Flower Knight Girl Wikia
Flower Knight Girl Wikia

Win (Christmas)
Portrait 110031

Effect Activation Rate
Deal 5.4x damage to 1 enemy 28% (Lv1) → 38% (Lv5)
Type Stats
Magic icon Magic HP ATK DEF SPD
Stage Icon Lv Zero percent 100% Affection 100% Blossomed Affection Zero percent 100% Affection 100% Blossomed Affection Zero percent 100% Affection 100% Blossomed Affection
Pre-Evolved Win (Christmas) 1 2,200 3,160 5,680 900 1,500 1,980 1,200 2,400 3,120 620
60 12,000 12,960 15,480 2,500 3,100 3,580 1,800 3,000 3,720
Evolved Win (Christmas) 1 3,000 6,000 8,688 2,000 2,720 3,428 1,500 2,700 3,564
70 15,000 18,000 20,688 2,800 3,520 4,228 3,200 4,400 5,264
Bloomed Powers-only 1 14,000 17,000 19,880 2,500 3,220 4,180 2,800 4,000 5,080
80 16,000 19,000 21,880 3,000 3,720 4,680 4,000 5,200 6,280
Stage Abilities
  • Ability icon01[For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 200%
  • Ability icon15[For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by up to 20% based on how many allies are from your Nation (1: 5%, 2: 10%, 3: 15%, 4: 20%, 5: 20%) ( ? )
  • Ability icon39[For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by up to 200% based on how many allies are from your Nation (1: 80%, 2: 100%, 3: 150%, 4: 200%, 5: 200%) ( ? )
  • Ability icon01[For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 200%
  • Ability icon15[For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by up to 20% based on how many allies are from your Nation (1: 5%, 2: 10%, 3: 15%, 4: 20%, 5: 20%) ( ? )
  • Ability icon39[For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by up to 200% based on how many allies are from your Nation (1: 80%, 2: 100%, 3: 150%, 4: 200%, 5: 200%) ( ? )
  • Ability icon20[For 1 ally with the lowest HP] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, Negate Damage 1x until battle end (1x per turn) ( ? )
  • Ability icon15[For 5 allies] After you do a Critical Attack, on the next turn, increase Critical Damage by 200% (1x per turn)
  • Ability icon16[For 1 Attack-type ally] After you do a Critical Attack, on the next turn, increase Act Again Rate by 50% (1x per turn) ( ? )
  • Ability icon01[For 5 allies] Increase Attack by 200%
  • Ability icon15[For 5 allies] Increase Critical Rate by up to 20% based on how many allies are from your Nation (1: 5%, 2: 10%, 3: 15%, 4: 20%, 5: 20%) ( ? )
  • Ability icon39[For 5 allies] Increase Weakness Damage by up to 200% based on how many allies are from your Nation (1: 80%, 2: 100%, 3: 150%, 4: 200%, 5: 200%) ( ? )
  • Ability icon20[For 1 ally with the lowest HP] After you use a Skill, on the next turn, Negate Damage 1x until battle end (1x per turn) ( ? )
  • Ability icon15[For 5 allies] After you do a Critical Attack, on the next turn, increase Critical Damage by 200% (1x per turn)
  • Ability icon16[For 1 Attack-type ally] After you do a Critical Attack, on the next turn, increase Act Again Rate by 50% (1x per turn) ( ? )
  • Ability icon18[For 5 allies] [While alive] Increase Damage Reduction by 40% ( ? )
  • Ability icon01[For 1 Attack-type ally] After you do a Critical Attack, on the next turn, increase Attack by 200% (1x per turn)
  • Ability icon15[For 5 allies from your Nation] Increase Critical Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 150% ( ? )
  • Ability icon15[For 5 allies from your Flower Family] Increase Critical Rate by 30% ( ? )
  • Ability icon16[For 5 allies from your Flower Family] Pursuit all enemies using 700% of the party's Overall Force ( ? )
Rarity Grown
Personal Equipment
Equip Name Lv ATK DEF Icon
聖夜と雪原の袋 1 150 300 Equip 381176
(No Translation)[Edit] Max 395 447
Ability [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
聖夜と雪原の袋 1 150 300 Equip 1381176
(No Translation)[Edit] Max 395 447
Ability [For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Attack by 2%
[For 5 allies with your Attribute] Increase Defense by 2%
Additional Info
Affection Item Jewels Jewels Nation Winter Rose Winter Rose
Family World Flower Romaji Winkurisumasu
Language of Flowers 雪原、降り積もる苦境

Artist: tsunacat27Flower Knight ID:110031


Alternate forms

WinWin (Snowfield Formal Dress)


Full Portraits


  • Win (Christmas) was added on 2024/12/16 as an exclusive unit only available in specific, time-limited gachas. These gachas ran during the following periods:
    • 2024/12/16 ~ 2024/12/31: DMM Point Gacha only.
  • The "Micro Bikini" Skin could only be obtained from rolling 22x in her Gacha. Thus, it requires DMM Points.