Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Flower Knight Girl Wikia

This article is specifically geared towards Nutaku players coming over to the DMM/Fanza version of the game. From here on out, DMM will refer to both the Japanese version of FKG and the platform it runs on. Likewise, Nutaku will refer to the English version of FKG and its platform.

As of January 12 2021, Nutaku Flower Knight Girl is no longer playable due the removal of Flash support.

What are DMM, Fanza, and Nutaku[]

In short, these three things are platforms. They give games like FKG a place to exist (to be hosted) and a way for them to get money from players (through DMM points and Nutaku Gold respectively). For example, DMM hosts its content on http://pc-play.games.dmm.com/ and FKG in particular is hosted by DMM at http://pc-play.games.dmm.com/play/flower/ . Likewise, Fanza and Nutaku have their own domains for hosting FKG.

Platform Demographic Domain FKG's Location
DMM Japanese
(all ages)
http://pc-play.games.dmm.com/ http://pc-play.games.dmm.com/play/flower/
Fanza Japanese
http://pc-play.games.dmm.co.jp/play/flower-x/ http://pc-play.games.dmm.co.jp/play/flower-x/
Nutaku English [Removed from Platform] [Removed from Platform]

In the past, DMM and Fanza were the same company. Fanza's old name was "DMM (R-18)". The split does not mean much to players, and most people refer to DMM + Fanza collectively as the DMM platform. After all, anything you do in DMM is recognized in Fanza and vice-versa. Your FKG account and data is exactly the same in DMM and Fanza; it's just that the H Scenes are not available on the DMM platform. You can freely switch between DMM and Fanza just by changing the URL.

All the DMM platforms are interlinked. You can log into your account from any of those platforms. However, DMM and Nutaku's platforms are not linked. It's impossible to login to DMM using Nutaku credentials or vice-versa. You can't transfer your data either.

Why to Migrate[]

Nutaku using machine tl

Nutaku using Google Translate to do their work.

Nutaku players might wonder why they should switch in the first place. Here is a list of reasons. Keep in mind that some of these points are opinionated or fueled by discontent.

  • Flower Knight Girl is no longer playable on Nutaku, whereas DMM's FKG has been going strong for over 6 years now.
  • FKG is a Japanese game, so it's obvious that DMM get all updates earlier than other translations.
  • Having the latest updates also means having issues fixed faster than other versions.
  • Nutaku was incredibly behind on releasing characters before it closed, so Nutaku players missed out on alternate skins of characters they liked.
  • DMM's company, YourGames, is very generous with the amount of freebies they give out.
  • Nutaku was missing a huge amount of buffs in terms of abilities and stats.
  • Nutaku had numerous malfunctioning abilities; for example Dusty Miller (Christmas)'s infamous 1st-turn crit. They also left Evasion as forever broken.
  • Nutaku only supported four abilities instead of six, so some bloomed characters had been outright stripped of their abilities (eg. Sneezeweed).
  • Nutaku never implemented the improved Warehouse. Nutaku players suffered with synthesis material characters clogging up their character storage and the default of 50 slots instead of 300.
  • Nutaku had been using Google Translate or outright deleting the Japanese text just to release characters on-time. Even if you earned a girl in the English version of FKG, you were not provided the English background you'd work/pay for.
  • In DMM, every character is released along with her Character Quests and Date Scene. Nutaku only released CQs when they felt like it, which was very rarely.
  • You can get everyone's personal equipment in DMM because everyone has their CQs available by default. In Nutaku, you could only get those equipment if the unit was lucky enough to have her CQ translated.
  • Personal equipment can be evolved in DMM, but couldn't in Nutaku.
  • Date scenes never existed in Nutaku.
  • DMM lets you charge Solar Drive up to 300% instead of 100%. It makes some characters more useful and some battles more manageable.
  • DMM only has downtime once a week during the regularly scheduled maintenance. Hotfixes, which fix bugs after a maintenance, get applied the moment you refresh the window/tab.
  • DMM gives freebies (apologems) for unscheduled, emergency maintenances. They also explain what they worked on.
  • H Scenes had lowered quality in Nutaku for some reason. There's more artifacting.
  • DMM has a true Skip button for cut-scene dialog.
  • Quest completions can be submitted in bulk on DMM. In Nutaku, you had to babysit your quests to earn everything in a day.
  • In DMM, stamina is not lost when you lose a subjugation or retreat from it. In Nutaku, you would lose stamina by starting a subjugation. This means that you could lose your stamina due to disconnections.
  • In Nutaku, Nation Missions restricted the characters you can use to those of the same nation. DMM does not have that restriction.
  • In DMM, random tiles were replaced from the majority of old maps which makes full clears much easier.
  • In DMM, ordinary Secret Gardens guarantee that you get all chests and also provide Life Crystals. Nutaku's SGs could rob you of the last chest.
  • In DMM, event SGs include the rewards that ordinary SGs give out, so they're doubly efficient. In Nutaku, the event SGs only gave event currency.
  • In DMM, all events leave their wares or event page open one week after the event ends, so you can buy things or use currency even after the event ends. On Nutaku, if you could not use your event currency before the event ended, you lost out on getting those rewards forever.
  • In DMM, you get all 12 Character Management Sets for free. In Nutaku, they costed flower stones.
  • In DMM, you can select 100 Vice-Leaders and one main one. In Nutaku, you could either see exactly one character, or every single one you own. You couldn't pick your favorites from a batch.
  • In DMM, Garden Medals exist, so you don't have to spend gold to buy Garden stuff.
  • DMM has dedicated Mobile Versions. Nutaku was stuck with Flash, which all web browsers stopped supporting.
  • In DMM, modern event characters start at 99% Affection - so it takes significantly less work to see her 100% affection scene. In addition, players get two copies - one at 99% and another at 0%. In Nutaku, players got one copy of the event character who started at 0% affection.
  • In DMM, there's an option to greatly shorten the time it takes to display activated abilities before combat. This means battles take less time in DMM.
  • In DMM, any and all seal stones/tickets that let you trade for characters or roll gacha will never expire. ON Nutaku, these tickets would often have an expiration date.
  • In DMM, multiple filters can be applied at once and there is a seach bar function. This makes it easier to pinpoint characters.
  • In DMM, you can sort by the number of owned characters, so it's easy to figure out who you have dupes of.
  • In DMM, you can get characters to level 110 through Centy. In Nutaku, the max was 80.
  • DMM has High Ampules which let you boost stats beyond what Ampules could reach.
  • Nutaku FKG was noticeably slower with the advent of HTML5 to DMM FKG.
  • A growing list of grievances gave Nutaku players more and more reasons to leave before it closed.

Why Not to Migrate[]

Even though Nutaku Flower Knight Girl is no longer playable, there may be a few reasons someone may have preferred Nutaku over DMM.

  • DMM is not in English. Even though Nutaku's English was awful or outright unavailable, some people preferred having something rather than 0% English.
  • Nutaku gave out many more chances to purchase top-rarity characters compared to DMM, some were even cheaper than DMM's average cost (5,000 yen). The counterargument to this is that DMM offers signifantly more chances to acquire top-rarity by playing for free - through gifted rainbows and more gacha currency.
  • All H Scenes in DMM have a mosaic censor. The counterargument to this is that Nutaku's airbrushed de-censors were crude, introduces artifacts, and sometimes add unsightly pubic hair or blood.
  • DMM has less pubic hair and blood, which some people may prefer.
  • Fighting with DMM/Fanza's anti-foreigner measures may be annoying depending on your country and payment method.

How to Migrate[]

If you've made your decision to migrate to DMM, keep in mind this very important point. If DMM/Fanza thinks you are not in Japan, they might try to tell you various games are not available in your country. Hence, keeping the site language as Japanese may be vital depending on where outside of Japan you are. Using a machine translator like Google Translate is OK because it's not DMM/Fanza making the English.

For more information, see Registration.

Important Differences[]

Kugaisou for sale

6* Kugaisou for sale.

Keep in mind these things when adjusting to DMM when coming from Nutaku.

  • Flower stones are always x100 in value. See Real Money.
  • There are always Campaigns going on. Keep up with the news or front page before deciding how to spend your stamina.
  • Player growth is much faster because of frequent Campaigns, Blossomed Affection, Blooming, and Rarity Growth.
  • With the exception of some Nico Live and Serial Code girls, all characters are at least bloomable without features. DMM releases blooming with features for characters on a timely basis.
  • Rarity Growth makes any character a 6*, so pretty much everyone is usable.
  • All new characters are released with blooming without features + rarity growth capabilities.
  • Nutaku players who don't intend to read the How to play article should be aware that 6* Kugaisou and 6* Knotweed can be bought for just 90oo flower stones each. They're both extremely useful and can be used even in endgame content. Most importantly, they are a permanent part of the Wares and will never expire.
  • Before Nutaku FKG closed, debuff teams were extremely viable. However, that is less-so the case in DMM as many pests can OHKO characters even at 70% lowered attack power. See Team Building.