The Shop (ショップ) is where you can buy things with DMM Points. Access it by clicking the 5th tab on the Home Screen.
Purchase Flower Stones[]
Japanese: 華霊石購入
Lets you purchase Flower Stones with DMM Points.
1oo Flower Stone |
5oo Flower Stones |
12oo Flower Stones |
100 DMM Points | 500 DMM Points | 1000 DMM Points |
40oo Flower Stones |
72oo Flower Stones |
166oo Flower Stones |
3000 DMM Points | 5000 DMM Points | 10000 DMM Points |
Item Packs[]
Japanese: アイテムパック
Lets you purchase various Item Packs with DMM Points.
The Flower Knight Revival (フラワーナイト・リバイバル) Item Pack was introduced on January 23, 2023. It is a special pack that grants the player a 'Flower Knight Revival' Ticket. This ticket is used to exchange for a unit from a pool of rare Serial Code Knights. In the past, these units were impossible to obtain in-game and could only be obtained by purchasing books in real life. Tickets obtained from this Item Pack will also never expire.
There are 4 varieties of this Item Pack labelled Vol 1 to 4. Each Volume has a unique set of Flower Knights that you could obtain with its ticket. In addition, only one Volume will be available in the Shop at a time.
Japanese: スキン
Lets you purchase Character Skins with Flower Stones and Flower Tickets. There are two tabs, one for Nazuna (ナズナ) and one for Flower Knights (花騎士).
Some Skins include a change to the SD or Voice, resulting in a higher cost.
Character Possession Expansion[]
Japanese: キャラクター所持数拡張
Lets you store 5 more characters on the Character Management screen with 1oo Flower Stone.
Equipment Item Possession Expansion[]
Japanese: 装備アイテム所持数拡張
Lets you store 5 more equipment on the Equipment screen with 1oo Flower Stone.
Written Request to a Masterful Gardener[]
Japanese: スゴウデ庭師への依頼状
Lets you buy Gardener Requests, which are required to buy certain Garden props. It costs 100 DMM Points.