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Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 |
Title: The Grove's Mother Branch
Synopsis: Destruction and Rebirth, despair and hope, war and peace. The heart of the oldest country, Lilywood, has been damaged and strengthened as the world revolves. This is the story of a mother who observes this country and envies its people...
Chapter 1 Family[]
Chapter 1 Family |
- Power. Great power. A huge flow. A peaceful swelling.
- The round mass continues to change shape, getting longer, thinner, and branching out. - The leaves eventually fall and change separate, also changing shape, getting longer and thinner... - It repeats thousands and millions of times. This world is filled with those that have spread apart. - They forget that they were all once the same, and embrace each other joyfully, thinking that their meeting is a miracle. - Everyone – Everyone has forgotten. The existence of the Great Mother... - Everything is Mother's dream. –That feeling of longing. That feeling of being loved. -I want to be like everyone else. I want to join the same circle. Because I wished it... Because I had that dream... That's why...!! Bloss: Flower!! –Bridges of understanding have already been built. The only thing left to do is move slowly towards each other. -Win is in love with the people. Love, love, she can't stand it. Win: ~~~~~~~~!!!! Bloss: So, everyone! Bloss and Win will leave to go Outside tomorrow! Win: We'll leave Spring Garden in your hands while we're away. Sun: [Umu! Leave this place to me!] Belle: [I'll be lookin' forward to y'alls souvenirs♪] Len: [Take care, Bloss-chan, Win-chan...] Lilli: [The Outside World... We're finally there. It's a shame that the burden has been put on you...] Win: You don't need to worry about that, Lilli. Let's all try to work together the best that we can. Lilli: [... You're right. The first thing is this place called Carenthus?] Bloss: Yeah! Khepri-chan said it's a big desert! There are no plants at all! Lilli: [It's going to be a tough journey. Please don't run around recklessly out there.] Sun: [That's right! It's a good idea to go to bed early today in order to prepare for tomorrow!] Len: [Sun-chan, it's not about oversleeping, it's about reckless...] Lilli: [... I don't think she understands.] Belle: [On top of that... You two are really pretty...] [I wanna graduate from bein' this li'l furball as soon as I can.] Bloss: Ah, but you see. This form is unexpectedly popular with everyone? Belle: [Ara, really?] Win: Yes. Some of them are extremely passionate... You need to be careful of them, in a sense. Belle: [Hmm... I don't really get it, but I'll keep it in mind.] Sun: [I'll be the next one after Bloss and Win! Sun will be the next one to get a human form!] Len: [I-I'll do my best too... To not fall behind everyone... In order to not cause trouble...] Bloss: Yeah! I'm looking forward to it! I'm sure everyone's going to be super cute♪ Win: Well, Bloss. It's about time we left. Bloss: Ah, yeah. But before that... Mama! We're going out! Win: ... We'll be back soon, Mama. Please keep praying for us. - Spring Garden is supported by seven World Flowers. - The World Flower of Wisdom and Virtue, Blossom Hill. - The World Flower of the Snowfields, Winter Rose. - The World Flower of the Windy Valley, Bergamot Valley. - The World Flower of Everlasting Summer, Banana Ocean. - The World Flower of the Lakeside, Lotus Lake. - The World Flower of the Deep Forest, Lilywood. - The now withered, but being recovered, Kodaibana. - But many people don't even know. Don't even think about it. - The mother who gave birth to us. Where did we become separated from her? -The people who know call her “The Root World Flower”... |
Chapter 2 Mother's Branch[]
Chapter 2 Mother's Branch |
???: [Unsho... Dokoisho...]
Midgardsormr: [Fuu~~~~...! The light of the sun feels really nice♪] Midgardsormr: [It spreads to every part of your body~] Midgardsormr: [It's a great day to get outside and exercise our healed bodies♪] Lilli: [... It looks like the wear and tear has recovered quite a bit, Midgardsormr.] Midgardsormr: [Hm? Who are you?] Midgardsormr: [Wait wait, we've met before... Ah, this is...] Midgardsormr: [I see, it's an avatar of a World Flower!] Lilli: [... You've been asleep for a very long time, but the speed at which you gather information hasn't slowed down at all.] Midgardsormr: [Well, we've been waking up one by one for a long time now.] Midgardsormr: [The changes to Blossom Hill and Winter Rose are quite common.] Midgardsormr: [Ah, I heard they came to blows with Nidhoggr in Outer Garden? Nice job!] Midgardsormr: [On top of that, they won and went on to the Outside? Everyone's amazing~] Lilli: [... That result is incompatible with your policies though.] Midgardsormr: [Well, that can't be helped. It's only the winners that can do what they want.] Midgardsormr: [This time... Too.] Lilli: [.........] Midgardsormr: [But we won't give up. We'll go back home, and we won't run away next time.] Midgardsormr: [We have to do something about that Nidhoggr that's riding on our shoulders. We'll never win against them in a straight up fight~] Midgardsormr: [A chance will eventually come to us as long as we stay alive. We just need to relax, take our time, and wait for the moment.] Lilli: [The will of the people, the Flower Knights, stand firm. Your plans may never come to fruition.] Midgardsormr: [I look forward to seeing that! Things that don't go well are always more interesting in this world.] Midgardsormr: [Yeah yeah, it's always more fun to enjoy watching the process develop. I can't wait for “that” to be completed.] Lilli: [That...? What is that, what are you planning?] Midgardsormr: [That's a secret for now. Let's just say... It's a hidden gem that you'll learn about when the time comes.] Midgardsormr: [Saying that, what business do you have, World Flower? Are you looking for a fight? Coming to preach? Or are you mad at something?] Lilli: [None of those. We're both allies that are trying to protect the same world.] Midgardsormr: [Allies! That's exactly right! That's how we want to keep things forever, isn't it♪] Lilli: [... I just wanted to say hello and cheer you on before you head to Outer Garden again...] [I don't want to make you do something you're not used to. I apologise for making you feel uncomfortable, I'm deeply sorry.] Midgardsormr: [Eh, everything's completely fine? Or pretty much? That's what you were worried about?] Midgardsormr: [We're friends of the World Flowers though? I wish they would visit us more often!] Lilli: [That's very good to hear right now. I'm counting on your continued support of the defence of Outer Garden.] Midgardsormr: [Arara, they're gone... Right after you said that too!] Midgardsormr: [Sorry sorry. I was enjoying the chat, so it just slipped out~] Midgardsormr: [The avatar of Lilywood's World Flower... They're a little different than what I imagined.] Midgardsormr: [Ah, hey! Did you feel like they were speaking “of their own free will”?] Midgardsormr: [Ah... Now that you mention it. I see, so Lilywood's actually different from the other World Flowers...] –Could it be because they're “Arka's puppet”? - The Flower of Dreams – Archaefructus. The creator of this World of Spring Garden. - A long, long time ago, after everything was destroyed by the “Will of the World”, it took a very long time to acquire the “power of feelings”... - This world is now entering a new age, we have recreated “Our Age” as a place that we can live. - The first thing to be born was the “Deep Forest”. It had many plants and insects – All allies of the restored Dream Flower. - The power of feelings took on many different forms. The power that could not gain a form gave birth to those we call Spirits. - Birth, increase, spread... Our place expanded. The Flower of Dreams brought back our age, little by little. - So, in order to maintain each location, they created someone to act as a ruler for each of them. - The divided authority of the Flower of Dreams – The World Flowers. - I'm... A budding branch of the Mother Flower. Lilli: [–I have come to report, Mother. Today...] –Lilywood! Lilli: [... Yes. This is the World Flower, Lilywood.] –Can you come a little closer? –I want to see your face. Lilli: [.........] –Fufuu, adorable. –So, you have taken on that form as a Spirit. Lilli: [... Is this alright, Mother?] –Yes, thank you. Lilli: [... I wonder this every time, but is there any meaning in this exchange?] [This isn't the first time, and Mother doesn't have any concept of distance whenever I'm here...] –Lilywood? Lilli: [... Yes.] –Try to have more fun! –You should calm down and try to relax? –Don't think about anything and relax... –Just accept everything as it is... –Be happy in this tiny box garden. –That is all I wish for. Lilli: [... I can't do that. I am my Mother's loyal representative...] [I must focus on the peace and order of this world at all times.] –... That's implicitly... –Are you telling me that I should be more rational? Lilli: [No... Whenever I try to fulfil my role, I think it's necessary to always have a sense of doubt...] –Right... Of course you do! –Fufuu. Lilli: [Did I say something strange?] –No, it was wonderful. –You've changed for the better, Lilywood. Lilli: [Changed? Me? How did that happen, is it going to be a problem...?] –It's good! It's fine. –Let it be what it is. –So, will you please tell me about today? Lilli: [... Yes. Understood.] - I am my Mother's representative. I take action instead of my Mother, who has far too much authority. - That's my only role, my only secret... The other World Flowers don't even know about this. - In order to achieve my Mother's dream. That's the reason for my existence as the very first World Flower. - That's something I can't change... I can't let that happen. |
Chapter 3 Lilli's Dream[]
Chapter 3 Lilli's Dream |
- Mother entrusted many things to her children. She hated having control over everything.
- As a result, Spring Garden is overflowing with a variety of life that Mother could never have expected. - But at the same time, Mother was worried that she could not intervene at all. - So, she decided to use me. - She learned about the state of Spring Garden and sometimes helped out through me, the first World Flower. - The rituals of the World Flower Shrine Maidens... Dealing with visitors from other worlds... - I carefully and secretly use Lilywood, so that nobody knows it's my doing. - I represent Mother. I'm simply fulfilling my role faithfully. - So, I have no ego as an individual. Nothing... Nothing changes about me. Belle: [Lilli-hun, ya've fairly changed.] Lilli: [... What has?] Belle: [How ta say this? Everythin'? Ya're atmosphere, or ya're air...] [When I think about ya in this form compared to how ya started, then it feels like ya were much harder an' unapproachable before.] Lilli: [... I don't think it's anything like that. Nothing has changed at all.] Belle: [It's weird to say that. Right, Sun-hun?] Sun: [Umu, I think that Lilli's still Lilli! She's all green, round, and fluffy!] [No, more like fuzzy? Maybe furry...] Belle: [Thank ya for ya'r valuable contributions. What do ya think, Len-hun?] Len: [Eh, ummm... ah...] Belle: [Hm?] Len: [Ha-hanyanya...] Lilli: [Don't pressure her. Len, you can speak freely.] Len: [... I think... You've changed. You've gotten a lot softer than you were, Lilli-chan...] [At the start, you were more like... It's like Belle-chan says, you were a lot tougher... Or something...?] Lilli: [.........] Belle: [See♪ Ya're a lot softer now♪] Sun: [Mu? I think Lilli's been soft ever since the start! All soft and squishy!] Belle: [You're the one that's all soft an' squishy, Sun-hun] Lilli: [... Hard... Soft... Unapproachable...] Len: [Ah, s-sorry, I've caused you trouble. I need to think of better things to say... But umm...] [I-it's not a bad thing, it's a good thing, you know. It feels a lot easier for me to talk to you now...] [It would make me happy if you found it fun to chat with us too, Lilli-chan...] Lilli: [... I see. Thanks. I wasn't aware of it, but it's a very valuable point.] Len: [E-ehehe... You're welcome!] Lilli: [... Good things, and bad things... Easy to talk to... Fun...] Len: [L-Lilli-chan...?] Belle: [That way ya get deep in thought has never changed.] Sun: [See? Haven't I been telling you that Lilli hasn't changed at all?] - Changed? Me? ... It's true my way of speaking may have changed. - To begin with, we've never used speech to communicate. Due to our lack of familiarity, then it's inevitable that things will change with repetition... - Is that what Belle and the others were talking about? These superficial changes? - No... They are World Flowers, just like me. Their points are probably deeper and more important than that. - So, my change is... Lilli: [.........!] Pelargonium: H-huh? I thought it was around here... Geranium: Did we lose sight of it? Maybe it ran away because you ran towards it... Pelargonium: Th-that's! Uuuu, sorry... It's my fault... Chocolate Lily: Don't worry about it. We probably just made a mistake. Pelargonium: Y-yes... You're right... Chocolate Lily: ... But should we look around a little more, just in case? Was it around this area, Pelargonium? Pelargonium: Y-yes! I thought I saw it sitting on that mushroom! Chocolate Lily: Understood. It seems like it has extraordinary jumping ability, so be sure to check in the trees as well. Pelargonium: Yes! Geranium: Fufuu. Chocolate Lily: ... What's with that look? Geranium: I was just thinking how kind you are with your juniors, Chocolate Lily. Long ago, you would have done anything to be alone. Chocolate Lily: ... You always talk far too much. I'm also learning slowly. Also, this investigative mission poses no danger at all. So, there is no reason for me to refuse Pelargonium's companionship. Geranium: Yeah yeah, you're right. Chocolate Lily: Stop with that look! Pelargonium: Ah, um! But I want to, um... Get stronger one day... I want to go on dangerous missions together with you two! Chocolate Lily: ... Do you want to die too? Pelargonium: N-no! The real purpose isn't to go on dangerous missions... You two are the senpai I adore the most, so I want to be with you... So, in order for that to happen, I'm going to work harder and grow stronger! Then I'll be able to go along with you whenever! That's Pel's dream! Geranium: I see... Yeah! I'm cheering for you, Pelargonium! I'm waiting for that dream to come true too. Pelargonium: Th-thank you! I'll do my best! Geranium: Hey, you should say something too, Chocolate Lily. So, your cute junior can grow. Chocolate Lily: Why do I...? Pelargonium: ......... Chocolate Lily: As long as you don't die. I won't stop you from working hard as long as you keep that up. Pelargonium: Y-yes, thank you Chocolate Lily-san, Geranium-san! - Dreams, wishes, the power of feelings... The power that started with Mother which everyone now seems to have... - The power to change the present and create the future. The driving force of change, and the starting point for growth. - That means that I... I have changed too...? Sun: [Umumumuuu~~~~!?] Belle: [Fuu... So refreshin'♪] Lilli: [We should give her a break for now.] Sun: [Uuumu~... W-why...? Why are you rolling me around now...?] Belle: [Isn't it obvious...? It's cause ya're cute an' funny, Sun-hun♪] [Even though... You may be cute and funny, but you still say some decent things!] Sun: [Wh-what's that!?] [... No, now isn't the time for an explanation! Someone as amazing as myself clearly understands!] [... I don't need an explanation, right? I'm right, aren't I, Lilli?] Lilli: [Don't take what Belle says so seriously. Only listen to about half of what she says.] [Just because you said something decent Sun, doesn't mean she can roll you around. Don't worry.] Sun: [Umu, understood! If Lilli says that, then I won't worry♪] [... Eh, so why are you rolling me around too, Lilli?] Lilli: [In the end, you're just asking for it. Maybe I shouldn't have ended things with that sensible comment...] Sun: [Asking for it? Who was asking for it? I'm going to turn as blue as Win or Len!] Len: [Whyat!? Eh, ummm... Uuuuummmm...] [When they say asking for things... Then they're talking about someone who provokes them, or they make fun of...] [“Now that I know how to become human then I'm going to be first!”] [... I think the cause of this is because you said that... Right?] Sun: [Mumu? Muu... I see, I get it!] [These two are afraid of my true power! There's no way they could win if they even tried!] [So they started rolling me around to try and stop me... I see I see, then it can't be helped!] Belle: [... Right. So, let's roll her over♪] Sun: [You can't do that! Fight me fair and square!] [Saying that... Heeey ya!] Len: [Ah, Sun-chan! ... She's gone.] Lilli: [It's not like this is a competition or anything. That one's always...] Belle: [... So ya're sayin' ya're happy to lose by default, Lilli-hun?] Lilli: [Huh?] Belle: [“We'll get human forms so that we can support the people.” Bloss-hun and Win-hun have already surpassed that goal...] [If the rest of us don't make this into some kinda competition or game, then we're gonna stay like this forever?] [In other words – If you don't get in on this competition, then ya're givin' up ya're chance of getting' a human form.] Lilli: [... I don't quite get your logic, but I do agree that a sense of urgency is needed.] [If we take things too leisurely, then this age is going to pass us by. We have to try everything we can.] Len: [Y-you say everything... Just like what Sun-chan said...] Belle: [We need to start interactin' with people, even though we look like this.] [It's fine, isn't it? It's certainly what Bloss-hun and Win-hun tried.] Lilli: [It's surprising to see you so enthusiastic, Belle. Didn't you say that you didn't want anyone seeing you in this state?] Belle: [Did I? I musta forgot. I don't think I did, but I might have...] [Wouldn't it be better than lettin' Sun-hun get ahead of us and getting' even more smug and annoyin'?] Lilli: [... You might have a point.] [In order to get a human form and understand people's hearts, we need to interact with them. That's the new goal for us.] [No... It's not for us. It's us who have decided that.] [Bloss, Win, Belle, Sun, Len. My family... My younger sisters...] [Experience, feel, think, then discuss. All in order to make this world a better place by ourselves.] [Me too... I have those same feelings too...] [I'm still a long way away from understanding people's hearts. Obtaining a human form also seems unpredictable.] [But the desire to reach that point – that dream is... Surely my own.] –... I see. –Isn't it a problem to maintain this box garden? Lilli: [Yes. The world is growing at a tremendous pace, and there are many vibrant lives.] –Fufuu, how reliable. –Everyone's getting so big and strong. –When I heard that they had left this box garden, –I was really worried at first... –But they tried a lot of different things, and it ended up working out. –I can't believe they made friends with Nidhoggr! Lilli: [... So it was unexpected, even for you, Mother?] –Yes. –But maybe this is the inevitable future that was to come someday. –I want to make friends with everyone and live with them. –That was ■■■■■■■■'s dream too. Lilli: [Dream...] [Mother, are dreams good things? Are they things that need to be affirmed?] –Yes, they're wonderful things. –They're warm, gentle, and full of hope. –They have the power to not be crushed by reality. –And the power to reveal truths and ideals. –Standing against unreasonable fate, –They are needed to be able to find happiness... –The time will come when even you understand that, Lilywood. –But I think now is not yet the time for that at all. Lilli: [... Mother. Is it alright if I add some additional comments to my report?] –Ara, this is rare? –For you to say something like this, Lilywood. –Fufuu, of course, I welcome it! –No matter what it is, or how much it is, please tell me all♪ Lilli: [It's about the people of this world, the Flower Knights, and the will to save the Outside World as well...] [All of us World Flowers agree with them and have decided to support them.] –Yes, that's true. –It's a very big decision you have made. –In order for the Flower Knights to be able to fight outside of this box garden... –Blossom Hill and Winter Rose –Carved out their own share of power and became independent. Lilli: [Their first priority was to expand their scope of activity. But that wasn't all.] [It's important to understand people's hearts in order to support them... In order to understand their hearts, it's necessary to gain the same form as them...] [I learned from the previous Dragon Emperor's actions and discussed it with my fellow World Flowers.] –I see! –You've thought about it this far! –And so that's why Blossom Hill and Winter Rose, –Looked like that when they left for the Outside World. Lilli: [It's not just those two. We also...] Sun: [It's a match! We're going to compete to see who will be the first to get a human body!] Belle: [I won't lose to Sun-hun. Of course, not to Lilli-hun or Len-hun either♪] Len: [I-it's tough... But I'll do my best with everyone...!] Lilli: […. Me too, I don't intend to lose. If my younger sisters keep going ahead of me, they'll stop looking up to me as their big sister.] [Please watch over us, Mother. I'm going to use my power, my dreams, so that I don't lose to everyone...!] –Ara, Lilywood. –Did you want a human form too? –If “it's that” –You could have just asked me any time! Lilli: ........................ ......... Eh? ................................................ ................................................ Eh? –My cute Lilywood... –The first beloved child I dreamed of... –Fufuu, what a wonderful form! –It really suits you♪ Lilli: ... Mother.........? |
Chapter 4 Agent[]
Chapter 4 Agent |
Belle: [Lilli-hun... How do I get a human form? Why is it I haven't gotten any power yet?]
[Why do I... Feel nervous? Why can't I feel calm like I was before?] [Why now...? Why does the thought of people dying make me feel so bad......] Lilli: [You still haven't found a true reason to be close to people. There are different forms of love.] [In the end, you're still... Only at the point where you would feed a stray cat.] - What... Sun: [Umumuu~! That Belle, the Belle! She's so amazing! That's why I'm so annoyed!] [Lilli! Len! Sun's going too! I'm not going to lose to you~~!] Len: [... Hey, Lilli-chan. Why can't Sun-chan get a human form?] [Even though she's going full power with all her strength, and trying every single thing to understand people...] Lilli: [Sun's a little special. Apparently it has something to do with the Sage that visited her garden.] [Who is Sun really? Is it possible for her to become a human in the same way as us...?] - What do I... Cistus: I am... I don't need my heart...!? Then what should I do...!? Lilli: [Take a look around. You're being looked down upon right now.] [You have a far greater destiny than you think you do.] [Your own meaning – Once you realise your own position and role in this world...] [Then not a single person will be able to look down upon you. You will become a person who will attract the attention and respect of anyone you want.] -What do I know...? Midgardsormr: [Yaa~ sorry about before! I messed up with the connection!] Midgardsormr: [We were being careful about information leaks, but maybe we should have told that Lilywood World Flower~] Lilli: [I don't mind. A post-event report also helps.] [So, was it your wish to lock all the people into this world?] Midgardsormr: [Hm... Hm, well, that's true...] Midgardsormr: [... You're not mad?] Lilli: [Mad? About what?] Midgardsormr: [About what, about our confinement plan. Wasn't it against the World Flowers?] Midgardsormr: [I guess they agree with whatever the Flower Knights want? That's why they support them...] Lilli: [I personally neither approve nor disapprove. I don't know how the other World Flowers feel.] [You're all Mother's children right now too. I have no intention of choosing which wish to prioritise.] [I just watch and evaluate. I'll lend a helping hand to anyone who needs it.] Midgardsormr: [... Things have changed, Lilywood. No, more like “returned”.] Midgardsormr: [Yeah yeah, just like we like. After all, gods must have fair judgement!] Lilli: [.........] Midgardsormr: [Well, it's about time we left. We're providing support with building the special highway.] Midgardsormr: [We need to keep the promise we were made to make~ Nidhoggr is keeping a far closer eye on us than before too.] Midgardsormr: [I don't know if it would be better to have Hraesvelgr in a bad mood with us instead.] Midgardsormr: [No, I don't want to die. Well, I guess we';; die either way.] Lilli: [...............] - I mistakenly thought I understood, but what do I know? - Dreams and wishes, are they really such free things? There's no way I'm allowed to have such things. - No, it's not about whether I'm allowed to or not. It's about what my original role was. - I'm Mother's chosen. I'm... Different from everyone. Sun: [Haaa. That Riko guy really knows a lot.] Belle: [Well, she's the boss of the pest's team. Isn't it only obvious that she'd know all about these thin's?] Sun: [Really? So the birth of pests was fairly recent? How does she even know what happened before the pests were born?] Belle: [That's... Why is that Bloss-hun, Win-hun?] Bloss: [Hmmto... Even if Riko-chan's the successor of the first Aglessa...] [But it's not like the first Aglessa was around tens of millions of years ago.] Win: [... One theory lies with the nature of the existence known as the Will of the World.] [The Will of the World Haqq that we made contact with seemed to be from a far older age than Mama.] Belle: [So this annoyin' Haqq thin' decided to let Riko in on the knowledge?] Win: [It's a possibility.] [However, from what I could tell from Riko's own way of speaking is...] [I don't think that all she knows is only from listening to what Haqq had to tell her.] Bloss: [Riko-chan's determination was shown very clearly after she decided to stand against everyone.] [As Riko-chan herself said, she must have received something from the Will of the World...] [So I think that she might have inherited the memories and knowledge of the Will of the World.] Sun: [So in other words, what is it, why is it, and what does it mean?] Belle: [This “World” that has lived longer than Mother herself has its own will, memories an' whatever...] [And the ones that call themselves “the Will of the World” are the ones that can come out an' pull on the strings.] Sun: [So it's like they are taking any toys they want out from a gigantic toy box!] Belle: [I don't know if they're doin' it because they want to, but, well, you have the right idea. But I don't know.] [Haa, it's scary... We always thought that Mother was the top existence there was...] [But now our enemy could be stronger than even Mother...] Win: [No matter how much warning we get, or how many preparations we make, it'll never be enough.] [But that despair is not a reason to give up on the hope of living.] Bloss: [After adventuring with everyone in Carenthus, Bloss thinks this.] [Even though it might look impossible, you should try to make a little progress at first. We should try going as far as we can.] [Then, when we can't go any further, then we call someone else to that place. “Please come, over here”] [Then that person can take your place and move even further forward, or that person can carry you on their back and we can move on a little further...] [If we do that, then we'll have gone a surprisingly far way before you know it!] [Bloss really learned a lot of things like these by being with everyone!] Belle: [... I see. It's so easy to imagine those kids' faces now, when I think of 'em.] [It's discouragin' to face it alone, but when you face it with someone else...] [It would be no good if we fell into despair and ran away out of fear, especially if we wanna be next to those kids.] Sun: [Umu! Bloss and Belle have really come to “understand”!] [We need to accept all reality. Once we accept it, then what do we think about it?] [But, there's so many things to think about, so it's hard to understand it alone...] [So, we need to learn from those who understand! In exchange, Sun will teach these people what Sun knows!] [Everyone's amazing. Sun's amazing too. When all these amazing things come together, then there's nothing to be scared of!] Win: [Unity, cooperation... I realised the potential and power of this after contacting people directly.] [It will definitely surpass Mama's power one day.] [We will protect them. We'll protect Spring Garden. Let's work together to stand against this “Whim of the World”.] Belle & Sun & Bloss: [Of course♪] [Yes!] [Umu!!] Win: [Well, let's get down to business. Regarding the information and scope that we will share with the Flower Knights...] Bloss: [... Hm? Hm~~......?] Belle: [What are ya doin' Bloss-hun? Ya're growlin' like a li'l puppy.] Bloss: [Right now... It felt like someone was near here...] Sun: [Really? Isn't it your imagination? Or maybe it was a bird, a squirrel, or maybe a cow?] Bloss: [Hmm, was it really that...?] Lilli: ... Making contact with people, feeling and learning many things, and deciding your own future with your own will... Bloss, Win, Belle, and Sun... Have done well. All of them have already understood the hearts of people. I'll... ... I'll do my part. As Mother's faithful representative. I'm different from them. What I need to do, what I can do... Where I need to be. So... There's no problem if I'm not around. They are enough to support the people, the Flower Knights. ... I'll go back. There are still things I need to do... ???: [–Lilli-chan...?] Lilli: ...... Len............ |
Chapter 5 Route[]
Chapter 5 Route |
Lilli: Len... Why are you here...?
Len: [So, it really was that... There's no way I made a mistake right now...] [Lilli-chan has already gained a human form.] Lilli: ......... I have lost to your persistence. Have you been keeping an eye on me all this time? Len: [Eh? N-no... I just came by today...] [Everyone seems to be gathering in Lilywood, so I was wondering what's happening...] [So I came to take a look, and now I'm curious about Lilli-chan more than anyone else...] Lilli: ... I see. It must have been tough to come all this way in that form. Len: [N-no... Umm... Well, the Manyu-chans helped to roll me here...] [B-but more importantly Lilli-chan, congratulations! This form is really pretty, it's cute!] [Haaa... So nice... I want to get a form like that soon...] Lilli: ............ Len: [H-huh...? Lilli-chan, are you angry...?] Lilli: ... I'm not angry or anything. Is that all you wanted to say? Len: [U-ummm... Well... Hmmm...] [Ah, you see... How did you get your human form?] Lilli: ... How? Len: [Y-yeah. Like the trigger, or what did you do, or some hints...] [I'm the last one, so I was hoping that Lilli-chan would teach me all sorts of things...] Lilli: ...... Len: [But I guess it's no good to tell others, right? I guess we all need to reflect on what we've done...] [You're really smart though, Lilli-chan, so you must have tried a lot of different things?] [Like analysing Bloss-chan's and the others' methods, then interacting with the people of Lilywood...] [That's how you “come to understand the hearts of people”!] Lilli: ............... Len: [Amazing, Lilli-chan definitely... You've always been so cool, you're my, our...] Lilli: ......... Quiet. Len: [... Eh?] Lilli: Stop it... Don't look at me like that... You're wrong, I'm... I'm not as amazing as you think. I'm... I never did anything by myself... Len: [S-saying you didn't do anything is a lie. Because you've actually gained a human form...] Lilli: ......... Len: [... Lilli-chan...?] Lilli: I'm... How I got this form was... Len: [.................. No way.] Lilli: That's the truth. That's how I was able to gain my human form. I'm sorry for deceiving you up until now. I also apologise for saying that you were delusional. But, now you know. There's nothing you can learn from me. I'm... Different from all of you. Len: [... Since when? How long have you been hiding that form...?] Lilli: It was before Belle gained her human form. It was Bloss, Win... Then it was me. Len: [That's... Ever since then, you've...] [N-no... Even now...] Lilli: The relationship between Mother and I, my role... It was bad of me to keep it quiet and sometimes lie to you. I'm different from you all. I've never been able to truly be friends with you. I'm... ... Mother's representative. Len: [.........] [Don't apologise...] [If you apologise to me like that...] [You've never done anything bad, Lilli-chan...!] Lilli: ... I have. Bad things for you. Len: [You haven't! Lilli-chan hasn't done anything bad at all!] [Mama did those things on her own... Mama unilaterally took Lilli-chan's dream...] [Mama is... It's Mama's fault that Lilli-chan is...] Lilli: Stop it, Len. I won't allow you to say any more. Len: [I can't talk bad about Mama...? What are you going to do if you won't allow it...?] [Will you choose our Mama over me, even though she's the one who makes you feel this way, Lilli-chan...?] Lilli: ... Calm down. Think sensibly, World Flower Lotus Lake. My role has been decided since the creation of Spring Garden. This isn't something that has just started. The same goes for your roles too. It was decided that I would be different from the rest of you. So... There's nothing for you to make a fuss about. Nothing at all, Len. Len: [... That's weird...] [All because everything was decided for you ever since the beginning...? So, there's nothing at all that you can change...?] [Then our dreams and the future are all a lie! All that remains for us is an unchangeable eternity!] [Are you saying that all of the things that everyone in this world is trying to do means nothing!?] Lilli: That's not what... Len: [What you said? Is that really what you think, Lilli-chan?] [Even though this world is filled with life, and each one has a different dream...] [Even though, do you really think that Mama's dream is the only real one?] Lilli: ...!! Len: [I-I'm really angry right now... Even I'm surprised...] [At Mama, who has decided that Lilli-chan will be like this...] [At Mama, who took away Lilli's dream and our promise...] [If she wants to do whatever she wants to Lilli-chan any further, then I-I'll... Mama will... To Mama...!] Lilli: ... Give it a break, Len! All you have to do is think about yourself! Len: [That's the one thing you can't do the most, Lilli-chan! I'm begging you, please open your eyes!] [Lilli-chan is... The most amazing out of all of us... You're the coolest...] Lilli: ......... ................... Flower Len: [A-ah... Lilli-chan...!] Lilli: I won't report any of this to Mother. Instead of that, reflect on what you said alone. Len: [W-wait, I'm not finished...!] Lilli: Lotus Lake has been... Deported. ......... Fuu. That was hard to do. It really was hard... ......... ... I'll go back to Mother. If I stay here any longer... Len: [–Hnya! Hanyanya~~!!] Lilli: Nuuu...!? Len: [Haaa, haaa...! Lilli-chan's so ignorant...!] Lilli: ... Idiot, why are you still here? I definitely teleported... ...!! Len, don't tell me that you... Even in that form, the World Flower's authority... Len: [Lilli-chan is the most amazing out of all of us... I've always thought that, and I still do...] [But the next amazing one after Lilli-chan – Is me! I'm the only one who can make Lilli-chan change!] [Fff... Flower!!] [Hanyaa, hanyaa~...!] [Hanyahanyaa, nya~~!!] Lilli: Division... No, our power is at the same level... The reflecting water surface... You're using your acquired history to...! Len: [Let's fight, Lilli-chan! Fight me!] [Then, I'll... Once I beat you, Lilli-chan...] [You'll join us and not Mama!!] |
Epilogue |
Cistus: So you're saying it's OK to change the future?
King Protea: Yes. I heard that you can see into the near future using your psychic powers, Cistus-san. Have you ever made a choice that has changed that up until now? Cistus: I'm a Super Exorcist. So of course I have loads of experience doing that. In order to get away from my Landlady when she comes to collect the rent, and also to buy some new pants before the string breaks on these... Spirit of the Archive: [A waste of talent...] King Protea: ... Have you ever faced more trouble by changing the future? Cistus: More trouble... More trouble...? You'll always face more trouble just by being alive. So, I don't have anything special to talk about in mind. King Protea: ... I see. Cistus: What's with that response? It seems like you too have the burden of seeing into the future. King Protea: ...... Cistus: ... Correct. I don't have any problems with it. I'm a genius after all. Spirit of the Archive: [I can feel the fact that this girl is worried about something. How about offering her some advice or something?] Cistus: Advice... I see... I can't advise amateurs to try changing the future or whatever. If there's something you want to change, then you should ask a pro like myself. But, if you don't have the money to hire me... Then why not try doing whatever you want? Whatever future you can see is caused by somebody somewhere doing what they want. There aren't any futures you have to accept. The key is how much you're prepared to take responsibility for. Ooh, wasn't that some good advice? I'm in a good mood now, so I'll give you a discount on my consultation fee! Spirit of the Archive: [... Haa. I'm an idiot for being impressed for a moment.] King Protea: Prepared to take responsibility... Which future should I accept...? Lilli: ... How unexpected. I never thought you'd take it that far. But you didn't expect that either. That I would go this far. Len: [Hanyaaa... hanyaa...] [Lilli-chan... This power is...] Lilli: It's Mother's authority. I'm borrowing it as a last resort, just in case. I never thought I would need to use it... I didn't want to use it if I could. Len: [.........] Lilli: I've won, Len. I command you as the winner. Never speak of this day to anyone, and you will work together Bloss and the others. And... Please give up on me. Len: [... I'll never give up... I'll never ever give up...] [Because I'm, we're... Lilli-chan's...] [..................] Lilli: ......... Manyu: [Is this alright?] Lilli: ... That's not something for me to decide. I don't have any opinions or feelings on it. Manyu: [Liar. If you didn't have any feelings, then you would never have answered.] Manyu: [“This is important for the world”. I expected an answer like that.] Manyu: [Because they have opinions and feelings.] Manyu: [Their answer had opinions and feelings.] Lilli: ... I'm... I'm... –This box garden is expanding smoothly. –But is it going a little too fast? –Fufuu. This is because of everyone's hard work –Or maybe it's because I got too excited. Lilli: ......... –My feelings can only reach as far –As the world that I created... –If my world gets wider – Then my feelings can reach further... –Together with even more children –We can live happily together. –In order for that to happen, this world... Lilli: ... Mother. I want to see that dream come true too. –Thank you, Lilywood. –You're always there to help me. –I wouldn’t be able to do anything without you –You will always be my strength... Lilli: I have a suggestion to help achieve Mother's dream. Why don't we share this dream with the other World Flowers and the people? Only I... Can do that in place of Mother... –......... –Did I ask you to do this? Lilli: No. I thought of this myself. I monitor the world on Mother's behalf, so when I next go to speak with the other World Flowers... I decided by myself that this would be the best. –I never thought of that. –This is only something that I can do. –But... You say that's wrong, Lilywood? Lilli: ... Yes. –You would answer me like that? –Are you saying that you understand? Lilli: ......... Yes. –I see... I see, yes, you're right... –Fufuu, ufufufufufufu......... –Aah, wonderful! I'm extremely happy, Lilywood! –But I'm sad at the same time! –I don't understand. –Have I been waiting for this day to come, or have I not...? –I'm happy, sad, proud, and disappointed. –My heart's a complete mess, Lilywood. Lilli: Mother, I... –Don't worry about me. –You should already be living your life as you see fit. –But, my cute Lilywood... –No matter which path you choose, you're still always my child. –Your happiness is my greatest wish. Lilli: ... Thank you, Mother. Excuse me. –... Aww, what a surprise. –That they're children left the nest before my own children did... –But it should all be fine. –That child is my own child too... –Get stronger, bigger –And my children will one day surpass me. White Furball: [Unyu...] Black Furball: [Unyu-Nyu...] –But today's not that day. –I have not yet fulfilled my duties as a parent. –In order to protect everyone from this Will of the World –This box garden must... - I will dream within a dream. There is no superiority or inferiority. - As long as you have a sense of self, and your thoughts... Then everyone else is “in a dream”. - Do I have my own sense of self? Can I dream about something? - Am I able to maintain a clear outlook as a form of consciousness that has been born into this world? - Will my existence still remain, even though I'm now separated from the Mother Tree? - What is left there? Lilli: Determine. Not for Mother, but for myself... Please let me believe. That even you can surpass Mother's dreams. |
(List of All Side Story Translations) | ||
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