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Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 |
Title: The Star-Calling Witch's Successor
Synopsis: You can see them, can't you? All the stars floating in the night sky. It's precisely because they are out of reach that people pray to them and await salvation. –This witch has come from a shooting star that fell from the sky. The one who listens to your secret wishes burns bright until she burns out...
Chapter 1 A Mysterious Incident[]
Chapter 1 A Mysterious Incident |
Wounded Flower Knight: Haaa, haa... Why... How......!? Pest: GiiiAAAA!!!! Wounded Flower Knight: No, no way... I don't want to die...! I don't want to die, I don't want to die, I don't want to die, I don't want to die...!! Quickly... Quickly, somewhere far away... ???: You need to escape! ... Right. Wounded Flower Knight: ... Eh? ???: Good evening, Flower Knight-san. Are you well? Wounded Flower Knight: N-no... Not well at all! Please, help me! The pests will be here soon... ???: I see, I understand the situation. But isn't this a bit strange? Only Flower Knights can defeat pests. But you're a Flower Knight who's showing her back to the pests... Right? Wounded Flower Knight: Th... That's... ???: Don't worry, only joking! Sorry, I had to tease you. But of course, I'll save you. In fact, that's the reason I came to see you. Wounded Flower Knight: ... Who are you... ???: I'm a Shooting Star. A shooting star flying through the night sky, but... People call me a “fugitive”.
Sun: Ba! Na! Na! Ocean! Uhahahaha! It's Banana Ocean! We're back! We're home! Nazuna: Haaa... P-please wait, Sun-sama! There's no need to run around all over the place... Danchou: I feel unnecessarily tired... Sun: What's that? Both Danchou and Nazuna are super lazy... This is Banana Ocean! You need to get a lot more excited! Nazuna: I'd love to be more excited, but I'm tired from the long journey... Also, Danchou-sama might be different, but I tend to do desk work... Sun: Des Quark!? What's that, some kind of scary special move!? Nazuna: ??? Danchou: Anyway, let's walk at a more leisurely pace from now on. Nazuna: At last. We're in the city, so it won't be long before we're at the Knight Quarters. Once there, we'll listen to everyone and begin to organise the information... Sun: Muu~, I love to chat, but Sun wants to move around a little more... Ah, I know! A race, let's have a race! First one to the Knight Company wins! Nazuna: No, um, that's... Sun: What, are you really that tired? Or maybe... You're scared that you'll lose to Sun? Well, it can't be helped. Then why don't you face Sun in this form! So you still don't have any confidence... It really can't be helped! Sun's so sorry that she's too strong! Nazuna: *Grumble* Danchou: *Grumble grumble*
Sunflower: Fuu! Haa! Hoo! German Iris: Sunflower-san, are you training? In this doorway too... Sunflower: Ah, no. It's more like I'm killing time rather than training. German Iris: Aah, it's about time, isn't it. Sun-sama's coming here with Danchou-san. Sunflower: Yes! It's been a really long time since I saw Danchou-san, so I want to show him my cool side... Sun: Umumumumu~~~~!! Sunflower: That sounds like Sun-sama! German Iris: Why is she rolling here? Also, why is Nazuna running super fast? Sun: Umumumu~~!! Nazuna: Uooo~~!! Danchou: Judge! What's your decision!? Sunflower: Hmmmm... It's a draw! They're tied! German Iris: I only got to see the last part, but that looked like a heated contest. Sun: Haaa, haaa... You're actually pretty good! I didn't think I'd have to get as serious as I did! Nazuna: You too, Sun-sama, even when you're in that form... I-I tried my very best to keep up... Danchou: You both really tried hard... I'm impressed! Sun: Umu... Sun's impressed...! One more thing, I tried to get you guys to understand... Nazuna: Some kind of understanding that doesn't need words...? Some kind of feeling that only comes from competing with all your strength... Well, that being said, Danchou-sama looks completely wrecked. Sun: What, didn't he give up halfway through? That's putting it simply though! Danchou: ......... Shhh. Sunflower: Ahaha. Either way, thank you for your hard work! Welcome home, Sun-sama! Sun: Umu! I'm back, Sunflower! I took Danchou with me, just as promised! Sunflower: It's been a while, Danchou-san. Welcome back from the Outside World! It sounded like you had a lot of trouble. Please tell us all about it! German Iris: Well, I better call everyone here. Please relax in our meeting room for now. Nazuna: Yes, understood. Thank you, German Iris-san.
- The World of Flowers, Spring Garden. A paradise that was once promised eternal peace... - However, one thousand years ago, an evil being from Outside attacked this world aiming for it's blessings. - Their name was Aglessa. They were able to create monsters called “pests” by using a certain poison. - Then, Aglessa invaded, throwing Spring Garden into chaos, but... - At the same time, Flower Knights were born into this world and begun to counter-attack. - The battle between the pests and Flower Knights has been going on for a millennium, and there's still no end in sight... - But now, the Flower Knights have finally stepped into the Outside World. - All in order to find the source of the poison Aglessa used to make the pests and put an end to this war. - However, they were all reminded. - We were all reminded about how little we actually know. - The Outside World, Spring Garden... And all of the other mysteries that are hidden in this world. - Solving the mysteries of the world has only just begun...
Welwitschia: My my. It's been a moment, Danchou-sama. Did you enjoy your vacation? Nazuna: Welwitschia-san, are you already back at work? Welwitschia: Yes. I'm starting to get quite old now, but the maids helped me to recover. Besides, there's no other story that I've been waiting to hear as much as this one. The Ancient Sage of Banana Ocean – Could you be looking for descendant of the witch Kirk? Nazuna: Yes. I think you might have already heard, but in order to understand this world, and to fight against the Reality Changing Pests... We're trying to collect as much information about the Seven Sages that came from the Outside World a thousand years ago. Welwitschia: That's vital. As I thought, this isn't the time to be resting and relaxing. Personally, I've been chasing after these threads for a very long time, but having others joining in the investigation is... It feels like I've lived this long life in vain. Showy Lily: Please don't say it was all in vain, Welwitschia-dono! Water Dropwort: Your knowledge is going to be a huge help. It's going to be extremely useful. But... Just be careful that your passion doesn't drive you to doing this out of self interest. Welwitschia: You're so eager to learn, Water Dropwort. It seems you know a lot about my past. Yeah. I'm going to need a sharp and intelligent eye like yours keeping watch over me. This country really is blessed with quality Flower Knights. Water Dropwort: E-even if you praise me, I'm not that naïve...! Nazuna: Water Dropwort-san, your facial expression... Danchou: Anyway, what's the situation in Banana Ocean? Showy Lily: Yes! I'll make the report now! First, the best report of them all is the manifestation of the World Flower! Sun: Umu! That's Sun! I'm Banana Ocean's World Flower! Well, I might really be the real Sun or not, or more like Sun or not like her. Sunflower: We'll talk more about that later... Anyway, the World Flower here has managed to acquire her human form. Just like Bloss-sama and Win-sama, Sun-sama's amazing too! Get your hopes up, Banana Ocean! Sun: Umu, all we can do is hope! Haahahaha!! Showy Lily: Next, regarding the pest situation. Their numbers keep rising and falling, so it's as unstable as always... Thanks to Sun-sama's efforts, all of us Flower Knights can fight at our full strength and we're achieving clear victories! Nazuna: I see. So it seems Banana Ocean's in good condition! Water Dropwort: Yes. Overall, it would be safe to say we're cresting a wave. But, it's not like there aren't any problems. For example... These “unexplained disappearances”. Nazuna: Unexplained... Disappearances? Water Dropwort: Some of the Flower Knights who go on subjugation missions sometimes go missing. It's a little different from those who don't come back home. It's possible they're getting lost... Or maybe something else. Nazuna: Hmmm... I can't quite picture the full situation, but they're not simply just going missing, are they? Sun: Umu. Sun noticed a while ago that Flower Knights' presences were suddenly disappearing. Suns' blessing – Our Seeds of Power, don't usually disappear like that. When they die, their power gets scattered around the area. That's the natural flow of power. Nazuna: So you're saying... Danchou: It's not anything that's “natural”... Is what she's saying. Sun: Umu. Sun doesn't know if this is the work of pests, or some other cause. If it happened right before Sun's eyes, then I'd understand right away. Nazuna: Mumumu... Searching for the sage is important, but I'm worried about this too... Showy Lily: However, we don't have any conclusive clues about either of them, so we can just continue to steadily collect any information for now... Well, that was the situation until just a few days ago. Isn't that right, Welwitschia-dono? Welwitschia: Yeah, that's right. I found some useful information just the other day. Danchou-sama, everyone, do you know about the “Phos Alliance”? Nazuna: The Phos Alliance... Is that the same Phos Alliance of educational institutes? Welwitschia: Yes, that Phos Alliance. It's full official name is the “World Alliance of Knight Schools”. In other words, it's an organisation of educators who train Flower Knights, and connects the Knight Academies across the countries. Sunflower: ... Have you heard about this, German Iris-san? German Iris: Hmmm, no idea. I have a feeling that I have heard something, but...? Welwitschia: They're not the kind of people who show themselves in public. If you don't look into it, then it's the kind of behind the scenes group that only those involved know about. Nazuna: They have almost no direct connection to the Knight Companies, and never show themselves on the battlefield. Welwitschia: They're “educators” after all. It seems like they're looking at the “battlefield of the future” rather than today's battles. The idea being to create as many people capable of fighting with the same power as the original Flower Knight Phos. Are they really that devoted as idealists? They keep a low profile and primarily focus on world peace. Nazuna: So... Has this Phos Alliance found an important clue about the Sages, or relating to these disappearances? Welwitschia: Yeah, maybe just a step ahead. Sorry for the long explanation. Actually, I have a connection with them, as I'm good friends with one of the Vice Presidents... It could be that these two cases might actually be connected to each other. Nazuna: Eh...? The search for the Sages and these disappearances...? Welwitschia: Yes. Like bananas in a bunch. Sun: Even Sun understands that one! They might look different, but they're all bananas from the same bunch! Water Dropwort: Could you please get to the details sometime soon? What did you hear from this Phos Alliance Vice President? Welwitschia: Some guidelines and advice. They said it was only a gut feeling. They told me to “chase the shooting star.” |
Chapter 2 Chasing After Shooting Stars[]
Chapter 2 Chasing After Shooting Stars |
–Banana Ocean, Public Office– Banana Ocean Civil Servant: Thank you for waiting. This is the list of residents who have been reported missing. Showy Lily: Thank you for your hard work! I'll take it from here! Nazuna: Hmmm... At first glance, it looks like it's the same list that was published by the Knight Company. Water Dropwort: Is that so... But this one also includes civilians who aren't Flower Knights. Have there been any Flower Knights who have been reported as missing, but then were found recently? Banana Ocean Civil Servant: I looked that up at the same time, but there doesn't seem to be any information here... Water Dropwort: I see... I thought that one person might have made contact at least... Banana Ocean Civil Servant: ... So the Knight Company is looking into similar causes and incidents. Water Dropwort: Yes. Not all of them are connected, but many of them are. Nazuna: Sun-sama said the same thing too. That the method of the disappearances isn't normal. Banana Ocean Civil Servant: I see. Mu-chan-sama said... Pea: Ah, 'scuse me. I'd like to renew my travel pass... Banana Ocean Civil Servant: Yes, right here. Could I have your name and paperwork? Pea: Clan Faba's Pea. Here are my papers... Showy Lily: But Welwitschisa-dono is being mean too! It's like all she ever says are hints and riddles. Water Dropwort: It would have been different if it was just disappearances, but now the witch Kirk is involved too. That witch is unnerving... It wouldn't be a surprise if she was planning to outsmart us at some point. Nazuna: Hmm... She was very cooperative during the final battle against Hraesvelgr, and when we went to the Outside World too... But that might not be the case any more. Water Dropwort: You're too naïve, Nazuna. Her faith in Kirk is the real thing. It would be as simple as eating breakfast for her to use all that accumulated trust as a stepping stone! Nazuna: ... Um, Water Dropwort-san. Please tell me if I'm mistaken, but... Do you not like... Welwitschia-san? Water Dropwort: ... What nonsense. You underestimate me far too much, Nazuna. As a Flower Knight, I must treat everyone fairly and equally. Additionally, there's no way that I would consider bringing my personal likes and dislikes into a mission. Nazuna: Oh, I see. That's a relief... Water Dropwort: But, she's far too much of a maverick! I seriously doubt she has any loyalty to the Knight Company, or even the country. The ones who should be getting rewarded are the Flower Knights who have been working their hardest... Don't you think so, as Danchou's personal aide? Nazuna: Eh? H-huh, well... You see. Water Dropwort: Right? So no matter how much of an expert she is, it's debatable about how much heavy lifting she should be doing on this mission. I was one of the ones left behind when you went to the Outside World... Unlike you, Nazuna! Nazuna: Why is this spreading to me all of a sudden!? Danchou: In other words, you don't agree to this, Water Dropwort. Water Dropwort: Agree...? I see, so you've seen through me, Danchou... In fact, it might be the case that... Excuse me, it's not that I want to ignore my personal feelings. I'm not quite there yet... Nazuna: ... So this is the because of your strong sense of justice. You always stand up to things head on, Water Dropwort-san. It's true that Welwitschia-san has a rather unique background, but she's definitely not a bad person, and she's very understanding too. Danchou: But I would still like to hear your opinions and what think from now on, Water Dropwort. Water Dropwort: Nazuna, Danchou... Thanks... Showy Lily: Uuu... I'm moved by Water Dropwort-dono's passion for the Flower Knights...! After all, we have no choice but to solve these cases! Casablanca-sama's name is at stake...! Pea: I was starting to think there were deer in here with how noisy it's getting, but it's just a really cute girl! *Poke poke* Showy Lily: Hyann!? Wh-wh-wh-what do you think you're doing!! Danchou: It's been a while, Pea. Pea: Oh, if it isn't Danchou. You've gotten even more manly than before. Is it something to do with your face? Nazuna: If you don't see boys for more than three days, you need to see them with fresh eyes! Danchou-sama is growing day by day! Pea: Simply put, you're dealing with a lot of trouble every day? You must be exhausted. So, what are you up to today? Has another giant pest appeared somewhere? Water Dropwort: Actually, *explaining things*... Showy Lily: That's my line!? Pea: Aah, that's been quite the fuss lately. There's even guys in the clan talking about it. Flower Knight disappearances... It reminds me of the young lady... Nazuna: I hope they come back on their own, like Chickpea-san did... Pea: I know that it's wishful thinking, but do you think they can move by themselves like that? Hey, is that the list of disappearances. Hmm, There's a lot more than I thought... Hm? Water Dropwort: What's wrong, Pea? Pea: No... It must be my imagination... I saw this girl not long ago.
Civilian: ... Ummm... It was definitely around here... Merchant: Oi, madam! Over here! Civilian: Ah, yes! Excuse me, thank you...! I managed to get lost around here even though I made notes on my map... Merchant: This area's pretty confusing, isn't it. A store that was open yesterday might be closed down today. Civilian: It's that trading town feeling. It's so lively that the whole town feels like a living being. Merchant: Haha, that's an interesting way to put it. Where did you come from, madam? Civilian: Ah... Ummm, eh... Merchant: Aah, sorry sorry. We don't need to talk about that. Hey, look, this just came in this morning. I called you over because you said you liked it, madam. Civilian: Wah, thank you! In return, have this... Merchant: Thank you very much! Please come again tomorrow, and the day after too♪ Civilian: Lotus Route... A port town on the ocean... I thought things would be the same before I got here, but it's completely different. The smell, the temperature, the people, the goods, everything... ... I'll definitely be able to make it work here... Habanero: Excuse me, young lady. Would you be able to spare a minute for me? Civilian: Eh? Y-yes... Me...? Habanero: Yes, you don't need to be so cautious. I'm the military police captain Habanero, I'm not anyone suspicious. Civilian: Military police... Habanero: Hm, have I made you unnecessarily suspicious? But I just want to ask you a few things. You recently relocated to this city, didn't you? Civilian: ... Were there some problems with my application? Habanero: Problems... Maybe there are problems? Although that's not for me to decide. Even though everything was accepted by the fine civil servants at the public office, it's not like any of them have the eyes of a god. Conversely, those who have the eyes of a god won't ever become civil servants. In other words, the people who can make those decisions are... Extremely limited. Civilian: ... Um, what are you trying to say? If this is a recital for a play, then I... Habanero: It seems that your name, your career history, or both are false... Or so the rumours on the wind say. Were you not a member of the Banana Ocean Flower Knights before? Civilian: No, I wasn't. I've... Always worked at a bar in Lilywood. Habanero: I see. I remember that same thing was written on your documents. Civilian: Yes. So you must be mistaken about me being a Flower Knight or anything. Habanero: I see, I understand. Thank you for your time. Civilian: No, thank you. I'm happy that I was of help to the military police. Habanero: Hm? ...... Aah, you're wrong, you're wrong. It's not because you were of use to me, but you were of use to them. I told you right from the beginning, when it comes to this case, then it's not for me to decide. Civilian: Eh...? Sun... Sunflower-san...? Sunflower: You... It's really as I thought? You were enlisted in the Banana Ocean Knight Company... Water Dropwort: Yes, there's no doubt. That's a face I've seen countless times. Nazuna: So... Is this someone from the list of disappearances? Civilian: Why are you here... How was I found out...? Sunflower: Haaa, I'm just happy that you're safe and well! I've been really worried! Would you please tell me what happened? Either here, or somewhere quieter... Civilian: Y-you're wrong... I ran away... But, but... Danchou: Calm down. We're... Civilian: I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry... Sunflower: Wh-what happened? Why are you apologising so much...? Civilian: No, help me... Shooting Star! ???: The dazzling sunlight always dyes the sky a solid blue. But even though you can't see them, the stars are still there... Your beautiful Shooting Star. I shine day and night and will be a guide to your salvation. Habanero: Hooo... A spectacular entrance! She must be a well known and respected performer. Nazuna: What are you so impressed about? It was certainly a little cool, but... Water Dropwort: ... Where did you appear from? Did you just teleport? No, more importantly... Shooting Star? ???: That' right, I'm a shooting star. I can appear and disappear in an instant. Nobody can help but to miss me. Sunflower: Eh? Sh-she disappeared!? With that girl too... Water Droplet: Wait! We haven't finished talking... Welwitschia: – Catagura Puste – ???: !! Civilian: Kyaa!? H-how...? Why is everything all dark...!? Welwischia: That's because it's easier to see stars when it's dark. If you could see stars in the daytime, they wouldn't be as interesting, right? Also, I'm long sighted. Stop fidgeting so much and show me your face. ???: Witch of the Wilds... Welwitschia: Aah, yes. So it really is you. Everything that's within her heart is yours to toy with. I see, I see... So you're the culprit behind all of the Flower Knight disappearances. ???: Disappearances, culprit... Fufuu, you choose some strong words. If you use those kinds of words, I'm a villain, no matter what I do. Welwitschia: If you would prefer a different title, then I could take up my pen and make some corrections to the script. ???: It's fine, Ms.Welwitschia. I won't bother you with my selfishness. Anyway... Right now, my pen is much mightier than yours. Welwitschia: Eh? That's the first time I've heard that. It must be some kind of hallucination. ???: Don't worry. Your ears and your eyes are still fit and healthy. So you don't need to feel down. This is just because I've already fully grown. – Kiivi Asterio – Welwitschia: !! ???: See you, grandma. I can't take things easy like I used to any more. ... Please let “Sensei” know that too. I don't plan to come home, and I don't plan to change. Habanero: ... Is it over...? But really, that was a dialogue fit for a high quality play... Welwitschia: It wasn't the ending to my intended plot. Well, I can't claim my admission fee now... Danchou: Do you... Know her, Welwitschia? Welwitschia: Indirectly. Through that Vice President I mentioned earlier. Water Dropwort: In any case, I think it's about time you told us straight. Everything you know about her – about this Shooting Star. Welwitschia: Of course I plan to. It's apparent that I can't handle things on my own any more. That girl's name is Star Rush. She's an apprentice of one of my friends – She's a very talented magic user. |
Chapter 3 Crossing Paths[]
Chapter 3 Crossing Paths |
– Star Rush. She was once a Flower Knight of Banana Ocean. - She belongs to the World Alliance of of Knight Academies. She has been studying as an assistant under Moonglow, one of the Vice Presidents. - She often goes into the battlefield as an active Flower Knight, while also working as a teacher... - She continues to produce excellent results on both sides, and holds a very high reputation among everyone she's involved with. - But one day, she suddenly disappeared. - She has been deleted from records as both a Flower Knight and a teacher. The staff members who are in charge of her are also unsure. - Interviews with related parties have yielded no useful information. Contact with Moonglow, who seems to know the most about the situation is... Escallonia: ... Excuse me. We haven't found anything out yet. Nazuna: So it's even difficult for Deep Record to investigate the Phos Alliance...? Escallonia: We have some drafts. Even if there's a tiny entry point, then we can get in. However, wind cannot open a locked door. It's also difficult to enter secret rooms. ... The Phos Alliance has always been a public and open organisation. There has never been any need for us to approach them. If you carry out a poor investigation above what you've agreed upon beforehand, then all you end up with is a pointless chore. Nazuna: Is that so...? Thank you. Welwitschia: Saying that, this is a plentiful amount of information. But it's no different from what I already know. There are far too many unknowns about how she's involved in these disappearances... Judging from the other day, it doesn't seem like they're being forced by anyone. Escallonia: Yes. We still haven't found any solid evidence yet... Wouldn't the various machinations like the deletion of her registration have been done by Star Rush herself...? That's our current opinion. Water Dropwort: Hmm... It does seem to make the most sense, but we don't know the reason why. She had high social status, and worked smoothly. So why did she drop out? Welwitschia: No idea. It's hard to know what the elite think. What do you think, Escallonia? Escallonia: ... I don't have any personal opinions. I am but a blade for my master and organisation. Welwitschia: Fufuu. It seems like you also keep your secrets firmly locked away. Water Dropwort: ... You're being mean, Welwitschia. Aah, this is what I was talking about... Danchou: ... I'm curious about her reasons, but I'm also curious about her abilities. Escallonia: Her abilities... Star Rush is the type that mainly uses magic to fight. But instead of specialising in one particular type of magic, it could be said that she's an expert in all kinds. Nazuna: She used something like teleportation and was able to break through Welwitschia-san's restraints. I'm sure it's all down to her talent and hard work, but she must have had an amazing teacher too, right? Escallonia: Aah, no. That's... Welwitschia: Her teacher, Moonglow, had no talent for magic. Nazuna: Eh? I-is that so? If you heard that from your friend Welwitschia-san, then... Welwitschia: She's not one of my witch friends. No, in a sense, she's a witch friend... Moonglow was also very knowledgable on the witch Kirk. That's what we bonded over. We would exchange information, discuss, and she would even purchase my products. Escallonia: Moonglow's family history leaned towards magic users. She seemed to be the only one with no talent for magic. Instead... How do I put it? She was unrivalled in her strength with weapons. It is said that she could “smash” any pest with just a simple club, or even just by using her own body. Nazuna: ......... Welwitschia: There seems to be a misunderstanding in your image of her, so I'd like to add something for the sake of my friend's honour... Moonglow's greatest talent is as a teacher. She's amazing at training people. That's why she became a Vice President of the Phos Alliance, and why she works as the principal of a prestigious school. Water Dropwort: I see... I can understand why she was the teacher. So continuing about the main suspect, her apprentice Star Rush? Welwitschia: She was a good child overflowing with talent. Under Moonglow's tutelage, she progressed in leaps and bounds. Water Dropwort: ... So all of you magic users can do this if you have the talent and skills? Welwitschia: You really are intelligent. Your ability to notice things is strong. Actually, that's what bothered me too. May I ask you a question, Sun-sama? Sun: Munyaunya... Unyamunya... Sunflower: Sun-sama, Sun-sama. Wake up, someone's talking to you. Sun: Nhaa! Parfait! ... Huh? Where's the parfait?? Welwitschia: There's no parfait. I do have a banana though, do you want it? Sun: Yay! Yes please! Water Dropwort: Um, before that, your question... Welwitschia: That's right. Sun-sama, about that certain magic using Child of Man we met the other day... Can a person... Erase someone's Seed of Power, or maybe even take it or transfer it? Sun: Hm? Could they? They probably couldn't do something like that, maybe? Sun and the others can only give out Seeds of Power, and there's no way anyone would want others to be able to do anything with them partway through. Welwitschia: I see. So, no matter whether it's people or World Flowers, nobody has the ability to do anything with the Seeds of Power? Sun: Umu, so you don't need to worry! It's only you who can control your own seed... Ah, lies! I'm lying! There was once someone who could manipulate others' Seed of Power! That person was Kirk! When I first joined with everyone, they helped me! Sunflower: When all of the sacred trees were integrated? When those many consciousnesses gathered under Sun-sama? Sun: Umu! It's all a bit hazy, so I can't remember clearly... She managed to masterfully transfer Sun's power to move them and helped them all to become one with Sun! Definitely! Nazuna: So that's the ability of the Ancient Sage – Of the witch Kirk? Just like Sage Dyne had sealing techniques, and Sage Laeva could make aqua shadow knights... Welwitschia: I see... As this is the testimony of a World Flower, then we can be certain of it. If she had managed to reach that level of power by pure ability, then I'd have died of shock... But if it's because of an existence that I both adore and respect, then I have no choice but to accept it. Sun: What's that, what do you mean? Please say it in a way even Sun understands! Escallonia: Do you mean – The Star Rush is the descendant of the witch Kirk? Then it's no wonder that her abilities far exceed Welwitschia-dono's, even at such a young age. Sun: I see, that's what you mean! Mu? So does that mean that this Star Rush girl is the sage's successor that everyone is searching for? Welwitschia: It seems to be turning out like that. It's finally all connecting, like a bunch of bananas. Sun: I see... OK! Then we need to catch her right away! So you guys met her in Lotus Lake that one time, right? Water Dropwort: Yes. We didn't have time to properly talk before she ran away... Sun: What, so you guys didn't manage to catch her there? Come on, let's get her! Water Dropwort: It was an unexpected event, but it was worth it. Even though there were a lot of people in the city... Welwitschia: It can't be helped if she's Kirk. She was a witch who once took on multiple countries alone. Water Dropwort: It would be a problem to let her behave like that. Can we really continue to let her do what she wants? Welwitschia: Aah, but nobody said we were going to do that. I was saying that we're going to need to be properly prepared. Of course we already have the girls under Danchou-san's command, but would you please help us too, Sun-sama? Sun: Umu, got it! Leave it to Sun! Let's go and catch that Star Kirk girl! Sunflower: Star Rush, it's Star Rush. But, how are we going to catch her? We don't even know where she is right now... If she finds out that we're searching for her, then she'll run away before we find her, right? Escallonia: We'll be able to do something about that. We've already put things into motion. Sunflower: Eh, is that true? It seems like everything's under control... Escallonia: I'm just ashamed about the lack of information I've gathered. I've done all that I can for the moment. Her motive, goals and whereabouts are still unclear...But she'll come to see you in a few days.
Dear Knight Commander, Thank you very much for your valuable time. My name is Star Rush. I have become aware of some issues regarding the maintenance of world security, however they may seem minor. Unless these issues are resolved, they may begin to affect all involved. Therefore, I believe that it is important to quickly resolve these issues by building a cooperative relationship that will maximise mutual benefits. I apologise for the inconvenience, but I suggest that you meet me at the below date and location. .................................................................................
–The next day, Banana Ocean, Kirk Ruins– Welwitschia: Fufuu. As expected of Kirk's successor. This location is very convenient. Sunflower: The Kirk Ruins... I'm sure this area has a lot of traps in it. Nazuna: Saying that, you were one of the ones who found the Whale Ships blueprints here, Sunflower-san. Sunflower: That's right, that's right! Yaa, that brings back memories! Welwitschia: The witch Kirk was quite a collector of things. It seemed like she collected all sorts of things from treasures to ruins. So that's probably why you were able to find the Whale Ship blueprints, and I was also able to find my favourite magical tools too. Water Dropwort: It's good that you're in high spirits, but it's not like we're here for a picnic today. Where's Star Rush? She was the one who called us here after all... ???: I'm here, always have been. Just like a star in the daytime. Star Rush: Welcome, everyone. Thank you very much for coming out here today. I am Shooting Star, also known as Star Rush. From now on, you may call me... Sun: Oooh!? She just appeared suddenly! That's pretty amazing for a Child of Man! Star Rush: I am deeply honoured by your compliment. Umm, you are...? Sun: Sun! The World Flower Banana Ocean! Star Rush: Wow... You came too. This is an unbelievable opportunity. Water Dropwort: ... You say that, but you don't seem very surprised. Star Rush: Well, I'm still gathering information for the moment. I had heard the the World Flower had managed to take on human form. Water Dropwort: Even though you've gone rogue? Star Rush: It's because I've gone rogue. You can't survive in the world if you don't know about it. If you rely on a public organisation like the Knight Company, then you could probably survive without worrying about anything. Water Dropwort: ......... Welwitschia: It's been a while, though it hasn't. We just met not that long ago. Star Rush: Should we even count that? It was more like an unexpected accident... Welwitschia: But that doesn't change that we met. If you don't count it, then it means that your daily meetings are effectively zero. So, are we going to be able to talk today? Seeing as we got that love letter from you. Star Rush: From me? You say that... But you're the ones who threatened me, so I had no choice but to do it... How did you find me in such a short time? And all the children I “escaped”? Welwitschia: No idea? How did we do that, Danchou-sama? Danchou: That's classified. We can't say yet. Star Rush: Haa... I thought the only scary person to make an enemy of was my teacher... But I'm still a baby star. It seems like I underestimated this job a little too much. However... You don't seem like a heartless judge. Am I still right in thinking there's still room for negotiation? Danchou: Of course. That's why we came here today. Star Rush: Fufuu. Thanks. I really hope you don't become my star of hope... Well, it would be unwise to talk at length here. I have prepared a reception room, so please let me show you there. Welwitschia: Ooh, a reception room? Is there such a place to fit that description in these ruins? Star Rush: Maybe it's a place only I know of. It's a secret room that's not only crime proof, but also extremely comfortable. Welwitschia: Eeh, that's very interesting. I'm most happy to have been invited. Water Dropwort: Before that – Before we sit down and talk calmly, let me make one thing clear. Star Rush... What on earth have you done? What were you thinking and what did you do to cause those Flower Knights to disappear? Star Rush: ... It's just a small wish. I was the shooting star that granted it. I just give the Flower Knights who wish “I don't want to fight any more” a chance to escape that fate... |
Chapter 4 A Soundless Voice[]
Chapter 4 A Soundless Voice |
–Kirk Ruins, Hidden Reception Room– Sunflower: Wow, what a stylish room!! Nazuna: I remember seeing some furniture that should have been in a study, but this is... Star Rush: I sometimes use this place as a hideout. It might be a little dusty, but please take a seat. Welwitschia: You moved into the Kirk Ruins? I don't know if I should be jealous or angry... Either way, you probably have the right to. Star Rush: ... Aah, I see. I get the feeling you already know then... Either way, let's talk about things step by step. I answered your questions earlier, so now it's my turn to ask. How did you find out about the girls I escaped all over the world? Danchou: We had the help of Deep Record. Star Rush: Deep Record...? So are you trying to say that they know everything from the number of people's underwear to state secrets? Haa, I never expected to be deflected with a joke from the start. They're just an urban legend, they don't really... Nazuna: No, they're not an urban legend. Deep Record exists. We have connections to Deep Record, and so we were able to find things out through them. Star Rush: ... Really? Welwitschia: Really. So it wasn't magic. The missing person we found in Lotus Route had used a false name and history to register there. Their investigation led to that information being shared with us... Oh it's really strange that everything has been revealed in just a few days. Furthermore, the disappearances weren't just limited to Banana Ocean. Star Rush: ... Everyone was very upset. I suddenly started receiving several letters under my former name. Welwitschia: Everyone started asking for your advice, and so you panicked and sent a letter to Danchou-sama. Star Rush: It's necessary for shooting stars to receive after care. Because of that, I've been really busy lately. Water Dropwort: ... What do you mean by “shooting stars”? You said earlier that you helped the Flower Knights who wished they didn't have to fight any more to escape... Star Rush: That's the explanation. There are Flower Knights in this world that want to quit. Because of a fear of pests, because of the feeling that their life is in danger, because they want a different life, because their friends died, because their parents are crying, because they don't see the point any more... But they can't say that publicly. The public have high expectations of the Flower Knights, so it makes it hard to say. Water Dropwort: ... There are long established rules for retiring. If they followed the proper procedures, then they can leave honourably. Star Rush: There are those who can do that. There are those who can't. When peoples' hearts become weak, it becomes difficult to do things properly. “I have become so weak that I can't respond to what's the right thing to do... I might be wrong, so I don't have a right to give my opinion...” They begin to tell themselves that, and those are the ones I help. I listen to the voices of the girls that can't speak and help them escape. I find the voices that can never be heard by those who are pretending to do things right. Water Dropwort: ......... Sunflower: Umm... It's true that the number of Flower Knights who have disappeared in Banana Ocean have disappeared while on subjugation missions is high... Does that mean that you call out to them when they're on the battlefield, Star Rush-san? Star Rush: Mostly. It's easy to hear their true feelings when they're on the battlefield, when they're isolated from their allies and superiors. I listen to their problems, and if we negotiate a deal, then I help them escape. Sunflower: So that's why you say “escape”... Star Rush: I change their names, create a new identity, prepare a background, and make arrangements for them to live in a another country. Public organisations, acquaintances, even family members if they wish... I make it impossible for anyone to find them. But then an urban legend has to become an obstacle... No, I was just too naïve... Sunflower: It's not just that. It's not because you manipulated their public information... You steal their power as Flower Knights to the point that even the World Flowers can no longer track them. You're using the power the witch Kirk – From one thousand years ago. Star Rush: Deep Record has that investigative ability? Actually I wouldn't be surprised any more if you all said you got to that conclusion by yourselves... I've already been found out, so the negotiation card I was planning to use from the beginning will have to... That's right. I'm her successor. Of the ancient sage – Banana Ocean's witch Kirk. Sunflower: ... Sun-sama. Sun: Hm... I think that's not right! I can't really say why, but something doesn't feel right! Are you really a Child of Kirk? I get the feeling that your power and your shape don't quite match. Star Rush: I see, as expected of a World Flower. I admire your wisdom. Sun: Admire my wisdom??? Sunflower: Isn't that amazing, she's impressed! ... Maybe? Sun: Ooh, I see I see! Sun's amazing! I can't even lose out to Kirk! Star Rush: I am the legitimate successor to Kirk's legacy, but I share no soul nor blood connection to her. That's why it's a little wrong, and I don't match... Or so I would think. Sun: I see. I don't really understand it, but people are very skilled! Welwitschia: I see, I see... I see, I seeeee. Ah, now a lot of things make sense. Who did you inherit this from, and why did they decide to choose you...? No, in other words, it was either through surveillance or selection. By one of the witches who are obsessed with Kirk. How frustrating. Her youth and talent... Instead of me, it was her who was chosen. Star Rush: ... To answer that “Who?” question, I have no comment. Feel free to guess wildly at that. Welwitschia: Hm, I see. The conversation is getting off track. Water Dropwort: ... Sun-sama. Is this alright? The Seed of Power that are the blessings of the World Flowers – Is it acceptable for human to manipulate the very essence of Flower Knights as they see fit? Sun: Even if I allowed you, it's not like you could have ever done it. Now that you can do it, even if Sun says to not to, you still will, won't you? Also, Sun can't be the judge as to whether it's a good or bad thing. That's for all of you to decide. It's not like it's impossible for Sun and the other to decide, but this is already a “world built for you”. So it's for you to discuss! No matter what you decide, Sun will accept it fully! Water Dropwort: ......... Star Rush: Fufuu, thank you. I cannot help but feel deep gratitude for the fair and just heart of the noble World Flower. ... But well, don't worry. My suggestion definitely isn't a bad one. Nazuna: ... We're listening. Star Rush: My suggestion – If there's something that you want me to do, then as the successor of the Sage Kirk, I shall fully cooperate. Pest subjugation, Kodaibana's recovery, investigating the Outside World... I hear that you've been dealing with the Reality Changing Pest recently too? Although things are like this now, I used to be an obedient and reliable worker. I'll do everything I can to the point that my body destroys itself. Nazuna: ... It's far from being a bad idea, it's actually a better suggestion than I could have ever imagined. So, what do you want in exchange, Star Rush-san? Star Rush: In exchange – You overlook my shooting star work and allow me to continue doing it. I don't need any support or consent. Just that you tolerate it. Danchou-san – I expect that you will be able to do that. Danchou: ... So that's why you addressed the letter to me. Star Rush: Yes. I've heard all of the rumours, anecdotes, and heroic tales about you. You belong to the public organisation that is the Knight Company, have achieved many results beyond expectations, and have contributed to world peace. On the other hand, you're being pushed quite unreasonably. Sometimes to the point that it calls into question your loyalty to the Knight Company. But I... Feel your love for the Flower Knights at the root of all that. You value the Flower Knights themselves above all else. Both obedience and selfishness can be found in the hearts of all the Flower Knights. You can make this decision on behalf of the Flower Knights, even though it's one a public organisation would never take responsibility for, right? So... I hope that you can involve those around you and make everything happen. Nazuna: Danchou-sama... .................. Danchou: I'm sorry, but I can't tolerate these shooting stars. Star Rush: .................. I see. I'm a little... No, honestly, I'm very disappointed. I thought that you were the one... But it seems like it was only my unrequited love. In the end, you're still one in the position of prioritising what should be common sense for a Flower Knight... Danchou: I always with for the Flower Knights' happiness. What I'm worried about is what happens after they escape? Star Rush: Eh...? Danchou: I want to hear what they have to say now. To see whether there is a voice that neither the Knight Company nor the shooting stars can hear. Star Rush: ... A voice that even I can't hear...? Nazuna: ... What Danchou-sama can't agree to is they way it's done. I don't think that he's denying what you think or feel, Star Rush-san. For me, all I can do is hear and imagine the thoughts and worries of every Flower Knight... Three people working together is stronger than two, two are stronger than one... Wouldn't you be happier if there were more people to help? Star Rush: ... You say you're going to help find a different way for the shooting stars. That's... What trust is all about... Water Dropwort: ... Are you dissatisfied in some way with the Knight Company, or even the Phos Alliance? What happened... What motivated you to throw away your respectable social status? Star Rush: ... If this was a world where you could say that from the very start, then I would never have become a fugitive. Especially... When it's something stronger people like you could never understand. Water Dropwort: Y-you shouldn't give up on understanding from the start! I'm just...! Wh-what... What's with that reaction!? Sun: Ooh, this feeling... It's Kirk! It kind of looks a lot like the movements of Kirk's magic! Sunflower: What do you mean “kind of”!? Is this a bad thing!? Welwitschia: There's no need to get upset right now. We knew that she had this in her from the start. The date, time, location, the number of people... She specified everything in order to maintain an advantage in negotiations. Star Rush: Th-that's wrong! I'm not...... Kirk............!
Star Rush: Thank you for your lesson, Sensei! These are today's reports. Also, I've finished preparations for tomorrow's curriculum. Please take a light check over of things and get some rest. Moonglow: That really helps, Star Rush. I think you're more than worthy of being called my right hand. But, you need to get some rest too. I'd be in trouble if my right hand suddenly went numb after all. You were a Flower Knight before you were a teacher... A thing where you truly risk your life, right? Star Rush: Yes. I'm also a proud member of the Flower Knights... We are prepared to protect as many citizens as possible. I too will risk my life to fight, just like those girls who saved me in the past! Students: Ah, Star Rush-sensei! Hello! Star Rush: Hello. Are you doing free training again? Students: Yes! We want to become as strong as you as fast as we can, Sensei... I want to kill pests with my magic too! Zap zap! Star Rush: Fufuu, I'm looking forward to it. But please don't be too hasty. You all still have plenty of time. Learn as much as you want and find your own limits of strength. Students: [[[Yes!]]] Townspeople: Ara, Star Rush-san! I didn't expect to see you here... Are you an active Flower Knight, as well as a teacher at a prestigious school? You were proposed by principal Moonglow to... You're Banana Ocean's star of hope. I'm so proud to have been born in the same time and country as you♪ - My family was killed by pests when I was very young. It was a disaster that happened at a picnic that was a fun tradition of ours. - Luckily, or maybe unluckily, I was rescued by some Flower Knights who made it to me in time. I still remember the stars whispering to me the way to escape. - After that, I was put in an orphanage, but I then scored unusually high on a some kind of test of magic or intelligence... - So I was taken away by Moonglow, the principal of a prestigious Knight Academy. - I admired the Flower Knights. They were my life's hope. - If I could be like those girls who helped me when I was young, and in turn be able to help the young like me... - It was my destiny to become a Flower Knight like that... Or so I believed.
Battlefield Flower Knights: Situation report! The battle is going poorly, there are too many enemies! The reinforcements will be here shortly! Star Rush, your orders? Star Rush: Maintain the front lines! The evacuation of the villagers is almost complete! It's tough, but it'll be fine. There's no way we Flower Knights can retreat now! Battlefield Flower Knights: \\\... Roger!!/// Lieutenant: Thanks, Star Rush... If it wasn't for your decisiveness, the front lines would have collapsed long ago. Star Rush: Thank you too. But you don't need to worry. Because we're all strong Flower Knights. Not just when it comes to our fighting ability, but in our hearts too. That's why even if I didn't order them, they would pick themselves up on their own. Lieutenant: ... Yes, right... Star Rush: But this situation really is a tough one. I understand that feeling of wanting to whine. The front lines are all on the defensive and there's no opening for counter attack. If I didn't know reinforcements were on their way, I would... Heavily Injured Flower Knight: Th... They're not coming... The Reinforcements... First unit is... Has been delayed... Lieutenant: Eh? What... Ah, your wounds!! Heavily Injured Flower Knight: It's fine... I understand I can't be saved any longer... But... I could deliver my... Star Rush: ... At least allow me to give you some token treatment. It's the most basic respect to give someone who fought as honourably as you. Heavily Injured Flower Knight: That was... Really cool... But I... ... Listen... The Southern Tunnel has collapsed... That route is no more... The pests ambushed... Lieutenant: ... But, those wounds... The Southern Tunnel was the route that the reinforcements were going to use... Star Rush: ... Wait a moment. How do you know this? The Southern Tunnel is quite a distance from the battlefield. There's no way you could have gone to see... Heavily Injured Flower Knight: ... I ran away... I... I wanted to be saved... To quickly provide support... I'm sorry... I selfishly... Independently... Then... I was beaten down...... Aah... But... Like this... I don't want to ■...... Yet......... ..................... Star Rush: ... You ran away? Even though you're a Flower Knight? Why, the villagers still need rescuing...! Lieutenant: Stop it Star Rush. She's already... Star Rush: ... She was lying, right? Why is all of this happening? Flower Knights are... Prepared to lay down their lives in order to protect the people, and to maintain world peace... Right? Lieutenant: ... That's what everyone like to believe. That's also the philosophy of Moonglow-sensei, whom we all deeply respect. But, Star Rush. You need to remember... You're in a much higher position than everyone else right now. People are different. There are no two people who are exactly the same. Everyone are their own selves, and nobody thinks exactly the same. Flower Knights are the same. They all may say the same things... But they all think differently in their hearts. Star Rush: ... What did she say in the end? Lieutenant: Didn't you hear? In the end, she...
Moonglow: ......... Star Rush: You must be tired, Sensei. Thank you for all your hard work today. Moonglow: Aah, Star Rush. The same to you. I made the right choice in selecting you for the rescue mission the other day. You carried yourself well in such a dire situation. Star Rush: Thank you... However, it did make me realise my own lack of ability. I was able to succeed in the ultimate goal of rescuing the villagers, but the delay caused to the reinforcements and the heavy damage dealt to my allies were the results of my inhumane decisions. Moonglow: ... It looks like you've grown significantly. You've already learned something from that pain and failure. But don't let that rot your heart. You need to learn to take control of that anger and sadness if you wish to continue to grow. Star Rush: ... I don't think I'll be able to reach that level for a while yet. Moonglow: You're still young. Not like me at all. Yes, that's fine. Please keep in mind how you feel right now. It's probably no comfort to you, but... Let's mourn our fallen heroes tonight. Star Rush: Heroes... Moonglow: Yes, they're heroes. A toast to the heroic Flower Knights who sacrificed their lives in their mission. Human life is short... It was those girls' wish to use theirs for the sake of world peace. Star Rush: ... Their wish...? Desires... True intentions... Belief, destiny... Moonglow: ... Star Rush? Star Rush: It's wrong... It wasn't their wish at all. Because, those girls... - “Didn't you hear? In the end, she... - Said she didn't want to die”
Nazuna: ... Sama... Danchou-sama! Are you alright, Danchou-sama!? Danchou: This is... Sun: Ooh, everyone's waking up! I was getting worried! Sunflower: This is the reception room from before. Danchou-san, Water Dropwort-san, Welwitschia-san, and even Star Rush, you all suddenly lost consciousness... Sun: We knew you were still alive, so Sun and the others were taking care of you. Then, you all woke up! Well, that Star Rush girl woke up a little sooner, and disappeared without saying anything... Water Dropwort: Just us... So, did you see that too, Danchou, Welwitschia? Welwitschia: It was... Star Rush's past, right? Perhaps it was because of Kirk's magic. It didn't feel like it was Star Rush's true intention, so maybe it was the cause of Kirk's soul...? Danchou: It feels more like Star Rush now though. Water Dropwort: Yes. Whether it was by chance or necessity, we got to see that... To know that. We absolutely... Can't leave it at this. |
Chapter 5 Weaving Stars[]
Chapter 5 Weaving Stars |
- Dear Shooting Star, I can live every day happily thanks to you. I was able to escape from that heavy and painful environment and now I can enjoy the refreshing breeze... It's fun. There were so many things I couldn't experience before, but now I can enjoy them little by little each day. I'm so happy to realise that there's so any things that I can do... I really am thankful for your help when I escaped! But... But I still feel a little uneasy. Even though the days are a lot quieter than before, a quiet buzzing continues... Even though I quit being a Flower Knight and can now live a very very peaceful life... Why does this feel wrong...? I have a very strange feeling about this...... It's so obvious. I already knew it. It's because we were the ones who kept this peace... Shooting Star. Our shooting star. I was selfish. I am aware this is a breach of contract. But even so, if I'm forgiven... No, even if nobody forgives me... I'm still a Flower Knight...
– So, what should I do? ???: The results of your fledgling business are excellent. But it doesn't seem like everything's going smoothly, is it? Star Rush: ... Everyone's different. Nobody's completely the same. Everyone is themselves... Nobody thinks exactly the same. ???: Ara, that sounds like a line I heard recently. Star Rush: Didn't I often say that exposing people's memories without permission... Is a lot more embarrassing than being seen naked? ???: In the first place, don't the people of Banana Ocean have some resistance to being embarrassed? So what are you going to do? Keep on going like this? Or are you going to quit? You've been able to use your know how to do basically anything you want, but... You must have realised it by now? The essence of your strength isn't based on arbitrary decisions or self-fulfilment. Star Rush: ... Your teachings are too vague. Just “be friends with everyone” is... ???: Because that's all you need. I learned all the most important things in life from bananas! Actually, you can't thrive alone for very long? What would happen if you died? Moonglow-chan understands this perfectly, but... That girl never once had any talent for magic. Star Rush: ... I know that. I knew that. That Sensei and the rest of the world have far better ways to do things. It's not like I'm the only one in society, I can't do everything by myself, and my thinking and perspective have been narrow... But there were things that they couldn't have done if they never got out. There are people who would never have been able to be saved if they were just normal members of society... ???: Hm... I see. Not everything that you have done has been for the worse though, Star Rush-chan. So! What will you do!? It's the third time I've asked, so it's time to decide! What I like the best about you, Star Rush-chan, is that when you put your your mind to something, you make things happen. Moonglow-chan gets away with using words like “youth”, but it's not that, it's your “strength” Star Rush-chan. Star Rush: Maybe she just can't stand it? ???: It doesn't matter. What's important is that you take action. So, let's mark that paper! You should be good at that as an ex-teacher, right? You thought this, you tried this, then that happened... What went well, what went poorly, what should be done next? This kind of reflection is what we call “growth”. Magic research is exactly the same, isn't it? Star Rush: ... I went out. It was the right thing, but it hurts now. Maybe it's because my heart's too weak... ???: It's hard to notice things alone, and even harder to recover by yourself, right? So come and dive into my arms! Accept it with a boom♪ Star Rush: ......... ???: ... Is what I want to say, but whatever. I've already lived my life in a previous age. ... It's about time you woke up though, Star Rush-chan... This loneliness... Properly...With people in the same age.........
Star Rush: ... It's a beautiful starry sky. It has never changed from that time I saw it before... Let's put an end to this for today, well... It's not so bad. Danchou: Star Rush!! Star Rush: Yo, Danchou-san, everyone. Isn't this a bit late? No... Should I be surprised that you found me? Sun: It's because you feel pretty unique! I only felt it once, but now I can easily easily find you anywhere! Sunflower: Star Rush-san. Can we have another chance to discuss things again? Star Rush: Understood. I came here to be captured. In order to put an end to these disappearances. ... If negotiations had been concluded at that time, I would have probably bound you to a magical contract that was advantageous to me... But now all that has collapsed, all I have to do is disclose their personal information. At this point, I can't keep on running away for long. I'll take my punishment quietly. Welwitschia: ... You say this, but you're still hiding something up your sleeve... You don't need to reveal what it is though. Water Dropwort: Star Rush. I'm definitely not saying we're the same as you... But we all started in the same place. Star Rush: ...? Water Dropwort: When I was young, I went on a stupid adventure to the Western Wastelands with my friends – We got lost near Kodaibana's border. We were all ready to die, but we were saved by strong and brave Flower Knights – It was the Knight Company. We were moved by the vivid light that tore through the darkness of despair, that we too started aiming to become Flower Knights. Star Rush: ... It's a common story in this world. We educators often hear it. However... Water Dropwort: But what were those heroes thinking as they fought? I have no idea. In reality, they were probably more afraid than we were. They might have not wanted to fight and planned to quit the next day. Star Rush: ...... Water Dropwort: They didn't say anything... They couldn't, nobody will ever know those feelings. You wanted to know those feelings so gave up your position. So that you don't miss the creaking of small gears being drowned out by the smooth turning of the larger gears. Star Rush: ... Apparently, it was worthwhile to have my most private parts exposed. So, can we conclude our negotiations? That you understand my philosophy and will continue to allow my shooting star work. Water Dropwort: No, not that. Unfortunately, we can't allow you to continue like this. Star Rush: ... So, what will you do? So in the end, Flower Knights' true feelings really should be suppressed? If you came all the way out here to tell me that, then I... Water Dropwort: We'll incorporate it into public initiatives and create a system so that your wish can become as true as possible. This is just a suggestion, so nothing has been drafted yet... But if everyone continues to work together, then something will happen. No! We'll show you! Won't we, Nazuna! Nazuna: Yes! It's time to show my full desk work potential! I'll even shoot Des Quark waves! Star Rush: ... That would mean changing the whole system? That's insane...? That sounds even worse than overlooking my selfishness? Rather, you will all be the centre of attention... Water Dropwort: We're aware of that. We understand the situation. Star Rush: No, you don't know anything. My philosophy conflicts with the common sense of the world. That means that it won't be only the Knight Company – But you'll be in conflict with Moonglow-sensei, and the Phos Alliance too. You don't know what that means... Welwitschia: Well, then I'll have to do my best too. It's not like I don't know who she is. Star Rush: ... If she knows that I'm somewhere in the back, then you won't be able to do anything. Ever since that day, me and Sensei have... Welwitschia: You split up after a fight? Fufuu, then it seems that you do have some courage too. But even with that included, we're telling you it won't be a problem. Me, everyone, and Danchou-sama too. Star Rush: ... Why... Why would you go this far...? Up until now, I've been driven by self-righteousness... I've just done whatever I wanted to, so why...? Danchou: We also think about and wish for the Flower Knights' happiness. And... You're also a Flower Knight that needs to be saved, Star Rush. Star Rush: ...!! Water Dropwort: Star Rush. The fugitive Shooting Star. Just as the Flower Knights are the peoples' hope, you're the Flower Knights' hope. But, please stop trying to shine that light all by yourself. The dark is wide and deep... Too much for a single life. Let's join forces. So the light never disappears. Not just a single shooting star, but a whole constellation to fill the night sky. Star Rush: ... U, uu...... Waaa...... ...... WaAAAAaa......!!
Young Star Rush: Papa, look! It's a star! Just under the three that are lined up! Papa: Hm? I can't see anything there... Can you see it, Mama? Mama: Not at all... You have great eyes, Star Rush. Young Star Rush: I couldn't see it at first either, but there's a star! I found it! It told me! Mama: Ara, really? It's amazing that you can hear the stars' voices. Papa: You're definitely going to grow up to be a professor. You'll be smarter than both me and your Mama and uncover all the secrets of the sky! Young Star Rush: Yeah! I'm going to be a star professor! Then... I'll tell you even more and more about the stars, Mama, Papa! |
Epilogue |
–Some days later, Banana Ocean– Water Dropwort: ... The draft has been submitted. Nazuna, Danchou, could you please check it over? Nazuna: Wah, thank you for your work, Water Dropwort-san! To be able to do this before the deadline... Is really amazing! Water Dropwort: ? That's just obvious. Deadlines are the last line of defence, so if you reach them, then you're in trouble. Danchou: ............ (Silently look away) Nazuna: Even though, I think being able to produce this amount in such a short time shows an amazing ability! Water Dropwort: Y-you think so...? Well, if the aide says so... But Nazuna. In the first place, I have no intention of losing to anyone, not even to you when it comes to paperwork! I've got a little free time now, so why don't I help you with your paperwork. Let's go! Nazuna: I-it's alright. You don't have to go that far... You're a Flower Knight that fights on the front lines, Water Dropwort-san, and I actually have an excessive amount of paperwork right now. Water Dropwort: ... If I had enough combat power, then I wouldn't be this anxious... Nazuna: Eh? Water Droopwort: It's nothing. Don't mind me. If there's nothing for me to do, then I'll take a break. Nazuna: ... Could you be worrying about Carenthus again, Water Dropwort-san...? Water Dropwort: Didn't I say it was nothing! You're surprisingly persistent!? Danchou: ... Every Flower Knight was a candidate for the expedition to Carenthus. I don't want you to feel inferior just because you didn't get to go. Water Dropwort: ... Danchou... Nazuna: ... When we were considering the roster, Danchou-sama was so worried that his head looked like it might explode... Each and every person was carefully examined right until the very end. And... He kept having to say the same thing. “The reason you're not coming with us isn't because you weren't chosen for the investigation. You were chosen to be the ones to protect Spring Garden.” Water Dropwort: ... Thanks. That was something that was stated publicly while you were gone... But having you tell me it here... I now finally feel relieved... Nazuna: See, Danchou-sama. I told you that it would have been better to tell each and every one individually. Danchou: I would have done if I had the time. Water Dropwort: OK! Now that I'm feeling better, I'm going to go help with the patrols outside! Nazuna: Eh, you're not going on break? Water Dropwort: My tiredness from paperwork isn't part of my fatigue. I need to use this stored physical energy up! Star Rush: Wah! Water Dropwort: Awaaah!!? Star Rush: Arara, so sorry. I didn't expect you to leave so suddenly. Water Dropwort: Why are you standing right behind the door!? I thought my heart was going to stop...! Nazuna: Hello, Star Rush-san. Is everything going well? Star Rush: It's progressing steadily little by little... I think. Just as you said Danchou-san, I'm asking the girls who escaped how they feel one more time. There are ones who are satisfied, ones who are still worried, and ones who I've lost touch with... There are so many of them and so may ways of thinking. There are some of them who are saying “I really want to return to being a Flower Knight”, and they're the ones we're giving top priority to. Nazuna: That seems like the best idea. We can't be too forceful... Water Dropwort: But even the ones who quit shouldn't be left behind like this. We need to make sure to properly explain all the details to them. Those preparations are also being made. Are these documents the drafts that you have written, Water Dropwort-san? Water Dropwort: ... Were you eavesdropping behind that door? Star Rush: Well, whatever could you mean? Would you mind if I glanced over them? Nazuna: No, of course not. Here. Star Rush: ... Hm... Hm... I see... Water Dropwort: ... Are you reading it properly? Flipping the pages like that is... Star Rush: It's fine, I'm reading all of it. I'm used to doing and checking over paperwork. ... Yeah, it seems good. The contents are quite thorough, and nothing has been omitted. Above all... Even though you don't sympathise with me in your heart, you still haven't overlooked any detail. Thank you, Water Dropwort-san. I'm really happy that you took on this task. Water Dropwort: Y-yeah... Naturally. I just did my best to complete the job I was given properly! Star Rush: Fufuu, I see I see. Well, I better mark the things that are showing concern. Danchou-san, may I borrow a red pen? Water Dropwort: ... Hm? Star Rush: First of all, I would like to reorganise the whole structure of this. It would be better to move and rearrange this section, and this section can... Water Dropwort: ... There's so much red... Hey, why is there so much red on this!? Star Rush: The layout is rather plain too, so maybe it would be best to check out the latest formatting styles at the office counter. Also, it would be nice to include some more references with this amount of information. The more persuasive that you can make the things you say be, the more the reader will be able to learn. Water Dropwort: I haven't read everything yet!? Star Rush: Then please read over it. It will allow you to learn and improve from it. Ah, I also highlighted the typos in red, but you can leave them for later. There's no meaning in rewriting it now. And here... Water Dropwort: Wait wait wait wait, you even corrected this part!? This is practically a full rewrite! Star Rush: It's not like that at all, this much is normal. The contents are all really good, so it's just about adding some cosmetic to it. Water Dropwort: Isn't this adding too much makeup to it though...? Nazuna: ... But Water Dropwort-san, I'm sure it would look so much better if you fixed all of these red marks. It would lay out everything in a far more logical manner, and a well defined layout makes a huge difference in how persuasive it is. Water Dropwort: E-even you're saying it too, Nazuna... Moreover, it was all done so quickly... Danchou: As expected from a former Phos Alliance educator... Star Rush: I was beaten to near death by my teacher. She was really kind to her students, but extremely strict with her apprentices. But even though, I think it might be best to sleep on it for today. There's still time before the deadline for this document, right? Water Dropwort: ... No, I'll start fixing things right away. I'll postpone my patrol for now. Star Rush: Oops, have I sparked off your hatred of losing? Water Dropwort: That's not what it is... I don't think I can say that now... I want to finish this as soon as possible. All in order to make the Flower Knights who protect this world happy... I decided that I wanted to help you with what you want to do after seeing what you were willing to risk to accomplish it. Star Rush: Water Dropwort-san... Water Dropwort: So, excuse me. It really helps to have such a quick and detailed check. Nazuna: Please... Please wait a little while longer. I was sure we can do what Star Rush-san wanted to do even better together with everyone. ... Apparently that's the case, and I can't help but look forward to what will happen. Star Rush: In the end... Kirk's teachings were all correct. Danchou: Kirk's teachings...? Star Rush: “Just be friends with everyone”... It's such a simple thing that even children understand it naturally. But... I didn't think I could do that. Everyone's different, but even so they all try to come together around the world to create an illusion of familiarity. Then that illusion becomes wisdom, and that wisdom becomes common sense... Before you know it, they start to stamp down the outcasts and kill them. That illusion suddenly gains a lot more weight... Before they even try to understand the feelings... Danchou: That's why we should work hard to make sure that doesn't happen. ... I'm sure you'll make up with your teacher one day. Star Rush: Hahaa, that's going to be tough. Not even a shooting star can grant that wish! So... I'll have to do it myself. With everyone, together, as friends... Discussing and agreeing... I'll help out for that purpose. I'll do anything that you want me to do. As the successor to Sage Kirk... Or as a newborn Shooting Star... Star Rush once again vows to make herself shine for the sake of world peace. |
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