Sweltering Heat Maze (炎熱の迷宮) is the 2nd half of the Decisive Battle with Nidhogg (ナイドホグル決戦イベント), a time-limited Mission that takes place alongside Events. It includes a set of stages that involve a venture towards the heart of Nidhogg. Story-wise, this takes place after the battle with the Twilight Underlings - with Flower Knights going inside of Nidhogg to seal of its core.
It lasts one week and replaces the 1st half: Twilight Underlings.
As of 2023/04/24: Sweltering Heat Maze was made permanently available under Three Major Decisive Battles. Story Mission - Part 1, Chapter 45 must be completed in order to unlock these stages.

The maze consists of 4 Basic Levels, each containing 4 Stages. At least 1 stage in a level must be cleared in order to access the next level. Stages are classified under 1 of 6 Difficulties, from easiest to hardest they are: Elementary, High, Top, Ultimate, EX, and Core. Higher levels include stages of higher difficulties, with 1 stage being marginally easier than the rest.
Once a stage from level 4 has been cleared, the 5th and final Core Level becomes accessible.
Level | Japanese Name | Engligh Name | Type | Difficulty | Stages |
1 | 黒龍脈 | Black Dragon Vein | Magic | Elementary | 4 |
2 | 闇腑 | Dark Heart | Pierce | High / Top | 4 |
3 | 炎管 | Fire Gland | Hit | Top / Ultimate | 4 |
4 | 心門 | Ostium | Slice | Ultimate / EX | 4 |
5 (Core) | 神蟲核 | God Pest's Core | Neutral | EX / Core | 6 |

Burrow Found
When clearing stages, you will sometimes spawn a time-limited Strange Dark Burrow (奇種の暗腔), which contains several bonus stages. It can be found in the Limited Mission area of the game and is available for 30 minutes before expiring. Clearing one bonus stage will cause the Burrow to close, so you can only do one per spawn. Also, cleared bonus stages can be replayed the next time you discover a Burrow. They reward more Flower Medals per Stamina than regular stages, so they are the best source of the currency.
- Stages in the core level cannot spawn Burrows.
- You can only have one Burrow open at a time.
Skill Effectiveness[]

Marked Units
Stages 2-4 will highlight the skill types that are most effective in that stage. You can view the units in your party and helper squad that have the correct skill type, as shown on the right. Organizing teams with these skills isn't essential, but it can be helpful if you are struggling.
Stage 2 of each level promotes single-target skills:
Eg: Cardamine Lyrata Deals 5.4x damage to 1 enemy.
Eg: Red Ginger Deals 4.3x damage to 1 enemy and absorbs HP.
Eg: Flowering Peach Deals 5x~5.4x damage to 1 enemy based on one's current affection rating.
Eg. Fire Lily Deals 2x~2.6x damage to 1 enemy based on one's current affection rating. Absorbs HP.
Stage 3 of each level promotes double-target skills and three-hit attack skills:
Eg: Cherry Deals 3.8x damage to 2 enemies.
Eg: Sakura (Swimsuit) Attacks 3 times, dealing 1.8x damage to single targets.
Eg: Anemone Attacks 3 times, dealing 1.8x damage to single targets, then deals 0.5x damage to all targets.
Stage 4 of each level promotes all-target skills and skills that deal damage based on enemy numbers:
Eg: Habranthus Deals 2.9x damage to all enemies.
Eg: Hyacinth Based on the number of remaining enemies, deals 4.7x damage to 1 enemy, 2.8x damage two enemies, or 2.2x damage to three enemies.
Maze Rewards[]

Flower Medal
Medals of a Thousand Blooming Flowers (千花繚乱の勲章), called Flower Medals, is a currency that was first added with this event and is used to be traded in the Wares for valuable items. Clearing stages/bonus stages reward Flower Medals and items like Bond Crystals. 3-medalling stages/bonus stages reward Flower Medals and Flower Stones as the Breakthrough Reward (突破報酬), but this can only be earned once.

Level Multiplier
Every time you clear a stage for the first time, you'll get a multiplier that increases medals earned for each stage on that same level. Each clear adds +5%, up to a total of +20%. For example, if you have cleared 3 out of the 4 stages in level 1, you'll be earning 15% more medals on level 1 stages.
1 stage cleared | 5% up |
2 stages cleared | 10% up |
3 stages cleared | 15% up |
4 stages cleared | 20% up |
Core Level[]
The Core Level is an optional set of stages where you can attack the final boss Nidhogg (ナイドホグル). It includes 6 stages - each costs 0 stamina, can be repeatedly challenged, and offer no reward for clearing it multiple times. Clearing core stages cannot spawn bonus stages either. The only benefit is the Breakthrough Rewards, which can only be earned once per stage.

Core Defeated
The boss is The Protector of Sweltering Heat and Twilight (炎熱ト宵闇ノ守護者), who protects the heart of Nidhogg 'Crimson God-Bug Core (紅蓮の神蟲核)' in the back. The heart cannot be targeted or dealt damage at all until the Protector is defeated. The Protector has no typing and has three forms which appear every time its HP bar is depleted. Each form has progressively more HP, attack power, and accuracy than the last. The final form will continue to get 10% attack power on each turn. This seems to reset each time the battle ends (your party loses).
Most bloomed 6* characters with 200% affection will survive 2~3 attacks. Debuffing skills are ineffective because of the protector's steadily increasing attack power. Consider saving your strongest flower knights for the last form to defeat it without taking too many turns.
Maze Details[]
Stage | Difficulty | 3-Medal Reward |
Stamina | Medals (+20% Multiplier) |
Medals per Stamina |
1 | Elementary | x400 Medals x1oo Flower Stone |
5 | x24 | x4.8 |
2 | Elementary | x800 Medals x1oo Flower Stone |
10 | x60 | x6 |
3 | |||||
4 |
Stage | Difficulty | 3-Medal Reward |
Stamina | Medals (+20% Multiplier) |
Medals per Stamina |
1 | High | x500 Medals x1oo Flower Stone |
15 | x72 | x4.8 |
2 | Top | x1000 Medals 1oo Flower Stone |
20 | x144 | x7.2 |
3 | |||||
4 |
Stage | Difficulty | 3-Medal Reward |
Stamina | Medals (+20% Multiplier) |
Medals per Stamina |
1 | Top | x1000 Medals x2oo Flower Stones |
25 | x192 | x7.68 |
2 | Ultimate | x2000 Medals 2oo Flower Stones |
40 | x324 | x8.1 |
3 | |||||
4 |
Stage | Difficulty | 3-Medal Reward |
Stamina | Medals (+20% Multiplier) |
Medals per Stamina |
1 | Ultimate | x1500 Medals x2oo Flower Stones |
45 | x432 | x9.6 |
2 | EX | x3000 Medals 2oo Flower Stones |
60 | x600 | x10 |
3 | |||||
4 |
Stage | Difficulty | 3-Medal Reward |
Stamina | Medals (+20% Multiplier) |
Medals per Stamina |
1 | EX | x3000 Medals | 0 | x0 | x0 |
2 | Core | x12000 Medals | 0 | x0 | x0 |
3 | |||||
4 | |||||
5 | |||||
6 |
Stage | Difficulty | 3-Medal Reward |
Stamina | Medals | Medals per Stamina |
1 | Elementary | x2000 Medals | 10 | x60 | x6.0 |
2 | Intermediate | x4000 Medals | 20 | x170 | x8.5 |
3 | High | x10000 Medals | 40 | x420 | x10.5 |
4 | EX | x12000 Medals | 60 | x900 | x15 |
5 | |||||
6 | |||||
7 |
- Iteration 01: 2018/02/26 (The Thousand-Footed Nidhogg)
- The core stage could only be cleared once. It would be locked afterwards.
- Iteration 02: 2018/05/07 (The Queen is Busy!)
- The first stage at each difficulty was changed to be easier than others of the same difficulty level. It didn't have a related effective skill.
- 2-target and multi-target skills were no longer categorized as different skill types.
- The core difficulty got a 2nd, easier stage.
- The core stage could be attempted as many times as you wanted.
- Iteration 03: 2019/07/17 (The Roaming Ghost Ship of the Bygone Days)
- Iteration 04: 2019/11/19 (Costumes on Stage)
- Iteration 05: 2019/02/25 (Turning the Tables! The Great Gamble on the Water)
- Iteration 06: 2019/06/03 (Happy Mushroom Stew)
- Iteration 07: 2019/10/07 (The Dazzling Princesses of Pure Flower)
- Iteration 08: 2020/03/23 (Tea Party in Wonderland)
- Iteration 09: 2020/10/19 (Candy Festival and Kind Song)
- Iteration 10: 2021/07/19 (Large-Scale Operation: Cœur Sweets)
- Iteration 11: 2022/06/20 (Doki Doki ★ Desert Island Vacation)
- Permanence: 2023/04/24
- Sweltering Heat Maze was made permanently available.