Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Nushi Banner


Nushi Missions (怒れるヌシの緊急討伐任務) are a High Difficulty Mission Type that includes some of the most difficult content in the game. These stages are even harder than the majority of Ultimate Unique Missions and Aqua Shadow Missions. Originally Nushi Missions were only available every other week, but they were made to be permanent on February 22, 2021.

Nushi medal

Master Medal

Each stage takes place in one of the various Nations of the world and are organized in the Missions tab based on their location. All Nushi Missions cost 0 stamina, do not spawn Raid Bosses or Secret Gardens, do not allow the use of a Helper Squad, and do not reward any chests for completing them. There may not be chest rewards, but the first full clear for each stage will reward the player with a High Ampule of a single type and 1 Master Medal. Master Medals have no use yet, but are planned to have some purpose in the future. How many medals the player has acquired can be viewed in the items section of the Office.

Blossom Hill[]

Nushi Blossom Hill Banner

These Nushi Missions take place in Blossom Hill (ブロッサムヒル). This list goes top-to-bottom just like in-game.

# Japanese Name English Name Overall Force High Ampule
3 激闘 旧フォス修練区 Fierce Fight, Old Phos Training District 690,500 x1 Defense
2 激闘 フォス平原 Fierce Fight, Phos Plains 690,000 x1 Attack
1 激闘 港都市 ヨーテホルク Fierce Fight, City Harbor 690,000 x1 Life

Lily Wood[]

Nushi Lily Wood Banner

These Nushi Missions take place in Lily Wood (リリィウッド) This list goes top-to-bottom just like in-game.

# Japanese Name English Name Overall Force High Ampule
2 激闘 無垢なる森林区 Fierce Fight, Forest District of Purity 691,500 x1 Attack
1 激闘 白百合街道 Fierce Fight, White Lily Main Road 691,000 x1 Life

Banana Ocean[]

Nushi Banana Ocean Banner

These Nushi Missions take place in Banana Ocean (バナナオーシャン). This list goes top-to-bottom just like in-game.

# Japanese Name English Name Overall Force High Ampule
2 激闘 ダイダイ灯台 Fierce Fight, Daidai Lighthouse 692,500 x1 Life
1 激闘 富と誇りの遊歩道 Fierce Fight, 692,000 x1 Defense

Bergamot Valley[]

Nushi Bergamot Valley Banner

These Nushi Missions take place in Bergamot Valley (ベルガモットバレー). This list goes top-to-bottom just like in-game.

# Japanese Name English Name Overall Force High Ampule
2 激闘 実りの渓谷地帯 Fierce Fight, Area of Crop Canyon 694,000 x1 Defense
1 激闘 マフル高原 Fierce Fight, Mafur Plateau 693,000 x1 Attack

Winter Rose[]

Nushi Winter Rose Banner

These Nushi Missions take place in Winter Rose (ウィンターローズ). This list goes top-to-bottom just like in-game.

# Japanese Name English Name Overall Force High Ampule
2 激闘 エルモズ山麓 Fierce Fight, Foot of Mt. Elmos 900,000 x1 Attack
1 激闘 フヴァの氷結湖 Fierce Fight, Fuva Freezing Lake 695,000 x1 Life