Event Overview | Event Story |
The Perfect Dress (Anemone)[]
The Perfect Dress (Anemone) |
–One Afternoon–
Rose: Eh, is that really true? You're going to be a model for a bridal event, Anemone? Anemone: Please don't say it so loud... It would be embarrassing if someone heard you. Rose: There's nothing to be embarrassed about. Isn't it wonderful to be a model for a bridal event? Anemone: I just happened to be asked to be a model by an acquaintance. I think I was only chosen because they had no other candidates. Rose: It's not like that. You're cute, so you'd be perfect for a wedding dress, Anemone. Anemone: Grr, you're complimenting me too much. Rose: So, what kind of dress will you wear? Anemone: I got some pictures of possible dresses... Rose: Can I take a look...? Ara, all of the designs are wonderful. I think they would all suit you, Anemone. Anemone: Yeah... All of them have amazing designs, so I'm really stuck. Rose: Hmm? Well, no matter which one you pick, you're going to be wearing a dress that makes you far more beautiful than anyone else. Anemone: Fufu... You're a perfectionist like always, Rose. Rose: Well, I'd better decide which dress is going to be the most fitting for Anemone... Aah, that's it. A dress alone is not enough. We'll need to prepare some accessories and makeup too. Anemone: Ummm, you don't need to do that much... Rose: Going without is not an option. I need to make sure Anemone is a perfect bride. When you have so many dresses, you need to choose the one that matches your makeup and accessories, right? Anemone: That certainly sounds right, but... Rose: Fufu, I'm going to make Anemone a perfect bride who will steal the audience's hearts. So, now that's decided, let's head into town. We have a lot we need to buy! Anemone: Ah, wait a moment...! Rose: So, where should we start? Ah, I highly recommend this accessory shop. What they put on display is always really stylish, so I like to stop by to look around. Anemone: Hm... They really are wonderful. Rose: Anemone, how about this one? I think it really suits you. Anemone: It really is cute, but... But doesn't it a bit too flashy? Rose: Hm... You're right. It would be perfect on you, but we need to think about the dress too... So, how about this? Anemone: Hmmm... It's not bad... Rose: It might be a little too plain... Anemone: It's pretty difficult picking out an accessory to complement the dress... Rose: Fufu, you're amazing, Anemone, so finding an accessory that won't be outdone by you is the hard part. Anemone: Grr, you're saying that again... Rose: After all, we need something that makes Anemone shines brighter than anything else... Should we order a custom item? Anemone: Wait. We don't need to go that far... It's not a real... Rose: What are you talking about? If you're going to wear a wedding dress, then we need to make you a perfect bride that nobody will ever forget. That's right... We should ask the designer acquaintance of yours and figure out what to do without making compromises... Anemone: Eh, ummm... Ah, Rose-san. How about this one? If we combine this jewel with this corsage... Rose: Aah, I get it... That sounds good. I was thinking only about jewellery, but flowers also make for wonderful accessories. It's perfect for you. It's gorgeous and perfect. Above all, it's wonderful that you're coming up with your own ideas. Anemone: ... Thanks. Rose: Well, now that we've decided on the accessory, we're gradually forming the image of you in a wedding dress. Let's go and look for some makeup next. There's a really good shop over there. Anemone: We bought so much between makeup and accessories. Rose: Thanks to that, we got everything to make you shine the brightest, Anemone. Now for a dress to match what we bought today...It has to be this one. Fufu, it feels right. Anemone: ... Yeah, I thought the same thing. Rose: I thought you would say that! Fufu, I'm looking forward to seeing the reactions of the audience on the day! Anemone: ... You're expecting too much, so don't get disappointed. If you come with me, everyone in the audience will... Rose: Grr, you're going to say that again... You need to have more self confidence, Anemone. You're beautiful. I can guarantee you that. The bridal event is definitely going to go well. Everyone is going to be amazed at your wedding dress. Anemone: ... Thanks. For everything that you've done for me... Rose: It's your day to shine. It's only natural that your close friends would support you, right? Anemone: Fufuu... Sounds right. Oh yeah... Is it alright to ask for you to do my makeup on the day, Rose-san? As long as you're fine with it... Rose: Ara, I would be honoured. Please let me do it. Fufu... After everything I've already done. These hands of mine will make you the world's most beautiful bride. Yes, I'm looking forward to the day! Let's make it the best day ever, Anemone. Anemone: Yeah. I'll do my best... To make all the people in the audience happy, and of course, you too. Rose: That's important too... But you should prioritise your own enjoyment first. If you do that, then I'm sure the audience who are watching you will smile too. Anemone: Smile... Yeah, you're right. I'm going to need to practice.
–The day of the bridal event– Rose: Anemone, it's almost time. Are you ready? Anemone: ... Is this alright? Does it match the wedding dress? Rose: Yes, wonderful, you're truly wonderful. You're perfectly beautiful. Anemone: ... Thanks to you, Rose-san. I was able to face today only because you were with me, Rose-san. Rose: Ara, but it's only just starting? Why does that sound like a closing line? Anemone: You might be right... But somehow, I'm becoming extra emotional. You helped me choose the accessories and makeup so I would be ready for today... It all flew by in a moment. ... Thank you, Rose-san. Rose: Fufu, you're welcome. Everyone is going to get emotional when they see your beauty. Anemone: ... Ah, it looks like it's time. ... Fuu, I'm so nervous. I've rehearsed this so many time, so I think I should be alright. Rose: You'll be fine, just don't get too carried away. I've already told you this, right? As long as you smile, all will be fine. If you do that, then I'm sure a lot of the audience will be happy. Anemone: ... Fufuu, you did say that. Rose: I'm looking forward to seeing your smile. I want to make this an event to remember. Anemone: Yeah, thanks. I'm going to have a lot of fun. Rose: Good luck... Anemone. Anemone: ... Here I go. |
Trial Run (Duranta)[]
Trial Run (Duranta) |
–One Afternoon– Cobra Lily: Waa! Duranta, you're so pretty. Duranta: ... Hey, could you stop...? It's really embarrassing... Cobra Lily: It's only because Duranta said she had a wedding dress, so I really wanted to see it. Duranta: That's... It's something that my father sent me from my family... But it's a wedding dress, so it's something that you can't just wear casually... ... In the first place, if you wanted to see the dress, then why did I have to put it on...? Cobra Lily: Because it's a dress for you. Also, I wanted to see you wearing it properly, Duranta. Duranta: But it's not my wedding... Cobra Lily: Hmmm, that's certainly true. Just wearing it in your room is kind of a waste. Duranta: It's not that bad... Cobra Lily: Ah, I got it! Ehehe. I've just thought of a good idea. Let's throw a wedding for you, Duranta! Duranta: ... Eh, a wedding? Cobra Lily: If it's a wedding, then it will be alright for you to wear your wedding dress, right Duranta? Duranta: That's impossible... First of all, I don't have a partner... No... What if I even had a partner...? Cobra Lily: That's true. Hey, why don't we try asking Danchou-san? Duranta: ... Da-Danchou...? Wouldn't that just be causing trouble for Danchou...? Cobra Lily: Ahahahaha, only joking. Duranta: Grr, don't tease me... Cobra Lily: I'm sorry, sorry. Then why don't we try having a mock wedding? Duranta: ... A mock wedding? Cobra Lily: Yes, yes. Hey, don't Easter Lily-san and Formosa Lily-san work with weddings? If we make a request with them, then I'm sure they'll host a wedding for us. You're wearing that wonderful wedding dress after all, so why not take it out for a spin? Duranta: Hmmm... Cobra Lily: Think of it as being for my sake too... OK? Duranta: ... Haa. You say that because you know that's my weakness... ... Alright. Just this time... OK? Cobra Lily: Thanks! Well, let's go and make a request with Easter Lily-san right now! Duranta: R-right now...!? Wait up, Cobra Lily...! ... She's gone. ... I've gotten into a tough spot... Of course, it's not real, but... ... But, somehow... I'm getting really nervous...
–Some days later, Lilywood's Ceremony Hall– Cobra Lily: Easter Lily-san, Formosa Lily-san, thank you for today♪ Easter Lily: Yes, we're looking forward to working with you today. We will be working as your coordinators today, so you don't have anything to worry about. Formosa Lily: Even though it's just a mock wedding, that doesn't change anything! We'll work our hardest! Duranta: Umm... I want to ask once more, this really is a trial wedding, right...? Easter Lily: Of course. But if you're going to go to the trouble of having a wedding, you have to do it properly. Formosa Lily: Starting from entering the wedding hall properly, to taking your wedding vows. Duranta: Wedding vows... By myself...? Cobra Lily: I'll act as the groom. So you really do need a husband to do a wedding. Duranta: Cobra Lily will be... My husband...? Cobra Lily: Nfufu, that's right. Didn't you know that I was very popular with the girls a long time ago? I thought I was finished with pretending to be a boy, but it's not so bad if I'm going to be Duranta's husband. Hey hey, go get changed. Duranta: W-wait... Easter Lily: Well, thank you for waiting everyone. Formosa Lily: Now the bride and groom will enter! Cobra Lily: Haa----! You're so pretty, Duranta... Easter Lily: Yes, you're beautiful, Duranta-sama. Formosa Lily: Yeah yeah, bewitching! Duranta: ... Uuu... This really is embarrassing... Easter Lily: Now, time for the wedding vows. Duranta: ... So that means... We're doing this? Formosa Lily: Of course. It's a wedding ceremony, so of course there's wedding vows! Easter Lily: Well, once again from the top... Ahem. The groom, Cobra Lily. Do you take Duranta to be your wife? Do you promise to be faithful to her in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love her and to honour her all the days of your life? Cobra Lily: I do♪ Formosa Lily: The bride, Duranta. Do you take Cobra Lily to be your husband? Do you promise to be faithful to her in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love her and to honour her all the days of your life? Duranta: Ummm... Cobra Lily: Huh, you won't make your vow, Duranta? Duranta: ... Uuu... Formosa Lily: Bride Duranta. Will you avow your love of Cobra Lily? Duranta: ... I do. Easter Lily: Now, we will exchange rings... Duranta: Y-you've gone so far to prepare wedding rings? Cobra Lily: Of course. The exchange of wedding rings is part of the vows. Well, we're playing around today, so it's only toy rings. Duranta: ... This really does feel like a wedding ceremony... Cobra Lily: Fufufu... Formosa Lily: ... Now, you may kiss the bride! Duranta: Eeeh... A kiss!? Cobra Lily: It's a wedding ceremony, so we have to end it with a kiss♪ Well, here I come. Duranta: Eh... Eh... Cobra Lily: Nnn... Duranta: Wait... You're serious, Cobra Lily...? Cobra Lily: Nnn... Duranta: I-I'm sorry... The vow kiss really is... Impossible... Even if Cobra Lily was... My real husband. Saying that... It's better to keep these things special... Cobra Lily: Ah... I see. You're right. Sorry, Duranta. I really didn't think it through this far. Duranta: It's fine. I should have said something sooner. What I want to try, what I don't want to try... I shouldn't have just left it all to you all, but I should have thought it through myself... Cobra Lily: Fufuu. Whoever will become Duranta's real husband is going to be a very happy person. Ah, I'm starting to get jealous. Duranta: ... Even if I do become someone's bride, I'll still cook for you, Cobra Lily. Cobra Lily: Really? Yay, I'm so happy. Even if I'm not the husband, I still get to eat the bride's hand made cooking♪ Duranta: Grr... Cobra Lily... Easter Lily & Formosa Lily: [Fufufu...] Cobra Lily: Fuu... That wedding ceremony was really fun! Duranta: ... I'm... Somehow tired... Cobra Lily: Ehehe. It was so so so much fun to throw a wedding with Duranta. Duranta: ... Well... It was fun, but... Cobra Lily: Thank you too, Easter Lily-san and Formosa Lily-san♪ Easter Lily: No, no, you're welcome. Even though it wasn't a real wedding, seeing your two happy faces really warmed our hearts. Formosa Lily: Yeah yeah! Seeing the two of you makes me kind of want to have a mock wedding myself! Easter Lily: ... With who? Well, whatever... If you two ever decide to have a real wedding, then please let us help out. Formosa Lily: We'll be waiting to hear from you! Until then, I'll be looking forward to working with you again... You know. Cobra Lily: Duranta's actual wedding... I look forward to it. I'm so moved that I might cry. Duranta: But you'll get married before me though, Cobra Lily? ... Cobra Lily in a wedding dress... I'd like to see that. Cobra Lily: Hm... that's right! Then how about we have a double wedding? Duranta: A-a... Double wedding...? Cobra Lily: If we do that, then you'll be able to see me in a wedding dress and I'll be able to see you in a wedding dress♪ Let's talk about what kind of wedding we'll have as we walk home! To start with, the entrance will be... Easter Lily: That sounds like it'll be a really interesting conversation. Please let me join in too. Formosa Lily: I want to join in too-oo! Duranta: Wa-wait... We've not even decided that we're actually going to do it yet... ... Grr, everyone... But, well, it sounds fun, so... Just for today should be fine... |
New Dress Exhibition (Musk Rose)[]
New Dress Exhibition (Musk Rose) |
–Winter Rose, Wedding Dress Exhibition–
Musk Rose: Ufufufu, the city is getting even more gorgeous♪ It is the season for unveiling all the new wedding dresses after all. All of the dresses are so beautiful. As expected of Asphal's new line-up♪ Ara? That person looking at dresses over there is... Primula: Waa! This dress is amazing! Haa... Just looking at wedding dresses makes me really happy. Musk Rose: Ufufufu♪ Primula-chan's come here too! Primula: Ah, Musk Rose-chan. Hello! Musk Rose: It's always so exciting at this time of year♪ Primula: Yes! There's no way I can miss Asphal's new line-up. Musk Rose: Asphal is a brand that's run by Saffron-chan's family, right? This year's dresses are amazing too. We'll need to tell Saffron-chan that the next time we meet her♪ Primula: Yes, of course! Haa... They're so beautiful that I could stare at them forever... Musk Rose: Ufufu, you really do admire them, don't you♪ Primula: There aren't any girls alive that don't admire wedding dresses! It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that girls all around the world dream of dressing up in one of these. Musk Rose: Fufufu, that might be true. Every bride who has worn a wedding dress has definitely looked happy♪ Hey, what kind of dress do you want to wear, Primula-chan? Primula: The wedding dress I want to wear? Musk Rose: When it comes to wedding dresses, there's a huge variety of designs and colours, isn't there♪ Primula: That's true! They're not only white, but red, pink, blue, green... There are so many. Of course, when it comes to weddings, it has to be a pure white wedding dress... The coloured dresses are so vivid and cute though... Hmm, this is a tough one! Musk Rose: Fufu, Primula-chan's cute, so I'm sure any dress would look good on you♪ Primula: D-don't compliment me like that. It's embarrassing! Zephyranthes: What's this, what are you two talking about? Primula: Ah, Zephyranthes-chan! Hello. Musk Rose: Ara, hello♪ “If you could wear one, which wedding dress would you wear?” is what we were talking about♪ Zephyranthes: I see! You started talking about that because Asphal dresses are really cute! I also came here today to see the new line of wedding dresses, and they're all really amazing! If I was to wear one... Musk Rose: Ufufu, one can only dream♪ Zephyranthes: Yeah. I really do love wedding dresses... Musk Rose: So, why don't I ask you too Zephyranthes? Which wedding dress do you want to wear? Zephyranthes: Ummm, well... Would a pure white, spotless, and shining wedding dress be good? The reason wedding dresses are white is so they can be dyed in the husband's colours! Musk Rose: Ufufu... You know some amazing things, Zephyranthes-chan♪ Zephyranthes: Huhuun... Well, I think it's a great idea to have a pure wedding. Primula: Zephyranthes-chan in a white dress... It would perfectly suit you! Musk Rose: Would a dress with a tight and simple outline be best? But something with a lot of frills would look nice too♪ Zephyranthes: Eeeh, I'm confused now that you've said that... You don't have to think of just the colour, but the lines too, the deciding is endless!? Musk Rose: You can think about it as much as you want right now♪ You need to have a solid idea in mind for when the time comes♪ Primula: You say that Musk Rose-chan, but what kind of dress do you want to wear? Musk Rose: ... The wedding dress I want to wear? Hmm, let me think... Fufu, a white and pure dress would be nice, but a bold dress that everyone will remember wouldn't be so bad either♪ Zephyranthes: A-a bold...? Musk Rose: Ufufu, I'm capricious. I think I'll need to decide when the time comes♪ Maybe♪ Primula: I think Musk Rose's wedding is going to be a ceremony where all of the attendees' hearts will be racing. Zephyranthes: The ceremony... What kind of ceremony do you two want? Hey, when it comes to ceremonies, are there many different ones? Musk Rose: There are grand ceremonies that have many guests invited, then there are are small and cosy ones that are only for family and close friends♪ Primula: A wedding where everyone blesses me and everyone has a su-uper happy time! Zephyranthes: I really love those “just the two of us” weddings. Musk Rose: I see. A wedding for just the two of you... It's like a scene from a fairy story, wonderful♪ Zephyranthes: Yeah, right! Just the thought of the two of us exchanging our vows of love is so enchanting. Primula: I feel that getting married is the end of your youth. It's like two lovers who have been together for a long time starting a new path... Musk Rose: How nice♪ I get a bright and sparkly feeling from that. It's perfect for the youthful Primula-chan♪ For me... I'm always falling in and out of love, so I'll definitely need to have a passionate love with someone I know, like fate has decided it... Also, it would be nice to have a grand wedding so that I can announce “This is my destined person!” to everyone♪ Zephyranthes: Waaa, to meet your destined person and fall passionately in love would be amazing! Ah, that would be great... Primula: Something only the two of you can see! A passionate love... I've only been reading those kinds of love stories recently, so I really know what you mean! Hmmm, they all sound like wonderful weddings! They have all been formed through wonderful youthfulness, so they're all amazing♪ “My one's like this!” is what I thought, but now I feel that it's too early to say. Musk Rose: You're right. Weddings are very important and irreplaceable events. As long as the two of you are happy, then it doesn't matter which form the wedding takes♪ Zephyranthes: How romantic! Yeah... As long as it's a wedding with someone you love, then it doesn't matter what form it takes. Because you'll always be happy. Primula: Yeah... I want to talk lots and lots about our wedding with them! Zephyranthes: Me too, I want to talk all about our wedding with them. Like our ideal wedding venue... I want to hear all about it from my ideal husband! Musk Rose: Fufu, of course♪ Well, why don't we go to a cafe and talk about this some more with some tea♪ Let's move on to phase two of our ideal wedding conference♪ Primula & Zephyranthes: [[I concur!]] Musk Rose: There's a wonderful cafe up ahead. Let's go there♪ Primula: Waa, I want to go! Let's talk more there! Zephyranthes: Do they stay open late? There's so much I want to talk about, so there's no way I can finish talking about it any time soon! Musk Rose: Of course they do! It's a cafe where all the young people of Winter Rose gather♪ Ufufufu, it's going to be a long night♪ |