USO Parallel School Entrance Exams (USO パラレル学園 入学試験) was an April Fool's event that took place alongside the 1st half of Event 240 - From Clan Faba With Love. It was available from 2024/04/01 to 2024/04/08 and tasked players with quickly answering questions within a time limit.
Two schools that are flower gardens filled with maidens "Spring Garden Campus" and "Saint Spring Garden All Girls' School". This year, both have continued to receive enrollment forms from prospective students wishing to join. However, only a select handful of applicants will be able to enroll in these prestigious schools, with the odds of success being over ten to one. As one of the faculty, I've been left with the sole responsibility of sorting through the applicants hoping to get admission into these two schools. Let's clean up this huge pile of paperwork with the help of my colleague, Nazuna-sensei.
Event Screen[]
While the week-long event was running, a button labelled Admission (入学) appeared at the bottom-center of the Home Screen. Clicking it would take you to the Event Screen.
- Clicking green button at the bottom-left labelled Scenario List (シナリオー覧) will display the list of event cutscenes.
- Clicking the yellow button at the bottom-left labelled Event Details (イベント詳細) will display the event specifics.
- Clicking the blue button at the bottom-center labelled Event Exchange (イベント交換所) will take you to the time-limited Wares.
- Clicking the pink button at the bottom-right labelled Start Challenge (挑戦開始) will take you to the Minigame.
- Clicking the white button at the right-side labelled Top 100 Ranking (ランキング Top 100) will display the Danchou Leaderboard.
In this Minigame, your goal is to choose the correct answer from the displayed options and earn the highest score you can within a 90 second time-limit. A Question (問題) will appear at the top of the screen and you earn points by selecting the Admission Applicants (入学希望者) saying the correct answer. Correct answers are marked with a red O while wrong answers are marked with a blue X. Once all correct answers are selected, you will move on to the next Question. Questions will randomly be selected from one of four question types:
- Select the Applicants with a score of 60 or higher.
- Select the Applicants that are NOT a pest.
- Select the Applicants that are from Spring Garden Academy (春庭学園).
- Select the Applicants that are from Holy Spring Garden Girl's School (聖スプリングガーデン女学園).
You earn +1000 pts for each correct answer and -500 pts for each wrong answer. A bonus score can be obtained by consecutively answering correctly.
Minigame Rewards[]
Minigame Rewards (ミニゲーム報酬) are earned by playing the Minigame and are sent straight to your Present Box. You can earn these rewards as many times as you like when you play the game. However, there is a limit on the number of points you can earn per play. USO Academy Designated Bags (学園指定カバン(USO)) are a special exchange currency that can used at the Parallel Academy Purchasing Department (パラレル学園購買部). This is a time-limited Wares that can be accessed from the Event Screen.
Score | Reward | Earning Limit |
For Every 1pt | USO Academy Designated Bags x1 | 10,000,000 |
For Every 10pts | Gold x1 | 1,000,000 |
For Each Consecutive Correct Answer | Bond Crystal x100 | 100,000 |
Story Rewards[]
Story Rewards (ストーリー報酬) are earned by viewing story cutscenes, which are unlocked by scoring in the Minigame. Each Story Reward can be earned only once and will be sent straight to the player's Present Box.
# | Japanese | English | Reward |
1 | プロローグ | Prologue | Flower Stone x1oo |
2 | 三人寄れば……? | When Three People Come Together...? | Flower Stone x1oo |
3 | 私の好きな音色 | My Favorite Tone | Flower Stone x1oo |
4 | シターVS狐の妖怪 | Sitar Vs. Fox Spirit | Flower Stone x1oo |
5 | 学園七不思議? | The Seven School Mysteries? | Flower Stone x1oo |
6 | エピローグ | Epilogue | Flower Stone x1oo |