginata | Lucky Bamboo's voice lines. | Lucky Bamboo's sister. She's the middle sister, being younger than Dracaena. | Dracaena concinna |
ハカラメ | Miracle Leaf, Cathedral Bells, etc. | Kalanchoe's voice lines. | Kalanchoe's attendant. | Kalanchoe pinnata |
ヒサカキ | Japanese Eurya | Sakaki's voice lines. | Sakaki's younger sister. | Eurya japonica |
プラタナス | Platanus | Lacquer Tree's voice lines, character quest, and date scene. | Part of researchers-circle together with Rosemary and Horse Chestnut with whom she exchanges ideas and opinions. A magic scholar recognized even by Lily Wood's senate. | Platanus |
フリチラリア | Fritillaria | Corn Cockle's voice lines. Tarragon's voice lines. | Member of Lily Wood's senate. | Fritillaria imperialis |
ヘリアンサス | Helianthus | Tithonia's character quest. | Tithonia's older sister. | Helianthus |