(List of All Side Story Translations) | ||
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Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 |
Title: The Wished God Crawling from the Sewers
Synopsis: In a sewer where no sunlight can reach. There is nobody who can stop the plans of the writhing god. After all, things like love and ethics are illusions created by humans... Evolution continues unquestioningly, and life will eventually reach a higher level. The life that is wished for. The death that is despised. Is there a heart to be found down here?
Chapter 1 Miracle[]
Chapter 1 Miracle |
- #7... Was a failure.
- Complicated. Trash. Ugly. Well, that's how it is. It's still in the early stages. Horrible. Slimy. Let's look at the next one. - ... #45, nonconformity. - Improvement. Wriggling. It has limbs. Still a long way to go. This is getting fun. Ah. 6 legs? We can still do more. - #386 to #499... Discarded. - It's impossible! No good, no good Impossible. I thought we had the rules figured out. I'll throw them out. You can't do that. Random overproduction. Boring... - #7777!! - So close! Uoooo. Lucky sevens! So close! So... Close? How many attempts? A round number! It's eyes are facing backwards! - #35113... - ... Looks good? Nice... Not good! Still no good! *Murmuring* But, we're getting closer. That's true. *Murmur* There's potential. We can do it, right? Just a little more... - #692550 ???: ........................ ........................? White Girl: .........? ...............??? - *Whispering...* She's awake... She's moving... She's alive... White Girl: ... Something's... Here... - She's noticed us! Run away!! Wait and see... Don't go out... Don't move... White Girl: Who? Who's there? Who's here with me? Hey, who? Am I? Who am I? Hey? Hey? ???: Shut up. Blue Girl: ............ White Girl: ... Who are you? You're not me, you're... Me...? Blue Girl: Shut up. White Girl: Ouch! That hurt! Blue Girl: Kyahahaa. Ei, ei ei. White Girl: Ouchhhh! Stop it! Waaaaaah...! Blue Girl: Kyahahahaha -Wa, they're fighting...! *Murmur!* *Murmur murmur...!* We need to stop them! Don't move, don't go out! *Murmur murmur...* *Murmur murmur* Do it, fight! Midgardsormr: [This is fine. You don't need to intervene.] [Just observe... Cautiously. No expectations, no disappointments, no action.] [This is our best work – We don't yet know if they'll be able to become Outer Garden Knights.] |
Chapter 2 Desire[]
Chapter 2 Desire |
Midgardsormr: [Hrng... Hrng... Haa, how's that...]
Midgardsormr: [Oh, brother! What's up? How're you feeling?] Midgardsormr: [Yo, just the usual. Just digging my hole day in day out...] [I can't help but love it! But, I'd like some time to rest.] Midgardsormr: [I see, I see. We're both doing our best.] [... No matter how many thousands or millions of years you work, just a single moment of failure and it's all over...] [Let's make good us of these thousands of years we've been given to regain that trust!] Midgardsormr: [Yeah yeah, we need to be serious. We need to do our best for Arka-sama!] ???: A~~~~o~~~~!! Shiro: Hey! You can't run away! You know that Shiro can't swim! Ao: That's why I crossed the river. Are you my boss now, Shiro? I'm running away because I don't want to get punished, so isn't it only natural that I'm trying to not get caught? Shiro: But you shouldn't be doing things that will get you punished in the first place! Midgardsormr: [What's this? Are you two fighting again, white and blue children?] Midgardsormr: [What's happened this time?] Shiro: Ao ate all of Shiro's feed! She didn't even say sorry! Ao: I said “thanks for the food” Shiro: You should at least apologise! Midgardsormr: [Why do you bully her so, blue child? Do you dislike the white child?] Ao: Yeah! I hate her! Shiro: Sh... Shiro hates you too...!! Midgardsormr: [Haa... You must get along. You two are twins after all.] Ao: I have my other brothers and sisters. I might not look the same, but I'm still a Midgardsorm, aren't I? I have loads and loads of family, so even if I don't get along with Shiro, I won't be alone. Shiro: U~~~! Uuuu~~~~...!! Midgardsormr: [Don't cry, white child. Every tear you shed makes you weaker.] Shiro: But, but!! Midgardsormr: [Let's change those tears for sweat. You might not be able to swim, but you can run faster than the blue child, correct?] [You can't swim across the river, but you can cross to the other side using that hole. Then you can catch her and beat her hard.] Shiro: Got it! Thanks, brother! Ao: N-no fair! You've always only ever been able to cross by swimming!! Shiro: A~~~~o~~~~! Ao: Hii! Midgardsormr: [... So that's the masterpiece? They certainly look like humans, but what is good about them...?] Midgardsormr: [I don't know what the higher ups are thinking. We're just the guys that mess around with soil.] [... But still, it isn't boring.] Midgardsormr: [Yeah. It's getting more and more lively here each day.]
Midgardsormr: [To begin. Shiro-chan, Ao-chan, come here!] Shiro: Yes! Shiro came here first! Ao: Shiro's a bad girl that left Ao behind halfway here. Shiro: That's wrong! Ao wasn't even trying to move fast! Midgardsormr: [You're both full of energy again today, good. Alright, today's study will be...] [I have a present for you!] Shiro: A present? Yay♪ Ao: What what? What am I getting? Midgardsormr: [This will be very valuable for you two. Umm, this one's for Shiro, and that one's for Ao...] Shiro: ...? What's this... Midgardsormr: [It's clothes, clothes. It's a must have item for human children today.] [The time has come that you must begin to interact with human children.] Ao: ... I kind of know about this. They'll lock you up if you don't put these kinds of things on, right? Shiro: Eh! Why!? Ao: Why... Why? Midgardsormr: [A good question, but it's a long one, so I'll pass. Starting from now, you must put these on at all times.] [Let's begin with the form... You will begin to understand the essentials once you enter the human world.] Ao: Hmm... Understood. I really don't get it, but if you say so, brothers and sisters. Shiro: You won't do it with us, brothers and sisters? Isn't it weird that it's just Shiro and Ao? Midgardsormr: [Weird is fine. You two are “special” after all.] [We might also be Midgardsormr like you, but what we can do and what we want to do is completely different.] [Shiro and Ao, Ao and Shiro, you must work well together to accomplish the same goals.] Shiro & Ao: [[No way]] Midgardsormr: [Ahahahaha! You're a perfect pair! Let me ask you this, what do you hate most about each other?] Ao: She's a crybaby. And always doing good. Always smiling. She might look like me, but she doesn't smile at the same things. Shiro: She bullies me. And always lies. Always frowning. She hates Shiro, but she's always following me around. Midgardsormr: [I see... It makes absolutely no sense at all, it's incomprehensible, perfect.] [I'm not an expert on these things, but you both seem to be quite human like, even at this stage.] Ao: Ao is already like a human. From what we've studied, Ao will be better at doing it♪ Shiro: Shiro has also been practising! I can eat my feed using a fork and spoon! Ao: It's not feed, it's food, or maybe a meal for humans. Are you saying you didn't even know that? Shiro: Oh, I remember now! I remember...! Midgardsormr: [That's right. We taught you dining manners earlier. I'm glad that you're actively studying.] [Doing that will bring you closer to the human world, once you enter the human world and interact with them...] [You will become friends with the Child of the Hero one day.] Shiro: ... Child of the Hero? Ao: This is the first I've heard this. What's that? Midgardsormr: [A special person. An exceptional person. A unique person. The existence that established this world in miraculous balance.] [One thousand years ago, when we all succumbed to the pestification, they used the power of the World Flowers to seal us away...] [In the modern day, it is the descendant of that person who finally liberated us from our pestification and created the opportunity for you two to be born.] Shiro: ...? Wasn't it you brothers and sisters that created Shiro? Midgardsormr: [Directly, yes. We received a clue from the Outer Garden Knight, Nidhoggr.] [The reason that Nidhoggr could do that was because of the work of this Child of the Hero. So in the sense of a true parent, then this human is the closest.] Ao: Parent... I know that. You call that kind of person Mama. Midgardsormr: [You know it well, Ao. But, this person is male right now.] Shiro: Then it's Papa! Ao got it wrong♪ Ao: You don't know, Shiro? Males can't have children. If Mama's a Papa, then what are we? If we are Mama's children, then that Papa must be a Mama, right? Shiro: E-eh? Papa's a Mama, Mama's a Papa...? Huh, huuuh? Midgardsormr: [... I really never get tired of watching you two. Well, shall we study about this for today?] |
Chapter 3 Disappointment[]
Chapter 3 Disappointment |
- #692550 is progressing well. As far as I understand, they are practically no different from this age's humans. - It's always interesting to see the horrified reactions of those at the bottom who don't know anything about them . - Have they already left for the surface? There are limits to what we can teach them about human culture. - It would be much more efficient to send them into a human village and let them learn personally. - Aah, not yet. There are still things we need to do before then. - They are still “human-like usses”. Our Outer Garden Knights – In order for them to be recognised as our greatest work... Midgardsormr: [OK, O-K. Shiro-chan, Ao-chan, gather.] Shiro: O-K! Shiro's first again today... Ao: An opening!! Shiro: Fue!? Ao: Yes♪ I'm the one who's first today♪ Shiro: Th-that was mean, Ao! You pushed me down from behind! Ao: It's not my fault that you showed your back to me, You're full of openings Shiro. Midgardsormr: [Hmmm... Good! You're full of energy again today!] [That energy will be needed for today's study, so you're going to need to work a little harder than usual♪] Shiro: Yes! I'll work hard today! Ao: I'll make sure to make Shiro cry again today! Midgardsormr: [Ahaha, not too fast.] [Well, come this way. We need to do this in an open area today.] Ao: Haa, every day is just study, study... I'm ready to give up. Shiro: That's because you're not serious, Ao. Do you want everyone to hate you? Ao: Just like Shiro? Shiro: Nobody hates Shiro! Everyone loves Shiro! Ao: But don't you want to get out? Not here... But to the surface. From what everyone says, it sounds amazing. Plants? Animals? Sky? Clouds? The sun? It sounds like there's loads of things that aren't around here. It's definitely a lot more fun than here. Shiro: That's... We can't do that until we finish our studies? If we don't get the “OK” from brothers and sisters, then... Ao: When are we going to get that though? Even though we're doing really well in our studies. Ah, is it because Shiro's actually not doing well? Shiro: Shiro's doing it well! It's because Ao is always being selfish and messing around! Ao: Haa, shut up. Why do I have to work hard at something like this with you? Shiro: That's... Why would you say that to Shiro...? ............ Ao: ... Hey, don't go quiet all of a sudden. It makes it look like I'm bullying you. Shiro: It's not “looks like”, you are bullying me! Ao: Waa, I've been caught! Ahahahaha♪ Shiro: Grrr~...! - *Murmuring* *Watching* *Excitement* *Chattering* Shiro: Huh? So many brothers and sisters... Ao: Are we doing something with everyone today? Midgardsormr: [No, these others are only here to spectate. They're not doing anything special.] [... Everyone is expecting great things. Do your best, Shiro and Ao.] Ao: ...? Shiro: I don't get it, but brothers and sisters have come to watch us? Then Shiro wants to go first! Everyone loves Shiro much more than Ao after all! Midgardsormr: [Hmmm! Shiro, 100 points!! A wonderful reaction! You should follow her example, Ao!!] [I'll keep the explanation short. We will now begin to assess your combat abilities.] Shiro: Combat... Abilities? Midgardsormr: [You will eventually leave for the surface for us.] [When that time comes, then you need to be able to fight at the same level as a Flower Knight.] [This is our wish – This is why Shiro and Ao exist.] Shiro: Outer Garden Knight! Shiro and Ao were born in order to become one of them! Midgardsormr: [You remember well, Shiro. Well done.] Shiro: Ehehe♪ Midgardsormr: [In order to do that... Then you will begin studying live combat from today.] Ao: ... Live... Giant Beetle: Guruururururu... Shiro: Wawaa, it's huge! We need to fight that? Midgardsormr: [Yes. It may be huge, but it is slow. It's a perfect fit for your first opponent.] Ao: ......... Midgardsormr: [Hm? What's the matter, Ao? Don't back off so far, come closer.] Ao: ......... Shiro: I get it! Are you scared, Ao? Even though you always act tough, how pathetic♪ Today's the day that Shiro will achieve results first and be complimented by everyone! Ao: W... Wait, Shiro. Something's... Something's wrong... I have a bad feeling about this... Shiro: It's fine. Everyone's here watching... Our kind and loving brothers and sisters have high expectations for Shiro and Ao, right? So, Shiro and Ao must definitely be strong! We must have the same combat ability as these Flower Knights! So, let's go. Ao: Shiro, wait...! Shiro: Taaaa! Eii! Eiii! Eeeeiii! Giant Beetle: ... Guuu............ Shiro: Ah... D-does it hurt? Sorry, maybe Shiro hit you too much... Giant Beetle: GuruOOOOOOOOO!!!! - *Splat* Ao: ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ Huh? - *Gyaa!* *She's dead!* *Murmuring* *She was crushed!* *Waa!* *Instant death!* *Pierced!* *Direct Hit!* *Through her gut!* *Murmuring* *Don't kill her!* *Nooo!* *Kill it!* Midgardsormr: [Eeeeh? So weak... What's this? Is that alright?] Midgardsormr: [It's fine. This much is still within expectations.] [Look... Watch.] Midgardsormr: [Huh? ... The body is reviving?] Midgardsormr: [It is the most minimum of ability. That one cannot die, so it can be killed as many times as needed.] Midgardsormr: [So that's how it is... Surprising. This is the first I've heard of it.] Midgardsormr: [Hahaa! Because I wanted to surprise you!] Shiro: ...? ? ? ? ? .........????????? Midgardsormr: [Nice fight, Shiro! That was a wonderful pre-emptive attack! We can feel your potential!!] [However, you still need to work on your opponent's counterattacks. Learn from this and try dodging it next time!?] Shiro: N... No way... Why...? How...? GyaAAAAAAAAAh!!!!!!!!! - *She dodged!* *She's not dodging!* *Gyaa!* *Shiro-chan!* *Your arm!* *She's lost her arm...* *Run away!* *Her leg's been crushed...!* *She's against the wall...!* *Nooo!* *It's still in!* Midgardsormr: [I see... She's so weak that we want to protect her... Looking at just this part, she's a complete failure...] [But now we can look forward to seeing how much she will grow! Mm, we look forward to the special training that will be coming... Just for Shiro!] [... Oi, don't run away Ao.] Ao: Hiii...! - *Where are you going?* *You can't go anywhere.* *Running away is not allowed★* *Hey hey.* *Come back, come back.* *Ao-chan* *Fight! Fight!* *You can do it!* Ao: No, no way...! Please, save me! Brothers! Sisters! Midgardsormr: [It's alright, you can revive just the same way that Shiro can, Ao. Look! If anything happens, then you'll just come back to normal, see?] Ao: Hii......... A, aaaaaah......... Midgardsormr: [Hey hey, what's with that face... You're being rude to Shiro, who's doing her best, you know?] [You're both our “special ones”. Do you wish to disappoint us?] [Hey... Go!] Ao: GyaAAAAAAAAAh!!!!!!!!! |
Chapter 4 Desertion[]
Chapter 4 Desertion |
- Arms. Legs. Stomach. Hands. Crotch. Head. Eyes. Ears. Nose. Mouth. Waist. Knees. Elbows. Toes. Thighs. Jaw. Brain. Chest. - My body parts separate from each other and turn into objects. They are taken away, stolen, and then carelessly discarded. Abandoned. - I stop being myself. I am just becoming another thing... - I when I see and feel that, I feel helpless. Time passes in hopeless violence. - Time will pass and this hell will end one day. Then time will pass and this hell will begin again. - Repeating... Over and over... Shiro: ... U... uuuu............ auuauauu...... Ao: ... ke up... Wake up, Shiro... Shiro... Shiro: Nooooooooooo!!!! Ao: Shiro, Shiro! Shiro: No more! It hurts! My head's pounding, I'm scared!! Ao: Shhh! You're half asleep! It's me, it's me...! Shiro: ... A-Ao...? Ao... Aoooo...!! Ao: It's alright, nobody's come to call on us yet... Calm down, hey, deep breaths... In... Shiro: Suuuu... Ao: Out... Shiro: Haaaa... Ao: Out... Shiro: Haaaaa... Ao: Out... Shiro: ...? ~~, ~~......... Ao: Out... Keep going... Shiro: ... ...~~~~! Suu! Fuuuu! Fuuuu~~~~!! Ao: Ahahaa. You always only ever do what you're told♪ Shiro: Fuuu... Stupid Ao... I thought I was going to die... Ao: Well, you'll just come back if you did. All good, all good. Let's run away. Shiro: ...? Run...? Ao: Don't make me say it again. We;ll lose our chance if we hesitate. Shiro: ............ Chance? Ao: ... Stop being so slow. I'm tired of all of this continued violence. That's why we should run away. Somewhere far away where brothers and sisters won't be able to find us. Shiro: ... I've never thought about that... Ao: Then it's good that you've got me. If it was just you, then you'd stay like this for the rest of your life. Shiro: ... B-but that's not allowed. Because Shiro's family is our brothers and sisters... A-also, once Shiro is able to fight properly, then they'll go back to being their usual kind selves... So... Ao: Do you still really believe that? How many days is that going to take? The situation is getting worse. It's not everyone yet, but more and more of them are giving up on us. Shiro: ......... Ao: ... It's time to see reality. You've had more than enough time to think about it. I'm at my limit. If you keep being toyed with like this... Shiro: N-no way... You should run away alone, Ao... Ao: I can't run away by myself! I need you to help me without messing around and crying!! ... This way, quickly. Shiro: ... I don't know this path... Do you know it, Ao? Where are we running away to? Ao: I secretly linked up with brothers and sisters, and learned the way to the surface. Shiro: Linked up...? Ao: You'll understand one day. It's stupidly useful. ... If we can make our way to the surface and find some people, then we win. Our brothers and sisters are allies and gods of the people, so they can't be violent towards people... We look perfectly human, so if we can get the protection of the people, then they won't be able to touch us... Shiro: Then... Then if we do that, brothers and sisters will be kind to us again...? Ao: ... Just shut up for a moment. Your talking is pissing me off. Shiro: ... I can see a lot of insects. Ao: Don't let them see you. It's possible that brothers and sisters spoke to them and they're looking for us. Shiro: Y-yeah... Ao: Stay hidden and move quickly. Repeat. Then go straight... Shiro: A river... Ao: ... We'll take a detour. It would be shorter to cross, but we'll get washed away. Shiro: Hoo... Ao: ... No, maybe I should use Shiro as a raft. Shiro: But Shiro's not a raft? Ao: Shiro is a raft though? Shiro: You're wrong! Stop trying to force me to do things! You're always like this, Ao! Ao: Ahaha, you're so lively. If you can make this much noise, then you have enough energy to take a detour... Giant Chasing Pest: GishaAAaaaa............ Ao: ... Jump in. Shiro: That's different from what you said before... Ao: Can't you see that the situation has suddenly changed? So dive in. That one can't swim. Shiro: Sh-Shiro can't swim... I'll drown!! Ao: I said I'd take you with me! So shut up and jump in! Shiro: Uuu, Uuuuu............!!!! ... I can't! Ao: I'm not taking that as an answer! Shiro: KyaAAAh!!? *Cough cough!* Haa, haaa, haaaa............ Ao: Hiii, ouch... I'd like to say, but my wounds are already healed... It's kind of useful at a time like this... ... We've been washed away pretty far. We'll have to start walking soon. How's your head Shiro? You lost consciousness quite a few times. Shiro: ......... Ao: ... H-hey. Where are you going, Shiro? Shiro: I'm going home. To my brothers and sisters. Ao: !! You...! Shiro: It's impossible! I can't! Let me go! Ao: Are you still saying this!? Do you completely forget everything every time you die!? Shiro: There's no way we can escape! There's no way we can run away from brothers and sisters!! Ao: So you're fine with how things are now!? You're fine with what they're doing to you...? Shiro: Shiro's still alive! I recover from the pain! But I'll never be able to go back if they hate me!! Ao: Why don't you understanddddd...!? It's not like they even like us any more! Shiro: That's not true!! Ao: It is! Shut up and just listen to me, you idiot!! Shiro: Ao's the idiot!! Stupid Ao! Stupid Ao! I hate you!! Ao: ~~~~!! Shiro: ~~~~!! Shiro & Ao: Ooh... Waaaaa...!! Shiro: Hey, does something stink!? Ao stinks! Ao: It's not me! You're the stinky one, Shiro! Shiro: It's not Shiro! Ao: Is it the river? *Sniff sniff*... Not that. It's a rotten smell, but it's not the river. It's worse... Uuuu... There aren't any problems with my human sensory organs, but my nose is curling and my eyes are hurting... What is it this time...? Shiro: Eh...? Ao: ......... Shiro: What's... That...? Ao: ... Stop, Shiro. Don't get any closer. Shiro: Hey, Ao... What is it...? Isn't it weird...? Ao: Shiro... Don't look at it... More importantly... Shiro: This... This is... Shiro & Ao: [Is this Shiro and Ao...!?] [Get back, Shiro!!] Meatball Reaching Out: a...... Gaaa... Gi............ Shiro: KyaAAAh!! Ao: I told you to get back! Convulsing Meatball: Ga...... Gugu............ Shiro: Haa... Haa... Ha......... Ao: ... Let's go. We can't rest in a place like this... That's... They were the ones that were made before us. I have a memory... Brothers and sisters' voices... Numbers, counts... Heckling, encouraging... Shouts of joy... ... 692550. That's right, 692550... 692550... That's our... Shiro: ......... ... Hey, Ao. Would it be better if we just died? Ao: ............ Huh? Shiro: Just like brothers and sisters said, Shiro and Ao were failures, right? Right now... If Shiro and Ao can't fight... Then they don't need us... Ao: ... You heard them properly after all. Shiro: They were so kind in the beginning... It was fun... Clothes, words, how to eat, how to read, then... ... But the combat training began, and slowly... Ao: ......... Shiro: ... We failed... They don't need failed works. They can't use us, so they're preparing something else. So... Shiro and Ao... Ao: Stop messing around... Why do you do what those guys tell you...? Those guys don't care about our lives at all, but you still...! Shiro: It hurts... That hurts, Ao...! Ao: ......... We'll keep living... We were already born... Even you... ... You know I don't like you. I hate you. It's never fun when I'm with you, you're so annoying. Shiro: ......... Ao: But... You need to stay alive... So I'm asking you... Please... Don't say it would be best for us to die... I... Still... This surface light is... ............ Zzz... Zzz............ Shiro: ... Ao......... |
Chapter 5 A Life Beside You[]
Chapter 5 A Life Beside You |
- ... Shaking. I'm being shaken. It's warm... Soft... - ...I'm being carried by someone...? Who? Who would...? Shiro: Fuuu... Fuuu... Ao: ... Shiro...? Shiro: ............ Shiro really hates Ao. She always hits me, steals my food, pushes me in the river... There's nothing good about her. She's not fun. She's the worst. Ao: ......... Shiro: But...... There's only Ao. Right now, Shiro has nobody else. The only person who will be with Shiro... Is Ao... Ao: ......... How did I end up as a twin to this girl? Shiro: ......... I feel the same. --- What do you actually like Ao? Ao: That's not Shiro? Shiro: Yeah! Ao: Narrow it down more. Do you mean like food, or...? Shiro: Ok, food. Shiro likes stir fried burdock and carrots. Ao: It's called kinpira burdock. Shiro: What about you, Ao? What do you like? Ao: Sweet potato tempura. I think I prefer vegetables over things like meat or fish. Shiro: Shiro too! I like sweets and candy to, but what about, are they called root vegetables? I like them too! Ao: So we like the same foods? Looks like we're going to struggle. Shiro: You don't have to take my share, you know Ao...? Ao: I'll behave. Shiro: You won't! Ao: I know, we should have a contest. We can have a contest where the winner can eat the other's food! Shiro: We don't need to do that... Ao: Because you'd definitely lose? Shiro: Grr... Fine, what will we do? Arm wrestling? Finger wrestling? Hand push wrestling? Ao: You're really pushing for wrestling... Huh, have you been bulking up? Shiro: Then I'll say this before you can, Ao, you're definitely going to say something like a “let's have a swimming race” or something. Ao: Let's have a swimming race! Shiro: You ended up saying it! Ao: Because I don't want to get all sticky with you, Shiro... Shiro: I-it's not like I wanted to get sticky either! Ao: Eh? Liar. If you didn't want to get sticky with me, then you wouldn't be carrying me on your back right now? Shiro: That's... Because you were so tired that you passed out, so I thought it was my turn to take you with me, Ao... Ao: So you ended up saying something like that. Are you aware that my chest is pressed against your back? Shiro: Do you want me to throw you? Ao: Sorry. I was at the limit of my physical strength, so you're honestly helping me out a lot... ... By the way, do you know where you're going? I haven't given you any directions... Did I talk in my sleep? Shiro: No. But I learned it from Ao. Ao: ... What do you mean? Shiro: You called it “linking”... I got the information from you while you were sleeping, Ao. Ao: Eeeh, good job. So Shiro is now able to use the linking too. Hey, it's really useful, isn't it? Shiro: Y... Yeah... Ao: ... Why are you fidgeting so much? Shiro: ... While Ao was sleeping, I did a lot of digging and finding... Ao: ... Hm? Shiro: Ah, um, I had no idea how to link. I didn't know anything at all. You know that, right? But since you called it linking, then I thought it must have something to do with connecting... So... Ao: ... Connecting to what? Shiro: I connected to you... Ao: ......... Like physically? Shiro: P-physically... Ao: .................. With what, to what? Shiro: I... I can't say... Ao: Youuuuuu!! What did you do to my purity!!? Shiro: I-it was just for a little bit! Just like the length of the first knuckle...! Ao: Idiot! You don't need to do anything like that! Listen, the power of linking is far more fundamental...! Pursuing Giant Beetle: Gigigigi...... Shiro: Ah... A, aa......... Ao: No way... How did it follow us...? ... Did you dig your own hole...? You couldn't cross the river, so you dug up the banks along the river... Pursuing Giant Beetle: GiiiAAAAAAAa!!!! Shiro: Uuu... Aaaah......... Ao: Shit... Just a little more and we would've... This... In this place...... - ...... I'm going to die? - Whose fault was it? Whose? Who benefits from this? - Who... Would put up with such an unreasonable thing? Ao: ... Why do we have to die...? Why... Does it seem like we've been told to die over and over since we were born...? But... If anyone's dying, it's you!! Pursuing Giant Beetle: GigaAAAAAAAAAa!!!! Shiro: !! Stop, you can't... AOOOooo!! Pursuing Giant Beetle: GIGIGIGIiiiii... I!!? Ao: Guu... Uuuuu...!! Shiro: So... Something came out!!? Ao: Not yet!! Even more! Until it's all out! Until you beg me for death!! Shiro: Y-yeah! Ao's saying... “Let it all out for Shiro!”, all of it... All of it!! White and Blue Twins: [Live! We'll both survive!] [That's right! We won't let anyone stop us!] [We won't let anyone stop us from living!!] [Don't get in the way of us living!!] |
Epilogue |
Pursuing Giant Beetle: Gigii... Giii......... Shiro: Haaa... Haaa......... Ao... I, I, am... I'm happy... I could protect... Ao: Hey, Shiro... Wake up... You can't... Pass out here... Fuck... In the end... In the end, we...... were...... ............... - Hmm...... 10,000,000,000 points!!!! - [Amazing!] [They are definitely a masterpiece!] [I always believed in them!] [They can do it if they try♪] [It was worth all of the hard work...!] Ao: ......... This is...? Midgardsormr: [Ah, good morning Ao! Shiro is already awake! Good morning, good morning!] Shiro: ... Why... Did brothers and sisters...? Midgardsormr: [The two of you collapsed, so we took you here. You used some kind of impressive power and got all beat up.] [In other words... We all saw both of your actions! Well done, well done! We all believed in you from the start!] [So the two of you can fight like that... We're deeply impressed... The two of you used to be so weak...] Shiro: ... So we did well...? But we collapsed in the end... Midgardsormr: [It's like that at first! You'll learn to be able to manage your power from now on!] Ao: From now on... Midgardsormr: [Yes, the two of you aren't done yet!] [But, seeing as I'm in a good mood right now...] [So I'll pretend the escape attempt never happened.] Ao: ............... Shiro: ............... Midgardsormr: [Ah, but you know...] [What are we going to do with the test subjects now?] [Can't we just throw them out now?] [Such a waste.] Ao: ... Test subjects...? Midgardsormr: [We thought for a moment that you two might not come back, so we began work on creating a new Outer Garden Knight.] [But now everything's become complicated... Aah, We're really happy that you came home!] Midgardsormr: [Will we throw them out?] [Will we kill them?] [Sounds good, right?] [You don't regret anything?] Midgardsormr: [Aah, that will be enough. Just dispose of them.] Ao: Hey! Midgardsormr: [Hm? What?] Ao: ... D-don't talk about throwing them out... They're... Still alive, aren't they...? That's... Really cruel... Midgardsormr: [... Huh, amazing...] Ao: Eh...? Midgardsormr: [Ah, amazing. Are we really like that? If it were us, then those words would never have been said.] Midgardsormr: [So she really is fully complete!] [She's so human!] [She has compassion] [How unexpected!] Midgardsormr: [Well, I don't care either way... But are you sure?] [If we don't throw them away, then those ones will get top priority... But if we do throw them away, then it will still be you?] Ao: Ah......... Midgardsormr: [Ao-chan doesn't shy away from inconveniences. How about Shiro?] Shiro: I don't know. Why don't you throw them out if you want to? Ao: Shiro...? Midgardsormr: [Huh? What does she mean?] [This isn't very human?] [Are her values too close to our own?] [Shiro's so heartless!] Midgardsormr: [... I'll ask you again, Shiro. Why do you say to us that we can throw them away?] Shiro: There's nothing special, it's only natural, right? I'm not going to die for children I've never met. That's because Shiro's life is the most valuable thing there is. Shiro's not like brothers and sisters, I'm afraid of dying, you know? Because of that... Shiro's human. Midgardsormr: [... Hahahahahahahahahaa! She's really amazing! She's very human!!] Shiro: Right? Shiro and Ao are your top masterpieces! We're just the same as every Midgardsorm, but we're special! We have Midgardsormr's power, but human hearts. And we're twins! We're the best! Do you really plan to throw away such talented people like us, brothers and sisters? Are you going to repeat the trial and error tens of thousands of times again? Midgardsormr: [Aah, I don't want to do that again...] [It really is about time that we gave up on that...] [I'm really interested in seeing what the next step is.] [We're not going to throw you out!] Midgardsormr: [Hmmm... Unanimous! Shiro and Ao truly are our masterpieces!!] [We're going to teach you many things from now on! We will also openly teach you the power of linking that Ao secretly did before!] [We'll prepare everything you want, from clothes you want to wear, food you want to eat, books you want to read, anything♪] [So... Will you become even stronger and help us with our work?] Shiro: Yes! Shiro and Ao both love everyone! So we'll do our very best to help! Ao: ......... Shiro......... Shiro: We're going to live, Ao. Shiro will absolutely, survive, and live... We won't make them make any more of us. Shiro will put an end to everything. This hell is a hell only for Shiro and Ao, right? Ao: ... That's right. It's my and Shiro's... Hell. Shiro: ......... Ao: ...... Shiro? Shiro: ... I want to meet papa. I've never met them... But I want to meet them... I felt that a little too when I linked with Ao... He was warm and gentle, yet tough... Someone you can trust with everything and feel at ease... A wonderful person... Ao: ... That feeling might also be a trap made by them. Shiro: Even so, I want to meet them... I want to meet papa... Papa... Ao: ......... Shiro. Hold out your hand. Shiro: ... Ao? Ao: A promise... It's a contract. Contracts are very powerful. If I were alone, I'd run away straight away. But... Because I'm with you Shiro, I feel I can stand firm and become stronger. I... Need you. Shiro: ... Shiro too, needs Ao. Shiro can't stay calm when I'm alone... Shiro can't survive without Ao's smarts. I would be tricked... I would have been taken advantage of without ever noticing anything until the end. Ao: So you really understand. Shiro: I am painfully reminded... Ao: ... We'll do everything they say for a while. Continue to listen obediently to what they say. Always staying in a good mood. But, not down to our hearts. Our hearts will never be theirs for the taking. Our hearts... Are ours alone. Shiro: ... Yeah. Ao: Ao wants to make what Shiro wants to do come true. Shiro: ... Shiro will do what Ao says. Ao: The two of us will one day escape from this hell. I don't know when that will happen though... Running out is prohibited now. Shiro: We'll always be together. There's nothing else left for us to do after all. Ao: Don't run away. Shiro: You too Ao. White and Blue Twins: [Until death do us part] |
(List of All Side Story Translations) | ||
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