Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Flower Knight Girl Wikia
(List of All Side Story Translations)
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Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

Title: Sallow Crawler of the Canyon

Synopsis: Reds, yellows, oranges – Countless, various, numerous colours. The majestic scenery of Bergamot Valley is vividly woven with tragedy and disaster. This is the story of a beautiful bud that grew this country and loved it's people...

Chapter 1 Beloved Garden[]

Chapter 1 Beloved Garden

Frontline Flower Knights: HaaaaAa!!

Pest: Gigii, Giyaaa.........

Frontline Flower Knights: O-K! We're done over here! How about over there?

No problem. These pests haven't been an issue recently. Easy easy♪

That means we can finish up quicker than expected! Let's all grab something to eat on the way home♪

New Flower Knight: You're all amazing, Senpais...! There were so many of them, and then in an instant...!

Compared to me... Uuuu... I couldn't do a single thing...

Squad Captain: Everyone's the same at the start. We also watched our Senpais and grew strong.

You'll get stronger, little by little. Then you'll help us to protect Bergamot Valley's peace.

New Flower Knight: Captain... Yes ma'am! I'll definitely, absolutely become a wonderful Flower Knight like you, Captain...!

Creepy Pest: Guruuruuruu......

Frontline Flower Knights: ......... Eh?

Creepy Pest: RuOOOOOOOOOoooooN!!!!

- The World Flowers – They're the source of life that supports Spring Garden.

- The World Flower of Wisdom and Virtue – Blossom Hill.

- The World Flower of the Snowfields – Winter Rose.

- The World Flower of the Windy Valley – Bergamot Valley.

- The World Flower of Everlasting Summer – Banana Ocean.

- The World Flower of the Deep Forest – Lilywood.

- The World Flower of the Lakeside – Lotus Lake.

- The now withered golden World Flower – Kodaibana.

- These are the gods who have watched over this world since ancient times. A higher form of existence that transcends normal living things and mortal life.

- Right now, they are descending into the world to try and get closer to humans. Their current appearance being...

Yellow Furball: Umumuu~~~~!!?

Orange Furball: Fuu... So refreshin'♪

Green Furball: Why don't you give it a break for now?

Yellow Furball: Uuumu~... W-why...? Why are you rolling me around right now...?

Orange Furball: Well, obviously because... You're cute and funny, Sun-hun♪

- The avatar of the World Flower Bergamot Valley – Belle.

Belle: Even though... You may be cute and funny, but you still say some decent things!

Yellow Furball: Wh-what's that!?

- The avatar of the World Flower Banana Ocean – Sun.

Sun: ... No, now's not the time for an explanation! Someone as amazing as myself clearly understands!

... We don't need an explanation, do we? I'm right, aren't I Lilli?

Green Furball: Don't take what Belle says so seriously. Only listen to about half of what she says.

- The avatar of the World Flower Lilywood – Lilli.

Lilli: Just because you said something decent Sun, doesn't mean she can roll you around. Don't worry.

Sun: Umu, understood! If Lilli says that, then I won't worry♪

...... Eh, so why are you rolling me around too, Lilli?

Lilli: In the end, you're just asking for it. Maybe I shouldn't have ended things with that sensible comment...

Sun: Asking for it? Who was asking for it? I'm going to turn as blue as Win or Len!

Purple Furball: Whyat!? Eh, ummm... Uuuuummmm...

- The avatar of the World Flower – Len.

Len: When they say asking for things... Then they're talking about someone who provokes them or they make fun of...

“Now that I know how to become human then I'm going to be first!”

... I think the cause of this is because you said that... Right?

Sun: Mumu? Muu... I see, I get it!

These two are afraid of my true power! There's no way they could win if they even tried!

So they started rolling me around to try and stop me... I see I see, then it can't be helped!

Belle: ... Right. So, let's roll her over♪

Sun: You can't do that! Fight me fair and square!

Saying that... Heeey ya!

Len: Ah, Sun-chan! ... She's gone.

Lilli: This isn't even a competition. She's completely...

Belle: ... That means you're losin' by default, Lilli-hun?

Lilli: Huh?

Belle: “We'll take on the forms of the people in order to support the people”. Bloss-hun and Win-hun have already achieved that goal...

For those of us left behind, are we gonna play around and compete forever?

Basically – If you're not gonna compete, then you're just as well sayin' that ya give up on getting' a human form.

Lilli: ... I don't understand your logic, but I do agree that we need a sense of urgency.

If we take things too leisurely, then we'll fall behind the times. We need to try everything we can.

Len: Y-you say everything... Just like what Sun-chan said before...

Belle: We should try interactin' with people, even though we're in this form.

Doesn't that sound good? That's certainly what Bloss-hun and Win-hun did.

Lilli: It's not like you to be so enthusiastic, Belle. Didn't you say that you didn't want to meet anyone while you're still in this form?

Belle: Did I? Would I really? I really don't think I'd ever say somethin' like that...

Wouldn't it be better than lettin' Sun-hun get ahead of us and gettin' even more smug?

Lilli: ... That's a point.

- A colourful plateau. On a steep sided valley. With lush trees and flowers, and hot springs overflowin' like rivers.

- Various creatures, Spirits, and people gather there and enjoy different ways of life.

- That's my home garden – The World Flower of the Windy Valley Bergamot Valley.

Belle: I really love this garden. I love the people who live here too.

I've been watchin' over them forever... This time, I'll try playin' and talkin' with them.

I don't want to do it, but it's for our next mission...

Child A: Ah! A bunny! There's a bunny!

Child B: Yeah! So cute!

Belle: Umyaa, umyaumya...

... Crap, I ended up runnin' away... As I thought, I got nervous...

Still... Ya can't leave it like this, Belle!

I need to protect this garden, and this world! I've already decided and prepared... I can't lose now!

Chapter 2 My First Words[]

Chapter 2 My First Words
- The avatar of the World Flower Blossom Hill – Bloss.

- The avatar of the World Flower Winter Rose – Win.

- These two have already achieved human forms and have been able to lend everyone their power.

- Then... They joined the Flower Knights and left Spring Garden.

- On the other hand, we were the ones that were left behind – isn't what I'm sayin'. We have the role of watchin' over Spring Garden from the inside.

- Each of us cares for our own gardens and their surroundin's while reportin' anythin' abnormal to each other...

-In my case, I see things a little different.

Manyu: ... We arrived safely. This is the edge of Kodaibana's garden~

Belle: Thank you as always, Manyu-chan. Ya really helped♪

Manyu: An easy task, no charge needed. Please feel free to use us any time.

Belle: ... Manyu-chan's ability to teleport is burden free. Ya can't compare this to before.

The unpleasantness has been erased, the pests have reduced, living bein's and Spirits are increasin', and power's flowin' more freely...

Even we can move around now, everythin' about Spring Garden is movin' in a good direction.


... Kodaibana's still not good.

Gettin' eaten over and over and over, ravaged by pests... No trace of our family left.

The World Flower that threw away it's “shape”, lettin' it be destroyed so that only it's “power” can be sent into the future.

I can't begin to imagine. No matter how little choice I might ever have, to replicate that is...


Cyclamen: ... Ah, huh? I thought someone was around here just now...

... Must have been my imagination.

Belle: (Fuu... That was too close. I was almost spotted.)

(Ah, what! Why am I hidin' again!)

(Even though I called Lilli-hun all those bad things, I'm still the one who can't talk to anyone...)

(But it can't be helped... There's no way I can show myself to anyone in this form...)

Imagined Sun: What's that, you're still that shape Belle? You're so slow~~~~!!

As always, Sun's number one at everything! Look upon my nice body! Uhahahaha!

Belle: ... No good, just imaginin' her is pissin' me off. I can't lose to someone like Sun-hun...

Eeeei, bravery! Momentum! Are you ready, Belle!

Don't tuck your tail between your legs because you're not a human like them! They're just like me... Think of them as furballs too!

Belle: Umyamyamyamya~~~!!

Meconopsis: Fununununu...

Cyclamen: Hmmmmm...

Belle: Umyamyamyamyamya...

Meconopsis: Taaaaa!

Cyclamen: Haaaa!

Belle: Umyamya~~~~!!

Cyclamen & Meconopsis: Kya----!?

Belle: Umyamya, mya... Myau...

... Fufuu, ahaha. So there're times when ya fall down too.

Meconopsis: W-who...? More like, what... Is that...?

Cyclamen: A round, furball Spirit...? Could this be... Ko-Kodaibana-sama!?

Meconopsis: Eeeeh!? Kodaibana-sama!? Does that mean... That you've recovered!!?

Belle: Aahahaha. Ya two really are funny.

Well, I'm sorry to burst your bubbles, but I'm not that young.

I'm ages and generations older, so I'm gonna be like a grandma to the next Kodaibana.

Cyclamen: So... So you're...?

Belle: I'm Belle – The World Flower Bergamot Valley. From now on, I'll be here to help♪

(... Yes! I did it! My heart's poundin'... But I need to keep movin' forward!!)

Cyclamen: Be... Bergamot Valley's World Flower...! P-ppp-pleased to meet you! I'm Cyclamen...!

Meconopsis: Should we say “pleased to meet you....?” The World Flowers have been watching us ever since...

No, pleased to meet you should be said at this time! I'm Meconopsis!

Belle: Yes, pleased to meetcha♪ It's good to be able to speak to ya'll directly.

Cyclamen: Y-yes, thank you...! I-it's an honour...!

Belle: (... This kid's a little like Len. I reckon she'll be easy to talk to♪)

(But, this one's...)

Meconopsis: Ummm... Can I call you Belle-sama? Ah, no, is this allowable?

Belle: Ya'll can call me anythin' ya want. But please don't force yourselves to use that tone.

I think I'll call ya two Meco-chan and Cyc-chan♪

Meconopsis: Fufuu, thanks. I really like that name.

Then I'll use Belle-sama. Why are you here, Belle-sama? Aren't you the World Flower Bergamot Valley?

Belle: That's right. I was checkin' on Kodaibana. That's part of my duties too.

I've been rootin' for you behind the scenes as you work hard on the recovery efforts.

Meconopsis: Is that so. I haven't noticed until now... When you say “behind the scenes”, does that mean you've been hiding? Why?

Belle: We're basically in a position to watch over things. I never planned to do or say anythin'.

That was our promise to Mother... Lendin' a hand or a word would be far too forward of us.

Meconopsis: Really? But you're so cute that I wish you helped us even more. Right, Cyclamen-san?

Cyclamen: Eeeh? Ah, ummm, you see...

Th-that's right... Um, you're really... Really cute...

E-excuse me! Saying something so rude to a World Flower...!

Belle: Fufuu, it's fine. Cute's a compliment. You're adorable too, Cyc-chan.

Cyclamen: I-I-I'm honoured...!

Belle: (Goodness... This kid's far too pure♪ She's honest, easy to talk to, and...)

Meconopsis: Hey hey, Belle-sama. You mentioned Mother just now, is that the Root World Flower?

The one they call the Dream Flower Arka...

Belle: Eh? Yes... That's right. You know about her, Meco-chan...?

Meconopsis: What form does your Mother take, Belle-sama? Is she really huge? What colour is she? I've never seen her, so...

Belle: Ah, um, hold your...

Meconopsis: I'm really curious about where she blooms... Is it somewhere where the sun's light can't reach?

It's really strange that she has so much power... I want to know even more about this “promise” that you made with your Mother...

Ah, do you have a Father? So there's not only 7 World Flowers, but even more...!?

Belle: (Th-this pressure is like Sun-hun... No, more like Bloss-hun...)

(No, both of them! This kid's a combination of both of them! This is gonna be a big deal...!!)

Cyclamen: Ah, um, Meconopsis-san...

Meconopsis: You're curious about this too, aren't you Cyclamen-san! Now that she's here, we can ask Belle-sama so much...

Cyclamen: I think that would be a good policy, but... Shouldn't we report in first...?

Rather than proceeding with this conversation alone, we should tell the Knight Company command and the Queen about this...

Meconopsis: ... That's certainly true!!

I'm sorry, my usual habits got out of control...! We can't carry on alone with such a huge thing like this!

Cyclamen: Y-yes. We need to consult with someone first.

Are you alright with this, Belle-sama?

Belle: Ah, aaah... Yeah. Let's do that for now.

(That was... The talk of the children of Man! I couldn't relax, even for a moment...!)

(But... Whatever, fufuu. It was fun and interestin'♪)

Chapter 3 Belle's Stroll[]

Chapter 3 Belle's Stroll

–The next day, Bergamot Valley's Royal Palace, Audience Chamber–

Japanese Anemone: ... Fumu, I see... Our country has finally...

Thank you, World Flower. I am once again extremely fortunate to be able to be granted an audience such as this.

Belle: I see your tone is the same as always. It's very natural while being strangely intelligent.

I quite like it... Or more like, I finally understand things, Your Highness.

Japanese Anemone: Fufuu. Well, I'm not sure. This is our first time meeting, so I might just be a little excited.

Once again, Belle-sama. I am overjoyed that you smile down upon us.

Interacting with the people, and making contact with our civilisation and culture. I sincerely hope everything has developed as per your wishes.

As for your guides... Meconopsis, Cyclamen. I leave that to you.

Cyclamen: ... Fuee!? E-eh? W-w-why is such a huge role...?

Meconopsis: That's right, Ane-san! This is so sudden!

Cyclamen: (Ane-san...!?)

Japanese Anemone: Oya? How unexpected, Meconopsis. I thought you were someone full of curiosity.

Meconopsis: That's true... But it's just sudden. We both have our jobs to do to help the recovery of Kodaibana, right?

That's a really important thing too... I don't want to do things half hearted.

Japanese Anemone: Then we shall postpone that for now. You shall accompany Belle-sama for the time being.

Meconopsis: Th-that's!

Ah, no! I'm sorry, Belle-sama. It's not like I don't want this...

Belle: Fufu, I getcha, Meco-chan. Rebuilding a country is far more important than takin' care of pets.

Meconopsis: That's not it~~! You're misunderstanding~~!!

Japanese Anemone: I don't mean to belittle your recovery efforts. I shall give you three reasons.

First, recent reconstruction efforts have been quite stable... To speak the worst, it is stagnating.

It hasn't become stagnant, but there has been a lack of new developments. The latest ones were the gray diamonds, and an unknown pathogen... Is that all?

There hasn't been any major events involving yourself or the Seven Great Flower Knights yet. So I am permitting you to leave the scene for a time.

Meconopsis: ... That may be true, but...

Japanese Anemone: Secondly, if you don't do this task, then you'll never get to rest properly.

Even though purification efforts are progressing, there are still many areas that are dangerous. Didn't you have to violate travel restrictions just the other day?

Meconopsis: Eh? D-d-did I really? Aren't you just imagining it?

Coleus: So are you saying that this report that was sent here is a forgery?

That's very distressing, and the supervisors on site will need to be severely punished...

Meconopsis: I'm sorry! I was speaking unreasonably!

Japanese Anemone: I told you before, you must learn calmly, and rest well.

Do you remember that?

Meconopsis: ... Yes. I remember. Thoughts and actions without knowledge lead to dangerous situations.

Japanese Anemone: As long as you understand that. Now, my third reason... This one's the most important...

It's because nobody other than Belle-sama herself chose you to be her first contact. Both of you, Meconopsis, Cyclamen.

With that in mind, who else is there I can entrust this to? The honour of being under a World Flower's guidance isn't something people get to choose.

Belle: (... Well, things turned out that way, but I didn't have any deep reasonin' in particular...)

Japanese Anemone: ... Even if the World Flower herself had no deeper intentions.

Belle: (She read my mind!?)

Meconopsis: I see... That's right, yeah...

Understood, Ane-san! Please leave the escort of Belle-sama to us!

Cyclamen: Ah...... Y-yes! I'll do my very best......!

Japanese Anemone: Indeed, it's essential that you wholly accept this offer. If you have any requests, then please inform us. We shall ease your burden.

I'm counting on you two.

Meconopsis: There you have it... Once again, please take care of us, Belle-sama!

Belle: You can just call me san. Just the same way as you did with the Queen.

Cyclamen: Th-that's right. I was surprised by that...

Meconopsis: Eh? A-ahaha. I'm sorry. Some stuff happened with Her Highness and myself...

Belle: (Some stuff...? Maybe a mistake?)

(A descendant of the now lost country of Kodaibana who was born in Bergamot Valley. Even though she's assigned to Blossom Hill, she's the true leader of the reconstruction efforts...)

(She's as busy as that Knight Commander who went Outside, such a restless child.)

(Comparable to...)

Cyclamen: Fuu... There have been so many nerve wracking times recently... I thought I'd gotten used to this a little after receiving the Seven Flowers award...

Belle: It's not a bad thing, Cyc-chan. It's because of me that you've gotten this trouble.

Cyclamen: I-It's not a trouble at all! It's just...

Belle: It's just what?

Cyclamen: Ah...... Ummm, aaah...

Meconopsis: ... Are you angry, Belle-san?

Belle: Not at all? Why would I be angry?

Meconopsis: Really, then that's fine. It's just that we can feel... This “pressure” from you.

Belle: Aaah... I get that from my family too. I don't mean to do it, though...

When I get mad, then all this fur puffs straight on up. If it's not like that, then I'm not angry at all.

Meconopsis: It all puffs up. I kind of want to see that once...

Belle: What's that!?

Meconopsis: You're... Not puffing up!?

Belle: I'm not mad. There's nothin' to make me mad. We're just chattin' casually♪

Cyclamen: ... Ah, um, then... I'm a little curious about this...

Have you gotten a little bigger, Belle-sama? Since we first met, it seems like your body has...

Meconopsis: Eh, really?

Belle: Fufuu, it's true. You're a sharp one, Cyc-chan.

I'm sorry to say this, but the reason that I came out to meet y'all was to find a way to attain human form.

If I can deepen my understandin' of people, then that'll surely happen. My growth is proof of me getting' closer to that.

Cyclamen: I see... Then let's make sure that you get even bigger.

Belle: Exactly. This all depends on our hard work...

Let's all keep on movin'!

Cyclamen: Y-yes!

Meconopsis: Understanding of people... Studying society...

If that's the case, there's some people I really want to introduce you to!

Physostegia: Hmm~~... I see. So is this finally an eviction notice...?

It was a hidden bolthole that I only discovered recently, but it's definitely been worth the price.

Cosmos: I'm really sorry, Physostegia-san! I really hope you understand...

Physostegia: It's fine, it's fine, I understand. We're both Flower Knights, so I understand how hard this is for you.

Dragon Fruit: This is a nice place, far away from the city. I'd like to live in a place like this when I retire.

Physostegia: That's right, it really is a shame. I was thinking of recommending here to you, Dragon Fruit-san...

Cyclamen: ... Are they busy with something?

Meconopsis: Yeah. It doesn't seem like business negotiations, so we should wait until they're done talking...

... Ara? Where's Belle-san?

Physostegia: It can't be helped, I'll move out straight away. It will take some time, as I'll need to negotiate some conditions with my contractors though.

Dragon Fruit: I'm really sorry. If you talk with the Knight Company, then you shouldn't need to worry about a guard detail...

Belle: What's this, where ya headed to? This buildin' looks half finished.

Physostegia: Yeah, pests are probably going to come. It's a painful loss, but compared to human life...

Huh, who might you be?

Dragon Fruit: A manju Spirit? You're so adorable♪

Belle: A manju Spirit...!?

Meconopsis: Hello Gia-san. Sorry for interrupting your conversation.

Physostegia: Aah, hello Meco-chan. I'm sorry, I never noticed you approach.

By the way... Is this little one an acquaintance of yours, Meco-chan?

Physostegia: ... So she's not exactly an acquaintance!!

Dragon Fruit: I'm really sorry. Calling you a manju Spirit was...

Belle: Fufu, it's fine, it's fine. Aren't manju kinda cute?

Dragon Fruit: A-are you angry...?

Cyclamen: I-It's fine, I think. Her fur's not standing on end, so...

Meconopsis: So that's our situation... What's happened here?

If I remember correctly, didn't you say were were starting a new business here, Gia-san?

Physostegia: Yeah, that was my plan... As usual, I'm about to have my slate cleaned off by those annoying pests.

Meconopsis: That's a shame... Has a powerful pest shown up?

Cosmos: No particularly strong individuals have been confirmed. The problem is the enemy's high level of leadership.

There have always been cases of swarms moving strategically, but recently, there have been many cases of swarms moving together to support each other...

Although there hasn't been any fatal levels of damage, the number of small scale losses is on the rise.

Meconopsis: Is that so? I never knew...

Physostegia: That's because you're busy with the rebuilding efforts, Meco-chan. You really don't need to worry about this right now.

... But saying that, you're going to do something now, aren't you.

Meconopsis: Yes. The reconstruction and World Flower are of course very important, but there's no way I'm going to leave my hometown in a pinch!

Cyclamen: B-but, Meconopsis-san. Didn't the Queen say to...

Belle: I like that determination! Well said, Meco-chan!

Cyclamen: ... Have you gotten bigger again!?

Belle: To fit around my heart... I can feel the passion of the Flower Knights first hand...

Ya'll needn't worry about me, ya go do what ya gotta do.

Meconopsis: Ah, no. We'll of course act as your escorts, Belle-san. I want to fulfil my duty as a Flower Knight in addition to that.

Belle: I see, I don't mind. This also leads to me gettin' to know ya'll.

What'll ya do, Cyc-chan?

Cyclamen: ... I'm also worried about what was said just now. I have a bad feeling that if we leave this matter alone, then...

Belle: Then it's all decided. I'll help ya'll out♪

Cosmos: Waa, how reliable! We're going to get the direct help of a World Flower...

What kind of things can you do, Belle-sama? Of course you'll be able to strengthen our blessings, teleport, and all sorts of things...

Belle: I can't do anythin', ya know?

Cosmos: ... Eh?

Belle: I still can't do anythin' in this form. I'm just a helpless manju without any fingers to hold anythin' with.

If I can get bigger, get a human form, then I should be able to do a lotta things...

But right now, my special features are my cuteness and my ability to find pests.

Cosmos: I see... Right now you're full of possibilities that are only limited to the size of your imagination!

A Belle-sama with a human form... No no, my imagination is only starting to grow even more♪

Dragon Fruit: Excuse us. You must be very busy yourselves, but now you need to help us too.

Cyclamen: This is a problem for everyone. Our strongest asset is our ability to help each other out...

The only reason that we're able to focus on the reconstruction efforts is because everyone is working hard to keep this country safe.

Meconopsis: Yes. Everyone needs help at some point! Let's all work together!

Chapter 4 God's Eyes[]

Chapter 4 God's Eyes

- We never noticed this cooperation happenin' between pests... But the Flower Knights were quick to notice.

- The pests might have been the ones to take the initiative, but the Flower Knights were the ones to react. With cooperation and coordination, they could bring the war effort back to even ground!

- Of course, I have my own hard struggle with this body! I'm contributin' to these numerous victories by uncoverin' the locations of the pests one by one.

Belle: And that's how... I'm this big now♪

Len: Belle-chan, amazing... I still haven't grown an inch...

Belle: That's true, ya haven't changed at all, Len-hun. You're so much the same that it's like I'm dreamin'.

Len: Ha-hanyan...

Lilli: ... I never thought that you'd be the one to be making fun of us with your smug face before Sun could.

Belle: You gonna roll me around instead now?

That's if you can even do it with that cute li'l manju body of yours, Lilli-hun♪

Lilli: I'll pass. I have a principle of not doing pointless things.

Belle: That's so borin'... You should push yourself a li'l more.

Lilli: That's a job left for Sun... Has she not come back yet?

Sun: Fuufuufu... Fu-fuufu! Fuwaa-haahaaha!!

Len: I sounds like she's coming... Where are you, Sun-chan?

Sun: I'm high above you! In the great heights, looking down on you!

Lilli: Will you come down?

Belle: No matter, we've already finished for today.

Sun: Wait wait waaaait! At least take a look at my new form!

Sun has gained – A human form!

Len: E-eeeh!? Really Sun-chan!?

Belle: Impossible... Even though I did so many great things, Sun-hun got ahead of me...!?

Lilli: I'm quite worried that you haven't corrected her idiotic phrasing yet... But for the time being, show yourself Sun.

Sun: Ready? I'm coming! Taaaaa!!


Lilli: ... Dismissed.

Belle: Well, see ya'll next year.

Sun: Why the cold shoulder!? Wh-what? Even though Sun-san's become a person...

Len: Sun-chan, that's a Forge Spirit... That's a Spirit, not a human...

Sun: What!? Aren't humans just living beings that can use tools with their hands and feet!?

Len: Y-you're not wrong, but you're completely wrong at the same time...!

Belle: Haa, I can relax... Sun-hun's always going to be Sun-hun in the end...!

Lilli: ... No. It's more like that kind of character is surprisingly...

Belle: You like to read deeply into things, Lilli-hun. Don't ya think I'm gonna be the first one if things continue like this?

Lilli: ... If things go like this, then I don't think I need to force myself too hard.

Belle: What's this, are ya a sore loser? Baby manjus shouldn't be sayin' those things.

Lilli: .........

- Once I got used to things, everythin' got easier. The hardest thing was takin' that first step.

- Bloss-hun and Win-hun both grew fond of people and then became people. If that's the case, then I can definitely do it too!

- ... Lilli-hun still says things I don't understand though...

- But I'm doin' good. I'm startin' to understand people. The next one to become human will be... Me!

Belle: Yaa, how interestin'♪ So that's how dyein' works.

Meconopsis: I didn't really know much about it either, so I really learned a lot from today's experience♪

But you're still just watching things, Belle-san...

Belle: It's all fine, I'm fully satisfied. It means I can look forward to tryin' these things when I become human.

Meconopsis: That day surely can't be too far away. You've been growing very steadily.

Belle: That's true. This is all because I can learn about people's lives alongside ya two.

Cyclamen: ... Ah. E-excuse me, Belle-sama. Just a moment, your body...

Belle: Mya? What's this Cyc-chan...? What do ya wanna do with my body?

Cyclamen: ... A little dye is on it... It must be from that dye workshop...

Meconopsis: Ah, it's true! It's like you've got a little heart on your butt!

Belle: Arara, how embarrassing. Even if it's just a stain...

Cyclamen: It should wash off with hot water... There's a bathhouse not far from here.

Belle: Wonderful, a bath♪ We can all get naked together.

Cyclamen: Eh!? Ah, th-that wasn't what I meant...!

Meconopsis: It's fine, let's all go! We need to introduce the World Flower to our bathing culture♪


Belle: Haa... Today was a lot of fun. All because of ya two.

Meconopsis: I agree. I'm glad you enjoyed it...

Having to introduce and explain everything to you makes me feel that I've gotten to know my country even better too, Belle-san.

Cyclamen: I had a lot of fun too. I was able to do so many things thst I would never have had the chance to on my own...

Belle: I see, I see. Then we can all be happy.

It's really interestin' to see how ya people work. Thank ya'll so much for bein' born.

Meconopsis: You've been alive before us “people” were even born, haven't you, Belle-san?

What was Spring Garden like at that time? How did people come about being born?

Belle: Well, ya see. I can't really clearly remember much about back then...

Overall, it was pretty dull. Time just passed and things happened...

We all lived how we wanted, and slowly changed until we were all different.

I wonder if our lackadaisical nature allowed this variety. Somehow, it felt like “salvation”.

Cyclamen: Did you say... Salvation?

Belle: It kind of felt like ya could live your life, no matter what ya were. I reckon that was Mother's wish.

Plants, insects, people, Spirits, animals. Pests are an especially troublesome existence though...

Havin' so many kinds of kids is interestin' and fun, isn't it? In that sense, this world really hasn't changed that much.

Cyclamen: H-huh... I see...

Belle: However, ya folks are the most interestin' of them all. When talking about better or worse, then ya'll're far too different from the others.

Honestly... I got tired of watchin'♪

Cyclamen: .........

Meconopsis: .........

Belle: Hm? What're ya two doin'? Why're ya'll so startled?

Meconopsis: N-no... It's nothing. It's just... Just now, you're really...

*Knock knock*

Cyclamen: Ah... y-yes. We're just leaving.

Cyclamen: ... I see... It all starts tomorrow...

Dragon Fruit: Yes. It's been tough, but we've finally managed to locate a swarm that seems to be the enemy's control centre.

Cosmos: They're an awkward group that has the ability to teleport, but thanks to our reconnaissance team, we can predict their movements.

Meconopsis: Lately, we've only been responding to individual appearances. If we can attack the roots, then...

Belle: Well, this is feelin' like a huge battle. Do ya'll need me for it?

Cosmos: About that... We're thinking of asking you to refrain from joining us this time, Belle-sama.

Belle: Ara, really?

Dragon Fruit: This is going to be a lot busier than our previous battles. There's going to be a lot of movement, and formations are going to be constantly changing.

To be protecting you at the same time, Belle-sama, would be...

Belle: I see... Basically, I'm just going to become luggage.

I really wish there were more I could do... All I can do with this body is look for enemies still.

Dragon Fruit: I'm really sorry we can't take you with us. But I don't want you to feel bad.

We're all only able to fight because of the World Flower's Blessing. That alone gives us the strength we need.

As long as we're fighting for this country, you're always with us. Isn't that right?

Belle: Dragon-chan...

Cosmos: So please don't worry, Belle-sama! The Flower Knights will definitely win!

Because... We can play with you more when we get back. There are still places we want to go to♪

Belle: Cosmos-chan...

Cyclamen: Wh-what should we do? We'd like to participate too, but if it's going to be long term...

Dragon Fruit: Aah, you two haven't been added into the strategy. We just came to say hello tonight.

We'll suddenly be gone tomorrow, we wanted to let you know so you weren't surprised by it.

Cyclamen: I-I see. Then...

Meconopsis: .........

Belle: If you're worried about it, then ya two should go take a look.

If it's gonna be a tough opponent, then you're better off with more fightin' power. That way, you can get home a lot quicker...

Dragon-chan and Cosmos-chan are close friends too. Ya should make sure they're safe.

Meconopsis: But if we do that, then our jobs as Belle-sama's escorts will be...

Belle: You needn't worry about me. I've made a lotta acquaintances now, so life isn't so tough any more.

Besides, you're gonna come back victorious, even if it takes a time, right? That means I'll wait here for your return like a good kid♪

Meconopsis: ... Thanks, Belle-san. I'm really sorry to leave you alone for a while.

Belle: And if I get lonely, then I'll come cryin' to the battlefield, right?

Sun: Is this any different!? Is this not a person too!?

Len: Sun-chan, you're getting further and further away... People don't usually use wings to fly...

Belle: Sun-hun's just the same as ever. What're ya gonna turn into next? A cat? A turtle?

Sun: Mumumu... I'll show you! I'll definitely become a person before you, Belle!

Belle: Ahaha. You're makin' as much noise as a bird flappin' it's wings, so I can't understand a single word.

Sun: Mumumuu~~~~~!!

Len: ... But, this is a little unexpected. You haven't become a person yet either, Belle-chan.

Belle: Aah, that's... I'm in a bit of a bind myself. It was all goin' well at first, but why isn't it any more?

Sun: It's the change in your daily life!

Belle: Sun-hun, shouldn't you going back to before the startin' point?

Len: Eh, ummm... Should we start the debrief?

Lilli-chan's probably not going to come today, so it's just going to be us...

Belle: ... Hmmm, that's strange. Are the other gardens startin' to come to life again?

Len: Y-yeah... They're still doing well, but if they continue at this pace, then it's going to be a problem...

Sun: Instead of there being new types of pest, it seems like the pests that we struggled with long ago are on the rise!

People are talking about the Acrobat's Apprentice, the Giant Cow, and other ones like that!

Len: ... Extreme individuals and pest lords?

Belle: Sun-hun's report sounds like it's going to be a lotta fun.

Sun: That's not it at all! Even I think that this is a huge issue!

For example... The missing people! Recently, Flower Knights that even Sun can't track are starting to appear!

Len: Missing persons that even Sun can't track...?

Belle: What's all this? Just some lost kids or somethin'?

Sun: The responses from their power is disappearing. It's not like they're disappearing slowly either, it's just bam!

This kind of thing has been happening for a while, but it's recently getting to a level that it's starting to be a concern!

Belle: ... Hmmm, I see.

Well, could there be some kind of mistake? It's not like Flower Knights' responses should just suddenly disappear...

Len: It's possible that they have died.

Belle: ... Eh?

Sun: Yeah, that's a huge possibility. I'm still worried about the ways they've disappeared though...

Len: Maybe the pests have developed a special way to absorb their power... Maybe they've come up with a new method that we haven't thought of before...

Sun: No matter what's happened, I still want to help them out. I'm really worried that they're going to keep losing and more and more of them will die!

- ...............Die?

- ...............Who?

Belle: ... I-it can't be true, can it? What are ya sayin'...?

They're Flower Knights... It's not like Meco-chan and Cyc-chan can die...?

Len: Belle-chan...?

Belle: Th, th-th-th... Those two can't.

You keep sayin' things I don't understand, what's happenin' today? There's no way those kids could lose to some pests, no way...

Sun: ... Belle, what the hell are you saying? It's not like Flower Knights have ever been invincible or immortal.

It's true that they win, but they can also lose. This has happened countless times over the last thousand years.

Len: The Flower Knights have defeated a huge number of pests... But the pests have also defeated a huge number of Flower Knights.

So... Um, it's possible that that Meco-chan and Cyc-chan might have lost and died... Right?

Belle: Wh-what are you sayin'! There's no way those kids have...!

Sun: No, that's meant to be my line.

Flower Knights are people, people are living creatures, living creatures die, you know? So, it's only natural that Flower Knights die.

Hey... You do “understand” that, right?

Chapter 5 Close to "People"[]

Chapter 5 Close to "People"

–Some days later, Bergamot Valley Knights' Garrison–

Belle: (... Meco-chan and Cyc-chan haven't come back yet. There are no reports that they've defeated that swarm either.)

(I should keep an ear out for any information...)

Knight Company Staff: ... That pest subjugation... They're stronger as expected and it's becoming a tough battle...

The longest fight since the Battle for Kodaibana... ... Reports of sightings of an unfamiliar pest...

There have been rumours that the designation limits are being revised... There's another case that many people have already gone missing...

Belle: (... So that's what's happenin'. Everyone'll definitely come back safe!)

(They're all Flower Knights, so there's no way they'll...)

Sun: It's true that they win, but they can also lose. This has happened countless times over the last thousand years.

Len: The Flower Knights have defeated a huge number of pests... But the pests have also defeated a huge number of Flower Knights.

Belle: ......

Belle: Lilli-hun...

Lilli: ... You want to listen to what I have to say? Even though I'm just a baby manju?

Belle: ... Why can't I become a person? Why can't I be of any use yet?

Why am I... Worried? Why can't I keep calm, like I've always done before?

Why now...?

... Why do I have these terrible feelin's when I think of how people can die...?

Lilli: ... I think you're feeling these things because you've already gotten a step closer...

But saying that, you're still not be able to be close to them in the truest sense.

Belle: ... Why do ya think that?

Lilli: You only ever report on the fun things. Especially recently, you're so biased that it's almost like you're euphoric.

That has been enough for us up until now, but...

That also means that you've stopped talking about the things that are happening right before your eyes.

Are you even aware of them?

Belle: .........

Lilli: ... It's a fact that you love people. However, there are different kinds of love.

After all, you've not yet...

Belle: ... Not here. Today, yesterday, the day before... Always...

Tomorrow, the day after... They always come home, don't they?

Will I ever see those kids again?

This is... This is......

Haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa...!

I don't... I don't...

Are those kids comin' home? I'll never forgive them... I absolutely won't...

There's no way I'll never meet them again... I can't stand it!


Guu, uuuu... It hurtssss...

I can't breathe... This useless body... I can't even follow them like this...

Lilli: After all, You've not yet... You've only ever had the determination of a stray cat looking for food.

Belle: ... She said something that rude... What's that analogy even mean? Why did she analogise me as a furball, and not a child of Man...?

Eeeei, stop worryin' Belle! Are ya gonna run, World Flower Bergamot Valley!

If only I were there... I can't stand around doin' nothin'!

Umyaa, myaa, myamyamya~~!

Tiny Pest: KishaAAAAAAa!!

Belle: Myaa!?

Myaa... U, uuuu......

(Not, not good... I let down my guard... Shit...)

Tiny Pest: Kishaaaa.........

Belle: (I've been attacked by such a weakling... It hurts so much I can't move...)

(... Is this how people feel...? Even still, everyone...)

Tiny Pest: KishaaAAA!!

Belle: (... Has everyone died of despair...?)

Cyclamen: Haaaaa!!

Tiny Pest: Kishaa, ShaAAaa.........

Cyclamen: Belle-sama!! Are you alright!?

Belle: Cyc-chan......

Cyclamen: ... Fuu. I'm glad it's not a major wound...

But, you're all beaten up...

Belle: ... What are ya talkin' about? You're far more injured than me, Cyc-chan...

Cyclamen: That might be true... But we can't let anything happen to Belle-sama, no matter what.

Belle: No... That's backwards... Even if this body becomes broken, Bergamot Valley won't die...

Cyclamen: That's not what I was...

... Why are you here, Belle-sama? Don't tell me you came here alone?

Belle: ... Ya guys hadn't come home yet. I was getting' worried, so I...

Cyclamen: E-excuse us. This subjugation is turning into a battle...

That's right, reinforcements! I was assigned to be a messenger!

I'm sorry, Belle-sama. I need to call for reinforcements as soon as I can and get back to everyone!

Belle: ... Why? Why are you still facin' them down?

Cyclamen: Eh...?

Belle: Fightin' for your life means there's so much pain... All your friends are about to collapse...?

I can't stand any of it... I couldn't stand it so much that I had to come and see ya'll...

When I was lookin' down from above like a god... I'd just talk like I knew everythin', even though it was none of my business...

But why are ya'll... This strong...?

Cyclamen: .........

... I'm not strong at all. Right now, we don't know if we're going to win or lose... We're all terrified.

Just like you, Belle-sama... No, I'm definitely more terrified than you, Belle-sama.

Belle: That's...!

Cyclamen: But I was born and raised here. So as long as here's here... And everyone is too, then I'll be here.

I don't have any confidence or courage, but I get a little bit of it when I watch everyone else being confident and brave...

Right now, Danchou-san is doing his best Outside, and I have gained so so much from him...

Enough that I think I can now say that I've become a Flower Knight.

This fear... Has made me a Flower Knight.

Belle: .........

Cyclamen: Even though I'm weak, as long as I have the will to change, and the belief that I can change...

I can endure the sorrow that's before me, and move closer to it. That's how I feel.

Belle: Belief... Endure the sorrow...

Cyclamen: Yes. Doing it alone is impossible though... But as long as you have someone with you, then you can definitely stand and face it.

Even though your legs want to run away, you can still move them forward... Definitely.

Belle: ... So that's why all of ya'll are together.

If ya have someone there to support ya, then ya can face any fear that ya couldn't face alone.

The sorrow that would swallow ya up if you're alone can be stood against together.

That's why I... I shouldn't be a god who just gets along with people...

But be a god who stands next to the people and holds their hands without runnin' away...

Creepy Pest: RuOOOOOOOOOoooo!!!!

Pest Swarm: \\\GishaaaaaAAAAAAA!!!!///

Dragon Fruit: ... Haaa! You really are stubborn... How are you still so full of energy...?

Cosmos: But the number of them in the swarm is slowly going down! We just need to push through to the commander...

Meconopsis: We should hold on without panicking for now. Change your hiding places little by little without being discovered...

Pest Scout: ... Jiii! Jijijii, jii!

Creepy Pest: ... RuOOOOOOOOoooo!!!!

Meconopsis: No way, we've been spotted!? Not good, we need to run...

???: Flower!!

Creepy Pest: RuOOOooo.........!!?

Cosmos: That pest just got blown away!? Where did that strong supporting...!?

Dragon Fruit: ... It's not just that. It feels like our own power has recovered...

Belle: What are ya fools doin' to my children!!

Meconopsis: ... Belle-san? Could it be Belle-san!?

Belle: Correct! I've kept ya'll waitin', Meco-chan! I've come now, so ya needn't worry!

... Meco-chan? What're ya doin', you're eyes are getting' so big.

Meconopsis: ... Beautiful...

Ah, sorry! It's not the time for that, I'll...

Belle: Ahahahaa! Ya were fascinated by my appearance. Ya really are honest and cute, Meco-chan.

Ya can look upon me as much as ya want... Well, maybe ya should look forward to doin' that later

Cyclamen: Everyone, are you alright!?

Meconopsis: Cyclamen-san! You're safe, that's great...

Cyclamen: Yes. I'm glad to see all of you're still safe too...

I just called for reinforcements. We just need to hold out until they arrive...!

Meconopsis: Yes, got it! Thanks to Belle-san, our power has recovered, so we can keep on fighting!

Belle: Are all ya'll alright with just waitin' around? All we need to do is clean all of them up, right?

Dragon Fruit: If you could do that, it would be a dream come true. I think it's worth pushing forward a little further.

Cosmos: Yes! We could make a comeback with everyone here, let's give it a try!

Creepy Pest: RuOOOOOOOOooooN!!!!

Belle: Understood. The main characters in this battle are the Flower Knights. It would be a foul if I did all the work.

But... I left ya'll alone for too long. Let me make up for that right now!



- A swarm of pests that was causing a commotion in Bergamot Valley for a time was repelled by the long term efforts of the Flower Knights.

- This incident was brought to the attention of the Knight Companies of the world, and will serve as a case study to encourage further growth and progression...

Japanese Anemone: ... I see. So even the World Flower doesn't know where they came from?

In a perfect world, I'd have liked to exterminate all of those pests from the world, but...

Belle: The World Flowers provide the base foundations of power for this garden. In other words, we do nothin' more, nothin' less.

I can monitor the circulation of that power, but I can't freely control the portion that falls into the hands of the pests.

Japanese Anemone: Fumu... There's no doubt that you're an awe inspiring existence, but you're not as omnipotent or absolute as we originally thought.

Belle: That's right. Pests that far exceed our expectations will surely show up in the future.

But that's also gonna be the same thing with ya Flower Knights – And the same for all people.

Ya'll will grow the power we give you even more and more. Far beyond the imaginations of us World Flowers.

Not just power either. Culture, civilisation, exchange... How to think, how to feel, and how to deal with tragedy.

... Your Highness. I've seen your sorrow too. It's not only one or two things either.

Overcomin' them and swallowin' them... Or maybe you're still holdin' on to them? I'm realisin' now how amazin' that all is to do.

Japanese Anemone: .........

Belle: I'll be there if ya ever want to cry. Ya don't need to hold back and can fall into my arms whenever ya need♪

We'll face that sorrow together.

Japanese Anemone: ... Fufuu. Having you say that to me makes my title of Queen meaningless.

I don't have any plans to do that right now though... But I'll always remember that you're here by my side, World Flower-sama.

Belle: That's how ya are, so I'm sure it'll be fine. You'll be able to do well, no matter who you're against.

... But this might not so persuasive comin' from someone who's done nothin' but be taught.

Japanese Anemone: It's not like that at all. Your approval is the most reliable thing I can have, World Flower-sama.

So, what are your plans now? I never asked you what you would do once you gained your human form.

Belle: First, I'm gonna go home and brag to my family. I caused them a lot of worry, so I'd better do somethin' about that.

After that... I think I'll continue to learn from my own kids while I wait for the kids who went Outside to come back home.

About people, about Flower Knights... How they see the pests, and the rest of this world.

Physostegia: ... What do you think about this business proposal? I'd like to leave this with you guys.

Meconopsis: Gia-san... You're so tough! You were wiped to a blank slate not too long ago!

Physostegia: Not too long ago? Blank slate? What are you talking about?

Cyclamen: You have so much on your mind that you don't remember...?

Physostegia: Fufuu. Well, it's kind of like that, but it was a joke. Of course I remember.

It was a painful loss, but I'm always thinking of ways to divide my risks and how to recover from them.

Above all, I'm a Flower Knight just like you guys. I know that I can overcome any unforeseen circumstances.

You did some really good work in that last battle. So... Thanks.

I participated in a number of those skirmishes, but I heard that all of your efforts were particularly significant.

Cosmos: Well... It was a long, hard battle. It really has been a while since...

Dragon Fruit: There's been a certain air of peace in this country ever since the Great Spirit's Trials...

But I don't think my nerves could take it if things like this keeps popping up.

Meconopsis: Yes. Our war in this world is definitely far from over.

Of course it's for everyone's peace, but it's also for our trusted allies who headed outside too, and also...

???: Can I join in?

Belle: This shop's atmosphere feels great. Is it because of the smell of tea? It's my favourite♪

Cyclamen: Hello Belle-sama. You can sit here if you'd like.

Meconopsis: Ah, it's the most expensive dango set! Wow, Belle-san~~!

Belle: I got paid too. This is a reward for all of my hard work, and everyone else's too♪

Cyclamen: Everyone means us too...?

Belle: Well that's... Of course!

Here, Cyc-chan. Say aaah♪

Cyclamen: Fuee!? Eh, ummm ummm...!

Cosmos: Aah! How bold, Belle-sama...! As expected of a World Flower, you're far beyond my imagination...!

Physostegia: ... Should we try it too, Dragon Fruit-san?

Dragon Fruit: Eh... No, it's fine.

Belle: ... And that's how I was able to become a person, because I was able to stand against my sorrow.

After livin' for so long, I'm finally able to do the things ya'll take for granted... Right?

Meconopsis: ... I don't think we take it for granted. That's a really difficult thing to do...

Once again, congratulations. World Flower Bergamot Valley-sama.

I'd be really happy if we can become even closer friends from now on♪

Belle: Fufuu, you're so forward, Meco-chan. Please be gentle with me.

On the other hand, ya should come at me harder, Cyc-chan. You're my friend and master after all.

Cyclamen: M-mmmm-master...!? Nobody would believe that...!

... But.........

Belle: But what?

Cyclamen: But if a World Flower thinks that of me... Then I need to have more confidence in myself...

But being a master is a really huge thing... I-I'd be proud to just be friends...!

Belle: ... You're actually a lot different from Len-hun, Cyc-chan.

Cyclamen: Eh? Len-hun...?

Belle: Aah, it's nothin'. Just talkin' to myself.

... I'm thinkin' of takin' some time to look back on everythin' that's happened in this garden so far.

I've only ever been interested in all the fun things... But you've all honestly seen a lotta sad things.

I need to face up to what I deemed as irrelevant and ignored. So I'm gonna reconsider it all from a human perspective.

I want to respect all of ya'll as equals.

Cyclamen: Belle-sama...

Belle: Thank ya for everythin'. Also... I look forward to workin' with you for now on.

Even though ya'll have made me a person, you've also made me a truer World Flower.

- Reds, yellows, oranges – Countless, various, numerous colours. Bergamot Valley's scenery is fun to watch and beautiful to admire.

- However, tragedy and disaster are woven into those colours. A sorrow that ya can never see from far away.

- I want to be close to all of that. I'll never again ignore the branches that are about to break under the rains of sorrow.

- That was the wish I made when I got my human form – My new way of life.

(List of All Side Story Translations)
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