Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Flower Knight Girl Wikia
(List of All Side Story Translations)
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Part 4 Part 5 Part 6

Title: Sunny Lees of the Blue Sea

Synopsis: Sun, sun, sun! The sun rises high, and the sea sways. The festivals in Banana Ocean never end, passing that same spirit from ancient times on to the future. This is the story of the dazzling flower crown that illuminated this country and made people laugh together...

Chapter 1 A New Name[]

Chapter 1 A New Name
- It's hot.

- Bright. Warm. Feels good. Light breaks through and power overflows.

- Cool. Feels good. Water, water drops. Take in a lot, spray it out, gather it up, repeat.

- Power is spreading. Going everywhere. Somebody is happy, coming to be beside ▓.

- Dancing, singing, eating, drinking, laughing, crying... Sleeping, waking, screaming, hurting, dying, birthing...

- That's, 's memories. Memories of being with everyone ever since long long ago.

- But what are these memories? Those memories were?

- There are things I know, even when I don't know. Things I remember.

- There are memories inside that aren't 's memories...

- So, who is ? How much of it is and when does it stop being ?

- is... Why do I keep forgetting...?

- The World Flowers – They're the source of life that supports Spring Garden.

- The World Flower of Wisdom and Virtue – Blossom Hill.

- The World Flower of the Snowfields – Winter Rose.

- The World Flower of the Windy Valley – Bergamot Valley.

- The World Flower of Everlasting Summer – Banana Ocean.

- The World Flower of the Deep Forest – Lilywood.

- The World Flower of the Lakeside – Lotus Lake.

- The now withered golden World Flower – Kodaibana.- These are the gods who have watched over this world since ancient times. A higher form of existence that transcends normal living things and mortal life.

- Right now, they are descending into the world to try and get closer to humans. Their current appearance being...

Yellow Furball: Umumuu~~~~!!?

Orange Furball: Fuu... So refreshin'♪

Green Furball: Why don't you give it a break for now?

Yellow Furball: Uuumu~... W-why...? Why are you rolling me around right now...?

Orange Furball: Well, obviously because... You're cute and funny, Sun-hun♪

- The avatar of the World Flower Bergamot Valley – Belle.

Belle: Even though... You may be cute and funny, but you still say some decent things!

Yellow Furball: Wh-what's that!?

- The avatar of the World Flower Banana Ocean – Sun.

Sun: ... No, now isn't the time for an explanation! Someone as amazing as myself clearly understands!

... We don't need an explanation, do we? I'm right, aren't I Lilli?

Green Furball: Don't take what Belle says so seriously. Only listen to about half of what she says.

- The avatar of the World Flower Lilywood – Lilli.

Lilli: Just because you said something decent Sun, doesn't mean she can roll you around. Don't worry.

Sun: Umu, understood! If Lilli says that, then I won't worry♪

...... Eh, so why are you rolling me around too, Lilli?

Lilli: In the end, you're just asking for it. Maybe I shouldn't have ended things with that sensible comment...

Sun: Asking for it? Who was asking for it? I'm going to turn as blue as Win or Len!

Purple Furball: Whyat!? Eh, ummm... Uuuuummmm...

- The avatar of the World Flower – Len.

Len: When they say asking for things... Then they're talking about someone who provokes them or they make fun of...

“Now that I know how to become human then I'm going to be first!”

... I think the cause of this is because you said that... Right?

Sun: Mumu? Muu... I see, I get it!

These two are afraid of my true power! There's no way they could win if they even tried!

So they started rolling me around to try and stop me... I see I see, then it can't be helped!

Belle: ... Right. So, let's roll her over♪

Sun: You can't do that! Fight me fair and square!

Saying that... Heeey ya!

Len: Ah, Sun-chan!

- I have a goal! That's to gain a human form!

- We exist as World Flowers, and that's completely different from people. Gaining a human form is really complicated...

- But our friends Bloss and Win have already managed to do it!

- Those guys are... Amazing! More than amazing! As their friend, I'm suuuper proud!

- But! I'm frustrated too!! I've been trying really hard, but they did it before me...!

- Me too – Sun too! I'm not going to lose any more!!

Sun: Bloss and Win started to interact with people, then they managed to become human...

Until now, Sun has been doing loads of training alone, but was all of that wrong!?

But from today, Sun's going to interact with people!

All of the children of Banana Ocean are good guys, so Sun will definitely get an amazing human form!

... Oh! I've immediately found someone! Are they people though? ... OK!


Child: Wah! It's a rabbit! So cute~♪

Sun: Mu? Umumu, umu!

Child: Wawah, it's getting really close...! M-maybe I can pet it...?

Sun: Umu! Umuumu!

Child: Waaah, so soft...! So cute♪

Sun: Umumuu, mu~ mu~♪

Child: Ahahaa. That tickles, aah~

Ah, not good, not good! I'm meant to go straight home after doing my errands...

Sun: Mu? Muu, muu!

Child: Eh? You want to come too?

Eeeh, what should I do...? I'm really happy, but what will mama say...?

Sun: Umumu, umuu!

Child's Mother: A rabbit? Well? As long as you take care of it, then you can keep it.

Child: Really? Thanks, mama!

Sun: Umumu! Umuu!

Child's Mother: This one loves to talk. Sit.

Hey, do you want a carrot? I wonder if you can eat other stuff, like bananas?

Sun: Umumu? Muu... Muu!

Child: Ah, it ate it!

Child's Mother: It looked like it loved it. Alright, I love this guy.

Sun: Umumu! Mumumu~♪

Child's Mother: This isn't good, doesn't it like people a little too much? It won't be able to go back to the wild? Is this alright?

Child: I'll take good care of it! So...

Child's Mother: Yes yes. Let's all get along. If you can't do it, then mama will keep it instead.

Child: O-K! Pleased to meet you, Mu-chan!

Sun: Mumuu!? Umumu, muu~!!

Chapter 2 Listen to Me[]

Chapter 2 Listen to Me
Sunflower: Taaaaa!!

German Iris: Uo~~~~

Pest: Gishaaaaa.........

Crown of Thorns: ... That seemed like the last one...

Thanks, you two. There weren't that many today, but you helped us.

Sunflower: No no, thank you too! It was really easy thanks to you!

German Iris: It's a victory for teamwork. The kind of strength a pest can never imitate~

Crown of Thorns: ... You might not be able to say that in general.

Rumour has it that there are now pests that are able to coordinate and cooperate...

If I remember right, there was a time where a pest baseball team was running wild across Banana Ocean, right?

Sunflower: They were the ones that German Iris-san and the others challenged to a baseball game!

German Iris: That match was really intense... It was a real struggle...

But we won in the end. With real teamwork... Aah...

We can never lose as long as we have the bonds of a real team~

Crown of Thorns: ... Yes, I see. I believe that too.

Let's keep in contact with one another in order to strengthen these bonds.

Especially now, as some of the Flower Knights have headed off to the Outside World...

Sunflower: That's right... There are a lot of people who are proud that Red Ginger-san is on the expedition, but there are just as many that are worried worried too...

So in order to blow that worry away, we need to appeal to everyone that we can properly defend them!

German Iris: Yaaaay. We'll all become heroes~

Sunflower: Nnng...

German Iris: What's up, Sunflower-san? You need the toilet?

Sunflower: Yes, I was holding it in all through the battle...

Ah, no that's not it! I was just thinking about the Outside World that you mentioned earlier!

I became a Flower Knight because I wanted to do something about all the pests that have caused a lot of suffering for a lot of people in this country...

But it seems like the Outside World has had it much worse than us for much longer, and there aren't even any World Flowers out there.

So how tough must it be for the people who live out there...?

German Iris: Hmm... We can't know... I know why you're making that face...

... But, our friends have all gone out there to solve this mystery.

Everyone will definitely figure something out, and if they can't, then it'll be our turn.

So for now, all we need to do is pitch with all our strength. Focus, Sunflower-san.

Sunflower: ... You're right. That's what teamwork is!

I'm sure the people who went out believe in us, even if they're still worried about us.

All we need to do is protect this world and help with the rebuilding of it, just like we've always been doing!

German Iris: Then we'll find the World Flower and make friends with her. Just like Blossom Hill and Winter Rose.

Sunflower: Ah, there's that too. That's a huge responsibility!

German Iris: But why does she keep running away and hiding from us? I heard that she's a round Spirit.

German Iris: I heard she's all soft and fluffy, and has rabbit like ears.

Sun: Umumumumu~~!!

Child: Waaah! Mu-chan's so fast! Wait up!

German Iris: Ah, kind of like that one.

Sunflower: That's true. It's exactly like the posters in the Knight Company...

No way! That's! Isn't that the real deal!?

Sun: Haaahaaha! I can feel the results of my training! Sun wins this race!

Owaa!? Ototo... Tooooo~~~~!!?

Sunflower: Otototo... Are you alright?

Sun: Umu, you saved me! Once I start rolling in this shape, it's hard to stop!

Sunflower: ... It certainly looks hard to get any purchase on something with those limbs.

But anyway... Waaaa...! You're even softer and fluffier than I ever thought...!

German Iris: Nice catch, Sunflower-san! You're a role model for catching ground balls~

Child: Thank you, Flower Knight-san...! Is Mu-chan hurt...?

Sunflower: Mu-chan? Not the World Flower?

Sun: Are you talking about me? I'm a World Flower!

It's only this child that calls me Mu-chan. Even though I'm actually called Sun...

Sunflower: ... This one is supposedly called Sun.

Child: Eh? Really? How do you know?

Sunflower: What do you mean, she said so herself...

Child: Onee-san, can you really talk to Mu-chan? W-wonderful... I'm so jealous...!

Sun: Mu? What are you talking about? I've been talking to you all this time!

Sunflower: She says that she's been talking to you all this time.

Child: Yeah, that's true... Did Mu-chan just tell you that? Onee-san's amazing...!

Sunflower: ... Ummm, German Iris-san. Could this be...

German Iris: It's probably just as you think, Sunflower-san. All I can hear is “umu” and “mumu” from her...

It seems like you're the only one around here that can understand what the World Flower is trying to say, Sunflower-san.

Sunflower: Wha...?

Sun: What's that!!?

Sunflower: She's the most surprised out of all of us!?

Sun: Sun's words haven't been getting through...? Even though I've been interacting with this human child for many days now...

Sunflower: Ummm... Didn't you notice?

Sun: Muu... There were times that I thought it was a little weird, but I just put it down to Sun's inexperience...

There was never any discomfort or inconvenience, so I thought we were talking normally!

Sunflower: Ah, so it was somehow working out based on body language and atmosphere?

Child: Ah, um...

Sunflower: Ah, excuse me. It's just us who have been talking all this time.

Child: N-no. That's fine... But...

You talked about the World Flower before... Were you talking about Mu-chan?

The one that the Knight Company people and the Queen have been looking for...

Sunflower: Ah... Ummm...

... Yes, that's right. The country and the Knight Company have been searching for this World Flower.

Child: I see... So, that means that Mu-chan can't live with me anymore...

Sun: Mu? Umumu?

Sunflower: (Wh-what should we do, German Iris-san...!? In this situation, is it alright if we just take here away like this...!?)

German Iris: (Eh, hmmm... I'm not so sure... We're both really bad with kids...)

Child's Mother: Are? Nana, what are you doing here?

Child: Mama...!!

Child's Mother: What's wrong, why that face...?

Hm? Flower Knight-san? Did something happen with my child?

Eeh. Mu-chan's not a rabbit, but a god?

Sun: Umu! Umumu~! (Umu! I'm Banana Ocean's World Flower, Sun!)

Child's Mother: I gotcha. It really seems like she understands our language by that reaction.

Eh, but that's not good. Was it rude of us to feed a god our food and sleep in the same bed?

Sun: Umumu, Uuumu!

Sunflower: She says it was tasty and fun, so it's all fine.

Child's Mother: Ma? Just like a god, so magnanimous♪

Child: Mama... If Mu-chan's a god, then she can't be with us any more...?

Child's Mother: Aaah, I think so too.

Flower Knight-san. What's going to happen with Mu-sama now?

Sunflower: Ummm, first we need to report to the Knight Company, then the information will be passed onto the country, then there will be a lot of meetings and talks.

After that, we'll need to figure out what the World Flower herself wants to do...

Sun: Uuumu... Umuu!

Sunflower: Eh, really?

Child's Mother: What did she say?

Sunflower: Her primary goal is to acquire a human form, so she wants to interact even more with humans.

Also... You've been very kind to her, so she wants to stay with you for a while longer.

Child's Mother: Isn't that great, Nana. We got a big callout from a god.

Child: R-really? Mu-chan, no, god said that about us?

Sunflower: Yes, it's true! She wants to run around with you more and take more baths with you!

Sun: Umumu, umu!

Sunflower: Also, she likes it when you call her Mu-chan. It's a special name for her.

Child: Yaaay! I love you, Mu-chan!

Sun: Umuu, umumu♪

Chapter 3 People's Festivals, People's Lives[]

Chapter 3 People's Festivals, People's Lives
- The avatar of the World Flower that appeared surprisingly easily... The news spread through Banana Ocean.

- The Knight Company and Royal Court hold careful discussions and decide on some important measures. Which are...

Redcurrant: Now! What you're about to see is a number of captivating tricks that will make you forget time!

Please, World Flower-sama, everyone! Show me your wonderful smiles...

Cirque Rebus, begin~♪

Sun: Ooh!? What is it, what is it!? What are they all doing!?

Sunflower: It's a circus show. They show us lots of tricks... Amazing tricks.

Ah, look! Look look! It would be a lot better if you watched it instead of me explaining it!

Sun: Mumuuu! Amazing, it's like everything's flying... Watch out! Eh, no way!? Th-that trick was!?

Aaah, now there's fire! ... What!? Ah, is it not hot...? Why aren't they on fire...!?

German Iris: ... I can't understand what she's saying, like always, but I tell she's getting excited~

Sunflower: Yes! It's a festival to welcome the World Flower... So this kind of start is perfect!

German Iris: It seems so. I hope she keeps enjoying herself after this too, Mountain Lily-san.

Mountain Lily: Yeah, that's right. We're just grateful that we've saved face...

Sunflower: What are you worried about?

Mountain Lily: ... The World Flower has watched over this country since ages past, right?

Today can't be the first time that she's experienced a circus or a festival like this.

I'd say she's a little too excited for that... No, this isn't a bad thing at all...

Sunflower: Ah, that's certainly... Sun-sama, what's the reason for this?

Sun: Mu? What's the reason for what?

Sunflower: *Explanation*

Sun: Ah, that! Sun has definitely always seen everyone having lots of fun for a long time now...

But that was a completely different feel to now. I could only vaguely understand the reason why, but I didn't get it.

Because I never knew they were doing such intricate and detailed things...

But now that I'm this close, everything's this loud, and everything's this fun, I can finally understand it!

Sunflower: *Translation*

Mountain Lily: I see... Does that mean that the senses of the World Flower and this body are completely different...?

If that's the case, then please enjoy today's festival to your heart's content.

Of course, it's not only today, but we all sincerely wish to be able to live alongside you forever, World Flower-sama.

Sun: Umu! Sun feels the same way! I want to feel all sorts of new things, and get my human form as soon as possible!

OK! Sun's going to join the circus! I want to try riding on that ball like that guy!

Mountain Lily: Ah, World Flower-sama...!

Sun: ... Umumu~!?

Mountain Lily: Ah, aaaaa... I-is she alright? Huh, rolling around like that's...

Sunflower: Ahaha, she's fine! Sun-sama's all soft and fuzzy... See!

Sun: Uumuu, umumuu...!

Purple Columbine: That'sh it, jusht like that~! Feel the centre of gravity more than think about it~!

Elm: You can improve quickly when you have confidence! Once you you get your human form, you can even try mastering the unicycle~

Sun: Fuuu...! I'm starting to get a little tired... Break time, break time...

Sunflower: Welcome back, Sun-sama. It looked like you had loads of fun.

Sun: Umu, it was fun! I never knew that festivals were this much fun!

Now I understand why you children of man like to have these festivals every day. Sun's going to do the same as you...

I think that just this one festival has helped me understand a lot more about people!

So! There's no doubt that Sun's going to get her human form very soon!

Sunflower: Oh, really? I'm really looking forward to it!

Mountain Lily: I apologise for the inconvenience. Sunflower, do you have a moment?

Sunflower: Yes, what is it... Ah.

Casablanca: Good day to you. Are you enjoying the festival?

Helianthus: There's no need to ask about that! She was running around so flashily♪

Agapanthus: She has such an adorable form, but just like our country's World Flower, she has the courage to take on any challenge.

Sunflower: Y-your highness...! Ah, you're talking to Sun-sama... I'll take my leave!

Mountain Lily: What are you saying? If you're not here, we won't be able to understand her words.

Casablanca-sama and her cohorts wish to speak with the World Flower... They're relying on you to be the mediator, Sunflower.

Sunflower: Hieeee...! Y-yes! Understood!

Helianthus: We're sorry for taking up your time, Sunflower. We'll be sure to compensate you for this♪

Sunflower: N-no, don't worry about it! If there's anything I can do, then please feel free to use me!

Agapanthus: Fufuu, please don't go that far. We want to have a pleasant chat with you too, Sunflower-sama.

Casablanca: By the way, the main event for today is this festival. We don't have any intention of taking a long time.

This is our first meeting. World Flower Banana Ocean, Sun-sama. I am Casablanca – One of the candidates to become the next queen.

Sun: Casablanca! I know you! You're the one everyone depends on!

I see, so you're going to be the next queen...? Umu! Sun looks forward to it!

Sunflower: ... Is what she said.

Casablanca: Fufu, those are great words of honour. But I'm not the only queen candidate.

Helianthus: Helianthus is second in line for the throne! It's an honour to meet you♪

Agapanthus: My name is Agapanthus. I am extremely honoured to be granted this audience.

Sun: Hohoo, so you mean you're all in competition with each other? For the throne, I mean...

OK! Sun's going to join in this competition too!

Sunflower: Eeeeeh!?

Agapanthus: What's the matter, Sunflower-sama? What did Sun-sama say?

Sunflower: Eh, ummm... Sun-sama wants to throw her towel into the competition for the throne...

Agapanthus: Ara ara, that's...

Sunflower: That can't happen, can it...?

Helianthus: Ahahaa! It's fine, isn't it? I think breaking common courtesy will be interesting and flashy!

The idea that you don't have to choose a person as a queen doesn't really come up from the people...

Having a World Flower as a queen would be an occasion that would capture the conversations of the world.

Sun: Ooh, you guys are playing along! Sun almost always gets stopped when she says things like this!

Helianthus: What do you two think? Opportunities don't come like this every day?

I think that seeing as we have the chance, then we might as well see what happens.

Agapanthus: ... It's not like I can wholeheartedly agree to it.

I've made a promise to all the people who have built this country. It wouldn't be a good idea just to change all that at a whim here.

But... If we're talking about something that should be outright denied, then that's a matter for a series of discussions.

Casablanca: Umu. It would be one thing to have the sole excuse be that she's a World Flower, but if for her to qualify for fair competition, then there's room to discuss.

However... Please don't think that you can outsmart us so easily, World Flower-sama.

I was born a human and have always studied as a human. Don't think for a second that I intend to lose to you in the slightest.

Sun: Uhahahaha! It's fine, it's fine, you'll stand against me! You're definitely people of Sun's country!

So, how do we compete against each other? By racing? Dancing?

Helianthus: Ahaha, as expected, I won't be giving up the throne. The queen is the one who rules the country.

Stabilising daily life and developing the country. We must be able to do whatever we can to achieve this.

Casablanca: Politics, economy, industry, civilisation, culture... And above all, eliminating the pests that have threatened us for a thousand years...

There are still many issues that remain to be solved. Thinking of what you have to do when you're queen is part of the competition.

Agapanthus: In addition, the World Flowers can also attain human forms, right?

Of course we're ready to help wherever we can, so as your rival competitor, it's a pleasure to work with you.

Sun: Muu, muu... Thus has gotten really difficult all of a sudden...! But Sun will never lose!

I need to get my human form, solve all sorts of problems, and become the queen of this country!

Nana: ... Ah! Welcome home Mu-chan, Sunflower-san!

Sun: Umu! I'm home!

Sunflower: Well, I'll be going home too. I'll come back to meet you tomorrow morning.

Nana's Mama: Huh, so you're the going home type? Please stay with us tonight, Sunflower-san.

Sunflower: Eh? This is not good, it's all so sudden...

Nana's Mama: It's not sudden, and it's not bad. I've already made dinner for you after all?

No matter whether you're a Flower Knight, it's already dark outside, so it's dangerous for girls to go out alone.

Sunflower: Hmm... Got it! Well, I'll take you up on your offer today!

Nana's Mama: Yeah yeah, you should definitely do that. Nana's going to be really happy too, and I'd be happy if you played with her.

Sunflower: Ahaha. I'll try and play quietly, so that I don't cause you any bother.

Bathtime Sunflower: \\Banana Ocean!!//

Bathtime Sun: \\Umumu mu~~~!!//

Bathtime Nana: Kya~~ahahaa! What's that pose!? You're weird!

Bathtime Sunflower: One more time... \\Lakatan Beach!!//

Bathtime Sun: Umuu!? \\Mumumuu Muu~~!!//

Bathtime Nana: Kyaa~~!!

Sun: Stop that, Sunflower! I can't believe you had this kind of hidden skill!

Sunflower: You too Sun-sama, you're great at ad-libbing! There's no way I would have known that you would pull that pose!

Nana's Mama: You were having a lot of fun. I heard you guys from here.

Sunflower: Ah... S-so sorry! Even after I said I'd be quiet...

Nana's Mama: It's all fine. Actually, thank you. It's been a long time since I've heard Nana laugh like that.

I also want to thank you too, Muchan-sama. Please be friends with Nana as much as you can.

Sun: Umu! Of course!

Nana: Mu-chan, Sunflower-san, let's sleep together! Also, I want to read this book!

Sunflower: Yes, of course. Well, let's get in the futon.

Nana: Yeah! Mama, good night. Good luck.

Nana's Mama: Yeah, good night Nana. Try not to stay up too late.#

Sun: By the way, does your mama not sleep with you, Nana? I have a feeling that you're always apart.

Sunflower: Nana-chan, you don't sleep with your mother?

Nana: No. Mama's recently been studying until really late...

Sunflower: What's she studying?

Nana: She's studying to be a civil servant. There's a really tough test.

But it's been her dream for ages, so she's trying hard... I'm cheering her on and trying my best to not get in her way.

Sun: Nana's mama is a really hard worker! Amazing! Sun has respect for her!

Sunflower: She says its amazing and she respects her. I'm also cheering for her!

Nana: Thanks. I'm sure mama will be happy too.

I want to become smart like mama too. That's why I have to read a lot of books!

Sun: OK! Sunflower, please read this book thingy! Sun also wants to understand too!

Sunflower: Yes yes, umm... “New theories! Easy to understand Banana Ocean's folk tales”...

- A long long time ago, Banana Ocean was made up of many countries.

- Banana Ocean, Sol Feris, Fillia Thalassa, Glory Sun...

- Many countries were fighting over the World Flower, but they all united because of the evil deeds of the great witch Kirk.

- However, the true aim of the witch Kirk was to unite them all. She urged the people many times to unite in the face of the hardships that would come.

- Many countries came together under one nation. Because of that, many sacred trees were integrated into the World Flower.

- That's why the current World Flower Banana Ocean can produce many different fruits, even though it's one tree.

Sunflower: ... Eh, is that true?

Sun: Hmm... Probably! I get the feeling it was like that!

Sun and the others have been alive for a very long time and have seen many things...

I think it was just after this story that fully became conscious!

Sunflower: Fumufumu. So the formation of Sun-sama's consciousness was also influenced by the integration of these sacred trees...

Nana: Suflower-san, what are you talking about? Please tell me too!

Sunflower: Ah, sorry. *Explanation...*

Nana: Eeh, is that so! If Mu-chan says so, then this book must be right!

But... Does that mean that Mu-chan's a World Flower now, but she used to be a sacred tree?

Sun: Mu? What do you mean by that?

Nana: I wonder if Mu-chan's name of “Sun” comes from the country of Glory Sun?

Sun: ... Glory Sun...?

Sunflower: ... Glory Sun is a country that was destroyed by pests about a hundred years ago.

The witch Kirk's actions were about a thousand years ago, so that means that there wouldn't be any connection at all.

Nana: I see, so it's a coincidence. I thought I'd made a huge discovery.

Sun: ............?

- Known smells... Unknown smells...

- Wrong! I know this, this is all Sun's!

- ... But was I not Sun in the beginning? So when, how, and why did I become Sun...?

- How... I feel it was because of a promise... Sun has... I've forgotten that...?

- ...... Who...... Am I............?

Chapter 4 Sun's Blueprint[]

Chapter 4 Sun's Blueprint

- The next morning...

???: Uo~~~~!!

Sunflower: Nng... Noisy... Could you be a little quieter...?

???: Wake up! Wake up, Sunflower! Look at me! Look!

Sunflower: Nng... Haa~... I got it, I got it...

Sun: Are you awake, Sunflower? Morning!

Sunflower: Good morning, Sun-sama... Why are you so noisy...

... Huh? Sun-sama? Sun-sama... Right?

Sun: Umu! I'm Sun! There's no doubt about it!

Sunflower: Hmmm... So, this form is?

Sun: Human!

Sunflower: ...... Human............

Sun: Right? I woke up this morning, felt funny, so went to look in the mirror...

And this! Sun has gained her human form!

I'm sure it's all thanks to yesterday's festival! Sun has finally understood people and has become human!!

Sunflower: Human, eh... Well, that's true in a sense...

Nana: Good morning, Sunflower-san. Do we have a visitor?

Sun: Morning, Nana! Look! What do you think?

Nana: Eh? Waa!? S-so cute...! Sunflower-san, who is she...?

Sunflower: It's Sun-sama. Mu-chan, it's Mu-chan.

Nana: Eeeh, really!? Mu-chan's transformed!?

Sun: Umu! This is Sun's new form – The human form that Sun always wanted!

Thanks, Nana! It's all thanks to living with you, Nana!

Nana: I see... Mu-chan wanted to become a person. But your rabbit form was also really cute though...

I love the Mu-chan now too! This is great, Mu-chan!

Sun: Umu! Sun loves you too, Nana!

Sunflower: What should we do now...? No, there's no point in me thinking about this myself...

Sun-sama, I need to make a report today...

Sun: Umu! I'm going to go and brag to Belle and the others! I'll be going out for a while! See you~!

Nana: Ah, Mu-chan! ... She's gone.

Sunflower: She said she'd be going out for a while. I'm sure she'll be back soon, so don't worry.

Nana: Yeah... Is this Belle person a friend of hers?

Sunflower: I think so. I think she's probably another World Flower...

Huh? Nana-chan, you understood what Sun-sama was saying?

Nana: Yeah. It's not really understanding... She was able to talk just like the rest of us?

Sunflower: ... I guess that means she's progressing?

Common Zinnia: ... I see. Sun-sama had a form like the other Spirits...

Sunflower: Yes. But now she looks like a dwarf like human...

German Iris: Maybe from the perspective of a World Flower, we people are similar to Dwarf Spirits?

Common Zinnia: ... That might be her view of things. Especially considering the massive difference between our experiences...

But, Sun-sama and the others must be aware of this difference and are working hard to bridge the gap.

But I think they still need a lot more time. We need to believe in them and help as much as we can.

... Or something like that? Crown of Thorns-san, please check this.

Crown of Thorns: ... Yeah, no problems. Thanks, Common Zinnia-san.

I've been taking care of my own weapons ever since I got them, but having a pro do it makes it feel brand new.

Common Zinnia: It's the only thing that I'm good at. Everyone, please rely on me.

Sunflower: Fighting against pests has become a lot easier thanks to you, Common Zinnia-san.

German Iris: You really are a true hero. We can count on you.

Common Zinnia: That title belongs to Zinnia. She's the only person who deserves to be called that.

Well... It's about time I swapped places with Zinnia. She's about to go out on patrol around this area...

Crown of Thorns: Ah, so sorry. Could I talk to you a little more before that?

Common Zinnia: To me? Yes, what's the matter?

Crown of Thorns: I'd like to ask for your perspective, as a person who has lived in a different age than our own...

Why do you think only Sunflower-san was the only person who could hear the World Flower's words to start with?

To put in differently... Why was Sunflower-san the only one who could understand?

Common Zinnia: ... Do you have any ideas yourself, Sunflower-san?

Sunflower: Hmmm... I don't think there's anything special... To put it bluntly, maybe it was because I was the first person to touch to her?

German Iris: Does this mean that your excellent catching techniques made all of this possible?

Sunflower: Yes, there's definitely no doubt about that! She was a fluffy friend!

Crown of Thorns: As you can see, that's how she is...

Common Zinnia: I see... I can only come up with some basic ideas...

I heard that Sun received her name because of the sun. And sunflowers are flowers that always point towards the sun...

So that's why I think Sunflower and Sun could communicate with each other?

Because each of them have the ability to face each other eye to eye...

Crown of Thorns: ... I thought all engineers thought with pure logic, but you're quite the poet.

Common Zinnia: Eh? Ummm... Is that, not good...?

Crown of Thorns: No, it was more of a sense of familiarity. Like a kiss.

Common Zinnia: A-a kiss...!

... Ah, there's one more thing. This probably has nothing to do with Sunflower-san, but...

Doesn't Sun come from Glory Sun? Maybe if you asked the people from there, then you might be able to figure something out.

German Iris: Glory Sun... What's that?

Crown of Thorns: I'm sure it was the name of a country from ages ago. But now it's destroyed and gone.

Common Zinnia: Eh, is that so? So that's why I've never heard that name come up in this age...

Then that means it can't be related. It was a country that I never really knew anything about...

Sunflower: Well, it's already gone. I don't have anything to do with Glory Sun myself either.

Common Zinnia: I see... Excuse me. I got in the way with my half baked knowledge.

Sunflower: Ah, no! That's not what I meant! Please don't worry about it at all!

... Actually, the fact that it existed in your time, Common Zinnia-san, is a surprise.

Common Zinnia: That's certainly true from your point of view. How interesting.

Crown of Thorns: Right... So even you don't know, Common Zinnia-san. I'm personally very curious about this...

If you remember anything that might help, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Common Zinnia: Understood. I'll leave a message to Zinnia in our diary.

German Iris: As expected, the nice catch theory is the leading competitor.

Sunflower: Don't you mean the fast catch theory? It's all about first come, first served!

Crown of Thorns: Yes yes, let's leave that conversation for later. It's about time we went out on today's patrol.

- I don't have to remember.

- The rough and hard life, the days where I was beaten by my parents, the days when I was labelled as a loser and despised.

- As long as I keep a smile on my face now. As long as I keep believing in a bright future and moving forward.

- Smile. Smile. Smile. Smile.

- I'm the flower that always point towards the sun. All of my past... Forget all of it.

–Some days later, Early morning, Nana's house–

Nana's Mama: Everyone gather. Come and eat~

Nana: OK!

Sun: Ooh, this is amazing! It's a lot fancier than usual!

Nana's Mama: Ehehe. Something good happened, so we need to celebrate.

Sun: Something good? What happened?

Nana's Mama: Ehehe... I actually passed the first stage exam to be a civil servant.

Nana: Eh, really!? Mama's amazing! Congratulations!

Sunflower: Congratulations! That's great!

Sun: Ooh, Sun doesn't really get it, but you've accomplished something! Amazing! Great! Congratulations!

Nana's Mama: Ehehe... Thanks everyone. This is all thanks to your help.

But the real test comes next. I can't relax just yet!

Nana: It's mama, so it's all going to be fine! I'll help even more and more around the house!

Sunflower: I'll be cheering for you too! If there's anything I can do to help, then please ask me!

... But please don't push yourself too hard.

Nana's Mama: Fufuu, thank you.

Please don't hold back and eat as much as you want, Sunflower-san. It looks like you've been having a tough time of it too.

Did I hear right that the extremely dangerous classified pests have been making a resurgence?

Sunflower: Yes. My fellow Flower Knights and myself have to go on constant patrols.

There has yet to be any damage to human settlements, but everyone needs to be on guard.

Nana's Mama: Nana, make sure not to stray too far out of town. Make sure to properly listen to what adults and Flower Knights say to you.

Nana: Yeah, I'll be alright! If that happens, I'll be with Mu-chan and Sunflower-san!

Sun: Umu! Sun's a World Flower after all! I'll react immediately to any pest danger!

... Actually, I only have the power to fight if once I get a human form...

Nana's Mama: Ah, but, I love this form of yours. Your eyes are so big and you're so fluffy and pretty.

Nana: I think the rabbit you and the dwarf you are both cute too. So I look forward to seeing you as a person!

It's you, Mu-chan, so I'm sure it'll be fine! I'm cheering for you!

Nana's Mama: Muchan-sama has the soul of someone who's always improving, so I'm sure it'll happen soon. Fight on!

Sun: Nana... Nana's Mama...

Umu, you're right! It's not like Sun to get depressed!

I'm not used to being a person yet, so there's going to be lots of changes. If I keep trying this hard, then it'll definitely be fine!

Sun: Sun's definitely, absolutely going to be the first one to become a person!

Belle: I'm so sorry everyone. Forcing y'all to come out here just for my unveilin'♪

Sun: What, why!! Why did Belle get there first!!?

Belle: Umyaumya? What's this, this bird seems a mite familiar.

Peep peep peep. Come here little bird, land on my finger♪

Sun: Umumuu~~!!

Lilli: ... So we get to see Belle's smug look first?

Len: Belle-chan, so pretty... So cool...

Belle: Fufuu, thanks. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful form too, Len-hun.

Len: So kind too...!

Lilli: She's looking down on you, Len. That's a winner's line.

Belle: When compared to Sun-hun... Ara? Hasn't Sun-hun got here yet?

Sun: I'm over here! You should at least know that much!

Belle: Ooh, how frightenin'. I don't want to be pecked by that cute lil beak of yours.

What is this, fufufu. I though it would be tough, but it's easy to get along with even Sun-hun.

Anyway, I'd better get goin'. See ya'll.

Len: ... Eh? She really did call us out here just to show off her human form...?

Lilli: Only Belle would do that. She's going to be like that for a while...

Well, she did put in a lot of effort after all. She'll get bored of it eventually, so we'll let her have her fun.

Len: Y-yeah, you're right... Belle-chan looked really happy.

Sun: Umumuu! That Belle, that Belle! She was amazing! I'm so annoyed!

Lilli! Len! Sun's going too! I'm not going to lose to either of you~~!

Len: ... Hey, Lilli-chan. Why can't Sun-chan become human?

She's so straightforward, herd working, and will try anything as many times as it needs, all in order to understand humans...

Lilli: ... She's interacting with people as a matter of course these days... But Sun's a little special.

Len: Special... Is she different from the rest of us?

Lilli: Our consciousness is ours only. But Sun's consciousness is more like a “representative”.

As you can see, her World Flower isn't a single entity, but a conglomerate.

In human words, they call these long lived trees “sacred trees”, and they've entrusted their entire existence to the World Tree.

Len: Sacred Trees... So you mean children that can control Mother's power too, but not as well as us...?

Lilli: Yeah. Sun's garden has a particularly large number of sacred trees. It seems like that has also affected the distribution of power among the people.

Around a thousand years ago, the majority of that power was integrated into the World Flower. Apparently the sage who visited Sun's garden had something to do with it.

Which means... Sun is likely many people in a single body?

So does that mean that Sun can become human in the same way as we, who have only our own consciousness...?

Len: ... Sun-chan...

Sun: Haaa...

Sunflower: ... Ah, there there. Are you out for a stroll, Sun-sama? Did you think you could sneak out?

Sun-sama's stroll... Sun-san's-stroll!?

Sun: Sunflower... Even if it's hard to say, please say it to me without hesitation...

So... This form is... Not human, is it?

Sunflower: Eh... Well, no. Mammalia, Chordata, Artiodactyla, Bovidae, Bovidinae – You're a cow.

Sun: Umumuo~~! I've failed again~~!

Why though... How did this happen...? Sun is... Uuu, is Sun hated by people...?

Sunflower: Hmm... The problem is that you can't distinguish between people and other things...

Or maybe it's not that. If it's not that, then there must be some other...

Sun: Bloss admired... Win loved... And Belle had sadness...

Sun thinks all of you a amazing. I admire you, respect you, and want to be the same as you.

I love all of you people, like truly love. I want to laugh, sing, and dance until morning in the same way.

If you guys get sad, Sun gets sad too. I'm ready to cry together with you and overcome and any sorrow.

But even still... Even still, I haven't become human... Sun didn't have the qualifications from the start...

Sunflower: Sun-sama...

Sun: Thank you for everything, Sunflower. Thank you for going along with all of Sun's selfishness.

Everything... Was meaningless! Ahaha! Sun's just an idiot!

Everyone can do it easily... But Sun can't...

Sunflower: ... Banana!!

Sun: !!

Sunflower: Ocean!!

Sun: !?

Sunflower: Poooooooose!!!!

Sun: Umumuu~~!!?

... Wh-why Sunflower!? Why so suddenly!? Did you break!?

Sunflower: No, so it really was no good... I don't have any sense of magic or blessings...

No, I just didn't put enough spirit into it! Not enough for my feelings to reach the sun!!

Sun: What are you mumbling about, Sunflower!? Wait! Stop! Listen to me, stop dancing!!

Sunflower: Ba! Na! Na! Once more, ba! Na! Na! I can't hear you, ba! Na! Na!

Sun: I'm telling you to calm down! Nngmo~~~~!!

Sunflower: Goofuuuuu!!

Sun: Haa, haa... Have you calmed down...?

Sunflower: Y-yes... Your cow charge worked...

Sun: What the hell was that? You scared me all of a sudden.

... Were you trying to encourage Sun?

Sunflower: That too... But I wondered if I could turn you human using my power, Sun-sama.

Sun: By Sunflower's power? That's impossible. Sunflower's power is from the blessing of the World Flower, isn't it?

So that's a seed that Sun gave to you. No matter how much you've grown it, it's always basically going to be the same as Sun.

Sunflower: No, I...

... That's right. I'm just a basic, normal Flower Knight.

Sun: Mu? Why have you become so quiet all of a sudden...? If there's something you want to say, then say it!

Sunflower: No no. You wouldn't understand, Sun-sama. People are complicated and have their secrets. Especially when it comes to girls!

Sun: Mumuu, is that so...? This must be because Sun's understanding is still far too shallow...

Sunflower: That may be true. Maybe there's still some groundwork that needs to be done...

It's going to be a long road before your dream comes true, Sun-sama, but I'll always be there for you!

Sun: Sunflower...!

Sunflower: I-it's about time we went home, Sun-sama. If Nana-chan wakes up, she'll get worried.

Sun: Umu, that's true! I won't be able to join you in bed with this form, but I need to be at her side!

- ...... Ber... Remem... Ber.........

Sun: ...? Did you say something Sunflower?

Sunflower: Eh? No, nothing... Can you hear something?

Sun: Umu, I can hear... It's close... Really close... But I think it's still too far away...

- ...... Never......... Together... Forever.........

Sun: ... You're here, aren't you...? Who... Where... What are you saying...?

Sunflower: ... Sun-sama?

Sun: This is...

- ... Inside... Of me...?

Chapter 5 Promise[]

Chapter 5 Promise

- This is Sun.

- And this one's Sun.

- This one's Sun too, right?

- This one, this one, this one...

- All of it's Sun. All the same. There's no need to split them up. That's how Sun's made. That's what Sun is.

- So.........

- ......... What's ▓.........?

Gathered Flower Knights: *Whisper whisper* *Excitement* *Chatter*

Casablanca: –Ladies, are your blades and hearts readied? Today's going to likely be a hard battle.

I'm sure you all have heard of the large battle in Bergamot Valley that happened the other day, but today is the day that it comes to our country.

A swarm of pests has been expanding their range of activity little by little daily – We'll attack these guilty pests' queen!

Agapanthus: There are several orphanages near the planned battle site, but rest assured that they have all been fully evacuated.

However, let's try to reduce the damage to them as much as possible. We ask for support and cooperation from all squads.

Helianthus: We royal Flower Knights will also be involved, but treat us just like any other and blow these pests away flashily!

German Iris: Uooo, I'm on fire! This is going to be a huge battle~

Zinnia: Right! Everyone's getting really fired up! Let's get moving, Bang★Bang!

Common Sorrel: Hey, listen!? If you make a generous donation to the queen subjugation, then you'll receive special benefits!

Turep: Yes, but please don't go too crazy. I'd like for all of you to be active supporters, but...

Sunflower: If the subjugation goes well, then the safety of the surrounding orphanages will drastically increase.

Crown of Thorns: Yes, let's work hard to make that happen. Thank you for everything up until today, Sunflower-san.

Sunflower: No no, it's nothing! It's only natural for me to help as a Flower Knight!

Crown of Thorns: ... By the way, how did the World Flower get on after I left?

I heard that she has become all sorts of things apart from human, it felt strange at first...

But I think that an existence remains undefined and ambiguous is extremely dangerous.

Sunflower: Yes... Sun-sama's been pretty down recently, and has been doing all sorts of wild things...

But it seems like she often meets up with the other World Flowers in order to stop things like this happening... Or that's what I want to think...

Nana: ... Ah, Sunflower-san! Sunflower-saaan!

Sunflower: Nana-chan? Why are you here...?

Nana: What should I do Sunflower-san!? Mu-chan has, Mu-chan has run away...!

Sunflower: Eh?

Crown of Thorns: ... Is Mu-chan the World Flower? Please tell me everything that happened?

Nana: Ah, yeah. When I woke up this morning, I thought I'd make some breakfast for Cow Mu-chan. Then she suddenly turned into a dwarf...

When I asked what was wrong, she didn't answer me at all, then she was a rabbit, a turtle, a squirrel, an elephant...

In the end she became a little bird and flew off somewhere...

Crown of Thorns: ... Sunflower-san.

Sunflower: I have a really bad feeling about this... I don't feel like she's gone to meet the other World Flowers either...

I'd really like to go and look for her right now...

Crown of Thorns: All of the units are already starting to move out. We can use a messenger to ask for assistance.

The more dangerous areas have more people assigned to them, so we'll be sure to get some sighting reports quickly.

Sunflower: The problem is, what should we tell them to report about...?

Crown of Thorns: At this moment, anything that's not a pest. Let them make a judgement after they try to call out to her.

Nana: Mu-chan...

Crown of Thorns: It'll be fine, we'll find her soon. Thank you for letting us know.

Sunflower: Please go and wait for her at home, Nana-chan! We Flower Knights will definitely, absolutely bring her home with us!

Nana: Yeah... Thanks...

Pest: Guoooooo!!!!

Zinnia: You left your back wide open! Bang★Bang!!

Pest: Guoo, Gaaaa...


Zinnia: Oh, bad luck, my back's not open at all! Bang★Bang★Bang!!!

Common Sorrel: Uuhyaa~ that was amazing! How many of them could you take down alone...?

Turep: That's just like the Hero Zinnia, exactly like the picture books... No, she's even more capable than that.

Common Sorrel: Ah, this isn't the time to be awestruck! We need to make sure to properly support her!

German Iris: Will Sunflower-san, be alright? I'm a little worried...

Crown of Thorns: As long as she keeps mobile, she'll be fine. If she runs as a messenger, she won't get caught by any average pest.

But you need to focus on our battle line more than worrying about her right now.

Subjugating the pests and searching for the World Flower... These are both missions that we can't lose focus on.

German Iris: ... That's right. Protecting this defensive line will definitely lead the entire team to victory.

Uooo~~. My soul's on fire~~

Sunflower: Haaa, haa...I've gotten around about half of them now. When I reach the next squad, I'll leave the rest to the next messenger...

No, just one more, I can do it...!

Small Bird: Cheep cheep, cheep cheep cheep...

Sunflower: A small bird... what, a small bird...? That's a surprise...

Ummm, Sun-sama? Am I wrong? I'm wrong, aren't I?

Small Bird: Cheep cheep? Cheep cheep cheep......

Sunflower: ... Yeah, I'm wrong. Where on earth if Sun-sama...?

Pest: ............

Sunflower: Ah, pest!? Crap, I let my guard down... I'm all alone...

... Eh? ............... Could you be... Sun-sama...?

Pest: ... U...... Uu, uuu............

Sunflower: Sun-sama... You are Sun-sama? Sun-sama! It's me, Sunflower!

Pest: Uuu...... Uuuuu...!!

Sunflower: Pull yourself together, Sun-sama! That's not a person, that's a pest! Please change back!

Pest: Uuu, UUUU!!

Sunflower: ~~~, Didn't I just turn you to change back! Grrrrr~~~~!!!!

- This too,▓.

- That too, ▓

- Everything... ▓. ▓ am everything. Everything is ▓.

- So, ▓ can become anything. ▓ is anything.

- So... What is ▓?

- ▓'s... What is that...?

Sunflower: That's wrong. That's not a part of Sun-sama.

- ▓ isn't? So, whose is it? Whose memories of seeing the sea is this?

Sunflower: This is the history of Filia Thalassa. Of a country of people who wanted to have hearts as beautiful as the sea's.

And, this is Sol Felis. This one and that one... Woah, so many...!

- So many... Wh-what should I do... This is ▓, but ▓'s gone...

Sunflower: It's fine. There's even more to you, Sun-sama.

But this is all messy and confused. Why don't we try to tidy all this up for now!

- Cleaning up... So bad...

Sunflower: I'll help you. Let's work hard together, OK?

- Y-yeah... Got it, I'll try...!

Sunflower: Fuuu... Something like this?

- That's inside ▓...

Sunflower: Yes. But all of this isn't Sun-sama. Do you understand that now?

- ... From here, is ▓...

Sunflower: Yes, and?

- ... Until here is ▓...

- So...... This is...

: [This is... Me...]

Sunflower: That's right! This is Sun-sama! You did it!

I see... So that's how it is. This is why Sun-sama hasn't become a person...

Too much... You've been burdened with so much that your boundaries have become blurred...

Therefore it wasn't all able to fit in a container that was designed to be a complete individual. That's a pretty godlike reason for it.

But that's all fine! Well, Sun-sama, let's go home!

: [Not yet. I still don't know who I am... I have a feeling that there's something that I haven't remembered yet...]

Sunflower: ... There's nothing to be found. Didn't we just tidy everything up just now?

: [You are? What are you? So you're not either?]

[If you're not ▓... Then what are you?]

Sunflower: ... I'm Sol Felis.

: [That's wrong! I understand that much. You're neither Sol Felis nor Filia Thalassa.]

[Tell me, Sunflower. Who am I... Who are you?]

Sunflower: ......... I am............

I'm... Glory Sun.

Sun: ...... Glory Sun... Aah, I see... You're... A, aaah...

I see, so that's it! How could I forget! I remember everything now!!

Sun made a promise! That I'd take everyone with me!

That's why everyone came to be with Sun! I'll never forget, I'll never leave you, you'll always be with Sun!!

Sunflower: That's the convergence of the sacred trees.

The attempt that Sun-sama made to keep the sacred trees, which were disappearing for some reason, alive inside of her...

Sun: Umu! But because Sun's consciousness wasn't fully developed until now, so Sun never really understood...

But now I'm fine! All thanks to you, Sunflower!

Because you helped Sun learn, and you reminded me of Glory Sun...

Now Sun can proudly say that I am Sun!

Sunflower: That's because you worked really hard, Sun-sama. Congratulations, Sun-sama.

Sun: Fuufuufuu, well! Sun worked super hard!

Well, let's go back now, Sunflower! It seems there's a lot of stuff going on outside!

Sunflower: ............

Sun: ... Sunflower?

Sunflower: ... Are you going to take everything that's here? From her to there?

Sun: Umu! Of course I am! Sun doesn't want to forget anyone! I want to remember forever!

I made that promise to everyone! So...

Sunflower: ... Is that so? That's right... Yes, that's like Sun-sama.

But, please forget all about Glory Sun. Don't take it with you, please leave it here.

Sun: Sunflower......

Sunflower: It's fine now. You don't need it anymore, Sun-sama.

Sun-sama's formation of consciousness has been fully completed. Even if Glory Sun's memories are all lost...


Sun: I felt what you had inside of you when we were cleaning up. Bad things, sad things, so much of it...

Being born as a descendant of a destroyed country, poverty, mistreatment, so many things...

So you want to forget all of that? You don't want Sun to remember any of that?

Sunflower: ... Grr, it's fine if you never remember that again. Because I'm very happy now.

I'm me, the Flower Knight Sunflower who's living now! The flower whose smile looks like the sun!

All I want you to remember is this. Not that I'm a descendant of the Glory Sun royal family.

Sun: ... I love the Sunflower that's here now too. You're funny, weird, smiling, and always giving me a fresh experience.

So... there's no way I could forget. Hiding behind a smile is fine. But never pretend it never happened.

It's because of your past that you're here today.

Sunflower: ............!

Sun: I'm sorry, Sunflower. That I wasn't with you then.

Sun wishes she could have made you smile when you were suffering. I wish I could have sat next to you and chatted when you were feeling lonely.

But that never happened, and that's how you got so strong. It's not about whether it's good or bad, it's just how it is.

That's why Sun never wants to forget.

Accepting everything that happened and recognising it... Then being able to live together with everyone.

If you do that, then we can still smile! That's what this country – Banana Ocean's about, right?

Sunflower: Sun-sama...

Sun: Sun wants to know about you. To know about everyone. Please don't tell me something so sad like to forget.

Let's go! Sunflower! Sun will keep hold of your past and keep moving forward!

Sunflower: ...... Yes............!

Pest Queen: FuuuNNuuuuu!!!!

Pest Swarm: \\\NuNBaaaaa!!!!///

Casablanca: We finally cornered them, but...

Mountain Lily: You can't let down your guard now, Casablanca-sama. Cornered pests are the most dangerous.

Heliopsis: We are sending out reinforcement requests to all units. We'll just have to keep up the staring contest for the time being.

Helianthus: Hmm, that would be convenient for us. But these guys are full of energy... Look, they're coming!

Pest Queen: FuuuuNuaaaa!!!!

Pest Swarm: \\\NuNBaaaaa!!!!///

Agapanthus: Front lines, on me!! Rear artillery squad, make ready...

???: Uumumumumuu~~~~!!

Pest Swarm: \\\NuuuuNn!?!?///

Mountain Lily: Wha... What was that? It just stopped the pests' advance in an instant...?

Heliopsis: It wasn't any attack from our squads. That's...

Sun: Uhahahaha! Did you see that!? Sun's Golden Rotation! A Golden Banana Ocean Special!!

Agapanthus: That power, this feeling... Are you the World Flower-sama?

Sun: Umu! Thanks for waiting! Finally! Sun is! Able to show off her human form!

Helianthus: Ahahaa! That was the greatest, flashiest debut! Wonderful wonderful, it was so exciting!

... Aah, it really was exciting... It kind of feels like my power's increasing!?

Sunflower: It's Sun-sama's blessing! It seems like she can bring a Flower Knight's power to it's peak!

Casablanca: Fumu... With this we can continue the fight while waiting for reinforcements...

Sun-sama, I wash to borrow your power. Could you raise everyone's morale with your blessing and majesty?

Sun: Leave it to me! That's why Sun came here! Sun's Banana Ocean's World Flower after all!

Now, it's time to fight! It's time to party! Let's do it everyone! Let's get started!

Everyone, follow Sun! Meeting time~~!!



- The increase in activity of the pest queen that was causing trouble in Banana Ocean was successfully suppressed by the combined efforts of the Flower Knights from across the country.

- At the same time, the personification of the World Flower became widely known, and a grand banquet was held for three days and three nights.

- Then...

Sunflower: –and that's how the Flower Knights defeated the pests and protected the people.

The place where that country used to be no longer exists, and nobody left...

The World Flower will always remember that country, and all the people that used to live there.

The country loved by the sun – Glory Sun. These memories will be forever held in the heart of the World Flower...

... The end.

Orphanage Children: *Applause* *Cheering*

Turep: Thank you, Sunflower-san. You're very good at reading picture books.

Sunflower: Ehehe... Really? I don't really have much experience of doing this.

Turep: Well, you must really love that picture book. It felt like it had a special place in your heart.

In particular, you ad libbed a huge amount of the Glory Sun chapter. Do you know a lot about it's history?

Yeah, something like that! If you don't mind, then please feel free to call on me any time!

Common Sorrel: Really!? Thanks, that really helps! Just buying one picture book for us is quite enough!

Ah, you didn't buy this for us!? You only brought it in!!

Sunflower: Ahaha. I'm very poor too, so it's all I could do.

Crown of Thorns: We don't mind if it's the same picture book. Repetition is fundamental when reading aloud.

Also... The children's reactions today were all very good, so they're probably going to request it again.

Sunflower: ... Is that so? That would be a happy request.

Nana: Mu-chan, you're open! Water Splash Attack!

Sun: Mumuu! Good work, Nana! Now to get you back!!

Nana: Kyaa!

German Iris: It's so peaceful~... So transient~...

Sunflower: The Flower Knights keep on fighting every day in order to capture this fleeting moment over and over again...

German Iris: How deep... But that's the reason I feel a burning sense of purpose...

Ah, Sunflower-san. Are you finished with your errand at the orphanage?

Sunflower: Yes, everything went smoothly! I was so well received that they might call on me again!

German Iris: Ooh~, good job. Next time, I want to join you for a look~

Sunflower: Of course, of course! I'm sure all of the children would love that!

Nana: Welcome home, Sunflower-san!

... But, you're leaving again?

Sunflower: Yes. I still need to do my patrol for today. The big battle just finished, so it's only a light check.

Nana: I see. So that means you're heading out too, Mu-chan.

Sun: Umuu! We'll carry this on tomorrow! Be a good girl, Nana!

Nana: Yeah! Everyone, good luck with your job! Take care!

Sunflower: Yes, we'll be back!

German Iris: Thank you for your support. My soul's on fire again today~

Sunflower: ... Sun-sama.

Sun: Mu? What's up, Sunflower? Do you need the toilet before we go?

Sunflower: I aimed to become a Flower Knight in order to return peace to everyone.

In order to stop more kids like me and to save this world from the clutches of pests.

But... But is it alright if there are still kids like me?

Hardships, pain, sadness... If they can overcome all of that and still smile...

Sun: ... Sun, and this country will accept anything. It's not good or bad. Everything's just what it is.

It won't be left behind. I'll take it with me. Never forgetting. Remembering. Everyone... Everyone will.

So there's nothing for you to worry about! Just keep coming as you are! You should tell other people that too!

Then we can all smile together! And cry! And dance, and sing, and eat, and sleep, we can keep on living together!

Sunflower: ... Fufuu, understood. As long as I'm with you Sun-sama, then everything will be fine.

But you're so forgetful, Sun-sama! When that happens, I'll be there to remind you!

Sun: Umu! I'm counting on you, Sunflower!

- Sun has finally become a person! But there's still lots and lots of things I have to learn!

- About people. About Flower Knights, about all sorts... It's more like Sun's learning is only starting!

- And it will never ever end. As long as I'm with everyone, then Sun will keep on learning.

- Like the sun shining brightly, forever and ever... All so everyone will know that it'll be fine, don't worry!

(List of All Side Story Translations)
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