Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Flower Knight Girl Wikia

A Mission (任務) is one or more dungeons. Dungeons (ダンジョン) are one or more stages. Stages (ステージ) are where you do Subjugations. Missions group and classify stages based on their difficulty, availability, cost, rewards, and other particulars. You can access the Missions page by clicking the 1st tab on the Home Screen, labeled "Subjugation (討伐)". This is where all missions in the game are located.

Main Story Tab[]

Story Tab

Story Tab

The first tab of the Missions page is the Main Story (メインストーリー) tab. They include Story Missions (ストーリー任務), which allow the player to progress through the game's main storyline. The story is divided into five separate arcs:

  • Part 1 - Thousand-year Threat Arc
  • Part 2 - Foundation of the World Arc
  • Part 3 - Creation of Spring Garden Arc
  • Part 4 - Phantasmal Carenthus Arc
  • Part 5 - Flowers of a Distant Dream Arc

For specific information, see Story Mission.

Permanent / Training Mission Tab[]

Permanent & Training Mission Tab

Permanent / Training Mission Tab

The second tab of the Missions page is the Permanent / Training Mission (常設任務/養成) tab. All missions here are either permanently available, provide materials that strengthen Flower Knights, or both. For general information, see Permanent / Training Mission Types.

For specific information, see:

Recommended Tab[]

Recommended Tab

Recommended Tab

The third tab of the Missions page is the Recommended (おすすめ) tab. When visiting the Missions page, this is the first tab shown.

This tab includes two sections, from top to bottom:

  • Current Event (開催中のイベント) - The Current Event and Reprint Event.
  • Recommended Missions (おすすめダンジョン) - Missions that are recommended for the week, plus any active Limited Missions.

High Difficulty Tab[]

High Difficulty Tab

High Difficulty Tab

The fourth tab of the Missions page is the High Difficulty (高難易度) tab. High Difficulty Missions include all of the most challenging stages in the game. For general information, see High Difficulty Mission Types.

For specific information, see:

Sub Story Tab[]

Sub Story Tab

Sub Story Tab

The fifth tab of the Missions page is the Sub Story (サブストーリー) tab. These missions involve playing through a story that differs from the game's main storyline, typically adventures with specific characters. For general information, see Sub Story Mission Types.

For specific information, see:

Limited Tab[]

Limited Tab

Limited Tab

The sixth tab of the Missions page is the Limited (限定) tab. Limited Missions (限定任務) must be completed within a limited time.

For specific information, see Limited Mission.
