- | Japanese | English |
束の間の休息 | Moment of Rest | |
心の安息 | Repose of Heart | |
団長執務室 | Commander's Office | |
冒険への門出 | Departure to Adventure | |
大草原 | Big Prairie | |
荒野の探索 | Investigating the Wilderness | |
花騎士調査団 | Flower Knight Investigation Committee | |
古代の秘境 | Ancient Unexplored Region | |
害虫討伐 | Pest Subjugation | |
害虫との死闘 | Battle to the Death With Pests | |
運命ひらり(instrumental) | Nimble Fate | |
truth(instrumental) | truth | |
サマーバケーション | Summer Vacation | |
秋の祭り | Fall Festival | |
月見の坂を越えて | Over the Moon-Viewing Hill | |
紅葉狩り | Autumn-Leaf Viewing | |
トリック・オア・トリート | Trick or Treat | |
冬の高揚 | Winter Cheer | |
クリスマス・フェスタ | Christmas Festival | |
笑う花には福来る | Good Fortune Comes to Smiling Flowers | |
一姫当千 | One-in-a-Thousand Princess | |
花騎士に栄光あれ | Glory to Flower Knights | |
高鳴る花は | The Excited Flowers | |
咲き乱れるは雅 | Profuse Blooming is Elegance | |
開花の兆し | Signs of Blooming | |
桜華剣乱 | Cherry Blossom Sword-War | |
新たに芽吹くは花の誇り | Pride of Newly Sprouting Flowers | |
花よ舞え大空へ | Oh Flowers, Dance to the Sky | |
蒼穹をゆく船 | Boat Going to the Blue Sky | |
風を裂く雲上の戦い | Tearing Winds in a Battle Above the Clouds | |
襲来セシ空ノ脅威 | The Threat of the Sky Has Invaded | |
碧空へ飛び立つ華 | Flower Leaping Towards the Azure Sky | |
花の雫は湖面を揺らし | Water Drops From Flowers Disrupt the Lake Surface | |
恵雨に舞い踊る花娘 | Flower Girl Dancing Under the Welcome Rain | |
彩り舞う華の舞踏会 | A Ball for the Colorful Dancing Flower | |
華やぐ天の河を越えて | Crossing the Shining Milky Way | |
南風にふわり舞うはなびら | Petals Softly Dancing to the South WindMT | |
青い悪魔 | The Blue Demon | |
指踊り弾く鉄線風車の如く | Like an Iron Wire Windmill Playing Finger DancingMT | |
影ニ浮ク幻華 | Two Shadows Floating in the Phantom FlowerMT | |
世界花のある日々 | Every Day of the Flower WorldMT | |
陽気に花が踊る様に | As Cheerful Flowers DanceMT | |
女王の輝きは永久に | A Queen's Eternal Shine | |
駆け抜ける紅の風 | Crimson Wind Rushing By | |
誘惑にはためく野望 | Ambition that Flutters from Temptation | |
海風から広がる旅立ちの湊 | Minato's Departure from the Sea BreezeMT | |
祝祭前の楽しいひと時 | The fun moment before the festival | |
祝祭に華やぐ燈 | Brilliant Light at the FestivalMT | |
彩で終わり始まりから咲く | Bloom from Beginning to End in ColorMT | |
追憶にゆらぐ秘湯 | Farewell to Secret MemoriesMT | |
清心秘めたる華祭 | Secret FiancéeMT | |
恋心秘める楽しい祭事 | Fun Festival to Keep SecretMT | |
静謐かつ神聖な都 | Serene and Sacred CapitalMT | |
柔和に花開く楽しい旅路 | Fun Journey to Blossom BlossomMT | |
独創的な刺激と香る野営地 | Creative Inspiration and Scented CampMT | |
思いやりと行楽の歓迎会 | Welcome Party of Compassion and HolidayMT | |
楽しく語る春の便り | Speaking Loudly SpeakingMT | |
開かれた花の祝祭 | Open Flower FestivalMT | |
予断を許さない南海の孤島 | Nankai the Unpredictable and Solitary IslandMT | |
誘惑と雑踏に溢れる商売の街 | Town of the City Full of Temptation and Hustle and BustleMT | |
自然と親交と共存の国 | Country of Coexistence Between Nature and FriendshipMT | |
風と渓谷に包まれた雅な国 | Ya Countries Wrapped in Wind and ValleyMT | |
ちょっとした平穏な南の避暑地 | A Somewhat Peaceful Summer ResortMT | |
熱情を帯びる開港された街 | Open-town with EnthusiasmMT | |
指導響く自然の騎士学校 | Nature of the Knight School Echoing GuidanceMT | |
内気な期待は魅惑的? | Shyness is Enchanting?MT | |
悲しき別れ、耐える愛の叙事伝 | Sad Farewell, Epic Legend of Love to WithstandMT | |
癒しの桃、恋し郷人 | Healing Peach, Loving TownspeopleMT | |
真実と欺瞞による駆け引き | Bargaining by Deception and TruthMT | |
節度無き欲望の末映す滅びの都 | The Capital of Destruction as a Result of Desire Without ModerationMT | |
心躍る聖夜の春庭 | An Exciting Christmas Eve Spring GardenMT | |
壮大なる氷上と麗容の国 | On a Magnificent Ice and a Beautiful CountryMT | |
豊穣の予感、霊峰に射す曙光 | Premonition of Fertility, Shogun to Shoot at LingfengMT | |
銀の大地に芽吹くもの | Buds on Silver GroundMT | |
傑物集結せし才華祭 | A Collection of Exquisite GiftsMT | |
雪原に舞う怒りの火花 | Spark of Anger Dancing in the Snow FieldMT | |
千の脅威に立ち向かう戦花 | Battlefield Confronting a Thousand ThreatsMT | |
千の足の胎動 | Fomenting Thousand-FeetMT | |
迫る炎熱と宵闇の眷属 | Fielding Heat and Dusk ObligationMT | |
白き日に感謝の気持ちを貴女へ | I Thank You for your Gratitude for the White DayMT | |
競技者たちの鋭気は常夏に燃え | The Sharpness of the Athletes Burns in the SummerMT | |
春風と共に爛漫の丘へ | Together with the Spring Breeze to the Hill of WisdomMT | |
純潔による導きと冷徹な希望 | Guidance and Chilling Hope by PurityMT | |
宵に忍ぶ者たちの驀進 | Rampage of Those who Cling to the EveningMT | |
天雫から生まれる奇跡 | Miracle Born from Heaven DropletMT | |
水影の騎士 | Aqua Shadow | |
踊りし仮面に捧ぐ円舞曲 | Dancing with Masks to the WaltzMT | |
水面の風に赴くまま | As I go to the Wind on the Water SurfaceMT | |
霧と共に出づる幽霊船 | A Ghost Ship with FogMT | |
満天の星を観にいこう! | Let's go see the Stars of the Sky!MT | |
潜入!監獄島地下へ | Infiltrate! To the Underground Prison IslandMT | |
サーカステントをくぐれば | If You Pass Through the Circus Tent | |
新らたに芽吹く花の物語 | The Tale of a Newly Sprouted Flower | |
豊穣を祝う水都祭 | The Water City Harvest Festival | |
メイドさんと癒しのカフェへ | To the Healing Cafe with Maids | |
浮かれたオバケと至極の甘味 | Floating Ghosts and Extreme Sweetness | |
天つ花の令嬢 | The Lady of the Heavenly Flower | |
輝く大海に囲まれし祭祀の国 | A Country of Rituals Surrounded by a Shining Ocean | |
奏で彩るは賛美の調べ | Praise for an Investigation Well Done | |
新らたな年を祝賀して | Celebrating the New Year | |
灯り揺らめく湖畔 | The Shimmering Lakeside | |
雪景に彩り添える精華祭 | A Spirit Festival the Colours the Snowfields | |
奇跡を起こせ!大逆転劇!? | Perform a Miracle! The Great Reversal!? | |
意外な来訪者と紡ぐ冒険譚 | An Unexpected Visitor Mixing in with the Adventuring Party | |
絢爛たる賭博と遊戯 | Gorgeous Gambling and Playing | |
監獄より目覚めしもの | Awakening from Prison | |
華やく街と生命の息吹 | A Beautiful City and the Breath of Life | |
一投一打に想いを込めて | One Shot, One Hit Filled Feelings | |
識者達の論戦場 | The Scholar's Battlefield | |
マフルの夢見るキノコ | The Dream Seeing Mushrooms of Maffle | |
ウェディングブーケは誰の手に | Who Caught the Wedding Bouquet | |
常夏の風を感じて | Feeling the Wind of Everlasting Summer | |
相対するは末解明の領域 | Opposition is an Unexplored Area | |
根源への進撃 | Marching to the Root | |
千の頭の強襲 | Thousand Headed Assault | |
不滅と黄昏の蔓延する支配 | Immortality and the Twilight Infestation | |
ギラギラゴーイングマイウェイ | Glitter Going My Way | |
荒野を往く花風 | Petal Winds Passing through the Wilderness | |
女王たちの絢爛なる舞路会 | The Gorgeous Ball Dance of Princesses | |
希望の夜露と万華の祭典 | Festival of Night Dew and 10,000 Flowers of Hope | |
手洗いうがい消息のうた | Wash your Hands, Gargle, and Disinfect Song | |
黄金の世界花 | The Golden World Flower | |
天雷と暁の空へ | To the Skies of Heavenly Thunder and Dawn | |
千の羽の降臨 | The Advent of a Thousand Wings | |
運命ひらり(orchestra) | Fluttering Fate (Orchestra) | |
死にゆく世界の支配者 | The Master of the Dying World | |
Ancient Messiah | Ancient Messiah | |
封印されし古の花 | The Ancient Sealed Flower | |
道草マ-チ | Grassroads March |