Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Flower Knight Girl Wikia

Red Spider Lily (Parallel Academy)
Portrait 142013

Spirit Tail Technique・Flame Cheer Squad
Effect Activation Rate
Based on the current number of enemies: Deal 4.7x damage to 1 enemy, 2.8x damage two enemies, or 2.2x damage to three enemies 27% (Lv1) → 37% (Lv5)
Type Stats
Magic icon Magic HP ATK DEF SPD
Stage Icon Lv Zero percent 100% Affection 100% Blossomed Affection Zero percent 100% Affection 100% Blossomed Affection Zero percent 100% Affection 100% Blossomed Affection
Pre-Evolved Red Spider Lily (Parallel Academy) 1 1,690 3,130 4,138 900 1,764 2,244 380 740 920 530
60 6,000 7,440 8,448 2,530 3,394 3,874 630 990 1,170
Evolved Red Spider Lily (Parallel Academy) 1 5,590 8,530 10,558 2,270 3,854 4,634 930 1,794 2,094
70 12,490 15,430 17,458 5,330 6,914 7,694 1,230 2,094 2,394
Bloomed Powers-only 1 7,890 10,830 13,170 2,930 4,514 5,378 1,180 2,044 2,392
80 15,790 18,730 21,070 5,730 7,314 8,178 1,630 2,494 2,842
Stage Abilities
  • Ability icon01[For 1 Guardian-type ally] Increase Attack by 80%
  • Ability icon18[For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 50% ( ? )
  • Ability icon46[For 5 allies] 100% chance to Intercept using 3x Attack Power ( ? )
  • Ability icon01[For 1 Guardian-type ally] Increase Attack by 80%
  • Ability icon18[For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 50% ( ? )
  • Ability icon46[For 5 allies] 100% chance to Intercept using 3x Attack Power ( ? )
  • Ability icon11[For 5 allies] After an ally Evades, increase Boss Damage by 20% (Up to 4x)
  • Ability icon19[For 5 allies] Special Evade 1x ( ? )
  • Ability icon19[For 5 allies] Increase Evade Rate by 15% ( ? )
  • Ability icon01[For 1 Guardian-type ally] Increase Attack by 80%
  • Ability icon18[For 5 allies] Increase Defense by 50% ( ? )
  • Ability icon46[For 5 allies] 100% chance to Intercept using 3x Attack Power ( ? )
  • Ability icon11[For 5 allies] After an ally Evades, increase Boss Damage by 20% (Up to 4x)
  • Ability icon19[For 5 allies] Special Evade 1x ( ? )
  • Ability icon19[For 5 allies] Increase Evade Rate by 15% ( ? )
  • Ability icon55[For 5 allies] After an ally Evades, Retain 10% HP ( ? )
  • Ability icon46[For 1 Guardian-type ally] After you are attacked, on the next turn, increase Intercept Damage by 120% ( ? )
Rarity Grown
Personal Equipment
Equip Name Lv ATK DEF Icon
ある日常と情熱の耳飾り 1 165 125 Bergamot Valley earring icon
(No Translation) Earrings[Edit] Max 410 272
ある日常と情熱のポンポン 1 175 275 Equip 380958
(No Translation)[Edit] Max 420 422
Ability [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
才華祭★6第1等の盃 1 180 105 Equip 360467
Talented Flower Festival ★6 1st Place Sake Cup Max 376 154
悲しい才華の盃 1 280 148 Equip 380467
Sad Talent Sake Cup Max 525 295
精華祭総合5等のティアラ 1 90 210 Equip 360592
Spirit Flower Festival 5th Place Tiara Max 335 259
情熱と独立の精華のティアラ 1 130 320 Equip 380592
Passion and Independence Pure Flower Tiara Max 375 467
万華祭総合第6等の手鏡 1 90 195 Equip 360735
(No Translation)[Edit] Max 286 244
情熱と万華の手鏡 1 125 303 Equip 380735
Passion Ten Thousands Flowers Hand Mirror Max 370 450
ある日常と情熱のポンポン 1 175 275 Equip 1380958
(No Translation)[Edit] Max 420 422
Ability [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
悲しい才華の盃 1 280 148 Equip 1380467
Sad Talent Sake Cup Max 525 295
情熱と独立の精華のティアラ 1 130 320 Equip 1380592
Passion and Independence Pure Flower Tiara Max 375 467
情熱と万華の手鏡 1 125 303 Equip 1380735
Passion Ten Thousands Flowers Hand Mirror Max 370 450
Additional Info
Affection Item Stuffed Animals Stuffed Animals Nation Bergamot Valley Bergamot Valley
Family Amaryllidaceae Romaji Higanbanapararerugakuen
Language of Flowers 情熱、悲しい思い出、独立、他
Passion, Sad Memories, Independence, etc.

Artist: MonetiFlower Knight ID:142013


Alternate forms

Red Spider Lily (World's Flower Shrine Maiden)Red Spider LilyRed Spider Lily (Maid of Sad Memories)Red Spider Lily (Dress of Sparkling Passion)Red Spider Lily (Life Tree's Blessing)


Library Introduction Play
Japanese 春庭学園のヒガンバナよ。部活はチアリーディング。
Library Reference Voice Lines
Event Japanese English
First-time Introduction
Give Gift 1
Give Gift 2
Starting Subjugation 1
Title Call
フラワーナイトガール Flower Knight Girl
Login Bonus
Extra Miscellaneous Voice Lines
Event Japanese English
Encountered bugs during subjugation
Limited Seasonal Voice Lines
Event Japanese English


Full Portraits
Home Character Expressions

Botanical Origin[]

See Red Spider Lily.
