Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Flower Knight Girl Wikia
2022 April Fools Banner


The "Phantom Thief" Nightshade Appears?? (“怪盗”ナイトシェードが現れた??) was an April Fool's event that happened on April 1st, 2022. Players were tasked with finding 8 important things that were hidden throughout the game's interface.


While the Knight Commander was doing paperwork in his office, a number of Flower Knights looking like they needed help came running in. They all said the same thing, that their “important items” had been stolen. He immediately promised them “I'll get them back for you” in order to calm them down, but he had no actual idea on what to do and while he was trying to work it out, a lone Flower Knight called out to him. “It appears that it's time for the great detective that is me, Danchou-kun.”

How to Play[]


While the 24-hour long event was running, Streptocarpus on the Home Screen would give hints as to where exactly the important things were. At each location, there would be a ? mark that completed one of the April Fools Quest.

This is a list of all hints given by Streptocarpus. Clicking the '[Expand]' button will reveal the answer. Each of the solutions solve the quest of the corresponding number.

List of Hints
# Hint Solution
1 That strange tree in the “line up” is... I missed it when I was there. Danchou-kun, could you give it a little shake for me?
Go to Character Management, keep clicking the tree until Larkspur falls, and click on her.
2 The HOME information banners, it might just be my intuition, but I feel the number of them is far too high. Somebody might have slipped something in there hoping nobody would notice.
Go to the Home Screen and click the April Fools banner at the bottom.
3 Fufu, The Garden... Talking of that, I've not had many chances to go there recently. Conversely, could the culprit be hiding something there because of that...?
Go to the Garden and click the ? button at the bottom.
4 Why don't you try changing the home settings sometime? Some inspiration might be borne from it.
Go to the Home Screen, click the HOME button at the top left, then click the ? button at the left side.
5 “Under the lighthouse is always darkest” talking of which, there are cliffs under Daidai lighthouse which make it difficult to investigate or hide things... Eh? That's a different lighthouse? We-well of course I knew that!
Go to the Office, click the World Map button, and click the ? button at the bottom center.
6 Nazuna-kun, what on earth are you doing there... Nobody ever looks at the bulletins. Could it be that you've found something there? Do whatever you want with me!
Go to the Home Screen, click the Notice button at the top right, and click the ? button at the left side.
7 The Infinite Mechanical Castle... Fufu, just looking at it gives off the stench of an incident. I'm sure there's something hidden away in the depths of it.
Go to the Infinite Mechanical Castle, click the round button at the top-right, and click the ? at the bottom left.
8 Danchou-kun should always have a certain appeal to those around him. Why don't you try making a profile card for the time being.
Go to the Danchou Profile and click the ? button at the bottom right.


List of Quests
Quest Name Description Reward
2022 April Fools Q1
#1: Ultimate Spice
Sniff, my favourite spices have been stolen...! But but, Danchou will definitely get it back for me? 001575
2022 April Fools Q2
#2: My Sweet Dreams Pillow
The material, size, feel... I'm very particular about my pillows... Without it I'll only be able to sleep at night. 001576
2022 April Fools Q3
#3: Health Bringing Potion
I bought a health bringing potion from a dubious merchant... It was super expensive... God is going to be angry... 001577
2022 April Fools Q4
#4: Asian Royal Fern's Doll of Japanese Anemone
Aah... The doll of Japanese Anemone-sama that Asian Royal Fern made for me... Danchou! Could you get the princess back for me! 001578
2022 April Fools Q5
#5: Noisemakers
Fufuu... It takes a lot of courage to steal from me... Danchou, you wouldn't get it back for me... You understand, right? 001579
2022 April Fools Q6
#6: Barley's Book
Barley's Book has gone missing, without it, I won't be able to record all the fun things. Danchou-san, please get it back. 001580
2022 April Fools Q7
#7: Danchou's 0000
Danchou-san's 0000 have 00 after I 00... There's no doubt this is the work of an unscrupulous woman who's after my Danchou-san...! 001581
2022 April Fools Q8
#8: Teddy Bear
I'm... It's fine... But I don't want to make the children worry, so I'd like you to please catch the culprit. 001582
Daily Quest Icon5
#9: Find all of the “Important things”
Complete April Fools Quests 1 to 8
2022 April Fools Q10
#10: Masquarade Mask
Clear the Limited Time stage 001583
  • Completing Quest #9 opens up a Limited Time stage.
  • Rewards were viewable in the Office during the event period only.



Streptocarpus: Good grief, that was a huge haul.

Japanese Barberry: I can't believe it wasn't Nightshade and co that stole everyone's “important things”, but pests...

Streptocarpus: Oya, did you always have those doubts Japanese Barberry? I had noticed it was different since the start.

Japanese Barberry: Eh, is that right? It was unusually straight forward for you, Carpus-san.

Streptocarpus: ......... Well anyway, case closed. Look, this is even Nightshade's.

Nightshade: Wa, wait wait...! Th-this! Is my mask!

Streptocarpus: You must have also been looking for your mask. Everyone was suspecting you were the culprit because of your strange movements.

Larkspur: So that was the case, pa... I'm glad the suspicions about the Meister have cleared up, pa!

Nightshade: That's really great! Now that means I don't need to be chased around by everyone...! Carpus, thank you very......... ... You really thought I'd say thank you so easily!! This case is... Well, I'm grateful! But the next time we meet, we'll once again be enemies! Don't you ever dare to forget that! Next time we'll beat you speechless, pa! You'd better get your affairs in order, pa!

Japanese Barberry: Yes yes, we'll be speechless. ... Is it alright if we don't chase them?

Streptocarpus: We have no particular reason to. Now, let's return these stolen goods to their rightful owners. After that, why not celebrate with some tea and biscuits. ... I'm looking forward to meeting them again in the next incident♪
