Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Flower Knight Girl Wikia
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Visiting Trials[]

Visiting Trials

--- This white country of snow will become a red country of blood.

--- Nobody can stop this conflict between the people any more.

--- Is this the misery everyone wished for?

--- I am the only one that wishes for everyone's happiness, but...

--- Haa, ha... I found you!

--- Now come home, ####!

--- It's still impossible. This country is all messed up because of me.

--- I'm... I should never have hoped.

--- My wish caused this irreversible situation.

---Don't break anything. Don't wish for anything.

--- That's this existence of mine after all...

--- You're wrong! We still have time! We'll figure it out!

--- In order to do that, I've come!

--- ... That's right. As long as I have my head, this will probably get more out of control.

--- Are you here to kill me?

--- I can't kill. I won't kill. I'll...

--- I will definitely save you...!!

– Winter Rose, A Certain Snowfield –

Sensitive Plant: ......... Just ahead. It's hard to see in this blizzard, but I can smell the pests' distinctive musk.

Leucophyllum: So that's the newly discovered nest of extremely dangerous pests. There's been a rare amount of turmoil recently, so we need to keep our minds clear.

Aloe: Hmm, what's happening? Just after we managed to make peace in Kodaibana. I want to believe it's not as bad as Nidhoggr, but...

Green Bristlegrass: Black Baccara-sama, are you really going? I had a feeling you'd have said no...

Black Baccara: Ther are some scary guys is waiting there. So those who are going to follow must pay the utmost attention. Let's go.

Green Bristlegrass: Ah, wait!

... It's super quiet. There were reports of tons of pests here, but...

Sensitive Plant: No, they're there. There are a lot. But, this is...

Aloe: Uwaa!? Th-that's... They're all dead!?

Leucophyllum: Someone's already beaten them...? But, these traces of battle... It's almost like...

... No, even if I think about it, I can't begin to speculate. We need to investigate more.

Green Bristlegrass: Uu, I really don't want to... Black Baccara-sama, what should we do?

Black Baccara: ... This feeling is...

Sensitive Plant: ... Black Baccara-san? Have you noticed something?

Black Baccara: No, it's nothing. Don't mind me.

This cave seems to continue all the way to the back. We'll need to search this way too. There may be some of them only pretending to be dead, so let's continue with caution.

Aloe: Ye-es, understood!

Green Bristlegrass: Uu... So it did come to this...!

Leucophyllum: If there's a fork in the road, then shall we decide with a coin toss?

Sensitive Plant: I-I'll go scout ahead, so wait here please...?

Black Baccara: ... There's a strong magical power that's affecting the environment... Is this where the recent large scale pest movement...

... No, it can't be...

– Winter Rose, Royal Palace –

Nazuna: – the giant pest swarms... They have also been confirmed in multiple regions...

Apparently things look to be quite difficult. Novalis-sama.

Novalis: Yes. Work alongside the Winter Rose knight company to continue to deal with and investigate this, and don't let down your guard. I would like a few more hands to help out right now...

There are already many troops investigating the area West of Nidhoggr's resting place. This time, I would like to entrust the opposite to Danchou-sama and the others. Mainly the Eastern regions.

Nazuna: Understood! If it's that, you can completely leave it to us! Right, Danchou-sama!

No matter whether option 1 “Let's do our best!” or option 2 “Please leave it to us.” is chosen, the result is the same;

Novalis: Fufu, thank you. Then I shall leave it all to you.

Mini Rose: Then, could all the Flower Knights please come this way! I shall explain the facilities within the castle and the surrounding situation!

Royal Princess: I'll leave this much to you Danchou-sama and Nazuna-san. I still have matters from Multiflora-san to discuss with Novalis-dono.

Multiflora: Thank you for waiting. Artichoke-dono, Vanda-dono, you're both here.

Artichoke: Pleased to meet you, Danchou-san. I'm Artichoke. My Deep Record name is “Grim” and I'm one of the leaders. You know the rest.

Vanda: I'm Vanda. Not Panda, alright? I'm one of the other leaders from Deep Record, and Bergamot Valley's officer, whom they call “Charon”. A pleasure, Danchou-kun♪

Nazuna: ...

Vanda: Ara, What's wrong Nazuna-chan? To make such a beautiful face go blank.

Nazuna: No... Um... Deep Record... Did you say? To be so open as that...

Multiflora: We at the royal family are interacting with them on a regular basis, even more so than you Danchou-dono and Nazuna-dono. I want us to all have an open discussion here.

Vanda: It would make me happy if you would accept this token of our trust♪ Ah, but please call me Vanda when we're out and about, OK? Otherwise, Crown-chan would lose her head.

Multiflora: She would more likely get a stomachache before she would get angry though...

Nazuna: Y-yes. Understood... But, why are Deep Record here? The scale of the pests is large, but you're not the kind of people who would come along just for a subjugation mission, right?

Novalis: To be honest... I think this pest incident might be the “trial” that we've been told about.

Nazuna: Trial... Do you mean the “trial” that the Great Spirit was talking about?

Novalis: Yes. It said that if we were to ever consider leaving for the outside world someday, then we would need to pass a test to prove we're ready.

Since the land of Kodaibana has begun to show signs of recovery, the pests around the world are becoming quieter. I wonder if this current incident which is going against that trend might be that case.

Nazuna: ... Surprising to say, it's a bit unbelievable. That the great spirit would obey pests... Ah, but there was something similar within the forbidden records though...

Multiflora: I don't know if they're in direct control, but originally humans, insects, and spirits all coexisted in this world. There may be the possibility that they're using some ability or habit to guide them.

I believe that no unnecessary harm will befall the innocent people, but we Flower Knights don't know what we should do. Even if the spirits are behind us, we still need to deal with them with all our power.

Novalis: Thus, if this really is a trial set be the great spirit, then “Winter Rose's hidden history” is expected to reveal itself.

Nazuna: I see. So Vanda-san and Artichoke-san are...

Artichoke: Yes, I am Winter Rose's acting officer. Vanda-san has come from Bergamot Valley to assist.

Hidden history... I'm certain it's not a peaceful one. After all, I heard this country was formed because of a single Flower Knight. We'll need to take the proper precautions.

Vanda: But I'm sure it'll be fine. As long as we Flower Knights and Danchou-kun are around. Isn't that right, Novalis-sama♪

Novalis: Yes. No matter what dangers there are, we have joined our hands are cooperating. I'm sure that we're able to overcome this trial.

– Winter Rose, The Snowfields to the East of the Central City –

Camellia: Haaa!!

Pest Swarm: [[[Ki... Kishaaa......]]]

Ghost Weed: Just like Camellia-san, no matter what pest comes, it'll be cut in half! There's nothing to be scared of!

Camellia: They're just stray pests for now. This time our targets are pests that travel in swarms, so you can also fight properly, Ghost Weed-san.

Ghost Weed: I-I know that!? When that time comes, I'll completely... Ummm... I want to do the very best that I can... Typically...

... Well, whatever! Today, Danchou-san is with us, so it'll be a resounding victory! Isn't that right, Danchou-san♪

Artichoke: Being unconcerned and overconfident are two different things. It's alright to trust in your achievements, but don't start making mistakes because of your overconfidence.

If anyone reveals their incompetence, I'll be dropping them from this expedition. Please keep that in mind.

Ghost Weed: Hyii. An even more serious and strict person than Camellia-san...!

... Ah. But, maybe the people who are dropped from this expedition will be...?

Artichoke: Ghost Weed-san?

Ghost Weed: No-no-no-nothing! I'll do my best with all my heart, all my mind, and all my body!

Vanda: Fufuu, you shouldn't scare them, you know? If you do that, they'll be turned inside out with worry. You really should think of them as companions and treat them kindly as subordinates♪

Artichoke: They're unnecessary followers, Vanda-san. When you're on the front lines, letting down your guard is a sure way to get yourself killed. To recommend that we become more familiar with them...

Pest: GishaAAAAA!!!!

Ghost Weed: Ahwawawa, that sounded like the scream of a really strong pest! Also, it sounds like it's not too far away!

Camellia: But that's... It's more like a wail than a scream.

Pest: Gisha, AAaa...

???: .........

Ghost Weed: A-amazing...! That person just took down all those pests on her own!? She really saved us!

Vanda: There aren't any other people around, or so it seems. There are a lot of strong Flower Knights in Winter Rose, aren't there.

Camellia: A Winter Rose Flower Knight... Is she really one? I haven't seen her face before. Do you know her Artichoke-san?

Artichoke: No... I don't know her either. If someone has any kind of defining feature, I'd have never forgotten them after seeing them once. I'll go and confirm things.

Thank you for your work. Are you unhurt? We're a long way from the road, so are you acting alone on some sort of mission?

???: .........

Artichoke: ... Your name is? Can you say with whom you are affiliated?

???: Name... Affiliation...

I don't know. I can't remember anything. But...

Artichoke: Kuu... What are you doing...!?

???: If I do this, my heart beats faster. I'm not sure as to why. I want to know, I want to confirm, I want to remember...

Hey... Why don't we kill each other?

White Madness[]

White Madness

Artichoke: Ack...!

Ghost Weed: Ah, ouch-ch-ch, Artichoke-san! Y-y-y-you're b-b-b-bleeding!!

Artichoke: It's just a scratch... Please don't get hysterical over this much. Aren't you a Flower Knight?

Ghost Weed: B-but... That wasn't a pest nor an aqua shadow, that was a fight between two people...

???: Fufu, ahaha...! Yes not bad... Quite fun...! More, more...!


Camellia: That's as far as you go. If you still wish to continue, then I'll be your opponent.

???: This bloodlust... Fufu, wonderful. You also seem strong... Well then, don't hold back...!

…!! Uu... My head, hurts... What is, this...?

No... I don't want to fight in this condition...

Camellia: Do you really think I'll let you run away? After doing something like this?

???: ... More are coming. They're definitely coming. Later.

Camellia: Ah, she disappeared...?

Vanda: ... She was freaking strong, but it didn't look like she even started to get serious. If you continued on as you were, there's no telling what would have happened...

Camellia: ... You're right. I would probably been able to stop a single blow, but the idea of being able to win never crossed my mind. Of course, she couldn't have been left unchecked like she was...

Ghost Weed: Hii, Danchou-san collapsed!? What happened all of a sudden!? Are you OK!!

Artichoke: ... There should be a town nearby. I'm also curious abut her whereabouts, but but let's put priority on reforming our ranks for now.

--- Our ### clan was unable to adapt to the times and fell into decline.

--- It's a sad, but natural outcome.

--- Since the appearance of the pests, the demand for ## work has plummeted.

--- Nobody employs ## skills that don't work on pests.

--- In the end, most of them just gave up on life.

--- I adapted to the times.

--- I refined and honed my skills in order to ## the pests.

--- If I can ## the pests, can I become a Flower Knight?

--- Or is it once I become a Flower Knight, I can ## them, I still don't know.

--- It didn't take long before the palace asked me to serve my country.

--- Instead of taking up that request, I hoped to secure a life for the clan.

--- My wishes were heard, and everyone got a peaceful life in that country.

--- We all thought that we had gotten everything we had wished for.

--- But...

???: ... But, then what? I can't remember... My head's still fuzzy...

... Also, now many years have passed since then?

Great Spirit: [Around 800 years. There are no people or anything else from your age that still exists.]

[How do you feel? Winter Rose's strongest ever Flower Knight.]

???: Great Spirit... That's right, this is according to contract. It's not an irregularity, but actually planned.

The time has come. The time for us to “step out” from this peaceful world...

Great Spirit: [We don't know that yet.]

???: ... Huh?

Great Spirit: [It hasn't yet been decided. We need to identify if now is the time. I want you to confirm the value of these times.]

???: The value of these times...? I never heard about this part, aren't you misplacing your trust? What am I meant to do?

Great Spirit: [I don't mind what your criteria are. I trust in your methods. Are you convinced, satisfied? That much is fine.]

???: ... Understood. Then let me operate freely. The fight with those people wasn't too bad.

But, this and that are separate issues. The seal on the contract is valid until I step into the outside world. If I break my promise, you'll kill me?

Great Spirit: [Fumu... I haven't released your powers or memory yet, but with this...]

Pest: Guru##uru... ##rugugu, ####...

???: ... What's this, I haven't seen it before. Is this different from those other pests?

Great Spirit: [It's a pestified remnant of Nidhoggr. It's only a reproduction from your memories, but poses a threat to this modern age that couldn't have been experienced 800 years ago.]

???: Nidhoggr? You mean the legendary monster that was sealed away by a hero in ages past?

Great Spirit: [Yes. It woke up in this age, but was resealed.]

[It was the modern Flower Knights who accomplished that. As well as the Knight Commander who led them. The same ones that you encountered earlier.]

???: ... Aha! Ahahaha! Those people are that great... I'm getting excited. Those people will definitely...

Pest: ####... GuruuuuAAAA!!!!

???: ... They'll definitely kill me, right?

?????: You're finally awake.

Artichoke: Honestly... Aren't you keeping your physical condition in check enough to not lose consciousness in such a situation? It's a good thing our opponent fell back...

-If option 1 “I'm sorry...”is chosen;

Artichoke: It's not like I'm angry. It wasn't me who was in trouble after all. Just please try to keep it together next time.

-If option 2 “Did you nurse me?” is chosen;

Artichoke: That's right... What's with that face? I was the only one who wanted to take a turn right now. Don't get the wrong idea.

Artichoke: So, what was the cause? It didn't look like it was just because of some headache or stomachache.

... Someone's memories came flooding in and you couldn't keep hold of your consciousness, you say. It was probably that person's memories.

It somehow seems that you can connect to others' memories quite easily. It was the same with the Sage Laeva, right? This time it probably wasn't just a dream either...

Well, can you stand up? There are discussions about what to do next, so let's go to where everyone is.

Nazuna: Ah, Danchou-sama! Are you feeling alright?

Artichoke: There's no problems. Rather his physical condition is too good.

Nazuna: Is that so... Then that's good. Thank you, Artichoke-san. For taking care of everyone else all the time...

Artichoke: St-stop Nazuna-san!

Nazuna: Huh? What?

Artichoke: ... You're wrong. This is the level of responsibility placed on me by Winter Rose, so it's only natural I'd go to the effort...

Vanda: yeah yeah, Artichoke-san. There are other people around, so please leave the act for another time, OK?

Artichoke: A-act...

Kalanchoe: ...? What do you mean by “leave the act” for “another time” because other people are around? I think it's fine do do what you want no matter when or where.

Paphiopedilum: ... I know that being easygoing is your character, but you should learn a bit more common sense.

Vanda: Danchou-kun doesn't need any introductions for those too... Right? You've been with them longer than I have after all.

Kalanchoe-chan and Paphiopedilum-chan were in a different investigation team on the Eastern front, but they've come to join us as bodyguards in preparation for that girl's assault.

Paphiopedilum: You really do have an ability to be easily spotted by the strange ones. Well, I'm probably not one to talk.

Kalanchoe: But don't worry. I'll protect Danchou-san and everyone else who is within my reach.

Vanda: Well, here are the results of our survey on that girl... In short, she's not a Flower Knight from our time. Her name is “Japanese Honeysuckle”. She's a Winter Rose Flower Knight from 800 years ago.

Nazuna: 8-800 years...?

Vanda: Nice reaction, thanks Nazuna-chan♪ But, it's not really that surprising. We already have the ancient Flower Knight Silk Tree-sama setting a precedent.

Although she might be a little different from Silk Tree-sama, we have very little reason to doubt that she's involved with the Great Spirit. The one that's hostile to us...

Regarding her profession, her speciality is a little worrying. She's the descendant of a clan of assassins, and it seems she was extremely talented among them.

Artichoke: Assassins... You say? You can't say there are none, but you don't hear about them in this day and age. There are definitely very few of them that we can contact.

Saying that, Danchou-san saw into Japanese Honeysuckle's memories and saw that the country requested her to serve at the palace, and it seems that she protected her clan who was scattered through the streets. I think she judged that much to be worthwhile.

Vanda: That's right. In fact, Japanese Honeysuckle has an amazing record. I confirmed that she managed to subdue 70% of the extreme designation pests in her own time. I have no idea how many other pests she defeated...

As a result, it is said that she alone reduced the damage caused domestically by pests to less than a tenth.

Nazuna: ... But why would such a person attack us? If she would help us out, then we'd have the power of 100 people...

Vanda: That's the greatest mystery. She said that she couldn't remember anything, but I still can't understand the reason. It's like the records and reality don't match...

Paphiopedilum: ... Apart from the memories that Danchou saw, where did you get the information on her real name and achievements from 800 years ago?

Vanda: It came from the forbidden records research team. In the time since we had first contact with that girl up until now, I've asked everyone to bring me any information that they have.

Nazuna: ... Huh? You can still do research on the forbidden records? I thought that all the essential parts were missing...

Vanda: Well that's the thing, it seems that some of the previously missing parts were repaired before anyone realised it. Specifically, the records on Winter Rose from 800 years ago.

We don't really understand the cause, but I can't think that the timing is a coincidence, and so I can only imagine it's a trial set by the Great Spirit. It would also explain her involvement with the Spirits.

... We've been discussing this a lot, but in the end, we still don't know where she is now. That's the most important information we need right now...

Artichoke: However she did declare that she'd definitely be back. I expect she'll be coming to meet us in the near future. Also, in order to fight us.

All we can do now is be prepared for Japanese Honeysuckle's attack while undertaking future pest subjugation missions.

Nazuna: That's right. We don't know when she'll come though...

– The Next Day, Winter Rose's Eastern Snowfield, Near the foot of Mt. Elmoz –

Japanese Honeysuckle: Heyo. You came.

Ghost Weed: ... She's about ten times more open than what I expected...

Camellia: This isn't a very good situation... There are still signs of pests in our surroundings.

Vanda: Hello, Japanese Honeysuckle-chan. You really did know where we would be.

Japanese Honeysuckle: Hm? Were you planning on hiding? I just looked for you normally and found you easily.

Vanda: ... I see. I thought we didn't leave behind any footprints with this formation...

Paphiopedilum: I had heard you were an assassin, but you brazenly approach us from head on.

Japanese Honeysuckle: I don't have any assassination objectives this time. I've come to test out the full strength of all of you.

... Fufu, you also seem strong. You all shall slake the thirst that those pests couldn't satisfy...

Well, I might accidentally kill you all though. If that happens, I'm sorry.

Kalanchoe: I won't let you. If you even try to lay a hand on anyone, I'll...

...? What, just now...

Artichoke: Kalanchoe-san, are you alright?

Japanese Honeysuckle: ......... Kalanchoe? That's what your name is?

Kalanchoe: ? It is...

Japanese Honeysuckle: ... Kalanchoe, Kalanchoe...... KalanchoeKalanchoeKalanchoe..........

............ Kalanchoe!!!!

Kalanchoe: Guu...!!

Japanese Honeysuckle: I remember... There's something important...

I need to confirm this, Kalanchoe!!

Red Nightmare[]

Red Nightmare

--- She was called the country's number one Flower Knight in that time.

--- Questions quickly changed into interest.

--- Is she really stronger than me?

--- I wanted to know, but we were both Flower Knights of the same country.

--- We could only cross swords during training and practice trials.

--- She always acts like she's my perfect senpai.

--- Always giving me kind smiles and words.

--- Aah... But it's all wrong.

--- I want to have a battle to the death...

--- My wish came true in a most unexpected way.

Japanese Honeysuckle: Ahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!

Kalanchoe: U...!!

Ghost Weed: Awawawa, we have to support her... Pa, papapa, Paphiopedilum-san! Can't you stop her!?

Paphiopedilum: ... Impossible. It would be nice if we got a chance even for a moment, but if we interrupt her now, then everyone will fall.

Ghost Weed: Th-that's...

Artichoke: Kalanchoe-san knows how to fight. Although... To this extent? Does she have the same tremendous strength?

Paphiopedilum: Strong is strong, but that's not the only facet to this story. The back and forth between those two is far too sophisticated.

It's more like it's... With the number of repetitions, it's more like a rehearsal or a practice match.

Kalanchoe: (... What is this feeling? Do I know this person...? Her next attack will be...)

Japanese Honeysuckle: Wonderful wonderful!! That parry just now!!

Fufuu, fufufu...! Great, how fun. Everyone is strong, but you have a special, wonderful strength...

Kalanchoe: I'm not having any fun at all.

Japanese Honeysuckle: Even though you're so strong?

Kalanchoe: I don't really like fighting. I just want to protect all the people that I can reach.

If you intend to use your power to harm anyone, then I'll stop you with all my might.

Japanese Honeysuckle: ... You won't manage with that half-heartedness. If you won't summon your killing spirit, then shall you die?

Kalanchoe: Guuuu...!!

Japanese Honeysuckle: You remember too, Kalanchoe. Not with your body, but the memories are carved into your very soul.

Kalanchoe: Memories? Soul? What are you...

Guu... Ah, my head......!

Japanese Honeysuckle: You're remembering aren't you? Well, then you can have a little rest.

Kalanchoe: U, uu...

Ghost Weed: We-we've secured Kalanchoe-san! Wh-wh-wh-what should we do!?

Paphiopedilum: We should leave her with Danchou-san to retreat for now. Camellia, can you help us out over here?

Camellia: Roger. I'll join you.

Japanese Honeysuckle: That's fine, no matter if it's two or three. Even if everyone here came at once, I wouldn't mind.

Artichoke: We're being looked down upon. It's a bit petty, but shall we get our revenge with more sweet words.

Vanda: I'm also going to get into this flow... Broken Love Dye Style. I wonder how well it can be used against historic heroes?

--- In the end, I couldn't put a stop to that girl.

--- It's not like she's dead though.

--- It was unnecessary.

--- I couldn't stop my cute kouhai, so much for the country's number one Flower Knight.

--- If only I was stronger.

--- If only I wasn't content with my position and improved my skills even further.

--- If I did that, then that girl wouldn't have to be all by herself...

--- Maybe... Maybe if I could meet her again.

--- I'll have to stop her next time.

--- I have to save her.

--- I need to get stronger to do that.

--- At least enough so I can stand at that girl's side.

--- In order to not lose to that girl, I have to become the “strongest Flower Knight”...

Kalanchoe: ... U... Uu...

Vanda: Morning, Kalanchoe-san♪ How do you feel?

Kalanchoe: Vanda-san... Danchou-san... Where are we...

That's right, Japanese Honeysuckle! Is everyone alright!?

Vanda: You don't have to panic so much. For now, we've managed to pull through.

Kalanchoe: ... Did something happen?

Vanda: There was a conflict with a large swarm of pests. That was all well, until an avalanche started coming down the mountain...

Kalanchoe: I see... So Japanese Honeysuckle gave up.

Vanda: No. She kept on attacking us until the bitter end. She seemed to enjoy the scene of us retreating as she chased after us.

During that, luckily... or maybe you could say unfortunately, the avalanche and a crevasse swallowed her up. But well, she's likely still alive. We'll definitely see her again soon.

But now we have a different problem...

Artichoke: You're awake, Kalanchoe-san. How do you feel?

Kalanchoe: ... Yeah. My joints are a little sore, but I'm fine. I'll recover quickly from this.

Artichoke: Thank goodness you're fine. We need to head to Fiyul after this, so get back to full health.

Kalanchoe: Fiyul... Does that mean it has some connection to the pest swarm that Vanda-san mentioned?

Vanda: Yes, it's a rough estimate, but we should be able to reach Fiyul within a couple of days. There are few Flower Knights who reside there, so the conversation that we should go and take a look came up.

Additionally, I apologise but we will be taking Japanese Honeysuckle with us there...

Paphiopedilum: She's quite an obsessive sort. She keeps on finding out where we are. No matter where we go, it's always the same.

Camellia: At the very worst, it seems like we're on a death march.

Ghost Weed: A, ahahahaha. Camellia-san's jokes are also top notch! I can't believe it.

... It's a joke, right...?

Paphiopedilum: It doesn't matter if we're on a death march. We'll take down Japanese Honeysuckle next time. That's what this trial set by the Spirit is after all.

Kalanchoe: ... Does this trial really mean we need to beat her in a fight?

Paphiopedilum: What?

Kalanchoe: This trial, I've been thinking a lot about what it's real meaning is. We have a similarly strict trial in my village which is designed to create the strongest Flower Knight.

But, this time? If we show that we're stronger than Japanese Honeysuckle, does that mean “it's alright to go out into the outside world”? So do you mean it's all a matter of whether we win or lose a fight?

Paphiopedilum: ... You're more than free to ponder such things, but she's serious. As long as she keeps challenging us, we need to face her. If we don't, there'll be dead bodies.

Kalanchoe: ... That might be so, but...

Artichoke: ... You can say that her eccentricity is standing out too much, and that she's putting up the villain act pretty strongly, but there's a lot that we don't know about her. At the very least, I'd like to grasp onto something that could open a dialogue...

– Winter Rose, Western Snowfield, A Certain Mansion –

Black Baccara: Yo, it's been a while.

Dendrobium: Yes, it has been.

Black Baccara: ......

Dendrobium: What is it? You're standing there without saying anything...

... Aah, you have business with her. She's in the room at the back. Would you like to enter?

Black Baccara: I haven't said anything – yet.

Dendrobium: Am I wrong? You're just fidgeting there, so I thought there was some involvement with that girl.

Black Baccara: Tch... That's right. I have a message for her...

Cattleya: What's wrong with me?

Black Baccara: ......

Dendrobium: It seems that Black Baccara-san has something that she would like to ask you.

Cattleya: Alright... What?

Black Baccara: ... Have you been going out on pest subjugations alone recently?

Cattleya: I haven't.

Black Baccara: Then, have you been using magic that affects the surroundings on a large scale?

Cattleya: By that, would you mean by myself? If that's the case, my answer is No. If it's part of a requested subjugation mission, then Yes. But it was all within permissible limits and was sanctioned...

... Could it be, that there's some kind of strange pest movements recently?

Black Baccara: ... Yeah, that's right. Straight to the point. So “whose” magical power is causing the pests to go crazy?

Cattleya: ... I don't know, honestly. I don't care about “whose power is it?” Because it's not “it doesn't matter whose power it is.”

But... If it's “whose fault is it?” that you're trying to say, then I'm going to get mad.

Black Baccara: ... I know that. I don't want it to come down to that. I'm just...

Cattleya: So, are we done? Dancing Lady Orchid and Cymbidium are waiting for me. If you have work for me, then file a formal request.

Dendrobium: Are you alright with this? With this amount of upheaval, I would think that the country has called for Danchou-san to attend. He might be in a lot of trouble, but you still won't lend a hand.

Cattleya: ...



Back Baccara: You really do know that girl.

Dendrobium: Yes, she's a good and honest girl.

– Some days later, Winter Rose, The Town of Fiyul –

Ghost Weed: ... I see, so the pest swarm is in that town... Thank you for the report. There's still no signs of her yet, but we should be ready to have company soon.

Camellia: I'm counting on you. The local Knight Company is small, so we should apologise for the inconvenience.

Artichoke: Regarding our future plans for Fiyul, we should talk to the superiors about it as well. The situation has changed significantly from before, and we still have time to reconsider the deployment of our forces.

Fiyul Girl: Waa... Look, Ghost Weed-chan. There are a lot of Flower Knights coming this way.

Ghost Weed: I'm a Flower Knight too, you know? I also sometimes fight against the pests here too you know?

Fiyul Girl: Ah, that's right! Ehehe... You always treat me like a friend, so I forget.

Uuu... Hm, haa...

Ghost Weed: Wh-what's wrong? Do you feel ill or something?

Fiyul Girl: No... I'm just feeling a little sad... Recently it's not just been me either, but all the people in town have been feeling the same way.

Ghost Weed: Eeeh, are you alright with that!? Is it some kind of epidemic or...!

Fiyul Girl: Ah, it's nothing like that! It's just sometimes we don't feel the best... The symptoms are light, so we quickly recover!

Ghost Weed: Is that so...? If anything happens, please tell me straight away! The su-uper Danchou-san over there will do something about it!

Fiyul Girl: Fufu, thanks. I'll take you up on it.

Saying that, it's really a rare thing. Earlier we had a really amazing person come too. They had so many expensive looking and sparkly accessories and...

Ghost Weed: Eh.. Could that be... Could it really really be...?

Japanese Honeysuckle: –You're late. I was starting to wonder if my body would collapse and rot.

Artichoke: That would be a shame. Also, it would have been better if were another day later.

Vanda: You're being surprisingly well behaved. You're not fighting with anyone else but us, are you?

Japanese Honeysuckle: Hm... Correct. Maybe it's an occupational limitation. It would be a violation of the rules to move onto to another job when the first job's target hasn't been completed.

So, shall we continue? Once you all are defeated, I can move on to target this town's people, so it would be best for you to bring out your killing spirit.

Kalanchoe: Wait. Why are you doing this? If you really want to fight, I'll join you for training or practice. But this way of imitating a serious fight is...

Japanese Honeysuckle: –Because I want to kill.

Kalanchoe: Eh...?

Japanese Honeysuckle: I want to have a fight to the death. I agreed to seal the contract because there was nothing to threaten my life back in my own time.

Pests, Flower Knights, they were all small fish. So boring, my soul was going to rot... So I decided to wait while this world developed more to bring an existence that was strong enough to be able to kill me.

I'm sorry if you were expecting some grander reason. But I want to make a complaint to the Great Spirit. My chosen targets were you after all.

Nazuna: Th... Then why don't you fight alongside us! It seems that there are widespread and tremendous threats outside of this world! So, if we had Japanese Honeysuckle-san's cooperation...!

Japanese Honeysuckle: ... I can't do that. I can't exist alongside all of you.

Nazuna: You can't exist...? What do you mean by that?

Japanese Honeysuckle: If you want to know, why not defeat and torture me? If you do that, you'll soon find out...

Fiyul Girl: Uu... Guuu...

Japanese Honeysuckle: …? Who? What? An outsider is getting involved. Shall I kill you?

Ghost Weed: Ah, that's dangerous! Don't get any closer to that person! Get away from here...

... A-are you alright? You're complexion really looks bad...?

Fiyul Girl: Uuuu... Aaaaa!!

Ghost Weed: A-a knife!?

Danchou: Watch out!

Nazuna: Noooo, Danchou-sama!!

Artichoke: What are you playing at!! We're Flower Knights and much stronger, so we shouldn't have had a moment's hesitation!!

Vanda: Leave your anger for later, Artichoke-chan! Nazuna-chan, take care of Danchou-kun! Also, someone apprehend that girl!

Fiyul Girl: Fuu, fuu... Aaaa!

Ah, ga...

Japanese Honeysuckle: ... Wh-what? What is this? Why is this girl suddenly...

Fiyul Girl: Kyaaaaa!!


Japanese Honeysuckle: Gu...Uuu...!! Wrong... This isn't what I wanted...! Please, stop...!

Camellia: It's not just this girl... The people are acting strangely all through town.

Ghost Weed: Wh-wh-wh-why are they suddenly!? What should we do!?

Paphiopedilum: There's no choice but to restrain everyone with force. After that, I have no idea how to deal with them...

???: This much is fine! I know the cause!

Aloe: There must be a tiny pest somewhere in the city! We need to squash it!

Camellia: A tiny pest? Where could it...

Tiny Pest: ...!!

Ghost Weed: Ah! There it is, there it is! It's a tiny and cowardly looking creature!!

Sensitive Plant: If you lose sight of it, tell us straight away! I'll seek it out!

Vanda: We'll hear the full details later, but we should defeat it for now, right?

Green Bristlegrass: Yeah! That's what Black Baccara-sama said, so there's no mistake!

Artichoke: The safety of the townspeople is our top priority! Everyone, please adapt to this and respond correctly!

Leucophyllum: Roger, let's go this! Operation “Return the people of Fiyul's sanity” start!

The Great Sealed Ice Wall[]

The Great Sealed Ice Wall

– Winter Rose, The Town of Fiyul –

Nazuna: ... Yes. You're fine now, Danchou-sama. Thankfully it was only a table knife that was used. Saying that, it's still forbidden to push yourself.

... Is everyone else OK? It does seem to be quieter than before...

Kalanchoe: Danchou-san, are you OK? Is your injury stable?

Nazuna: Ah, Kalanchoe-san. I've just finished treating him. Because the wound is only shallow, Danchou-sama's natural healing should deal with it quickly.

Kalanchoe: Is that so... What a relief...

Ghost Weed: Over here... Now we defeated the tiny pest, the townspeople have started to quieten down, but they're still acting a little strange... Everyone looks unwell...

????: That's due to the residual magical energy that was causing them to feel unwell. They'll just be gloomy until it all fades away.

Cattleya: ... There, all done. It won't cure any of the people that have already succumbed to the magical sickness, but at least it won't get any worse.

Japanese Honeysuckle: ... What did you do just now? Who on earth are you...

Cattleya: I just tidied up the residual magical energy that was causing the people of the town to feel unwell. It only has a weak effect on Flower Knights and is difficult to detect, but for those that don't have any tolerance, they will turn strange after a prolonged time.

That magic came from that tiny pest who was sneaking around and keeping it flowing before. That was the cause of the rioting, which has also been affecting the pests as well recently... Right?

Black Baccara: Inside the swarms of pests, there was a similar amount of infighting. The ones that were all moving as a group were probably chasing after that tiny pest.

It's a crazy magic that can cause bad effects to the environment. That's also the reason why the pests were all so scattered.

Japanese Honeysuckle: Rampaging because of magic... It's just like...

Great Spirit: [Yes. It's your history repeating itself.]

Japanese Honeysuckle: Great Spirit...! Why, what's your plan...!?

Great Spirit: [To keep the trial fair. For you to test this age, this age also needs to once again test you. The time is coming that you will overcome this, Japanese Honeysuckle.]

Vanda: History repeating... That riot that happened earlier also happened 800 years ago? This is her trial to overcome, what's the meaning?

Great Spirit: [800 years ago, Japanese Honeysuckle awakened as an excellent Flower Knight, and was able to rescue countless people as a wonderful saviour. She protected the people of Winter Rose from the pests and secured a safe living for her clan.]

[However... The clan that she welcomed into the country went berserk. Just like what happened before.]

Artichoke: Her clan... The group of assassins...!?

Great Spirit: [It would have been much easier to suppress if it was just normal people with no combat ability. However, her clan was a group of people that worked as rotten assassins. Many people were recruited to be made into soldiers and Flower Knights in order to suppress the conflict.]

[In the end, the military might of other countries was called upon, and the nation of Winter Rose was successful in suppressing the clan of assassins. However, the rampage lasted quite a long time. The people were wounded, towns were destroyed, and the country was pushed to the verge of collapse.]

[The people of the time declared that the cause of the riots was all Japanese Honeysuckle's fault. They claimed her overpowered magic caused the clan to go crazy. That her original plan was to infiltrate the knight company.]

[They sealed that history alongside her, but the fear never faded from the people. The customary view that powerful magic is dangerous wasn't born from delusion.. The people of this country had learned from history and brought about defensive measures.]

Black Baccara: ...

Cattleya: ...

Great Spirit: [So... The time has come. It is time to go to the Great Sealed Ice Wall. The final trial is awaiting you there.]

Japanese Honeysuckle: ... The Great Sealed Ice Wall... Fine, I'll go. Then... I'll put an end to this.

Kalanchoe: Ah, wait!

Camellia: You plan to go by yourself... I know you want to get there as soon as you can, but the Great Sealed Ice Wall is pretty dangerous. Once we've made the proper preparations, we'll all head there.

Aloe: Yes, the Great Sealed Ice Wall! We were also thinking of heading out there too! There's no doubt that the tiny pest's Queen must be there!

Artichoke: I see. So that's why it stopped in Fiyul. There's a vital Great Sealed Ice Wall observatory there after all.

Vanda: We also need to go there. But, the pests that are heading here...

Diamond Frost: We'll do something about that. If it was all caused by that tiny pest then there's a high chance that more won't come, and we're also requesting reinforcements.

Nazuna: I'm... Even if we go now, we'll be dragging our feet. I'd really like Danchou-sama to rest up...

Danchou: Let's go to the Great Sealed Ice Wall.

Nazuna: If you're sure... Understood. Please just stay alert on the way.

Cattleya: Wait. I'll come too. It's not like I'm going because Danchou is though... It's because I have questions for that girl.

Kalanchoe: Yeah. Let's go together. We'll go... and help her.

– Winter Rose, Great Sealed Ice Wall –

Japanese Honeysuckle: .........

Kalanchoe: ... Could you wait for us. If you go ahead by yourself, you might get into a fight.

Japanese Honeysuckle... Umm, Japanese Honeysuckle-san. Won't you fight alongside us?

Japanese Honeysuckle: ... I'm sorry but I'm not that good of a person. I want to get myself into life threatening battles.

Fighting pests is that. Targetting you is that. Times of peace makes me sick. If such things continue, the soul will rot...

Vanda: That might be you. But if anything... Apart from you, most people want to find happiness in normal ways. Don't you think so?

Artichoke: After all, you were upset by that earlier uprising. 800 years ago, you asked the country to protect your clan. If you were just a self serving berserker, you wouldn't do such a thing. Am I wrong?

Japanese Honeysuckle: It would be best not confuse your interpretation with good intentions. After all, I am a daughter of a clan of assassins. If it looks good it's all an act, maybe I was some thug who did it all to destroy a country?

Kalanchoe: We don't know anything about that. So... Please tell us the truth.

Even if we don't agree with everything, I'm sure there is parts that we could find an understanding on.

Japanese Honeysuckle: ... That smile... Those kind words... You stuck by me till the very end in that time... But for me to be worth it...

This shaking...!

Kalanchoe: Everyone, grab onto something!! Something to cushion the impact of the fall even a little bit!!

Sealed Pest: Guruuru... Guruuruuruuru.........

Camellia: ... There's no doubt, that's the queen. It's like she's been waiting for us.

Ghost Weed: Uuu... M-my head's feeling a little fuzzy... Is this the magical sickness...?

Black Baccara: Until now it's only been used by the tiny ones, but if she expels it herself, it's going to be more of a problem.

Paphiopedilum: Aah, there's no other choice than to defeat it here.

Japanese Honeysuckle: Stop. That's my prey. You should withdraw.

Cattleya: It's too late for that. I wonder how many people have come here and ended up as blood smears? If you wanted to stake your claim on this, you should have done it quicker.

... Hey. Do you really think this is all your fault? I didn't really get all of what that spirit was talking about earlier.

Saying that the magic that was causing everyone to go crazy was all you when they didn't really know the truth. It was all a scapegoat that people driven by worry created, and it was more probably caused by this pest.

... It's not like they can confirm it any more. The same as the fact that I didn't do anything in the first place. Like everyone else, an assassin can also get lost on her way.

Japanese Honeysuckle: More like... I've had to exist like that from the very start. It's not something you would know.

... I feel it. Your magic is unusual. You've also had similar things as me happen to you?

Cattleya: Unfortunately so. I was housebound immediately after I was born. Imprisoned in a secluded mansion so that I couldn't ever come into contact with anyone.

But I don't really mind it at all. I don't think about who's fault it is. I don't regret a single second of my life.

So... If you feel responsible for something that doesn't exist, then throw it away. That's all I wanted to say.

Japanese Honeysuckle: ...... I see. That's the first time someone's told me...

... Hey. Kalanchoe. Is it alright for me to be with someone? I'm the kind who makes people unhappy without wishing for it...

Kalanchoe: If you ever extend your hand, I'll grab that hand without hesitation. If you're ever lost... I'll wait for you until you make up your mind.

Let's go Japanese Honeysuckle-san. If this is your trial, then we have no other choice but to overcome it.



Sealed Pest: Giiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!

Leucophyllum: Tch, it's scarily tough! This one's the last one left...!!

Green Bristlegrass: Was our attacks even effective to start with!? Black Baccara had a gut feeling about this!!

Cattleya: It's not worth panicking over, we knew about this from the start.

After all this is... Her trial in the end.

Japanese Honeysuckle: (... I had forgotten for a long time... This feeling of fighting alongside someone...)

(That's right... I wasn't alone in the beginning. I fought in a small unit just like this one. That was our clan's tactic...)

Sealed Pest: Giiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!

Kalanchoe: Japanese Honeysuckle-san, are you alright!?

Japanese Honeysuckle: ... Who are you talking to? I'm the Zither Assassin. I made my way to the top as Winter Rose's strongest Flower Knight.

I'll follow your lead, but don't try to hold me back!

!! It's power has come back...? The power of that time was still sealed...

--- I need to push myself to the limit!! Kalanchoe, with me!!

Kalanchoe: ... Yeah!!

Kalanchoe & Japanese Honeysuckle: Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

Sealed Pest: Gi... Ga... A... a......

Camellia: ... That's... Is it over?

Paphiopedilum: Yeah, when it comes to the pest. The next problem is that over there...

Black Baccara: ... Well, we don't have the choice to leave it.

Japanese Honeysuckle: ... This is fine right, Great Spirit. You've made me use this power once again...

Kalanchoe: ... How was it? Japanese Honeysuckle-san. Did you find your answer?

Japanese honeysuckle: ... I don't know. There's no reason to extend my hand when there's nobody around to grab it.

You all... Will you accept me?

-No matter whether option 1 “The Knight Company accepts everyone.” or option 2 “Welcome, Japanese Honeysuckle.” is chosen, then result is the same;

Japanese Honeysuckle: ... You've got some guts. I'm an assassin you know? I might be planning something.

Aloe: Well, if it comes to that, Danchou-chan will...

Sensitive Plant: It's just an everyday event for him... Isn't it?

Cattleya: I don't know what kind of Flower Knights were around in your time, but the ones in these guys' knight company are a rogues gallery. Rather, you should be the one to go in prepared.

Japanese Honeysuckle: ... But my magic might make everyone's environment unbearable. There's also the possibility that I might go on a rampage.

Cattleya: So what, is that some kind of boast? If it comes down to the fact that you have magic that's loved by the world, then I'm still a few steps ahead of you.

As long as I'm around, that's not something you need to worry about. You should be proud of it!

Kalanchoe: If you ever do go on a rampage, I'll stop you. Maybe that's why I left the village after overcoming that trial.

Japanese Honeysuckle: ... So you would bring me death?

Kalanchoe: No. I won't let anyone die who's within my reach.

I will definitely save you.

Japanese Honeysuckle: ......!!

Vanda: ... Well it feels like it's all coming to a close, but what do you think Artichoke-chan?

Artichoke: ... Even if she herself is converted, there will still be worried parties that will show. Even though the times have changed, the problems remain the same.

Kalanchoe: Artichoke-san...

Japanese Honeysuckle: ... You're right. That desire to be killed is still real within me. That's the truth to why I attacked you. I would like to beg forgiveness for this naïve fool...

Artichoke: Then you'll be put under my supervision during peacetime.

Japanese Honeysuckle: ... Supervision...? Do you mean that I'll become your subordinate?

Artichoke: If we do that formally, you won't be subject to any ridiculous rumours. Of course, in that case, you'll need to work for me.

Vanda: Ara, how rare. You always used to say that you didn't need any help.

Artichoke: Incompetent subordinates are a hindrance, but in that respect Japanese Honeysuckle-san won't be an issue. My missions are often dangerous, so her frustrations will be relieved to some extent.

Of course, when the time comes to go to the “outside world” or when we're needed by Danchou-san's knight company, we can rearrange things. Would that be acceptable?

Japanese Honeysuckle: ... Is it alright after everything that I've done to you up until now?

Artichoke: It's not good... But if you'll repent, then it's our job to take you in. Above that, we need to work our way toward the future that's waiting for us.

Well, do you have any objections as of yet? With such a talented person as yourself, I'm prepared to exchange thousands or even tens of thousands of words and do my best to make sure you're ready to accept.

Japanese Honeysuckle: ... I understand. If everyone is happy with that, then I am too.

...... Thanks.

Vanda: ... We-ll th-en, it's decided! Shall we get it done right now! We should get food and drink prepared straight away!

Artichoke: Straight away... You don't mean something like a banquet?

Vanda: It's not something like, it is a banquet! We've made such a trustworthy comrade after all. If we don't have a grand celebration, then what will we do!?

Green Bristlegrass: Ye-ay, a great success! Let's get home fast!

Aloe: I'm also worried about the state of Fiyul! We'll celebrate with chocolate cake if everyone's safe and sound!

Leucophyllum: OK, I'll get naked too! To celebrate us making a new friend!

Ghost Weed: Hyiii, isn't it cold!? Also, what do you mean by you'll get naked just because we made a new friend!?

Japanese Honeysuckle: ...

Cattleya: Ah, it's getting troublesome right off the bat.

Kalanchoe: Ummm... Is this alright? Everyone's pretty much like this normally though. Do you think you can join us?

Japanese Honeysuckle: ... No problem, it's fine. I'm just a little surprised. It's so sweet that I might vomit though...

... But occasionally, this kind of thing isn't so bad.
