Sub Story Overview | Sub Story |
Side Story (サイドストーリー) is a Sub Story Mission Type released on 2023/06/19. Each story shows the world of Spring Garden from a different perspective. Each stage rewards the player with x1oo Flower Stone.
Part 1[]
Frosty Little Thorn (氷霜のリトル・ソーン) was released on 2023/06/19. It takes place in Winter Rose and introduces the incarnation of their World Flower: Win.
Japanese | English | Stm | Exp |
一話 世界のどこかで | Chapter 1: Somewhere in the World | 45 | 550 |
二話 ウィンの大作戦 | Chapter 2: Win's Strategy | 45 | 550 |
三話 人の子よ...... | Chapter 3: Children of Man...... | 45 | 550 |
四話 なりたい、なれない | Chapter 4: I Want To, But I Can't | 45 | 550 |
五話 その感情の名前は | Chapter 5: The Name of That Feeling | 45 | 550 |
Translated Story |
Part 2[]
A God Emerging from the Fires of Confusion (惑い火より出づる神) was released on 2023/07/24. It takes place outside Spring Garden and introduces Nidhogg.
Japanese | English | Stm | Exp |
一話 分離 | Chapter 1: Separation | 45 | 550 |
二話 使命 | Chapter 2: Mission | 45 | 550 |
三話 変化 | Chapter 3: Transformation | 45 | 550 |
四話 乖離 | Chapter 4: Estrangement | 45 | 550 |
五話 渇望する炎火 | Chapter 5: Craving the Flames | 45 | 550 |
Translated Story |
Part 3[]
Mysterious Actor (ミステリアス・アクタ) was released on 2023/09/19. It takes place outside Spring Garden and introduces Riko.
Japanese | English | Stm | Exp |
一話 リコを調査せよ | Chapter 1: Investigating Riko | 45 | 550 |
二話 道化師の実力 | Chapter 2: A Clown's Abilities | 45 | 550 |
三話 探り合い | Chapter 3: Searching for Each Other | 45 | 550 |
四話 本当の理由? | Chapter 4: The Real Reason? | 45 | 550 |
Translated Story |
Part 4[]
Sallow Crawler of the Canyon (峡谷のサロウ・クローラ) was released on 2024/02/13. It takes place in Bergamot Valley and introduces the incarnation of their World Flower: Belle.
Japanese | English | Stm | Exp |
一話 愛しの庭 | Chapter 1: Beloved Garden | 45 | 550 |
二話 はじめてのおしゃべり | Chapter 2: My First Words | 45 | 550 |
三話 ベル散歩 | Chapter 3: Belle's Stroll | 45 | 550 |
四話 神様の目 | Chapter 4: God's Eyes | 45 | 550 |
五話 ”人”の隣で | Chapter 5: Close to "People" | 45 | 550 |
Translated Story |
Part 5[]
Sunny Lees of the Blue Sea (蒼海のサニー・リース) was released on 2024/04/22. It takes place in Banana Ocean and introduces the incarnation of their World Flower: Sun.
Japanese | English | Stm | Exp |
一話 新しい名前 | Chapter 1: A New Name | 45 | 550 |
二話 我が声を聞け | Chapter 2: Listen to Me | 45 | 550 |
三話 人の祭り、人の営み | Chapter 3: People's Festivals, People's Lives | 45 | 550 |
四話 サンの輪郭 | Chapter 4: Sun's Blueprint | 45 | 550 |
五話 約束 | Chapter 5: Promise | 45 | 550 |
Translated Story |
Part 6[]
The Star-Calling Witch's Successor (星統べる魔女の後継者) was released on 2024/05/20. It introduces Star Rush.
Japanese | English | Stm | Exp |
一話 不可思議な事件 | Chapter 1: A Mysterious Incident | 45 | 550 |
二話 流れ星を追いかけて | Chapter 2: Chasing After Shooting Stars | 45 | 550 |
三話 交渉 | Chapter 3: Crossing Paths | 45 | 550 |
四話 聞こえない声 | Chapter 4: A Soundless Voice | 45 | 550 |
五話 星を紡いで | Chapter 5: Weaving Stars | 45 | 550 |
Translated Story |
Part 7[]
The Wished God Crawling from the Sewers (暗渠より希う神) was released on 2024/07/22. It introduces Midgardsorm.
Japanese | English | Stm | Exp |
一話 奇跡 | Chapter 1: Miracle | 45 | 550 |
二話 願望 | Chapter 2: Desire | 45 | 550 |
三話 失望 | Chapter 3: Disappointment | 45 | 550 |
四話 逃走 | Chapter 4: Desertion | 45 | 550 |
五話 寄り添う生命 | Chapter 5: A Life Beside You | 45 | 550 |
Translated Story |
Part 8[]
Successor of the Forbidden Grimoire (精霊禁書の後継者) was released on 2024/08/13. It introduces Cistus.
Japanese | English | Stm | Exp |
一話 スーパー霊媒師の日常 | Chapter 1: A Super Spirit Medium's Daily Life | 45 | 550 |
二話 愛しの人は騎士団長!? | Chapter 2: My Beloved is the Knight Commander!? | 45 | 550 |
三話 失恋......そして毛玉 | Chapter 3: Broken Hearts... And Furballs | 45 | 550 |
四話 賢人様の猛特訓 | Chapter 4: A Sage's Intense Training | 45 | 550 |
五話 どうして大家は構うのか | Chapter 5: Why Does the Landlady Care? | 45 | 550 |
Translated Story |
Part 9[]
The Grove's Mother Branch (森羅のマザー・ブランチ) was released on 2024/10/21. It takes place in Lily Wood and introduces the incarnation of their World Flower: Lilli.
Japanese | English | Stm | Exp |
一話 家族 | Chapter 1: Family | 45 | 550 |
二話 母の枝 | Chapter 2: Mother's Branch | 45 | 550 |
三話 リリの夢 | Chapter 3: Lilli's Dream | 45 | 550 |
四話 代行者 | Chapter 4: Agent | 45 | 550 |
五話 進路 | Chapter 5: Route | 45 | 550 |
Translated Story |