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N/A | Part 1 | Part 2 |
Title: Frosty Little Thorn
Synopsis: Natural disasters, man-made disasters, pest-made disasters.
In Winter Rose, where many hardships pile up, the people have kept themselves firmly grounded and endured since ancient times. This is the story of the dreams of a little thorn who has watched over this country, and loves it's people...
Chapter 1 Somewhere in the World[]
Chapter 1 Somewhere in the World |
Pest Swarm: \\\GishaAAAAAA!!!!///
Camellia: Haa!! Fuki: Seii!! Mimosa: Riiiight there!! Angraecum: I'm going all out...!! Mini Rose: ... The front lines are pressing the advantage! We've finally pushed through the tough part. Royal Princess: Novalis-sama, what should we do? Novalis: To satiate their hunger and thirst... That is the shared wish of all living beings... But free will is limited. You must overcome these endless desires through love and sincerity. ... Let's move out. We can't drag this battle on any longer. Royal Princess: Roger! I'll inform all units immediately! Mini Rose: Will you move out too, Novalis-sama? Novalis: Yes, of course. Will you come with me, Mini Rose? Mini Rose: Yes, of course I will! I'll go anywhere if it will help Novalis-sama and the people! Novalis: Thank you. That's extremely encouraging. I will --- We will, for everyone's dreams, everyone's love, everyone's eternity... No matter how hard or painful it will be, we Flower Knights will put an end to this nightmare we call pests.
- The Wold of Flowers, Spring Garden. This land, which was supposed to have been promised eternal prosperity, has been threatened by an existence called “pests” for a thousand years. - Those who stand against this threat, the “Flower Knights” – Maidens who have been given “blessings” from the World Flowers form the basis of this world. - There s no end to the fighting between the Flower Knights and pests in sight, and even today, they continue their battle somewhere in the world. - So... Somewhere in this world, somewhere in that somewhere... Furball Spirit A: [Is everyone here? Has everyone gathered?] Furball Spirit B: [Umu! Everyone's here!] Furball Spirit C: [Win was the first one here again today.] Furball Spirit D: [It's not a competition, but at least it means that we can start on time.] Furball Spirit E: [Acting in a timely fashion really doesn't suit my disposition.] Furball Spirit F: [B-but... It's better to do it like this, so that we can be closer to everyone...] Furball Spirit B: [You're right, Belle! Everything's but a challenge! Let's enjoy it!] Belle: [Fufuu. Sun-hon is always so bright and full of energy. Right, Lilli-hon?] Lilli: [Don't talk to me like I'm the bad guy that's never happy.] Belle: [Ara, but I never even said a single word about that. Right, Len-hon?] Len: [Eh? Ah, ummm... No-yeah...] Belle: [Yeah? No? Which one?] Len: [You didn't say... Did you? You didn't say... I think?] Belle: [See♪ She says so.] Lilli: [Don't bully timid Len. You still roast her even when you don't do anything.] Sun: [Who's hot? Is this passion? If that's what's going down, then I'm the hottest!! Hotter than Belle!!] Win: [Haa... Bloss, you're the chairman, so get them in line. Otherwise this is going to take forever...] Bloss: [Unyu...♪] Win: [... Bloss?] Bloss: [Ah, sorry! I was so happy, that I missed what you said.] Win: [Happy? With the inane conversation of others?] Bloss: [Yeah! After all, we've been together forever, but we've never been able to talk like this before.] [But now, we can gather together like this and have fun exchanging words, just like “people” do...] [Bloss has always wanted to do this kind of thing, so I'm happy that it's a dream come true!] Win: [... I see. It's true that in the past, we've just used our power to communicate...] [So acquiring the concept of words and being able to communicate abstract thought could be said to be a kind of development to be happy about.] Bloss: [I-It's not as complicated as that!] Lilli: [I can understand both feelings. Conversation can be pure fun as well as being meaningful.] [This is exactly why they, humans, have developed so much. There are so many things that we need to learn from them.] [... With that in mind, we should have confirm what was agreed on in our previous meeting.] Belle: [Fufuu. Of course Lilli-hon would be the best one for getting the conversation back on it's tracks.] Win: [Yes. Let's replace Bloss with Lilli as chairman.] Bloss: [Unyuu!? Bloss has been fired as chairman!?] Lilli: [Because you didn't do it... Let's get started, Chairman Bloss.] Bloss: [Y-yes! Chairman Bloss will now begin the World Flower conference!] [Ummm, today's agenda is “How can we support the Flower Knights”, right?] [They just finished a massive battle in Kodaibana, so thanks to that, things have settled down a little bit all across Spring Garden...] Sun: [We've been able to start living our lives thanks to that!] Bloss: [Yeah! But it seems like the Flower Knights don't want to save just this world, but have now begun thinking about how to save the Outside World too...] Sun: [Sun and everyone has no choice but to lend them our powers to do that!] [Even though we've been able to successfully grow these seeds of power, being able to fight outside Spring Garden is... We have no idea!] Len: [It's impossible... Kodaibana was exhausting enough...] [Although Naae-chan's performance is amazing, she still needs all of our support...] Lilli: [In other words, our being there is essential and unavoidable. Because of that reason, it was an urgent necessity to separate ourselves from our main bodies...] Belle: [Which everyone has been able to do up to this point...] [But now we're stuck in this strange form. I'm a slight embarrassed to be like this.] Lilli: [If we don't do this... There will be a split somewhere.] Win: [The Great Spirit Centy and it's faction... They are also existences that have watched over this world.] [However, they were too entrenched in their own position and mission, so they ended up inviting trouble onto the humans...] [We must learn from that incident, and become a presence that is closer and more approachable to the humans.] Bloss: [Yeah... Bloss wants to be approachable. For everyone. As well as for Kana-chan...] [How do we all become human? Has anyone figured anything out?] Len: [S-sorry... I haven't found anything yet...] Belle: [I'm empty handed too. How about you two, Sun-hon and Lilli-hon?] Sun: [Fuufuufu... You finally asked me! I think I've found a trick that might work!] Lilli: [What kind of trick? Wait, didn't you mention something like this before...] Furball Spirits: \\*excitement*//\\*murmur murmur*// Win: [......] - We are “World Flowers”. The existence that supports this world – Spring Garden. - Thanks to our shared divine powers, the blessings of the world flow, and the Flower Knights gain the power to fight against the pests. - This battle has been continuing for around one thousand years... And now they are planning to leave this world. - Not just to protect themselves from the looming threat, but to cut it down at it's root. - However...
Win: In the end, is this a safe choice? In order to deal with the danger, these girls are going to have to endure an even more dangerous situation... Child A: Aaaah! It's a rabbit! Child B: Eh? Is it a rabbit? But it's blue? Waa! It jumped super high and ran away! Child A: That way of running away is definitely a rabbit! Win: I must determine... As someone who will lead this country, this world... |
Chapter 2 Win's Strategy[]
Chapter 2 Win's Strategy |
- One thousand years ago. The incident that occurred in Kodaibana triggered an outbreak of pests throughout Spring Garden. - At that time, the people and Spirits didn't yet have a way to fight and were driven to the brink of extinction. - We World Flowers also tried to resist... But we were not able to completely overcome the pest invasion. - But, just as the world fell into despair, one person rose up. - That person, who came to be called the Hero, was able to give the power of us World Flowers to people... - An existence that can fight against pests – Thus Flower Knights were born. - Since then, the Flower Knights have become the hope of the world, and continue to fight against the pests. - In other words... The pests are once again continuing the fight against the Flower Knights. - The fact that no decisive conclusion has ever been reached is proof that both sides are evenly matched... - From a broader point of view, one could say that both sides are suffering. - However, there have been some recent events that has upset this status quo. - For example, Nidhoggr, Midgardsormr, and Hraesvelgr. They were the pests' greatest forces, but we have managed to purify them. - ... Well, they were originally our allies, so the fact that they were turned into pests is disappointing... - Either way, we have resolved a major concern, so the progress of this situation is going to improve and accelerate. - The land of Kodaibana has been used as the pests' headquarters. A large part of which has been recaptured for the first time in all these warring years. - There have been revivals of special individuals that have been sealed away from the passage of time. As well as the trials by their supervisor. - The flower knights have overcome countless hardships, and have now set their sights on the Outside World. Win: Enduring hardships, overcoming troubles, these girls hold the present in their hands. I will admit that fact. However, each and every step has been a dangerous situation that has balanced on a knife's edge. I am – Win is different. I manage the risks and make decisions calmly. On top of that... I have judged that it is not yet time. Going to the Outside World should be postponed for the time being. For the time being, yes... First of all, we need to prepare some more important assurances. Hunchbacked Clerk: ... Who are you? Win: “Who” is your way of greeting someone. Is that what you always say to someone you meet for the first time? Hunchbacked Clerk: Eh? No, ah... Excuse me. There was nobody just now... Sigillaria: My name is Sigillaria. As you can see, I'm just a humble clerk. Win: How very polite. Well, I knew that already. Sigillaria: Huh, haa... So, um. You may be? Win: My name is... A secret. It's not yet time. Sigillaria: Eeh... What the...
- Her name is Sigillaria. She said she was just a clerk, but... - She is actually the descendant of the sealing expert, the Sage Dyne. - Dyne was one of the people who came here from the Outside World one thousand years ago. In other words, he must surely have known a way to go to the Outside World. - So that means that it is likely that his descendant, Sigillaria, must also... -Basically, if I can capture Sigillaria before anyone else, then the Flower Knights will be unable to learn the way to get to the Outside World. - Fortunately for me, she is shy, timid, and passive. I'm sure she will concede to Win's ideas and be cooperative. Sigillaria: Haaa... Well, whatever. Huh, where did that voice come from just now? Win: ... Huh? Sigillaria: I came in with Hi-chan, right? So who secretly put this furball of a stuffed toy here and sneaked off somewhere... Win: ... This body certainly is incomplete, so it's not too much to call it a borrowed form... But I'm still me. I'm not some stuffed toy, Shi-chan. Sigillaria: ... Eh. Did it just move...? Uooo!? Win: Hey, you can hear me when I talk, right? There's no tricks or gimmicks. Sigillaria: ... Really? Win: Really. Super really. Do you believe me now? Sigillaria: ...... Win: ......... Huh? Sigillaria: Well, I need to get cleaned up and go for my walk with Hi-chan. Win: Wait, Shi-chan. Why are you throwing me out, Shi-chan? Sigillaria: Ah, how peaceful. Instead of hearing nothing, it's rather noisy. I can't sense Spirits, even when they're near me, and that's why I'm just a simple clerk. Win: Cease your useless resistance and your terrible facade. We've not yet talked... Ah, sealing magic...! Y-you can't do this to me. Shi-chan, Shi-chan... Shi-chan! |
Chapter 3 Children of Man......[]
Chapter 3 Children of Man...... |
- It was a huge miscalculation. I can't believe Shi-chan is ignoring me... - Apparently, I have done things out of order. I should have given top priority to acquiring my “human form”. - The fact is that I've failed to persuade her in this form... -Bloss took on her human form, managed to build a friendly relationship with Shi-chan, and even gained her cooperation with heading to the Outside World. - All before I could. Even though I had my eye on Shi-chan first. - ... It's not that I'm jealous or anything like that. I am just reflecting on my own strategic failings. - On top of that, Shi-chan strayed even further from my expectations, and became a hateful Flower Knight... - Then... Just the other day, she left this country with that Knight Commander...
Win: So... What am I going to do? I need to get my human form before I can make my next move... Don't tell me Bloss is the best... How the hell did she...? No... It's just that I don't know how, the other World Flowers may already have...? Should I go and scout around? I have a lot of worries about this body, so I need a collaborator, and... Glasses Clerk: ...... Win: ...... Glasses Clerk: Myu, myu... Myu-chan is... Moving and speaking!? Win: ... Myu.
-This child is... Hi-chan. A clerk who is friends with Sigillaria. - She's just a commoner, and not a Flower Knight, who had a tearful goodbye with Sigillaria some days ago. - I was careless and ended up coming here unconsciously. On top of running into her, I was talking to myself... - Moreover, this child thinks of Win as a stuffed toy, and puts her hands all over me... Win: (No... You need to deal with this calmly, Win. In a predicament like this, I need to turn it to my advantage...) Hi-chan: Huh? It stopped... Was I mistaken...? I don't think I was... Could there be some kind of contraption hidden inside? If I feel around, I should be able to... Win: --- Stop right now, Child of Man. Your handling of me is far too personal. Hi-chan: Ah, w-what!? Or maybe, eh... You really do talk!? Win: So you can hear my voice. Then that means you must be the next chosen one... Will you lend me your strength so that I can fulfil my mission and protect this world? Hi-chan: M-mission? Chosen one? What on earth...? Win: I am... An extremely powerful Spirit, myu. Hi-chan: An extremely powerful, Spirit... Myu-sama...? Win: Yes, Myu-sama. However, the form you see before you is only a temporary one... For some reason, I am a furball for the moment. Hi-chan: S-so that's how it is! I've been so rude up until now without knowing... Win: What happened in the past is fine. From now on... Please handle me more normally. Hi-chan: Handle... Well, considering what you're asking me to do, then I'm going to have far more opportunities. Win: However, it will be troubling if you handled me every time like you did just now. I must also maintain my dignity, after all. Hi-chan: Y-yes! Excuse me! I'll be more careful next time...! ... Then, um... What kind of request do you have of me, extremely powerful Spirit Myu-sama...? Win: It's a great boon that you would listen to me with such reverence. A huge difference from that Shi-chan who went off somewhere. It won't be anything particularly difficult. What I wish for is... Employee: Thank you very much! Please come again! Hi-chan: Waa... It's as fluffy as everyone says♪ I can tell that this is going to be really popular. Win: *Sniff sniff*... The smell of that bread preceded you as you came out of that shop. Hi-chan: Ah, please wait a little moment. Let's sit on that bench and eat. Ummm... Here you are, Myu-sama. You can come out now. Win: ... Of course I can. Fumu... The smell is even stronger now. Also, the warmth... Hi-chan: I bought the fresh baked one. Please eat it before it gets cold. Win: Yes. Well.. Thank you. *Munch*... *Chew*... Fumu... This is... Hi-chan: Do you like it? Win: Yes, very much. So this is the food culture that you people have developed. Hi-chan: It's really tasty, isn't it. I need to thank the baker. *Munch*... *Chew, chew*... Win: *Chew, chew, chew*... Hi-chan: Fuu, that was tasty. Win: Thank you for the meal. Well, I better get back in the bag... Hi-chan: Um... Myu-sama. I think you should be fine like this for now. Win: Myu? Hi-chan: When you were eating bread just now, a lot of people passed by us and saw you... “It's my pet rabbit”... I thought if I said something like that, then people wouldn't mind too much. Ah! E-excuse me! For me to assume that Myu-sama is a pet of mine is...!! Win: I see... You have a point. I shall accept your proposal. Hi-chan: Eh... Y-you're alright with that? Win: I have no problems. This proposal will be more efficient at fulfilling my objectives. I thought this form would stand out too much, but it's more like that I can hide in plain sight using it. Hi-chan: E-ehehe... You're really alright with this? Well, I better pick you up... Win: ... If you touch me in any kind of strange way, I'll bite you. Hi-chan: Please just make it a nibble... Ah, but, if you bite me earnestly just once... Win: ...... Hi-chan: Myu-sama is an extremely powerful Spirit, right? Win: That's right. Forever... I've been watching over this world forever. Hi-chan: Then, you've been watching people for far longer than I have... Why did you choose to tell me that “you want to know how people work?” Win: I have many reasons... But I'll give you two. The first is that I can't understand just by watching. Even if I felt like I understood, it wouldn't ever be any more than that. Actually, just having you take me around for a walk like this is allowing me to experience a lot of sensations I've never felt before. Hi-chan: So knowledge and experience really are two separate things? Even for Spirits. Win: Yes. Everything is different when you're a spectator and when you're a player. It's not an issue of which one's more superior. as they both are essential. As for the second reason... Up until now, all I could do was watch over things. That's the role that this world gave to me, so when I gained self awareness, I started thinking. Is my only reason for existing to just be loyal to the role that was given me...? Hi-chan: Myu-sama... Win: I've been watching over this country as predicament after predicament has piled up on it for a very long time. I lent my power at times, but most of the time, the people have overcome it by themselves. I thought about so many things in that form... I thought that this isn't all that I was meant to be. Hi-chan: ... So that's why you want to see people's lives from their own point of view... Win: Yes. So... If I can, I want to get a human form. Hi-chan: I see... So that's how it is. Then that means I'm going to put more effort into being your escort! All so Myu-sama can become the person she wants to be as quickly as possible! But, ummm... What kind of person will you become? The way you speak is very mature, but it would be cuter if you looked like this... Win: I appreciate your enthusiasm, but please don't push yourself too hard. You have your own life to live, but you still used your day off today to... Child A: Aah! It's the rabbit! Child B: It's the weird bouncy jumpy bunny! Win: Ah, those children again...! Hi-chan: P-please wait, Myu-sama! If you run all around the city, you're definitely going to cause a huge commotion! Win: Kuu... Then, I'll teleport... Hi-chan: That would also stand out... What about, um, it's time to... Child A: So round! So fluffy! So cute♪ Win: Myu, myu... Child B: It makes weird sounds too...! Also, these flowers are... Hi-chan: Ah, ah! Sorry! This is my pet! Child A: Ah! S-so sorry! Child B: We didn't mean any harm... Hi-chan: No, it's fine if you understand. Well, I'll just... Child A: Ah, um... Could we have just a little longer...? Hi-chan: Eh? Child B: W-we'll be gentle. We won't shout loud either. So... Hi-chan: Uuu... Ummm, ah... Win: ... Myu. Children: ...... Hi-chan: ... Just for a little while, OK? Win: Myuu!? Children: Ya-ay!!
- After that, I was petted by Hi-chan and the children until the sun went down... - Is this also what it means to be human... Or maybe not? |
Chapter 4 I Want To, But I Can't[]
Chapter 4 I Want To, But I Can't |
–Some Days Later– Win: Fumu fumu... I see... With such a terrain and scale... Hi-chan: Haa... Haaa... Win: ... Chiraa Hi-chan: ...... (Her pen flies across the pages as she writes with a serious look.) Win: ... It's this exact reason why I decided to invest my power. We will also need to consider our escape route... Hi-chan: Haa... Haaaa... Win: ... Chiraraa. Hi-chan: ...... (Counting papers with an odd look.) Win: You're all over the place, Hi-chan. That harsh sigh and strange way of handling... What are you planning to do with me? Hi-chan: I-it's just... Um, Myu-sama... I'm sorry, Myu-sama, but haven't you gotten a little chubby? Win: ... With respect to your choice of words that don't rely on the simple use of calling me “fat”, I'll give you a serious answer... The shape I have now is proof of my development. Thanks to you, I'm one step closer to my ideal. ... Even so, it's still a long way off... Hi-chan: Basically... You're not yet a fully grown fluff ball!? D-do your best, Myu-sama! If there's anything I can do, then please tell me! Win: No, it's not my particular objective to grow in this way... Spirit Manyu: --♪ Hi-chan: Kyaa... A-a Spirit Manyu-san...!? Win: Thank you for your work. Have you made any progress? Spirit Manyu: –...... Win: Fumu fumu... So? Spirit Manyu: –! ...! Win: I see... Thank you. Please continue with anything you find. Spirit Manyu: --♪ Hi-chan: ... J-just now...? Win: There are still many things that I can't do by myself, so I'm asking them to gather information from other countries for me. According to this information... Apparently Shi-chan has headed off to “Outer Garden”. Hi-chan: Eeh!? Shi-chan has gone to Outer Garden!? ... What's that? Win: It's a particular space-time that completely surrounds this world – Spring Garden. It could be considered the ramparts that surround our castle. Outside of Outside Garden is the Dying World – A dangerous place that holds the root cause for the pests. If we weren't separated by Outer Garden, then this world would be in a far worse state as it is now. Hi-chan: So you mean that it's a far more dangerous place than here...? Shi-chan... Are you alright...? Win: ...... Well, she shouldn't have left. Hi-chan: Eeh!? Isn't this the time to be encouraging her!? Win: That's why it's absolutely not good. She didn't ever listen to what I had to say. No matter how much power they can exert, they're still babies. Their chances of surviving on such a harsh battlefield are practically zero. (... Although, if that Knight Commander is there, then something might come out of it...) Hi-chan: Th-that's... Myu-sama, is there anything we can do? Shi-chan is... Sigillaria is my best friend...! Win: ... Do you pray for her safety from the bottom of your heart? Hi-chan: Yes! Of course! Win: Well... Then I'll give you your next mission. Mimosa: Every—one. Mimosa-san's special tea is ready♪ Angraecum: Waa... It smells wonderful. As expected from the master perfumer, Mimosa-san. Mimosa: Ehehe. My speciality is in perfume, but the aroma of tea is also important, so I have some confidence in it! ♪ Angraecum: Fufuu. Well, I'm going in. Please join me, Fuki-san and Camellia-san... Ara? Where did Camellia-san...? Fuki: Camellia-sama loves solitude and silence. She's meditating outside by herself. Angraecum: I see. Hmm, but... Mimosa: Our subjugation of the surrounding area has ended for now, so I think Mimosa-san's pest repelling perfume will keep us safe, but... Angraecum: Her tea's getting cold. Mimosa: She won't have it. Fuki: Understood. I'll go and call Camellia-sama. Camellia: ... What are you thinking? Hi-chan: I-I'm sorry...! I heard that it was safe now, so I thought I could ask this of the Knight Company... Camellia: That's not the problem... Fuki: It's nice to see you, Clerk-sama. It's a wonderful day today, isn't it. Hi-chan: Ah, Fuki-san... Fuki: On the other hand, it's looking a little stormy for Camellia-sama. Did something happen? Camellia: ... She wants to see the way Flower Knights fight up close. Fuki: Really? More importantly, why? Hi-chan: Eeh, ummm... I want to understand the reports I receive on an even deeper level... I'm a clerk for the Knight Company. So I wanted to learn things from the viewpoint of a Flower Knight. Camellia: Don't you think this is a little bit outside the requirements of your job? Also, the Flower Knights are... Fuki: Doing things like paperwork? Isn't that within the scope of her job? Camellia: ......... Fuki: It's not like Clerk-sama is asking to fight directly... More importantly, haven't you been known to help others out with their work, Camellia-sama? Camellia: ... You're not opposed to this, Fuki-san? Fuki: I'm deeply moved by Clerk-sama's high aspirations. My sword, “Canopy”, resonates and trembles. How can we not support this display of love and devotion for our country!? Camellia: Haa... Conversations with you always seem to get candid. ... You, are you alright with perfumes? Hi-chan: Eh? A-a little... I'm not really well versed with it though... Camellia: Then, come with me. We'll get a pest repelling perfume from Mimosa-san. On top of that, you will absolutely listen to what we tell you. Alright? Hi-chan: ... Ummm... In other words...? Fuki: She might give an impression of being very cold, but she's actually an extremely passionate Flower Knight. Hi-chan: Ah, thank you! I'll take care to not get in the way...! Fuki: Fufuu. You don't need to worry. Please burn our brave forms into your heart from your special front row seat. Win (in a bag): (... It looks like it went well.) (this means that I can watch the Flower Knights fighting from up close without them seeing me.) (I couldn't get there just be watching people's daily lives...... More... There's something decisive that I'm missing...) (The piece that will allow me to obtain my human form. Let me acquire it now.) |
Chapter 5 The Name of That Feeling[]
Chapter 5 The Name of That Feeling |
Pest: Gu... Gyu... GyuOAAAA!!!! Fuki: Ring out, “Canopy”! Cut down the evil that stands in the way of my justice! Haaaaaa!!!! Pest: Gu... Gi, gi... Camellia: ... With that, we'll take another break. What do you think? Do you think it will help with your work? Hi-chan: It.. It was amazing... When you're this close, it's overwhelming... Angraecum: Ah... Are you alright? Hi-chan: I-I'm sorry... My legs are still trembling... (This... This fighting is what Shi-chan is...) Angraecum: It was scary, wasn't it. Why don't you drink something warm? Mimosa: Then it must be Mimosa-san's time to shine! This scent will calm you down! ... Hm? Um... Clerk-san? Mimosa-san might be mistaking things, but... Your bag... Hi-chan: Eh? Win: ... Ah! Fuki: Guhaaaa!! Angraecum: Fuki-san!? What happened!? You're holding your chest in pain... Don't tell me, pests......!! Fuki: N-no... This strange fluffy... W-warmth, is gripping my heart... I-it's nothing...! Mimosa: It's so fluffy and cute♪ Is this some kind of stuffed rabbit? Hi-chan: Ah, ummm... That's what it is! I always get nervous if I don't have it with me... Mimosa: ... What, you don't need it for this kind of this kid's stuff. Right, Camellia-san. Camellia: Yes. Fortunately, her majesty the Queen is present at this time. We must report to her immediately. Do you want to accompany me, World Flower Winter Rose-sama? Hi-chan: ... Eh? E.... Eh? Win: ...... Novalis: You have no doubts that this is the right person, Royal Princess? Royal Princess: Yes. They've gotten a little bigger since I saw them the last time... But there's no doubt they're the one. Novalis: I see. I understand. My name is Novalis. I am the queen of this country of Winter Rose. ... Although it might be a little late for this kind of introduction? Win: No... It's necessary. It's the first time I've had a direct verbal exchange like this. I'm the World Flower Winter Rose. Please call me Win. Novalis: I'm honoured to meet you, Win-sama. Both as this country's queen, and as a person. Although, this doesn't seem like a very desirable encounter from your point of view, Win-sama... Win: I won't deny that, but I don't mind. I originally had no intention of coming into contact with the Flower Knights while in this form. Novalis: That's, where did you get that kind of thinking from? Win: It's all a matter of understanding and trust. I deemed it more beneficial if I approached you once I had gained a human form to have a meaningful conversation. Novalis: ... I am deeply grateful for your consideration. But just hearing your words is more than enough. No matter what form you take, we all believe in you, Win-sama. If you don't mind, please tell us what you would like to say. Win: ... These words, are you trying to deceive me? Novalis: No, of course not. I have been waiting for the day when I could finally meet you. Win: ... Are you all the same? Royal Princess: Yes. Ever since I first laid eyes on you. Mini Rose: Me too, I'm honoured! I'm grateful to have the fortune to be born in this age! Win: I see... Well I'll believe you and speak with you all frankly. It's about leaving Spring Garden. Could all of you Flower Knights please give up on this. Mini Rose: ............ Eh? Royal Princess: Wh-why... Win: Aah, excuse me. I didn't explain well. Not just the Flower Knights, but normal people and Spirits too. Everyone. If it came from a sovereign queen, then we can make it work little by little. Novalis: ... So that's how it is. It will only be possible if this story came from me. However, this will contradict with policy that has already been instated... Could you please elaborate on the thought process behind this? Win: Because it's dangerous. Even more so than what you assume... Extremely. The power of the Flower Knights can only be used within Spring Garden. It will be impossible to fight Outside in the same way. Novalis: I'm fully aware of that. It's because of that reason that we hope to get the cooperation of the World Flowers. Win: Bloss is at least like that. That one is always on the lookout for a silver lining. But, Win is still sceptical. I feel danger more strongly than hope. Novalis: ... Are you saying that we're not yet reliable? Win: You have been evaluated as “Strong enough, but it's still too dangerous”. There were still some injured in the battle that I watched up close earlier. I expected a far safer approach to have been considered. Royal Princess: ... With respect to your words, Win-sama. We Flower Knights continue fighting, even when we know we're injured. It's not because we're reckless or barbaric, but because the the presence of the pests is so strong and troublesome. It would of course be better to not get injured, but we still have to be prepared for dangerous situations... Win: ... It is truly dangerous... Everyone will probably die... Royal Princess: B-but, that's... Mini Rose: If we don't go into the Outside World, then our fight with the pests will never end... Win: We'll figure something out. Mini Rose: Eh? But, if we don't... Win: I'll be fine. I don't mind the dangers and hardships that will befall me. All so you can carry on in this world. We don't need the Outside World... How does that sound? Mini Rose: Even if you ask us how it sounds...! Royal Princess: (... What should we do, Novalis-sama?) (She's even more of a worry wort as we heard, I have a feeling she's being overprotective...) Win: I can hear you. No, I can still feel it even though I can't hear you. I'm fine with being overprotective... That's the reason for Win's existence after all. ... As I thought, it's still far too soon for mutual understanding. Especially in this form... Novalis: No. From our conversation this far, I've... I feel like the foundations have been made where we can begin to start understanding each other. Win: Eh...? Novalis: Why do you think that you're so overprotective and worry so much? Where do those feelings come from? Because you care for others too much – Basically, it's born from love. The bridge of understanding has already been built. Now we both just need to slowly cross it, step by step. Win: ... I don't understand. Then why is Win still like this? Unlike Bloss, Win doesn't understand other people's feelings, so is this why I'm still like “this”? But Bloss managed to do it... Win is, Win's still... Novalis: The desire to understand is important. In that sense, Bloss-sama and Win-sama are the same. Win: So, why...! Novalis: This is only a wild guess, but... I don't think you've become aware of it yet. Win: Aware? Aware of what? Novalis: Awareness of your “love”. Win: Love... Love? Such a vague concept... It's a word that can be interpreted in any number of ways, and still be misunderstood. Novalis: I see... In that case, let me be frank... Win-sama loves the people. Win: ............ Love? Novalis: Yes. Perhaps Win-sama likes people so much that she can't help it. Win: ............ Like? Mini Rose: Like......... Royal Princess: ......... Like. Win: ... Win, loves, people... Win... ......... likes people? Win: --------Ah!!!! Novalis: It's because you like them that you became curious and wanted to learn about them. It's because you like them that you go to such lengths to worry about them... Congratulations, Win-sama. I truly happy that you managed to get the form you wished for. Win: It's...... Embarrassing... At, at a moment like this... In front of everyone... Novalis: It's not something to be embarrassed about. Love, devotion, that feeling of being in love is a very precious thing. And being loved by Win-sama is a very proud honour for all of the people of this country. Win: ...... Novalis: So... Win-sama. Even with your worries and troubles, will you believe in us? This world that you love is surely a harsh one where the hardships keep piling up... Which is the reason why the people who live here grow to be strong. That strength can sometimes be fierce, and sometimes beautiful... As well as sometimes being fragile. If you walk alongside us, I think that we can overcome this fragility. Win: ... Just like you did in that last fight? Novalis: Yes. That's what we all wish for. Win: ...... Mini Rose: ...... Royal Princess: Win-sama... Win: ... Could I have some time to think about this? I've only ever been an existence that can watch over you until now. I have always lent you my power at your request, but it has always been a passive act... It was frustrating. On the other hand, the first thing I did when I gained awareness and freedom was to try and stop you all from getting exposed to the dangers that the Outside World holds. Even if it's not welcomed, even if it's a mistake... I need to rethink everything first. Will it still be alright even if I change my mind, or if I don't? Novalis: Yes, of course you can. Please take all the time you need. Also... Let's talk like this again, no matter what conclusion you come to. Win: ......
- Did Win... Make a mistake? - No... There is surely no right or wrong answer when it comes to the future in the first place. -People work together to keep on moving forward. They join hands when one person is struggling in the darkness. -Then, Win will... |
Epilogue |
–Some Days Later– Hi-chan: Hm... Hmmmm! Done! It's complete! ... Well, about a quarter done. Fufufu... Can we say it's over when it's in this state...? *Knock, knock...* Hi-chan: Yes. It's open, so come in. Mimosa: It's Mimosa-san, excuse me. Hi-chan: Come in, Mimosa-san. Have you come to pick up some documents? Mimosa: No no, nothing like that. I've just developed a new perfume, so I was hoping I could try it out. *Hiss* Spray this on your wrist and your concentration on paperwork will shoot up. Hi-chan: I see, all for me? Are you sure I can have that? Mimosa: Of course! Please let me know what you think! Even so... It looks like this is going to take some time to finish? Hi-chan: Ah, quite the opposite. This is the pile of finished work, and this is the mountain of unfinished work. Mimosa: Hiiii, really!? Being a clerk is really tough... Hi-chan: Ahaha... We used to be able to get it finished a lot more quickly before, but it's pretty tough by myself. After seeing you Flower Knights fighting up close, I feel like I need to add more details or else I can't accurately portray events... I want to express more clearly just how much everyone risks their lives when fighting... So I'm putting all my energy into this. Mimosa: I think that's an extremely wonderful thing you're doing... But please try to pace yourself? Hi-chan: It's fine. I've got my gift from Mimosa-san now to help me. Mimosa: Is this an unexpected side effect!? Hmmm... Well, I'll go and get some tea! You should take a break at least! Promise Mimosa-san that! Hi-chan: Ah... She left... Even though Mimosa-san's definitely busy, she's still kind. ... But even if a kind person like her makes a mistake... Not good, not good! Negative thoughts are not allowed! I need to focus on my own work! ... Huh, what? Where did that perfume go...? Win: *Sniff sniff*... Hm... It cools me down from my nose to the top of my head... How strange. Hi-chan: Eh? A-a child...? Wh-what? Where, when...? Win: Always, everywhere. It's not that surprising. It's me, Hi-chan. Hi-chan: Eh, eh... Eeeh!? Win: ... And that's how. Hi-chan: Th-that's what happened... I had heard the major points from Camellia-san and the others, but... Ever since you were taken away, I haven't been able to see you, so I've been very worried. Win: I'm sorry. I'm very late to say hello to you, after you took care of me so much... Hi-chan: Ahaha, please don't worry about that. I'm just happy that you came to see me like this. Also, congratulations! You've become the person you always wanted to be! Also... You're super su-uper cute! Win: Thank you. It's all thanks to your patient support. It took some time once I took this form, but I've been able to sort through all of my thoughts to some extent. Hi-chan: About love, devotion, and being in love? Win: Hmmm! Ahem! Nothing like that...! Your power to live is even greater than I ever thought... But that makes me worry even more than you can think. Hi-chan: ... But why? Win: I have decided to walk alongside you a little more closely. This way will make many things better. Instead of watching from afar and complaining, I am going to stick close so we can understand each others' feelings through words... Win can now finally do all the things that are taken for granted by humans. Hi-chan: I see. That's a great idea. Let's definitely try that out. ... So will you be leaving me soon? Win: Yes. I am planning to approach that Knight Commander that is accompanying Shi-chan. It seems that this person is at the centre of everything that is accelerating forward in this age. So the best option is to probably be near him... Hi-chan...? Hi-chan: I'm sorry... You can leave, it's fine. I won't try to stop you. In my stead, just a little... Win: ... Are you shaking? Why? Hi-chan: ... I'm scared. The Flower Knights... Ever since I saw their fight against those pests... If the Flower Knights are to fight in that world, with Shi-chan too, when I think about what will happen... Win: Hi-chan... Hi-chan: Ah, ahaha... I'm just weird, aren't I? This reality has existed ever since long before I was born... But this is the first time I've been aware of it... My hands keep shaking, and I can't complete my paperwork satisfactorily... Win: ......... Hi-chan: Myu-sama...? Win: Please open your hand. Yes, like that. ... Flower. Hi-chan: Ah! This is... An ice rose...? Win: I'm sorry. I forced you to push yourself too far, and have transferred my worries on to you. But I am a World Flower. One of the ones who must govern Spring Garden, right? If I work hard, I'll be able to protect Shi-chan. All of your worries will be in vain. No... I'll end it so that your worries will be in vain. Hi-chan: ... Thank you. Winter Rose-sama. Win: Win is... No. For you, Myu is fine. Hi-chan: Well... Thank you, Myu-sama! Win: Yes. You're welcome. I will entrust this rose to you. As long as it is unharmed, then myself and Shi-chan are unharmed. Will you take care of it for me? Hi-chan: Of course! I'll take care of it every day and worship it! Win: You have a good heart. Put in a place out of reach of small children. Aah, you must also take care of it in the event of earthquakes or anything. You should go and buy a case for it. And then... Hi-chan: Myu, Myu-sama, you're worrying too much! If you keep going, then you'll never be able to leave!? Win: Fufuu... There's that too.
- From power to Spirit, from Spirit to human... I am ever changing. - My thoughts, my wishes, my feelings. Because eternal existence no longer exists. - However... We all live in the same world. - Even if it's different, even if we are different, we should all talk together. Let's use all of our words to understand each other. - That's because I love all of you... It's a dream that I want to see once again. |
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