The Present Box / プレゼントボックス stores things you've earned or were given. It is located at the upper-left hand corner of the Home screen. Things you buy from Wares will go here. Things stay in your present box for 30 days before being removed.
Click on something to get it. Underneath the item's name and count, there's a description of where it came from, the date you got it, and the date it would be removed from the present box.
The green tabs from left-to-right has the following meanings:
- Overview / 一覧
- Characters / キャラ
- Equipment / 装備
- Items / アイテム
- Log of received things / 受取履歴
The red buttons from left-to-right have the following meanings:
- Get 50 things / 50件受け取る
- Get 50 non-characters / キャラ以外50件受け取る
The brown drop-down list sorts what appears on top. Its meanings are as follows:
- Top-Left: Order by most recently received
- Top-Right: Order by oldest received
- Bottom-Left: Order by increasing rarity
- Bottom-Right: Order by decreasing rarity
Other Notes[]
The history log stores a total of 100 things. Keep this in mind if you want to double-check something you have grabbed.
The daily login bonus states the number of days you have logged in. You can use the present box and possibly its log to double-check how many days you have logged in.