Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Story Overview   Story

Story Missions (ストーリー任務) are Missions that follow the main events of the Flower Knight Girl story. They do not provide any unique resources and instead offer many Flower Stones as Full Clear rewards. However, early Story Missions can be quite tricky to Full Clear due to the large number of random direction panels and varying path lengths. Maps from Part 1 Mission 26 and beyond are considerably easier to Full Clear, but have somewhat stronger pests.

Details on panels can be found here: Subjugation#Panels.

Skip Tickets cannot be used on Story Mission stages, with the exception of #High Experience Stages.

High Experience Stages[]

High EXP (高EXP) stages were added on March 5th, 2018. These stages have fewer pest nodes and provide much more Danchou Experience than normal. Spamming these are great for leveling up new players. For Missions that have them, they appear after the fifth stage and appear with a plus (+) symbol.

  • In Part 1, every 8 Missions has a High Experience stage.
  • In Parts 2 and 3, every Mission has a High Experience stage.
  • In Part 4, there are no High Experience stages.
Has high exp banner

Mission 8 has a high experience stage, but Mission 7 does not

Stage 8 plus

Stage 8+ comes after 8-5

Part 1[]

Part 1 - Thousand-year Threat (一部 千年前の脅威編千年前の脅威編) was released alongside the game. The story mostly revolves around Nazuna, Saintpaulia, Turnip Rape, Silver Orchid, and Great Burnet. In total, there are 49 missions.

Mission specialgroup 6
Mission 1 - At the base of Phos Hill
任務1 フォス丘陵地
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
1-1 初仕事 First Job 7 75
1-2 森を抜け山へ Through the Forest and to the Mountain 8 86
1-3 分かれ道その先に A Fork in the Road Ahead 9 98
1-4 急がば Sudden Urgency 10 110
1-5 初めての脅威 The First Threat 11 122
Translated Story
Mission 2 - The Plains Before Garde
任務2 ガルデの裾野
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
2-1 害虫の巣 A Nest of Pests 12 134
2-2 森の中の陽力 Sun Power within the Forest 13 147
2-3 見晴らし良好! Favorable Prospects! 14 160
2-4 ホップステップ Hop, Step 15 173
2-5 二つの道筋 Two Paths 16 186
Translated Story
Mission 3 - Navia Plains
任務3 ナヴィア平野
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
3-1 二分の一 1 of 2 Paths 17 199
3-2 登山しようぜ Let's Go Mountain Climbing 18 212
3-3 全て殲滅したい I Want to Exterminate them All 19 226
3-4 天国か地獄 Heaven or Hell? 20 240
3-5 山の上の罠 A Trap Atop the Mountain 21 254
Mission 4 - Lake Shore of Mimuisu
任務4 ミムイスの湖畔
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
4-1 避けられぬ戦い Unavoidable Battle 22 268
4-2 時には遠回りも The Occasional Detour 23 283
4-3 島に何か見える Something can be Seen on the Island 25 313
4-4 集束点の泉 Fountain at the Focusing Point 21 254
4-5 金のなる木 The Money Tree 22 268
Mission 5 - Purifying the Forest District
任務5 無垢なる森林区
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
5-1 背後から迫る脅威 A Threat Approaching from Behind 23 283
5-2 四つの陽力 Sun Power of the Four Alters 24 298
5-3 中央ルートの恐怖 Terror of the Central Route 25 313
5-4 北の巣 Northern Pests 28 358
5-5 高い所がお好き Fondness of the High Ground 22 268
Mission 6 - Needle Thin Corridor
任務6 ミズ回廊
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
6-1 それぞれの道筋 Each and Every Path 24 298
6-2 懐の害虫達 Heart of the Pests 25 313
6-3 富か死か Death or Riches? 26 328
6-4 ブルーフラッグ Blue Flag 27 343
6-5 隠された入り口 Concealed Entrance 30 390
Mission 7 - The Deep Forests of Eda
任務7 エダの深き森
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
7-1 森を抜けて Escape the Forest 25 313
7-2 害虫ウォール Pest Wall 26 328
7-3 高みの見物 Spectator 27 343
7-4 一点集中 Single Point Convergence 28 358
7-5 ランドマークツリー Landmark Tree 30 390
Mission 8 - Outer Walls of Iol
任務8 イオル外郭
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
8-1 クライムナイツ Crime Nights 33 439
8-2 近きは遠し So Close, Yet so Far 27 343
8-3 籠城如し Like Sieging a Castle 28 358
8-4 三点攻撃 Three Point Strike 29 374
8-5 深き森の罠 Trap in the Deep Forest 30 390
8+ イオル外郭 高EXP Outer Walls of Iol High EXP 30 468
Mission 9 - Mozu Forest District
任務9 モズ森林区
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
9-1 白き欲望 White Desire 32 422
9-2 足元注意 Careful Steps 35 473
9-3 ホワイトシュガー White Sugar 29 374
9-4 背水の陣 Final Stand 30 390
9-5 プリズム Prism 31 406
Mission 10 - The Frozen Lake of Fuva
任務10 フヴァの氷結湖
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
10-1 ワイヤーアクション Wire Action 32 422
10-2 アップダウン Up and Down 34 456
10-3 ゲレンデスリル Ski Slope Thrills 37 507
10-4 イタダキスト Mountain Top Strike 31 406
10-5 先手必勝 The First to Action, Wins 32 422
Mission 11 - Neidhoeger Snow Fields
任務11 ナイドホグル雪原
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
11-1 定められた道筋 Established Path 33 439
11-2 ウインターカオス Winter Chaos 34 456
11-3 回り込み Wraparound 35 473
11-4 迂回路 Detour 38 524
11-5 四方散開 North, South, East, West Dispersal 32 422
Mission 12 - The Ruins of Dyne
任務12 ダインの遺跡
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
12-1 害虫の渦 Maelstrom of Pests 33 439
12-2 ダウンヒル Downhill 34 456
12-3 効率よく進むには Advancing Efficiently 35 473
12-4 宝の丘 Treasure on the Hill 37 507
12-5 氷の神殿に住む悪魔 Demon Living in the Water Temple 40 560
Mission 13 - Old Phos Training District
任務13 旧フォス修練区
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
13-1 くるくるりんぱ Whirling Nodes 34 452
13-2 東の山 Eastern Mountain 35 469
13-3 我ラ水軍ナリ Sounding Our Navy 36 487
13-4 沿岸の害虫要塞 Fortification of Pests on the Coast 38 524
13-5 害虫テリトリー Pest Territory 40 528
Mission 14 - The Outer Walls of Blossom Hill
任務14 ブロッサムヒル外郭
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
14-1 外郭への入り口 Entrance of the Outer Walls 36 475
14-2 害虫渓谷 Pest Canyon 38 492
14-3 巣の駆除専門部隊 Pest Nest Extermination Corps 40 511
14-4 崖の上の Atop the Cliff 42 550
14-5 害虫包囲網 Besieged By Pests 44 554
Mission 15 - The Spirit of Forest Oz
任務15 オズの神霊樹林
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
15-1 樹林を駆け抜けて Beyond The Forest 38 475
15-2 近道と回り道 Shortcut and Detour 40 492
15-3 害虫に追われ Pursued by Pests 42 511
15-4 双子山を目指して Heading Towards Twin Peaks 44 550
15-5 樹林の先に Before the Forest 46 554
Mission 16 - White Lily Highway
任務16 白百合街道
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
16-1 保護区の入り口 Sanctuary Entrance 38 477
16-2 神霊の滝を越えて Passing The Waterfall of the Divine Spirit 40 495
16-3 英霊の足跡周辺 Following the Footprints of Great Men 42 514
16-4 白百合街道の終着点 The End of White Lily Highway 44 553
16-5 深森と風谷の狭間 The Junction of August Forest and Wind Valley 46 557
16+ 白百合街道 高EXP White Lily Highway High EXP 46 669
Mission 17 - Flasberg Valley
任務17 フラスベルグ渓谷
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
17-1 グンス湖のほとり The Bank of Gunsu Lake 38 481
17-2 渓間にそびえるは Above the Ravine 40 499
17-3 濁り水は足元に注意 Careful of the Murky Water Underfoot 42 519
17-4 山からの奇襲作戦 Surprise Attack From the Mountains 44 557
17-5 ベーズリー跡地にて At Beasley 46 560
Mission 18 - Ruins of Bremen Defense Base
任務18 ブレーメン防衛基地跡
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
18-1 戦跡を踏む 40 505
18-2 全てを見渡す塔の名は 42 534
18-3 窪地の罠 44 558
18-4 障害を越えて 46 591
18-5 高台を目指せ 48 612

Part 2[]

Part 2 - Foundation of the World (二部 根源の世界編) was released on September 10th, 2018. The story mostly revolves around Colchicum, Cockspur Coral Tree, and Mint. In total, there are 9 missions.

Mission specialgroup 7
Mission 1
任務1 調査、風谷への道
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
1-1 出発の時 7 75
1-2 新たな仲間と共に 8 86
1-3 険しきウカガミの谷 9 98
1-4 横穴の奥へ 10 110
1-5 埋もれ木に花が咲く 11 122
1+ ウカガミの谷横穴 高EXP 60 1048

Part 3[]

Part 3 - Creation of Spring Garden (三部 創世の花園編) was released on April 20th, 2020. The story mostly revolves around Meconopsis (Newcomer). In total, there are 6 missions.

Mission specialgroup 19
Mission 1
任務1 ブレーメン包囲突破戦
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
1-1 飛来する絶望 32 422
1-2 撤退戦 34 456
1-3 逃げ延びた先で 36 470
1-4 手がかりを探る者 37 481
1-5 希望の力 38 494
1+ 黄金色の希望 高EXP 60 1054
Mission 2
任務2 災厄の起源
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
2-1 決意の夜 33 439
2-2 悠久の世界と死せる世界 35 473
2-3 安息の終焉 37 481
2-4 動乱 38 494
2-5 大いなる極陽 39 507
2+ 記憶の深層へ 高EXP 60 1054
Mission 3
任務3 海に沈んだ空の花
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
3-1 クジラ艇の復旧 34 456
3-2 沈んだ花を求めて 36 470
3-3 船の墓場の道標 38 494
3-4 蓬莱花の力 39 507
3-5 天才の名にかけて 40 510
3+ 未来への船出 高EXP 60 1054
Mission 4
任務4 業火の目醒め
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
4-1 秘密の研究所へ 35 469
4-2 方舟計画 37 481
4-3 協力者 39 507
4-4 水中の業火 40 510
4-5 不滅の光と炎熱の闇 41 533
4+ 移ろう光と闇の狭間で 高EXP 60 1054
Mission 5
任務5 進軍、天を統べる王
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
5-1 決戦を前にして 37 518
5-2 吉報のおとずれ 39 546
5-3 世界花との対話 41 574
5-4 大規模侵攻作戦へ 42 609
5-5 新たな花の目覚め 43 624
5+ 未来を勝ち取るために 高EXP 60 1054
Final Mission - The Small Box Garden Within Destruction
最終任務 滅びの中の小さな箱庭
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
6-1 天雷と暁の空 Heavenly Thunder and Dawn Sky 39 546
6-2 千の羽の鎧 Thousand Winged Armour 41 574
6-3 闇の息吹 Breath of Darkness 43 602
6-4 二つの世界 Two Worlds 44 638
6-5 永遠と未来 Eternity and Future 46 667
6-6 絶望の底で返り咲く花 Flowers Returning to the Pit of Despair 50 700
6+ 怨念の残骸 高EXP 60 1054
6+ 支配者の妄執 破級 60 700
Translated Story

Part 4[]

Part 4 - Phantasmal Carenthus Arc (四部 鏡花水月のカレンサス編) was released on December 19th, 2022. In total, there are 13 missions including the Prologue. Unlike previous Parts, you progress through the story in Part 4 by moving your character on a map. There are 3 Panels on the map:

  • STORY: Panel where you view the story cutscene.
  • BATTLE: Panel where you challenge a Subjugation.
  • BOSS: Panel where you challenge a Boss Subjugation.
Story Mission Part 4 Banner
Prologue - Millennium Knight Company
序章 千年騎士団
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
0-1 目覚め、歩き、千足を降す Awaken, Walk, Step with a Thousand Feet 40 510
0-2 探り、集い、千頭を討つ Explore, Gather, Destroy a Thousand Heads 42 609
0-3 抗い、進み、千羽を貫く Resist, Advance, Pierce a Thousand Wings 44 638
0-4 願い、信じ、千年を束ねる Wish, Believe, The Sum of a Thousand Years 46 667
Mission 1 - The Dreams of a Dreaming Flower
任務1 夢見る花の見る夢
Part 4 Mission 1 Stage
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
1-1 毛玉を追いかけて Chasing a Furball 41 550
1-2 森で歌えば If We Sing in the Forest 43 620
1-3 人と虫と精霊と People, Bugs, and Spirits 45 655
1-4 お互いの気持ち Each Others' Feelings 47 680
1-5 憧れを形に The Form I've Longed for 49 682
Translated Story
Mission 2 - Undying Hope
任務2 翳らない希望
Part 4 Mission 2 Stage
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
2-1 起きて見る夢、寝て見る悪夢 A Waking Dream, A Sleeping Nightmare 42 550
2-2 世界花と女王様 The World Flower and the Queen 44 620
2-3 歓迎パーティー Welcoming Party 46 655
2-4 初めての冒険 My First Adventure 48 680
Translated Story
Mission 3 - The Heir of Sealing Magic
任務3 封聖封魔の後継者
Part 4 Mission 3 Stage
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
3-1 人違い? Mistaken Identity? 43 550
3-2 世界花と女王様と賢人と The World Flower, the Queen, and the Sage 45 620
3-3 お悩み相談 Advice for your Troubles 47 655
3-4 遺跡の最奥へ Deep in the Ruins 49 680
3-5 悪夢を振り切って Shaking off the Nightmare 51 680
Translated Story
Mission 4 - Departure Day
任務4 旅立ちの日
Part 4 Mission 4 Stage
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
4-1 別れの日 Day of Parting 46 550
何を為すか What Will You Do?
4-2 例の計画 The Example Plan 48 620
4-3 うむ! Umu! 50 655
果てを越えて Beyond the Limits
4-4 邂逅 A Chance Meeting 52 680
Translated Story
Mission 5 - Mirage's Apostle
任務5 陽炎の使徒
Part 4 Mission 5 Stage
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
5-1 外園の洗礼 Outer Garden's Baptism 46 550
一時休戦 A Moment's Truce
5-2 一方その頃 Meanwhile 48 620
5-3 不思議な迷子 A Strange Lost Child 50 655
5-4 害虫という存在 The Existence of Pests 52 680
5-5 悩む権利 The Right to Worry 54 680
Translated Story
Mission 6 - Seizing the Future
任務6 掴み取る未来
Part 4 Mission 6 Stage
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
6-1 理想と現実 Dreams and Reality 46 550
ウィンの大試練 Win's Great Trial
6-2 徹夜です。 An All Nighter. 48 620
動き出す世界 The World Keeps Turning
外園、再び The Outside World, Redux
6-3 最後の審判 Final Judgement 50 655
Translated Story
Mission 7 - To the Outside World
任務7 外の世界へ
Part 4 Mission 7 Stage
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
7-1 迫るその日 The Following Day 46 550
7-2 かくれん Hide and Seek 48 620
7-3 前夜 The Night Before 50 655
最終防衛ライン The Last Line of Defense
カレンサス砂漠 The Carenthus Desert
7-4 不測の事態は続く The Unforeseen Events Continue 52 680
旅人 Travelers
Translated Story
Mission 8 - The People of the Scorching Desert
任務8 灼熱砂漠の民
Part 4 Mission 8 Stage
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
8-1 あなたのいない夜 A Night Without You 46 550
カレンサスの民 The People of Carenthus
8-2 どこにいたって Wherever You Are 48 620
8-3 次の目標 The Next Objective 50 655
8-4 - - 52 655
8-5 灼熱砂漠道中記 Scorching Desert Travel Records 54 655
8-6 - - 56 680
8-7 ミズゴケの迷宮 Sphagnum Labyrinth 58 680
Translated Story
Mission 9 - The Heartbeat Ringing Through the Quicksand
任務9 流砂を伝う鼓動
Part 4 Mission 9 Stage
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
9-1 理解ってしまった! I Understand! 46 550
交流 Reunion
それぞれの作戦 Everyone's Strategies
9-2 流砂の抜け穴 The Quicksand Shortcut 48 620
9-3 交換条件 Terms and Conditions 50 655
王都を目指して Heading for the Capital
9-4 - - 52 680
9-5 - - 54 680
Translated Story
Mission 10 - The Wish to Inherit
任務10 受け継がれる意志
Part 4 Mission 10 Stage
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
10-1 王都奪還戦 The Battle to Reclaim the Capital 46 550
10-2 王都決戦 The Capital's Final Battle 48 620
10-3 - - 50 655
10-4 一時の宴 Brief Banquet 52 680
新しき時代に Into a New Age
10-5 全ては砂のように Everything Turns to Sand 54 680
Translated Story
Final Mission Act 1 - Beyond the Mirage
最終任務前編 蜃気楼の彼方に
Part 4 Mission 11
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
11-1 動き出す神 A God Awakens 46 550
炎天の戦い Battle of the Blazing Sun
11-2 - - 48 620
11-3 - - 50 655
11-4 陽炎の鼓動 Marici's Heartbeat 52 680
11-5 ハクア Haqq 54 680
決断 Resolution
祝福 Blessing
Translated Story
Final Mission Act 2 - A Fork in the Road Leading to Tomorrow
最終任務後編 明日へ続く分かれ道
Part 4 Mission 12
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
12-1 黒幕 Mastermind 48 550
12-2 クイズ Quiz 50 620
12-3 の意志 Will of the World 52 655
12-4 決別 Parting 54 680
Translated Story

Part 5[]

Part 5 - Flowers of a Distant Dream Arc (五部 遥かなる夢の花編) was released on January 22nd, 2024. So far, there is only 1 mission. Just like in Part 4, you progress through the story in Part 5 by moving your character on a map. There are 3 Panels on the map:

  • STORY: Panel where you view the story cutscene.
  • BATTLE: Panel where you challenge a Subjugation.
  • BOSS: Panel where you challenge a Boss Subjugation.
Story Mission Part 5 Banner
Mission 1 - An Old, but New Journey
任務1 古く新しき旅路
Part 5 Mission 1 Stage
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
1-1 調査を終えて After the Investigation 48 550
1-2 帰るべき日常へ The Daily Life I Should Return To 50 620
1-3 だけど再び動き出す But It's Starting Again 52 655
1-4 神霊樹林の異変調査 Investigating the Incidents in the Spirit Forest 54 680
Translated Story
Mission 2 - An Evolving World
任務2 進化する世界
Part 5 Mission 2 Stage
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
2-1 窮地を脱して Getting Out of Trouble 48 550
2-2 敵の正体 The Real Enemy 50 620
2-3 対策会議 Emergency Measures Meeting 52 655
2-4 発明の賢人 The Sage of Invention 54 680
Translated Story
Mission 3 - Primordial Relations
任務3 原初の系譜
Part 5 Mission 3 Stage
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
3-1 湖畔の継承問題 The Lakeside Inheritance Problem 48 550
3-2 原初の継承問題 The Primordial Inheritance Problem 50 620
3-3 恩返し Returning the Favor 52 655
3-4 迷子たち Lost Children 54 680
Translated Story
Mission 4 - Stamping Out the Past
任務4 絡みつく過去
Part 5 Mission 4 Stage
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
4-1 - - 48 550
4-2 双子の外園騎士 The Outer Garden Knight Twins 50 550
4-3 嘘と探し人 Liars and Seekers 52 620
4-4 燃え上がる……恋? This Burning... Is Love? 54 620
4-5 再戦 Rematch 56 655
4-6 抵抗 Resistance 58 655
4-7 本当の目的 True Intentions 60 655
4-8 立ち位置 Standing Position 62 680
4-9 ヒトノココロ People's Hearts 64 680
Translated Story
Mission 5 - The Deciding Battle vs. the Reality Changing Pest
任務5 決戦、夢想改虫
Part 5 Mission 5 Stage
Stage Japanese English Stm Exp
5-1 騒動のその後 Aftermath 48 550
5-2 世界花会議 World Flower Summit - -
5-3 エール Cheer 50 550
5-4 忍び寄る脅威 Looming Threat 52 620
5-5 離縁 Separation - -
5-6 決戦、夢想改虫 The Deciding Battle vs. the Reality Changing Pest 54 655
5-7 害虫は花園の夢を見るか? Do Pests Dream of Flower Gardens? 56 680
Translated Story