Twilight Underlings
Twilight Underlings (宵闇の眷属) is the 1st half of the Decisive Battle with Nidhogg (ナイドホグル決戦イベント), a time-limited Mission that takes place alongside Events. Players are rewarded for the number of times they've fought, as well as the total number of pests defeated by all players. It uses RB Points and replaces Raid Boss battles while it is ongoing.
It lasts one week before being replaced with the 2nd half: Sweltering Heat Maze.
As of 2023/04/24: Twilight Underlings was made permanently available under Three Major Decisive Battles. Story Mission - Part 1, Chapter 45 must be completed in order to unlock these stages. Stages now cost stamina instead of RB Points.

Player Activity
Spend RB Points to fight the horde descendants. By using multiple RB Points at once, you will multiply your rewards but will not raise the attack power of units. Quests that require you to take part in Raid Boss battles will be counted here, according to the number of RB Points consumed.
Party 1 will do most of the fighting, whereas parties 2-4 will act as support. The overall force of parties 2 - 4 will be added to the max HP of party 1. Battles are limited to 5 turns, each with 3 waves of enemies that get progressively stronger at each wave. Every turn follows this sequence:
- The support party will act.
- Party 1 will act.
- Enemies will act.
Even if one wave of enemies has been defeated, this sequence will continue onwards. For example: if party 1 acts (action 2) and defeats all enemies, the next wave will come out and enemies will act (action 3).

Turn Count
For party 1, turn-based abilities will use the turn counter shown at the upper-right of the battle screen. For parties 2-4, abilities always act as though it is turn 1. You can fast-forward battles by clicking the yellow 'SKIP' button on the right. When fast-forwarded, Solar Drive is activated automatically whenever the Light Gauge reaches 100%. Regardless of how the battle concludes, the rewards you get do not change. The following outcomes are:
- Victory: You defeated the 3 waves within 5 turns.
- Draw: You exceeded the 5 turn limit.
- Defeat: Your party 1 was defeated within 5 turns.
The type (Slash, Blunt, etc.) of enemies that appear will change each day at 00:00 (GMT+9).
Before party 1 acts, one of three types of support will trigger:
- One of parties 2-4 will attack. They have 100% skill activation.
- Another player's helper party will attack. This can be from a Comrade in Arms or random player. They have 100% skill activation.
- Nazuna will help you using the Swanboat in one of three ways:
- She will attack all enemies.
- She will heal all members of party 1.
- She will reduce party 1's damage taken by 50% for 1 turn.

The ranking displays your 30 Comrade in Arms who have most contributed to the event. To see it, click the blue button in the bottom-right section.
- The result of this ranking does not affect anyone's rewards.
- The ranking updates every 10 minutes.
Raid Boss Replacement[]

Raid Boss Found
Raid Bosses cannot be fought while the Twilight Underlings are active. If you encounter an RB in a stage, a yellow banner will appear and you will instantly get the finder rewards that the RB would have given you.
Player Rewards[]

Rewards Screen
Every time you participate in a fight against the descendants, you will get four of these rewards at random. Using multiple RB Points at once will multiply the rewards by how many used. In the example screenshot, the obtained rewards were Tier 3 Gift x3, Gold x20000, Life Crystal x110, and Equipment Gacha Seed x100. 6 RB points were used, so the reward values were multiplied by 6.
Player Rewards | |
Item | Count |
High-level Equipment Gacha Seed | x500, x300, x100, x80 |
Life Crystal | x110, x60 |
Bond Crystal | x2300, x1100 |
Honor Medal | x1000, x520 |
Sun Medal | x3000, x1500 |
Gold Painter | x1 |
Gold Forge Spirit (Any Type) | x1 |
Tier 3 Blossomed Gift (Any Type) | x3 |
Tier 3 Gift (Any Type) | x3 |
100 Year Old Manyu (Any Type) | x5 |
Gold | x100000, x20000 |
Everyone's Rewards[]
When all players have reached a set number of defeated enemies, a reward will be given out to everyone - even if they did not participate in the event. There are two types of rewards. The first is a campaign reward, which unlocks a particular campaign one week after Twilight Underlings ends. The second is an item reward, which sends items to every player's Present Box immediately after Twilight Underlings ends.
Everyone's Rewards | |
Reward | Total Defeated Enemies |
1.2x Gold Up Campaign | 500,000 |
30% Stamina Cut for Character Quests | 1,000,000 |
Manyu Key x20 | 1,500,000 |
30% Stamina Cut for Standing Missions | 2,000,000 |
Tier 3 Gift (4-Type) Set x10 | 2,500,000 |
1.4x Gold Up Campaign | 3,000,000 |
30% Stamina Cut for Secret Gardens | 3,500,000 |
Special Services Award (Silver) x10 | 4,000,000 |
1.2x Danchou EXP Up Campaign | 4,500,000 |
30% Stamina Cut for Nation Missions | 5,000,000 |
Premium Gacha Ticket x10 | 5,500,000 |
1.6x Gold Up Campaign | 6,000,000 |
30% Stamina Cut for Re-reprint Events | 7,000,000 |
Silver Forge Spirit (5-Type) Set x5 | 7,500,000 |
30% Stamina Cut for Unique Missions | 8,000,000 |
Heart of the Blossoming Flower x2 | 8,500,000 |
Danchou Medal x3 | 9,000,000 |
1.3x Danchou EXP Up Campaign | 10,000,000 |
100 Year Old Manyu (4-Type) Set x4 | 11,000,000 |
Tier 3 Blossom Gift (4-Type) Set x10 | 12,000,000 |
30% Stamina Cut for Aqua Shadow Missions | 13,000,000 |
100 Year Old Blum (4-Type) Set x5 | 14,000,000 |
1.8x Gold Up Campaign | 15,000,000 |
Gold Forge Spirit (5-Type) Set x5 | 16,000,000 |
30% Stamina Cut for Ultimate Missions | 17,000,000 |
Rarity Growth Stone Gacha Ticket x1 | 18,000,000 |
1.4x Danchou EXP Up Campaign | 20,000,000 |
Blossoming Special Services Award (Silver) x10 | 21,000,000 |
30% Stamina Cut for Ultimate Unique Missions | 22,000,000 |
Stamina Nectar x20 | 23,000,000 |
Memory Seeds x500 | 24,000,000 |
2.0x Gold Up Campaign | 25,000,000 |
30% Stamina Cut for Memory Dungeons | 26,000,000 |
Ampule (3-Type) Set x10 | 27,000,000 |
1.5x Danchou EXP Up Campaign | 28,000,000 |
Flower Stones x20oo | 30,000,000 |
2.01x Gold Up Campaign | 31,000,000 |
2.02x Gold Up Campaign | 32,000,000 |
Petite Centy x10 | 33,000,000 |
2.03x Gold Up Campaign | 34,000,000 |
2.04x Gold Up Campaign | 35,000,000 |
2.05x Gold Up Campaign | 36,000,000 |
2.06x Gold Up Campaign | 38,000,000 |
2.07x Gold Up Campaign | 39,000,000 |
2.08x Gold Up Campaign | 40,000,000 |
2.09x Gold Up Campaign | 42,000,000 |
2.10x Gold Up Campaign | 44,000,000 |
2.11x Gold Up Campaign | 45,000,000 |
2.12x Gold Up Campaign | 46,000,000 |
2.13x Gold Up Campaign | 48,000,000 |
2.14x Gold Up Campaign | 50,000,000 |
2.15x Gold Up Campaign | 52,000,000 |
2.16x Gold Up Campaign | 54,000,000 |
2.17x Gold Up Campaign | 55,000,000 |
2.18x Gold Up Campaign | 56,000,000 |
2.19x Gold Up Campaign | 58,000,000 |
2.20x Gold Up Campaign | 60,000,000 |
Wave Battle Advice[]
Turn 1 abilities that increase attack or damage on the first turn only - such as those owned by Dendrobium and Japanese Anemone - are poorly suited for this because Party 1 will be fighting for all turns. Because you fight the weakest enemies in the first turn and strongest enemies last, they are wasted.
Enemy Debuff abilities that decrease enemy attack or accuracy - such as those owned by Cherry and Mistletoe - only affect the first wave. As a result, these abilities are useless as they do not affect the final, strongest wave.
Evasion is still reasonably effective, even though your characters will likely be at their lowered-evasion rate by the third wave. However, protecting the evader with enemy debuffs on the last wave will not work as previously mentioned. The last wave also has enemies that use multi-target skills often, so the usual strategy of Evade + Provoke does not help.
Helper parties and parties 2-4 get the opposite treatment. Because they always act like it is the first turn, abilities that boost attack/damage in the first turn or guarantee acting twice on the first turn will always activate. These supporters also get 100% skill rate, so Dendrobium and Hare's Tail Grass will always use 2 skills without the need of skill rate buffs. But as a result of having 100% skill rate, skill rate buffing abilities are useless in these parties. The following sample helper party has 5 Blunt members thanks to Burning Bush and uses the 100% skill rate to make the most out of the skills of Hare's Tail Grass, Edelweiss (New Year), and Peach Blossom.
For composing party 1 or your helper party, you should aim to target the weakness of the day's waves of enemies. Don't forget that some characters have abilities that add weaknesses such as Habranthus and Sakura (Swimsuit). If you find yourself unable to compose a full team of the proper type, a team focusing on critical damage can act as a substitute if your critical rate can be high enough (max is 80%). Critical hits deal 1.5x damage just like hitting an enemy's weakness. The following reference crit-oriented party reaches 75% crit rate and has 3 characters with Blunt typing thanks to Burning Bush.
- Iteration 01: 2018/02/19 (The Thousand-Footed Nidhogg)
- Iteration 02: 2018/05/01 (The Queen is Busy!)
- Iteration 03: 2019/07/09 (The Roaming Ghost Ship of the Bygone Days)
- Iteration 04: 2019/11/12 (Costumes on Stage)
- Iteration 05: 2019/02/18 (Turning the Tables! The Great Gamble on the Water)
- Iteration 06: 2019/05/27 (Happy Mushroom Stew)
- Iteration 07: 2019/09/30 (The Dazzling Princesses of Pure Flower)
- Iteration 08: 2020/03/16 (Tea Party in Wonderland)
- Iteration 09: 2020/10/12 (Candy Festival and Kind Song)
- Iteration 10: 2021/07/12 (Large-Scale Operation: Cœur Sweets)
- Iteration 11: 2022/06/13 (Doki Doki ★ Desert Island Vacation)
- Permanence: 2023/04/24
- Twilight Underlings was made permanently available.
- Stages now cost stamina instead of RB Points.