Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Flower Knight Girl Wikia

Portrait 130067

Maid in Hell
Effect Activation Rate
Based on the current number of enemies: Deal 2.4x damage to 1 enemy, 1.8x damage two enemies, or 1.4x damage to three enemies and absorb HP 20% (Lv1) → 30% (Lv5)
After Rarity Growth
Based on the current number of enemies: Deal 4.7x damage to 1 enemy, 2.8x damage two enemies, or 2.2x damage to three enemies and absorb HP 22% (Lv1) → 32% (Lv5)
Type Stats
Pierce icon Pierce HP ATK DEF SPD
Stage Icon Lv Zero percent 100% Affection 100% Blossomed Affection Zero percent 100% Affection 100% Blossomed Affection Zero percent 100% Affection 100% Blossomed Affection
Pre-Evolved Victoria 1 3,100 4,300 5,140 1,300 1,900 2,248 650 1,190 1,334 650
60 5,200 6,400 7,240 2,100 2,700 3,048 1,280 1,820 1,964
Evolved Victoria 1 4,900 6,700 8,164 1,900 3,100 3,712 1,110 1,950 2,190
70 8,500 10,300 11,764 2,800 4,000 4,612 1,810 2,650 2,890
Bloomed Powers-only 1 7,300 9,100 10,720 2,300 3,500 4,160 1,460 2,300 2,576
80 11,230 13,030 14,650 3,600 4,800 5,460 1,930 2,770 3,046
Rarity Grown Powers-only 1 9,230 11,630 13,934 3,100 4,540 5,404 1,730 2,930 3,326
80 14,500 16,900 19,204 4,800 6,240 7,104 2,210 3,410 3,806
Stage Abilities
  • Ability icon46[For self] 100% chance to Intercept using 6x Attack Power ( ? )
  • Ability icon19[For self] Increase Evade Rate by 60% ( ? )
  • Ability icon01[For self] Increase Attack by 100%
  • Ability icon46[For self] 100% chance to Intercept using 6x Attack Power ( ? )
  • Ability icon19[For self] Increase Evade Rate by 60% ( ? )
  • Ability icon01[For self] Increase Attack by 100%
  • Ability icon40[For 5 allies] Increase Hit Rate by 20%
  • Ability icon16[For self] Increase Act Again Rate by 10% ( ? )
  • Ability icon46[For self] 100% chance to Intercept using 6x Attack Power ( ? )
  • Ability icon19[For self] Increase Evade Rate by 60% ( ? )
  • Ability icon01[For self] Increase Attack by 100%
  • Ability icon40[For 5 allies] Increase Hit Rate by 20%
  • Ability icon16[For self] Increase Act Again Rate by 10% ( ? )
  • Ability icon19[For 5 allies] Special Evade 1x ( ? )
  • Ability icon46[For 5 allies] 100% chance to Intercept using 4x Attack Power ( ? )
  • Ability icon19[For 5 allies] Increase Evade Rate by 10% ( ? )
Rarity Grown
  • Ability icon46[For self] 100% chance to Intercept using 10x Attack Power ( ? )
  • Ability icon19[For self] Increase Evade Rate by 60% ( ? )
  • Ability icon01[For self] Increase Attack by 150%
  • Ability icon40[For 5 allies] Increase Hit Rate by 30%
  • Ability icon16[For self] Increase Act Again Rate by 15% ( ? )
  • Ability icon19[For 5 allies] Special Evade 2x ( ? )
  • Ability icon46[For 5 allies] 100% chance to Intercept using 6x Attack Power ( ? )
  • Ability icon19[For 5 allies] Increase Evade Rate by 20% ( ? )
  • Ability icon46[For self] After you Attack 5x, starting next turn, increase Intercept Damage by 200% until battle end (1x per battle) ( ? )
  • Ability icon01[For self] After you Attack 5x, starting next turn, increase Attack by 200% until battle end (1x per battle)
Personal Equipment
Equip Name Lv ATK DEF Icon
神子に仕える従者の銃 1 345 105 Equip 381112
Servant Serving a Miko's Gun Max 590 252
Ability [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
神子に仕える従者の銃 1 345 105 Equip 1381112
Servant Serving a Miko's Gun Max 590 252
Ability [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Additional Info
Affection Item Stuffed Animals Stuffed Animals Nation Blossom Hill Blossom Hill
Family None Romaji Wikutoria
Language of Flowers None

Artist: UnknownFlower Knight ID:130067



Library Introduction Play
Japanese パディントンお嬢さまに仕えるメイド、ヴィクトリアでございます。
Library Reference Voice Lines
Event Japanese English
First-time Introduction
Give Gift 1
Give Gift 2
Starting Subjugation 1
Title Call
フラワーナイトガール Flower Knight Girl
Login Bonus
Extra Miscellaneous Voice Lines
Event Japanese English
Encountered bugs during subjugation
Limited Seasonal Voice Lines
Event Japanese English


Full Portraits
Home Character Expressions


  • She is a collaboration unit who is originally from the Mist Train Girls franchise.

Botanical Origin[]

